Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

I think it would be safe for anyone to put their money on Chris Jericho facing The Undertaker at WM. I think the WWE already has what they'd like to happen with the majority of the roster laid out as well. It makes sense, Jericho is a guy who can work his ass off for Undetaker, he's someone that people can believe could beat him, and I think most importantly he's a guy that the WWE knows they can trust to protect the Undertaker in the ring. That has to be a concern at this point "Who can we trust to take care of him in the ring?" Well, if I had to name anyone on the roster or set to return it would be Jericho.
I think IF jericho returns, he should put over a youngster. The wade barrett suggestion was goood with there pre story, but i think it would really be great if it was cody rhodes. i know it could seem like a forced feud, but i cant see him coming back against punk or orton, as he has to come back as a face (i think). the miz i think would have a good feud with jericho, but im thinking punk v miz for the wwe title. so back to rhodes, what if rhodes goes over orton in his current feud, then a rumoured booker t feud, and then possibly a back and forth even feud with jericho it would do 3 things; really push rhodes into the world title picture, the intercontinental championship would be respectable due to the length and quality of the feud, and whoever did take the IC title of rhodes, it would be much more respectable
I could see Jericho wrestling any of these 3 guys at Wrestlemania.

Orton- He was the one that took Jericho out, by punting him. Jericho would want to seek revenge.

Punk- Basically stole his slogan. They could base a feud around that. How Punk is just another Jericho rip off.

Undertaker- Its going to be tough following up the 2 HBK matches and HHH match. Jericho is a guy that you know will have a great match with Taker.
i can honestly only see Jericho having a match with two people.

Undertaker- Jericho could come back and talk about being the best in the world at what he does but hasn't beaten Taker at mania. These two would have a terrific match. And would be a perfect 'victim' to get taker finally to 20.

CM Punk- Jericho lately has been talking a bit of trash on twitter about everyone 'stealing' his ideas in the wrestling business. And CM Punk would be the prime example to attack. Best in the world vs best in the world. Great match could top Cena Rock.
I know i would POP huge for that match and it's the one we all want to see.
Should Jericho return in time for WM28, he will not face CM Punk. I'd be happy to put money on it. Here's my logic.

1) Jericho returning and competing at 'Mania more than likely means he will win. For him to return and lose would make no sense unless he returned in time to have the shock and awe of his return die down {AKA before rumble}

2) Punk has lost for the past two years at the show of show and one of the biggest stars in the WWE and wrestling today, no way they're gonna have him put a returning Jericho over, especially if he has the strap. Look for Punk to win this year, regardless of the match he is in.

3) Logic and storyline would dictate Jericho facing Orton at 'Mania. Orton has won the past two years at 'Mania and it wouldn't hurt him in the least bit to put Jericho over. Plus, there is unfinished business between the two of them since Orton was the one to put Jericho on the shelf with the punt.

I'm not guaranteeing Orton V. Jericho on the Grandest Stage of Them All. Knowing WWE creative they'll do something that makes you scratch your head and say "really?" as the Miz so aptly puts it. Other routes they could take could be Christian, Rhodes, Miz, etc. No matter what though, I will buy 'Mania if Jericho is on the card, regardless of who he is facing. He could be wrestling Steve-O in a "Shove it in Your Cornhole" match and it would still be one of the best bouts on the card. Personal opinion aside though, I'll go out on a limb here and say, however cool it would be, do not look for Jericho V. Punk at WM28.
Who will Jericho face at Wm 28? That's easy, the Shockmaster. Sorry had to fit a joke in, but on a more serious note. With Jericho not having even made an appearance yet, I think it is far too soon to be predicting who he would face. It would be nothing more than guessing. Is he going to come back and be in a main event feud with one of the top guys? Or perhaps he is going to come back and help push a younger talent? I would say that at this particular point in time it is just too early for us to be theorizing.
The Undertaker vs. Jericho is what was rumored earlier in the year. Jericho isn't seen by many as a threatening force against the streak, however it would make for a great match and potentially a good feud going into WrestleMania. Jericho has nothing else left to achieve, multiple time WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, he has featured in teams which have dominated, hes beaten and feuded with every credible member of the WWE; asides the odd one. This is basically one thing he hasn't achieved. Look at how HBK, Triple H and others have tried to break the streak, maybe it is Jericho's turn to defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania?

