The Complaint Thread

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So I got like 7 infractions telling me how long i have to post a message and how my topic was not related to the topic of the forum..Please this is dumb i have started a wrestling forum with some of my pro wrestling buddies. We can boycott wrestlezone and start a Freedom of speech where we won;t get banned because some ****** sits on his ass at home making sure that no one post something they don;t agree with..Haha wrestlezone is a joke...all you adminstrators are just a joke,,,, Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation they just violated a right...they broke the law........
If you had read the rules, you would see that these are privately owned forums and that you have no freedom of speech here. Under our rules we are able to punish anyone that does not follow our rules, as you haven't done. If you feel that you don't like wrestlezone, we're certainly not keeping you here. I hope that you'll change your mind but we won't beg you to stay.
So I got like 7 infractions telling me how long i have to post a message and how my topic was not related to the topic of the forum..Please this is dumb i have started a wrestling forum with some of my pro wrestling buddies. We can boycott wrestlezone and start a Freedom of speech where we won;t get banned because some ****** sits on his ass at home making sure that no one post something they don;t agree with..Haha wrestlezone is a joke...all you adminstrators are just a joke,,,, Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation they just violated a right...they broke the law........

First of all, you're right, I am a joke.

Prison for you.

Second, if you know anything about anything (which you do not) you will know that freedom of speech is alo accompanied by the need to take responsibility for what you say. Some day when you have a job in "the real world" and are not some high school kid who knows shit about shit, you'll learn this lesson. If you swear in school, you get detention. Do you tell the principal he just violated your rights to "free speech?" Doesn't work that way.
I received an infraction from Whisper ( I think that's his name) for spamming? All I did was reply to a comment that was thrown at me. Can someone explain this to me?

Originally Posted by Whisper said:
'What the hell the thread starter means' is that Shawn has said he could be looking to retire, or significantly reduce his schedule after WM26. The news was posted a few months ago, us Shawn fans know this. Therefore, what he does this year is even more important, as it could be a while/the last time we seee him in proper feuds with built up matches.

He wrote that ^^ and I wrote this:
Show me where he said this. ANd I want a quote from Michaels.

Rules: You need to give an opinion AND a reason for that.

You didn't. Besides, I only gave you a warning. It doesn't mean anything other than a reminder to stay within the rules. I explained this and answered your original post via PM.
Please refresh yourself with the rules.
Thank you :)
SO your telling me that if you say something I cant respond to it? All I asked was can you show me a source where HBK said he wanted to retire. I get an infraction for that.
No, you got a warning because you added nothing to the thread. As I said, I have currently responded not only to why you got the warning, but also to where you can find the information you requested. I hope everything is now cleared up.
I added nothing to the thread by questioning the thread starter? The only thing I wanted to add was if you can find me a source that says HBK said it. That's all I wanted to say. My opinion and reason for wanting this was stated already in the thread.
Just because you make one non-spam post in a thread doesn't mean you can use that as an excuse to spam after that. It doesn't work that way does it? If you were desperate to know I'd have had no issue with you PMing me asking for the details. You got a warning, which means nothing. Now I've explained this in detail via PM, and also in here, I'd appreciate it if you stopped posted about it in here now, thank you :).
I replied to your pm and I'm gonna drop it (as stated in the pm). I do question the rules of this board but I'm gonna move on.
Firstly whisper is a girl, secondly it is classed as spam, you didn't offer any thoughts or opinions on the matter. WZ has diffrerent definitions of spam to other places.
A duplicate thread infraction when you are trying to get another view is stupid. Got an infraction for posting a duplicate thread when I asked if Legacy was the worst stable ever. It was said we did not need another topic on Legacy I have gotten several replies on it already so the reason stated for the infraction is invalid.
A duplicate thread infraction when you are trying to get another view is stupid. Got an infraction for posting a duplicate thread when I asked if Legacy was the worst stable ever. It was said we did not need another topic on Legacy I have gotten several replies on it already so the reason stated for the infraction is invalid.

I talked it over with the moderator who infracted you, and we agreed that we would reverse your infraction. Your thread has legs, and it's different enough from the other legacy threads to give it a shot.

That having been said, here's a life lesson. When you want to register a complaint about something, try to act a little more mature. Starting your complaint with "_______ is stupid" certainly doesn't ellicit sympathy from the staff, and I was half tempted to ignore your complaint entirely just because of that statement. In life, you'll find there is a way to handle things, and a way not to.
I was actually going to ask about a post in that thread (Legacy worst stable ever thread), somebody spammed and I posted something asking them please not to spam. I then received an infraction for spamming myself. I would definately understand receiving this infraction had I not already posted my opinion on the topic earlier. But I spoke my mind earlier in the thread only not in the same post. Also, I received an infraction for duplicate threads even though after I realized I put it in the wrong place I IMMEDIATELY sent slyfox a PM to let him know that I made a mistake and to please correct it for me. Now it may also have been because it was a thread about John Cena turning heel. I can understand how that can be misconstrued as a duplicate topic, but once you enter and read what I wrote, you'll see that it is not like the other threads. I actually set out to disprove that a heel turn would work even though I don't like the guy. IDK........its whatever you guys decide.....just stating my case. Thanks.
I was actually going to ask about a post in that thread (Legacy worst stable ever thread), somebody spammed and I posted something asking them please not to spam. I then received an infraction for spamming myself. I would definately understand receiving this infraction had I not already posted my opinion on the topic earlier. But I spoke my mind earlier in the thread only not in the same post. Also, I received an infraction for duplicate threads even though after I realized I put it in the wrong place I IMMEDIATELY sent slyfox a PM to let him know that I made a mistake and to please correct it for me. Now it may also have been because it was a thread about John Cena turning heel. I can understand how that can be misconstrued as a duplicate topic, but once you enter and read what I wrote, you'll see that it is not like the other threads. I actually set out to disprove that a heel turn would work even though I don't like the guy. IDK........its whatever you guys decide.....just stating my case. Thanks.

