Wrestlemania 26 General Discussion

The WWE landscape has changed a bit so here's what I think has changed and what can happen to make these big money matches happen. The other matches will materialize on their own when the major matches are in place.

WWE Championship
John Cena (c) vs. Batista
My guess is that Cena will challenge Batista himself for a match at Wrestlemania with the idea being that he hasn't forgotten about the Animal beating him at Summerfest 2008.
Cena avenges his loss to Batista

World Heavyweight Title
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge vs. CM Punk
Jericho will win the WHT at the Elimination Chamber. Punk will be granted a rematch. Edge who has already won the Royal Rumble, wants to face Jericho so he runs into their match. Presto-change-o....Punk is interjected into the match.
Jericho retains fazing Punk out of the feud with more focus on Jericho-Edge

"Hulkamania" vs. "The Streak"
Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker
All of this in contingent on whether how well Hogan's Austrailian tour goes. Based on how Hogan was tenatively penciled in for XXV to face Cena or Jericho very quickly only to back out because of his back it is certainly possible for him to jump on board. The Deadman certainly needs a uber over opponent to challenge his streak. Hogan was the symbol of what Wrestlemania was all about in it's first decade, essentially before Undertaker got there. Huge money match, not expected to steal the show but Hogan's name should help the buyrate and give an exciting fresh match-up for fans.

Shawn Micheals vs. Triple H
At some point these two will begin to both vie for championship gold once the road to Wrestlemania gets underway expect Triple H to turn heel (if only for the angle) to give people an interesting dynamic to the match.

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase
A Ted face turn is rumor and imminent. Expected around the Royal Rumble so while Orton may be the top dog in WWE he'll be able to give a rub to Ted in this semi-main event match.
Assuming neither Hogan, Rock, Bret Hart, Sting, or Austin will not be in the card.

Match 10: WWE Championship
John Cena(c) vs. Rey Mysterio
- I think with the new PG rating and WWE targeting a younger demographic, I think for them Cena vs. Mysterio Main Eventing WM will be a dream match and generate strong buy rates to WWE fans since Mysterio and Cena are most bankable stars for the younger group. Also this match hasnt happened yet so that alone could be fan fare enough. A back and fourth match Mysterio wins the WWE Title at 20 mins.

Match 9: World Heavyweight Championship
Batista(c) vs. Triple H
- The 2005 Re-Match, I think with Batista being on RAW for the better part of 2008 and 2009 the intention was to have a HHH vs. Batista match up. I think they could play around the 5 year history and have the WM rematch at WM26. Obviously Triple H wins this at 16 mins.

Match 8: Triple Threat Match: ECW Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth vs. William Regal(c)
- A Battle Royale before WM26, where Kingston and Truth eliminate each other at the same time. Like all ECW Matches this will be short Kingston and R-Truth showing all their stuff until Kozlov and Jackson interfere to get Regal disqualified at 4 mins.

Match 7: Inter-Promotional Grudge Match
CM Punk vs. Shawn Michaels
- With Punk's straight edge heel character and Michaels being all Christian but doing his DX Stint I am guessing it would be a good feud to have Punk attack Micahels' DX lifestyle and saying he's not sincere of being a Christian. Michaels wins it at a roll up at 18 mins. Punk is livid and GTS HBK after the match.

Match 6: Lumber Jill Match - Diva's Champion vs. Women's Champion
Gail Kim vs. Mileena
- Inter-Promotional Match with 2 great WWE Divas. Mileena wins this in 6 mins.

Match 5: Will the Streak Survive?
The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho
- The fued that has yet to happen, I think eventually this will come into play probably by time at WM. Of course Taker wins this in 14 mins.

Match 4: The Legacy Shakedown
Randy Orton vs. Ted Debiase w/ The Million Dollar Man
- Somewhere down the line their relationship deteriorates. Leading to a long build to WM26. All feel The Million Dollar Man will be inducted at the next HOF, with him in the HOF they could play that in the story to get the rivalry heated. Debiase tries his best but Orton distracts young Ted on a fallen Million Dollar Man capitalizing and wins it at 14 mins.

