Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

This has the makings of a great mania. At least it'll top last years snore fest. Main event is obviously cena v. Rock. Cena going over unless rock can take some time off around summer slam and have another bout.

Taker v. HHH w HBK as referee. Last man standing match. Being as trips was the only one to walk out of the ring last time I see him making it LMS. HBK super kicks trips claiming that if he can't end the streak nobody can.

Shaq v show - pass

Cm punk v. Jericho-pieces are in place just gotta get Jericho back for sure. Punk wins setting up a long feud.

Goldust v Cody. Title vs career - Cody wins obviously. I see goldust costing Cody at the rumble as the buzzer goes off everyone looks towards the entrence. Goldust music plays glitter falls and he sneakes out behind eliminating Cody

WHC- Daniel Bryan v. Christian (RR winner) Daniel Bryan retains in a classic

Mitb - miz v truth v swagger v Henry v Bourne v kofi v barrett v Ryder. Barrett winning

Dolph ziggler v foley hardcore match. Someone mentioned this earlier and I think it's a great idea. Remember at mania 22 foley v edge. That steamrolled edge to superstardom Could Nd would love to see that happen to dolph

Brand supremacy match Kane v sheamus. Who cares
Taker v. HHH w HBK as referee. Last man standing match. Being as trips was the only one to walk out of the ring last time I see him making it LMS. HBK super kicks trips claiming that if he can't end the streak nobody can.

Dolph ziggler v foley hardcore match. Someone mentioned this earlier and I think it's a great idea. Remember at mania 22 foley v edge. That steamrolled edge to superstardom Could Nd would love to see that happen to dolph

Brand supremacy match Kane v sheamus. Who cares

A few things about your card ---

1) I like your reasoning for Trips vs. Taker as a last-man standing match, and I can see the WWE going that route. However, I just don't buy HBK costing Triple H the match. There's no money to be made with that route unless HBK is willing to wrestle again. Another poster mentioned HBK begrudgingly counting to three to give 'Taker the win - and I much prefer that picture. It'd remind me of SummerSlam 97 when HBK begrudgingly counted the three for Hart over 'Taker after accidentally knocking out Taker with a chair.

2) Foley vs. Edge at WrestleMania 22 was a classic matchup. I was lucky enough to be at the Horizon that night and see the match live. But that was five years ago, and I just don't know that Foley can give Ziggler the same rub. Remember, that match pre-dated the PG era, and since then, the WWE has put a lot of restrictions on matches. Part of what made Edge look so good in that match was that he kept getting up despite the dastardly things that Foley was doing (ie, thumbtacks, barbed wire slaps to the back, barbed wire mandible claw, barbed wire baseball bats, flaming tables). It really was a gruesome match - but in today's WWE, they would NEVER allow Foley and Ziggler to even approach that level of brutality.

3) I do have a problem that a card you describe as epic features two matches that you don't even care about... Though I can't blame you for the Big Show/Shaq match since it seems very possible we'll see it - I do have a problem with placing Kane and Shaemus in a meaningless match. Kane has returned to be a monster and Shaemus has been one of the top faces on SmackDown for the past few months. They should both be involved in higher profile matches, in my opinion.

4) Did you accidentally leave off Del Rio?
WOOO! 28 could quite possibly rival X-Seven. Anyway, here's my match-ordered WM XXVIII paper-card...

The Rock v John Cena

Shaq v The Big Show

Career vs Streak, Special Guest Referee Shawn Michaels
Triple H v The Undertaker

WWE Championship
Chris Jericho v CM Punk (c)

Sheamus v Kane

Diva's Championship
Kharma v Kelly Kelly v Beth Phoenix (c)

Intercontinental Championship
Goldust v Cody Rhodes (c)

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Alberto del Rio v Brodus Clay v Christian v The Miz v R-Truth v Zack Ryder

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler v Daniel Bryan v Wade Barrett v Mark Henry (c)
With the 3 big matches look like set in stone for Wrestlemaina 28

(1) The Rock vs John Cena

(2) Cm Punk vs Chris Jericho

(3) Undertaker vs HHH

Here's my question for you with the lack of star power in the WWE today and the WHC title picture not looking good what should they do for the WHC title and WWE title??. In my opinion I think they should make a Triple Threat or Fatal 4 way match instead of a normal singles match, and bring back the Money in the bank to wrestlemania and get rid of the PPV.
There are alot of people leaving Kane off their cards. Does anyone else see him potentially fighting Sin Cara in some kind of gimmick mask match if Cara is fit for the event? WWE on about breaking the mask world record so would make sense.

