Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

Well, the whole WrestleMania card isn't set in stone yet, but here's the way I see things:


Intercontinental Championship Match
Cody Rhodes (c) vs Big Show

- This could be a nice opener that isn't too long, but not too short. It'll get the crowd going that's for sure. And maybe a title change....?

Randy Orton vs Kane

Team Teddy Long vs Team John Laurinatis

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Daniel Bryan (c) vs Sheamus

Tag Team Title Match....?

WWE Championsip Match
CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho

Hell in a Cell Match
Triple H vs The Undertaker

Divas Match

- The crowd is gonna need a break of all the excitement from the last two matches. This is what they did for last year's Mania. HHH/Taker, Divas Match, then Main Event.

Main Event:
The Rock vs John Cena
For the last three weeks of programming the WWE, through the commentators, have been plugging Wrestlemania 28 as "the biggest Wrestlemania of all time." This year's event, as everyone knows, features the year-long advertised main event of John Cena vs The Rock which is what all of the WWE's hype is based around to sell this event. The other currently announced matches are CM Punk vs Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus, Triple H vs The Undertaker inside Hell In A Cell and Cody Rhodes vs Big Show with at least 3 to 4 more matches to be announced.

With the currently announced matches and the depth of remaining talent left to make up the rest of the card do you agree with the WWE's statement of this being "the biggest Wrestlemania of all time?"

Now its fair to say that the WWE make this claim every year, which is true. But they have never went to over board with the tag line. It really seems as if they believe it more than ever this time around.

What are you're feelings towards Wrestlemania 28 at this current time? Quite a few people have expressed disappointment with the absence of Money in the Bank from the card, no apparent build for a Kharma vs Beth Phoenix match and no in-ring appearance from Shaq.

Are you still excited for the event? If so, please share you're thoughts. If not, what can the WWE do with the card to sell this pay-per-view to you and to really live up to its "biggest of all time" moniker.
WWE does it with every Wrestlemania. They dub it "The Greatest Wrestlemania of all Time".

This year's Wrestlemania includes :

HHH vs Undertaker - Hell in a Cell - Its a Hell in a Cell with two of the greatest of all time. For me this is the biggest match in this year's Wrestlemania and probably should be the main event but it won't be as Cena vs Rock is being billed as the biggest match of all time and its in Rock's hometown.

The Rock vs John Cena - This match is just based on a 1 year hype but the buildup has been really poor.

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho : The IWC is expecting too much out of this match. Buildup has been ok. Promos are not even that good but Jericho and Punk are two of the IWC favorites so they will say they are good no matter what, The whole fued is based on a very stupid opinion of being the "Best in the World" but neither Jericho nor Punk are close to being the Best in the world. Punk and Jericho's career have both been mediocre. Their movesets are overrated. Chris Jericho calls CM Punk a wannabe but Jericho himself had a fued in 2003 with Shawn Michaels where Chris Jericho said he wanted to be like Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho himself is a Shawn Michaels wannabe.

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan : No star power,nothing. Most probably the least starpower there has ever been in a World Heavyweight Championship Match.

If Randy Orton vs Kane and Money in the Bank -Ladder Match gets added to the Wrestlemania card then maybe it can be "The Biggest Wrestlemania of all Time".
No, IMO there is no way this is the biggest WM of all time although only time will tell. The main event, Cena v Rock is one of the biggest main events of all time. Its up there with Rock v Hogan, Rock v Austin, and Hogan v Warrior. Lets be honest the rest of the card doesnt matter. Not at all. Maybe Taker and HHH in a cell measures up but its not their first match. Except for some big time marks, no one would care about Jericho and Punk or Sheamus and Bryan. They are unremarkable.
WWE does it with every Wrestlemania. They dub it "The Greatest Wrestlemania of all Time".

Of course they do, but with the make-up of the card, the proof will come at the end of the night on April 1st, not in the build-up leading to that date.

After all, the match between Punk and Jericho is interesting, but nothing to get worked up about. If it turns out to be a great match, though, it could go down in wrestling history. These guys are capable of a classic, but the world won't be turned upside-down in response to who takes the duke.

