Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

In some ways I do recognize this year's WrestleMania as a slight "passing the torch" ceremony, but in many more I think it's a coming of age. Let's take a closer look at the obvious matches, and then break down some unclear specifics.

John Cena vs. The Rock: I'm not sure this a passing of the torch, but rather a collision of two greats. Cena has been on top of the WWE longer at this point than The Rock was during his greatest period, so even though you can argue Rocky did more in his shorter time, you can't say that Cena needs the torch passed to him at this point. I'm not sure The Great One would be the guy to do that anyways...

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho: This right here is the true "torch passing" for this year's WrestleMania. Right now Punk is on top of the WWE and doing some radical things. He's on fire, and I liken that to when Chris Jericho had finally come into his own in the WWE. He had tried to make it past what he did in WCW and ascend to something truly great, but there was still a wall holding him back. The first time I truly think he hit that "level" was in his WrestleMania match with Shawn Michaels. And that is what this bout reminds me of. I don't want to make too many drastic comparisons, but Jericho has become more of the master, while Punk is the up-and-coming learner with unlimited potential. True the heel/face roles are reversed, but it's not a perfect metaphor by any stretch of the imagination.

The rest of the card will likely be, as I said, a coming of age for a lot of young WWE talents.

Dolph Ziggler: I'm not sure what he'll be doing at Mania this year (still holding out on that possible Rumble win and brand switch), but I think a lot of people will be royally pissed if he doesn't go over. The "future of the WWE" talk is never-ending, and I'll be the first to say I buy into it whole-heartedly! Ziggler comes into his own this year at Mania, and I'd be willing to bet the farm that he has his "moment". (How awesome would it be for Ziggler to be the 20-0 for Taker?)

Cody Rhodes: No idea if they are going to run a Goldust feud going into Mania, but if not I think it's likely Rhodes will make a stake for the Money in the Bank. No comment about whether it will hurt or help him, but I can't think of a better case (pun intended).

Wade Barrett and Sheamus: Two big guys with similar circumstances on opposite ends of the spectrum. Barrett is a great heel who has a stake in the future of the company, and SHeamus is one of the most over faces in the company, who the same can be said about. I could see them having their final confrontation, or being involved in a title match, but either way this is going to be a big year for them.

Miz and R-Truth: I still think this match happens at Mania, with the build-up starting big time at the Rumble and furthering itself at the Chamber when they cause each other the loss. Either way two upper-mid card guys who have spent considerable time in the main event. Not sure if Miz will be around forever, and the same is true for Truth (ha!) but in the next few years I expect them to make a big impact.

I could go on with a lot of other guys I think will have a "moment", but the point is that this year is going to be huge for a lot of people. The younger generation, that "youth movement" everyone freaked out about for the last few years, is coming to fruition. It's in full force, and very soon I think we'll stop looking to the past for comparison, and start finding out new measuring sticks. It was the reason I made the "Nature Boy" Dolph Ziggler thread. Not because I want to constantly be looking into the past, but because I want to move wrestling into the future and bring its best elements forward.

The youth movement is upon us, and I that will be made very clear at WrestleMania 28. It's not a passing of the torch, but a coming of age. I don't think guys are waiting for the torch to be passed to them, but grabbing it and running regardless.
Cena has to go over the Rock. The only way I don,t see it happening would be IF it were for the title, which it should not be. IF it were, I could see Rock winning and then someone like Ziggler who won MiTB earlier in the night cashing in on the Rpck and getting a MEGA rub for that. That is a lot of IFs.

I think Cody vs Dustin would be good to see as it could be the passing of the Rhodes torch, if you wiiiiiillllllll.

Personally, I'd rather see Foley put Ziggler over in a hardcore match. A win against Foley at Mania did Punk as a true star. He has to win some last PPV matches against former headliners to really be 'there'.
here is my two cents worth of what I think, or hope, the WRESTLEMANIA 28 card is.

WINNER: I think WADE BARRETT wins, and cashes in later in the night in the WHC Title match.

WINNER: MASON RYAN. Im really hoping this guy gets a push, and for him to mean anything, he needs to be going over main event talent. Id like to see Ryan smash through 8-9 guys in the Royal Rumble, then be set off on a major on Smackdown, leading to a showdown with Henry, who will want to add Ryan to his Hall of Pain.

I see the only reason Foley was brought back was to give Ziggler the rub, the same rub he gave Orton is 2003 and Edge in 2006. A decisive victory over Foley gives Ziggler that much needed main event win and elevated finally to full time main event status.

