NFL Week 8 LD

God I hope that's the San Diego that shows up in Jacksonville in December. But I have to give the Chiefs some credit. They're back above .500 after a horrendous start to the season.
Great game.

Bolts fans must be sick to their stomach right now.

Unless you are a Chief's fan or just a fan of overtime, I can't understand how anyone can say, "Great game."

There were 21 panalties, 8 turnovers and 7 field goals. That is not the stat line for a great game. Play was constantly being interrupted by the refs. The Gates TD penalty was a head scratcher. A lot of bad throws. Even overtime was slow and painful.

The only highlights were Baldwin's TD, Hali's play, a couple of cornerback deflections and Cassel throwing some frozen ropes (he can really throw a tight spiral, he is just not accurate often enough).
I only started watching at the beginning of the 4th Quarter. I found the game to be exciting and unpredictable from that point on.

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