Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

I highly doubt it. Del rio doesnt need a mask. Theres no point putting on on him. And having yet another 'sin cara'? No thanks.

The only likely one, imo, would be Kane with his mask but thats even extremely unlikely, first he actually needs to use his mask and second...Kane and Rey already had a feud with a mask awhile back. it would kinda be the same thing again.
Here's what i would do...!!

WHC: Sheamus(C) vs Wade Barrett(Royal Rumble winner) vs Mark Henry(Rematch clause) vs Daniel Bryan
This fatal4 way will make sense as every competitor would have a reason to be in it..!!

WWE Championship: CM Punk(C) vs The Miz
I expect Del Rio to get his shot at TLC,then maybe someone like Ziggler getting chance at RR,then Punk and Miz can start their EPIC feud at Wrestlemania..!!

STREAK: Undertaker vs Randy Orton
This would be really awesome,i would start the feud at royal rumble when Taker eliminates Orton and Orton goes nuts and reenter the ring just o eliminate Taker,moreover Orton seems to be the only worthy person to go for the streak...!!

Cody Rhodes vs Triple H This will further elevate rhodes status as Big time player and i expect him to challenge for title after Mania,he may win the Rumble too but i would build him up more by beating the game at the biggest stage of them all..!!

Intercontinental Championship:Christian vs Kane(C)
Kane wins the title from Cody after returning

US Championship:ZIggler(C) vs Ryder
Ryder finally wins the title at the biggest stage of them all

these are the matches that i would like to see alongith Cena vs Rock..!!:)

Other matches:
Tag team titles match
Divas match
actually a good card but take out rhodes

You do know firstly your post was meaningless and stupid and rhodes is the future of SD and Possibly along with Barret the biggest Heels on SD so yeah he does look like he has a good chance of being in a title match at WrestleMania

So Here is WM28

2 Weeks After Elimination Chamber The SD GM comes out and says to Daniel Bryan that he is sick of seeing the SD MITB Winner Loosing on a regular basis and sets up Daniel Bryan Vs Cody Rhodes Later that night and I f Daniel Bryan Looses Cody Rhodes gets the briefcase (Cody Rhodes wins the MITB Briefcase)

WrestleMania XXVIII
Randy Orton(c) Vs Mark Henry Vs Sheamus Vs Cody Rhodes (Cody comes out at the start of the match and says he is cashing in his Money in the Bank Briefcase now,Cody Rhodes Wins, After the match Daniel Bryan comes out in new ring gear and kicks the shit out of Rhodes and leaves)
Cm Punk(c) Vs Chris Jericho(Cm Punk Retains the two embrace after the match and Jericho leves the stage first with a look of disappointment and shock)
I don't think that they would have del Rio in a mask again. And please not yet another 'Sin Cara'. If Rey has to face some masked wrestler(luchadore), get someone new.

The best option for Rey would be to have a match with Christian. This could be over some mid-card belt and could be the opener of the show. Both of these men are talented in the ring and could put on an amazing opener.
What would be the point of a Mask vs Mask match involving Kane? Isn't the point of MvM that the loser is humiliated by finally having to show his face, we've already seen Kane's mug for years now.
Who cares? The mask vs. mask thing has been done to death and we've seen pretty much everyone that has had a mask... unmasked at some point with the exception of Sin Cara... who I can't stand. It's boring. OMGZ REY ARE UNMASKEDD!!! We've seen it. In interviews, matches with Jericho, other matches I can't remember, etc...

Mask vs. mask should never be done again until you have two very high profile stars that have masks and you can put them in the ring at the same time. And when I say high profile, I mean if they ever get two stars of the Punk/Del Rio/Orton status in the WWE. It's just been done so much we're immune to it.

As for putting a mask on someone that we've seen without one... wtf?
If Sin Cara and Ray doesnt happen i was thinking on del rio uncle (Dont know his name) who got inducted in the Hall Of Fame.

have those two put on a show together, only problem is like me "The Average" guy doesnt know who Del rio uncle is, making the mask vs mask thing not a big deal.

