Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

Wrestlemania is still far off, so it's hard to speculate. What do you want to see for the Survivor Series? I would like to see three, solid elimination tag matches. C'mon WWE, it's the Survivor Series, it was built on the elimination tag. You could have a mid-card elimination tag to start off, followed by a divas elimination tag, a non-title match (possibly involving the Undertaker if he's going to be back), the WHC match (Mark Henry vs. Big Show/Kane), the WWE match (Del Rio vs. Punk) and finally the big McMahon/Triple H elimination tag with Rock and Cena on Team Triple H. I could also including Del Rio and punk in the McMahon/Triple H tag because because it's such a big storyline and Del Rio could hold the title through another pay-per view. Plus, Rock and Cena teaming together is the big selling point of this PPV and it will overshadow both title matches. What would you like to see at Survivor Series?
I would Love to see a Scramble match at SS.

I might be the only one but The Big Show vs Mark Henery in a Table Match,Id actrully would wana see that haha

As for the Royal Rumble Plans, I hope its not Orton that would ruin it for me,I myself would love to see The Miz Win Switch to Smackdown Cash in early and win the World Title and Him and Bryan at Wrestlemania, Just throwing that out there. and @XTheFutureX the sheamus vs bryan would be pretty good,but wouldnt it also be funny as hell how the match that got scrapped from Wrestlemania 27 in now one of the Main Events.
The last three Rumble winners haven't won the title at Mania, so I think the upcoming winner will capture the title at Mania. If they're from Raw, I see Punk winning if he doesn't capture the title before the Rumble, or possibly Miz. If they're from Smackdown, it's really up in the air. I could see Sheamus, Rhodes, or Orton winning. If the Rumble is in St. Louis as I've read a couple of times, this increases Orton's chances of winning. I would like to see a fresh face win again though, just like Del Rio last year.
So first off, Survivor Series, love the idea of a Scramble match it's well suited for the ppv. The fact that they want to do a WWE vs Anti-WWE match is great, we get to see all our favourites in one match. The Rock, John Cena, Triple H, CM Punk and I could see Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold or The Undertaker filling in the last spot against The Miz, R-Truth, Kevin Nash, Alberto Del Rio, and maybe Vince McMahon or John Laurinaitis. I'm hoping they make Mick Foley the special guest referee, that would make this match just that much more exciting except looking at both sides, not hard to tell which team will win.

Second, TLC could really care less cause they're gonna drop the ball on it like they do every year, we all know John Cena will be in the TLC match and Big Show vs Mark Henry in a tables match for the WHC....REALLY?! Haven't we seen enough of Mark Henry and Big Show going through tables, this is stupid, pray it doesn't happen.

Third, as for the Royal Rumble, there are a lot of choices and that's one thing I like is that the last few years have been predictable, 2012 will be interesting. You got Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, The Miz, R-Truth and CM Punk who all have a chance at winning.

And FINALLY WM28...Who the hell will The Undertaker face? Mick Foley....NO, they need to give him a fresh opponent, but someone that's credible, like The Miz or Cody Rhodes for starters, I would say Alberto Del Rio, but I'm not feeling and quite honestly we just have to wait and see. Another thing is we can all hope and pray Cena doesn't walk into WM the WWE champion, The Rock vs. Cena does not need to be a title match!!! There needs to be a seperate WWE title match one that will be fresh and exciting. Also I like the idea of having Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes or Wade Barrett for the WHC either one would be exciting hell make it a triple threat they usually involve that title in a triple threat situation and I wouldn't be disappointed with either one of those guys winning, however Daniel Bryan NEEDS the win. Because of the MITB and because he is a well rounded superstar, just has a bad gimmick, I would like to see him have a heel turn, but it wont happen if this match does take place.