Match 3: United States Championship
The Big Show(c) vs. Evan Bourne
- David vs. Goliath. Despite Bourne's effort Goliath wins it in a 7 min match.

Match 2: Money in the Bank Ladder Match
MVP vs. The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin
- MVP wins this after 13 mins and eventually heel turn when he wins the title. Let's face it MVP is better as a heel.

Match 1: Unified WWE Tag Team Championship
Christian and ??? vs. Vladamir Kozlov and Ezikel Jackson(c)
- Somewhere down the line Kozlov and Jackson wins the Tag Titles. Having a rivalry with Christian in the ECW Show. Christian challenges Kozlov and Jackson for the Tag titles. This is the opening match at OMG!!!! its EDGE, crowd pops Edge returns with Christian. In a 10 min match Edge and Christian win the tag titles at WM26!!!
Of course everything depends on who wins the Rumble, but here are my predictions:

WWE Championship Triple Threat Match

Randy Orton (C) vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

Winner: Randy Orton

I can't see HBK and HHH staying out of the title picture forever, after they get past legacy, they both are gonna after Orton. I see them both entering the Rumble and either they are Co-Winners or they are eliminated together and this sparks a feud. Likely the latter, and tensions escalate during the elimination chamber. This would set up another long feud between the two.
I think Orton will win because I can't see him losing two Manias in a row. And clearly I think Orton will regain the Title from Cena either at HIAC, RR or NWO. I could also see this as a great way to use Bret Hart, as a Special Guest Referee possibly.

World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Undertaker (C) vs. Chris Jericho

Winner: The Undertaker

I can very easily see Jericho winning the Rumble or starting a feud with Taker after he and Show lose the tag straps. Although if Edge comes back healthy it would make sense, that he and Jericho would feud, but I think that will come after WM.

Batista vs. CM Punk

Winner: Batista

Strap Match or Bullrope Match

Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes

Winner: Ted Dibiase

I think everyone thinks that Dibiase is gonna feud with Orton first, but I think he and Rhodes will and then Dibiase will be challenging Orton. Possibly winning the WWE Championship at Backlash. But I think they drag it out a bit more.

United States Championship Match

Jack Swagger (C) vs. John Cena

Winner: Jack Swagger

I think after Cena loses the title back to Orton he's gonna be demoted a bit, he has won many big matches at Mania it's time for him to put somebody over for once, and Swagger is a great opponent for him.

Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match

MVP & Mark Henry (C) vs. The Big Show & Kane vs. Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty

Winners: The Hart Dynasty

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Matt Hardy

Winner: John Morrison

Intercontinental Championship 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match

Dolph Ziggler (C) vs. Rey Mysterio

Winner: Rey Mysterio

2nd Miss Wrestlemania Battle Royale

Winner: Michelle McCool

That's all I got so far.
OK, we're now getting to the time of year when the realistic possibilities are becoming a little clearer;

Main Event: John Cena v Undertaker - Simply the biggest drawing match available with the current roster (Cena-Batista being the only thing that might come close) and the crowd reaction would be insane, no need for this to be a title match though, it will be the main attraction regardless.

HBK's Retirement Match: Triple H v Shawn Michaels - This DX run will more than likely end in one more feud between the two, and a short term HHH heel turn, as unusual as it is for someone to win there final match, I think Shawn would win this then of course there would be the handshake etc afterwards with HHH going back babyface.

WWE Title: Randy Orton v MVP - I think Orton will regain the title before WM and out of the few possibilities of fresh opponents on RAW, MVP I think is the most logical choice, plus he's 35 already, if they're gonna push him to the next level, they need to do it quick.

World Title: CM Punk v John Morrison - Seems logical, they've had Morrison beat him numerous times in non-title matches, I think Morrison's big moment and first World title win will be here.