Same goes for Undertaker-Triple H. To me, it isn't a question of who wins; I simply can't believe the company would end 'Taker's winning streak short of 20-0. Is there a chance they might? Sure, but if the main reason you're buying the PPV is the hope 'Taker will finally lose, I think you'll go home disappointed. In this match, as with Punk-Jericho, it's the in-ring performance that's going to count, just as it did last year. In promos, Undertaker is talking almost as if he lost the match last year. I'll be watching this one just to see what they're gonna do to each other this time, not to anticipate who's going to win it. Still, a match is bound to fall short of "all-time" status if you're relatively sure in advance how it's going to turn out.

If anything can make this WM the biggest one of all time, it's Cena-Rock. We've never had a match made a year in advance, with reminders all through the year. We've never had a "past vs present" match-up in which the "past" guy looks truly capable of delivering (as opposed, for instance, to Hulk Hogan's latter efforts in WWE in which the opponent had to "work down" to Hogan's well as cater to his ego-driven demands to appear heroic no matter the result of the contest).

Finally, we don't know who's going to win Cena vs Rock, do we? Yes, a lot of folks on this forum are "positive" they know, but this is a case in which we truly don't. You can't see Cena losing because he's Super-Cena, who never loses, right? But you can't see Rock losing, especially in his home town, because......well, because he's the Rock.

You can't see Rock losing because he a good guy, right? Hell, not just a good guy.....he's the "good-est" guy ever! Except he really isn't, not when you take a closer look. His character presents as a bully (look how he "greeted" Mick Foley in his first promo back), he's constantly putting down others, he talks trash 100% of the time, and he despises the company's #1 face. That's a good guy? Yes, fans love him, but he's a face that presents as a heel; that's always been his persona.

Then, you can't see Cena losing because the status of today's group of wrestlers is depending on him (kayfabe). In direct contrast to the Rock, Cena is a face who is treated as a heel by a great many fans. And why? After all, while Rock's spiel is constantly negative, Cena is always positive. Instead of railing against people who are booing him, he embraces them. While it's illogical so many fans should hate Cena, it's equally perplexing they would love Rock......but that's the way these two present, and they're both terrific at it.

The contrast between these two is what could make this year's WM the greatest ever. You can't see either man losing, yet somebody is going to.....and here's hoping WWE isn't going to gyp us out of a conclusive ending. A hotly contested match would do great things for how this match will be viewed in the future, but it still needs a clear winner and loser to measure up to how it's been advertised this entire past year.

The potential for this match making the best WM ever is there; the two men and the WWE machine just have to deliver.
I was looking at Wrestlemanias card and it got me thinking with Rock vs Cena, Jericho vs CM Punk, Triple H vs Undertaker is it me or are WWE saying goodbye to that great Era?

because Rock vs Cena is Era vs Era and Punk vs Jericho is a Era vs Era match too what are your thoughts?
It kind of seems that way to me. They're not outright saying "goodbye" to the Attitude Era, because they've been so far removed from it for years now, but I think they are moving in a new direction. I've been looking at the trends over the last few years and it really reminds me of that early transition from the 80's "golden era" to the early 90's style that was more fast-passed, technical, and eventually paved the way for a new "Attitude" in the WWE. It's going to be awhile before we get there - years probably - but I look at CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, and even somebody like Kofi Kingston in the same way that I saw Perfect, Hart, and Michaels back in the day. They are ushering in a subtle change, and stepping away from the direction of guys like John Cena. It won't be a total overhaul, but it is a complimentary way of looking at wrestling this has proven good for business.

So back to the matter at hand: I don't think we're saying "goodbye" to the Attitude Era as much as we're experiencing all our favorite legends for years past entering into the twilight of their career. Shawn Michaels hung it up two years ago, Triple H is on his way, and the Undertaker is nearing the end of a very long road. If anything, Rock being around just brings in the AA back into the picture.

Good observation, but I don't think it's quite that simple.
I was just thinking about this after they booked Big Show vs Rhodes. When I had a chance to look at the card again, I noticed outside of Sheamus/Bryan, every other match so far, contains at least one star from the 90s or attitude era. It really only helps to demonstrate how poorly WWE has built talent over the years that they still must rely primarily on stars who were the main attraction a decade ago. Its kind of sad in a way because most of these guys are already in their 40s, and are the only thing, outide of Cena & Orton, holding the program up. Its also sad, because as you said it, this could be the last run for some of those guys.
I read on the Main Page that they were going to do MITB at Wrestlemania with Wade Barrett winning it. However now he may be out 3-4 months and they scrapped having it back this year at Mania while keeping it as a seperate PPV.
I think this WretleMania is gonna be HUGE...every match has proper build all the way down to the lower card feuds...