I believe the match wasn't to "Unmask" anyone...i thought it was for the crowd to wear a mask in support of whom ever and breaking some sort of record for most masks at a live event.

now they could hold it off for WM29 Cara vs Ray and give Cara more time to fix himself and get comfortable a bit more (stop botching)

its waaaay to late in the game to involve some other mask guy and build him, not enough time for that. so the only reasonable thing to do is wait for WM29 or involve that Uncle of Del Rio. only options i see
What about a Mask off vs. a Mask on match? It could be a grudge match between Del Rio and Rey. If Rey loses he must unmask in front of the Wrestlemania 28 audience. But, if Del Rio loses he must put on a mask that night and have to wear it for a year. I could see this match going either way. If Rey is going to retire it be a perfect time for him to unmask, and if Alberto loses it be a great change up in his character. He would go around hating the mask and threatning to take it off all the time only for his manager to run in and stop him at the last moment. It could be that if he unmasks before the time he will be fired. I could see a decent storyline coming from this where Alberto goes on a losing streak first blaming the mask then finally accepts his fate and starts winning with it, becoming as a masked heel who eventually will battle Sin Cara in a mask vs. mask match at Mania 29.
What would be the point of a Mask vs Mask match involving Kane? Isn't the point of MvM that the loser is humiliated by finally having to show his face, we've already seen Kane's mug for years now.

We've all seen Rey's face as well and he still puts his mask on the line from time to time.

If WWE still wants to break the record for most masks in the building, they should have done the following:

• Keep Sin Cara Negro with a mask.
• Debut Epico and Primo with masks.
• Keep Cody Rhodes with a mask.
• Bring back Mick Foley as Mankind instead of his normal self.

They could have had those 4 masks, plus Rey's, Kane's and Sin Cara's selling big time at Mania, but now all they have is Rey's and Kane's. And that's if these two come back by Mania.

They FAILED. Forget the mask aspect of WrestleMania, and focus on something else.
Here is your Wrestlemania 28 card ladies and gentlemen.

John Cena vs The Rock-Booked and ready to go. Cant wait for the Boo's and yeah's when they trade punches in Rocky's hometown.

The Streak: Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker-Taker never did get revenge on Wade for burying him alive vs Kane in late 2010. Barrett barrage will come to an end at Wrestlemania. They've done a great job of building Barrett up for this tho.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs The Miz vs R Truth-Might be just a one on one match with Punk vs. Miz, but im thinking Truth will squeeze in there. If not, then maybe Jericho vs Punk, and Truth vs. Miz.

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan-RR winner Orton vs MITB. Either Orton will win the title before WM at elimination chamber, or DB will cash in before WM.

No 1 Contenders Match: Big Show vs. Sheamus vs. Christian-These 3 have to be on the card, they really should bring back the MITB match for WM tho.

Kane vs. Mark Henry-Kane gets his revenge.

WWE Tag Team Titles: Air Boom vs. Hunico & Epico-Great high flying match, maybe insert the Uso's in here as well.

Grudge Match NO HOLDS BARRED: HHH VS Kevin Nash-Hopefully they can string this fued on long enough for an epic, EPIC encounter.

IC Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T-Thinkin this is a long shot to still be going on here, but I do think Booker will indeed be in a WM match this year. Might end up being Rhodes vs. Goldust vs. Booker, or Booker getting a more high profile match vs. Christian.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Brodus Clay-Student from NXT gets the chance to demolish his teacher.

US Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger vs. Zach Ryder vs. Mason Ryan-Zach Ryder gets his 1st WM moment capturing the US title.

That my folks is the closest thing I could come to that might actually happen. Thanks for reading!
I am standing by my prediction that Mark Henry will keep his World Heavyweight Championship until Wrestlemania, and he will be facing Sheamus. Sheamus has keep a good spot on Smackdown where he is right in that upper midcard spot right outside main event and title range, but he's had momentum lately and I still think that something has to come of him and WSM's very short feud from around Summerslam. I see Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble, bringing up the unresovled business he has with Henry and how Henry didn't pin him at SS. It'll be a kickass match and I see it being where Henry's excellent reign comes to an end, then Daneil Bryan attempts to cash in on Sheamus but fails.

As for the WWE Championship I also see it's current holder retaining it, CM Punk will go to Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion and he will defend against Dolph Ziggler. Dolph has been on the rise for some time now and in my opinion is the most talented young superstar on Raw, and if his match with Punk last week on Raw was any indication as to how amazing this match would be then I would frickin buy front row seats despite the expense because it would be the best match of the night. I love CM Punk and I love Dolph Ziggler, I think that the #Heel deserves this match and frankly I think that the WWE Universe deserves it too because there would be better matches hype and size wise but I would put my money down on this on being the best technical battle of the night at Wrestlemania 28.
I am going to say for the WWE Championship I'd love to see CM Punk and Chris Jericho. Sure, it's not at all confirmed Jericho is coming back BUT if he is, as appealing as Jericho and Undertaker might be, I think the feud's mic work between Punk and Jericho is too damn tempting and I'd give this the nod over Jericho/Taker. On top of that, two individuals who with the right booking and given the right amount of time could put on a wrestling clinic.

