Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

I highly doubt they will let Bryan go for the world title at Wrestlemania. Would I like to see it? Absolutely. I talked about this in another thread that Mark Henry keeping the title till Wrestlemania would be a great idea and perfect build for Daniel Bryan to beat him. Think about it, Henry destroys every single challenger then all of a sudden they begin to build for Mania with Daniel Bryan reminding him he is cashing in at Mania. Have Henry destroy him week in and week out, but at the big event have Bryan shock the world by making Henry submit by the skin of his teeth.

Daniel Bryan would have to be built up properly of course. Maybe become that "submission machine" everyone keeps wanting from him. Now as far as Sheamus goes, I would have no problem with him being in the World Title match. I would love for him to face Taker at Mania as I really believe they could build Sheamus to be a legitimate threat to the streak and would be the push of a lifetime for Sheamus. Either way they really should do something big for The Great White at the big event as he is a phenominal talent.
Ive been thinking about this card food a good while now and here is what I came up with

John Cena vs The Rock- I am really hoping this is a non title match and just an epic fight. WWE would be smart to make this non title but I can see them not wanting to bury the title match with 2 ME type matches(Takers included)

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar- I am really hoping for this, it will be a dream match for Taker to go 20-0, there have been a lot of clues in regards to Lesnar being in this match with the stare-down after his loss then the comments he made yesterday about "ending the streak"..also it surprises me that Dana White has been so supportive of Brock in WWE 12, he usually shits on stuff like that. Anyways, Taker returns and shoots a promo and keeps getting interrupted, a lot the the Jericho return in 07, it builds to Brock coming out and challenging him to a match at mania. Brock could and will be the ultimate heel in this regard imo, im just hoping.

Undisputed WWE Championship- CM Punk(C) vs Chris Jericho(rumble winner) vs Daniel Bryan(cashing in MITB)- I would love to see WWE unify the titles, it would make the champ a lot more powerful and could create a much better vibe to title matches, this match would be sick and would really push the HBK HHH Benoit match as far as epicness. Punk and Jericho are amazing wrestlers and Bryan is the next big thing IMO and also an amazing wrestler, as long as Punk or Y2J come out champ ill be happy.
My card that I could possibly see happening from this far out.

The Miz (WWE Champ) verses CM Punk (Royal Rumble Winner)
CM Punk overcomes the odds and wins the Rumble after being forced to go in the first half (so 20 if they do another 40 man Rumble this year). The Miz leads John Laurinaitis cause against Triple H and beats him to get the final spot in the RAW EC due to a fair bit of outside interference and wins the EC match on the night by coming in last against a much-weaken face and beating them. These two would have a 'golden feud' for the six or so weeks going into the show, plenty of potential in my eyes there.

Randy Orton (World Heavyweight Champion) verses Mark Henry verses Daniel Bryan (Cashing in his MITB)
Randy Orton feuds with Cody Rhodes and a couple of others during the next couple of months whilst Henry continues to hold on to the belt until they are the final two in the Smackdown EC match and Orton wins back his title. On the next Smackdown! Bryan comes out and says he will be true to his word and cash his title match in at Wrestlemania (so in the same way RVD made a date for his cashing in see ONS 06). From then on for two weeks Henry goes around destroying the whole roster he can get his hands on and makes demands, Teddy Long gives in and gives him his re-match. Post-match here if Bryan loses Micheal Cole can go on about him not being able to win his MITB cashing in opportunity (first one to fail etc).

The Undertaker verses Triple H
Triple H is forced to face The Undertaker if he loses he has his role as COO taken away from him. If The Undertaker loses he is fired!!!

Rey Mysterio verses Sin Cara
Just see it happening, billed as their first match against each other.

R-Truth/Christian/Cody Rhodes verses Mason Ryan/Sheamus/Kofi Kingston
Continuing on from where we are now, just a more streamlined tag match on the big night with not having a mass of superstars about on the ring apron and not getting a chance to shine.

Alberto Del Rio verses Big Show with [insert Celebrity name here] as the Special outside enforcer.
Given the rise of ADR during 2011, I see him coming out and saying he can beat anyone at WM28, the random celebrity comes out and they trade words. Next week Big Show comes out and says he wants a match at WM28 and to make a bigger impact than the Cena/Rock match. ADR interferes they get a match and have the added extra of the celeb on the outside of the ring.