The Rock vs John Cena....logic says for Cena to win but then again Rock is supposed to have more matches following soon, so him losing doesnt increase attention for him going forward....

Hell in a Cell-
Triple H vs Undertaker with HBK as referee...of course Undertaker wins here but it does put more intrigue into the match being a cell and adding HBK...

WWE Championship-
CM Punk vs Chris Jericho- I think Jericho has to win in order for the feud to continue, otherwise the return was for nothing..if he simply puts over Punk and then leaves for Fozzy, then thats a possibility

World Heavyweight Championship-
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus...Sheamus winning is the feel good story, but I have a feeling they want the odds of winning Rumble and and winning the mainevent at Mania to be even slimmer (50-50)..thats exactly what happens here if Bryan wins..

Randy Orton vs choice for opener...during this feud maybe Orton will gain his edge back and embrace the hate like he used to...I see Orton winning though, and Kane possibly retiring

Cody Rhodes vs Big Show...Cody should get the rub here, but at the same time Show is the only viable option to take the IC title from him and let Cody ascend to main event...theres really nothing left for him to do but main event because hes showed he can work with main eventers and look comfortable...either way for this one

Team Laurinaitis vs Team Long 7 on 7-
Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Mark Henry, David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger vs
Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, The Great Khali, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Ezekiel Jackson & Evan Bourne.....7 on 7 elimination

The Miz & Eve vs Zack Ryder & Kelly Kelly...theyre building something between K2 and Eve...Zack Ryder is heavily involved of course...Miz could say hes tired of people overlooking him and bragging about an "internet champion" when he was WWE champ last year....
We've never had a "past vs present" match-up in which the "past" guy looks truly capable of delivering (as opposed, for instance, to Hulk Hogan's latter efforts in WWE in which the opponent had to "work down" to Hogan's well as cater to his ego-driven demands to appear heroic no matter the result of the contest).

As long as Hogan/Rock is being excluded from that category, I would agree. However, at Wrestlemania X8, Hulk Hogan put on a better match than he had any right doing given his age and injuries. Rock did NOT work down to Hogan's level that night, Hulk Hogan simply proved that he was as good once, as he ever was. If you are including that match, I think you are doing it a great disservice. Was it a technical masterpiece? No. But it was a better match than anyone ever could have expected, and a lot of that goes to Hulk Hogan's efforts, not just the Rock's. Hogan delivered.
Over the years, and especially the past few years, we've seen a few squash matches occur at Wrestlemania. Just look at some of the past few Wrestlemanias:

Wrestlemania 24: Kane defeated Chavo Guerrero for the ECW Championship in 8 seconds.

Wrestlemania 25: Rey Mysterio defeated JBL for the Intercontinental Championship in 21 seconds.

Wrestlemania 27: Kane, Big Show, Santino, & Kofi Kingston defeated The Corre in 1 minute and 35 seconds.

As you can see, the WWE sometimes puts a squash match on the card, especially lately, which begs the following question: do you think that any of the matches at this year's Wrestlemania will turn out to be a squash? Here are the confirmed matches: Rock/Cena, Bryan/Sheamus, Punk/Jericho, Undertaker/HHH, Rhodes/Show. However, more matches will obviously be added, such as Orton/Kane, a Raw/Smackdown match for Teddy Long & JL, and maybe others. Do you think any of them will turn out to be a squash?

I think there's a strong chance that one of the following could turn out to be a squash: the Raw/Smackdown match, the diva's match (if included), or the WWE Tag Team Championship/United States Championship match (if included). I think there's a strong chance that Wrestlemania 28 will feature a squash, as has been the trend over the past few years. I think one of the matches that I mentioned could turn out to be it, as none of them are very integral, and could just be used as filler time. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them were roughly just 1 minute long. I think one of them will be a squash.

What do you think?
I've been thinking about Santino winning the US-championship and Zack Ryder still deserving a rematch against Jack Swagger....