A complete contrast for the World Title, but my preference is Sheamus and Kane. I don't care who goes in as Champion but I'd love to see either defeat Henry for the title and the other win the Royal Rumble. With Kane's return coming soon and Sheamus basically the hottest guy on Friday nights, this could be a very entertaining feud and hard hitting match at Wrestlemania. Plus, it's new and I like to see new feuds at Wrestlemania, so please, no Undertaker/Kane 3. Plus, Daniel Bryan can always cash in AFTER this match.

The Rock/Cena is confirmed.

The Undertaker faces the Miz if it's up to me. Miz is young enough and we know WWE is high enough on the Miz that the idea of a young superstar benefiting by ending the streak seems possible (as opposed to a star veteran who can't even benefit by it). There's my top 4 matches for the show.
I know this would never happen, but since it looks like they still intend for Daniel bryan to cash in at wrestlemania, wouldnt it be a great crowd and viewer moment if he came out to The final countdown from his ROH days. Think about how the crowd would react, since alot of ppl who are fans of his know of his ROH days. Your thoughts?
We saw at:


Before you bash me or say this is never going to happen read my whole post and my reason's why I think there is at least a slight possibility this might happen.

It seems to me that WWE and possibly UFC could of come to some type of agreement and they could be building a fued between Austin and Lesnar for WM 28. I do have a couple reason's to why I think this. First I'm going with the tweets between Austin and Lesnar.

After calling out Steve Austin earlier this week for ducking him back in 2002 when they were supposed to work together in WWE, Lesnar intensified his comments about Austin during an interview with

“There’s a guy that’s been on a winning streak for a long time that somebody needs to step up to the plate and finish the winning streak. But then there’s another side of me that says if there was a chance for me to come back to fight a guy, it would be the guy that I was supposed to fight that chicken-sh**ted out on me and didn’t show up, and that would be “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin chicken-sh**ted out on me and walked away and didn’t want to participate because he thought that I was getting something too fast too soon and he felt threatened by me.”

Austin, showing patience and self control we didn’t always see during his beer-swilling hell-raising WWE days, responded to Lesnar on Twitter:

“At a bit of a crossroads here. on one hand go after @DCBROCKLESNAR after his comments..on other hand deer season is very near. #decisions

Just called my taxidermist…got two quotes on shoulder mounts… #decisions”


Here's another quote but this time with just Austin responding.

“It wasn’t a Brock issue at all. It was a stupid business decision, and I flew off the handle. I was wound up pretty tight at the time. I thought they [WWE] were poking me with a stick.”

“I don’t have any problems with anything Brock said. He’s go his take on things. And anytime you can flap your gums and stir things up-well, I’m always about that.”


First before I adress the quotes let me explain what happened back in 2002 that led up to these quotes. So Brock Lesnar literally just debuted on Raw a few weeks before. He was mostly doing run ins and destroying a bunch of mid carders. He had hardly any matches in the WWE at the time. But while heading into King of the Ring in a fued with Eddie Guerrero and Ric Flair the WWE wanted Austin to job to Lesnar on Raw. Basically Austin refused because first it would make himself look weak. Two Austin didn't mind putting Lesnar over. He just wanted to do it right and that was by doing it at a big pay per view like Summerslam. Thirdly, once again it's the build up and doing it right. Austin didn't just want to randomly job to him. He wanted to go into a big pay per view with a decent build up. Then Austin felt he could put him over for real.

So now on to the quotes. Lesnar initially started it by saying Austin chikensh*ted on him by walking out back in 2002. Austin came back and said he doesn't know if he should go deer hunting or go after Brock Lesnar. He also said he had quotes on shoulder mounts. Then the other quotes from Austin said he has no problem with Lesnar and that it was a stupid decision made by the WWE and that when someone trash talks he's always for that.

So we seem to have a little tweet war going on between the two. But let me go into the next item that gave me the idea that WWE could be building a fued between the two.

