*MERGED* General WrestleMania 27 Discussion & Predictions

Which rumored WM 27 match sounds like it will be the best?

  • The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE Title

  • Triple H vs Sheamus

  • Randy Orton vs CM Punk

  • The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett

Results are only viewable after voting.
Last year in my personal opinion, Wrestlemania 26 was on of the best Pay-Per-Views we have seen in a long long while. The feud between Bret Hart and Vince came to an end, Shawn Michaels faced Undertaker in perhaps his last, and perhaps greatest match, John Cena and Batista put on a quality match, (For once...) and let's not forget Edge and Chris Jericho's match.

Yet this Wrestlemania is lacking in terms of booking. In almost every match their was buildup, a back story, legit heat, and wild emotions. Cena was screwed out of his Championship from Batista at EC, Edge and Chris Jericho had always been feuding and since Edge was replaced by the Big Show for the Tag Team Titles it was so much more than just one championship match. And the squash match for Bret Hart against Vince, sure it was a good break to use the Restroom but at least it gave closure between Vince and Bret Hart.

This Wrestlemania however has some pretty weak feuds. The only biggest feud has to be Cena and Miz, and even that seems like stupid booking considering they could have easily just put Cena in a match against The Rock. Edge will defend his title against Alberto Del Rio, a man who didn't start bugging him until after he won the Rumble and hit him with a Guitar, since then, Christian has made a return as Edge's sidekick. And Triple H has a No Hold Barred match against the Undertaker, which even with a lack of buildup could be a very promising match.

Unless something major happens this week it would be safe to say I would not be ordering this year's Wrestlemania simply out of sheer boredom of the card. Anyone else agree that this years card does not stack up
Last year in my personal opinion, Wrestlemania 26 was on of the best Pay-Per-Views we have seen in a long long while. The feud between Bret Hart and Vince came to an end, Shawn Michaels faced Undertaker in perhaps his last, and perhaps greatest match, John Cena and Batista put on a quality match, (For once...) and let's not forget Edge and Chris Jericho's match.

Yet this Wrestlemania is lacking in terms of booking. In almost every match their was buildup, a back story, legit heat, and wild emotions. Cena was screwed out of his Championship from Batista at EC, Edge and Chris Jericho had always been feuding and since Edge was replaced by the Big Show for the Tag Team Titles it was so much more than just one championship match. And the squash match for Bret Hart against Vince, sure it was a good break to use the Restroom but at least it gave closure between Vince and Bret Hart.

This Wrestlemania however has some pretty weak feuds. The only biggest feud has to be Cena and Miz, and even that seems like stupid booking considering they could have easily just put Cena in a match against The Rock. Edge will defend his title against Alberto Del Rio, a man who didn't start bugging him until after he won the Rumble and hit him with a Guitar, since then, Christian has made a return as Edge's sidekick. And Triple H has a No Hold Barred match against the Undertaker, which even with a lack of buildup could be a very promising match.

Unless something major happens this week it would be safe to say I would not be ordering this year's Wrestlemania simply out of sheer boredom of the card. Anyone else agree that this years card does not stack up

I have to disagree with you on this one. I think this card looks like it could be very good. You have the two ME matches in Miz/Cena and Edge/Del Rio and the other "ME" in Taker/HHH. Those three alone should be pretty good. Add to that Sheamus/Bryan, Punk/Orton, and Rhodes/Mysterio (either of which could be a classic show-stealing match) and that is 6 matches which should at minimum, be good, if not better. Sure, the stuff with Snooki and LayCool could suck, but, if Morrison and Ziggler carry the action (as they should, and likely will), that one could be good as well. Also don't forget the build-up to Cole/Lawler. It won't be great wrestling-wise, but should be fun to watch.

The only match I am really not looking forward to is The Corre vs Show/Kane/etc (at least that is what everyone thinks will happen). Barrett should be defending the IC belt at WM, not participate in some dumb 8 man tag match.

