The Complaint Thread

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I recently recieved this...Why do you think they should change his music
you can't take up space on a topic with answers like that. This is just a week ban so dont get so angry about it

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
change HHH's to a mix of "The Game" by motorhead and drowning pool
All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

I recieved an infraction for this...I normally wouldn't mind this, the thing that ticked me off was the name of the topic this was posted in..."Change HHH's Theme" I should not have to elaborate on why i think his theme song should be changed because the topic was about changing his theme song.
While that's the case, you didn't give a reason as to why you would change that song. Why not Hit Me Baby One More Time instead?
That is true that it was. However, since it wasn't in a spamming area, you had to give a reason for why that song would have been better.
Sorry guys but this one is is FLAT OUT RIDICULOUS:

Mr. C.M. said:
Dear JerryvonKramer,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Spamming
Why is that the greatest gimmick ever?

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
The greatest gimmick change of all time is quite clearly this. BEHOLD:

Ha ha ha, just look at those moves brotha! Best. Gimmick. Ever.

Incidentally, I have this scene on an old VHS. Best of WWF volume 19 I think it is.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

Care to explain that one? I'm getting a bit sick of this cretinous, petty, pea-brained, little Hitler, nonsense.

How is that one spam now? Did I not offer an opinion? Did I not offer the thread something? Was the video I posted of One Man Gang turning into Akeem not comedy gold?

Do you ACTUALLY READ the posts you flag up as spam? What the hell is wrong with you people? You're ruining a perfectly good forum here. It's getting my back up.
:lmao: we've not been called Nazi mods for quite sometime.

Saying just look at those moves BROTHA doesn't really class as you explaining why it is the best gimmick ever now does it? You could say "Oh I liked this gimmick because it made me laugh, their moves were entertaining etc etc"
Verdict: Spam.

Look at the other three posts in that thread, dude. Everyone else states their choice, why they felt it was a great gimmick change, what impact it had, etc.

You, on the oher hand, don't even state your choice! You simply post a youtube link! No reasons, no nothing. Had you simply said "The change from One Man Gang to Akeem was one of the greatest gimmick changes ever, because it was so horribly bad it was hilarious. To back up my point, here's the video of Akeem's unveiling."

Nope, nothing.

In fact, you sure as hell spent a lot more time giving reasons as to why you think we are "little hitlers" and other such terms than you took to make your point on Akeem. And while you may have made a great case for yourself had you chosen not to take the name-calling route (thought it still would have been spam) now you're just bitching. And it's a shame, because I've seen your work before, and you can be a damn good poster.

So there ya go.
Saying just look at those moves BROTHA doesn't really class as you explaining why it is the best gimmick ever now does it? You could say "Oh I liked this gimmick because it made me laugh, their moves were entertaining etc etc"

Do you realize how asinine that sounds? Or is this post going to be considered spam too because it is less than 1000 words long? There is something to be said for the art of being concise, no? Is there anything to be said for letting, say, an image or a brief clip say it all? Ever heard of the power of implication? Too subtle for this place?

Seriously, I think you guys need to think about your ridiculously rigid, impractical rules here, because they are an insult to my intelligence, and, no doubt, to the intelligence of practically anyone who posts here. Come on, flagging that up for spam and giving me an infringement for it, is borderline pathetic. We're all here, we want to talk about wrestling, why can't you just let it be? Make a judgment call or two. There's a difference between keeping a place free of spam and just being annoying -- I wish you guys would learn it.

EDIT: Anyway, I'll drop it. I'll just have to remember post a REASON for everything from now on (as well as to remember to make sure I include an OPINION in each post). ;)
And we've even relaxed the spam rules, yet you're still complaining.

Excuse me, concise? It would take 10 seconds to read a 1-2 sentence point on why you think OMG to Akeem was he best gimmick change ever. You posted a 5 minutes video, in which Akeen doesn't even show up until late in the 3rd minute. And you call that CONCISE?

Hell, even if you'd said "I think OMG to Akeem is the best gimmick change ever, and here's why:" and then played the clip, you'd have a leg to stand on. But all you did was post the clip.