Could WM28 have a triple Threat Match with Santino vs Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder (winner: Zack Ryder, interference from Dolph Ziggler)

Then you would have the GM vs GM match with
Team Johnny (Ziggler/Miz, McIntyre, Christian, Mark Henry and Alberto del Rio)
Team Long (Rey Mysterio, Big Zeke, Justin Gabriel, Great Kali and Mason Ryan)
(Winner: Team Johnny)

Tag Team Match: Epico&Primo vs Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (dark match) (winner: Epico&Primo)

Kane vs Orton, last man standing match would probably take to long, so i think maybe a no-holds-barred match

I Think you would have every major superstar in a match. Of course they can always put another (dark) match in there like WM26 (Battle Royal) with all the 'lesser' stars
This is the problem I see with Wrestlemania these years, in this generation. I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas as to why the WWE is doing this.

I was watching WM 17 and 18 recently and the card had 11 matches each and at least half were title matches and like only 2-3 promos which were not more than 3 mins each.
NOW, they have like 6-8 matches and like overall like 30-45 mins of promos and backstage segments.
This year, WM is about 3 weeks away and we only have 5 matches on the card so far, i can see a Randy Orton vs Kane match coming and POSSIBLY a tag title match between kofi, truth vs primo and epico.
that would give us 7 matches but i dont see any other matches coming.

Any ideas as to why WWE is only putting up 6-8 matches for WM?
i was debating with a buddy yesterday if this wrestlemania could the biggest wrestlemania in history and we concluded that it could be....
You have Rock Cena colliding..... The end of an era HIAC between Triple H and Taker, you have the battle of the best in the world.... you have daniel bryan vs sheamus..... you may have the big show finally taking the IC title off cody (he hasnt defended it since DECEMBER!!!) and they could have team long vs team mr excitement (cant spell his name), a divas match people care about, a good tag team match and a lot of up and comers who are over and/or good in the ring......

but can this wrestlemania surpass WM 17, WM18,WM19, WM20 etc?

the title is very self explanatory.....

with the recent report that the 3 main events will take 30 minutes, the most interesting detail i picked up was that the wwe title match could open the show, I know that the world heavyweight championship match opened the show last year but can the biggest championship in the history of professional wrestling open what could be one of the biggest wrestlemania´s ever? I know that maybe the championship match shouldn´t close the show because Rock Cena is a bigger match but should it open the show?

Also, what kind of order would you give to the 7 matches already announced?

I would put the following order:
Cody vs Big Show IC title
Randy Orton vs Kane
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus WHC
Team Lauranaitis vs Team Long
Triple H vs Undertaker HIAC
CM Punk vs Jericho WWE title
Rock vs Cena

the title is very self explanatory.....

with the recent report that the 3 main events will take 30 minutes, the most interesting detail i picked up was that the wwe title match could open the show, I know that the world heavyweight championship match opened the show last year but can the biggest championship in the history of professional wrestling open what could be one of the biggest wrestlemania´s ever? I know that maybe the championship match shouldn´t close the show because Rock Cena is a bigger match but should it open the show?

Also, what kind of order would you give to the 7 matches already announced?

I would put the following order:
Cody vs Big Show IC title
Randy Orton vs Kane
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus WHC
Team Lauranaitis vs Team Long
Triple H vs Undertaker HIAC
CM Punk vs Jericho WWE title
Rock vs Cena


I think it would be a mistake to put the CM Punk vs. Jericho in the middle of this matches, because doing so will be a time when the public needs to "rest" for the Main Event.

So I put this order (with 7 matches)

Cody vs Big Show IC title
Team Lauranaitis vs Team Long
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus WHC
Randy Orton vs Kane
CM Punk vs Jericho WWE title
Triple H vs Undertaker HIAC
Rock vs Cena

With a divas match i put it between the last two matches.
Now before I go anywhere, I saw a general discussion thread, threads which cover the discussion based on each individual match and plenty of others but I was surprised to see no actually prediction thread given that most or all of the matches have been announced. Personally I have a lot of fun with this every year so I wanted to kick one off and yes I do believe it deserves it's own thread because I'm going to do a bit of a modification of the traditional concept. I want to ask two questions.

1) Can you try to predict the outcome of each match, or as many matches as you care to based on what's gone down to this point and your own personal ideas?

2) Can you compare your predictions for what you think is the best possible outcome for each match?

And remember, you are free to discuss at length your decisions, other people's decisions, try to avoid just typing out matches and bolding whoever you think is going to win. This aint no spam thread foolios.

I'mma start.

Match 1: Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show - Intercontinental Championship match.