Cody must win this, to get the victory over his brother and the father begrudgingly counting the pinfall. Excellent heel heat to be garnered here by Cody

Gives both guys a match, a match we have not seen before. Maybe something will happen at the Royal Rumble to pair this pair off, a throwaway match.

With this match being bumped last year, it would be a nice touch to have this pair get their Wrestlemania moment. In a twist, Id love to see Bryan gain the victory, Afterwards, and leading to the intermission, Wade Barrett comes out, cashes in and stuns the world, pinning Bryan and becoming the champ.


Not sure of the build up for this match, just know that if history says anything the celebrity ALWAYS comes out on top.

This would be a great match. The Miz has been floating aimlessly since dropping the WWE title, Orton needs something solid to vget him back in the swing. The Mizx, by winning, could boast that he beat Cena and Orton at Manias two years staright, solid bragging rights and should be a solid match also. Also, they could play off Miz winning the belt off Orton to start his main event run in late 2012.

WINNER NATAYLA, these pair need to have a matchm, the two best womens wrestlers in the company. Why not do it on the biggest stage of all

The two longest serving uys on the active roster. HHH speech at the Slammys all but confirmed that this pair will meet for a third Wrestlemania match. 20-0 vs retirement. I fully expect this to be Undertakers last match, and in turn will see him take a different gimmick and role in the company. As Vince is 66 or 68 now, WWE needs a different face on tv as General Manager. Why not the longest serving guy in the company??? Sets up nice out of ring feuds between Taker and the MacMahon-Helmsleys

This match should be an absolute cracker. Jerichos return has surely led to a match between the two. No other options really make this much sense 9 weeks out from Wrestlemania. I expect Jericho to do the honours, but htis pair fued on for a couple more months, maybe even swapping the title in the process.

HAS TO GO ON LAST. I cannot see any other outcome then a John Cena victory. The match wiont have the title invovled. I cannot see the show ending with a guy in his early 40's knocking off the number one guy in the company on their biggest show of the year. This match has been 12 months in the making, Cena will win

12 match card I know, but I feel that a few of those would be quick matchs. To me its a solid card and fits in with the current state of play. Discuss.
The right thing to do is have Cena go over Rock clean.....or if this whole thing with Kane is the start of his true heel turn then it must culminate at Wrestlemania to have the best impact. The problem with this is that it's taking place in Miami which makes this anyone's guess. I've read rumors about Rock doing a nother match or two AFTER Mania and if this is true then it's obvious Rock will go over on the big show and Cena will get his revenge in the rematch (or two).
Before The Royal Rumble and the WWE sets WrestleMania into motion, let's hear everyone's card predictions.

Let's sets the number of matches at 10. We already know Cena vs Rock, and assume 1 dive match. So that gives up 8 matches. 8 Heels / 8 Faces. Who makes the WrestleMania card? What the match ups?

Remember, this is a non-spam section so do not just list matches. Give reasons behind why you predict your card lineup.

CM Punk
Big Show



R-Truth vs Miz - current storyline
Ryder vs Kane - currently storyline
Ziggler vs Foley - recent storyline
Punk vs Jericho - highly discussed
Orton vs Bryan- Orton needs high profile match
Taker vs Barrett - previous storyline during buried alive match.
Sheamus vs Rhodes - smackdown face vs heel
Big Show vs Henry vs Shaq - celeb 3 way would be cool
The Rock vs Cena - Nothing needs to be added here.

CM Punk vs Triple H - With the likelihood that both Haitch and Taker will only be working Mania this year I don't think they should face each other, and Punk and Trips still have plenty to work with after their entertaining summer feud.

The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho - It's a fresh big match, not even just for Mania, these two have never had a singles match on PPV. Jericho always likes to do new things and I can see the angle being him wanting to add another first to his list by ending the streak, all his current antics are to show he can play mindgames as well as Taker and that's why he's can beat him at Mania.

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett - I think this is the easiest solution on the SD side of things even if it takes a bit of convoluted booking, it incorporates the current champion and SD's other main feud.

Shaq & Show vs Henry & Christian - A tag match covers up for Shaq, allows Henry into a big feud for Mania and uses Christian as the guy to take the pin from the non-wrestler.

Kane vs Sheamus - I'm putting this simply because I don't see anything else for either guy right now and it would be a solid power match-up.

MITB - I think that unfortunately Dolph may end up in this match and they may add Foley just for a name. I could also see the Truth/Miz feud bundled into this match, as well as the US champion.