The Miz and Jericho have been going back-and-forth on Twitter, Jericho has accused Miz of stealing his look, his persona, his moves and has refered to The Miz as "Mini-Jericho" on Twitter. They've both taken shots at one anothers looks, their in-ring achievements and even their out of the ring lives; Jericho insulted Maryse and The Miz took a shot at Fozzy. When you think about it, they have a past too. Jericho and Miz were involved in a couple heated stare downs over who Big Show aligned with back during the JeriShow angle. They'd have good promos and the match could potentially steal the show, so Jericho vs. The Miz really is a possibility.

CM Punk and Chris Jericho on paper could be a candidate for Match of the Year once it concludes. This is really all about the whole, "Best In The World"/"Best In The World At What I Do" monickers that both men respectively entitle themselves with. Jericho originally began to refer to himself as the "Best In The World At What I Do" and once CM Punk began sporting his white t-shirt with the label, "Best In The World" he immediately took to Twitter and accused Punk of being a Jericho wannabe. He also tweeted during different broadcasts of RAW that Punk was stealing his moves; this is basically Jericho's shtick these days by the way. It could be a great feud, Jericho and Punk are both two of the best in-ring workers today as well as two of the best microphone workers in the past decade. Jericho vs. Punk is another possibility.

And finally, an outside chance but a choice nonethless, Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton. This is the least likely I believe out of my choices and is solely based off the fact Orton punted Jericho in the head, and in storyline put Jericho out. Jericho returning to seek retribution is a possible outcome for the WWE to go with, however I believe one of the first three are most likely.



I'm willing to bet that he'll come back as a heel, despite the cheers he'll initially earn, so that probably narrows the field of obvious choices down to Punk and Undertaker.

I don't think he'll face Punk. It's probably wishful thinking on our parts that he will, but I've got a feeling it will be Jericho v Undertaker.

But, as far as Taker goes, I'm willing to that Taker very well could face Mick Foley at 28. If it truly is his last WrestleMania, then I think that would be a wonderful opponent for him to end his career with. Foley can't do most of what made him great, under a PG rating and the, "blood ban," but these two made each other in the mid-to-late 90's, and if they both are going to put on one last match, they should do it at WrestleMania, where they've never fought before.

If I got my way, then that means that Jericho could stay heel and face Punk, or he could turn face and fight Miz. Those are my two biggest bets.
I think Jericho returns as a face. I believe CM Punk will go into Mania as the WWE Champ and he'll defend against Jericho and The Miz in a Triple Threat match. Hopefully a ladder match.

Other options for Jericho's opponent for me would be Triple H, Christian or Alberto Del Rio.

I don't see him taking on Orton or The Undertaker. I think Taker will wrestle Foley (hopefully in a Hell in a Cell) and I think Orton will go into Mania as World Heavyweight Champion to defend against the Royal Rumble winner, Cody Rhodes.

Just my thoughts.
I can't believe his name hasn't been mentioned yet, but I guess I'll be the one to "go there".

At Wrestlemania 28, Chris Jericho's opponent will be Mr. Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan.

Now, to justify my answer.

In the next few months leading up to the Rumble, I see Daniel Bryan turning heel. I'm not going to justify that because if you want to know why I think that you can just look at one of my State of the WWE Address from August 31st either on this forum or in my blog, linked in my sig. Bryan's heel turn will be the tool that the WWE uses to push him to a point that he looks like a legitimate, credible guy who could beat anyone on the roster at any moment. If you don't see how they could pull this off, just look on youtube at some of Bryan Danielson's heel work on the indies - he truly does become a badass who looks like he could kick (literally) anybody's ass in the entire world.