Overall there's lots of possibilities they've built so many stars over the last few months (IE. The Miz, R-Truth, CM Punk, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, etc.), it's really hard to make assumptions and point fingers at this point.
I really started back watching the WWE when CM Punk's Contract was about to expire, he had brought back excitement for me, I looked forward to seeing his Promo's, I LOVED him as a Heel! Now the WWE has Killed his character, and now he's a Face, and no longer Talks on the Mic the same way. He has become JOHN CENA! I truly hope they change this quick!
The last three Rumble winners haven't won the title at Mania, so I think the upcoming winner will capture the title at Mania. If they're from Raw, I see Punk winning if he doesn't capture the title before the Rumble, or possibly Miz. If they're from Smackdown, it's really up in the air. I could see Sheamus, Rhodes, or Orton winning. If the Rumble is in St. Louis as I've read a couple of times, this increases Orton's chances of winning. I would like to see a fresh face win again though, just like Del Rio last year.

Royal Rumble last wear was in Boston and Cena didn't win it (though not technically his hometown) so I don't see how this affects Orton's chances.

I see two possibilities ... Sheamus and CM Punk. It's obvious WWE is starting to Push Sheamus as a big face since he got that big win in the 14-Man Tag Team Match on RAW. CM Punk is quite hot right now (depending on how WWE affects his momentum) so a win for him is also not out of the question.
World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett

Lets be honest. Vince isn't going into his biggest show of the year with the belt not on his top star on that specific show and we all know that that star on Smackdown is Orton. With that said, I'd love to see Orton vs. Rhodes but I think Cody is going to be a slow build to Main Event/Star status. I see them milking him with the IC title, having him hold this for a long while, through 'Mania. Another logical choice is Sheamus but he seems to be the next big thing on Friday Nights and more importantly, the next big face as well and we're not going to see a face vs. face championship match. Then there is Mark Henry and though I love what they've done with him so far, I can't see him sticking around at a consistent top level for the WHC until Wrestlemania. They'll bring him back down a little bit and then bring him back up. Then there is Christian. While we all love him and there is no doubting the work him and Randy do together, would they really go with this again? I wouldn't put it past them but I have to say no at the moment. That leads me to Barrett. Wade has all the tools needed to be a top guy and a Royal Rumble win would be a huge boost to his career and elevating him back to Main Event status. He and Randy have worked together in the past as well and I think this would be a great match. You would just have to start pushing him now. Get this man on a hot streak and have him blazing going into the RR. A lot of people have been putting Jericho either here or in the other title match as well but I personally think he'll be facing off with The Undertaker.

WWE Championship Triple Threat Submission Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan

It's already been stated that Vince is looking to continue to give Punk a massive push going into the big show, more than likely having him carry the belt into 'Mania as well. Well, with Cena occupied with Rock, who else is there really for Punk to face on Raw besides Del Rio? The rumors already are of a Smackdown guy winning the Rumble (thus my Barrett pick) and unless you're going to take the US strap off of Ziggler and push him through the moon in the incredibly near future, there is no heel big enough to fight Punk at 'Mania besides Del Rio and quite honestly, ADR deserves the match as well. It's quite obvious he's going to be a big player and a big player for a long time and this should be the first of many 'Mania title matches for him. Then the wild card comes in. Mr. Money In The Bank, D-Bry. In order for him to be taken successful, you need to put him in a match where people believe that this guy just may have a chance to win and what is his strength? He's mat based and has different submissions coming out the wazoo. Basically, you have him keep losing, have him lose his mind and turn heel, saying he's tired of nice guys finishing last and have him go nuts. Then he gets on a winning streak and everyone is talking about how the champ on Smackdown is in trouble. Then at the end of one Raw, after Punk wins a match while Del Rio is doing commentary, Bryan comes out and attacks Punk and locks him in the LeBell lock. Punk starts tapping and Bryan gets up and grabs a Mic, only looking down at Punk to start and then Del Rio. He starts talking and says I never said which champion I was going to face at WM 28 and I'm telling you now Punk, I'm cashing in against you and Del Rio and I talked to Mr. Lauirinaitis and he has agreed to make it a submission match. Then says see you in Miami and you can build that up for about 3-4 weeks before the show.
Like Keehlnate said I think Bryan is gonna be like the chris benoit with the triple threat match against two top stars one possibly being Orton and maybe sheamus, Sheamus wins the rumble then orton wins at EC setting up the triple threat match, as for the WM card
Rock vs Cena
Orton vs Sheamus vs Bryan
CM punk vs Del rio or Miz ( do not want to see punk vs Austin as much as I would love it Austin has been out of the ring since WM 19)
Undertaker vs Triple H
The rest is kinda toss up bt I think they want one or two matches that can give cena vs rock a run for it's money bt the whole show is Rock vs Cena it's gonna have the hogan/rock feel so I think Taker vs Game is probably gonna happen and then that one other match which I think Is the triple threat I mentioned earlier so you three big matches and then fillers which could steal show people like Cody and the tag titles etc.
I, for one, don’t care too much about what is planned. As we saw at recent Raw / Smackdown shows, things don’t always go as planned.