So the WWE put Brock Lesnar in the new WWE '12 video game. Then there was a youtube video of Brock Lesnar promoting the game. Here it is:


Once again Brock Lesnar calls out Stone Cold directly. He said that he's the biggest thing in the game, that he's unstoppable, there's nobody in the lockerroom from back than or on the current roster that can beat him, he's the biggest legend in the game, and that he beat all the legends but one, that being Stone Cold Steve Austin. He said that Austin left him hanging and walked out on there match. He said if he were to have one more match that it would be against Austin.

So for me I feel like either the WWE is already building the fued for WM 28 or that (my own opinion) they could easily turn this into a fued before WM 28. Now I know someone will automatically jump on this thread and say nope never gonna happen and leave it at that. Please don't do that. You see the WWE has been trying to get Brock Lesnar in for at least one match. The Undertaker even confronted Brock Lesnar after one of his UFC fights. I even think Lesnar has wanted to do one more match. However Dana White has been the one who has been hesitant on allowing Lesnar to wrestle in the WWE. But with the recent turn of events in Brock Lesnar being in and promoting the WWE '12 game and have tweet verbal battles (if you want to call it that) with Austin it seems like maybe Dana White is coming around a little bit to the idea. It could rake in a lot of money for WM 28 and WWE. It could also help promote the UFC espcially if Dana White were to be in Brock Lesnar's corner during the match.

It could be easy to build. Austin shows up to Lesnar's fight in December and does what the Undertaker did by getting in his face. On Raw WWE shows an advertisment for WWE '12 and then Austin promoting it and responding to Brocks comments. They also show the confrontation from the UFC fight between the two. Then on a Raw Stone Cold is guest host. WWE shows the videos of the games commercials with the two trash talking each other and show the tweets. Then they show the confrontation again. Austin then comes down to explain his actions and says if Lesnar wants him bad enough to come get a piece and that he knows where to find him. He tells Lesner he (Austin) obviously knows where to find him. Lesnar can bring the pain and he can bring a can of whoop a**.

They (UFC) have Lesnar get angry at a press conference regarding the whole situation saying Austin was a coward back then and all of a sudden he wants to get in his face. Then he looks into the camera and says to Austin you asked me to bring the pain so HERE COMES THE PAIN. They show Dana White saying that what Austin did was unprofessional and that they will try TRY to prevent Lesner from showing up but they can't guarentee anything. He says that they wish this didn't have to happen because somebody will get hurt if it does and he promises that person will be Austin. Then on a Raw in January or February it's announced that Brock Lesnar is trying to get in the building on a night Austin is there. Austin goes to the ring tells security to let him in so they can handle this like men. Next thing you know Dana White is walking down the entrance ramp. He stops and Paul Heyman comes and stands next to him smiling. Austin is looking confused. Lesnar comes in from behind and F5's Austin. Then leaves through the crowd while Dana White and Paul Heyman are escorted out by security. However John Lauranitus invites them and Brock Lesnar to the following Raw to explain themselves. Austin shows up to a UFC event and gets in Dana Whites face and gives him the finger. He gets him into the octogon and gives him a stunner. The following week on Raw Lesnar, Heyman, and White. White says that he's in pain from the stunner and had to spend the night in the hospital. He says he has the right to sue him but he's going to do something even better and give the WWE, the UFC, and all their fans combined exactly what they want and that's a match between Austin and Lesnar at WM 28. Paul Heyman gets on the mic and says Austin I realize what you did for the business and you were a great friend to me over the years. But your the past. When people look at you they are just looking behind and going backward. It's time the business moves forward and the way to do that is to get rid of the face of the Attitude Era. Brock Lesnar gets on the mic and asks Austin if he thinks Lesnar is a big enough name now? He asks if he paid his dues? He says back then Austin was a coward but he hopes that ten years later Austin has the balls to actually show up and have the match. He tells Austin not be scared of getting hurt because HERE COMES THE PAIN. Then glass shatters but nobody comes out and the three of the are running around the ring looking in the crowd for Austin. Then the lights go out for about a minute. When they come back on Heyman and White are out cold. Austin is standing directly behind Lesnar. Lesnar turns around and takes a stunner. Austin picks up the mic and says that he looks forward to opening a can of whoop a** at WM28 because he accepts the challenge. And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so. Then he drinks beer. Then the following week on Raw John Lauranitus comes out and says that the board asked him to step down as interim chairman of the board. With everything that is going on with the WWE vs. the UFC and Brock Lesnar vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin they want somebody to run the company who can control something this huge and all the chaos that's been going with that and that person is Vince McMahon. Vince comes back and said that he is reinstated as the chairman of the board and that at WM28 he will be in Austins corner. So we will end up with:

Stone Cold Steve Austin (w/Vince McMahon) vs. Brock Lesnar (w/Dana White and Paul Heyman).

