The Complaint Thread

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I have a few minor complaints about my last infraction.

1.) It's for spamming, for a post in the Bar Room.

2.) Luther said in the message, that I was essentially sassing a mod in my thread "Stupid Spam Rules". I've said in there on multiple occasions, that it wasn't an attack on Sly, just the rules. If the infraction would have came from Sly for sassing a mod, I'd have no complaint, since he was the mod that I was conversing with over the rules, and it would be up to him whether I was sassing him or not.

If I'm in the wrong, let me know. I didn't ever think there was a problem with my thread, as there were other mods with numerous posts in there, and neither ever said anything to me.

EDIT: I just noticed the spam infraction isn't in my CP, but I definitely received a message about it.
I have a few minor complaints about my last infraction.

1.) It's for spamming, for a post in the Bar Room.

2.) Luther said in the message, that I was essentially sassing a mod in my thread "Stupid Spam Rules". I've said in there on multiple occasions, that it wasn't an attack on Sly, just the rules. If the infraction would have came from Sly for sassing a mod, I'd have no complaint, since he was the mod that I was conversing with over the rules, and it would be up to him whether I was sassing him or not.

If I'm in the wrong, let me know. I didn't ever think there was a problem with my thread, as there were other mods with numerous posts in there, and neither ever said anything to me.

EDIT: I just noticed the spam infraction isn't in my CP, but I definitely received a message about it.

It's always good to see that.
Well looks like I'm not the only one who's pissed off with these kids, or so called MODS, spamming us with Infractions and warnings... Fuck off with that shit. If someone is actually causing a serious issue throw the hammer down, but it seems you're just pissing people off.

You want to be a great forum with highly intelligible posters, yet you have kids that are like 22 years old on a power trip, blasting people left and right... like WTF?!?
sooooo an actual complaint or what?? you want to just come throw a fit, and spam up the complaint thread??

the rules are the rules. we enforce them. if you dont like them, dont post here. simple as.
I've told you. The first two warnings you had were for Spamming. Thats not intelligent discussion. The Infraction I gave you was at my discretion. Looks like you are the only one complaining about it. So....we can continue this and you can continue to flame. Or we can move on and you can post well. Your Choice.
I dont get why I got the warning that I did today. I mean, I had a differnt type of thread- it was not just a vintage video thread like the one that already exists- mine was for people to post their fav promo of their fav wrestler and to explain why they liked it so much. Did i really need to get a penalty for it?
Yes you did, becuase its essentially the same thing. you even USED THE WORD VINTAGE IN THE THREAD. The "vintage video thread" is all enclusive, promos, matches, everything. It even says so in the first post of the thread.

Also, anything that isnt currently happening, is vintage. Just ask Micheal Cole.

And it was just a warning. I COULD HAVE gave you infraction, and you wouldve been banned, but ye verily, I showed mercy.

Keep wasting space in the infraction thread, and an infraction is what you will recieve, NOT a warning.
Mighty Norcal, Who are you?..I mean I think at one time i was given an infraction by you and I wanted to know if youre the leader of this site?..and how does the monarchy work here? it like other forums where you ahve a leader, different officers then regualr members?..pls answer my questions.

Also I have another question, i recently uploaded a signature picture for my sig and it was uploaded but when I post a message it doesnt show. Do you ahve to have a particular number of posts for your sig to show? Thanks for reading and considering my question

-Detective Zelix Leo V


no but really, this thread is for complaints only. if you just have questions, go ask them in the forum ask a question thread.
I have a thread in the Barroom that keeps getting closed for no reason and getting messed with like the icon being a thumb downs sign and most post are being changed by a certain mod.
I think that it is totally arrogant and selfish of this site not to allow someone that is new to post a new thread. Because I am considered a "newbie" to you it is assumed I am not intelligent enough to post something credible on here. I'm sure you have your reasons as to why but it is still allowed to suck ass.
And please if it's because you think a newbie is not intelligent enough to post a simple thread, then you obviously don't read half of the posts on this site from people who been quite a while (that's a generalization folks... I'm not attacking any specific person).


'Gawd' :wtf:
Okay, well, first of all calm down. I've never seen anyone get so worked up over something so stupid. The reason we don't allow "newbies" to create new threads has nothing to do with your intelligence level. It's because of bots, who sign up automatically and spam the forum with viruses and advertising. Stopping them being able to create a thread stops a lot of work for us and keeps the forums tidier.

If you're intelligent enough to create a thread, I'm sure you're intelligent enough to make 10 non-spam posts beforehand. It's really not a big deal.
I think that it is totally arrogant and selfish of this site not to allow someone that is new to post a new thread. Because I am considered a "newbie" to you it is assumed I am not intelligent enough to post something credible on here. I'm sure you have your reasons as to why but it is still allowed to suck ass.
And please if it's because you think a newbie is not intelligent enough to post a simple thread, then you obviously don't read half of the posts on this site from people who been quite a while (that's a generalization folks... I'm not attacking any specific person).


'Gawd' :wtf:
Is it really that hard to make 10 posts? Seriously?

As HBK-aholic said, the reason you must have 10 posts to create a thread has nothing to do with the intelligence of new members. It is preventive measures. It prevents bots from flooding the forums with advertising threads, and it prevents people from signing up with the intent to do nothing but spam the forum with new threads.

Has nothing to do with you, rather people who want to cause harm to the board. Just make 10 posts, and get on with it.
I think that it is totally arrogant and selfish of this site not to allow someone that is new to post a new thread. Because I am considered a "newbie" to you it is assumed I am not intelligent enough to post something credible on here. I'm sure you have your reasons as to why but it is still allowed to suck ass.
And please if it's because you think a newbie is not intelligent enough to post a simple thread, then you obviously don't read half of the posts on this site from people who been quite a while (that's a generalization folks... I'm not attacking any specific person).