Oh and of course.......... JOHN CENA VERSES THE ROCK!!!!!!!
From Marc Middleton at Lords of pain

WWE currently has pay-per-view main events penciled in through the Royal Rumble, which is the opposite of how they have booked in recent years.

There has been talk of doing a Scramble match at the Survivor Series pay-per-view with Sheamus, Mark Henry, Christian, Randy Orton, Big Show and Kane. Henry vs. Show in a Tables Match at the TLC pay-per-view is also being discussed.

It's also said that creative has picked out a tentative winner for the Royal Rumble already, and that Superstar is from the SmackDown brand. The idea is that the winner will end up with the World Heavyweight Title before WrestleMania 28, likely at Elimination Chamber, because Daniel Bryan will be challenging with his Money in the Bank briefcase.
Its good that the WWE are focusing on PPVs ahead of time. Now if they dumped one or two and promoted all of the matches instead of hastingly adding matches with little promotion, or just adding matches that day then I would say the WWE is on to a gooo thing.

And I'm going to go ahead and say, that without and heel or face changes that Cody Rhodes is winning the Rumble. He deserves it. Cody wins the title at Elimination Chamber and faces Bryan at Mania. Bryan then becomes the first man to lose the MITB title match. Good choice if it is Cody.

As for what Orton, Sheamus, Christian, Kane and Big Show will do, I have no idea. I never have anything for Big Show and Kane come Mania time and I'm surprised WWE always does. I'd put those two in a TLC or Fatal Four-Way with Air Boom, Kings of Wrestling and either the Usos or Ryder/Santino.
If someone from Smackdown was booked to win the Royal Rumble, I think it would be Sheamus. If Daniel Bryan decides to cash his Money in the Bank Briefcase, then either Sheamus or Bryan has to turn heel. I do not see any momentum going for Daniel Bryan, so I am not sure if WWE still believes in him. Creative team change their plans every week, and I won't be surprised if Bryan faces Cody Rhodes with the briefcase on the line, just like when Edge won it from Mr. Kennedy back in 2007.
Penciled in is a fun term to play with.

Every year, everyone says this person will be the first to lose the MITB, I know Miz had dozens of topics predicting it, as well as Swagger, had pages written about him being the first MITB loser, and now the D-bryan topics are popping up.

A Scramble at SvS actually makes good sense, since it follows the theme pretty well (not as well as the old school elimination tag matches unfortunately)

Cody does look like he's ready to start going ME, I think his Mini-Orton feuds are hints that they're ready to push him up, I expect him to drop the IC title soon to start playing with the big boys (the adjective, Play).

I wouldn't put too much stock in the RR winner pick sticking around as long as RR is from now, there's a lot of time to burn before then, and a lot of minitransactions can change the story's course considerably, I have a strong feeling they'll use a RAW superstar for RR, simply so that Daniel Bryan's case doesn't lead to confusion (he needs to wrestle a legit fair match, it's just his style... although, him cashing in on a face early is instant heel hate)

I hope I'm not the only one hoping that Cena Rock WM doesn't lead to Cena being a 21 time champion by WM time.
Taken from another news site. Take it for what it is worth, speculation!

Contrary to WWE’s short-term booking as of late, WWE currently has plans in place for the next several pay-per-view events all the way up to the Royal Rumble and beyond.

Aside from the big Survivor Series main event that will see The Rock and John Cena teaming up, there will be a Scramble match involving Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Big Show, Sheamus, Christian and Kane.

For December’s Tables, Ladders and Chairs PPV, a TLC match between Mark Henry and the Big Show has been discussed.

As for the Royal Rumble, it’s said that WWE has already picked the winner – and the superstar is from the SmackDown brand. We heard several weeks ago that Randy Orton was favored to win the Rumble, but that has yet to be confirmed.

While the Royal Rumble winner typically gets a title shot at WrestleMania, WWE is planning to have the Royal Rumble winner win the World Heavyweight title prior to WretleMania (likely at Elimination Chamber) and then defend against Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania.


Makes for an interesting Survivor Series. Decent Scramble match for the WHW Title. Looks like Rock, Cena will team with Triple H. No doubt throw in Mick Foley aswell who is due to return. Jonny Ace, Nash, Miz, R-Truth will probably be on the other team.

I guess we will see ADR hold the Title and defend here aswell. Maybe against Punk.

