General Night of Champions Thread

I just hope that this year's NOC has more title changes than last years. A grand total of 1! (I'm not counting the ECW match becuase there was no champion at the time so...) Candice won the Women's title and that was it out of approx. 11 title matches. I also hope we don't have any legends challenging for titles either, i think we deserved better than Snuka and Slaughter v D&D but that's jus my opinion.

This year the only 99% guaranteed title change is likely to b Ted Dibiase Jr and his partner gettin the raw tag belts. We've also got a new champion to crown in the Divas Title which will most likely go to Natalya. But IMO the IC belt and the Smackdown tag belts need to change hands and i explain how and why in the threads for those matches.

Otherwise the PPV is 2 weeks away and the raw tag match is the only one with any real drawing power coz of the whole mystery partner bit. The main title matches have been done to death and blatently won't change hands, so i personally couldn't care less (that's if the ECW match even happens). Women's title is playing second bananna to the Melina/Phoenix rivalry so that'll get no decent build, and Matt isn't going to lose the US title in his second title defense in 2 months, and if his opponent is MVP again then see above for how i'd feel about that.

All in all i ask, why waste your hard earned money, JUST to see who the mystery partner is?
WWE Title Match: Triple H vs. John Cena. I see Triple H going over here. I read rumors on the site that Cena was going over to SmackDown! If that happens I'm unsure if the match will still take place. I see Batista coming over to Raw if Cena goes to SD. If the match becomes Triple H vs. Batista, Triple H will still go over. Also with the ending of Raw last week, Jeff Hardy could also find his way into the match.
Winner: Triple H

World Title Match: Edge vs. Batista. I see Edge going over here by his usual methods. La Familia gets involved and either Edge gets disqualified or he gets the cheap pin over Batista, but if Cena comes over to SD then the match could end up Edge vs. Batista vs. Cena or Edge vs. Cena if Batista goes over to Raw. Either way, Edge retains.
Winner: Edge, just so he can wait for Taker's return at SummerSlam.

IC Title: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels. Since Michaels got the win at Judgment Day and Jericho is now heel, I see Jericho going over in this match, which could end up MOTN.
Winner: Jericho by pinfall

US Title: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero. I don't see Hardy losing this match after his long-saught after major singles title win from BackLash. Chavo will probably get some help from Bam Neely, but Hardy wins.
Winner: Matt Hardy with the Twist of Fate

ECW Title: Kane vs. Big Show. This could also be a very good match. I'm not quite sure who is gonna win. The problem is, whoever loses, it will be difficult to find a good place for him. I will guess Big Show will become champion since Kane has had a solid reign.
Winner: Big Show by pinfall.

World Tag Team Title: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. & DH Smith/Afa Jr./Ted Jr. I see Holly & Rhodes dropping the titles here. Maybe a heel turn for Rhodes and the formation of the new Next Gen stable.
Winners: Ted DiBiase & His Partner

WWE Tag Team Title: Miz & John Morrison vs. Jesse & Festus/Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne/Finlay & Hornswoggle. The most obvious would be Finlay & Hornswoggle or Jesse & Festus. I see Finlay & Hornswoggle winning if it is them or Miz & Morrison if it is Jesse & Festus. Hornswoggle was Cruiserweight Champ once, so I don't don't he becoming Tag Team Champion.
Winners: Finlay & Hornswoggle

Women's Championship: Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix. Beth is probably the most obvious choice, but we have been seeing it a lot lately. I see Beth getting the title back here.
Winner: Beth Phoenix

Diva's Championship: Natalya vs. Victoria/Michelle McCool. I think Natalya vs. Victoria would be the best match up here. I don't see why WWE needs another women's title, the one they already have is underused anyways. Whoever faces Natalya in this match is going to lose anyways so it really doesn't matter.
Winner: Natalya (inaugural champion)

All in all, not too bad for a B PPV.
So now it is

Raw Has The: ECW Championship, Intercontinental Championship, World Tag Team Championship, Womens Championship

Smackdown has the: World Heavyweight CHampionship and WWE Championship

ECW has: United States, WWE Tag team championship

Ok, the shows look uneven now. Its quite possible for titles to switch brands again. Maybe some will, maybe some will remain who knows.

WHC Edge: (c) vs Batista. (Smackdown vs Raw)
Well, since one of the world titles i got to head back to Raw I sure as hell hope Edge retains, Hopefully Edge Vs Undertaker can finish after this (summerslam or something). Then we can move onto new fueds (Edge vs kennedy, Edge vs Jeff, Edge vs Trips (if he doesnt decide to move back to raw))

WWE Championship: Trips (c) vs Cena (Smackdown vs Raw)
Well, knowing WWE they want raw to have a top title right away, what if Trips retains though. This can lead to another match at GAB/SS. It is quite possible for the both world titles to stay on one brand... even for a month. Hopefully Cena does take the title to raw with him with Trips hopefully sticks around for a while.

ECW Championship: Kane (c) vs Big Show (Raw vs Smackdown)
So now the ECW Champion is away from ECW and his challegner is a smackdown superstar. EH? Well Im assuming Big Show will take the title the a ECW Superstar will "steal it" off big show (Morrison :-))

IC Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs TBA
We need to know who he is fighting.

USA Championship: Matt Hardy (c) Vs Chavo (ECW vs ECW)
Chavo probaly will win, then La Familiar Will be holding most the gold on smackdown/ecw

World Tag Team Championship: Hardcore & Rhodes (c) vs DiBiase and Mystery Partner (Raw vs Raw) DiBiase and Partner will probaly win. This is 1 of the matchs that really means nothing on the card.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Miz and Morrison (c) vs Finlay and Midget (ECW vs Smackdown) I want miz and moprrison to retain but knowing WWE Finlay and midget will win. At least if Finlay and midget win the Edgeheads can take the titles from them before edges wdding. Giving La Familiar 3 Titles.

Womens Title: Micke (c) vs Katie-Lee (Raw vs Raw)
Mickie probaly, But then after the ppv she drops the title to vickie giving La Familiar a total of 4 Championships (WHC, WWE Tag Team, USA and Womens lol)

I wont order this PPV but as long as WWE dont mess it up completely we may get something interesting coming out of this
Good thing I didn't place my bets on the bookie system here yet. The draft screwed up all of what I was predicting lol.

Since the WWE is a total mess after the draft and they need to fix many, many things in my opinion to make sure that ECW isn't reliant on Mike Knox for the main event and such, this is how I think things will go down:

Women's Championship: Mickie James vs. Katie Lea
--Mickie retains. Simple as that.

Diva's Championship: Natalya vs. ???
--I have a feeling we'll see Michelle, but right after Michelle wins, Vickie says that Michelle doesn't "impress" her, and that the most impressive woman on Smackdown is Vickie herself. She gives herself the new Diva's championship.

WWE Tag Team Championship: John Morrison & The Miz vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle
--For some reason, as its a stupid, stupid idea in my opinion and it devalues Morrison, Miz, and the championship, Finlay and Hornswoggle win. However, I'm hoping that right after this, Vickie announces a title defense against Hawkins and Ryder, who win the titles. See a trend coming?