Cody Rhodes vs Goldust - Cody is just going to miss out on the main title matches this year but this angle could generate good heat for him. I could also see Dusty as the ref.

Rey Mysterio vs Del Rio - If Rey makes it back then it makes sense for him to wrestle the guy who put him out in the storyline, plus Del Rio will not be long back from injury either.

Divas Scramble match - It's something different for them and there really isn't a top face Diva to build to face Beth right now.
sorry, but my Wrestlemania card has 12 matches. I couldnt see who I could leave off from the matches I have picked. I believe this card will be very close to what will happen due to current storylines and returning talent who will get the payday of Wrestlemania. The MITB cash in is my own hopeful idea, and as it is yet to happen and another way for Vince to stick it to Bryan, Im expecting it. Here goes:

WINNER: I think WADE BARRETT wins, and cashes in later in the night in the WHC Title match.

WINNER: MASON RYAN. Im really hoping this guy gets a push, and for him to mean anything, he needs to be going over main event talent. Id like to see Ryan smash through 8-9 guys in the Royal Rumble, then be set off on a major on Smackdown, leading to a showdown with Henry, who will want to add Ryan to his Hall of Pain.

I see the only reason Foley was brought back was to give Ziggler the rub, the same rub he gave Orton is 2003 and Edge in 2006. A decisive victory over Foley gives Ziggler that much needed main event win and elevated finally to full time main event status.

Cody must win this, to get the victory over his brother and the father begrudgingly counting the pinfall. Excellent heel heat to be garnered here by Cody

Gives both guys a match, a match we have not seen before. Maybe something will happen at the Royal Rumble to pair this pair off, a throwaway match.

With this match being bumped last year, it would be a nice touch to have this pair get their Wrestlemania moment. In a twist, Id love to see Bryan gain the victory, Afterwards, and leading to the intermission, Wade Barrett comes out, cashes in and stuns the world, pinning Bryan and becoming the champ.


Not sure of the build up for this match, just know that if history says anything the celebrity ALWAYS comes out on top.

This would be a great match. The Miz has been floating aimlessly since dropping the WWE title, Orton needs something solid to get him back in the swing. The Miz, by winning, could boast that he beat Cena and Orton at Manias two years staright, solid bragging rights and should be a solid match also. Also, they could play off Miz winning the belt off Orton to start his main event run in late 2010.

WINNER NATAYLA, these pair need to have a matchm, the two best womens wrestlers in the company. Why not do it on the biggest stage of all

The two longest serving uys on the active roster. HHH speech at the Slammys all but confirmed that this pair will meet for a third Wrestlemania match. 20-0 vs retirement. I fully expect this to be Undertakers last match, and in turn will see him take a different gimmick and role in the company. As Vince is 66 or 68 now, WWE needs a different face on tv as General Manager. Why not the longest serving guy in the company??? Sets up nice out of ring feuds between Taker and the MacMahon-Helmsleys

This match should be an absolute cracker. Jerichos return has surely led to a match between the two. No other options really make this much sense 9 weeks out from Wrestlemania. I expect Jericho to do the honours, but htis pair fued on for a couple more months, maybe even swapping the title in the process.

HAS TO GO ON LAST. I cannot see any other outcome then a John Cena victory. The match wiont have the title invovled. I cannot see the show ending with a guy in his early 40's knocking off the number one guy in the company on their biggest show of the year. This match has been 12 months in the making, Cena will win

12 match card I know, but I feel that a few of those would be quick matchs. To me its a solid card and fits in with the current state of play. Discuss.
I'll give this my best shot.

The Rock vs John Cena

- No need for much explanation. Probably the biggest star of The Attitude Era vs The Biggest Star of the PG Era in an epic confrontation. Couldn't ask for anything better than that.

WWE Championship Match
CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho

- This match may just be more anticipated than Rock/Cena IMO. We're talking two people with awesome mic skills that could potentially set up some great promo battles between both men. Jericho is obviously in great shape and of course there's the whole "Best in the World" vs "Best in the World at what I do" thing. Mark my words, this will be historic.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Daniel Bryan (c) vs Randy Orton

- I really can't see any other possibility. After the Royal Rumble, the whole Henry/Big Show/Bryan, the triangle feud will have run its course and Bryan will have to move on. I predict Randy Orton to return at the Royal Rumble. I don't know if he'll win it, but I see him being the man to face Bryan at Mania in a good match. There's really no other option since Bryan is making a heel transition. I would have Sheamus here but.....