Now to the predictions:

Del Rio over Edge.
Mix retains over Miz.
Bryan over Sheamus.
Taker over HHH.
Punk over Orton.
Rhodes over Mysterio
Morrison/et all over Ziggler/et all
Lawler over Cole.
The Corre loses to whover then end up facing.
this years WM will be insane I think. There are so much of back story for most of the matches and thats whats going to drive the show. In the top 3 ME matches there will be a twist in every one of those I guarantee it, and ill tell you that in my predictions. that is the only way this WM will have the chance at being great, is if there are so many twist and it leaves you on the edge of your seat at what could happen next. im talking major heel turns and new storylines for the new season. isnt the slogan for WM "Where it all begins again"... exactly

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Winner: Rey Mysterio

8-Man Tag Team Match:
Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and Ezekiel Jackson vs. Santino Marella, Vladamir Kozlov, Big Show and Kane
Winner:Santino Marella, Vladamir Kozlov, Big Show and Kane
at the end of the match the winners will all be dancing around the ring like fools, and then I think that Kane will go nuts and he will take out Big show and start a feud with him. Heel Kane is so much better than face Kane.

WWE United States Title Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Winner Daniel Bryan.... Personally I think this match could be one to remember.

6-Person Mixed Tag Team Match
Trish Stratus, Snooki & John Morrison vs. LayCool & Dolph Ziggler
Winner: Obviously Trish Stratus, Snooki & John Morrison. the WWE paid Snooki to be part of WM and thre is no way she will loose, I almost half expect The situation to show up and throw down in the ring at one point lol

Special Guest Referee: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
- Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Winner: Lawler plus Im sure that Cole and Swagger will get a whoopin by Stone Cold for some added entertainment.

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Winner: Orton

World Heavyweight Championship Match
- Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner: Edge.. But here is a Twist! Edge will win with Christian at ringside, Then at the end of the match Edge will be celebrating and then Christian Will turn heel on Edge, this wil create a long awaited storyline to take place and a great match for the title eventually. OOOR christian will interfere and cost Edge the Title. either way Christian will go heel at WM

No Holds Barred Match With “The Streak” On The Line
The Undertaker vs. Triple H
Winner: Undertaker 19-0 baby! I expect a lot of surprises in this match. but Shawn Michaels will for sure play his part. he'll probably end up super kicking HHH.

WWE Championship Match
- The Miz (c) vs. John Cena
Winner: John Cena. The Rock will come down and help him win. Then after he helps Cena win the Champinship, Cena will Turn and Give the Rock an AA, Thus starting the turn to the ever approaching heel. And it wont just be like its one move but he will beat down on the Rock real bad, and leave him in the ring at the end of WM.

Thats really all I got. What do you think?
A lot of fans out there don't like the fact that the possibility of an interference/run-in overshadows the actual quality of that very match.

Lets take a few matches from Mania for example :

Christian interfering in the Edge-Del Rio match
Shawn Michaels interfering in the Taker-HHH match
A returning Nexus member interfering in the Punk-Orton match
The Rock interfering in the Cena-Miz match

I for once love the unpredictability of this year's Mania. Instead of picking the obvious winner, we are thinking :

How will Christian be involved in the World Title match?

Will a returning Skip Sheffield aid CM Punk in his date with Orton? Or will a new associate debut and assist Punk to get the victory?

Triple H vs The Undertaker, The Undertaker to leave Mania XXVII with his streak intact everyone says, but how? Will Michaels help his best friend to end the legendary streak? Or will HBK kick The Game into a defeat at Wrestlemania? Will the Showstopper then come out of retirement?

How will the Cena vs Miz match turn out? What will The Rock do to the Homeless Power Ranger?

We are looking at innumerable possibilities that could happen at the Grandest Stage Of Them All. I like the aura of unpredictability surrounding the show on a card that looks simple to predict on paper.

Now onto the predictions :

Alberto Del Rio def. Edge to win the World Heavyweight Championship
The Undertaker def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley to go 19-0
The Miz def. John Cena to retain the WWE Championship
Jerry 'The King' Lawler def. Michael Cole
Randy Orton def. CM Punk
Sheamus def. Daniel Bryan to keep the United States Championship strap
Kane, Big Show, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov def. The Corre
Rey Mysterio def. Cody Rhodes
Trish Stratus, John Morrison and Snooki def. Lay-Cool and Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero
I've heard a lot of negativety regarding this years Wrestlemania card. i however must congratulate WWE on producing a card where NO ONE knows what is going to happen.