World Tag Team Championship: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly vs. Ted DiBiase & ???
--If its D.H. Smith, then they've dropped the ball and it won't go over well. Mystery just for them to pull out a guy who's become a jobber and gets no reaction? Still, its possible. Its pretty much either that or that one of the two (Cody or Bob) betrays the other and receives a payoff. New champs, either way, I think.

United States Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero
--Going with the trend, Bam Neely screws Matt Hardy out of the title. Chavo wins it.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. ???
--Chances are, it'll be Michaels, which he'll lose. There's also a possibility that they'll give it to Lance Cade, with Jericho simply laying down and allowing Cade to pin him. I can't see them introducing anybody else in the equation. They won't have Mysterio start a program with Jericho or something whilst Michaels is still in the picture.

ECW Championship: Kane vs. Big Show
--Big Show wins. ECW title goes to Smackdown because the US title is still on ECW. The next episode of Smackdown, Vickie and Teddy agree to a trade: Chavo with the US title gets sent to Smackdown to be a part of La Familia, while Big Show with the ECW title goes back to ECW. Kane kisses his spot on ppv cards goodbye as he'll become nothing on Raw.

World Heavyweight Championship: Edge vs. Batista
--I pray to God that Batista loses this match. I do NOT want to see him as the top champion on Raw, I don't think the WHC being on Raw does ANYTHING (that's like saying if you change Raw to be the blue brand, the wrestlers and storylines will work better...its stupidity to think so). Plus, if you follow what I was saying before, Edge retaining means that all of La Familia has a championship...except Neely, but wtf, that guy's useless anyway lol.

WWE Championship: Triple H vs. John Cena
--I never thought I'd say it, but I hope Cena wins the title. That's not saying that I'm a big Triple H fan or that I'm incredibly against Cena....I would rather see many other people as champ than those two (Taker, HBK, Jericho, Kennedy, Morrison, Hardy)...but I don't want two championships on Smackdown, and the only other possibility is for Batista to take Edge's title to Raw. In a choice between Cena as champ and Batista as champ, I'll pick Cena in a heartbeat. Still, though, if this happens, I DEFINITELY don't want to see a year of Cena feuding with everyone and retaining. I've seen enough Cena/Orton and Cena/JBL for a while, I don't think Cena/Mysterio or Cena/Kane will be too great, etc. Now, here's a thought, though. Triple H retains, only to find that Punk cashes in the case and beats him. Punk gets his heel turn, Raw gets a championship, and the WWE title is given to a transitional champ as Punk is certainly not ready for that responsibility, but hell, its better than seeing JBL as champ.
I think No Fate 007 had a couple good ideas. Since the draft changed a few things, I'll put up my new predictions.

Women's Championship: Mickie James (C) vs. Katie Lea Burchilll
I still see Katie taking this one simply because her "brother" Paul will interfere and she will win. If he doesn't, then I see Mickie retaining.
Winner: Katie Lea, by interference from her "brother", new champ

Diva's Championship: Natalya vs. probably Michelle McCool or maybe Maria now that she is on SD!
Doesn't matter who she goes against, Natalya will become the new Divas Champion.
Winner: Natalya Neidhart, inaugural champ

WWE Tag Team Championship: Miz & Morrison (C's) vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle
I don't like the Miz very much but I like Morrison's talent and I think they are the best tag team in the WWE right now, since the tag division is very overlooked, and that they make pretty entertaining champs. I don't really want the comedy routine to capture the gold but I see Finlay & Hornswoggle winning the belts here. Too bad.
Winners: Finlay & Hornswoggle, new champs

World Tag Team Championship: Rhodes & Holly (C's) vs. Ted Jr. & (Deuce or some other new superstar)
I don't see it being DH now that he's on SD! Deuce, if repackaged as Snuka Jr., would be a good choice or even just have Rhodes turn and Ted Jr. give him the title for his help. Either way new champs.
Winners: Ted & his partner, new champs

United States Championship: Matt Hardy (C) vs. Chavo Guerrero
I see Hardy retaining it here, even though Chavo will cheat excessively
Winner: Matt Hardy, retains title

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho (C) vs. Mr. Kennedy or Jeff Hardy
He will give an open challenge since HBK isn't in the shape for the match and either Kennedy or Hardy will answer. Jericho will lose on account of interference by HBK and thus giving SD! the IC title in the process.
Winner: Kennedy or Hardy, new champ

ECW Championship Match: Kane (C) vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry
I actually see Henry winning the title here. I know Henry hasn't been winning big matches at all recently, but he did beat Kane last on in the ECW main event. I only say Henry because he is the only ECW superstar in the match as Kane is RAW and Show is SD! Henry will take the ECW title back to ECW.
Winner: Mark Henry, new champ

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge (C) vs. Batista
I know one of the world titles have to go to RAW and I have to say I hope its not this one. Should be an average Edge/Batista matchup. I see Edge heavily relying on La Familia to help him out but Batista will overcome them probably but Edge will still get the last laugh. Maybe a spear after La Familia sidetracks Batista or a low blow. Maybe even a count out or dq. Either way, I hope Edge retains.
Winner: Edge, retains title

WWE Championship Match: Triple H (C) vs. John Cena
Well I hate to say it, but I would rather have Cena be RAWs champion than Batista and we all know RAW has to have a world title, with it being the "flagship" and all. I wouldn't mind seeing Triple H chasing Edge for the world title for once. Should be a solid match up and should go back and forth. I see Cena winning by pinfall either for a hard-fought victory or maybe an Edge interference will lead to the Game losing. I hope Edge retains, so that means, shudders, that Cena will be the WWE Champion again.
Winner: Cena, new champ

I just hope Batista doesn't get the world title. PPV doesn't look to bad for a B show. I know I predicted a lot of title changes but that would be a good change up from last year when there were like 2 title changes out of 9 title matches. Let's go Edge!

WHC- Edge vs. Batista- I can actully see Big Dave taking the wHC to RAW, he will win off some type of screwup when Vikki tries to help Edge, Batista takes the title to RAW and Edge and Vicki begin to dissinegrate(sp??)
WINNER-BATISTA(New World Heavyweight Champion)

WWE Champ- Triple H vs. John Cena- I dont see Hunter losing the title this quickly especially if Edge dropps to batista, either Edge or Trips are going to lose the title because WWE can't afford to have no major titles on RAW.

US Championship- Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero- Let me start by saying that I am so sick of Chavo and him being in title matches, Hardy will retain off a similar failed help attempt from Vikki Guerrero.

Womens Title- Micki James vs. Katie Lea Burchill- Micki will keep the title in what I am predicting to be an excellent match, Micki will retain after somebody prevents Paul Burchill from interfering.

ECW Title- Kane vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry- This match is gunna suck all of these guys are over the hill, especially Kane who has nothing left on the tank, I actully see either Kane retaining or Mark henry taking the title now that he is officially on ECW.

WWE Tag Titles- Miz and Morrison vs. Midget and Finlay- I don't really care about this match but I see Finlay and Midget taking the titles, jus cause Miz and Morrison really need singles programs.