On top of that, I think that Jericho is this mystery guy who is going to win the Rumble and then win the World Title at the Elimination Chamber, before he even has a chance to cash in his Rumble-awarded title match. When that happens, you'll know that Jericho's opponent is going to be the only man who is already scheduled for a World Title match at WM28: Mr. Money in the Bank, Daniel Bryan.
I would like to start off by saying I have no idea why on earth people don't see Y2J as a threat to Taker's streak. Has he not done enough in with his 30 titles between WWE,WCW and ECW, being a Triple Crown Champion and a Grand Slam Champion? Jericho one of the biggest names to not face Taker and I don't think anyone will break the streak but Taker-Jericho would be an amazing match and would come second to only the Taker-HBK matches. Jericho matches up with Taker well, their first singles match on Smackdown a few years back was an excellent match and if their match at Mania was as good as that one I'd be very much content with that. The man has done everything and faced everyone, all he has left to do is put on an amazing show at Wrestlemania with The Undertaker and put on yet another match at mania for the ages. If you aren't convinced then watch their Smackdown match I'll so kindley put below for you to watch.


you know i would like to see jericho go up against daniel bryan, Those had some amazing matches in roh, so it would be cool to see them in wwe.
I see Jericho winning the Royal Rumble and going against C.M.Punk for the WWEC. at Mania 28! A match built around the saying, BEST IN THE WORLD. Who ever wins, which I believe will be Punk, gets the WWEC. and the bragging rights of being able to say that they are the best in the world, at what they do. I think this would be a perfect match for Mania, and to get Punk pushed even further. I don 't see Jericho facing Orton, or the Undertaker. I think the deadman will be facing Triple H. again with HBK as the Ref. I see Orton in a triple threat match against Sheamus and WHC. Mark Henry, with Daniel Bryan cashing in on the winner. I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho vs. The Miz. It could be like a passing of the torch match because Miz reminds me of a heel Chris Jericho.
I don’t care if Chris Jericho is in the WWE Title match, the World Title match, the Undertaker Streak match, the always possible return of the Money In The Bank Ladder match (which he created), the WM Celebrity match, the Vince McMahon match, the Career match, or even the 28 Man Gimmick Battle Royal Opening / Dark match. I would welcome a Jericho return.

I could see:

Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk for the WWE Title.

Chris Jericho vs. the Undertaker for # 20

Chris Jericho vs. the Miz for the World Title

Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett vs. 6 other WWE Superstars in the Money In The Bank Ladder match.

Chris Jericho as the Special Guest Referee for the Rock vs. Cena match.
He has history with both Superstars.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky The Dragon Steamboat III
The one on one we all want to see.

Chris Jericho vs. Triple H II for the Undisputed WWE World Championship “The Re-Match” 10 Years In The Making!!
This time Triple H is the Heel Undisputed Champion (winning them both in both Elimination Chamber matches at Elimination Chamber the only way an “Evil” COO would do). Jericho is the returning Face who wins the Royal Rumble entering at number 40.

Chris Jericho vs. Manny Pacquiao
Why not!?

Let the countdown begin.
I did something along these lines a couple of months ago. Basically listing who would be my dream list of current champions and challengers, however this is different. This is involving the current storylines and superstars but sort of predicting WWE coming forth to Mania. Here's my list:

WWE Champion
Chris Jericho - Made a shock return at the Royal Rumble only to be eliminated by Royal Rumble winner CM Punk wins the belt at Elimination Chamber after attacking Punk on episodes of Raw.

Main Challenger
CM Punk - This is pretty obvious because of the whole theory I have with Jericho being the man behind the conspiracy. He never wanted Punk as Champion and wants to be the biggest star and doesn't want his spotlight taken by Punk.

World Heavyweight Champion
The Miz - This stems from Miz suddenly jumping ship along with R-Truth to SmackDown due to HHH demanding so because HHH becomes the RAW GM after all is done. Miz wins the title at TLC by beating The Big Show thanks to help from Kevin Nash.

Main Challenger
Daniel Bryan - Daniel Bryan does not cash in his opportunity he simply demands his match to be at WrestleMania and so he cashes in a fair match. This is such a great feud because it all stems from Miz winning MITB and his rivalry with Daniel Bryan on NXT and onwards. Miz claims Bryan is mirroring his career by being a former US Champion and now MR MITB.