E&C Reunite: Edge & Christian v Chris Jericho & Big Show - You could just as easily have Edge v Jericho as the SD World title match, but I think they should save their one on one programme for later on, with Edge's injury troubles, it makes sense to ease him back in with a lighter tag schedule and teaming back up with Christian would get a huge reaction from the crowd no doubt, as well as give Christian his first real main event level push since his return.

Grudge Match: Batista v Rey Mysterio - Batista is definitely gonna turn heel on Rey I think, this could be an interesting feud, I think they've planned on doing it at different points in the last few years but injuries to them both means they keep postponing it.

MITB: Kofi Kingston v Shelton Benjamin v Evan Bourne v Matt Hardy v Jack Swagger v Dolph Ziggler v The Miz v Carlito - Kofi & Swagger I see as being the most likely winners.

Tag Titles: Legacy v Hart Dynasty - Don't know how the heel v heel dynamic would work, but seems like a natural feud eventually, maybe Legacy have split from Orton and turned babyface by this point.

Womens/Divas Title Unification Match: Melina v Mickie James v Gail Kim v Maryse v Natalya v Michelle McCool - WWE simply doesn't have enough female talent to have 2 womens divisions, but they have more than enough to have one strong division, so just unify the titles.
This isn't as much of a prediction as it is how I would book it.

Main Event
WWE Championship Vs The Career
Triple H(c) Vs HBK
Result: HHH wins. Neither man is a heel in this match even though the crowd would probably get behind HBK. They have a 40 minute classic to send HBK off into retirement. HHH wins the belt from Orton at the Royal Rumble. HBK wins the Royal Rumble to setup the match.

Semi Main Event
World Championship Match
CM Punk(c) Vs John Morrison
Result: John Morrison wins in a 30 minute classic.

No Holds Barred
John Cena Vs Batista
Result: John Cena wins in a 20 minute brawl. The feud starts at RR after Batista eliminates Cena and then Cena pulls down the rope to Eliminate Batista. They resume the feud they had when Cena broke his neck.

Special Guest Referee - Cody Rhodes
Randy Orton Vs Ted Dibiase
Result: Dibiase wins after Rhodes screws Orton. Dibiase established himself as one of the top heels while Orton turns face. They are given a good 15 minute in the ring to work with.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler(c) Vs Matt Hardy
Winner: Dolph Ziggler in a 12-15 minute match. Ziggler wins the belt from Morrison eventually as Morrison starts getting the main event push.

Undertaker's Last Match
Undertaker Vs Kane
Result: Undertaker wins in a 8-10 minute match. Have each man survive the tombstone then Undertaker reverses Kane's second one to win the match. The match is kept short due to both men's physical condition at the moment.

US Championship Match
The Miz Vs MVP
Winner: MVP in 15 minutes. Maryse is inserted into this feud as Miz's love interest. MVP turns heel at the end of the year and the 2 of them start tagging. As the time goes by MVP doesn't like that Maryse is getting in between them as she costs them the tag titles by accident. Miz slowly starts turning face as he takes a beat down to save Maryse. This costs them another tag team match making MVP pissed off and he roughs Maryse up in the ring. This leads to Miz coming out and attacking MVP which leads to this match. Maryse turns on The Miz during the match helping MVP win the belt.

Tag Team Titles Match
E&C Reunited
Chris Jericho(c) & The Big Show(c) Vs Edge & Christian
Winner: E & C in a back and forth match. I'd give them 15-18 minutes in the ring to work with.

ECW Championship Match
Extreme Rules
William Regal(c) Vs R-Truth
Winner: R-Truth in a 10 minute match. R-Truth is sent to ECW at the end of the year due to getting no push on SD. Regal wins the belt from Christian by that time as well.