Firstly, I know I am not a mod or an admin but I don't think it takes a genius to work out what happened here. You received the infraction because you did spam, regardless of if you posted on that thread previously or not. You could have repped him or utilised the PMfeatures of the board but you didn't. You should have realised what constsitutes as spamming before you dished out tips on how not to spam. As for the John Cena thing, look around. Cena threads are everywhere, there is even an official Cena thread that you could have posted in, but you didn't. Perfectly justofyable I think.
I posted this in a thread and it was removed for SPAM.....I reposted it in the same thread and someone wrote to me saying the first time it was spam but then I added my opinion so its not spam....

i wrote the same thing both times....

what i said was....
I like some of the themes that are just awesome songs too....

Orton -Voices from Rev Theory
HHH -The Game from Motorhead
Edge -Metalingus from Alter Bridge
ECW Theme -Don't Question my Heart
Mark Henry -Time for a fight from Three 6 mafia....

in TNA Angles song is the best....good build up with him coming up from the ramp too..."

so first how is this SPAM?
2nd...who controls what is SPAM? who can delete the posts...everyone or just certain people?

I'm just curious and trying to make a good contribution to the forums....just sometimes it seems that people get jumped on for "SPAMMING" when they are in fact giving there opinion already...

thanks in advance!
Any mod can delete posts in their section, while G-mods/admins can do it anywhere.

As for why it was considered spam, you gave only one reason for a song. Listing things with no reasons is considered spam.
I recently received 3 warnings for spam on the forums. All within the last few weeks. Some of the warnings are for posts which I posted in 2006. I can't figure out what's going on? For a recent post of mine I went back to check the post and there was no infraction to speak of. I replied back asking for reasons why I received the warning and I have received no response...

Also, I suddenly have a "*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha - Comedy Jobber for Life" attached to my username whenever I post. Are these automated - if so on what predicate? And if not - why is this there? If I have totally missed something, please explain. I really don't like having this attached to my posts - I feel somewhat offended, as IMO I more often then not have something of value to contribute to these threads and this (at least i my own mind) devalues said contributions.

Additionally, a large amount of content on the forums has been replaced with "Ha*ha*ha*ha". Is there any reason for this. As a lot of this content is now subsequently incomprehensible.
The latest warning you received was over two months ago. All of them have since expired. The comedy jobber for life is a rating system. The more posts you have, the higher your ratings go. They're automated. The *ha thing is an issue we're working on.
What the fuck is wrong with this forum!?

Under the thread dealing with Abyss being a compelling character, I disagreed with the person above and did it without being personal, but just stating my opinion.

Then, some dude comes and posts that I should crawl in a rock and die...yet his post doesn't get delete. I come out and peacefully say that he looks weak by going personal and that people disagree...and I get a warning and my post deleted!?

That's a pile of bullshit man! This forum condones little emo kids like that, yet censors a person who's not even going personal with arguments and just has a different opinion? This is the stuff that draws people from not coming and posting.
What the fuck is wrong with this forum!?

Under the thread dealing with Abyss being a compelling character, I disagreed with the person above and did it without being personal, but just stating my opinion.

Then, some dude comes and posts that I should crawl in a rock and die...yet his post doesn't get delete. I come out and peacefully say that he looks weak by going personal and that people disagree...and I get a warning and my post deleted!?

That's a pile of bullshit man! This forum condones little emo kids like that, yet censors a person who's not even going personal with arguments and just has a different opinion? This is the stuff that draws people from not coming and posting.
Wow, slow down on the coffee there buddy.

First of all, it was just a warning, it only serves to mind you of the rules. Second of all, the moderating we do of other people's post is unknown to you, and remains that way. Finally, if you would like to lodge a rational complaint, that is fine. But, to be honest with you, there aren't many on this staff who is willing to have someone like you try to tell us how we should be running this forum.

Grow up. And leave the business to us adults. If you would like to stay, feel free to do so. But we will run this forum the way we see fit. Some of us have been on these forums regularly for over 2 or 3 years now. You have a grand total of 9 posts. Let us do what we know, and you just worry about yourself.
What's the deal with you fans trying to position yourselves higher than others? "Leave the business to us adults"? Oh and post counts are the God Almighty standard of knowledge here!?

Can you please get the main person who runs this place, so I can sit down and have an intelligent discussion about my issue without someone trying to put me down for having the opinion I have?
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