As for the WHC Title.....yes, a fatal 4 way. Bryan, Orton, Barrett and Sheamus would be my pick. Put Mark Henry in IF Orton isnt medically passed.

Then have a MITB match aswell so get mid carders on the card.
After watching Smackdown last night, i think its inevitable that Daniel Bryan will have a full blown heel turn in the following weeks. it'll be good for his career. The way he won the World title and how he was booked before winning the belt, he doesnt look like a threat at all. But if he turns and start sneaking up wins and showing a darker side of him, i think it'll help him get over. I would dig Daniel Bryan in Wrestlemania Main event.

As for Randy Orton, no way he's out for 6 months. Orton said himself that the injury wasnt serious. he'll be back in no time. Heck, he's my pick to win the Royal Rumble! if he's not clear to compete by the end of January, then he'll win the elimination chamber or just find a way to compete against the champion. He's the only big draw on Smackdown so he needs to be in the main event. Sorry guys but i do not see any appeal in Sheamus... he has had lackluster feuds since moving to smackdown and him competing in the main event wouldnt interest me at all. Smackdown needs a big match to compete with Rock/Cena and Punk/Jericho (if it happens).

Now since we've seen Orton vs Christian all summer, i doubt they would face each other again at wrestlemania. And while Wade Barrett is really growing in me, Orton/Barrett does not scream money making match to me.. This leaves us with Daniel Bryan. The man has incredible wrestling abilities. And if you put him in a match with the new reborn Randy Orton, who had an amazing year in match performances, now this screams money making match! Plus it would be new. I dont think they have faced each other before if im correct.. The cinderella-soon-to-be-heel champion against the best in ring performer in the business (sorry to all cm punk marks), now this could steal wrestlemania. It gives me the same feeling i had last year for orton/punk. Everyone was excited for HHH/Taker and the rock/cena/miz thing, meanwhile orton and punk went at it and stole the show in my opinion. Could Bryan and Orton do the same?

Could Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan(C) steal this year's Wrestlemania?
Please let me know how you would feel about that :)
Orton against Bryan has amazing potential as long as Bryan is established between now and Wrestlemania as a monster heel. Once people see Bryan away from the current misuse as a face and back in his natural "neutral-chaotic" element, they'll long forget calling him a "vanilla midget" and such. As for it stealing the show, that really depends on who they feed to the Undertaker this year. If it is HUNTOR again, Orton and Bryan has a really good chance of not only stealing the show but be a match of the year candidate.

I just hope that Bryan isn't misused again and they let him be the natural heel that he is. Would hate to see WWE toss this aside and lose out.
I was hoping for this match to take place since Daniel Bryan won MITB. But now I changed my mind. Yeah it could be a show stealer, but imagine adding Ziggler in the mix! I would really like to see Ziggler loosing to Punk but then winning this year's Royal Rumble in a heelish or controversial way (HBK and Austin type). The have him the night after EC say that he was no interest in facing Punk at Mania again, but he wants to go after the title that he won one year ago, the WH Championship. Somehow add Orton in the mix as well and there you have it: Dolph Ziggler vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The match itself screams great in ring performance and pure wrestling from all the competitors. And it also adds another dynamic as it gives Bryan or Ziggler the opportunity walking out of Wrestlemania as the World Champion. Let's be honest, if it was Orton vs Bryan in one-on-one, Bryan wouldn't stand a chance against the Viper. He also has no other finisher than the LeBell Lock. The match would end in a shitty DQ or Orton walking out as a 10 time World Champion, something I don't want to see happenning now.
Yeah, you have Rock vs Cena, Triple H vs Taker, Jericho vs Punk probably....and you honestly think Daniel Bryan is going to steal the spotlight? Look, put Orton in there with someone like Barrett or Big Show who has actually put in the work on SD and doesnt have a job because the internet loves him and doesnt have a title because someone else had a groin injury. I dont mean to troll but on such a mainstream Mania the last guy you're going to put in there with Orton is Bryan. Its either going to be Barett or Cody Rhodes. I think the two have perfect chemistry with eachother and a victory against Orton at Mania would really take him to the next level.
Yes but you are missing one element that this match needs to steal the show, Wade Barrett. The man that is currently feuding with Ortan and can always be feuding with Bryan is a needed addition to the match to close all loose ends of 2011. Barrett has torn through the Smackdown roster on a mission that only makes sense to culminate with a title shot would be a needed beaten competitor for either Ortan or Bryan to legitimize their title win, and who could easily have the Barrage lead to a title reign of his own.
I have strongly believed that it'll be Orton vs Bryan at WM since Bryan cashed in so late and before. But now I don't know if he'll last as champ until WM. WWE has booked Bryan very weak, and I think Big Show is the one that's turning heel. It's rumored a Show vs Shaw at WM, and Show needs to be the heel there.

