The Complaint Thread

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I have a Infraction on my account for no reason and it lasts another 1 month and a half and for what? the person before me posted who do you think will be the secret person on raw i said. Mr Kennedy .......................... Kennedy and it was but i got a infration because he said it was spamming and he put Kennedy why? this is totally unfair and i had only been a member for 2 days and this is the way i am treated please look into this asap.

the idiot was c.m.v.p :schild13: :ass::fuckoff: tell him to email if he has a problem


MR Keeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnneeeeeeeedddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy.................................................................................................Kennedy. lol
I have a Infraction on my account for no reason and it lasts another 1 month and a half and for what? the person before me posted who do you think will be the secret person on raw i said. Mr Kennedy .......................... Kennedy and it was but i got a infration because he said it was spamming and he put Kennedy why? this is totally unfair and i had only been a member for 2 days and this is the way i am treated please look into this asap.

the idiot was c.m.v.p :schild13: :ass::fuckoff: tell him to email if he has a problem


MR Keeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnneeeeeeeedddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy.................................................................................................Kennedy. lol

How about instead of emailing you, I just post my reply here, Ok? Good
It was spam necause all you said was
Mr Kennedy........................................... ............Kennedy

That's spam, you didnt give a reason on why you thought it was going to be MVP.

Also we have a complaint thread for stuff like this, use it
I have a Infraction on my account for no reason and it lasts another 1 month and a half and for what? the person before me posted who do you think will be the secret person on raw i said. Mr Kennedy .......................... Kennedy and it was but i got a infration because he said it was spamming and he put Kennedy why? this is totally unfair and i had only been a member for 2 days and this is the way i am treated please look into this asap.
I have just looked into it. It appears as if you received this infraction because you did not follow the rules.

The Rules said:
A. Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at Wrestlezone Forums are somewhat different than that of most other forums. We require that you give an opinion on a subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. What we want to know is why you feel the way you do about a certain subject, to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require that you contribute to the topic. Spamming is allowed in the “Live Discussion & Spam Zone” Forum and the Bar Room, but not in any other Forums.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
ok lets just say i didnt read the rules do i really deserve a infraction for 2 months when i have just joined that sounds dum, why not tell me this is spamming and i will know for next time. I cant start a thread on here now so whats the point i have a ****** giving me warnings and infrations for wanting to join in (C.M.V.P is the ****** by the way :2up::spam4::flipa:)

So for all i care give me another warning, if you are going to have 19 year old moron run the board ill go elsewhere. I thought we had a free speech thing going on but clearly not here. So i have two words for ya. SUCK IT
ok lets just say i didnt read the rules do i really deserve a infraction for 2 months when i have just joined that sounds dum, why not tell me this is spamming and i will know for next time. I cant start a thread on here now so whats the point i have a ****** giving me warnings and infrations for wanting to join in (C.M.V.P is the ****** by the way :2up::spam4::flipa:)

So for all i care give me another warning, if you are going to have 19 year old moron run the board ill go elsewhere. I thought we had a free speech thing going on but clearly not here. So i have two words for ya. SUCK IT

All the posters that sign up should read the rules after they register. not my fault you didnt.
ok lets just say i didnt read the rules
Yeah, I don't think that will be much of a stretch....

do i really deserve a infraction for 2 months when i have just joined
Umm...yeah? If you spam, you do. EVERY infraction we give expires in two months, it's not just you.

that sounds dum,
And yet, not near as much as complaining about it does.

why not tell me this is spamming and i will know for next time.
That's what CM did. He told you your post was spamming, and now you'll know.

It's just an infraction point. You still have (well, had) two more to get before receiving any kind of punishment. Not really that big of a deal.

I cant start a thread on here now
You must have 10 posts to be able to start thread.

so whats the point i have a caring mod giving me warnings and infrations for wanting to join in
We would love for you to join in. You just have to do it in accordance with our rules. There's nothing hard about that.

I thought we had a free speech thing going on but clearly not here.
Who the hell told you that you have free speech on a privately owned message board? Whomever it was, you should quit being their friend, they obviously gave you bad advice.
i keep getting wacked for "spamming" when all i do it give my opinion on certain threads. And yes, my opinions have to do with the thread itself. WTF?!?!
To answer:

You are spamming. Let me explain.

Our wrestling sections are non-spam zones, which means if you decide to post, we ask you add some detail and opinion to your posts- just just one line quick responses. Let's look at your responses:

to bad he can't act that way "in-character"

Will your life be destroyed that much if wrestling isn't on for 2 hours out of one week?

It would to you guys, but nobody else would get it.

Puppies! will always be the best King line.

lol, appreciate the analogy

Guh, complete and utter spam. The very thing we try to prevent. Higher standards here at WZF, if you can't elaborate and go into at least a little detail, please just don't post in that thread. And if you want to just "LOL" someone or agree with someone without adding to the discussion, use the rep system.