Streak Match
Sheamus vs The Undertaker

- Yes, I'm going there. If WWE is smart, they will make this happen. Look at when Randy Orton emerged and challenged The Undertaker. It boosted his career and reputation even higher coming off his feud with HHH. I see them building this match up the same way they did with Orton. Start off as a friendly challenge, but slowly, Sheamus shows that he really means business and is out to prove that Sheamus will be the guy to end The Streak. I really wouldn't wanna see HHH vs Taker IIII or Kane vs Taker III for that matter. Sheamus is on a roll and even if he loses, this could put Sheamus in a permanent Main Event spot, if he isn't already there.

Kane vs Triple H

- If WWE is so bent on having Triple H compete at WrestleMania, give him somebody other than Punk. Give him Kane, I'll explain. Cena and Kane can't end in a clean finish. It has to be no contest, or a DQ finish so nobody really loses anything. Kane doesn't lose and Cena still is the Hero that vanquished the Monster. Once The Rumble is over, the Cena/Rock feud will be back in the Limelight and give Kane nothing to do. What's he gonna do? Go back to feuding with Zack Ryder? I don't think so. This could start when HHH comes back. He can address the fact that Kane put Ryder in the Hospital, has made Cena go crazy and single handily caused chaos and mayhem on RAW and somebody has to deal with him for good. Bam! The Game against The Big Red Machine. This could work, only if WWE wants to.

Career vs Title
Cody Rhodes (c) vs Goldust

- Contrary to what other people say, this could be a good feud. These New fans won't care about the career stipulation the PG Fans probably don't even know about Goldust's illustrious career. But I still say do it. This gives the chance for Rhodes to have a big feud heading into Mania. Feuds that center around family can get real personal, real fast. Cody Rhodes has brought prestige back to that Intercontinental Title and it needs to be defended against a quality opponent. It'll be a good match because Goldust can still go, and it'll be quite a coup if Cody can retire his Brother in the process.

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley vs Dolph Ziggler

This has Mick Foley vs Edge written all over it. We all know Dolph Ziggler needs that ONE feud to finally put him over and catapult into a legit Championship contender and Foley is the guy for the job. He did wonders for HHH, The Rock, and Edge. Ziggler is next on that list. Foley can still deliver some solid promos and a Hardcore Match is the only match where Foley can be as reckless as he wishes and nobody would care. The interaction these two had on RAW a few weeks ago signals that these two can put on something special.

Big Show vs Shaq

- Celebrity match that shouldn't be long or short. If Shaq actually trains for this sort of match, it should be interesting. I always wanted to see Big Show take on Shaq in one form or another, and it should be interesting indeed.

United States Championship Match
Jack Swagger (c) vs Zack Ryder

- This match only goes down IF Ryder is certain to return by WrestleMania. He can come back and challenge Swagger for a shot at his belt back. Story writes itself. But if Ryder can't return, replace this match with....

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Jack Swagger vs Kofi Kingston vs Alex Riley vs Santino vs Drew McIntyre vs Justin Gabriel

- I really don't know who else to put in this match -______-

The Miz vs R-Truth

- This feud is NOT over. Not by a long shot. I see Truth eliminating Miz at The Rumble, or something happens between them at Elimination Chamber to put some new fire in this feud. I like how this feud is going and it can't end already.

Mark Henry vs Brodus Clay

- Brodus is really getting over with the crowd and it looks like he needs to be on the card for 'Mania. Henry is a Monster and he can easily get tired of Clay's dancing around and he attacks him and you easily have a Big Man vs Big Man showdown for Mania.

Divas Championship
Beth Phoenix (c) vs Natalya

- The Divas of Doom get sick of each other and prove who really is the better of both women on the biggest stage.

There are my Predictions as what the card will look like. WrestleMania 28 really is shaping up to be something special.
Plain and simple just like the title says. Whether you like the direction of the shows or not, you cant help but get excited for wrestlemania! So to have abit of fun and discussion, given the current roster and direction of creative (Or your own creativity), what is the card that you would like to see most this year?

My card would be...