Divas Title- Natie vs. Michelle- Who gives a shit, Nattie wins it

Intercontinental Title- Y2J vs. Rey Mysterio- Rey will amke a surprise return and HBK will interfere to help himtake the title
This is one of the most intresting PPV's in a long time. I'm not excited enough to order it. But I'm intrested enough to get up 10 minutes early to read the results before I go out.

WWE Championship & WHC Matches:

The main talking point must be what will happen to the world titles. Both are currently on Smackdown. So one would assume that either Edge or HHH is losing. I'm unsure. I think it would be more intresting if both remained world champs. But I doubt that will happen. If I had to pick I'd go for a possible Cena victory. HHH is only trying to inch towards 16 reigns anyway. So I don't see that he's be to bothered about losing. But in the back of my mind I'm thinking that HHH will beat Cena. Then we could possibly get Punk cashing in the MITB. Probably won't happen, but I could see why HHH would want to do it. He has a hard match with Cena. But comes out with the victory. He's down after an exhausting match. He's down, bloody, out of it. Punk then gets the title.

This is the thing that HHH would do. He loses the title. But he looks strong coming out of it. It's the same as when Orton won the title. In a straight match HHH won, he then had another match, got an injury, and Orton only defeated him in a gimmick match. Thios would be a similar thing.

Not only that. But Punk is nowhere near ready for a world title. So that would ensure that everyone knows which is the superior brand. The newly Franchised Smackdown.

ECW World Heavyweight Title:

Another oen that's got people thinking. But to be honest the only reason Henry has been added is so that Big Show doesn't have to do the job and lose whatever little momentum he has left. Remember that ECW is moving to Raw in a month. I see Kane holding the title until then. I'm sure he can manage doing Mondays & Tuesdays for a couple of weeks.

U.S. Title Match:

Another one that's got people thinking. Not me though. Matt will retain. Chavo is also an ECW wrestler. Not Smackdown. I'm just predicting a US & IC brand swap.

I.C. Title Match:

I think that if it was Y2J vs. HBK then they would have announced it. I'm with the majority and thinking some sort of battle royal. HBK costs Jericho the victory. They need thia feud to carry on until The Bash, so both can be in new feuds by Summer Slam. If they have a match tomorrow night the it's all but done.

So I'm guessing a Smackdown wrestler wins and takes the title over there. Kennedy is going to be my guess. Or if WWE are being really lazy, Jeff Hardy.

World Tag Team Title Match:

People are actually talking about this, which is great. Although I doubt it will last past this show. I predicted Deuce. Now I'm thinking that is too anticlimatic. I'm now making the bet of Chris Harris. Ron Killings will get a ''Is that K-Kwik?'' responce. Harris new, but somewhat known. Optimisticly I'm hoping Paul Birchill. Is optimisticly even a word? New champions anyway.

WWE Tag Team Title Match:

I'm optimistic that Finlay & Hornswoggle won't win. I think this was all but confirmed once they moved brands. WWE need to get those titles back on Smackdown branded wrestlers. All down to ECW moving.

Women's Championship Match:

Mickie wins. New ladies champ next month though.

Diva's Championsip:

I'm still sure this will happen. Pointless introducing a new title, then not having it on your all title PPV. Nattie vs. McCool is my guess. New titles should always start off with heels holding them.


This PPV is really intresting. I think it could be similar to Survivor Series 1998. Not great from an in ring standpoint. But will contain a show long storyine wich makes it different from the norm. Looking forward to this anyway.
I have to say, this PPV is shaping up to be very good. I think we will see a surprise or two tomorrow night.

WWE Championship Match
I have been waiting for the rematch since Wrestlemania 22. HHH and Cena put on a great match that night in Chicago and I expect them to do the same tomorrow night. Before the draft, I thought HHH would retain and beat Cena. However, I change my mind and I think Cena will walk away the new WWE Champ. However, I think Edge will cost HHH the match, planting the seeds for their upcoming fued. I wouldn't be surprised if HHH retains but Edge spears him afterward. Then CM Punk cashes in his money in the bank and become new champ. I'm actually pulling for Cena tomorrow. Nothing against HHH but I much rather see Cena as champ on RAW than Batista and I'm not ready for Edge to drop the WHC.

World Heavyweight Championship
With two world championships on SD, one of the titles will have to move to RAW and I don't think it will be the WHC that goes to RAW. With the wedding in two weeks and the fact that Edge just won the title back, I just can't see Edge losing the championship tomorrow. I think he is the best thing on SD right now.

ECW Championship
With Kane getting drafted to RAW, Mark Henry wins to bring the title back to ECW.

IC Title
HBK will cost Y2J the title against an mystery opponent. I'm thinking CM Punk.

US Title
I think this will be a pretty good match. Both guys are talented performers. I like Matt Hardy to retain.

World Tag Team Championship
I think Deuce will be DiBases mystery partner and they will win the tag titles. Rhodes will make some type of "mistake" that will cost them the match.

WWE Tag Team Championship
I hope Finlay and Hornswoggle doesnt win the tag titles. I think Morrison and Miz keep the belts a little longer, as they are doing a good job as champions.

Womens Championship
Mickie James keeps the championship but will lose it to Beth or Katie Lea at the GAB.
edge vs batista - im thinking edge will retain as he just became champ a few weeks ago and triple h will become no1 contender as he will lose to cena. i hope hawkings and ryder can actually make a diference in the decision in the match as they usual come out nd get a hammerin anyway.

hhh vs cena - cena wins and takes the title 2 raw, probly a long match wil lots of false finishes. intresting to see wich title wwe decide 2 put on raw.

hardy vs chavo - hardy wins no1 needs an xplination y do thy?

world tag titles - mystery partner........................SANTINO! how great would that b :P id like santino to win the titles as hes realli over as a heel, if not santino id like chris harris. dibiasie to win anyway.

wwe tag titles- morrison miz to retain as ther wont b 2 tag changes in 1 night as well as world championship.

womens title - mickie to win i cant reali c this feud going anywher tho

divas - hoo realli cares stupid title 2 hav anyways guarentee doesnt make it to wrestlemania 26. dnt care hoo wins but goin 4 natalya or howevr its spelt.

ecw - big show to win and go to ecw. feud with henry.

ic title - y2j vs cm punk or hbk. sorry i cant predict hoo will b in the match so i wont.

side note hopefully we will see a male wrestlers debut of some sorts not another shitty diva.
also hopefully we can c a tag team of some sorts burke and killings on ecw that would b gr8 hope thy could interfer of some sorts but burkes new gimmick hasnt been on tv yt.
WWE Championship Match: Triple H © vs. John Cena
I’m guessing that John Cena will win and bring the championship back to RAW. No offense to Triple H, I just think that Cena being champion on RAW will let an Edge vs. Triple H feud begin for the World Heavyweight Championship. Triple H chasing the title would be a better feud than kind of going through what Smackdown just had – Edge chasing after the championship and Vickie Guerrero helping him. Basically what I’m saying is that Cena winning would be better for both shows in the long run.

