The Complaint Thread

Not open for further replies. This is it, I believe. I checked the IP ban thread and it wasn't in there, but I don't have access to the list of banned IPs, so we have to wait until Irish can check, or Shocky gets full access.
That can't be it, because that's the IP he posted from in his last message. Thus, it couldn't be banned if he's posting from it.

What you need to do, Holy Hidden Dragon, is get to your computer that has the IP ban, and check your IP address. You can do this by opening your "Command Prompt" (or it may be called "MS-Dos"). Once you have this open, type "ipconfig", without the quotation marks, of course.

However, if you connect to the Internet through a router, this will not work for you. The ip address that is returned will be the router IP address. You can do one of two things. 1) Disconnect the Internet from your router, and plug your Internet directly into your computer. OR 2) Type in your router IP address into your Internet Browser, and find your service provider's IP address in your router menu. Where to find it will depend upon your router, I believe.

If you have a straight connection from modem to computer, then you shouldn't have any problems.

EDIT: There's possibly another option, depending upon who your Internet Service Provider is. If you wish to know this other method, please PM me. Do note, that it's more time consuming than the other options, and probably won't be necessary if you can figure the above out. But, it is still an option.
That can't be it, because that's the IP he posted from in his last message. Thus, it couldn't be banned if he's posting from it.

What you need to do, Holy Hidden Dragon, is get to your computer that has the IP ban, and check your IP address. You can do this by opening your "Command Prompt" (or it may be called "MS-Dos"). Once you have this open, type "ipconfig", without the quotation marks, of course.

However, if you connect to the Internet through a router, this will not work for you. The ip address that is returned will be the router IP address. You can do one of two things. 1) Disconnect the Internet from your router, and plug your Internet directly into your computer. OR 2) Type in your router IP address into your Internet Browser, and find your service provider's IP address in your router menu. Where to find it will depend upon your router, I believe.

If you have a straight connection from modem to computer, then you shouldn't have any problems.

EDIT: There's possibly another option, depending upon who your Internet Service Provider is. If you wish to know this other method, please PM me. Do note, that it's more time consuming than the other options, and probably won't be necessary if you can figure the above out. But, it is still an option.

I do have a wireless router but where can i find my router adress?
I do have a wireless router but where can i find my router adress?
I explained this in my last post.

Go to your Command Prompt/MS-Dos. Type in "ipconfig". Look for your IP address. If you have a router, the IP address that is returned should be your router address. Type that IP address into your web browser, and it should take you to the router.

On a side note, if your wireless router is Linksys, your IP address is probably; that's the default router IP address for most Linksys things.
I know this is gonna most likely piss the mods off since it's about the e-fed, but the e-fed mod won't listen. I have been given an infraction for advertising. All I did was explain why I had quit and I had put the initials of two other e-feds at one point in the post. I did not spell out the full names of the feds, nor did I describe anything about them. I also did not link them to the sites, therefore, I did not advertise. Then, when I asked Lee, who gave me the infraction, he said that it was because I also basically said that they were better than WZCW. I am not denying that I said that, however, it was my opinion and I am entitled to it. If any other mod or admin has a valid explanation as to why I received the infraction, please explain. Otherwise, please remove it. Thank you.

Also, as a side note, I wasn't given a warning, just the infraction. Is it always like that for advertising?

You could have been legitimately infracted for many things throughout the thread. Trolling AND advertising to name a few. You have been asked by mods to please move on and allow us to continue on without you continually posting to stir up drama (i.e. my maximumdj comparisons). Yet, you did not heed those requests. To me, those served as your warnings. The fact is, if you break a rule, we have every right to infract you without an "official" warning.

During the maximumdj dramafest, I described the situation as "a circumstance in which lives need to be gotten." I reiterate that sentiment now. Get over it, enjoy yourself in your other endeavors, and let us conduct our business in peace.

To be fair - Shock complained, and Ricky (as a moderator) responded. From this point on, anyone posting here about this recent development in the e-fed will be infracted for spamming. The complaint and rebuttal are noted, and the staff will handle it. Let's be sure not to spam up the complaint thread with a debate on this one issue.
Hi, I'm not realy sure who this is relevant to, so I posted it here because I knew it would be seen by the forums admin. Over the holidays I was at my dad's house and I tried to log on to the forums, only to find the computer at his house was IP banned. Everyone in that household is pretty much computer illiterate- sending an email is about the sum total of their abilities, and none of them like professional wrestling.

What I'm saying is, I sincerely doubt that anyone has been on these forums ever from that house, and it seems strange that they have got an IP ban. I don't really care, and I'm not really complaining, but it did strike me as odd, and it made me wonder if perhaps their ISP, AOL (UK), gaveout floating IP addresses so any bans may have blanketly affected lots of legitimate posters.