You claim "we all want to discuss wrestling." What you posted wasn't discussion - you simply posted a clip. You wanted youtube to make the post for you. Sorry that your time is too precious to actually make the post yourself.
And we've even relaxed the spam rules, yet you're still complaining.

Excuse me, concise? It would take 10 seconds to read a 1-2 sentence point on why you think OMG to Akeem was he best gimmick change ever. You posted a 5 minutes video, in which Akeen doesn't even show up until late in the 3rd minute. And you call that CONCISE?

Hell, even if you'd said "I think OMG to Akeem is the best gimmick change ever, and here's why:" and then played the clip, you'd have a leg to stand on. But all you did was post the clip.

You claim "we all want to discuss wrestling." What you posted wasn't discussion - you simply posted a clip. You wanted youtube to make the post for you. Sorry that your time is too precious to actually make the post yourself.

Yes, but what you don't seem to realise is that it was a joke. Never mind, never mind.

(See my edit in the last post.)
-You received an infraction, not an infringement.
-You don't need 1000 words for a post, just an actual opinion that is not spam.
-There is a difference between stopping spam and being annoying...we stop spam, you be annoying.
-Insult to your intelligence? Comparing someone who moderates on a wrestling forum to Adolf Hitler, the most evil man of all time who killed millions of people, would imply that you don't HAVE any intelligence.
Fair enough, consider it dropped. We do expect a lot from people here, we know. But it's because we have intelligent posters, such as yourself, that we feel we're able to do it. Just make a statement of position, it doesn't have to be a novel.

Thanks for listening / being rational.
Do you realize how asinine that sounds? Or is this post going to be considered spam too because it is less than 1000 words long? There is something to be said for the art of being concise, no? Is there anything to be said for letting, say, an image or a brief clip say it all? Ever heard of the power of implication? Too subtle for this place?

Seriously, I think you guys need to think about your ridiculously rigid, impractical rules here, because they are an insult to my intelligence, and, no doubt, to the intelligence of practically anyone who posts here. Come on, flagging that up for spam and giving me an infringement for it, is borderline pathetic. We're all here, we want to talk about wrestling, why can't you just let it be? Make a judgment call or two. There's a difference between keeping a place free of spam and just being annoying -- I wish you guys would learn it.

EDIT: Anyway, I'll drop it. I'll just have to remember post a REASON for everything from now on (as well as to remember to make sure I include an OPINION in each post). ;)
I would argue that if anyone here would take your side up about a post not being spam, it would be me. And I'm sure my fellow mods would agree, as we discuss/debate this all the time, usually with the argument being me vs. 4 other mods.

But, your post was spam. And if I'm saying it was spam, it is spam. While you may not fully realize the implications of what that means, I assure you it carries significant weight.

And, if I disagreed with the infraction, I would not have said anything in this thread, but would have argued it in the Board Room. I'm just saying that to stop you from the obligatory "you have to back your mod's play".

Your post was spam, IC said why, you seem to get the point, so we'll all go on now.
Ok guys I think I understand the score.

I just thought I'd use this space to point out that the reason I just posted a link with a few expository lines is because I was obviously joking: One Man Gang to Akeem is clearly not the greatest gimmick change of all time, which I thought to most wrestling fans that would be self-evident. I guess the humour was lost somewhere along the lines. I think there was a big misunderstanding over this -- see from my point of view, that post was really obviously not meant in earnest or seriousness because the idea that gimmick change was the greatest ever is frankly absurd. Explaining that would have ruined the joke, you dig? Guess jokes of that sort are off the menu here right?

No matter, I just want you folks to know I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm just going to think twice about whether my posts can be flagged as spam. But can I have some sort of assurance that I'm not going to suddenly get banned if I accidentally spam in the future, because these are easily the strictest and most stringently applied rules I've ever come across on a forum and I keep (unwittingly) misinterpreting the rules.
Ok guys I think I understand the score.