World Heavyweight Championship: Edge © vs. Batista
Edge will probably retain the title and keep it on Smackdown. Expect La Familia to run-in and help with this. Batista will probably go crazy after the match and kill everyone…. Not literally though. I’m not that invested in this match – isn’t it the same World Heavyweight Championship match they had last year at Vengeance: Night of Champions?

ECW Championship: Kane © vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry
I’m really surprised that this is the most talked about championship match for this event. I feel that they should have kept it as Kane vs. Big Show, because that would have been amazing. But I feel that, in light of recent ECW trends, the creative team won’t really want to continue Kane and Big Show in the storyline and have Mark Henry win. I’m not really that interested in this match anymore. But you know who I’d love to see win the ECW Championship down the line? SUPER CRAZY!

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho © vs. ???
I still have no clue who he will face. I don’t think it will be Shawn Michaels or CM Punk… simply because WWE wants to focus the “surprise opponent” craze on the Tag Team Titles.

WWE United States Championship: Matt Hardy © vs. Chavo Guerrero
Again, I don’t really care who wins this one. Both are on ECW… I think Hardy will probably retain… and then maybe the next Smackdown edition has something with Vickie Guerrero getting upset that a La Familia member didn’t win and so she makes a gauntlet or something for Matt Hardy to go through – and there’ll probably be a new champion on the next Smackdown edition… maybe MVP… maybe Mr. Kennedy… maybe even Jeff Hardy… no idea though.

WWE Women’s Championship: Mickie James © vs. Katie Lea Burchill
I’m really looking forward to this match, and hoping that the feud continues. I think that Mickie James will win, but I think that Katie Lea will probably win the championship down the line… maybe at SummerSlam? I hope they continue this feud and increase interest in it.

WWE Diva’s Championship: Natalya vs. ???
So I don’t know why Vickie Guerrero would announce this new championship and then just kind of forget about it… but I think it’s still happening. Many people are saying that Michelle McCool will challenge Natalya, I’ve also heard that Cherry might challenge her. But I think that one of two different things might happen. 1) (The unlikely one) Vickie Guerrero challenges Natalya… I could kind of…. Just maybe… but not completely see this happening. It would be a good way to get more heat of Vickie, since she’d likely win, but it would take away from Natalya’s heel run. So again, I don’t think this would happen. 2) (The one I actually see happening) A Battle Royal-like match, doesn’t have to be a battle royal though. Pretty much have all the divas on Smackdown in this match. It would be a good way to introduce Maria to Smackdown. I still see Natalya or Victoria coming out on top though, after working together for the whole match. If this would happen I would think the match would mainly be centered around Natalya and Victoria against Michelle McCool and Cherry… with Maryse in the match for like … two seconds before Cherry eliminates her. So the match I’m predicting will be Natalya vs. Victoria vs. Michelle McCool vs. Cherry vs. Maria vs. Maryse (vs. Eve Torres if WWE really wants to).

World Tag Team Championship: Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes © vs. Ted DiBiase and ???
So with DH Smith on Smackdown now… the partner is up in the air. I doubt it will be Deuce like some are saying. I doubt it will be anyone drafted over from Smackdown or ECW. There are two scenarios I could potentially see happening. 1) (The lesser-likely one) Ted DiBiase Sr. … Yeah, I have a feeling that most of you just thought of me as ******ed, but I guess it could happen. People wouldn’t expect it, it would get that “oh my god… I didn’t really see that one coming…”, and it would help DiBiase with his new book. 2) (The one that Ryan Clark said) Cody Rhodes turns on Hardcore Holly. I don’t think it would turn out to be a Handicap match, but like, the whole match Ted DiBiase fighting by himself, and then in the end music for someone starts playing… and then Cody Rhodes attacks Hardcore Holly. Ted DiBiase then pins Holly, and gives a title to Rhodes, then announces his mystery partner as Cody Rhodes… something like that is what I could potentially see happening. Then it could set up a feud probably ending at Great American Bash or SummerSlam with Hardcore Holly and a new partner (like… I have no clue actually).

WWE Tag Team Championship: John Morrison and The Miz © vs. Finlay and Hornswoggle
I’m not that invested in this match, but either team could win the championship and I wouldn’t care… and since all four are on ECW now, then maybe they’ll keep feuding for a little while.
Final Night of Champions Predictions

Last time I'm making any predictions for it.

WWE Championship: Triple H vs. John Cena
--Despite how I don't like either guy as champion anymore, if anything is right in the world, HHH shouldn't be champ by the end of the night lol. Not saying I like Cena better, but logically, if you have two titles on Smackdown, one guy (Edge) has a big storyline going on that has no end until at least the 11th, your Raw ratings are down but they go up when Cena is champ, and you were planning on having Cena/HHH end at Summerslam but boosted it up to this ppv, then it seems like Cena is winning. The only other possibility in my mind is if HHH retains (so he "evens it out" with Cena, as he always wants to beat anybody cleanly who has beaten him) but then loses it to Punk who cashes in, turning heel. Subsequently, there's a Cena/Punk feud.

World Heavyweight Championship: Edge vs. Batista
--Batista should not be the one to take the title over to Raw. Edge has to retain here and hopefully he does so by WINNING the match instead of getting a DQ or something.

ECW Championship: Kane vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry
--The title needs to go back on on ECW, and Henry is the only ECW member there. This is the first option, that he wins it. The second option is that Big Show wins it and takes it to Smackdown, and if Chavo beats Hardy for the US title, Vickie and Long trade Show to ECW and Chavo to Smackdown to get the titles back on their respective brands. The third option is that Kane retains as a way to make it so the Raw/ECW merger happens down the line, but that leaves Henry and Big Show out of the equation. I'm sort of hoping for Henry to win, because even though he sucks, I'd like to see him get rewarded for being in the company this long without a single solidified push lol. He doesn't seem to bitch about it, so reward the guy, even if its a week long reign or something.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. ???
--I still think it'll be Michaels. If its not Michaels, it'll be Jericho laying down and letting Cade win the title from him. Then of course, if they're planning on having the US title on Raw and the IC title on Smackdown (which would be stupid to me), they'll probably have Kennedy win it from Jericho due to interference from HBK.

United States Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero
--The concept posted earlier about the Big Show & ECW title trade for Chavo and US title...or Hardy retains so that the US title can go onto Raw during the merger, but that would require the IC title going over. Personally, I don't think every title is changing at Night of Champions, so I doubt the IC title is going over, so I'm looking for Chavo to win here.

World Tag Team Championship: Cody Rhodes/Hardcore Holly vs. Ted DiBiase/???
--Idk why people think Deuce will be his partner. Putting a little too much faith in that rumor about the second generation stable. Some others think Punk as that "he's not priceless but he's close" line, plus how Punk was rumored to be a possibility for a stable if the second gen thing didn't work out. I don't think it'll be Harris or Killings...frankly, that concept about Cody turning heel just makes sense to me. DiBiase becomes a champ tonight.

