The Complaint Thread

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Hey, I'm french. I tough to write three paragraph of 30 lines. I share my opinions like I can.
That's unfair. I will do my best. But come on, don't delete my posts, it's insulting.
No worries. you will most likely be banned shortly anyhow, and will no longer have to worry about being insulted :)

What kind of moderator are you? My texts are clean and I just want to share some backyard wrestling. You can't ban me because of my innabilities of writing in english...
Yeah, as a moderator, I know what you can do, stupid. I've only mention that it's immoral.

Fuck it, screw you. I will send someone do the job for me. Stay in your 2,664 posts world, still thinkin that you have any kind of control on people.
Could someone please explain to me why my post count hasn't changed? I am fully aware of a moderator's power to delete my posts, but I looked at my public profile and, to my knowledge, none of my posts have been deleted (of course, here I assume that, if a post has been deleted, then it will not show up in the posting history contained in my public profile). Thank you in advance for any answer that I may receive.
Yeah, my post count has also not changed. Maybe it's a forum problem still, but whatever you guys could do to figure it out, that would be great. Thanks.
Your recent posted have been in the bar-room and other parts of the forum where the post counts are off. As a result, your post count won't actually be added.
Maybe you guys post in the sections where post count is off (Bar room, Spam zone, etc)

EDIT: What Polley said
Guys, if you are referring to me, this section, the art section, and WZCW don't have the post count turned off, so please check again.
They count. My post went up after I posted in WZCW. Just keep an eye on it dude. A lot of the other posts have been in non-counting areas. Post in one of the other sections for an experiment
Forum Rules Signatures:
If your signature exceeds this, we will edit it for you. If you restore your signature to its original condition (or an equivalent), you will receive an Infraction.
So i got an infraction and a bad reputation from moderators for having slightly of a bigger size.

first, i had lost my password, so i asked for a new. then i started posting for the first time when i noticed i had one warning and two infractions. so i was posting for 15 or 20 minutes and i get infractions without noticing i was even warned. This happen just minutes after i found my password and started posting.

so they basicly just repeatedly they gave me infractions 10 minutes into signing in? not an hour not a day just like that. not even noticing i had any warnings. I didn't even get a warning for posting an opinion on a topic i made that was called a spam.

not only that they went against the signature rules. they didn't resized the pic even though i didn't know i had an infraction in the first place. If they're moderators they could have realized I didn't notice or checked my messeges. but why should i have gotten a bad rep for a warning i didn't see. when it's really the first time i post?

I got an infraction 3 minutes after a post without a warning? am i suppose to memorize the whole rules in 20 minutes from signing in?
We do ask every member to read the forum rules BEFORE posting, which would have made you aware your signature was too big before I had to warn you for it. You got a simple warning, not an infraction, where I very poiltely asked you to resize it.

You then got an infraction for spamming, which again would have been avoided had you read the forum rules, like we ask you to before posting. The post you've made in this thread isn't spam. You've made a point and explained it. Try to do that in every post and you won't get any more infractions.
The rules stated that if my pic was bigger you would resize it. And if i changed it then i would get an infraction. They gave me an infraction without reading the warning. So i could have read the rules and wouldn't have matter, because they went against the rules. And gave me infractions too quickly before even reading the messages. I didn't even get the reason why it was a spam.

Not only i got infractions without the same people i get a bad rep for not knowing they would go against they're own rules. So i got a warning i didn't see and 3 minutes afterwards i get an infraction. Cause the rules say other wise. you should basicly just given me the infraction without warning if it was going to be just minutes afterwards and if your watching the thread i am in, you can tell i didn't read the messages.

no matter how you put it, it was wrongly done. and i was getting bad reps for the same reasons. I don't mind all that if its done with justice, and not even rules fall in to that. Thats why criminal get away and good people get in prison, because people dont' go beyond whats written in rule books, even though the rule went against it this time.

Tell your administrator and if he can't see it, then i won't bother discussing it again.
So i could have read the rules and wouldn't have matter, because they went against the rules. And gave me infractions too quickly before even reading the messages. I didn't even get the reason why it was a spam.

I told you why it was spam, and I asked you to read the rules. If you read the rules, there is a very clear definition on what we classify as spam. You have obviously improved now, so why continue complaining about the infractions you got beforehand? Continue posting as you are and you won't get any more. 2 infractions doesn't mean anything.

Not only i got infractions without the same people i get a bad rep for not knowing they would go against they're own rules. So i got a warning i didn't see and 3 minutes afterwards i get an infraction. Cause the rules say other wise. you should basicly just given me the infraction without warning if it was going to be just minutes afterwards and if your watching the thread i am in, you can tell i didn't read the messages.

Everyone gets 'bad' rep. I'm a G-mod and I still get it. The admins probably still get it. Rep means nothing, no point complaining about it.

no matter how you put it, it was wrongly done. and i was getting bad reps for the same reasons. I don't mind all that if its done with justice, and not even rules fall in to that. Thats why criminal get away and good people get in prison, because people dont' go beyond whats written in rule books, even though the rule went against it this time.

..Yes, this forum and the legal system are the same thing.

Tell your administrator and if he can't see it, then i won't bother discussing it again.

My administrator chose me to moderate the forum, and to delete and infract spam as I see it. But if you want to complain this much, I'll also tell them about the post of yours I deleted with no penalty to you. If I hadn't have deleted it, you'd be banned right now. So I did you a favour. The moderators are here to help, they're not against you.
I posted a topic in response to a top 25 created by In it I listed my gripe with said list, and asked who were in other's top three. I posted a link to the WWE site's list (so people had an idea as to what I was referring to), and a link to an Evolution introduction video (in support of my claim that Evolution was the best Entourage). The links were removed and the message:
Last edited by Mighty NorCal : Today at 01:13 AM. Reason: someone wants to get banned

The only rule I could see this edit applying to is this one:
H. Advertising: Since some people have decided to abuse the Advertising system here at Wrestlezone Forums, from now on ALL Advertising is banned. This means Signature Advertising is no longer allowed. Any discussions forums, or wrestling site links (unless linking to sources of news stories) are not allowed on this Forum. Putting Advertising in your Signature will first result in a Warning and the Advertisement being removed. If it is put back, you will be automatically banned. This new rule also includes banners with web addresses in them, or anything else that could be interpreted as Advertising. Blatantly breaking this rule will result in a permanent Ban.

The edit doesn't bother me as it takes nothing away from the thread, I would just like further explanation as to how this was a mistake so it won't happen again.
well. you coudlve, say, read the PM I sent you??

since thats too tough apparently, I shall repeat myself

*clears throat*


No posting links. infraction. actually no, I merely gave you a warning. it can change if you prefer. Since what you did could be interpreted as "blatantly breaking the rule".
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