Diva/Women's Championship Unification Match
Michelle McCool Vs Micky James
Winner: Michelle McCool in a short 5-7 minute match.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Shelton Benjamin Vs Kofi Kingston Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Jack Swagger Vs Evan Bourne Vs Drew McIntyre Vs Mark Henry Vs Sheamus
Winner: Rey Mysterio in a 20 minute spot fest as usual.

Here is my predicted wrestlemania card:

WWE Championship Match (if shawn micheals loses he will be forced to retire) No DQ:

Triple H (c) Vs Shawn Micheals
Triple H wins in a 30-40 minute match. We see Shawn Micheals give his retirement speech to the crowd as wrestlemania 26 ends.To end the the show DX does suck it one last time. Shawn Micheals get inducted into the hall of fame the night before wrestlemania

World HeavyWeight Championship Match

Batista Vs John Cena (c)
These two are the last two in the rumble in which Batista wins. John Cena wins the tatle at Elimination Chamber and challenges Batista at wrestlemania. Batista wins the title after a 20-25 minute match

Intercontential Championship Match

John Morrison (c) Vs Rey Mysterio Vs CM Punk
Rey Mysterio and Cm Punk start a fued at the start of 2010. John Morrison enters the fued after he saves rey mysterio from an attack. Cm Punk wins the title in a 10-15 minute match.

Undertaker Wrestlemania Streak Match

Undertaker Vs Kane
Undertaker and Kane start a fued at the rumble, Undertaker wins in a 10-15 minute match extending his streak to 18-0

The End Of Legacy

Randy Ortan Vs Ted Dibiase Vs Cody Rhodes

These three have a long fued which includes all three fathers being beaten up. Ted Dibiase wins in a 15-20 minute match to give him main event status

Unified Tag Team Championship Match
Big Show and Jericho (c) Vs Edge and Christian
Edge eliminates Jericho in the rumble and also eliminates the Big Show at Elimination Chamber. Edge and Christian win in a 10-15 minute match finnally ending Jerishows reign

United States Championship Ladder Match

The Miz Vs Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy gets the win when Jeff hardy returns. 5-10 minute match

Unified Womans Chamionship Lumberjill Match

Trish Stratus Vs Beth Phoniex
Trish returns when Beth wins titles. Beth wins a 5 minute match

Money in the bank match

Finlay Vs Shelton Benjiam Vs MVP VS Jack Swagger Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Mark Henry Vs Drew Macienture Vs Kofi Kingston Vs The Great Khali

Dolph Ziggler wins in a 10 minute match
This list of matches won't happen, but I can dream.

World Heavyweight Championship: Main Event: Egs vs Chris Jericho
This story is already written. Edge returns and is pissed off with Jericho, who has recently won the World Heavyweight Champion (around Royal Rumble) and has been running his mouth about Edge. Edge returns the night after the Rumble, wins a no#1 contenders match and then wins the Elimination Chamber to set up the match with Jericho at 'Mania.

WWE Championship: HHH vs Batista vs Shawn Michaels
HBK wins the title from whoever at the TLC thing as a reward for all his years of service. Batista wins the Royal Rumble as a reward for all his years of service and chooses HBK as an opponent. HHH wins the Elimination Chamber because he's the Game. Three friends all against each other at WrestleMania, but as the bout gets closer all hell breaks loose with everyone of them desperate for the belt. No one is a heel. The crowd can decide on the night who gets cheered for, creating a great atmosphere.

Undertaker vs John Cena
Easily set up too. After Cena loses out narrowly in the Elimination Chamber, he says he needs somethinh to do at 'Mania, and what better way to test himself than face the Undertaker himself. Undertaker accepts. A series of one upmanship follows then after Cena ends the streak, they shake hands. Epic WrestleMania type match.

Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase
The Dibiase turn better not be rushed with a quick defeat to Orton. It needs to be done on this stage, and he has to look extremely good if he is to lose.