Rock Vs. Cena (I honestly think that there is too much invested into Cena as an inspirational superstar to kids for him to be turned into a heel. I think it's the perfect time to do it, but I think WWE will end up backing down from the idea. The match between him and Kane will result with Cena using 'hate' to destroy Kane. Kane will pull a Darth Sidious and tell Cena to finish him off to truly embrace the hate, and Cena will realize what he's becoming and he'll remember who he really is towards the end of the match and walk out as the good guy)

Punk Vs. Jericho (Jericho goes in as champ after revealing himself at the Rumble as the guy that Jonny Ace was always texting. Punk wins the Raw chamber match and wins the right to face Jericho at Mania')

Dolph Ziggler Vs. Foley (These two eliminate each other from the rumble)

Zack Ryder (Champ) Vs. Jack Swagger (If Ryder continues to be built this way, I think we'll see Ryder at a WM mainevent one day... IF, they continue to build him this way, ie, those three Swagger gut-wretches it took for Ryder to finally stay down. Not to say that I'm on board with that idea just yet)

Big Show Vs. Shaq (This years WM celebrity)

Undertaker Vs. Kane Vs. HHH (Kane might say that he returned to take the streak from his brother, but as we know HHH said on Raw after WM27 that he was waiting for the Undertaker to return. Do a similar situation as when HBK took on JBL for the right to face the Undertaker, except this time both HHH and Kane fight Undertaker)

Cody (Champ) Vs. Goldust w/ Dusty Rhodes in his corner

Wade Barret (Champ) Vs. Sheamus Vs. Orton Vs. Christian (Sheamus wins the rumble, Wade wins the chamber, Orton and Christian somehow find a way in. I think that Orton and Sheamus will screw each other out or brawl out of the Rumble. Christian could pull another one of his 'one more match' routines. Sheamus is getting HUGE pops right now)

Tag Team Tornado match with Primo and Epico (Champs) Vs. The Usos Vs. Santino and Yoshi Vs. Hunico and Camacho

Not sure where I'd fit in Mark Henry (depending on his injuries), Del Rio, Kofi etc, seeing as Money in the Bank now has it's own PPV. Maybe put Kofi in a new tag team? Also, I have no idea what to say about the divas... Beth is the champ and I haven't seen her more then maybe once or twice this year on RAW!

What would your dream card be?

P.S:Anyone else remember that Cena originally said that this match would be for the title? Glad they dropped that idea! Really shows how little faith they had at the time in the ability to create star power before WM28, in order to not have to resort to going back to getting older stars to make a draw again like WM27.
Hmm, i love this sort of thread. It's pure personal opinion, and as such no one should bash another for what they post.

Anyway, to the point here is what i'd like to see at WM:

Rock v Cena

WWE Title: Punk v Y2J

World Title: Barrett v Sheamus v Orton v Bryan v Christian (For this we can either have a championship cramble or an elimination match.)

Celeb match: Show v Shaq

Taker's streak match. Either Kane, HHH, or a shock name.

Rhodes brother match, maybe daddy referees.

Maybe a good old 8 man MITB. I'd say Ryder would be more suited to being in this as sort of the man the eventual winner knocks off at the end.

Of course my only trepidation is that i've got a nice card and there's only an MITB slot for Miz which i feel is a bit much of a drop from last year. There is potential (however small it is) to fit him in the WWE Title match or have him take on the streak, but other than that, it's MITB or no dice.
My WM28 card:

John Cena vs The Rock
We already know it's going to happen.

Triple H vs Undertaker - 3 Stages of Hell
Finally someone can pin the Undertaker for a 3 count at WrestleMania, while his streak can stay alive.

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho - WWE Championship
Y2J wins Royal Rumble and this would be a really good match.

Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus - WHC Championship
Barrett wins at EC, and Orton ends up with #1 contender. Sheamus feels left out and finds his way into the match, giving us a great triple threat with 2 rising stars and one fo the WWE's top starts. Great storyline could be created here.

Rey Mysterio vs The Miz vs R-Truth vs Alberto Del Rio
Winner gets to fight the WWE Champion at Extreme Rules. This is a great way to get these four superstars involved in a match at Wrestlemania.

Kane vs Mark Henry

If Henry doesn't win the WHC at RR then he's got no storyline headed into WM, and neither does Kane after his Cena feud. So why not have Kane want to get revenge on Henry for injuring him. Could make an interesting match.

Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler - US Title
These guys would make a great match and a great rivalry. They always seem to be arguing backstage. And Ziggler can want his US Title back after losing to Punk. This would make a good storyline and a good opening match.

Then as for the pre-show I'd put:
Cody Rhodes vs Goldust - IC Title
The belt lost it's value already. And no one knows or cares about Goldust, so this isn't a match many are interested in. So make this a pre-show match. I'm a big fan of Cody Rhodes, but he won't benefit that much from this match.

