Springer + Wrestling = Redneck Raw on 2/15/10

They passed each other notes in biology and are BFFs again.

I guess, I mean holy fuck they just can't decide what to do with them. They're a group, they're not a group, they're best friends, they hate each other. Christ make up your damn minds, not like we've all seen this split coming since fucking AUGUST, lets just drag it out SOME MORE obviously!
but we haven't seen ANY Jerry Springer, and people are hating it already. Maybe he will be entertaining, we don't know. And even if he sucks, it's not like he will be on the screen for the entire 2 hours 7 minutes (or so). The TNA PPV was very good, but maybe this RAW will be too, we don't know yet, so why are people bitching already. All we saw so far is the first part of this match, which is OK so far.

I love you more and more all the time.

Orton is getting cheered like a motherfucker. Holy shit.
Randy as a face is just...fucking....bizarre. And awesome. But mostly bizarre.
Ok look Vince. Orton, one of your muscular fantasies, is getting cheered to no end and has been for weeks now. LISTEN TO THE FUCKING PEOPLE.
An Orton run as a face would be a good thing in my opinion. The guy seems to be getting crazy cheers the past month or so. I think the E needs to give Randy a proper face run.
I've wanted this for years. he got a month as face champion and was a cheap way to get the belt back on HHH without burying Benoit.

I really couldn't care less about Cena vs. HHH at this point.

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