IC Title: CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio
This match could steal the show. These two would work so well together and. again, it requires simple booking. After the two miss ut on the title matches, Punk turns his anti-drug speeches against Mysterio, who failed the test. Punk can beat Morrison for the IC title, through cheating of course, and Mysterio steps up to face him at'Mania.

Divas: Battle royale
I think they said it was going to be annual. If so, this. If not, Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James. Nobody else can hold a candle to those two.

Tag Titles: Cryme Tyme vs Hart Dynasty
They've feuded all year, but this is the only way to get both teams on. Cryme Tyme can capitalise on the JeriShow eventual fall out and capture the gold.

US Title: Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger vs Cody Rhodes
Swagger can attempt to slam Henry, giving him his first of the hopeful many WrestleMania moments. Cody can keep out the way whilst the two giants go at it, and keep trying to sneak the win.

MitB: Kofi Kingston vs The Miz vs John Morrison vs Kane vs Mike Knox vs MVP vs Dolph Ziggler vs Zach Ryder
Your usual huge clusterfuck. Kofi to steal the show, Morrison to be on the verge of winning it but loses it to Miz. Miz then becomes the first person to not win the title with it. Depending on how big McIntyre and Escobar get, they could well be in this match.

ECW Title: Christian vs Shelton Benjamin
Most of the IWC get the match that will give them wet dreams, I get the opportunity for a piss break. Preferably ends with Hornswoggle winning the title.
World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. John Morrison

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

WWE Tag Team Championship: Chris Jericho and The Big Show (c) vs. Edge and Christian

WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Ted Dibiase
Special Guest Referee: Cody Rhodes

Beth Phoenix vs. Trish Stratus

John Cena vs. The Undertaker

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio

Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Evan Bourne vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Eric Escobar
Undertaker pins Cena to win the WWE title and keep the streak alive (this kicks off a series of matches between the two with Cena eventually defeating the Undertaker to get the title back)

Batista pins Rey to retain the World title

Orton vs. DiBiase

DX vs. Jericho & Big Show (possibly Edge interferes if he's ready to come back)

Money in the Bank: 3-peat for Punk??
here is my prediction for this years WM card.
main event:
John Cena v. Batista (world heavyweight championship)
i could see Batista winning the title in the very near future and holding it until wrestlemania. Cena then wins the Royal Rumble and chooses to face Batista at Mania.
Cena wins. Phoenix goes nuts. all is right in the world of WWE

Randy Orton v. Ted Dibiase wwe title
There is no way i can see Ted going over. i have my doubts about this one, but can't really think of any other title match for Raw for reasons i'll make more clear in a moment.

Triple H v. Shawn Michaels.
this could go one of two ways. either a match out of respect to "tear the house down" and "steal the show" or one turns on the other and its a grudge.

Chris Jericho v. Edge
This one is pretty obvious. Edge can return to face jericho and become a face. whatever.

Money in the bank.
Morrison v. Miz v. Ziggler v. MVP v. Matt Hardy v. Kofi v. Shelton v. Zach Ryder
Morrison will win this.

there will be some sort of diva match. Maybe a Champion v. Champion match or something

CM Punk v. Rey Mysterio
I could see this sunday being the start of a grudge. Based on Mysterio costing punk the belt or something.

Christian v. Sheamus
I could see christian losing to Regal, trading the ECW belt back and forth a few times, ultimately winning, then by NWO starting to feud with the giant Irishman

Vince v. Undertaker.
Vince has faced Hogan and Michaels at WM and Trips in a PPV match. as well as having one of the greatest feuds ever with Stone Cold Steve Austin. I think its time to face the Undertaker.
WWE Championship - Retirement Match
Triple H(c) vs Shawn Michaels

HHH wins the title back at the Royal Rumble. HBK then goes on and wins the Elimination Chamber Match at No Way Out/Elimination Chamber, well HHH retains. Within the next few weeks, Hunter tries to convince Shawn to go Smackdown, like he did with Batista. Michaels eventually says he is going to retire and wants to face Hunter at Mania. However, rather then showing respect HHH gets angry and pedigrees Shawn. This leads to them Heel vs Face into Mania. Then, HBK wins the match after 30 minutes of back and forth action between the two. Post-match, Hunter and HBK both celebrate, and then with HBK retired they would end up going into a tournament to determine the new champion starting the next night. (Also, I think if WWE manages to keep the whole guest host concept HBK could become the new GM).