So Randy Orton touted as the Royal Rumble winner, 'cash in early', win the title and defend against Daniel Bryan at WM28!
First up. I would ADORE a scramble at survivor.Seriously.

Second. Mark Henry v Big show in a TLC would be catastrophic. Seriously.

Third up. I dont see this happening for the rumble. I really don't. Why? Daniel Bryan, a FACE cashing in on the TOP face when theres already The Rock v Cena which is face v face? I just don't see it. Bryan NEEDS to make the top heel tap out to solidify him.
Wade Barrett for the Royal Rumble win, I'm calling it now.

Barrett/Bryan would be the the better match for the WHC. Two reasons why, one, WWE want something fresh and different for WrestleMania and two, WWE don't want to over shadow their Main event (Rock/Cena) and as much as Bryan and Barrett can carry a match even if Bryan taps Wade for the big Mania moment it's not going to over shadow Rock/Cena finish, now if Bryan tapped Orton it could quiet possibly over shadow the finish of WrestleMania.

On a side note, if you watch over the last 3 WrestleMania's, 25 had 3 main events, WWE championship (Cena/Batista), HBK/Undertaker and Orton/HHH all big match feels the previous WrestleMania had the exact same forumla. Now the last two have been one Main Event matches, HBK/Undertaker the rematch and Undertaker/HHH the rematch, the rest of the card had kind of been built around them. Some interiging matches on both cards but WWE have realized they're in need of having Mania as a one match show with the championship matches being fresh and different but good enough to carry the championship banner.
Pre-WM match Tag Team Championship Match...Air Boom (C) vs Ted Dibiase & Joe Henning
Air Boom is build as the team that can't be beat. However on Smackdown Ted Dibiase Sr. introduces a new team he's managing in Dibiase and Henning They eventually earn a title shot & beat Air Boom @ WM. Winner And New Tag Team Champions Dibiase & Henning w/ Ted Dibiase Sr.

IC Championship...Cody Rhodes (c) vs Sin Cara
If Rey can't comeback in time to face Cara then have Cara face Cody for the title. Simple set-up Cara wins a battle royal to become number one contender. Cody has a problem with him just like he had with Rey a year ago about the mask. Cody wins by taking off Cara's mask and giving him a Cross Rhodes. After the match Cody puts a paper bag on Cara. Winner Still IC Champ Cody Rhodes

Who is The World's Greatest Largest Athlete?... Big Show vs Shaq
Shaq returns to Raw as a Guest Host again. WWE hypes Shaq up as The Greatest Big Man in Sports History. Big Show shows up very offended and eventually challenges Shaq for a fight @ WM. Shaq accepts and this bout builds as which big man is the World's Greatest Largest Athlete. Shaq and Big Show fight in which Shaq prevails. Winner Shaquille O' Neal

Grudge Match... Sheamus vs Albertoooooo Del Rrrrrriiioooooo
This feud starts around Royal Rumble when Sheamus eliminates Del Rio from the Rumble. Del Rio isn't pleased and beats up Sheamus then he's eliminated. Sheamus keeps challenging Del Rio for a match but Del Rio keeps coming up with an excuse. So Sheamus steals Del Rio's car and threatens to destroy it unless he accepts his match @ WM. Del Rio accepts however ultimately loses to Sheamus thanks to a Bro Kick. Winner Sheamus

US Championship Match... Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Booker T
Dolph says he's faced everyone and nobody has beaten for the title. He says not even past champions like Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, or Booker T are in his league. Booker T ignores it but Dolph starts disrespecting legends each week. Booker T eventfully confronts Dolph and says he needs to learn some respect for the men that paved the way for him. Booker T challenges Dolph @ WM for the title and Ziggler humorously accepts thinking Booker is a has been. Ziggler barely wins earning Booker's respect but ultimately Dolph gains respect for Booker and shake hands. Winner Still US Champion Dolph Ziggler

Street Fight... Mark Henry vs Kane
Kane Returns @ Elimination Chamber ambushing Mark Henry costing him a shot to regain his title. Kane returns to get revenge for putting him out for 6 months but Henry also wants revenge for Kane costing him a title shot. They have a good hardcore match and Henry destroys Kane making this Kane's last match. Winner Mark Henry