WWE Tag Team Championship: The In Crowd vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle
--Man, I really hope that it goes down one of two ways. Either Morrison and the Miz retain and beat the living SHIT out of Finlay and, literally, whoop their asses in a squash match...or somehow, Hawkins and Ryder end up with the titles so that Smackdown gets them back. I don't want to see Hornswoggle as a champion. You could tag Finlay up with ANYBODY else on the rosters and I'd prefer them as champs to Hornswoggle...even freaking Nunzio and Finlay lol.

Women's Championship: Mickie James vs. Katie Lea
--Mickie retains. Simple.

Diva's Championship: Natalya Neidhart vs. ???
--I still think if we end up with Hawkins and Ryder as tag champs, Edge retaining, and Chavo winning the US title, that Vickie will somehow award herself the new championship. If not, we'll see Natalya vs Michelle with Michelle getting the title.
Final Night of Champions Predictions

ECW Championship: Kane vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry
--The title needs to go back on on ECW, and Henry is the only ECW member there. This is the first option, that he wins it. The second option is that Big Show wins it and takes it to Smackdown, and if Chavo beats Hardy for the US title, Vickie and Long trade Show to ECW and Chavo to Smackdown to get the titles back on their respective brands. The third option is that Kane retains as a way to make it so the Raw/ECW merger happens down the line, but that leaves Henry and Big Show out of the equation. I'm sort of hoping for Henry to win, because even though he sucks, I'd like to see him get rewarded for being in the company this long without a single solidified push lol. He doesn't seem to bitch about it, so reward the guy, even if its a week long reign or something.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. ???
--I still think it'll be Michaels. If its not Michaels, it'll be Jericho laying down and letting Cade win the title from him. Then of course, if they're planning on having the US title on Raw and the IC title on Smackdown (which would be stupid to me), they'll probably have Kennedy win it from Jericho due to interference from HBK.

United States Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero
--The concept posted earlier about the Big Show & ECW title trade for Chavo and US title...or Hardy retains so that the US title can go onto Raw during the merger, but that would require the IC title going over. Personally, I don't think every title is changing at Night of Champions, so I doubt the IC title is going over, so I'm looking for Chavo to win here.

World Tag Team Championship: Cody Rhodes/Hardcore Holly vs. Ted DiBiase/???
--Idk why people think Deuce will be his partner. Putting a little too much faith in that rumor about the second generation stable. Some others think Punk as that "he's not priceless but he's close" line, plus how Punk was rumored to be a possibility for a stable if the second gen thing didn't work out. I don't think it'll be Harris or Killings...frankly, that concept about Cody turning heel just makes sense to me. DiBiase becomes a champ tonight.

So I disagree with a lot of what you say, but there are a few things that you bring up that could be interesting, mainly the ECW/US title trade thing.

As far as the Intercontinental Title thing, I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that Jericho would EVER lay down to Cade.

The Tag Titles is one thing that I agree with you too. Cody Rhodes turning heel makes the most sense with DH Smith going to Smackdown.
I think that with 2 ecw teams competing for the wwe tag titles and the fact that raw and ecw are touring together soon makes it still highly probable that dh smith is still ted's partner in the world tag title match which will result in them moving the titles to SD along with the IC title going to SD. They might even swaps the WWE and WHC titles brands, big shake ups to lead into the new era of the 'E. This PPV is shaping up to big quite unpredictable and exciting, the draft has really put everything up in the air.
So I disagree with a lot of what you say, but there are a few things that you bring up that could be interesting, mainly the ECW/US title trade thing.

As far as the Intercontinental Title thing, I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that Jericho would EVER lay down to Cade.

The Tag Titles is one thing that I agree with you too. Cody Rhodes turning heel makes the most sense with DH Smith going to Smackdown.

Well the only reason that I think Cade might be an option is because they're supposedly planning on pushing him, Jericho's been talking lately about how he's the only decent person in the WWE, and they haven't announced an opponent yet. Its a possibility, but it isn't the best thing they could do. However, I think its more likely than some of the ideas out there lol. I can't see them adding someone new into the feud as its primarily Michaels/Jericho...unless they want it to be Michaels & ??? versus Jericho & Cade. Maybe Kofi, if that's the case...maybe Mysterio...who knows.
TheOneBigWill's predictions for Night of Champions:

W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. (c.) v. John Cena: While everything is connecting to make John Cena seemingly walk out once again the W.W.E. Champion, I just don't believe it'll happen for a couple reasons.

The main one being what Cena said a couple different times on Raw. Cena told Triple H. that until H.H.H. defeats him, he hasn't defeated or accomplished anything more or less. So in a sense, until Triple H. can defeat John Cena, Cena is basically calling H.H.H.'s entire career out saying its nothing until he can lay claim to defeating Cena. That alone makes me believe Triple H. will walk out retaining his Championship.

Other reasons I believe this, are because I just don't know if John Cena should be given a Heavyweight Championship yet. I know hes returned now for a good 5-6 monthes, but hes also been involved in Championship matches or Number One contender matches 4 outta those 5-6 monthes. Its just as stale now, as it was before. Cena chasing Championships is more entertaining and interesting than Cena retaining Championships.

World Heavyweight Championship: Edge (c.) v. Batista: In all honesty, this match scares me. It scares me because Raw MUST have a World Heavyweight Champion of some kind. And since I don't see Triple H. giving it up, I'm worried that Batista could carry the World Heavyweight Championship over to Raw.

Edge has been cocky and on a roll, especially with the fact that similar to leading into Mania and never having been defeated by the Undertaker, leading into Night of Champions, Edge hasn't ever lost to Batista in Championship matches either. I'm hoping the historical aspects of that don't repeat themselves, because seeing Batista go to Raw as their World Champion is going to be just as horrible, as it would be to see Edge having to return to Smackdown without his Heavyweight Championship that he just gained.

Honestly, I see Edge winning and retaining. Call it a fan's hope for his hero. But I just don't see Batista being the "it" guy on Raw. Hes had plenty of chances to be the Main guy on Smackdown, and couldn't quite cut it.. Raw is still the bigger pond right now, until Smackdown picks up with its new talent.. with that said, Batista just doesn't seem like the World Champion type.

E.C.W. Championship: Kane (c.) v. Big Show v. Mark Henry: Its ironic that this is the only (to our knowledge) tri-branded Championship match. A member of Raw, Smackdown & E.C.W. are involved in this, and it would only make complete sense for Mark Henry (who represents E.C.W.) to come out as a Heavyweight Champion for the first time in his career.

While its logical, its also too predictable. And I don't foresee it happening. Kane may be a Raw Superstar, but E.C.W. will also be traveling with Raw in July I do believe. So it wouldn't be so horrible to see Kane on Raw, and E.C.W. trying to built more credibility to the Championship by defending it on both brands.

Big Show is the outside factor looking in. Not only is he on the brand thats set to travel alone, but he has nothing to truly gain from winning the Championship and yet everything to lose by losing the match.. if hes the guy defeated. Since losing to Mayweather at Mania, the Big Show vowed to become what hes always been.. "A Giant". Since then, hes defeated The Great Khali, and 4 average cruiserweight/midcarders in a Number One Contenders match.