Intercontinental Champion
Cody Rhodes - This is pretty easy to explain Rhodes is looking to bring prestige back to the IC Title and so he deserves to hold onto the title for as long as he wants. Going into Mania however he faces a real test.

Main Challenger
Kane - He returned at Vengeance to take down Mark Henry and now he's back to take not only the IC Title but Rhodes' mask. Kane has returned masked and wants Rhodes to suffer the same reasons he wears a mask.

US Champion
Zack Ryder - Doesn't beat Ziggler at Vengeance but does so in Madison Square Garden at Survivor Series. The WooWooWoo kid manages to beat Ziggler only for a friend to become a foe over time nearing Mania.

Main Challenger
Mason Ryan - Turns on his friend when he has had enough of having to save him from beat down's. Stuns the WWE Universe by power-slamming the Champion and claiming he wants his title.

WWE Tag Team Champions
The Perfectionists - Yes Ziggler and Swagger are actually given a legit name after winning the titles from AirBoom after a lengthy feud with the duo. The two outspoken blonde superstars say that there is no tag team that can stop them, they were wrong.

Main Challengers
Rage (Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins) - These two who currently being used on NXT have a dramatic face turn which catapults them as one of the main threats to the Tag Team titles. Both teams are so similar it would work.

Divas Champion
Beth Pheonix - Obviously keeps retaining her title and looking unstoppable until she is finally met with an obstacle.

Main Challenger
Kharma - I don't know how long she's supposed to be pregnant but I just have a feeling she'll be back in time for Mania. Imagine how much IWC interest this match would get.

Thanks for reading. Of course other guys such as Cena, Rock, Sin Cara, Mysterio (If back), maybe even Taker will be in different matches which won't involve titles.
WWE Champion going in: The Miz. I just feel like the promos will be better if Punk is chasing the title and will solidify his face character AS LONG AS this is the route they are going to take to Wrestlemania.

#1 Contender to WWEC: CM Punk. He can make this his Wrestlemania moment and could base a promo off of the fact that The Miz was one of the people that CM Punk didn't like in that promo he made in July.

World Heavyweight Champion: Sheamus. All signs point to Sheamus getting to the top and fast.

#1 Contender to WHC: Wade Barrett. Would make the guy relevant again and also would just be a good match. I wouldn't see him winning though.

Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes. Mr. Undashing himself and one of the best characters that the WWE has to offer. This would make him a long-running champion and would generate heat (hopefully)

#1 Contender to ICC: Daniel Bryan. Cut promos saying that he changed his plans for his title hunt, win the IC title and WHC title in the same night.

Honestly I couldn't care less about the rest of the matches. All I know is Chris Jericho will be throwing in somewhere and given that the roster is all over the place and nothing makes sense, Jericho will be in some relevant picture and that can only be good.
I personally feel that I hope Y2J squares off against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 28. This is my idea and it's quite a nice idea. Undertaker beats Y2J at WM 28 and retires at 20-0.

Undertaker then becomes inducted in the hall of fame for WrestleMania 29.

WrestleMania 30 could have a special attraction bringing Undertaker back for one more match against John Cena, but thats personally what I would want to see.
Divas Champion, Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Kharma. This would go down in history as the most “important” match in WWE Divas history.

Tag Team Champions, Air Boom vs. The Miz and R-Truth vs. The Usos vs. Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Dos Caras (Alberto Del Rio bringing back the mask after losing the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble) and Mystico (Hunico Negro. Let’s see Sin Cara Azul bitch about that now) in a Tag Team Turmoil match.

United States Champion, Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger. “Zig-Swag” Explodes!!

Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes vs. Christian. This is a case of who is the Head of Vickie’s Stable.

The winners of the IC and US Title matches, not only win the Championship, but also retains Vickie’s managerial services. The losers are Belt-less and have David Otunga as a manager.

“You want the “Reality Era”?? Here’s the “Reality Era”. I am the King of Kings. I am the COO of the WWE. I am the Leader of Corporation-X. I am the Undisputed WWE World Champion!!” Triple H – the Day before WrestleMania XXVIII.