First off - The streak - Endless numbers of people have said the streak will never be broken, some say Undertaker should retire undefeated on the grandest stage of them all and others say he should lose and give the 'rub' to a younger superstar.

Regardless of your personal views on this - what the WWE has done well the last 4-5 years is build that it is possible for the Undertakers opponent to win.

No one in thier right mind should see Undertaker losing, however on the last 3 occasions I have legitemately thought it was going to end.

Do you feel the Undertakers streak gets the right build?
Does it get you believing he COULD lose?

Secondly - CM Punk, Cole and The Miz - Both of these superstars have had a very good last 3-4months.

The WWE has built them as genuine heels who draw legit heat, instead of the type of heel who slags off the hometown football team. People genuinly HATE them. CM Punk and The Miz both have great careers ahead of them and I feel when (hope its not for a long time) they turn face either one could be THE face of the company.

Do you feel either of these superstars has what it takes to be THE face of WWE?

Finally (pun intended) - The Rock - Cena situation.

All I have to say about this is I think its been handled very well and to those who say it will not have a pay off, or The Rock is going to leave - OR whatever other thoughts have gone through your head - I just say to you sit back and enjoy it - dont over think it, it may start to hurt.

Respectfully, I disagree. And I honestly have a polar opposite viewpoint.

I don't doubt for a minute that the Streak will live on - as it should. There's no reason to ever have it end until the Undertaker calls it quits. And then let it be the 'thing' that truly identifies him. For me, this Wrestlemania Rewind is an awkward, hastily put-together Plan C.

The CM Punk/Orton confrontation is one I sincerely look forward to. Two compelling characters who can go in the ring, what's not to like?

As for the Miz? He's an afterthought in his own championship match - a mistake on WWE's part. They should have just booked Cena/Rock for their biggest event and had Miz fight Morrison for the Championship, at least the title would be more than lost in the shuffle.

To me, using Wrestlemania to build for something down the road disrespects the history of Wrestlemania.

And don't even get me started on the Michael Cole, Snooki nonsense. Bad ideas getting in the way of good wrestling.

Creative has nothing for half of the roster, but this junk gets booked on the card?


I look forward to a fresh start after Wrestlemania.
i do not know if it is just me but i am not looking forward to wm27 than was for wm26, i do not know what it is. i am looking forward to the miz and john cena match and the heavyweight title match but the main focus has been the undertaker/triple h match. it sounds great but it is overshadowing all the other matches and feuds.
Respectfully, I disagree. And I honestly have a polar opposite viewpoint.

I don't doubt for a minute that the Streak will live on - as it should. There's no reason to ever have it end until the Undertaker calls it quits. And then let it be the 'thing' that truly identifies him. For me, this Wrestlemania Rewind is an awkward, hastily put-together Plan C.

The CM Punk/Orton confrontation is one I sincerely look forward to. Two compelling characters who can go in the ring, what's not to like?

As for the Miz? He's an afterthought in his own championship match - a mistake on WWE's part. They should have just booked Cena/Rock for their biggest event and had Miz fight Morrison for the Championship, at least the title would be more than lost in the shuffle.

And don't even get me started on the Michael Cole, Snooki nonsense. Bad ideas getting in the way of good wrestling.

I see what you mean about the streak build up being rushed - originally going to be Drew Macintyre then Wade Barrett - so in affect it is Plan C.

I just feel with the limited time (all creatives fault) they have redemed themselves somewhat.

Im from Scotland and have absolutely NO idea who Snooki is or what Jersey Shore is so that means nothing to me so on that point I agree.

The Cole situation intrigues me though as I really want to see him get his ass kicked but at the same time dont want it to be Lawyer or Stonecold who do it.

Here is me doing some of that thinking I warned others not to do - What if Swagger turned on Cole - a la the Hart family and Mcmahon (that sucked, however this could work).
I see what you mean about the streak build up being rushed - originally going to be Drew Macintyre then Wade Barrett - so in affect it is Plan C.

I just feel with the limited time (all creatives fault) they have redemed themselves somewhat.

The plans A & B I was actually referring to were Brock Lesnar (A) and Sting (B) but I remember Wade Barrett being mentioned. Honestly, in looking at this card, I see Vince McMahon going the ultra-conservative route for the most part, not appearing to trust his young talent.