This is truly his unofficial calling, to see if he can prove to be what he claimed to be. Of course, if he wins he'll prove it. But if he loses, he'll look like a joke for saying something he didn't hold up on. However, the loop hole is the newly added Mark Henry. You see, I foresee Kane retaining and remaining Champion. I also see Kane defeating Mark Henry to gain revenge for Tuesday night, all the while not hurting the Big Show in allowing him to not win, yet not lose.

United States Championship: Matt Hardy (c.) v. Chavo Guerrero: Matt Hardy is still new to being the United States Champion, and Chavo Guerrero couldn't win this title back against Chris Benoit when he had more momentum going into the match.

I don't see Chavo Guerrero winning this match, so that logically means I believe Matt Hardy will retain his Championship. I believe this because the only way Chavo would win, is with the help of Bam Neely, who hasn't truly done anything of great importance since becoming Chavo's bodyguard. Furthermore, Neely would have to be sneaky, and somehow I see him being thrown out within the first 3 minutes of the match.

I think it'll be a highly entertaining match. Both guys have about an equal amount of talent, and about as much charisma as the other. They should either work very well together, or the match will be like listening to crickets. Add on top of all this, that Matt Hardy against the likes of The Miz and John Morrison lay right around the corner.. and they wouldn't (to my knowledge) risk screwing that up to give Chavo a Championship, all so he can parade next to Edge with La Familia holding more gold. Hardy should win.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho (c.) v. ???: This one has sparked conspiracy theories in my mind. Raw will travel with E.C.W., who should still have the U.S. Championship. Raw has always also been seen as the Heavyweight brand.. so they truly have no use for two midcard Championships if E.C.W. will be sharing its United States title with them.

For that reason, I foresee a Smackdown Superstar.. possibly Jeff Hardy, M.V.P., or Mr. Kennedy.. coming out and challenging Chris Jericho to an impromptu match and then winning the Intercontinental Championship. Of course Shawn Michaels will be in attendance and will likely cost Chris Jericho his Championship.

It'd make for a perfect way to get the title off Jericho, without hurting or crippling his push. It'll continue the heated rivalry building between Jericho & H.B.K., and if its a Smackdown Superstar.. it'll give Smackdown a midcard Championship back to allow its midcard Superstars to fight for.

W.W.E. Tag Team Championships: John Morrison & The Miz (c.) v. Finlay & Hornswoggle: Finlay & Hornswoggle's jump to E.C.W. may have just (hopefully) ended their chances at becoming Tag Team Champions. Originally with them both on Smackdown, it sadly made great sense for them to dethrone Morrison & Miz, only for another Smackdown heel team (Hawkins & Ryder?) to defeat them and win the gold.

However since both of these teams will reside on the same program, it'd be stupid and horrible all in one for Finlay & Hornswoggle to win. It'd make the Tag Team Championships look like a joke, even worse than when W.C.W. put their Tag Titles on Rick Steiner and Judy Bagwell. Furthermore, Miz & Morrison are both top rising stars in this company. Finlay isn't.

If anything, this match would benefit everyone for Miz & Morrison to flatten Hornswoggle, even "kill him off" and retain. This would turn Finlay rampant, and allow him to become "extreme" in getting revenge, thus costing Morrison & Miz the Tag Team titles, without them losing steam by dropping to another worthy team.

In the end however, we are witnessing a W.W.E. production, where they love to toss around the "Anything can happen" catch-phrase.. so that likely, sadly, and unfortunately means.. Finlay & Hornswoggle become Tag Team Champions. :disappointed:

World Tag Team Championships: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes (c.) v. Ted Dibiase & Mystery Partner: This would could go one of two ways.

The first would be Cody Rhodes turning heel on Hardcore Holly. The storyline sets up perfectly for this to happen, especially since Cody and Hardcore haven't been on the same page completely for the previous month. (since Ted arrived) It'd end up in Hardcore Holly finding a replacement partner to go for revenge after the new Young Guns duo.. but it'd still be for some entertaining matches and storylines.

The second idea is a bit more advanced and as such may be too much for W.W.E.'s creative team to begin with. Originally, story broke of how D.H. Smith was suppose to become Ted Dibiase's mystery partner. Well, Smith was drafted to Smackdown.. Smackdown, who currently does not have Tag Team Champions.

Since Smackdown will become a stand-alone brand, and Raw/E.C.W. will co-exist, Raw could do what I suggested with the U.S. title.. and also share the Tag Team titles from Morrison & Miz/Finlay & Hornswoggle.

Now, how would this work? Simple. Smith is revealed as the partner. TD2 & Smith win and become Tag Team Champions. Then they're given the option of which brand they want to go to, since they're on each. They pick Smackdown, to get away from Cody & Hardcore.. so a rematch isn't possible.

Women's Championship: Mickie James (c.) v. Katie Lea Burchill: Originally Katie Lea had every open door chance to become the first ever English Women's Champion. However the downfall of this was Melina's unfortunate injury, which will sideline her.. making Mickie James once again the only main face diva.. and Katie, Jillian & Beth (with newly added Layla) all heels.

With that being said, I highly foresee Mickie James retaining the Women's Championship. Just so she can either continue to feud with Katie and drop it when Melina is ready to return, or she'll go back to Beth, or onto Jillian. Either way, Katie's only chance for winning now is big Brother Paul being at ringside, and not being caught by the official.

Diva's Championship: Natalya v. Vickie Guerrero's Choice: The main factor to look at is that Natalya will be going against someone of Vickie Guerrero's choice. Obviously it won't be Cherry or Michelle McCool, especially since Vickie wouldn't do something like that.

Honestly, I believe greatly that this is going to be a face switch for Natalya. I think Vickie Guerrero is going to input herself into this match, as she'll feel that no other female is greater than she is. She'll demand Natalya lay down, and when she doesn't, Vickie will introduce Victoria, who'll take out Natalya and give Vickie the Diva's Championship. Making Vickie Guerrero the first-ever Diva's Champion!

Its so stupid, that its likely going to happen. It makes perfect sense for Vickie to go into her wedding as a Champion, along side her lover Edge, who should also be World Champion. That'll set up for disaster at the wedding, as challengers (C.M. Punk, possibly) will come to interrupt.

Overall Thoughts: I love seeing Championship matches, but sometimes it defeats the purpose. A Championship is great when its defended and changes hands, but its also pointless if it doesn't have a good reason for being on the line.

The Tag Team Championships, being defended by Miz & Morrison are being thrown to the Wolves more or less, as this is the second straight year at this Pay Per View that they've been put up against randomly inserted individuals. Last year it was Jimmy Snuka and someone else "I" can't even remember.. against Deuce & Domino. This year, its Hornswoggle and Finlay. A glorified handicap match that'll be sure to make two greatly talented Superstars look utterly ******ed in losing to a midget.

The Intercontinental Championship should be the highest showcased midcard title in the W.W.E., yet its still not even with a match. Hell, there's an outside chance it won't even be defended!! And if it is, will it be a match worth watching, or will it be a short impromptu match that ends as soon as it begins?