The build for this match hasn't been anything extraordinary but this year if you aren't one of four men, any match you're in matters that little bit less because nobody is expecting you to draw flies. Cody Rhodes took it upon himself to eliminate Big Show from a battle royal which could have seen him as the number one contender to the WWE Championship after he himself had already been eliminated. Good start.

Since then Rhodes has basically been trying to embarrass The Big Show based on his Wrestlemania performances and record, somewhat successfully it must be said. Expect more of the same for the next couple of weeks and a change of gear in the last week leading to their match. Considering that Big Show seems to be coming from a worse off position here and he's been on and off feuding for the WHC for the last 6 months or so, I wouldn't consider a win by him to be out of the question. I do think that they are going to go the route they proved they are prepared to take this as they proved last year by having him defeat Mysterio, and are going to have Rhodes stomp out another grizzled veteran in the process. Show doesn't need the win at this point in his career. I am not certain but I would be more likely to take a bet on Cody Rhodes in this match.

I'm a bit conflicted to who I think should win this match frankly. The mid-card belts have become a a burden in the WWE. They are just an excuse for the WWE to go, 'oh we don;t have to do anything with him, he's got a belt'. I'd want to draw Rhodes AWAY from the belt at this time if I could. I don't think he's going to suffer from a loss because it would free him up to move on to do better things. In fact I would probably say it would be better right now for Big Show to win this match. He'd be an ominous IC champion, he doesn't have to clog the world title scene and he leaves plenty of space for somebody just like Rhodes to move up there.

Match 2: Team Laurenitis vs. Team Long

I think the obvious move for this match would be to have Team Jonny win it. Heel guy in charge of both shows theoretically means that there'll be an interesting dynamic. The odds'll be stacked against the good guys and it's something to overcome eventually which people will tune in to see. I have to believe that they aren't going to want Long running both shows as that'll be dull as dishwater and I'll say Team Laurenitis are almost certainly going to grab this one.

I've gotta echo my sentiments from when I last spoke on this topic. 99 times out of 100 I'd agree with that as the booking decision but this is one of those exceptional cases. People say any heat is good heat. Those people are wrong. John Laurenitis is not good at what he does, do not be fooled by the boos. Those boos are kayfabe shattering boos. People boo him because they don't like him genuinely, because he is not pretending to be really bad and boring, he actually is really bad and really boring.

He brings in the wrong kind of heat. I anticipate that if he wins, people aren't going to be watching avidly to see him be toppled, they are simply just going to be less inclined to watch at all. Of course I can't prove this, I can only extrapolate from my own feelings and the obvious fact that he's an awful awful performer. I would gladly accept Michael Cole over him in the same position because even though he's crap, he's still infinitely better. I say skip this opportunity to get the heel corporate guy in charge and jump on the next ship carrying that flag. I think Teddy Long should win for this reason even though he's also dreadfully boring, he's still a decent face GM because he's totally inoffensive and blends into the wallpaper. Sometimes literally depending on what suit he's wearing.

Match 3: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan - World Heavyweight Championship match

From a storyline standpoint, I really feel this is looking like a Sheamus win. He's been gathering steam for a good while, and he's proven to be the best success from the young guy initiative in the last couple of years. A lot of that contributes from the way they brought him in and built him up, and the other part is because he's a good character, he understands his role well and wrestles accordingly. I think all this will be capped off with a win at this coming mania. I am a little concerned about where Bryan goes after this if he doesn't win but I feel he's probably proven enough to me about his capabilities as a heel if needed to survive without the belt for the foreseeable future. +1 for Sheamus.

Yeah, I'm convergent on this one. I think Sheamus ought to win this. As the one guy who's been proven to be a success I think they should be putting stock in this guy, he's been hanging around for a while and yet stocking up victories and support and it's time to put the strap back on him and see how much weight he can carry as a torchbearer on one of the shows.