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk(c) vs Batista

This rivalry leads up with Punk becoming the new champ at "TLC" in December, and Undertaker eventually getting taken out of the picture (Will explain how later...). Batista is the last man in the Royal Rumble with Shawn Michaels, and is eventually eliminated by HBK. However, the next month at No Way Out, as CM Punk retains his title Batista wins a tournament to get him a World Title shot at Mania. The next week Punk begins to accuse Batista of getting his big muscles from steroids... Batista is enraged, and confronts Punk. This goes on for weeks, and eventually CM Punk gets a bodyguard (Unsure who that could be) and he injures Batista. Just a couple weeks before Mania, the bodyguard is: 1) Banned from ringside at WrestleMania and 2) Not allowed, along with CM Punk, to lay a hand on Batista or Punk will forfeit the title and will not compete at Mania. Then, at Mania Batista and Punk have Punk with most control well focused on Batista's "Injured neck". However, Batista begins to fight back. But, when going for a spear Punk avoids it and 'Tista hits his head in the corner. Punk rolls him up and gets the pinfall around 15-20 minutes in.

Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase vs Cody Rhodes

At No Way Out/Elimination Chamber, Randy Orton demanded Ted and Cody to help in his match against Triple H so he can win the title back. As Legacy is ringside, Cody is about to interfere but Ted isn't going to. So, Cody doesn't. Randy gets pissed and yells at Ted from in the ring, and once he turns is hit with the pedigree and is defeated. Post-match Cody checks on Randy well Ted is in the corner. Once Randy is back up, he pushes Cody away and gets in Ted's face. He starts to yell at him, and slaps him across the face. This causes the two to begin to brawl. However, Randy misses a clothesline on Ted and accidentally hits Cody. Ted hits his finisher and walks out. This leads in the upcoming weeks Randy beginning to get angry with Cody as well because he won't help him in his beatdowns of Ted. In one match, its Cody and Randy vs Ted in a handicap match, but once Cody doesn't listen to Randy, he is RKO'd. This causes an altercation between all three, and it later leads to a triple threat match being set up for Mania. In the match, Orton has control at the start, then it transitions between Cody and Ted. Orton is double teamed, up until Cody turns his attention to Ted. Randy hits an RKO out of nowhere on Cody, but Ted gets the Dream Street on Randy and wins the match around 20 minutes.

Undertaker vs Mr. McMahon

At TLC, Undertaker loses the World title in a TLC Match to CM Punk. At Royal Rumble, Taker is in a match attempting to regain the title, and once again Scott Armstrong is the referee. During the match, Punk knocks Taker out of the ring, and Scott begins to count (slightly fast) as Taker is starting to get back up, Vince is coming down to the ring. As Taker reaches his feet and Scott is up to an 8 count, Vince hits Taker from behind. However, Scott doesn't call a disqualification and finishes the count. As Punk walks out with Vince Taker is sitting up pissed off. He gets back in the ring and chokeslams Scott. This leads on Smackdown, Vince telling Teddy Long to suspend the Undertaker. Teddy does. With 3 weeks before Mania, Kane (turning face) goes into Teddy's office and grabs him by the throat. He tells him he has a message from Taker and that's he demands to have his suspension lifted and to face Vince at Mania, or both of them will forever Rest in Peace. Teddy listens, and later that night announces it. Vince is about to overthrow it when Kane comes down to the ring and chokeslams him. The next week, Vince says that Kane has been suspended and he will not face Taker at Wrestle Mania. However, the lights go out and Taker appears in ring when they are back on. He grabs Vince by the throat and lifts him up high. He says something to him, and chokeslams him down. This leads on with Vince accepting the match, and if Taker loses he is out of the WWE for good. At Mania, Taker dominates the match completely with Vince getting a few cheap shots here and there, but eventually Taker finishes him off with a tombstone in the middle of the ring around 10 minutes and wins.