I’d love to see Triple H insert himself if both Elimination Chamber matches to capture and unify both the WWE and World Titles. This leaves 4 rightful challengers to Triple H’s Crown, Throne, Scepter, and of course, the Spinner and the Big Gold.

Mr. Money In The Bank – Daniel Bryan. Holding on to the Blue Case for this long pays off in the end, because now he’s Blue Case just “doubled” in value, but lowered his chances from 50 / 50 to 20 / 80.

Royal Rumble Winner – This is where this gets tricky. I think the best person for this spot is someone returning and / or someone who hasn’t won the Royal Rumble match. I’d go with Chris Jericho, Kane, or Big Show.

Former World Champion who lost the World Title to Triple H at Elimination Chamber – My first pick would be Randy Orton, but I think he would be better suited elsewhere on the Card. I’m going to go with CM Punk. Look at that. It turns out that HHH was behind it ALL. He was even the Raw Anonymous General Manager and the one who sent the text and the one who hired Miz and Truth and brought back Nash, Pac, Road Dogg, HBK, Billy Gunn, Chyna, Scott Hall, Justin Credible, Steph, Shane and Vince. The New D-Corporation X World Order!! (or Corporate DX, whichever you like better)

Former WWE Champion who lost the World Title to Triple H at Elimination Chamber – My first pick would be John Cena, but I think he’s already penciled in for a match that night. I’m going to go with Sheamus. This is just about unfinished business.

For the first time ever, 5 SuperStars will battle it out for the WWE Title. (previous record was 4 SuperStars at WrestleMania 2000, in which Triple H successfully defended his Title) This sets up a Fatal Five Way Elimination match for the Undisputed WWE World Championship. I would cheer for Jericho or Bryan, but I see Triple H winning this for some reason. HAHA!!
first off, i doubt every title will be defended at WM, this isnt night of champions, im sure the tag titles won't be defended and maybe not even the US title or the womans, WM is more about fueds coming to an end, not so much about titles as much except for the big ones, that's what the smaller PPVs are for. But anyways, here's my picks:

WWE Championship - CM Punk (c) vs. The Miz
Heavyweight - Sheamus(c) vs. Wade Barrett (won the briefcase from Daniel Bryan)
U.S. - Kofi (c) vs. John Morrison (who needs to turn heel badly)
Intercontinental - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Christian
Tag Team - Dolph / Swagger (c) Kane / Big Show (never got their rematch clause from losing the tag titles to new nexus)
Womans - Beth Phoenix (C) vs Kharma

By the way does anyone find it interesting than a heel (Del Rio, Henry, Zigger, Rhodes, Phoenix) holds every single Single's title in WWE right now? Wonder how often that's happened before?
Yeh, definately can't see every Title been defended, especially given we will see Rock vs Cena, Taker in a streak match and then of course a gimmick match and a grudge match too. Rumours of Rey vs Sin Cara aswell.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
WHW Title - Mark Henry (c) vs Daniel Bryan
Womans Title - Beth Phoenix (c) vs Kharma

IC/US/Tag depends on how relevant they are at the time.
WWE Champion
Chris Jericho - CM Punk

I like this entire idea and the theory behind it with Jerricho being the person behind the conspiracy. Jerricho remains a heel which is is best at. Good suggestion.

World Heavyweight Champion
The Miz - Daniel Bryan

Not so thrilled with this idea. Would rather see "The Awesome Truth" as Tag Champions going into Wrestlemania. They make an Awesome pairing and should be the face of a new and growing tag division.

Intercontinental Champion
Cody Rhodes - Kane

Nah. Let the build up with Orton continue and there is your match. This could be a great rivalry with Orton winning the title at Wrestlemania over Rhodes.

US Champion
Zack Ryder - Mason Ryan

I would rather see Swagger with the title defending against Ryan.

WWE Tag Team Champions
The Perfectionists(Ziggler / Swagger) - Rage (Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins)

As I said before, I would prefer "The Awesome Truth" as title holders. Ziggler and Swagger should be in the singles scene. Do love the tag name of Rage idea though so TAT vs Rage would be my preference.

