The Complaint Thread

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:lmao: hooooooolllyy SHIT guys. lets all calm down here.

Evolution. I curse all the time. I say "fuck" like you would say "spoon". not a big deal.

Mister Nero. The mods ARE being nice, by giving your spammy, terrible posts just warnings. if you had gotten infractions, you wouldve been banned by now. So we are actually taking care of you.

and the second part was a joke. I was dicking around with you. When I moved your thread that you put in the wrong part of the forum, I couldve infracted you. and that wouldve been your third infraction, thus resulting in a banning. But I didnt, I simply moved it, gave you a warning and told you what to do different, and made a sarcastic comment about in a bar room thread.

Everyone take a damn shot of scotch or something, and chill out. fuck.
Well, it seems one of the mods has taken it for himself to assign added info to the private profile of users. I would not mind so much had not this joker put me in the jobber category. I don't think this is following the rules of this forum, and I would appreciate someone to address this and change my profile back to normal or at least update to JTTS status. Thanks.
Well, it seems one of the mods has taken it for himself to assign added info to the private profile of users. I would not mind so much had not this joker put me in the jobber category. I don't think this is following the rules of this forum, and I would appreciate someone to address this and change my profile back to normal or at least update to JTTS status. Thanks.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The new thing in your profile is a user rank, a new feature of WZ
Gee...well, that's a new twist on the matter..rise in status...and it will change ? To what ? I'm almost afraid to ask.
Gee...well, that's a new twist on the matter..rise in status...and it will change ? To what ? I'm almost afraid to ask.

Post: 0-1000 (Jobber Status)
0-200 No Image
201-400 Santino Marella (Comedy Jobber, never will amount to anything
401-600: Diva's Champion (Image of Divas Belt)
601-800: Knockout Champion
801-1000: WWE Womens Championship

Post 1001-2000 (Lower Mid Card Talent)
1001-1200: Hardcore Champion
1201 - 1400: Million Dollar Champion
1401 - 1600: WCW TV Champion
1601 - 1800: ROH Pure Wrestling Champion
1801 - 2000: WWE European Champion

Post 2001-3000: (Solid Mid Carder)

2001-2200: Money In the Bank Briefcase
2201-2400: ECW TV Champion
2401-2600: X-Division Champion
2601-2800: US Champion
2801-3000: IC Champion

3001-4000 (Upper Mid Carder)

3001-3333 (ROH Champion)
3334-3666: (ECW Champion
3667-4000: TNA Champion

4001-5000: (Main Eventer)

4001-4333: (NWA Champion)
4334 - 4666: Big Gold Belt
4667 - 5000: WWE Champion

5000+ worry about it when we get there.
Thanks, as I thought, it's kind of an uphill battle, I actually would prefer to stay a comedy jobber than becoming an even bigger joke as a Diva champion..I dunno, I can always watch my posting and only stay in the Spam Zone after I hit 400 posts, it's a thought. Again, thanks for clearing that up.
forget the arcade. its a wrestling forum.

and you didnt get an infraction, you got a negative rep. Someone didnt like what you had to say, and let you know about it.
But, thats not really fair... Is it? I mean, just because someone doesn't like what I have to say, makes it so I can't use the arcade? I don't get that.
But, thats not really fair... Is it? I mean, just because someone doesn't like what I have to say, makes it so I can't use the arcade? I don't get that.

They're not linked one bit, people will rep you good or bad on your posts, simple really.
Ok, I will. But I still want to know what vCash is.

Let me jump in here, because the complaint thread isn't the place for this - the question thread is. But whatever.

VCash is virtual money you may use to bet on certain things - like the outcome of sporting events. Go to the Sports Stadium for those.

Any other questions like these, please go to the question thread.

Also, the arcade isn't something the forums moderators work on - that's a main page deal.
ok so i made a post on my opionion about some stuff and i said something about how i dont think that aj styles isnt at johne cenas level and someone gave me some bed rep for it...well its my opionion why should i get punished for that? thats just stupid
this could have a really bad ending for the wz faithful, id hate it see it come to that. first and final warning to the staff here. control your moderators.

Is that a threat? It's a forum.. what's with the silly threats? Threatening someone on the internet is going to get you no where, fast. Hopefully you take your week off and rethink coming back with a brain and the ability to be a better poster.
I gave you the infraction because the post was spam. The problem was that it offered nothing to the topic. While it was about the topic, there was nothing new there. Just add a few lines about why in the future and you'll be just fine.

Personal opinion, you guys are way too quick to give out infractions. I understand that you're trying to avoid people derailing topics, but I think you guys need to lighten up a bit. Just my personal opinion on this subject.
i have a complaint to make.

as you may have guessed i was previously fratelli, i got permabanned along with y2jake for the rhianna incident.

im using an alt for this one post, i will never use an alt again.

i would like to ask why must i be permabanned?
i was a good poster here before, made good posts and points and kept on everyones good side.

in the heat of the moment without thinking i sent a link to a newspaper article in which childeren can buy in a shop under the age of 18 along with jake (yes there was an obscene pic but i didnt think it was considered porn if you didnt need to be 18 to view, buy it.)

would it be possible 2 get a 2nd chance? iv never done anything like this before and seems a bit unfair, seeing how other members have had 2nd chances before.

the new rules say no but i did it before the new rules were announced and i think if the post wasnt made the updated rules wouldnt have been posted?

check my posts for fratelli they have been good in the short time i have been here.

i appologise for doing it in the 1st place but im just a wrestling fan here who enjoys the forum here i think its the best one around i just want a 2nd chance because it sucks that ive done one minor thing wrong and im permabanned.


You posted a link to a page containing nudity. In the rules that is clearly defined as something that is bannable. As for the alts, I'll ban this one but it'll be up for review. You are indeed a decent poster, but we'll be debating it. I'll wait five minutes to make sure you see this before banning this alt. If you are reinstated, it will be under the original Fratelli account.
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