Big Show vs Shaq
This match shouldn't be during the actual Wrestlemania. Enough said.

I don't even want to see a Tag Titles match this year. The only big names left out are Christian and Daniel Bryan, and I don't see any where to put them. I mean Barrett/Orton/Sheamus is perfect as a Triple Threat. But this is the ideal WM to me. Even if it doesn't have one of my favorites in Daniel Bryan competing.
Long card.... So many Wrestlemania worthy stars who deserve including.

Dark Match:
Hunico/Camacho vs. Primo/Epico (c) vs.Usos vs. Kofi/"partner"
High paced tag team scramble. Lots of flying etc.

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Henry
Explosive feuds combined. Winner goes on to face Royal Rumble winnner CM Punk.

Cody Rhodes (ic) vs. Goldust (special referee Booker T)
Great chemistry with Goldust & Booker, could lead to an interesting build up featuring the american dream dust rhodes..

Mysterio vs. Kane (retirement match)
Last hurrah for Mysterio.. Mask vs. Mask like they wanted.. Build up will be Mysterio doing the right thing and try to get rid of the hate filled monster Kane.

Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Tamina
I'd need to pee by now..

Shaq & Big Show vs. Otunga & Drew McIntyre
Comedic match.. Seriously Shaq can't go one on one with Show, that would be ridiculous... McIntye walks away leaving Otunga, Quick win to Shaq

Dolph Ziggler vs. Mystery Opponent

Have the fans believe it's going to be a Mick Foley return match.. Then out of nowhere for absoultely no reason, hit them with the gong... Ziggler vs. Undertaker, we don't see Undertaker at all beforehand on Raw/Smackdown.. With taker coming towards the end, might be the only chance we get to see these two in the ring together.

MITB: Christian, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Zack Ryder, Swagger (US), Sheamus
- All possible winners, maybe use Brodus Clay in some way to create a quick win..

HHH vs. Jericho
Political power struggle, would make for some good Raw build up.. Possibly
use some McMahon teasers/GM talk as a catch.

CM Punk vs. World Heavyweight Champion

Rock vs. Cena
Main event of course
Cena vs. Rock
Going to be a classic. Hoping that The Rock will walk out with the victory

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (WWE Championship)
Once again, another classic match. The build up with the mic work will be insane!

Cody Rhodes Vs. Goldust (IC Championship)
Been teasing this for a few weeks on Smackdown now and can see the payoff being at Wrestlemania.

Zack Ryder vs Kane or Jack Swagger
I know it maybe a bit early for Zack Ryder to face Kane at the biggest ppv but with what has happened over the past few week has to have a payoff somewhere. Is Ryder going to just return and forget that Kane tried to end his carrer? If not then it will be Jack Swagger for the US Title with Zack Ryder walking out, YOU KNOW IT!!

Big show vs. Shaq
Not much to say on this one but know it will happen with the reports coming out.

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Wade Barret vs Mark Henry (WHC)
I think that this match would be one of the best on the cards if it wasnt for Rock/Cena, Punk/Y2J and Takers match.

The Undertaker vs HHH #3
At first, I didnt want this match to happen for a third time at Wrestlemania as we know that HHH will not win the match. However, I believe that The Undertaker has a few Wrestlemanias left in him so I am happy for this to happen as long as its not Takers send off Mania. I see a special type of match such as A Last Man Standing match.

Diva's Gaurlet match (Womans Championship)
Always have to have a Diva's match at Wrestlemania and I think and hope that Eve will win this one as she is too hott!!

Now as for the MITB match, I don't think that this will happen at this years Wrestlemania. I do hope that I am wrong however as a lot of the talent are left of the card and the MITB is always a great curtain raiser. Guys like Dolph Ziggler, Christian, R-Truth, The Miz, Sheamus and if the match that I predicted with Ryder, then he, along with Kane and Swagger could be tossed in to that match
my card would be

john cena vs the rock in the most over hyped match of all time

randy orton vs wade barrett vs daniel bryan in a whc match great way to get belt off of bryan and continue a fued with orton and barrtt

ted dibiase vs the undertaker only logical choice to end the streak. dibiase could say my fathere brought you in here and i will be the one to take you out.

cm punk vs jericho vs hhh vs the miz wwe championship great way for jericho and hhh to help put over punk and miz

r truth vs jack swagger us title just to get truth on the card

kane vs the big show vs mark henry vs brodus clay vs shemus winner gets a future title shot

dolph ziggler vs alberto del rio could be a sleeper match on the card

cody rhodes vs drew macintyre another one just to get these 2 on the card

divas battle royal for the belt, only way to get them on the card
My Wrestlemania card would be........