For Control of WWE... HHH vs The Miz & R-Truth w/ Johnny Ace
This starts with HHH C.O.O. storyline. Miz helps HHH lose his job and HHH wants revenge. This eventually culminates in HHH fighting to get his job back. If HHH beats the Miz he gets control of WWE. If HHH loses he'll leave the WWE as a wrestler and executive. The ref gets knocked down, HHH is getting ambushed by Miz and Truth in the match then they call Nash to finish the job. However Nash turns on them and helps beat down Miz & Truth. Winner And New CEO of WWE Triple H

WHC...Christian (c) vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan (MITB cash in)
Randy Orton beats Henry at Royal Rumble to regain his title. He defends it in in EC. However thanks to Henry being taken out (reference to Henry vs Kane above) Christian gets a spot in EC and pins Orton finally to become your New Champion. Orton wants his rematch @ WM but Daniel Bryan wants to cash in his briefcase @ WM. So, Theodore Long books a Triple Threat Match @ WM for the title Christian vs Orton vs Bryan. This match steals the show and Bryan submits Christian. Winner and New Champion Daniel Bryan

WWE Championship...CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
Punk wins the title @ TLC and defends @ Rumble and EC. Punk is living up to his title "Best in the World". Jericho returns in the Rumble and wins. The Raw after EC Y2J chooses to face CM Punk @ WM. He says Punk has been lying to the WWE Universe claiming to be "The Best in the World". Jericho is the Best and proved it by beating 30 other men in his return match at Rumble. CM Punk says Y2J is just jealous because he's better than him in the ring and on the mic. They have promo wars at it ends with their great match @ WM. Winner And Still Champion CM Punk

Women's Championship...Beth Phoenix (c) vs Kharma
Beth Phoenix is sick and tired of having no competition with these barbies not being on her level. She brings back the Women's Championship and says she will retire that championship in her name. Kharma returns and challenges Beth and Phoenix accepts. Winner and New Champion Kharma

P.S. Undertaker is still on vacation until he has a real competitor for his final match next year @ WM 29 such as Sting, Cena, or Rock

Attitude Era vs PG Era...The Rock vs John Cena
We all know how this match was set-up. However to progress the build Cena turns on Rock at Survivor Series. Cena says he's tired of not getting respect by all the fans even though he's worked his ass off for the WWE for 9 years with no vacations. Cena says Rock been gone for 7 years yet is cheered like a God no matter what city their in so screw The Rock and the fans. The Rock says the reason the people will always have his side is because he's the people's champion and knows what they want. Rock says when he was on top in the WWE every night he made sure to entertain the fans no matter what. But what does Cena do, the same old stuff for the past 9 years except for them early years when he so called rapped. Cena returns to his Thug-o-nomics routine and him and Rock have a classic promos and a classic match and WM. Cena hulks up but it isn't match for the Great One and falls to the "People's" Elbow. WM ends with Rock cutting a promo thanking the fans making this the best WM ever. Winner The "People's" Champion The Rock
I would riot of Orton won the Royal Rumble.

Makes sense. Barrett winning would be a grand thing, and a great build up for both him and Daniel Bryan. Both are excellent in the ring.
You honestly think that bryan making orton tap would overshadow cena vs the rock? That is quite sad.

On a side note. I would love it if wade won, but he's not going to. He wont be built up quickly enough to hold a whc match with bryan. It needs to be against the top heel, or orton for supremece.
I can't believe this. Not that i have anything against Orton but imo he doesn't need it. They can easily give him the title at Elimination chamber so that he can still go into WM as champion. They can give the rumble win to a more deserving guys like Sheamus, wade barrett, cm punk and miz.

No mentioning of Sheamus on here? of course wade barret would a great choice to win the rumble but sheamus is way over as a face and he isn;t in the title hunt and still has a few things to solve with henry. however if henry stays champ. i doibt henry would go into mania as champ.

After all these are just rumors..
Smackdown star winning the rumbe? God I hope it isn't Orton. He's won it before back when I actually found his character interesting. Give it to Sheamus. Vince wants him to be Smackdown's top face and I'd seriously rather see Sheamus Vs Bryan at Wrestlemania 28 than Orton Vs Bryan.

For the Survivor Series I would like to see Miz, Truth, Christian, Swagger, and Ziggler on the other team facing Rock, Cena, Trips, Punk, and possibly Foley. Swagger and Ziggler would seriously get over with a match against Rock and Sock.

I just hope Johnny Ace isn't in the match and Orton doesn't win the Rumble.
Imagine this....