I know that this is the case with my own ISP on Wikipedia - no-one can edit because all Virgin Media users have the same IP. I thought maybe it was worth looking into as a lot of people could be affected. If it's not and my dad is some sort of phantom porn poster, I apologise, but I just wanted to alert you to a possible issue.
Hi, I'm not realy sure who this is relevant to, so I posted it here because I knew it would be seen by the forums admin. Over the holidays I was at my dad's house and I tried to log on to the forums, only to find the computer at his house was IP banned. Everyone in that household is pretty much computer illiterate- sending an email is about the sum total of their abilities, and none of them like professional wrestling.

What I'm saying is, I sincerely doubt that anyone has been on these forums ever from that house, and it seems strange that they have got an IP ban. I don't really care, and I'm not really complaining, but it did strike me as odd, and it made me wonder if perhaps their ISP, AOL (UK), gaveout floating IP addresses so any bans may have blanketly affected lots of legitimate posters.

I know that this is the case with my own ISP on Wikipedia - no-one can edit because all Virgin Media users have the same IP. I thought maybe it was worth looking into as a lot of people could be affected. If it's not and my dad is some sort of phantom porn poster, I apologise, but I just wanted to alert you to a possible issue.

Like you said, the most likely case is the rotating dynamic IPs, and being randomly assigned one. I don't know how IP addresses are assigned in the UK, but here, with many providers, you can just call the Internet provider and request a new IP in that case. Or, in some cases, you can go into your Command Prompt, and type in "ipconfig /release" to release the IP address you have. Let your computer rest over night (it's not really necessary to turn it off, but it doesn't hurt), and then the next morning, go back to your Command Prompt and type "ipconfig /renew". After several hours, usually that IP will be re-assigned to another user, and you'd get a different IP address.

Without knowing anything else about your situation, that's the advice I'd offer.
Yeah, I got a complain...

The new layout for the main site sucks...the old one was tons better.
Yeah, I got a complain...

The new layout for the main site sucks...the old one was tons better.

It's like we've said MANY times. The forum managers have NOTHING to do with the main site. Sorry to say, you're complaining to the WRONG PEOPLE. And TBH, I think a few of the people who run the forums would agree with you on the main site. But this complaint thread is only for forum complaints. Sorry, dude.
Could someone please check to see if my sig was removed by one of the moderators or administrators? I only ask because it was 450x300 and, after checking the rules, I see that there has been no change in permissible signature sizes.

Never is up now. I apologize for inconveniencing you.
Could someone please check to see if my sig was removed by one of the moderators or administrators? I only ask because it was 450x300 and, after checking the rules, I see that there has been no change in permissible signature sizes.

Never is up now. I apologize for inconveniencing you.

Glad I could help.
I have a question. Why is the new lay out for the site full with bugs? when i posted a topic another posters reaction became the first post of that topic instead of me.

Is it being fixed?

This isn't to do with the layout, it's because the forum clock changes time randomly, so people end up making posts in the past. It's a bit like back to the future, but with fewer hover boards.

As far as I'm aware, which isn't very far, the nice chap who's been fixing the forums is not able to fix the time, and it is someone else's issue. This happened a few months ago, and it seemed to sort itself out (or someone sorted it behind the scenes).
I have a question. Why is the new lay out for the site full with bugs? when i posted a topic another posters reaction became the first post of that topic instead of me.

Is it being fixed?
While there is a slight chance I'm wrong, I don't believe the layout has anything to do with the bugs. If I remember correctly, the template that Buffaloed altered had nothing to do with anything that would happen with the posting.

I believe the problem is with the server. If you'll notice, many times at the bottom of the forum, the time on the server will just randomly jump from current time, back several hours. What causes that, I can't say.

But, it's my understanding that these forums will be put upon new servers very soon, if they haven't been already, and so it's just something that's going to have to be solved with time.
Ok, so for a few topics I started, it is showing that someone posts on the thread earlier than me. When you look at the threads, it then says that someone else started the post. I'm not sure if that matters any bit, but out of curiousity, why does this happen?
Read the three posts above you and you'll see why, there is a problem at the server end where the clock plays up. Sometimes it jumps back in time, so the forum registers that post at that time.
It's still under consideration at this point. We'll let you know when we know anything. You may find some post on here that were once "spammy" but we're letting slide, just to see how others react to said "spammy" post.
Sorry if this isn't the correct place to ask this but I'll ask it anyway.

Dear Maluco,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: One Week Ban
Greetings, as previously warned about LDs and posting streams, please accept our heartfelt gift of a one week ban.

This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

Why did I get banned? For posting a stream? That's completely false. I know its easy for you to ban people without asking anything, but damn.

I posted a link just before Royal Rumble to watch "WWE Pre-Show" in 3 links just like YouTube! I don't see any of the users of this board getting banned for doing the same thing with matches! It's just a TV Show that doesn't even air on USA! I posted it to everyone outside the UK could see it.

But no, you banned me for a stream that for christ sake I didn't post! I send an email to the admin of the board, and nothing, you just don't answer any question....

I demand an apologie for being banned for something that is definitely NOT a stream!
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