The fued is already built. They already have a fued started; they just need to finish it. Here's some of the videos that make this fued:

F5 to Ausin:

Ausint gets A TV back

Austin Stuns Lesnar.

Like I said the fued is already there. And with Lesnar calling Austin out they could easily build the fued for WM28.

So what are your thoughts?

Do think a Lesnar vs. Austin match is possible or maybe even in the works?

If it were how would you build the fued?

If you don't think it will happen at all, then why? (Actually explain. Don't just put it just won't happen, it just won't. I want details.)

NOTE:I spent a lot of time and put a lot of thought into this thread. So I ask that you don't trash or bash this thread. Also like I said don't put some crappy answer down if you disagree such as this is stupid, it won't happen-just won't, Dana White wouldn't let it happen in a million years or anything else like that. EXPLAIN in detail why you don't think it will happen. And maybe even humour me in telling how you would build a fued for WM for these two. Enjoy.:p
Not sure why I'm bothering with this, seeing the card will more than likely look nothing like this. But, if I had to guess, right now, these are a few of the big matches I think are likely.

Rock vs. Cena - Obviously, that is written in stone. I still have a feeling it's going to be for the WWE Championship, given what Cena said after WM27.

Punk vs. Jericho - I'd rather see Orton vs. Jericho, but Punk needs a big opponent, too. Jericho may be looking to take back his "Best In The World" title.

Orton vs. Daniel Bryan - I think this could be the WHC match. I doubt Henry holds onto it long enough to face either man (Orton taking it back at Royal Rumble or EC). I'm not sure who goes over, but it would be interesting either way.

The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry - I know it happened before, and it stunk, but they have something big in store for Mark Henry, or so it would seem. Henry is the biggest monster WWE has produced since Lesnar, and who better to stop him?

Just a few thoughts. I'm not confident any of these matches will happen (outside of Rock/Cena), but, whatever.
Mark Henry vs Undertaker is an interesting thought.

But can they pull off a classic at mania? It's been done before and there matches not top notch, I feel Henry works better with the smaller wrestlers, does anybody remember Henry vs Mysterio 2006?? Some classics there.

I guess the thing crossing my mind is why Mask Kane again?? Masked Kane cries out for Undertaker imo... But they had such a long 2010 fued surely they cant be looking at WM match number III.

After tonight, Dolph Ziggler looks to be in the position of moving to the main event? Lost to an established main eventer via distraction, the US title change is seemingly now set and he had the altercation with Swagger.

Is Ziggler primed for a big time match? Could Ziggler potentially face the Undertaker?
My main interest in WM 28 is two-fold, who is CM Punk going to face and who will the Undertaker face?

I get the feeling it will be Punk v. The Miz. They've already hinted at it, with Punk saying Miz shouldn't have had that spot. I would love to see Punk v. Randy Orton, but that would leave too few headliners remaining.

Who faces Taker? I really don't know. I hope we don't see Henry v. Taker, that would stink out the joint (like it did the first time) and there's no credibility in Henry beating Taker. One thing is for sure, there is nobody bigger than the WWE so The Streak must end. The question is who? I would love to see Taker v. Cena, but obviously that wont happen (maybe at WM 29?). Maybe Kane (returns as a face, changes to a monster heel after Royal Rumble) but that's too much of a stretch. I really think it will be someone like Cody Rhodes. Cody is in a bit of a holding pattern, his feud with Booker will get him some pre-Royal Rumble heat but after that there's nowhere really to go. I can see him dropping the IC Title to challenge Taker, or losing it to someone like Big Show or Ted DiBiase at the Rumble and then going postal at the post-Rumble TV shows.

Either way, I want to watch Taker lose at Wrestlemania. Too bad it won't happen this year.
I think it is pretty much a lock that CM Punk and Chris Jericho are going to go at it at Mania. I wouldnt be surprised to see Jericho win the Rumble, although my money is on Randy Orton. Punk vs Jericho is the IWC's wet dream. I think there would be a few deaths from the excitement. Add to the fact Daniel Bryan could win the WHW Title on the same night, the internet may just implode.