United States Championship
The Miz(c) vs John Cena

Basically in this feud, Miz starts stuff up with Cena again, and saying that now Miz is a champion and Cena is still a loser. This brings Cena out, and says if Miz is so confident, he can put that title on the line at Mania against Cena. Basically a squash match, as Cena wins with the Attitude Adjustment in just under 3 minutes.

Unified Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Big Show(c) vs Edge and Christian

At the Royal Rumble, Edge returns and eliminates both Jericho and Show. As recently Christian has been taken out of the ECW Title picture and is just fading out and was eliminated earlier on in the Rumble match. After Edge doesn't win the rumble, he is beat down in the following weeks by Jericho and Show. However, Edge manages to beat them both in singles matches, but loses a handicap match. This has Edge challenge them to a match at WrestleMania for the Unified Tag Titles, and his partner is revealed the next week to be Christian, who is set up to face Big Show that night, and eventually finds a way to win. At Mania, in a pretty good match, Edge manages to hit a spear on Show, not knocking him down but enough to get him dazed, and Christian with a Killswitch and the team getting the win in about 9 minutes.

Non-Title Champion vs Champion Lumberjack Match
Diva's Champion Melina vs Women's Champion Beth Phoenix

Basically, brand supremacy between the Diva's. Melina gets attacked a lot in the match by the lumberjills but eventually manages to hit her finisher on Beth and get the pinfall.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus vs Shelton Benjamin vs MVP vs Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne

To determine who's in the match...
Raw 1st week: MVP defeats Chavo Guerrero
ECW 1st week: Sheamus defeats Goldust
SD 1st week: Dolph Ziggler defeats Finlay

Raw 2nd week: Evan Bourne defeats Chris Masters
SD 2nd week: Rey Mysterio defeats Eric Escobar

Raw 3rd week: Jack Swagger defeats Primo
ECW 2nd week: Shelton Benjamin wins a 8 man battle royal also featuring William Regal, Ezekial Jackson, Paul Burchill, Hurricane, Tyler Reks, Yoshi Tatsu, and DJ Gabriel.
SD 3rd week: John Morrison defeats Charlie Haas

The match features a lot of high spots as most of these guys are high flyers. The match comes to an end as Morrison delivers a Moonlight Drive off the ladder on Swagger, and Ziggler takes advantage with everybody down and takes the briefcase.

Extreme Rules Match for the ECW Championship
Zack Ryder(c) vs Tommy Dreamer

Basically, Zack Ryder is giving disrespect towards Dreamer, and insults him saying he is the only original ECW star, and he is officially an outsider. He doesn't deserve to be a part of ECW anymore. Dreamer steps up to him and says that if he thinks he's such a joke, he should face him in an extreme rules match. Claiming he is the true best and he can do anything (Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!). The match has some good spots in it including Dreamer throwing Zack through a table from inside the ring to the outside. The match ends when Ryder hits a Zack Attack (The leg lariat thing) on a sitting steel chair and gets the pin.

There's my Mania.
Ok check this out..
Im a firm believer that this wrestlemania is going to be a break out show for all the mid carders that they have been trying to push.
I think that they have been trying to give the midcarders more show time.
We got morrison, ziggler, mvp, the miz, swagger, legacy and who else you guys want to add on the converstation.
But i think that this guys are going to have a bright future ahead of them selves and i dont think im the only one thinking that hear on the forums.
If we try to push this guys to quick then people dont think that they are werthy of being in the main event but i really think by the time wrestlemania comes around this guys are going to be pushed to the sky and were going to be in for some new fresh fueds after wrestlemania 26

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