I just thought I'd use this space to point out that the reason I just posted a link with a few expository lines is because I was obviously joking: One Man Gang to Akeem is clearly not the greatest gimmick change of all time, which I thought to most wrestling fans that would be self-evident. I guess the humour was lost somewhere along the lines. I think there was a big misunderstanding over this -- see from my point of view, that post was really obviously not meant in earnest or seriousness because the idea that gimmick change was the greatest ever is frankly absurd. Explaining that would have ruined the joke, you dig? Guess jokes of that sort are off the menu here right?
Nope, jokes are perfectly fine. But, unless you wish to post a REAL opinion on the subject, then those jokes belong in the Spam areas of the forum, not the main areas. If you wish to joke in the main areas, then give an actual point of view as well.

For example, if the thread was who was the greatest wrestler of all-time, I could say, "The Shockmaster made me laugh like no other, so it has to be him.

Or it could be Hulk Hogan because...", and then go on to tell why.

But can I have some sort of assurance
Absolutely. Follow the rules and you won't get banned. You have my assurance.

Don't follow the rules though and you're fair game.

that I'm not going to suddenly get banned if I accidentally spam in the future
There is no such thing as "accidental spam". Always make sure you're posting in the correct place, and always be aware of the rules of that forum.

because these are easily the strictest and most stringently applied rules I've ever come across on a forum and I keep (unwittingly) misinterpreting the rules.
They're not the strictest rules ever. I know this because this forum used to be MUCH stricter with the rules than we are now.

Trust me, it's not the strictest rules around. And if they are strictest you've ever encountered, then that says more about the other forums you visit than it does about this one.
i'm not sure if anyone has asked and i read also that you have nothing to do with the main site but my question is do any of you guys know why the archieved news on the main page only has one page now? and again sorry if the question was asked and just wondering if you guys had any information :)
i'm not sure if anyone has asked and i read also that you have nothing to do with the main site but my question is do any of you guys know why the archieved news on the main page only has one page now? and again sorry if the question was asked and just wondering if you guys had any information :)

This is the complaint thread. If you have a complaint then make it in here. But be warned. This is not a debate thread. You ask your question, it's answered, and that's it. If you are polite, the staff will be polite back. If you are rude, the staff will be exactly the same to you.

This thread isn't not just for infractions. It's for any type of complaint. But read the rules and FAQ. The staff of WrestleZone don't suffer fools. If it's in there then you can expect an infraction. It's not our problem if you don't take the time to read them.

Basically if it's written somewhere on the forum, you really don't need to complain in here.


You'll find a "contact us" part on the main site, use that to ask them questions. Here's the link
I want to bitch about getting infractions for replying to posts, posting new threads about something that has just happened yet i got a infraction for not searching the forums to see if someone had already posted about it. Which by the way a search on such subject comes up with nothing.
That's funny. I just did a search for "koko", and lo and behold, I found a thread that is EXACTLY like the one you posted.

Perhaps you didn't search the right terms. But, then that is a "you" problem, not a "us" problem.

I'm suprised there's any posts on these forums cause it seems everything is an infraction.
Not really.

as for relaxing the spam rules, thats crap. I'm sorry but who cares if someone has a 1 line answer it's not the end of the world, it's called chatter.
No, it's not crap. If you read the rules, it VERY CLEARLY states that you must A) Give a position AND B) Give a reason why.

Reviewing both of your spam infractions, it appears as if you forgot to include part B).

Probably gonna get banned for this post but at this point i don't care.
Nah, I don't know why you would. You're making a complaint in the complaint section.

It's just that your complaint really has no merit.
Reputation is given by pressing the rep button which is at the top of a persons post, on the same line as teh date and time.
The mods on here are sadistic nazis. A one line answer is NOT spam. Get the fuck over it. The rules need to be relaxed. It isn't spam, it is comments or chatter. I have had several infractions for no good reason. This is just a forum. It makes me wonder if there are a bunch of star wars nerds running this site.
Is there a legitimate complaint or are you just acting like a large number of people that can't think of a reason for something, we have a spam rule that is stricter than other places because our goal is to have quality debate going not a lot of stuff that is pointless to even touch because there is nothing to actually debate.

This site is also privately run so the rules is the rules as set by the staff.
I will look through your Infractions in general but I doubt there is anything wrong with the type of infractions you were given.
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