1. John Cena vs The Rock obviously

2. CM Punk(c) vs the Miz vs for the WWE Championship I still think they're pushing Miz to the moon and will have him win the rumble tonight starting at number 1.

3. Daniel Bryan (c) vs Sheamus. This would be ironic as they were part of the free show last year for the U.S championship. Kinda like how it can potentially build

4. Y2J vs The Undertaker. The end of the streak as we know it. Nah taker will still go out at 20-0

5. Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton inter-promotional match

6. Mick Foley vs Dolph ZIggler hardcore match

7. Mark Henry vs Kane Should Mark Henry turn face as rumored I can see these two squaring off as Mark Henry is the cause of Kane getting injured and coming back evil.

8. Cody RHodes (c) vs GoldDust for the IC title and Dustin's career

9. Zak Ryder vs Jack Swagger (c) for the U.S title

10. Wade Barrett vs Triple H. This could possibly give Barrett the rub for the barrett barrage

11. MITB involving RTruth vs Justin Gabriel vs Christian vs Brodus Clay vs Jinder Mahal vs Heath Slater vs Rey Mysterio vs Kofi Kingston. (4sd stars vs 4 raw stars)

12. Big Show vs Shaq yawn

13. Gauntlet Divas match for the title

14 preshow lumberjack tag team championship match. Epico & Primo vs Yoshitino or Usos.

Big card I know, not necessarily realistic but I had to throw in performers that actually might be relevant.
The WWE is trying to make WM28 the biggest of all time, there is no secret about that. In terms of main event matches I see a possible 4 of them if things go the way I hope they do.

Cena VS the ROCK
WWE Title Match
CM PUNK vs Y2J VS HHH( he cud also go in another main event match)
World Heavyweight title Match
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan (tiz one cud steal ths show)
The Streak
UnderTaker VS Kane or HHH

Those are my 4 and having 4 main event matches is pretty damn big, tiz IMHO might just be the biggest WM since WM24.
Do u guys see any changes or more Main events maybe?
Holy fuck your spelling pisses me off.

I don't think there will be four Main events in the WM. The two I hope so.

John Cena vs The Rock. One (if not the) biggest match ever in the WWE. I'm hoping there is a good hour or so for this to go on. I want these two to do better than HHH vs Taker last year.

Y2J vs CM Punk for the WWE title. I want this so bad. I love both of these guys and CM punk is in his prime. Y2J is just the man to push Punk into the Hall of Fame.
I'm editing the WH title match i think it will be DB vs Sheamus because he won the Rumble and Wade vs Orton as another main event, which will end their rivalry
The main events for Wrestlemanioa, as planned since November are as following

The Rock vs John Cena
CM Punk vs Chris Jericho
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus
Undertaker vs HHH

Rock vs Cena has been set in stone for a year now.
Jericho was always returning to feu with Punk over the WWE Title.
Sheamus has been getting the monster push since late last year. With Big Show moving on to Shaq and Henry carrying various injuries, Sheamus and Bryan were paired up to have the match that got bumped from last years card, this time for the WHChampionship
Triple H gave a speech at Slammies and sold it there and then that he will be rematching Undertaker at Wrestlemania 28.

All the pieces have fallen into place nicely. Randy Orton will face The Miz in an inter promotional match and Ziggler will either meet Foley in a Hardcore match, if Foley can get himself in reasonable enough shape, or he will win the MITB match at Wrestlemania.

The returning Kharma will meet Beth Phoenix for the Divas Title.

As usual the Rumble card has paved the way for Mania brilliantly, now Jericho winning the Raw Elimiantion Chamber next month will set that feud up, giving Punk and Laurinaitis three weeks to finish up there little feud with HHH resuming tomorrow night.

Finally, WWE has some reasonable booking
Foley getting in good enough shape is the biggest issue I saw with that card haha. I love the guy to death, but he looked bloated as fuck.

Rock vs Cena was always meh to me. I never thought Rocky was that great in-ring, I just thought he skated by on the theatrics of the thing. Cena bores me to tears.

Jericho vs Punk will be good wrestling wise, but they killed the momentum for Jericho last night. Still the promo work will be snappy as hell.