If there will be a Blue Scramble match at Survivor Series this year, having 6 Superstars should be interesting. If Raw were to have a Scramble match as well, I’d have Alberto Del Rio, John Cena, CM Punk, The Miz, R-Truth, and Triple H himself included. I assume since most, if not all, these Superstars will be involved in a Survivor Seires Style Elimination Tag Team Match, then a Red Scramble match isn’t happening.

As for the Royal Rumble this year, I am guessing it’s going to be Daniel Bryan walking away with the Royal Rumble win. Just think about that for a second. Think about the American Dragon with a WWE Title shot via the Royal Rumble win and a World Title shot via the Blue Money In The Bank Briefcase. I smell WWE / World Title Unification at WrestleMania.
I like the idea of a scramble at Survivor Series on the Smackdown side. It goes along with the surviving theme and we haven't had one this year and they have been good in the past, I for one find it hard that the WWE dropped the idea when they based the Unforgiven PPV around it a few years back.

So in my Scramble I have:
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes
Big Show

So in there you got two heels with the three faces, stupid to have four faces for the sake of leaving out a rising star on the SD! side in Rhodes for a returning Kane.

Then there can easily be a mid card and/or divas Survivors match with the main event Survivors match featuring The Rock and John Cena etc in. If they go with no mid card Survivors match then have the US title match and another feud in the undercard, as I would put whomever the WWE champion is at the time in with Rock/Cena's match.

TLC would feature whomever is in the WWE title picture maybe someone new for the PPV. A tables tag match of main event level like Awesome Truth vs. Punk/HHH and then the blowoff to Henry/Show (possibly after having Show just miss out on winning the title in the Scramble or winning it and this being Henry's rematch).

As for the Rumble at the minute I see Punk being given the 'your not getting another title shot again' storyline but wins the Rumble from early on. Or perhaps maybe Daniel Bryan (loses his Rumble title match at Mania but has the MITB shot to fall back on) or maybe Chris Jericho as an outsider who both sides in WWE want from there on and he says he won't say until after Wrestlemania.
There appears to be alot of unknowns when it comes to Wrestlemania this year. For one the Daniel Bryan situation is completly confusing. When was the last time he was even on Smackdown. I dont know if there doing the underdog coming from nowhere thing, but how will fans buy him in a World Title match at wrestlemania. The Undertakers opponent is a mystery as well, but I still say they pull the trigger on a Taker V HHH rematch. With all this uncertainty this is how my card would look today..

WWE Title Match
CM Punk (C) V The Miz

Rock V Cena (Of course)

Womens title
Beth Phoenix (C) V Karma (and or Nataliya) - I know its a long shot for Karma, but that would be the best Divas match they could put for Wrestlemania

HHH V Undertaker - This would be a hard match to pull off again, but at this point there arent many people out there who would make a match with the Undertaker memorable at wrestlemania.

Randy Orton V Alberto Del Rio- Simple storyline attached that you screwed me at the royal rumble type deal, just to get two of the big stars on the card.

IC title
Cody Rhodes (C) V Big show - great way to put over Rhodes as big star in the making.