As for Taker, I like the thought of Mick Foley challenging him in a Hardcore Match. Foley can go with the best of them in these type of matches. Maybe he could adopt his Cactus Jack gimmick. I cant see this happening though as it would eat into a full time talents spot (you already have Rock, Taker and potentially Jericho on the card).

If you are going with a full time talent than I wouldnt mind seeing Sheamus. Build him up as an unstoppable force (maybe even eliminate a returning Taker from the Rumble). It doesnt matter Sheamus is a face either.

As for the WHW Title. Daniel Bryan is cashing in. But that doesnt mean he is in the main event. I think Henry will drop the title before Mania and Orton will win the Rumble in his hometown. A likely sceanrio could be Kane beating Henry at The Rumble. You then have a fresh fued with Kane and Orton. Kane retains, Bryan comes out and beats Kane in a David vs Goliath situation. The IWC implodes.
So it's not official yet, but I'm 99.9% sure that this Wrestlemania will be Undertakers last match. As of right now you haven't heard anything about this, mainly because Takers been out since last Wrestlemania and because the big match this year is Rock vs. Cena. Now I'm not going to say that Takers last match is a bigger draw to the WWE universe than Rock vs. Cena, but I think it may be for the IWC.

So the question is: What are you more interested/excised to see and this years Wrestlemania? Rock vs. Cena or Undertakers last match
Wm 28

Rock v cena - set in stone will hog the main event and will bore everyone to death

Wwe title
Punk(c) v dolph- match of the night these 2 put on a great match couple weeks back so it be a 5* at wrestlemania

Streak v streak
Taker v barrett- since the start of the barrett barrage wade stated he would not lose till he captures the whc. Well i think he will go undeafeated up to wm28 where he faces his biggest challenge plus they have history and if it's takers last match i would give wade the biggest rub in history set him in stone as a main eventer and becoming the biggest heel mega star in wwe by defeating the undertaker then he go on to win the whc

World title
Randy orton v sheamus v cody rhodes v daniel bryan v henry(c) - scramble match this match basically writes itself.. No one person can beat the jobber that is mark henry so teddy long makes it a 5 way scramble match for the title i also see cody rhodes winning this and cementing himself in history as 1 of very few who hold the ic title and whc at the same time

Grudge match
Miz v big show or jericho- with miz on a tear of breaking all ties with people who held him back and still having unfinished business with both these men i see him beating everyone who held him back and either big show or jericho is the last on his list.

Us title
Zack ryder(c) v drew mcintyre- i know drew hasn't been on tv and vince doesn't like bringing in people who are in the doghouse near wrestlemania season but after zack ryder finally beats dolph for the title which heels are there for him to face? Swagger is boring and everyone knows it. R-truth is just dumb and i wouldn't be surprised if he isn't future endeavoured before elimination chamber so who does that leave? Drew makes his triumphant return goes on a rampage to reclaim his glory and momentum.

Dark match tag title
Air boom v usos- coz really who wants to see this
So we are apparently going to see Taker vs Triple H part 3! I hope these rumours are not rue. Yes, last years was a classic but it won't gain Triple H any credibility to lose for a 3rd time to him. Unless it is a retirement angle which I don't think it will be.
HHH vs Undertaker for a third time at WM is bullshit!!! I would of gave it to Orton. It could of been a great match, and would keep Orton away from the World heavyweight title. Have Sheamus, Barrett, DB involved in a fatal four-way against Mark Henry for the title at WM.

Or have someone like Barrett or Rhodes wrestle Taker. That would be a huge rub for them. Taker's undefeated streak is their best current storyline.. it's a mistake giving it to a part-time wrestler (Triple H) two years in a row.
So after considering the events last night, I've updated my WM28 card:

John Cena vs. The Rock - Has been set up since April and it should be the last match on the card.

Triple H vs. The Undertaker- It seems that this is the direction they're heading too based on Triple H's promo last RAW. Pretty much how HBK hinted that he'll be challenging 'Taker again back at WM26(Coincidentally, it was also a Slammy episode of RAW)

I'm not thrilled at all because I preferred to have Triple H face Punk for the WWE title(With Hunter losing) and 'Taker facing off against young stars such as Barrett, Sheamus or even Rhodes. However, that doesn't mean that this bout is gonna suck because we know for a fact that these two are on of the best WWE performers in history and are bound to put on a 5-star match at Wrestlemania.