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan, however, is the one I'll be most ready for. I always liked how they worked together in the ring, so now that they'll both be given a chance to REALLY shine on the "Grandest Stage Of Them All" will be sick.

And Triple H vs 'Taker. Again. Woohoo.

Some good, some bad. I'll take the two champ matches though.
Kharma vs Beth (W.C.)

Primo n Epico(Latin-Express) vs Kofi n Bourn(Air-Boom) vs Christian n Tyson Kidd(team Canada)----(TagTeam.C.) in a TLC

Cena vs Rock (TelevisionChampionship, battle of the movies)

CM Punk vs Jericho (WWE.C.)

Sheamus vs Bryan vs Orton vs Barret (W.H.C.)

Im sorry I dont want to see HHH and Undertaker, I would love to see either of them in a match just not together. Its been done, twice already. Let it go.
It's a shame because WWE could put put on an amazing card...

1. Rock VS Cena

2. Jericho VS Punk - Submission Match

3. Sheamus VS Bryan Vs Christian (Let Christian weasel his way into the main event picture)

4. Orton Vs Taker (Come on...compared to the other tired Kane & Triple H options...this can be a career defining classic...Trips could get involved at the end)

5. Triple H Vs Ziggler - Falls count anywhere (instead of doing what they have done before with Foley ...i.e. Foley Vs Orton...Triple H could give this guy a big rub)

6. Barrett Vs Show (Have a match that means something rather than that Shaq bull...have Barrett accomplish something)

7. Kane Vs Mankind (Short squash match to build up Kane momentum and for old time's sake)

8. MITB - Justin Gabriel VS Rhodes VS Drew Mcintrye VS Alberto Del Rio VS Zack Ryder VS Sin Cara VS Mysterio Vs Hunico

9. Women's fatal 4 way...Phoenix VS Kelly Kelly Vs Natalya Vs Wildcard (Try get someone with star power Lita/Trish/Kharma)

Thoughts please....?
WHC- Daniel Bryan(C) vs Seamus- A dark match last year will be a title fight this year, also could be a very good wrestling match

WWE Title- CM Punk(C) vs Chris Jericho- There is no way Y2J doesnt come back huge tonight on RAW IMO, if this is indeed the match you already have 4 huge matchups

Rock vs Cena- Done, Lets Go!!- Cena gets the win and is attacked by Brock Lesner to send th show off the air

Cody Rhodes(face) vs Dolph Ziggler- This would be an amazing match that is truly wrestlemania worthy, you could have Dolph playing up the #heel stuff and have Cody call him on it or something, nobody wants to see Ziggler/Foley or Rhodes/Dust

Undertaker vs HHH - I think this one is pretty much set in stone, there is no way taker loses but this will be an epic match

Big Show vs Shaq- Ugh

MITB- Kofi Kingston vs Christian vs Jack Swagger vs Wade Barrett vs R Truth vs Drew McIntire - I think this would be a great way to get Barrett the MITB briefcase, and get him back in the title picture against either Bryan or Seamus

Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio- Rey comes back to a huge pop and gets attacked by Orton in an epic heel ture (lets face it a heel Orton is 10x better then a face Orton) this will culminate in a Wrestlemania matchup

Divas Title- Beth Phoenix(C) vs Lita- Wishful thinking here on my art but I have a gut feeling it will be Phoenix against 1 of Lita, Trish, or Kharma.

Winner marries Eve Zach Ryder vs Kane- Ya I just went there in the battle for the girl, not real creative
Why would Cody turn face in the next two months?

He's been working on developing his heel character for the last year, particularly his heel promos, and gaining strong heat with the crowd.

That makes zero sense to me as a prediction.
the way is see it is simply this

Cena vs Rock (Cena will win, i will riot)

Y2J vs Punk WWE Title ( Punk wins but Y2J will be champ going into it)

HHH vs Taker ( taker wins ofcourse)

Sheamus vs Mark Henry (Henry will win the title at the Chamber if not injured)

Barrett vs Orton (Feud at its peak big type match)

Beth vs Kharma ( Kharma takes the title)

Shaq vs Show? Please no!!

Cody vs Goldust ( this could work, but only if they start pushing Goldust now)

Primo/Epico vs ?????? (Dark Match)

and ofcourse because VKM thinks its such a great Gimmick "The Funkasaurous" will feature squashing someone.

I reall hope, Rock, Y2J, HHH, Shemaus, Barrett wins. Couldnt care about others. This is also the first Mania i'm not going to in the last 6 years, and i'm gutted by that!!!

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