World Title Match
Mark Henry (C) V Sheamus - Sheamus wins the rumble to set up this match, in my car this would be pretty early on like 2nd or 3rd match. Sheamus wins the world title, to which Daniel Bryan emerges to cash in later in the night since that is the noble thing to do.
second WHT match
Sheamus (C) V Daniel Bryan- Hard fought battle between the two which Sheamus wins, which causes Daniel Bryan to snap and turn heel for trying to be noble and failing.

I think for the most part this is a realistic card, of course there are alot of moving parts still to be determined. This is the year I feel the WWE can take risks with their matches, because they already have their buys with Cena V Rock, so you can try new guys out in big time matches without the risk of the PPV tanking. I am looking forward to it though
I agree it's impossible to take Bryan seriously as a challenger to the World Title. Just like you said, I don't think he'll be in a scheduled match, but rather come out and cash in the briefcase after the real World Title match. And he'll be the first to lose when trying to cash in. This is of course if they don't have him put the briefcase on the line against somebody before then. I could also see that happening so they don't have to worry about making room on the card for him at all. Anyway, this would be my card right now in order...

1. Intercontinental Title: Mason Ryan (c) vs. R-Truth

Winner: R-Truth

2. Tag Team Titles Triple Threat TLC: Christian & Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Air Boom vs. Zack Ryder & Justin Gabriel

Winners: Christian & Dolph Ziggler

3. Fatal 4-Way: Big Show vs. Mark Henry vs. Sheamus vs. Kane

Winner: Mark Henry

4. Triple H vs. Alberto Del Rio

Winner: Triple H

5. World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton (c) vs. Cody Rhodes

Winner: Cody Rhodes

6. Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs. Mick Foley

Winner: The Undertaker

7. WWE Title Triple Threat: CM Punk (c) vs. The Miz vs. Chris Jericho

Winner: CM Punk

8. The Rock vs. John Cena

Winner: The Rock
This is almost too far away to get excited about, but lets give it a go:

Not in match order...

1) The Rock vs John Cena. Normal singles match, no titles, no stipulations.

2) The Undertaker vs HHH. If he returns, HHH has already said he will be waiting.

3) Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan. WHC Match. Bryan will be in the match as challenger, it is just a matter of whom he faces.

4) Cody Rhodes vs Wade Barrett. Intercontinental title. Rhodes will still be the champion.

5) Beth Phoenix vs Kharma. Diva's title.

6) Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus (Royal Rumble winner). WWE Title.

7) Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara. Career (Rey) vs Mask (Cara).

8) Zack Ryder vs Tyson Kidd. US Title match

9) Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs The Usos. Tag Team Title Match.
Ok so I'm new here so here goes, and BTW Is CM Punk injured in your card??

The Rock vs Cena nothing but pride on the line

The Undertaker vs Jericho - retirement match (Cant see HHH in retirement match just yet)

CM Punk vs Steve Austin - Special Attraction

Randy Orton vs Sheamus - World Title winner to face Daniel Bryan Later in the evening - similar to wm 10 with Bret hart

HHH vs Alberto Del Rio - WWE Title

Beth Phoenix vs Karma vs Natalya vs Kelly Kelly

Kings of Wrestling (However there named at time) vs Awesome Truth - Tag Titles

Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler - Title vs Title (Yes they've kept there blets this long)
Every wrestlemania there's a celebrity appearance in some capacity. Usually the match is pretty boring, and the fans just think "why? who really wanted to see this? (Snooki *cough cough*)".

It got me to thinking, why not get a celebrity who's would know what to do, and could actually help sell. Sure Wrestlemania 28 at this point will be a huge seller thanks to Rock vs Cena, no doubt Im buying it and we dont even know what the title match will be yet or even if the undercard will be worth it.

So selling really isnt a concern at this point, but we all know theres going to be a celebrity appearance, and I really dont want to sit through 15 or so minutes watching something that will be stupid. So heres the best possible option WWE should do IF they can pull it off.