Im from Scotland and have absolutely NO idea who Snooki is or what Jersey Shore is so that means nothing to me so on that point I agree.

Consider yourself lucky. I am embarrassed as an American that such a group of fools as the Jersey Shore cast exists, much less has an even bigger 'Ship of Fools' who care what they say or do.

The Cole situation intrigues me though as I really want to see him get his ass kicked but at the same time dont want it to be Lawyer or Stonecold who do it.

I'll be happy when this whole thing is over and Cole goes back to being just another announcer. I'd like to see the person who came up with the idea that someone would tune in to see what an announcer does fired. Probably the same person wwho thought that a single person would buy Wrestlemania because the Jersey Troll was on it.

Here is me doing some of that thinking I warned others not to do - What if Swagger turned on Cole - a la the Hart family and Mcmahon (that sucked, however this could work).

Eh, I'd much rather see Jack Swagger performing in the ring as a 'wrestler' than the 'nothing for ya' role that 'creative' has saddled him with.

After Wrestlemania, I'd like to see some of the idiots in creative get future endeavored.
First off - The streak - Endless numbers of people have said the streak will never be broken, some say Undertaker should retire undefeated on the grandest stage of them all and others say he should lose and give the 'rub' to a younger superstar.

Regardless of your personal views on this - what the WWE has done well the last 4-5 years is build that it is possible for the Undertakers opponent to win.

No one in thier right mind should see Undertaker losing, however on the last 3 occasions I have legitemately thought it was going to end.

Do you feel the Undertakers streak gets the right build?
Does it get you believing he COULD lose?

I haven't believed in any opponent against the Undertaker since he faced Randy Orton. Undertaker is a company man, and if he's going to allow anyone to break the streak it would be a younger Superstar that's going to be in the company for a VERY VERY long time. Someone like The Miz, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, etc will break the streak before some old man WAY past his prime will.

Secondly - CM Punk, Cole and The Miz - Both of these superstars have had a very good last 3-4months.

The WWE has built them as genuine heels who draw legit heat, instead of the type of heel who slags off the hometown football team. People genuinly HATE them. CM Punk and The Miz both have great careers ahead of them and I feel when (hope its not for a long time) they turn face either one could be THE face of the company.

Do you feel either of these superstars has what it takes to be THE face of WWE?

CM Punk is best used as a heel, he always has been. Cole is boring as a face. We haven't really gotten to see an awesome Miz run, as he's doing the typical heel start. Nearly every Face of the company was one a face before his rise to stardom.

Finally (pun intended) - The Rock - Cena situation.

All I have to say about this is I think its been handled very well and to those who say it will not have a pay off, or The Rock is going to leave - OR whatever other thoughts have gone through your head - I just say to you sit back and enjoy it - dont over think it, it may start to hurt.

This has been absolutely amazing. The only thing I don't understand is the heelish act Cena committed this past Monday when Rocky just got done with a 2v1 only to come in and get the Attitude Adjuster. Otherwise, I have ZERO complaints with this entire feud.

I haven't gotten out of my couch seat in over 4 years to yell for John Cena and bitch at those "hurting" him, however I have several times in the past month. The Rock, Cena, and Miz promos have all given me chills, they've been phenomenal; and to top it all off surprisingly The Miz has cut the most entertaining promos in my opinion.
The plans A & B I was actually referring to were Brock Lesnar (A) and Sting (B) but I remember Wade Barrett being mentioned. Honestly, in looking at this card, I see Vince McMahon going the ultra-conservative route for the most part, not appearing to trust his young talent.

I've never seen any proof that Brock Lesnar or Sting were ever approached. I do see that these would both be bigger drawing matches then HHH v Taker.

But like I said I believe it all just to be internet hype running away with itself - The reason I say that is because if WWE actually approached Sting, TNA would have him conducting an interview in an instant saying this to be the case to get one 'over' on WWE. Anyway im going majorly off point here so im going to shut up
I've never seen any proof that Brock Lesnar or Sting were ever approached. I do see that these would both be bigger drawing matches then HHH v Taker.

There was video of the Undertaker himself talking to Lesnar following his MMA loss. And there were follow-up stories regarding Lesnar being allowed to participate. As for Sting, nothing 'official' was ever mentioned. But that's not surprising as I wouldn't expect the WWE to ever admit that they talked to him but couldn't come to an agreement.

