The Complaint Thread

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Eugh, totally not in the mood for your attitude. You'd like an explanation? Well so do we. It's spam if you don't give a reason as to WHY you feel that feud was career defining.

And it was a warning, it means nothing. So read the rules, which explain this, and continue posting. 'Tis as simple as that.
I have a complaint! I posted ONE reply on this board & got hit with this SPAM warning:

How does responding to a post about career defining feuds with Sting vs Flair from WCW constitute spamming? I think it's bull shit & would like an explanation!
It constitutes spamming, because you didn't follow the rules. Instead of demanding an explanation, perhaps you should instead go read the rules.

Feel free to cut, paste and post them in this thread when you do.
They have been merged not locked, they were temporarily locked so they could be kept track of and numbered based off of the names and all merged into one. You don't need more than one saying that you are annoyed with stuff.
They have been merged not locked, they were temporarily locked so they could be kept track of and numbered based off of the names and all merged into one. You don't need more than one saying that you are annoyed with stuff.

ok thx.
Hey, I'm pissed off that I got an infraction for having a sig too big, with no prior warning.

A message would have done, infraction unnecessary.
Eugh, totally not in the mood for your attitude. You'd like an explanation? Well so do we. It's spam if you don't give a reason as to WHY you feel that feud was career defining.

And it was a warning, it means nothing. So read the rules, which explain this, and continue posting. 'Tis as simple as that.

Thanks! Wasn't tryin to get an attitude, just wanted an explanation! Holla!
you should be able to now. If the 10 post thing is still in effect than it takes a tiny bit for the forum to clock that privilege over to work for you.
Yeah um so far im two days ive gotten a warning for not writing an opinion on a post just my answer (ill take that one) and i just got an infraction for posting what I felt is spam in the spam thread. I simply asked a question and got an infraction and the thread was closed. I know there are ask question forums for various sections but since i didnt know the nature. (Whether it was wwe, tna etc related) i couldnt post it in the sections, so what i did was post it in the spam forum. I dont feel i should have gotten an infraction for posting a spamish question in the spam section. Thank you for your consideration.


.I even answered your PM you sent me about this!!! :wtf:

..and people have the nerve to say that im condescending....
Ok why are being rude? I simply asked. Geez your a moderator your supposed to be accomodating to the newbies. And saying that someone is getting infracted isnt the best way to joke around. Doing that leads to BS like this. It would be like a cop putting you in handcuffs, taking you to jail and saying 'oh just kidding' i dont appreciate it, joking or not. I have nothing against you or this forum, im just irritated thinking i got an infraction. So please note for the future giving written infractions and such as a joke MAY NoT be the best interpersonal skill to have. Thank you

If ONLY you knew to whom it is you speak.

Bro. calm down. I assure you this isnt as serious as you were acting.

There are no such thing as "written infractions" or whatever the fuck you just said. If you get one, you will know you have one. Ive told you in not one, not two, but THREE PMs that you did NOT receive an infraction. Please stop spamming up the infraction complaint thread over an infraction that doesnt actually exist. I feel like im in the fucking twilight zone right now.
Ok, fine i drop my complaint but just so you know im calm. You are the one using foul language im just trying to understand. And hey perhaps you dont know where im comming from but my existance isnt easy. Try losing your mother, father, son and grand mother in the span of 4 months. My complaint is withdrawn
already gotten 2 infractions and 2 warnings?i started this forum today. pretty sure you could be nicer to newbies if u actually want people to stay around here.Wresbill especially. he tells you that he isnt that great at english but is just trying to have fun and put in some words and..."another one bites the dust" WTF?
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