That's the only reason I got for D-Bry holding the title until WM. Bryan and Orton haven't fought, and I believe their 1st match would be epic. D-Bry needs to be pushed like a Benoit (if he turns heel). Very technically aggressive, mocking his opponents for their inability to wrestle as technicians. He needs to exploit that he's the best technical wrestler in the world right now.

I think D-Bry's reign depends on when Orton returns, sadly.
Nice copy and paste of Labar's spoiler article. You didn't give him any credit, and you made it seem like you came up with this amazing idea on your own.

As to the match, it has great potential, but I can already tell you how it will play out. The match starts pretty even, both men fighting for control. Bryan gets the advantage and takes control, hitting some of his moves. Out of nowhere, Orton lays out Bryan, starts spasming, then proceeds to hit his three standing clotheslines. It looks like Bryan is retaking control, but no, Orton hits his scoop slam getting the crowd back into it. Bryan decides to do some spot with the ropes (or goes outside the ring to take a breather). Bryan gets back into the ring courtesy of Orton's rope DDT. Orton goes for the RKO, but Bryan reverses into the LeBell Lock. Orton fights for a minute or two in the hold proving his toughness, then reaches the ropes. RKO out of nowhere. Bryan rolls out of the ring and Orton follows. Any sort of DQ follows (Bryan should be a full-blown heel by then).

It would be hard to steal the show, especially considering Jericho vs Punk, Cena vs Rock, and Undertaker vs Anyone are all also on the card.
To say that this match could steal the show to start with is a rather 'stupid' statement, with at least two other matches in Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk and The Rock vs. John Cena these two matches will be the biggest matches of the night, nobody can say that people are going to buy the PPV solely to see Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan, if I was to buy the PPV the main reason would be to see The Rock vs. John Cena later on in the night..

I am starting to think that Randy Orton isn't actually injured with all the rumors of him returning sooner, even as soon as the Royal Rumble and winning it. I think Daniel Bryan may not even make it to WrestleMania as champion, I could see maybe a Fatal 4 Way Match including any of the following; Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan, Big Show, Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes will most likely face his older brother Goldust though. I could probably see Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan in a Triple Threat Match as there are rumors that Big Show will be facing Shaq at WrestleMania
first the original poster justin labar?

second for the love of god lets hope randy orton really is out 6 monthes hes boring on the mic and he hasnt been entertaining in a fued sense his fued with triple h and he was the heel getting the shit beat out of him in his own house orton vs daniel bryan doesnt perk my interest if daniel bryan is indeed going to be the world heavyweight champion going into wrestlemania i feel he needs to retain the title against 1 of the top dogs of smackdown and honestly randy orton is a douchebag and doesnt put people over he didnt put christian over,he didnt put mark henry over (okay he did but just barley) and he didnt put over rhodes or dibiase (like seriously how huge would it have been for their careers if 1 of them pinned orton at wrestlemania?) orton needs this time off to learn to cut exicting promos and to learn some new moves in the ring
Wait. Orton wont put guys over?? LOL.You been watching WWE since when,last week? He put Henry over clean on 2 straight PPVs and made him look as strong as he ever has in his whole career. Hes put Barrett over clean at Surv. Series. Hes put Cody and Ziggler over this year.

And he needs to learn new moves? Just in 2011 hes added the superplex,Billy Goats Curse, Angle Slam,brought back the over the shoulder backbreaker into neckbreaker,the rolling schooloboy cradle out of the corner etc. Just because you have a blid hatr4ed for Orton at least try and make sense while insulting him. And you know hes a douchebag how?
Orton is at the top of his game but I am really not sure if that World Title match will be a singles match just because you got a lot of Smackdown guys who need to get on the card (Orton, Bryan, Rhodes, Barrett, Henry, Big Show).