'Gawd' :wtf:

Actually, studies and empirical evidence from the B.I.B. (Blogging Institute of Beijing) have shown a strong correlation between the increase in an individual's intelligence and their first 10 posts.

In fact, some studies currently being run are showing that the first ten posts have roughly the same effect on one's intelligence and grammar as their first 12 years of formal education, and in some rare cases, can be used as a replacement.

If this complaint is any indication, I'd say our 10 post rule is working.
sorry about the rant... I didn't know about the whole 10 post thingy before I went off. Geez everyone calm down i understand the reasonings now and it's cool.
sorry about the rant... I didn't know about the whole 10 post thingy before I went off. Geez everyone calm down i understand the reasonings now and it's cool.

You got your balls busted. Have some fun with it and you'll do fine. But on a serious note, please check out our rules, because things like that are answered there as well.

Happy posting!
Right, I've just been sent this PM:

HBK-aholic said:
Dear JerryvonKramer,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.


Please read the rules. In order for a post to not be spam you need to add opinions and reasons to your posts. Simply asking a question doesn't do this. This is just a warning, to remind you to post within the rules :).
Thank you

Original Post:
Did Sting ever turn heel?

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

Now, I understand why people don't like spam, I have a forum myself and have been a moderator elsewhere in the past.

But that is absolutely ridiculous.

What is this? Someone ego tripping on mod powers?

Spam is NOT just any short post, it's when someone writes something that warrants further elaboration. I was asking a question, so it didn't need to be longer. Moderation has to be context specific.

Have you people never heard of a conversation? Do you not understand how discourse works? The thread was about whether anyone else has ever had a pure face or heel career like Steamboat. I asked whether or not Sting had, someone else answered. HOW IS THAT SPAM?

You guys have a good site here but over-modding of this nature will always get people's backs up. That was a perfectly legitimate and informative exchange about the topic. The decision to delete it and give me a warning was both cretinous and petty. Get a grip and loosen up. Franky, ridiculous.

I think my contributions to this site in the 40 or so posts I've made so far speak for themselves. I'm not a spammer.
What's ridiculous is you not reading the rules, and then immaturely bringing this up. Surely, if you mod a site, you should know to read the rules before you start posting. Our rules aren't exactly strict, yet we do ask very clearly that you give an opinion and reasoning on a matter, as opposed to just asking a question. I deleted a second post of yours in the same thread, without warning you, which I could have.

It's a warning, stop being stressed about it, as it means nothing. I explained this in the PM I sent.
So let me get this right, just for the future: all conversations here take the form of 1. Opinion, 2. Opinion, 3. Opinion, 4. Opinion?

It can never go 1. Question, 2. Answer?

That just seems like an unnatural warping of discourse to me. As I understand it, moderators are meant to ensure that people don't flame each other, keep threads on-topic, and get rid of inane or immature spam. I don't see how asking whether or not Sting had ever wrestled heel in that topic was any of the above. With respect, it just comes across as petty officiousness of the worst kind -- like a referee in soccer keeps blowing up for the tiniest infraction. I'm all for strict moderation, but it has to be an intelligent use of power and I simply don't think that that was.

Anyway: fine. Next time I have a question, I'll be sure to slip in some sort of opinion with it so I don't receive any further warnings.
I think my contributions to this site in the 40 or so posts I've made so far speak for themselves. I'm not a spammer.

I've just seen this edit you made to your previous post - I agree with you. In fact I think I've repped you before because I believe you're a good poster. But that was against our rules, I only gave a warning because you have shown a lot of potential on the forums. Don't let this dishearten you.
Anyway: fine. Next time I have a question, I'll be sure to slip in some sort of opinion with it so I don't receive any further warnings.
Good idea. While I've ALWAYS agreed with you, that doesn't change the fact that your post was against our rules. While you may not like that fact (and neither do I), the fact is that it WAS against the rules, and if I had seen it, I would have warned/infracted it as well.

You may not have to like the law, and it may not have to make sense, but if you wish to live here, then you must obey it (apply that to laws of where you live).

Like you said, next time you have a question, just make sure you have some kind of position and something to back it up.
You want me to complain? Where do I start. First of all I have a violation for not posting enough? I'm not going to write a paragraph stating all the ways I agree with the person. I come off my "suspension" and I have -24 rep. points for 3 posts? 3? And please tell me why the hell (NorCal dragon this is directed at you) on my first post on the site you flag me. Please either get all of this fixed or remove me from your site.

Permently so I can go to a forum that is about respect and good discussions on
You want me to complain? Where do I start. First of all I have a violation for not posting enough?
No, you have a WARNING for not posting enough. There is a difference. Furthermore, that warning has expired anyways, so it wouldn't hurt you even if it was a violation.

I'm not going to write a paragraph stating all the ways I agree with the person.
And we don't ask that you do anymore.

I come off my "suspension"
Suspension? From who?

and I have -24 rep. points for 3 posts? 3?
Yes, because the people who repped you didn't like what you had to say, and so they negative repped you. It happens to people all the time, including moderators and administrators.

And please tell me why the hell (NorCal dragon this is directed at you) on my first post on the site you flag me.
He didn't "flag" you, he warned you. If he would have "flagged" you, it would have been a full infraction.

And why do it on the first post? So you don't keep making posts that violate our rules. It seems pretty easy to understand to me.

Please either get all of this fixed or remove me from your site.
If you don't want to post here, just don't come here. It isn't hard to understand.

Permently so I can go to a forum that is about respect and good discussions on
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