Randy wins WHC at Rumble, Bryan wins the Rumble match, loses at WM to randy, during randys post match celebration attacks him, turning heel, cashes in money in the bank, wins WHC and he kept true to his promise of cashing in money in the bank... just a thought

or another idea, bryan winning the royal rumble, choosing to use it for wwe title, then cashes in MITB later/earlier that same night, unifying the titles like everyone has been saying.

HAHA but seriously, if a smackdown guy wins it, is the champion going to defend twice? or with no brand extension, going to face the WWE title?

on a side note though, for daniel bryan to cash in at wrestlemania as he said, he would have to face a heel to really get him over. but who atm is a heel on smackdown who its believable bryan can beat, and without a 100 title changes between now and wrestlemania? the only two guy that come to mind are wade barrett and christian. but for wade barrett to win, i would have to see sheamus become WHC first for it too make sense/believable. should be interesting to see how it pans out however
That report is totally baloney, IMO.

There's a 0% chance that DB is fighting for the belt at WM, despite what he said.

I think whoever made up the story is just going by what DB said and saying that's what WWE wants to do.

Orton vs. DB for the belt? That's a ridiculously weak match for this WM. That's not a diss to Orton or Bryan, it just is what it is. Rock vs. Cena is on the card, Undertaker vs. ???? is on the card... DB is not even a maineventer right now. They haven't even built up any storyline whatsoever with DB to make me think he'll be in the main event picture. So this "report" wants us to believe that in 6 months time, suddenly DB is a believable main eventer? Yes, I know he has the briefcase but it's not happening.

DB's time will come for sure but not at WM. They need a bigger, "better" WHC main event to stack up with Rock vs. Cena, Undertaker, possibly Punk vs. Stone Cold.... This is WRESTLEMANIA not some nonsense PPV.

I'm still sticking with Jericho winning the Royal Rumble as it is in Toronto.

If it's not Jericho and is someone on the Smackdown Roster, I'd have to go with Cody Rhodes or Sheamus.

To the OP: I'm not saying you're lying, I'm saying the writer of that report made all that stuff up. I mean a TLC match between Mark Henry and Big Show?? LMFAO!!!! Seriously, do they think that the IWC is really that gullible?
Royal Rumble is in St Louis this year, the home town of Randy Orton. I can see him winning it and the place exploding.

I honestly jut can not see Daniel Bryan any where near a title match at Wrestlemania.

I have no idea who Randy Orton will face at Wrestlemania. I kept thinking they would build Cody Rhodes into that role but it looks like they are going with that now to keep Orton away from the title. Maybe by then they could do Orton vs Miz or even Orton vs ADR.
Royal Rumble is in St Louis this year, the home town of Randy Orton. I can see him winning it and the place exploding.

I honestly jut can not see Daniel Bryan any where near a title match at Wrestlemania.

I have no idea who Randy Orton will face at Wrestlemania. I kept thinking they would build Cody Rhodes into that role but it looks like they are going with that now to keep Orton away from the title. Maybe by then they could do Orton vs Miz or even Orton vs ADR.

I could have sworn the Rumble was in Toronto. If it is in St. Louis, that makes it more believable that Orton will be the winner. I totally agree with the rest of your post. Now way is DB in the title match at WM and Orton vs. Rhodes at WM could maybe work.
Aside from the big Survivor Series main event that will see The Rock and John Cena teaming up, there will be a Scramble match involving Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Big Show, Sheamus, Christian and Kane.
alright, a championship scramble is possible and I'm looking forward to it. But would Kane be back before survivor series?

For December’s Tables, Ladders and Chairs PPV, a TLC match between Mark Henry and the Big Show has been discussed.
I only want to see them in a Tables match not in TLC. Makes sense since they throwed each other in the table.

As for the Royal Rumble, it’s said that WWE has already picked the winner – and the superstar is from the SmackDown brand. We heard several weeks ago that Randy Orton was favored to win the Rumble, but that has yet to be confirmed.
Orton? No. That's pure sh!t. I'm picking Jericho, CM Punk or Sheamus to win the Rumble.