W.W.E. debuts its newest Championship, the Diva's Championship.. and it'll debut more than likely in the way its meant to be viewed.. as a joke. If Vickie Guerrero becomes the first Champion, then it'll be an embarassment and a disgrace. If the match ends up being between Natalya, Victoria and/or Michelle McCool.. it'll at least start out with a slight chance to be something decent.

Unlike last year, this year all three World Heavyweight Championships are in great fear of switching hands. But the question isn't whether or not you should fear the title changing hands.. its whether or not you should fear who they'll be changing too? While Cena would make a great Champion (albeit stale and horrible, in my own opinion) the fact that Batista and possibly Mark Henry have mere chances at becoming the top guy with a title.. are horrible to think, let alone have to see.

In the end, I'm excited to see this Pay Per View, and I don't care if titles change hands or not.. but unlike last year as well, I almost definately see Championships changing hands.
Well the only reason that I think Cade might be an option is because they're supposedly planning on pushing him, Jericho's been talking lately about how he's the only decent person in the WWE, and they haven't announced an opponent yet. Its a possibility, but it isn't the best thing they could do. However, I think its more likely than some of the ideas out there lol. I can't see them adding someone new into the feud as its primarily Michaels/Jericho...unless they want it to be Michaels & ??? versus Jericho & Cade. Maybe Kofi, if that's the case...maybe Mysterio...who knows.

Do you mean like... Michaels and a Mystery Opponent vs. Jericho and Cade for the Intercontinental Championship? Like whoever gets the pinfall wins the championship? I don't think that will happen since there's already a tag team match with a mystery opponent.

You know what I just thought? You know how Ryan Clark told us to expect legends to make cameo appearances at Night of Champions? Well last yaer Jimmy Snuka and Sgt. Slaughter took on Deuce and Domino for the tag titles... maybe this year there will be something like that. Maybe Sgt. Slaughter... but I don't think he ever held the intercontinental championship... not that that's criteria. The only former IC champion that I could see fighting Jericho would be Pat Patterson, since he was the first champion. I don't know though... but maybe that will be the match that has a legend/former superstar involved in it... Maybe it'll be Doink? HAHAHAH! totally joking.
You know what I just thought? You know how Ryan Clark told us to expect legends to make cameo appearances at Night of Champions?

If that was said then it's stupid. It's called Night Of Champions. So like last year you would imagine that throughout the show they'll have cameos by former WWE cahmpions. Ted Dibiase will probably come out with his son. Jim Neidhart might possibly come out with Nattie if the Diva's match happens, and so forth.
You know what I just thought? You know how Ryan Clark told us to expect legends to make cameo appearances at Night of Champions?

And theres the flaw in your theory.

As Jake said, its called "Night of Champions" so it wouldn't be shocking to see former W.W.E. Champions of some kind.. but to have one actually jump into the match with Chris Jericho would be pointless and stupid.

I'm telling you first hand, I don't find random rumors. I don't pull stories out of my ass and demand people follow them.. but I'm saying it right now, I strongly believe it'll be a Smackdown v. Raw set-up. Too many top talented guys on the Smackdown brand, that could play face or tweener to Jericho's heel, are currently not being used on the card.

Jeff Hardy: Has been Intercontinental Champion before. Hell, he lost the title to Jericho only because of his suspension. Jericho wouldn't even be Champion if it wasn't for Hardy's stupidity. It'd only make sense in a stupid sorta way for Hardy to reclaim what was never lost from him in the first place.

M.V.P.: The storyline thats been building is that he wants off Smackdown. If he wins a Championship, Vickie will have no choice but to begin listening to him. Furthermore, think of the matches she could start putting M.V.P. in. The guy could be playing a face role against Vickie, but a heel role against the likes of Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: Speaking of which, hes received a tremendous push lately. And for what, for it to all get destroyed with no momentum in jumping to Smackdown? Nuh-uh, I don't think so.. Mr. Kennedy v. Jericho would a great final match-up to give the fans who'll never see this for quite some time.

Kennedy takes the belt, it'll help him and give him purpose. Jericho losing to Kennedy won't hurt Jericho. It all works out.

Legends: Marty Jannetty! He'd be the only guy arguably capable of being called any type of Legend.. but still a former Intercontinental Champion. Its a long shot, but it'd once again tie in completely perfect for the Shawn Michaels storyline.
I am actually intrigued by this pay per view to the point that I have actually paid for it, something which I planned never to do, and actually bought a sporting event. I did this because for the first time since I've been back into wrestling, I am not certain what will happen.

WWE Title

I think that HHH will retain against John Cena. Triple H hasn't had a big match win against John Cena as far as I'm aware, which must make Cena one of the few people that HHH hasn't beat for the title, and I think HHH will put paid to that little trivia fact this evening.


I think that this match will happen earlier in the evening than the WWE Title match, and most people will assume that the result of this match will pre-empt the result of that one - if Edge wins then Cena will or if Batista wins then HHH will, keeping a title on each brand. I don't think that this will happen. I think that we'll get a surprise and they will keep both titles on Smackdown, until the Bash or maybe even Summerslam.


I think what a lot of people are touting, with some sort of open challenge is the most likely event. I think it will be a Smackdown guy who accepts and wins, taking the title to SD! with him, probably a face who'll get a big pop by challenging Jericho. Cade will interfere for Jericho, but HBK will cause the face to win, whoever it is. I think this fued is strong enough to cope without the title.


I really, really, really hope that Mark Henry doesn't win this. I went on a wrestling hiatus for a couple of years recently, and I couldn't believe that he hadn't been released in my time away. If I'm right about the IC and heavyweight titles, I think they'll keep this title on RAW, with Kane retaining. If this is only title that's on RAW for a while, then it might get some of its prestige back before going back to ECW when the brand exchange switches to RAW.

United States

A lot of what I've said so far is quite dependant on both titles staying on SD!, which obviously might not happen. Unless Henry wins, which is something I don't even want to entertain, this will be the only title on ECW for a while. As Hardy has the momentum, and he is the biggest draw, I can't see anything but a Hardy win here.

World Tag Team

I really don't know who the mystery partner is going to be, I think Rhodes or Holly turning on the other is too obvious, while no-one will care if it is some of the people that have been touted like Deuce etc. No matter who it is, I think Ted and the mystery man will win.

WWE Tag Team

I think Miz and Morrison have been built up quite big as a team, and it would be tragic for them to lose in what is basically a handicap match, but I think they will lose. I think Finlay and Hornswoggle will win in a freak way though, that doesn't really harm M&M. They will probably drop the titles in a few weeks anyway, because these titles have to find their way back onto SD! in the next month.


I think it's being implied that Vickie isn't really taking picking a contender seriously so she will put in the wrong person, and they will get destroyed by Natalya. Or something. I really couldn't care less about this.


I thought for ages that Mickie would retain here, but I think Paul Birchall will some how get the win for his sister, I don't really know how. The only problem with this outcome is that with Melina's injury, there won't be any faces to face Katie Lea except Mickie. If Mickie wins, I think that will be the only reason.
Do you mean like... Michaels and a Mystery Opponent vs. Jericho and Cade for the Intercontinental Championship? Like whoever gets the pinfall wins the championship? I don't think that will happen since there's already a tag team match with a mystery opponent.