Match 4: Randy Orton vs. Kane

I'm anticipating that a stipulation may yet be added to this match. There's not many/any gimmick matches floating around this year and both men seem to thrive in those sorts of environments. As for who I reckon will win, it's a tough one. Randy Orton is a bit out of the mix, but he's always dangerous as the viper, but the same can be easily said of Kane. I feel that Randy Orton is more likely to win at Wrestlemania but that the feud could continue past and Kane could get the better of it at the next PPV. But I say Randy Orton at Wrestlemania

As I said, Orton is not rally anywhere, whereas Kane is sort of coming off something and still has a bit of direction. I would be interested to see what he could do if he wins this match whereas I think if Orton wins it'll probably go nowhere, Orton will go on to somewhere else with a bit of momentum, possibly back to the title. I would personally like to see Kane win because I think he could use the momentum gained in a bit more of a positive and interesting direction, but I wouldn't mind Orton getting the better of him in a PPV or two down the line.

Match 5: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Championship match

This is another tough one to call. Punk's had that belt a long time now, but it's unclear how much longer Jericho will be around regardless of whether he wins or not. From a storyline standpoint I can see a similar argument to the Rhodes and Big Show match. Punk going over Jericho in a hellluva match could do quite a bit for him, but I'd question how much exactly. This is the first time anybody has got Punk flustered enough to stop smiling at anything they say and it would make sense for him to be shaken up enough to be thrown off his game, it might be better for him to lose this one first time in fact. I'm torn. I feel that Punk would win but since he's held that belt for so long it might be better for Chris Jericho to take this one so that's who I'm calling.

For me, I really have to iterate how much it concerns me that Jericho may be leaving shortly after that. I weighs greatly on my decision as to who wins this match. If he can stay around for a good half a year or more as a minimum then I'd be happy to let him have this one, but if not I'd be going with Punk. As I'm not confident I think as a safe answer I have to go with Punk

Match 6: The Undertaker vs. HHH - Hell In A Cell match with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee.

Well surely this is as easy as anything. The Undertaker takes it. I don;t know how, but he wins. I don't think WWE would be stupid enough to do anything other than this

And what's more he should win. The Game is not the right person to take the Streak from The Deadman. He wasn't the last two times they faced off and nothing's changed. I don't know how it's going to happen but I am confident of two things about this match which is :

1) The Undertaker will win
2) It'll be a hell of an entertaining match

Anything else is up in the air.

Match 7: The Rock vs. John Cena

So erm.... how long have you got?

I have to start somewhere so I will I think... maybe. No only joking, this one really isn't that difficult in terms of prediction. Hulk Hogan put his finger right on it with his recent comments in fact. John Cena ought to win from a storyline point of view. He may not be the fan favourite going in to the match but he is going to be the guy still there years down the line. The Rock isn't going to benefit the WWE any if he wins and takes that win back to Hollywood. John Cena, like him or hate him, needs to win this to raise the whole bar of the WWE at this time.

Importantly, the way the crowds are divided now with far more people supporting Rocky really lends itself to a heel turn WM17 style. When you get two faces together and one of them isn't getting as big of a reaction, you turn that guy, it's only natural. It seems they have really been trying to resist this move but it's seemed like the right way to go for a while now and there is no better time than the match itself.

The way I would book it is to have Cena win the match after a 30 minute classic, they go to handshake each other due to Rock's new found respect for him and Cena pulls him back and goes for the AA. He does''t stop there. He basically absolutely decimates the Rock. The uses chairs, the steps, tables, whatever he can get to prove4 a point to the universe, that he didn't need them, that the man they supported was just a phony and he was the real deal and that he was betrayed by them all as soon as a guy who hasn't been working in that company for SEVEN WHOLE YEARS comes back. Everybody just dropped everything to join his side and it made him feel sick. And this is what they get in return, their long-awaited hero destroyed as a punishment to them. "From now on, I do it all... for me." The Miami crowd will only add to the fervor.

Basically a lot of what I put overhead including that little scenario. I'm a bigger Rock fan but anybody who's anybody with a brain or half or even something resembling one should recognize that John Cena NEEDS to win this match and that The Rock winning is completely out of the question. John Cena is going to be able to use this win however he pleases and The Rock isn't, it's that simple.

I hope you enjoyed or even had the stamina and endurance to read that and please feel free to write out your predictions and reasons why, not forgetting who you think ought to win the match and who you think will win it. Thank ye young sirs
if anything the rock will put cena over and elevate him to a higher level at mania, sure he will put cenas shoulders to the mat but id recon it wont be on the grandest stage, summerslam would be the best bet, hhh wouldnt put shamus over at mania but did also at one of the lesser called ppv's.
the title is very self explanatory.....

with the recent report that the 3 main events will take 30 minutes, the most interesting detail i picked up was that the wwe title match could open the show, I know that the world heavyweight championship match opened the show last year but can the biggest championship in the history of professional wrestling open what could be one of the biggest wrestlemania´s ever? I know that maybe the championship match shouldn´t close the show because Rock Cena is a bigger match but should it open the show?