While the Royal Rumble winner typically gets a title shot at WrestleMania, WWE is planning to have the Royal Rumble winner win the World Heavyweight title prior to WretleMania (likely at Elimination Chamber) and then defend against Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania.
While it is possible that the Royal Rumble winner may cash-in his title opportunity, I don't think he'll defend it against Daniel Bryan alone. I mean technically, Daniel Bryan is not the #1 contender and he shouldn't be included in the match. But since he is cashing-in, he may be inserted to make it a triple-threat match. Like one of the posters said, Daniel Bryan vs. The champion is a weak card for wrestlemania but A triple-threat match would do. I believe WWE is booking Daniel Bryan this wrestlemania similar to Chris Benoit's wrestlemania 20 shot.
Okay everyone it seems most don't want a face Daniel Bryan to make a face Randy Orton tap. Ok, well everyone knows Daniel Bryan made a great heel in ROH. Why not try it sometime before Mania. A lot of people say he has a boring character in WWE and why not juice that up by making him heel. We all know what he did to Justin Roberts. Dude, makes a good heel. I think that would make his character.

My only other suggestion would be him decide to cash in on CM Punk, that would be a good match.
I seriously hope this is a loud of bunk. Daniel Bryan absolutely should not be challenging for the WHC at Wrestlemania... Bryan should put the briefcase on the line against someone and lose it. But if he has to cash in, he should turn heel and do it before Wrestlemania, and be the first man to lose his MITB shot.

But if they insist on having him wait till 'Mania to cash in, they need to have a Smackdown star win the Rumble and not have the belt going into 'Mania to make it a triple threat match to at least somewhat salvage it.
My only other suggestion would be him decide to cash in on CM Punk, that would be a good match.

Are you suggesting Punk jump ship to Smackdown and win the WHC? Because that is the only way Bryan could cash in on Punk, Bryan's MITB briefcase is ONLY for a WHC title shot.
I think with the way things look right now the WM card will probably be:

The Rock VS John Cena
CM Punk VS Chris Jericho
Randy Orton (rumble winner) VS Alberto Del Rio (WWE Champ)
Sheamus VS Mark Henry (WHC)
then... I'd say Undertaker VS Mick Foley if Foley is only doing one off matches. Then again, this likely only works hardcore and well, let's face facts here... PG hardcore sucks big time. Plus, he'd have to be Mankind.

The card I'd prefer and wish to see is:

Rock VS John Cena
CM Punk (wwe champ) VS Steve Austin - if Austin will agree to do it and likes the terms of the match. Hell, let him hold the title for a night and relinquish it the next night or lose it at Extreme Rules to The Miz or something.
Undertaker VS Mankind
Alberto Del Rio (WHC) VS Randy Orton - Daniel Bryan can cash in after the match is over and beat Del Rio for the title. Orton can raise his hand and ask him for his first title defense match
Triple H VS The Miz
then... I'd say Chris Jericho VS Cody Rhodes for the IC Title... and not because Jericho wants the title. But because he comes back to tell Cody to shut his mouth and face the real greatest IC champ of all time... or something along those lines.

I think the second card above is what most WWE fans want to see and would pay for. I wish the WWE would take notice of this. Because that first card that I've heard rumored about and talked about... doesn't look too strong. After all, this is Wrestlemania.
The card I'd prefer and wish to see is:

Rock VS Cena
Punk (wwe champ) VS Austin - if Austin will agree to do it and likes the terms of the match. Hell, let him hold the title for a night and relinquish it the next night or lose it at Extreme Rules to the Miz or something.
Undertaker VS Foley
Del Rio (WHC) VS Orton - Bryan can cash in after the match is over and beat Del Rio for the title. Orton can raise his hand and ask him for his first title defense match
Triple H VS Miz
then... I'd say Jericho VS Rhodes for the IC Title... and not because Jericho wants the title. But because he comes back to tell Cody to shut his mouth and face the real greatest IC champ of all time... or something along those lines.
Woah seriously? Most of your matches doesn't make any sense at all. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWE title? Do you even think he can still wrestle? If this was the Austin of the 96 this match would be plausible. Come on. A hall of famer being active in the roster again, heck even given a title shot? that's ridiculous.

Del Rio vs. Orton for the WHC title. The last time I check, Del Rio is on RAW and RAW's major title is the WWE championship. And I don't think Del Rio would be back on Smackdown so soon. So no this is again ridiculous.

Triple H vs. Miz. Huh? I mean huh?

Jericho vs. Rhodes for the IC title. Nuff said. This is ridiculous.

The only matches that makes sense is obviously Rock-Cena. Undertaker-Foley, still plausible but unlikely. It's not bad to make fantasy matches, at least make some sense out of it.

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