No, I'm talking feud-wise. Like, if they want to get the IC title off Jericho and they don't want to give it to Michaels, Cade, or a Smackdown person, then I can only see this feud becoming a tag team sort of situation. They won't just suddenly have "Kofi Kingston challenges Chris Jericho, beats him for the title, and now Jericho feuds with Kofi and forgets about Shawn". They'd need to make it a situation where Michaels and someone (like Kofi or whatever) start teaming up to take out Jericho and Cade, as they're clearly aligned with one another. A tag team IC match is too confusing for the WWE to try to play off.
Ok it is clear as day WrestleZone knows the results and future of Night Of Champions. Look at the top of the page, the graphic. It clearly shows Cena with WWE title (wining this Sunday) and HHH wearing WHC whihc means he loses and beats edge (who retains) down the road. DAMN YOU LOL!
Some Of You May Know Me As WWEFanFor10Yrs In The Live Center's Chat

Here Are My Predictions:

Triple H VS Cena - Cena (I See Cena Finally Getting The Title He Never Lost Back Tonight And Then Having One More Long Title Reign Before Setting Up His Role At WM XXV; Triple H Meanwhile Will Probably Run SD! For The Next Couple Months)

Edge VS Batista - Edge (Edge Wins Keeps Being On A Role As His "Wedding" Approaches, Batista Goes To RAW And Turns Heel)

Kane VS Big Show VS Mark henry - Big Show (Show Wins And Feuds W/ Henry Over The Title The Next Couple Months, Kane Goes Back To RAW Empty Handed)

Jericho VS ??? - Have No Idea

Matt VS Chavo - Chavo (Keeps Making La Familia Have Things Their Way As The Wedding Approaches)

Mickie VS Katie - Mickie (Katies Too New But Then Again WWE Barely Cares About The Women's Division, Can't Wait For Candice To return :) )

Cody & Holly VS Ted & ??? - Ted And Whoever He Teams With Win (Time To Have Cody Make A Name For Himself In Singles)

Miz & Morrison VS Finlay & Hornswoggle - The Luck Of The Irish Rules Here

If There's A Diva's Inagrual Match - Natalya Wins No Matter The Opponent

Overall - New Champions Galore Except For Edge And Still Have No Clue What's Up For The IC belt

Go Cena! (Let's Hope It's As Great As WM 22's Match Was)
No, I'm talking feud-wise. Like, if they want to get the IC title off Jericho and they don't want to give it to Michaels, Cade, or a Smackdown person, then I can only see this feud becoming a tag team sort of situation. They won't just suddenly have "Kofi Kingston challenges Chris Jericho, beats him for the title, and now Jericho feuds with Kofi and forgets about Shawn". They'd need to make it a situation where Michaels and someone (like Kofi or whatever) start teaming up to take out Jericho and Cade, as they're clearly aligned with one another. A tag team IC match is too confusing for the WWE to try to play off.

You know what was an amazing tag team IC Title match? SummerSlam 2000! Eddie Guerrero and Chyna vs. Val Venis (c) and Trish Stratus. Chyna won after Trish tried to clothesline her and ended up falling herself! Best match ever! Haha. Too bad Chyna scares me now .... I would like to see her face off with Beth Phoenix.
Night of Champions Review

WWE Championship: Triple H vs. John Cena
--The crowd seemed into it, but I wasn't. I'm bored with both of these guys. So, thusly, I was bored with this match. However, at the end of it, it was pretty interesting with the reversals. I was wholeheartedly expecting Punk to cash in after they started playing up the HHH injured leg scenario, but that didn't pan out. Not sure what they're planning, as Raw's biggest title now is on Kofi Kingston lol. Title unification match at the Bash? Idk.

World Heavyweight Championship: Edge vs. Batista
--So glad that Edge retained. Decent match, for Batista.

ECW Championship: Kane vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry
--I was rooting for Henry as this was his very last chance, I think, at making an impact and getting a championship. But what clearly made this match was how, completely out of nowhere, on the left side of the screen, pops up this giant Mark Henry who jumps up really high and splashes Kane for the win haha. I cracked up cause it looked SO odd.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston
--My third guess was that it would be Kofi, so although I can't really get points for guessing it too well (as it was the third choice, not the first or second), I'm still glad at the outcome. Match of the night, probably, as they really shined. Glad to see Kofi as the IC champ.

United States Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero
--Boring match. Boring outcome. I don't like either guy that much, so there wasn't really a side to root for.

World Tag Team Championship: Cody Rhodes/Hardcore Holly vs. Ted DiBiase/Cody Rhodes
--Saw the Rhodes turn coming. I thought it was kind of funny though that both Holly and Rhodes wore green, the color of money. But even funnier is how DiBiase now has the very best record in the WWE lol. The guy's had ONE move in ONE match and he's already a champion haha. New thread coming up..."Ted DiBiase: The Best At His Age?"

WWE Tag Team Championship: The In Crowd vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle
--SOOOOOOOO glad that they retained. Best part of the match was Morrison kicking Hornswoggle in the back of the head like a soccer ball.

Women's Championship: Mickie James vs. Katie Lea
--Pretty good match, but we all knew Mickie would retain.

Diva's Championship: Natalya Neidhart vs. ???
--Uh...can't review it...because apparently they forgot that it existed haha.

OVERALL: I liked this ppv. It was banging on all cylinders. There were surprises, titles changed hands but not in ways that make no sense, and overall, the matches delivered. The only thing I didn't like about it was that they completely forgot about the Diva's Championship (but of course if that means they're getting rid of it, then its even better haha) and that they didn't have the WWE title change hands, but this depends on what they want for the future. Hopefully its not HHH as Smackdown's main champ (or dual-champ).
- On The Crossafces By Triple H & HBK The Last Couple Months: I Don't Think It's A Tribute To Him, I Honestly Think They're Trying To Steal The Move From Themselves. I Hope It's That At Least, We Shouldn't Give Tribute To A Child Murderer

- On NOC: Decent Show, The Triple H VS Cena Match Would Have Been Better With Out The Anticlimatic Ending And TRiple H Getting The Win. They're Taking They're Biggest Star (Cena) And Slowly Fading Out His Ability To Give WWE Mainstream Attention. Loved The Way Edge Stoled The Win And JR's Reaction Afterwards. The Kofi VS Jericho match Was A Pleseant Suprise. Like A Previous Poster's Comment I WAs Waiting For CM Punk To Appear And Take The Title From The Game To RAW. Im Shaking My Head Wondering Where They'll Go With All Of THis. I'll Go Out On A Limb And Say They'll have Some Sort Of Tag Team match B/W Triple H, Cena, Edge, And Batista With The Titles Involved At The Bash W/ Cena Winning The Title And Costing Batista The Chance To Win Aswell, Causing Him To Go Heel.

- Still Hoping For A 4th Cena Title Reign ;-)

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