Also, what kind of order would you give to the 7 matches already announced?

I would put the following order:
Cody vs Big Show IC title
Randy Orton vs Kane
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus WHC
Team Lauranaitis vs Team Long
Triple H vs Undertaker HIAC
CM Punk vs Jericho WWE title
Rock vs Cena


Oh man I hope they don't open the show with the WWE championship. I don't even want them opening the show with the WHC. I think that's what turned me off last year not to mention the Rock using the first 15 minutes to talk. It didn't feel like a Wrestlemania it felt like a RAW. I like your order though. Almost what I had in mind. Here's what my order of the card would be.

Cody Rhodes vs Big Show IC title match
Team Lauranaitis vs Team Long
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus WHC match
Kane vs Randy Orton
Chris Jericho vs CM Punk WWE title match
HOF Segment
HHH vs Taker 3 HIAC Match
Divas tag match.
John Cena vs The Rock.

Hopefully they'll throw in the tag team title match some where in there or they might make a lumberjack match for the tag team title in the preshow.
the match order will take into consideration that the Hell in a Cell structure is going to have to be put together, being in an outdoor arena, it cannot hang over the ring. Thus I feel that match will be first up safter the intermission. There is 8 matches announced, so my card at this stage looks like this.




BACKSTAGE VIGNETTES, ROCK CENA HIGHLIGHT PACKAGES(time fill whilst pulling the cell down)

Now, onto Long vs Lauriatis. We have David Otunga, Mark Henry and Christian vs Santino Marella, R-Truth and Kofi Kingston. Both teams need three more members, and guys like The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rios and The Miz do not have matches yet. On top of that, Rey Mysterio is rumoured to be returning, and having him in a 6 on 6 match with little work to do would be a smart way to utiilise him returning from injury. So my question, is WWE holding off announcing whose going to fill the remaining spots depending on Mysterio and Del Rios's injury concerns??? Primo and Epico are the tag team champions and habve nothing to do either, so Im thinking they could join a team as well
So far 8 matches have been oficially announced for the wrestlemania card, and I want to know who you think will be the winners of those matches

Rock vs. Cena- Im pretty sure that cena is going to win this one, with rocky passing the torch.

Punk vs. Jericho- Punk is probably going to win it, making this feud go on a little longer, but I think they should make punks win a little questionable, so that jericho has an arguement for future matches.

Sheamus vs. Bryan- Sheamus will come out on top with this one, setting it up for cody to take the belt away from him.

Team Laurinitis vs. Team Long- I think johnny wins this one, theyre team is stacked so far. The only way i can see long winning is if miz turns face and wins it for em getting over as a face.

Rhodes vs. Show- Rhodes comes out on top, barely winning, but show gets the last laugh with a knockout punch

Kane vs. Orton- Orton will win this one after a long battle to send the fans home happy

Divas tag match- Honestly, i dont give a crap

Undertaker vs. Triple H(Shawn Michaels Special Ref)-Undertaker has to win this one as it would make no sense for HHH to end the streak, he doesnt need it. Undertaker will take a huge beating, then Michaels will superkick HHH leaving them both down and battered. They both get up at the same time, and Undertaker will take a pedigree, barely kicking out. Then when he confronts shawn, undertaker will get up, and motion for him to bring it on. When he does, taker will duck a clothesline, and piledriver him for the pin.
Cena/Rock . . . Cena Wins - It would have no purpose to have Rock win this. Unless he's coming back for an extended amount of time. It's obvious they're giving Cena the win. Hopefully he does it in a questionable fashion, setting up a heel run finally, since the WWE seems to have finally gotten it's main event scene right without Cena and Orton.

Punk/Jericho . . . Jericho wins. - It could really go either way, ever since Jericho lost the Royal Rumble, he became another average superstar. You wouldn't even be able to tell he just came back. If he was gonna face Punk at WM, why not just go ahead and let him win the RR. Anyways. Jericho needs to win this, or else, he'll be just as average as he was when he left a few years ago.