And for the love of God, READ THE RULES of the forum, please. Because there are no more warnings from here on out for you - just infractions.
i posted a thread today on the smackdown! area called "creative doesn't believe on C.M. Punk". i received an e-mail notification that the user "ROHDude" posted on my thread and this is the link on the e-mail to go the ROHDude's post

i went to the link and there was no thread. there was this message

"No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

i also checked the threads i started and it isn't there?

apparently it wasn't moved because i looked all over the forums and i can't find it so is there a possibility that the title might have changed? and if it was deleted, i didn't get any notification about it
ok, so i tracked down ROHDude's activity and i fiound out they moved my post to the thread " Punk Wins (Again)! Punk Wins (Again)! Is He a Heel?"...i have no problem with that but i have 2 questions:

1.)why was it moved?
2.)shouldn't i get a notification for that?
The threads were likely merged because they were similar in Nature - both discussing the use of CM Punk. The moderator who merged them could have given you a warning/infraction/'notification' however, they decided to just nicely merge it instead. This just keeps the forum clean, and makes looking for other topics easier. I hope that answers your questions.
I really don't care, cause it is just a warning, but I got a warning for spamming(admit I was wrong), but since then, the thread was moved to the LD and Spam Zone. Should the warning be lifted? I don't really mind. I know you guys got your work cut out for you today. The wrestling forums are a clusterfuck today. Fucking 8 threads about the same damn thing and shit. Anyways thanks.
Two things. You spammed before the thread was moved, so still broke the rules. Secondly, a warning doesn't actually mean or do anything, unlike an infraction.
I really don't care, cause it is just a warning, but I got a warning for spamming(admit I was wrong), but since then, the thread was moved to the LD and Spam Zone. Should the warning be lifted? I don't really mind. I know you guys got your work cut out for you today. The wrestling forums are a clusterfuck today. Fucking 8 threads about the same damn thing and shit. Anyways thanks.

Nah man, the thread was moved because it was likely a spam-friendly topic. You were warned about it when it was in the non-spam sections as a friendly "heads up, man, this is a non-spam section."

Overall it doesn't effect the price of tea in China. Good question, though.
Thanks guys. I know warnings don't really mean much. I was more just curious for future reference. I'm just glad he didn't infract me.
The threads were likely merged because they were similar in Nature - both discussing the use of CM Punk. The moderator who merged them could have given you a warning/infraction/'notification' however, they decided to just nicely merge it instead. This just keeps the forum clean, and makes looking for other topics easier. I hope that answers your questions.

it answered and i thank you but i have a suggestion. when my thread was merged into another one, i didn't receive any sort of notification so i kept on looking all around the forums for my thread. here's my suggestion, for whoever runs the forums or for whoever merges a thread into another, can't they send a notification saying that our thread X has been merged into thread Y instead of us looking for the threads thinking they have been deleted?
it answered and i thank you but i have a suggestion. when my thread was merged into another one, i didn't receive any sort of notification so i kept on looking all around the forums for my thread. here's my suggestion, for whoever runs the forums or for whoever merges a thread into another, can't they send a notification saying that our thread X has been merged into thread Y instead of us looking for the threads thinking they have been deleted?

This is a good suggestion, and one I'm sure the staff will look at. However, a few points I'll bring up; a 'notification' is usually in the terms of a warning or infraction, both looked at negatively, and most mods don't decide to infract for something like this. The other problem is that we merge a lot of threads per day, and it'd take a lot of time to PM each individual user about the new position of their thread and why it was merged. I apologise this is of inconvenience to you, however, the mods want to post on the forums as well as moderate, and there simply wouldn't be time to do both with the increased traffic and therefore increased moderating needed. If you click "View all posts by *username*" you should be able to find your post, therefore thread.
I'm sure this isn't a WZ thing, as Microsoft usually fouls up. I've noticed in IE8 that I was getting freezes in the forum and CP section.

The browser would just freeze and crash, so I used Firefox for awhile.

What I did was tell IE to run in IE7 compatibility mode whenever I'm on WZ. Now, it's working fine.

Just wanted to let you guys know. :)
I don't usually complain to people about stuff like warnings or red rep or anything. I know when I've made a mistake, and I accept my punishment. But I got a warning from CMVP about a duplicate thread and I think it was a bit harsh.
I'm not angry, I just want to give an explanation.

Here's the post:

Now, it is the same base topic, but it's a different overall subject. It's not about whether or not Kennedy is going to TNA, it's about the possible backstage problems that'll come from another big ego being in TNA.
I'd understand if there's was some sort of general Kennedy to TNA thread, but nothing about the whole possible-ego-issues was asked about in the original thread nor was it posted about.

So I think that thread is very relevant and it should be a seperate topic from whether or not Kenendy is going to TNA. I just want some sort of explanation.
Thanks guys.
i don't know if this is a problem to be posted here but why is it that every time i click a link on wrestlezone, that ad from crave online opens in full screen
i don't know if this is a problem to be posted here but why is it that every time i click a link on wrestlezone, that ad from crave online opens in full screen

Because you touch yourself at night.

No, it's not a problem to be posted here. We have nothing to do with the main site. However, it's obvious you need to improve your web browser. Download Firefox. Use the "Adblock Plus" add-on. You'll never have WZ ads again.
You haven't gotten an infraction in over 18 months and you're just now complaining about them?

The infractions you received were for spam. What that most likely means is that you didn't provide enough reasons for your posts. There's a definition of what we define as spam in the current rules, but that has changed since you received those penalties.
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