BRING IN BROCK LESNAR! Sure we all know hes a former champ, but with him still under UFC contract he could easily fill in the celebrity appearance this year. Itd be easy AND wed actually get a match out of it that wed want to see. Who wouldnt want to see Lesnar one more time in a WWE ring? And with him appearing in WWE12, obviously someone finally got to Dana White, promote the shit out of Brock itll lead back to UFC, all Dana would have to do is agree to one match, let Brock go into WWE to be a douche and try and promote UFC and why hes the greatest, have a star step up and say hes had enough of listening to him its the WWE not UFC, and we have a match and wont have to deal with a crappy celebrity appearance. Hell id even see if Dana would want to appear, Brock Lesnar with Dana White vs ??? with Mr. McMahon, thatd be something wouldnt it?

Sure, most will say Rock could be considered this years celebrity, but lets face it, its Wrestlemania, WWEs gonna be trying to bring in ALOT of guys this year, especially since its Rock vs Cena, I say bring in Lesnar and they will sell over a million again. What do you guys think? Good or bad idea. Is it even possible?
Lesnar will not be able to wrestle in a WWE ring while he is under contract with UFC. Dana White has said it thousands of times.

As far as an appearance, not COMPLETELY out of the question as he has allowed for some promotional appearances, but 100% no way will Dana budge on that.
I think it's a great idea lol, as a UFC mark, and a Brock mark, I'd love to see it, personally for me, it'd be Brock v Taker, with Dana and Vince at ring side, have the match go 10 mins, have Brock hit taker with an F5 have his next UFC fight come out n stand on the ramp, taker sit up, tombstone.. Win 20-0 UFC get free promotion for a card, all 3 get a big payday, sounds to good to happen to me tbh, and I'd rather it than sting v taker @this point in time, but Brock there in any capacity would b gd, can't see him getting beat, but it would still b a rub if they had some1 come real close? Maybe wade barrett, use his barenuckle boxing background to say "this maybe WWE brock, but we can still fight" but yeah, I think it would b real cool, and it would defo set some sort of ppv buy record, gd topic, curious to see what some of the other more respected posters think
It will never happen. Vince wont put Brock over any of his guys, and Dana wont let his most popular fighter loose to a "fake" fighter. It wouldn't help any of them.

I would like to see Brock in WWE again. It would be awesome, but it wont happen. Maybe if WWE and UFC could agree on a tag match and have guys like Brock Lesnar and CM Punk team against Alberto Del Rio and Cain Velazquez so there'd be a UFC guy and a WWE guy on each team so the focus would be more on face vs heel than WWE vs UFC.

However I don't see Dana agreeing to let two of his top heavyweights get potentially injured in a wrestling ring.
It will never happen. Vince wont put Brock over any of his guys, and Dana wont let his most popular fighter loose to a "fake" fighter. It wouldn't help any of them. .

This. It's unfortunate, but it's true. Dana White always somewhat talks down to pro wrestling, as if its the redheaded stepchild of his "real" fighting company. Everyone says it would be a win-win because of the promotion UFC and WWE would get and while I'm PERSONALLY inclined to agree, Dana White doesn't see it that way, and neither does Vince. Like someone said above me, Dana doesn't want his monster fighter losing to a "Fake" wrestler, and McMahon doesn't wanna put over someone who abandoned the company over one of the most dedicated wrestlers of all time. Won't happen.

I can definitely see Brock coming back after he's done with UFC, especially after the whole WWE '12 promotion. Hell, if he loses his match in December, who knows what could happen?
I think you have a good idea but there are a few things i would change.

I say that Brock comes to raw as as a guest host.Someone interrupts him and the whole thing is set up.He would have match with them at mania.This confrontation at raw wouldn't have much build up i think 2 or 3 weeks before the ppv would do it.

It would be a good match to have after a world title match instead of a divas match. I would rather see the divas match after a good intercontinental match opener. Doesn't have to be a good wrestling match it could be a squash match with Primo for all i care.
WM 28 Predictions.

Been a long time. Here I go.

Rock vs Cena: The main event. Not for the title. Rock wins in front of home crowd or there is a riot.

Chris Jericho vs CM PUNK- This is for the title. It would make more sense for jericho to be champ though I am not quite sure how he will get the title. Amazing match. Punk wins.