I think either one of those matchups - among others - would be preferable to the Wrestlamania Rewind we're getting. And does anyone think that it's merely coincidence that this thing was turned into a No Holds Used.... er Barred Match in order to minimize both participants' in-ring shortsomings?

But like I said I believe it all just to be internet hype running away with itself - The reason I say that is because if WWE actually approached Sting, TNA would have him conducting an interview in an instant saying this to be the case to get one 'over' on WWE. Anyway im going majorly off point here so im going to shut up

TNA had him allude to as much upon his return, and Sting may be hesitant to go any further, considering that one never wants to completely burn any bridges in the wrestling business. He may yet do business with Vince McMahon and it makes little sense to embarrass the man in some TNA interview.
I have rather mixed feelings going into this Wrestlemania. Triple H VS Undertaker has been way overhyped, Miz shouldn’t even BE champion, and there are a few matches on the card that I honestly could do without, but I am still going into the show with an open mind because I am brand loyal to Wrestlemania and therefore it is going to take A LOT for them to lose me as a fan. The Rock being the guest host is also going to help generate a lot of positives. I’d rather he be facing Cena in a dream match but there’s always Summerslam or even next year’s Wrestlemania. I don’t think it will be anywhere near as good as last year’s show, but it will likely still be the best show of this year due to having some potentially good matches and a lot of big names on this card. Looking forward to watching and reviewing it.

Here is my final list of predictions. I posted in each thread and also submitted an article to the homepage with my thoughts on each match, but if you want the short version then here it is:

Alberto Del Rio will win the World Championship.
John Cena will win the WWE Championship.
The Undertaker will defeat Triple H.
Jerry Lawler will defeat Michael Cole.
Randy Orton will defeat CM Punk.
Cody Rhodes will defeat Rey Mysterio.
John Morrison, Trish, and Snooki will defeat Ziggler, Michelle, and Layla.
Sheamus will retain the US Championship.
The Corre will defeat Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Kozlov.
Alright guys. WM is only a few days away. Now out of all the feuds which one do you all think has had the best build?

I'm going to have to go with Orton/Punk. It's a feud that has been three years in the making and has come to full fruition. Both men have done a tremendous job in building this into a very personal and intense feud that feels very real. You really get the feeling that they want to destroy each other in the ring. Also the whole chess match duel of them one upping the other every week makes this feud very even and can go either way. Hopefully this is the Jericho/Shawn for this event.
If I'm booking this, all the heels go over.

The Corre, Rhodes, Miz, Del Rio, Punk etc.

If they're serious about building new stars, let the new guys (all heels interestingly) beat the faces of the WWE and make a statement.
Alberto Del Rio will win the World Championship.
John Cena will win the WWE Championship.
The Undertaker will defeat Triple H.
Jerry Lawler will defeat Michael Cole.
Randy Orton will defeat CM Punk.
Cody Rhodes will defeat Rey Mysterio.
John Morrison, Trish, and Snooki will defeat Ziggler, Michelle, and Layla.
Sheamus will retain the US Championship.
The Corre will defeat Kane, Big Show, Santino, and Kozlov.

My predictions are the same except the Cody vs Rey match (I don't expect Rey's face to be exposed as it might happen if he takes the L) and the last 8 man tag team match between Corre and K/BS/S/K (at least I feel it's been built like that since Corre's gang mentality will have plenty of satisfaction for buyers if they get what they have coming to them).

And anyone knows when WM starts CET time?
The Rock, as Guest Host, will enter himself in the Miz vs Cena match and win the WWE Championship.
Alberto Del Rio defeats Edge to win the World Heavyweight Championship (after interference from Christian).
The Undertaker defeats Triple H (after interference from Shawn Michaels).
Jerry Lawler defeats Michael Cole (bring on the twenty stunners in a row!).
Randy Orton defeats CM Punk (what a waste).
Cody Rhodes defeats Rey Mysterio.
John Morrison, Trish, and Snooki defeat Ziggler and LayCool (during my bathroom break).
Sheamus defeats Daniel Bryan to retain the United States Championship (while I cry with anguish).
The Corre defeat Kane, Big Show, Marella and Kingston (while I fetch snacks from the kitchen)

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