CM Punk vs. Jericho - Been hinted at for quite some time now by various dirtsheet sites. Would be a good feud IMO. The Edge-Jericho feud felt sort of flat to me because Edge as a face character just didn't quite interest me compared to his heel persona. The IWC anticipated that feud but it wasn't some legendary feud, just a real solid one. This Punk-Jericho feud may go down that path as well. Hyped by the IWC to be some legendary feud but in reality, just a solid feud.

Kane vs Sheamus- With the return of Kane, as a heel, I think he'll be the perfect opponent for Sheamus come Wrestlemania time. Sheamus has yet to win at 'Mania so who better to go over than Kane who has credibility and is an established threat in the audience's perspective. Monster face going over monster heel.

Puts Sheamus in a good match that he would benefit from without involving the world title.

Bryan vs. Barrett vs. Orton vs Henry(WHC) - I'm expecting Bryan to go over here. He has been given relevance lately which implies that he is already being built up. Hopefully, Henry is still the champ by this time just to show to the audience how dominant and great of a run Henry had as he held the title for several months thus making Bryan's win more impressive.

Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya - I've read that they're eventually gonna face each other in the ring at some point and WM should be the best time for that. The biggest show of the WWE calendar should at least be given the best possible divas match.

Cody Rhodes vs Goldust: Intercontinental Championship - Hopefully the WWE would book this match. Could be a nice close to Goldust's career specially if it involved a career-ending stipulation. I expect them to have nice chemistry in the ring. It would also add to the gradual build of Cody as a future main-eventer.

Booker T should be somewhat involved in this feud since he was a partner of Goldust during their earlier years in thee WWE. Having the Cody-Booker T feud lead into the Cody-Goldust feud would be a nice way of tying things together.

*Tag team championship match. Air-Boom would most likely be involved in this contest. As long as they book this match relatively short but exciting, it's gonna further strengthen the card. I'm wishing for a team other than the Hunico-group to face 'em here.

If there's gonna be any celebrity that will be involved in a WWE storyline come Wrestlemania time, I expect the Miz to be a part of that program as well. It's no secret that the Miz is one of the famous guys around and the idea just fits well for his character. If the celebrity chooses anyone to represent him in the ring, I hope it would be Zack Ryder. Ryder vs Miz for the US championship(Involving a celebrity to an extent) would be a great program. Miz is a versatile performer that you can put him anywhere on the card and expect a good show out of him. He's like a poor man's Chris Jericho. Ryder would benefit greatly from working with the Miz because the latter gets legitmate heel heat and will certainly put Ryder more over than he currently is.

Swagger vs Ziggler: Break-up of the Guerrero stable. A nice way for them to move on with their careers. Ziggler's(w/o Vickie by his side anymore) ability to draw interest and to get over(Be it face or heel) would be tested. Swagger can be sent into oblivion or resurrected as a singles star again but with Vickie to help him get over. I'm more concerned with the aftermath of this program than the program itself.
The Rock vs John Cena is already a lock on the card and it wont and shouldnt be for a title when they can make more marquee matches that way

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship is a lock also, as someone else stated. Everything aims at him winning the Rumble, and having a great feud with two guys who can talk well on the mic. The feud will be amazing

Now, I lost all of you on Kane or HHH facing Taker a third time, the only match that deserved a Trilogy was Rock/Austin, but not this time around

As much as The Undertaker vs Sting should happen, the Crow Sting, that doesnt look to be possible still, even though Sting still could leave TNA @ anytime and give the fans what they want, however, I say Taker's match should be more than another thread we've seen before. The basic "I'm gonna end the streak." It also lik Rock vs Cena shouldnt be a title match, but what it should be is a Triple Threat Match.

Think about it, Taker's streak needs to be in the biggest jeopardy it's ever been in for the final match and what better way than having him able to lose his streak without even being beaten... now that's scary. That could fuck him up. Kane vs The Undertaker vs Mankind (with a new masked that looks like something out of Arkham Asylum). Have the most sickly demeneted storyline of all time with those three... maybe even make it a Triple Threat Hell in a Cell Match... that's your answer to a final Mania match with a legit threat, the likes of which we've never seen before.