Miz vs Orton vs Daniel Bryan- Now this is frustrating because I am saying miz has title going in. Maybe he wins at chamber. But ya not sure how he gets on smackdown. Good match, great history between miz and bryan and miz and orton. R-Truth costs him title.

Undertaker vs Triple H- REF: HBK- Now this is not my first choice but just seems to make most sense. Only thing I was thinking was taker vs orton and miz vs triple h but going with this instead.

Sheamus vs Mark Henry- Grudge Match, just not for title- fine 10 minute match.

AL Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio- If mysterio makes it back in time, i think this is the match, not sin cara. wont be enough time to build it up.

Cody Rhodes vs Mankind- I would love this match. Rhodes wins.

Christian vs Zack Ryder- Opener. Nice rub for Ryder.

Tag Team Turmoil Match- Not sure who is involved but a way to get a lot of guys involved and elevate the tag team division.

Beth Phoenix vs Kharma- I would actually love to see this.

Would love feedback on this.
I think that WWE should stick with a guest host like what they did with The Rock last year. I know The Rock's presence was just to build the Cena vs Rock match at this coming Wrestlemania, but Wrestlemania is evolving and I believe the newly introduced guest host concept is a great way to spice up Wrestlemania for the coming years. Big name actors that are out there today could make a big pay day and draw more people into the event and wrestling in general. Could you imagine Steve Carrell or Zach Galifinakis (sp?) hosting Wrestlemania?

On a side note and what the original purpose of this post was, Brock would be nice to have for Wrestlemania. He is an integral part of the last decade of WWE and would be a great nostalgia piece for fans that got into wrestling in the early part of the last decade. As a performer in the ring though? Noooo. He's an MMA fighter and could legit murder anyone the WWE has right now. Brock was kind of bland too by himself as well. He's need a mouth piece. I don't think anyone can quite sell Brock as well as Paul Heyman either. Heyman is probably more probable to have anything to do with Wrestlemania too, which is saying a lot about how available Brock Lesnar really is.
so we know Y2J is returning in the near future for a potential match at WM 28
There's been speculation earlier this year that he will possibly go against taker at mania but i highly doubt that will happrn i think it will be foley vs taker IMO. There's also been rumors that he will face CM Punlk at mania which it think would be an amazing match for Wrestlemania.
So heres the question. Its not rocket sience just answer the question and give me ur opinions
Who will jericho face at Wrestlemania 28.
here are my choices in who he will face.

1) CM Punk-The most likely match that will hapeen would be an awesome match vs Punk the promos would be something to die for an the actual match would prolly steal the show for mania
2)Undertaker- would be an interesting match they've faced off before but not at mania but they've rumored the match to happen so we'll see about this one
3)The Miz- This would also have good promos jericho would obviously going in as the face and both would leave as faces i think Miz will turn face at WM 28 he will become the next face against either Y2J or HHH.
4)Wade Barrett- who else better to face than the man he mentored thru the first season of NXT would be a good battle and great promos aswel.

Either way jericho will have a major match at WM 28.
Chris Jericho spoke with this past week to talk about Fozzy. Regarding pro wrestling and returning to the ring any time soon, Jericho said: “I have no plans for it right now. Like I said, I didn’t leave wrestling for any bad reasons, it’s just that I had a lot of other stuff that was going on in my life that I’ve been wanting to work on, and Fozzy is one of the main reasons for that. I know sometimes that pisses wrestling fans off, but I don’t care. I do what I do to make myself happy. I’ve done wrestling for 20 years and I’ve been in Fozzy for 12. Fozzy is in the same place now after 12 years, that I was as a performer after 12. Just really on the verge of becoming something bigger. So I’d be crazy to not to devote as much time to the band as I can and take it as far as we can go. Wrestling is always there, it’s not going anywhere. Will I come back? I don’t know. But I have no plans of it right now....
I've always maintained that if Chris Jericho were to return, he'd work in a feud with CM Punk. Personally, i think this would be the obvious choice. Think about it: "The best wrestler in the world" vs "the best in the world at what he does". That would already be a draw. But whatever happens, I just hope that Jericho would be the heel cos he does his best work as a heel

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