I wouldn't mind letting Rhodes work Goldust just for nostalgia purposes and I think it will go over well cause we know both guys will do anything and everything to try and steal the show.

Let Big Show face Shaq and I think we got a great Fatal 4 Way for the belt. Make it an elimination match like at WM16 and let Orton and Bryan be the final two and do the whole Edge vs Rey at ELimination CHamber kind of thing, let them have a 10 minutes finale with just the two of them, that way you get 2 extra guys on the card, and you allow Orton and Bryan to tear the house down.
I dont know how but I'm sure Daniel Bryan is headlining the SmackDown Mainevent as champion and specially after his probable heel turn, Im even more sure (Champions in triple threat have all been HEELS)

Secondly, My Rumble Pick - Wade Barrett, whose in real momentum. No doubt, the Barrett-Orton feud has been interesting and remember a news arriving earlier in December that the Orton-Barrett feud is to continue past the rumble. Which ofcourse finally leads to one final situation...

Randy Orton will be the third person of the Match. Orton might probably get his chance because of getting falsely eliminated by Barrett or not participating in the rumble due to Barrett OR even by winning the SmackDown Chamber

As many fans are wanting to see a Orton-Bryan match and some even claiming that Orton will face Barrett at WM, well I think this is the most likely.
Orton has become flat out boring since becoming a face. He is a natural born heel, and as long as he stays this half ass face his career is being waisted.IMO. The WWE need to let him do what hes best at which is being a crazy heel who wants to punt everyone in the skull. This is the Orton I am missing and craving. If Sheamus can pull off being a top face on SD and give Orton some room to be a heel, it would be great. Sort of like Punk, on Raw trying to become the top face so Cena can, eventually, try going heel. As for the question of Orton the face vs. Bryan the heel stealing the show at Mania, I doubt it. If anything it will be alot like last Mania with a face orton beating a heel Punk. It was a good match but got highly overshadowed by Undertaker and Triple H. This year we have Cena and Rock, Undertaker and Triple H., maybe, and Punk vs. Jericho, most likely. I dont see Ortons match of any kind being bigger than these three.IMO. Basically, I think Orton needs to go back as a heel for him to get in a really big match at any future Mania to come.
i thought about this match earlier today for the WM card. while it would be an incredibly good match it will be near impossible for it to steal the show. Rock vs cena, jericho vs punk, and prolly undertakers last match? an unestablished name such as daniel bryan has relatively no chance.
I would LOVE to see this match as I feel they are two of the top technically sound wrestlers in the WWE right now besides cm punk n ziggler. If orton comes back he could really put bryan over with bryan being heel. Orton can win and bryan would still be over. I dont see this happening but I would love to see the match
don't think bryan is a fully fledged heel I think wwe are trying to create what bryan was doing in ring of honour ie. him being a face but acting like a douche
Wade Barrett needs to be working opposite a big name face...if not orton i think the man to fud with barrett should be HHH. As far as bryan and orton would definately be a really technical wrestling match but that feud makes no sense unless orton wins the royal rumble then goes after bryan.

If he isnt goanna get orton i think bryan v big show v henry would be good ...that match he had with show was very good.
Nice copy and paste of Labar's spoiler article. You didn't give him any credit, and you made it seem like you came up with this amazing idea on your own.

Loll i actually wrote my text before he posted his so sorry. i just finished reading his article so its kinda funny.

anyways i havent thought about adding wade barrett to the mix. I guess it makes sense since there will be alot of 1 on 1 match. But what i say about stealing the show is that the matches that people pay less attention usually ends up being better than the main events ala rhodes/mysterio and orton/punk.

so in terms of in ring abilities and story telling (mostly orton), this match has great potential!
For this to be worth the effort, Bryan would need to be elevated and go over Orton. Thsi finally makes hiim a legitimate main eventer in the fans eyes after the continued burial Bryan rec eives on commentary
Steal the show- no.
Great match- yes.

I remember last year, i was more excited to see the Punk s. Orton match then anything
(yes, i was a punk fan b4 last summer)
But that match didn't "steal the show."

I would like to see D.Bryan vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton. That would be a notch above D-Bry vs. RKO IMO

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