As for Triple H I would rather see him in a match with Nash at Mania. I know feuds this year usually dont draw out that long, and this is waaaay out there, but it would be cool and so many have wanted to see it so why not have HHH and Nash's feud escalate to where Shawn confronts them, has to choose sides and sides with The Game, the same with the other members of The Kliq.

What if we see HHH & HBK vs Nash & Hall (I know, I know, it's like WTFish right now on so many levels) in a DX vs nWo bit with Sean Waltman refereeing?

What if we finally got that match between those two greatest stables of all time even in two on two form.

HBK should stay retired I know, Hall isnt in any condition to compete, I know, but what if he really got clean? And Michaels wanted to wrestle one more time? If that legitimately could happen would you like it? And what if it was just HHH/Waltman vs Nash/Hall with HBK as the guest referee instead? And Hall was really clean? And maybe a Kliq make up and reunion at the end of the match

Well, as for other matches on the card, they've teased it and it seems logical that Daniel Bryan is the one to not only defeat Mark Henry for the title, but make him tap out, now that would be a great WrestleMania moment for him.

And I still think on a more realistic level of what HHH can do at Mania that a Shane McMahon vs Triple H match with Stephanie involved in some way with Shane coming to claim inheritance of the company could work at Mania. A rivalry that has sensibility to it

With all that said I dont see what Orton's gonna do but it seems he wont be in a title match, maybe Orton vs Miz in a nice personal undercard feud

And I dont know if they will use a basket ball star or not, but I'm all for Show vs Shaq. Miz has said he wanted to fight Lebron though and since that name was there on WZ's column as another name being contemplated why not have one NBA star team up with Miz, being Shaq and just have Show & Lebron face them in a tag match at Mania I say

Divas wise I cant see Kelly Kelly being kept off the card, but a Natalya/Beth match as good as it sounds seems more likely to occur at SummerSlam for a few reasons, just as Michelle and Layla didnt implose at Mania, I dont think they'll have this duo feud there either, they just wont leave their female John Cena off the card. I'd not be surprised to see Trish (who said she'd like to face Kharma) team with Kelly, Eve, Alicia, AJ, The Bellas against Beth, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Tamina, Rosa a returning Kharma and wishful thinking, Chyna in a Barbies vs Pin-Up Strong 14 Diva Tag Team Match although I'd like to see Lita involved

I also in closing support the Cody Rhodes vs Goldust match Career vs Title, but with Dusty as the special guest referee, I see most on here have liked that idea too in discussion on it

If done right this Mania could actually rival X7 for greatest WrestleMania of all time, glad I'm goin
Sickjames your card is way too messy dude. Every match involves having somebody else involved, or ringside or referring.

Chaos does not always equal success and ratings.

The card needs to be simple.

I personally don't know where all the Chris Jericho vs CM Punk is coming from.

I'd personally much rather see Jericho face the Undertaker...

WM28 is going to draw massive and sell out regardless because of the rock. WWE would be invested in utlizing this chance to get over some younger talent.

Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler should be the big gains from this. That's my other problem with your card, it's basically like an attitude era card but what does that do for the current talent. It's a slap in their face.

I don't mind a HBK/HHH/Nash etc related match. But everything else needs to be kept simple.

Kane vs Undertaker I think is on the cards... Kane's return just smelt of Undertaker and it really did make me question is that Takers hair but it looks identical. I know it's Kane, I'm not on that whole it's Undertaker wearing Kane's suit thing, but the hair looks like Takers.

Punk vs Ziggler would steal the show.

Daniel Bryan should face Henry, but I think it's lost steam now. So I see the main event being made up of Henry/Orton/Wade/Sheamus whichever combo they run with.

Could care less for any divas match.

Cody Rhodes must defend the IC title at mania in a high profile match. I'd love it if Rey could return and a rematch happened for the IC title.

If Jericho does return then his match should be against the Miz. It'd be great stuff...very similar styles excellent promos.

Based on current situation, id have:

World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton vs Mark Henry (C)

WWE Championship

Dolph Ziggler *rumble winner* vs CM Punk (C)

Intercontinental Championship

Cody Rhodes (C) vs Daniel Bryan

Grudge Match

Triple H vs Nash - Special Ref HBK

The Miz vs Chris Jericho

Streak - Brother vs Brother III

Undertaker vs Kane - Taker loses FYI
(i only see it happening III if Undertaker is to lose)

Icon vs Icon

Rock vs Cena

# 1 Contendership

Wade Barrett vs Sheamus

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