Divas Champion
Beth Pheonix - Kharma

Love this idea as much as your first one. Perfect surprise return for Kharma.

I don't know how long she's supposed to be pregnant

LMAO!!!! Generally pregnancies are 40 weeks or 10 Months. Unless WWE is going to buck nature and have her squeeze delivery off. LMAO!! So figure out the time she left and she was likely a couple of weeks already at that point then you can figure out when the baby would have been due (roughly). Give a couple of Months to get back in shape and have Mommy time then you know if she would be able to return or not. Female athletes have great pregnancy recovery time. She may not want to return right away either, but I still like the idea.
Oh yeah. Rock vs Cena. Cena hits the ring and is waiting. Rocks music hits and Cena is still waiting. Rocks music playing, Cena is still waiting. Rocks music finally stops. Cena waving his hands in the air wondering where is Rock. Fans booing. But wait!!!! Titantron lights up and it is......ROCK!!!! He's in Hollywood on set of his new movie. He's sorry but much like most of the year, he just can't make it. BUT, he has a replacement challenger for Cena. Rocks music hits again and it is.........Rockswagle!!! Hornswagle in Rock wig, etc!!!!
Over on Wikipedia it is featuring a rumored match possibly taking place between Austin and Lesnar. Can anyone see this happening? I would like to see it if it was possible and meaning we could have one helluva set of main event matches, I am sure that the card will break the million buys once again.
First Time Ever: The Rock vs. John Cena
We all know that this match is going to happen and its set in stone. Leading into Wrestlemania though I would have video packages of them training and getting ready for the match instead of one of them chasing the WWE Title. As for the winner I go with John Cena

WWE Championship: CM Punk(c) vs. Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho returns to the ring as he enters as #1 in the Royal Rumble. He survives and wins the RR. Jericho calls out Punk for claiming that he is the Best in the World. Have them cut amazing promos each week. For the Elimanation Chamber CM Punk wins the belt and on the next night have Jericho choose Punk. Winner of the match CM Punk

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton(c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan will most likely get a big push by the time Mania comes around. To build up this match have Randy win the belt at the Royal Rumble and after he wins the belt have Bryan tease cashing in MITB. He keeps on teasing to cash in the MITB on Orton after all of his matches. Orton then RKO's Bryan on one of the teases. Both men have a comfrontation before WM with Bryan hitting Orton with the MITB. Have Bryan get his WM Moment as he beats Orton so the winner is Daniel Bryan

Hardcore Match: The Undertaker vs. Mick Foley
Mick Foley will be GM of Raw by this time and Taker makes his return just in time for Mania. Foley then turns heel as he attacks Taker when he returns. Foley begins to become obsessed with beating Taker at Mania. And with his power of GM he books the match, but it will be his type of match, a Hardcore match. Undertakers greatest rival doesnt prevail as Taker goes 20-0, The Undertaker

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara
This will be a passing of the torch. Mysterio returns from injuries and tells the fans that he only has one match left in him and before he announces who he is going to face, Sin Cara music hits and he points to Mysterio and Mysterio nods. This segment can be 3 weeks before WM. The win should go to Sin Cara

Divas Championship: Beth Phoinex(c) vs. Kharma
The Divas of Doom proclaim that they have beaten every single Diva in the locker room, but Kharma then returns. Kharma has a match with Natalya at Elimanation Chamber and if she wins she gets Beth at Mania. During the build Foley announces that Natalya is banned from ringside. I dont know who should win, but I the most likely result will be Kharma

United States Championship: Dolph Ziggler(c) vs. Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger
Dolph should hold on to the U.S Title til this time. Zack Ryder chase to the belt gets harder and harder as Jack Swagger and Vickie keep on costing him the title. Their is a multi-man Ladder match at Elimanation Chamber to see who faces Ziggler. Swagger fails to stop Ryder from getting the title match. Ziggler and Swagger begin to go at it during the build which leads them to split. At Mania the winner will be Zack Ryder as he wins his first singles title and gets a WM Moment.

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