The Complaint Thread

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You were given three warnings before you even got your first infraction, that was three PMs stating to you what spamming is on this site, the first infraction also would have informed you of the rules, as would the second one. Therefore it is on your head for not changing to meet the standards that this forum sets rather than the forum conforming to your standards.
The mods on here are sadistic nazis. A one line answer is NOT spam. Get the fuck over it. The rules need to be relaxed. It isn't spam, it is comments or chatter. I have had several infractions for no good reason. This is just a forum. It makes me wonder if there are a bunch of star wars nerds running this site.
And you're someone who fails at reading comprehension. The rules VERY CLEARLY state what is considered spam here and is not. Why don't you try reading those rules for a change?

I'd like to feel bad for you, but I don't. You've been given EVERY opportunity to learn how to post properly here. You've been warned/infracted by 4 different mods here, and you even have a spam warning from ME, which says a lot about your posting.

Grow up, learn how to read the rules, and quit with the "nazi" crap, else you will find yourself on a one way ticket out of here.
I have a complaint about the description for the "Old School Wrestling" thread.
It says "Remember back when wrestling was good?"
I happen to think that wrestling is good now. Saying that only the old wrestling was good shits on the new wrestling and makes everyone here seem bitter and crotchety.
That's the impression I get, at least.
I think it should be changed to simply "Remember the old days?".
I have a complaint about the description for the "Old School Wrestling" thread.
It says "Remember back when wrestling was good?"
I happen to think that wrestling is good now. Saying that only the old wrestling was good shits on the new wrestling and makes everyone here seem bitter and crotchety.
That's the impression I get, at least.
I think it should be changed to simply "Remember the old days?".

Hmmm...fair point.

That can be changed easily. Thanks for throwing that out to us!
^MAybe, but the thing is, you need to think about what type of site Wrestlezone is. "When wrestling was good" may be appropriate for another site that is more sarcastic/humorous, but WZ is (from my perspective at least) a slightly more professional site where people can have serious discussions.
Yeah, I'd be inclined to agree. But you know what, maybe it's time to change them just to freshen it up anyway. I like this gentleman's suggestion.
I got an infraction for calling a guy an idiot for suggesting that the WWE should sign Pacman Jones. The response was, "Please elaborate on why WWE shouldnt sign Jones, also careful with the flaming." Let me first say that one of Wrestlezone's smilies is a little smiley face holding a sign that says "your stupid". Why even have that an option then if your going to give an infraction for calling someone an idiot. Seems like the same thing to me. As far as elaborating on the subject...something like that doesn't need elaborating. Not signing a guy who has tried to pay somebody to kill another pretty self-explanitory.
The problem with what you said was that you said it in a non spam section. Flaming and spamming are allowed in the bar room. In regular sections, you have to give reasons why his idea was stupid. Why is it a bad idea for the company to sign him? Also, calling someone an idiot in non spam areas isn't allowed. Hope that clears it up.
Hello, all.
I received a warning for sig violation. I'm not complaining about that.
I thought that sigs had to be under 800 pixels, right? Well, I had one that was 600x200, and received a warning stating that sigs had to be under 500 pixels wide.
What I don't understand is that if a sig is 500 pixels wide, its maximum would be 300 pixels tall. Maybe it's just me, but that's rather silly. 600x200 is more of a banner shape, and I think that if it's 800 pixels or less, the proportions shouldn't matter. (Well, if it was 1x799, that'd be ridiculous)
The sig in question:

i'm not trying to be difficult or anything, I'm just saying that it's a bit weird. I mean, sigs are usually banner-shaped and such.
Sincerely yours,
Doc Matthews
Thanks for bringing this up politely.
The rules do state that the banner can be no more than 800 pixels, however with those rules they also say it can be no more than 500 pixels wide.
I got an infraction for calling a guy an idiot for suggesting that the WWE should sign Pacman Jones. The response was, "Please elaborate on why WWE shouldnt sign Jones, also careful with the flaming." Let me first say that one of Wrestlezone's smilies is a little smiley face holding a sign that says "your stupid". Why even have that an option then if your going to give an infraction for calling someone an idiot. Seems like the same thing to me. As far as elaborating on the subject...something like that doesn't need elaborating. Not signing a guy who has tried to pay somebody to kill another pretty self-explanitory.

Well, if its self explanitory, then save everyone the time and hassle, and dont make the post.
Hello, all.
I received a warning for sig violation. I'm not complaining about that.
I thought that sigs had to be under 800 pixels, right? Well, I had one that was 600x200, and received a warning stating that sigs had to be under 500 pixels wide.
What I don't understand is that if a sig is 500 pixels wide, its maximum would be 300 pixels tall. Maybe it's just me, but that's rather silly. 600x200 is more of a banner shape, and I think that if it's 800 pixels or less, the proportions shouldn't matter. (Well, if it was 1x799, that'd be ridiculous)
The sig in question:

i'm not trying to be difficult or anything, I'm just saying that it's a bit weird. I mean, sigs are usually banner-shaped and such.
Sincerely yours,
Doc Matthews

I understand what you are saying, and would tend to agree with you. HOWEVER, you have to understand why the rule is there. The rule is there to keep people from having to side scroll because a sig is so wide, the monitor can't contain it all. For people like me, with large monitors and good resolution, it's not an issue at all, however there are still people out there with small monitors and low resolution. So, for them, the rule must be kept in place, so as to prevent side scrolling, which is about the most annoying thing ever.

In case you were wondering, side scrolling is when you have to scroll your monitor from left to right to see all content.

If everyone could have a good monitor and good resolution, then we could do away with the rule. Unfortunately, not everyone does, so we keep it in place, at least for now. Maybe in the near future it is something we can change, but for now, that is why the rule is like it is.
Which mod changed the name of my thread from "Top 3 PPVs, 1983-2002" to "Top 3 PPVs, EVAH"????

I even put a note in it saying "note the date restriction" and it was posted in Old School Discussion. What are you doing? If I'd wanted to say "ever" I'd have posted it in general wrestling discussion and put "ever". :disappointed:

Sorry dude, just trying to make your thread more accessable and get some more discussion going. Half the posters here dont remember shit from before 2002. Dont take yourself so seriously.
Sorry dude, just trying to make your thread more accessable and get some more discussion going. Half the posters here dont remember shit from before 2002. Dont take yourself so seriously.

Oh nothing serious. :icon_smile:

It's just that I intentionally made the thread inaccessible for precisely that reason: I didn't want those posters contributing :shifty:

Got to admit it is quite funny you changed it, but please can you leave my future threads alone. I don't want to be down with the Cena-kids, they is wiggety wiggety whack yo. Come on man it is meant to be Old School Discussion, someone has to keep the riff-raff out.
I don't know if this is only me, but sometimes while reading a thread, the posts will be out of order. For example, posts #13 and #14 will come before post #12, making it hard to read at times.
It's a problem with the forums, and how the clocks work. I apologise for it, however, we've been trying for months to get it fixed to no avail. It has improved so hopefully some day they will go back to normal. I'll let you know something more when we do.
Alright, thanks. It's easily able to be dealt with when you just look at the post number or time of post, just annoying
I have a complaint... I was in my user cp looking at my Reps when I saw the following:

Quote: fromthesouth
you are illiterate, learn to read, type, use syntax and sentence structure. Then, come back, and be an idiot, just one with good grammar.
I have a complaint... I was in my user cp looking at my Reps when I saw the following:

Quote: fromthesouth
you are illiterate, learn to read, type, use syntax and sentence structure. Then, come back, and be an idiot, just one with good grammar.
We'll look into it.
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