Sheamus/Bryan . . . Bryan wins. - I think they'll give Bryan this one, with some sort of questionable finish. This match will probably be a piss break anyways though. No one will really care.

John Laryngitis or however the fuck you spell it vs. Teddy Long, Playa! . . . John Wins. - They need John to stay the faux-Mr. McMahon asshole boss character. Teddy is cool but he really has no effect on the show he's on. This match will also be a piss break with Mysterio or Bourne announced as the last member of Team Long as a "surprise" to cover up the fact that this match is for the dudes who weren't good enough for individual matches.

Rhodes vs. Show . . . Show Wins so Rhodes can move on to the WHC, and Show will start putting over the younger talent.

Kane vs. Orton. Orton wins. Don't really see a positive or negative for any outcome of this match. It's just...there.

Divas Tag Match. Only way to force me to give a purple fuck about this match is if some titties pop out.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. Undertaker wins. With Michaels acting like it's killing him to count HHH down for the 3. Although IMO, it would be much more interesting for HBK to double cross Haitch and fast count him, but I don't see HBK staying around after this match and maybe the initial RAW after it.
There has been much hype concerning John Cena v The Rock at WM28, and that is understandable. But you know what? This is not the match I am most looking forward to.

I am looking forward to The Undertaker v Triple H in a HIAC, with HBK as Special Referee.

I haven't liked the build for the Rock v Cena. Both have been poor on the mike. I have come to the realisation (and I will get slammed for daring to not think the Rock put the sun in the sky), but the Rock-Cena stickwork, has been infantile and childish. The Rock uses words like "fruity-pebbles" and "lady parts". His names that he calls Cena are no better than what a preschooler would say to tease another kid. Yet you people think the Rock is some genius on the mike. We are having Rock concerts and rap sessions, but little to tell me why I should care about this match, other than some guy who left and refuses to pass the torch, and then calls his opponent childish names to please his internet fans who cheer like sheep.

The build-up for the HIAC has been much better. The video that the Undertaker called out Triple H with, sent shivers down my spine. Taker has explained why he wants Triple H at WM. Triple H explained why he didn't want to fight Taker. HBK has gotten involved. Talk about stickwork, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and to a lesser extent, Undertaker (lesser as in, he doesn't get as much mike-time) has shined on the mike. They don't go calling each other stupid names. While the Rock and Cena talk about stupid things, the three men involved in the other match talk about legacies, streaks and reputations. There is more respect between Triple H and Taker, and yet I don't believe that they want to tear each other apart any less, such is their competitive juices. Add Hell-In-A-Cell, the structure that both the participants made a name in (and this needs to be mentioned more in the next couple of weeks), and I think this will be a far superior match than the touted main event.

It showed me that the Rock is over-rated on the stick, and anything UT, HHH or HBK have said have been much more impacting and enthralling. Anyone agree?
Since we've got a thread on what people think the opener will be and what will close the show, i am interested on peoples thoughts of the entire running order....

Its obvious that Rock vs Cena will close the show, but there can not be a major match (i.e Taker vs HHH or Punk vs Y2J) directly before it, it could potentially kill the crowd for when the main attraction is happening, so my question to you guys is......

What order do you see Mania panning out?

Here is my prediction from opening to close....

1. Punk vs Y2J - Potential show stealer to open the show, not the best idea but why not start with a bang?

2. Cody vs Big Show

3. Team Ace vs Team Long

4. HHH vs Taker - Another potential show stealer at the mid way point

5. KK and Maria Menounos vs Beth Phoenix and Eve

6. Orton vs Kane

7. Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan

8. Rock vs Cena - The main attraction, what this years mania has been built around!

There is no way that the audience would be able to sit through The HIAC match, followed directly by the WWE title match and then straight after have the Main match without having some time to re-energize between. Now don't get me wrong, the entire card is great but it seems that these 3 matches are the main focus (considering the air time that is being used for them) lets look at the rest of the card so i can try and explain....

Sheamus and D-Bry haven't really had much time to exchange enough promos to get the audience connected with this one in my opinion

Orton and Kane haven't really got people invested in their "fued" due to the lack of build

Cody and Show just seems like a squash match to me where Show will finally get his WM moment

The divas tag match will be a 10 minute match at most for the "celebrity spot" of the event

Finally The Long vs Ace teams match......well thats just for the people who have nothing else to do at the event since the MITB isn't being used now.

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