They've beaten teams that are (currently) 2-9, 3-7, 4-6, and 2-9. Not all that impressive, especially since they were all comebacks late.
You play who is on your schedule. The Patriots are doing the same. Can't fault the Jets for who they play.
Only Rivers is arguable. Vick hasn't played as many games, and Brady has the highest QB rating (although that may change should Rivers have a big game tonight) along with a TD-INT ratio of 23-4.
Good for him. He throws a lot of TDs on a throw all the time team with shit running backs.
And Sanchez is in that second class of QB's. He's not even comparable to Brady. Look at the weapons + defense Sanchez has. Now look at Brady's. And look at Brady's stats (66 comp %, 23-4 TD INT, 105.8 QB Rating) compared to Sanchez (55 comp %, 16-8 TD INT, 81.9 QB Rating) to say that Sanchez is just behind Brady is an insult to how great Brady has been this year with virtually unknowns (and Welker, who Brady help make into a star).
No, to say that Sanchez is way behind Brady, even though Sanchez is the only reason the Jets are 9-2, while the Pats have just as many weapons as the Jets (Welker, the 2 TE's, Moss for 4 games, even people argue that Tae is a huge weapon). Oh, and the whole Sanchez totally outplaying Brady thing earlier in the season. too.
I wouldn't even put Mark in top 5 QB's, and it's not because I'm not a fan of the Jets. He's much improved, but there's still a handful of players I'd take over him.
Hence why I have him not in the top 5, but the top 7 or 8. I'm no fool, I just watch football and appropriately put Mark Sanchez where he belongs this year. The "handful of players" you'd take over him is small (Manning, Brady, Rivers, Ryan, when he plays Vick, MAYBE Brees).
It's still the Steelers, who were thought to be the best team when they both played, and Indy still has Manning. Injuries happen. Those two wins, back to back (with one being on the road) are more impressive then anything the Jets have done.
The Jets DESTROYED the New England Patiots. That's better then anything the Pats ever done. You can't eliminate that. It fucking happened. Oh, and in that game, guess who was the better QB? Not Tom "Jesus" Brady. Mark Fucking Sanchez.
And lol at you saying they aren't hot because they hung on against the Colts and beat a hurt Pittsburgh team. Detroit was dominating the Jets until Stafford went out, the Browns had a defensive lapse late in OT, and the Texans hung a huge 4th quarter on them until they had a defensive lapse. If you're gonna say the Pats aren't hot for winning against 2 good teams, then the Jets definitely AREN'T hot.
Yeah, they won 9 out of their last 10, and 4 in a row. That's the definition of hot right there. The Pats lost more recently, and as such are not as hot.
That was week 2. Cincinnati beat Baltimore in week 2 as well. Seattle beat San Diego in week 3. Does that mean those teams would beat them again? No.
Does that mean they didn't happen? NO. Get your head out of your ass.
And Brady didn't catch hot then, and they still had Moss, who was a distraction. The defense has done better, and Brady's playing at his best.
Moss was a #1 receiver. And Brady wasn't as good as the other QB on the field that day. And no, the D isn't better, it's the same. They give up a shit-ton of points, and happen to get some turnovers.
They've also let teams (Lions, Browns, Texans) take them down to the final minute until pulling it out. It's not like they've been the top dog.
They've come out on top in all those games. Hence they WERE to top dog. And late wins make teams BETTER, not worse.
And NE has signature wins against both Pittsburgh and Indy in back to back weeks, along with a win against Baltimore earlier. Other then NE, the only even average team the Jets have beaten is Miami, who isn't the same w/o their 2 QB's.
1. The Jets beating an at the time 2-0 Miami isn't as impressive because 8 weeks later they lost their 2 top QBs? Are you on fucking crack? The Fins were off to an amazing start, and the Jets derailed them.
2. Minnesota was not only a contender when the Jets played them in Week 5, they were still an excellent football team. The Jets beat them.
3. Again, the Jets beat the very team that everyone says is better then them. But since it helps the Jets argument, it doesn't count.
4. The Houston win IS a signature game. 50 seconds, no timeouts, need a TD, and they fucking do it.

at the Jets being as hot as NE, Jets have lucky not hot
The only luck they have is the Detroit game. Every other game the Jets won because they MADE PLAYS at the end of the game.
as far as Sanchez not being far behind Brady, well lets see I would say Brady, Payton, rivers, Rodgers, Vick, & Brees are all clearly above Sanchez, and tbh I would prolly put a healthy Stafford, and Freeman THIS YEAR above him aswell, making Sanchez barely a top ten QB if that
1. Brees got hot recently, but until then he was playing like shit. And as I said a few paragraphs back, Sanchez is 7 or 8, behind the all-pro's you mentioned.
2. You're fucking stupid. You take 1 or 2 games of Matt Stafford (including 1 where his numbers were worse then Mark Sanchez). I'll take 11 games of Mark Sanchez, and have the best record in the NFL because of him. Freeman has been good, no doubt about it. I'd still take Sanchez, but they're on the same level.
3. Even with the guys you mentioned (excluding Stafford, which is just you being on crack), it's not like it's ridiculously far behind them. Somewhat behind them yes, but it's closer then you give it credit for.
I thought I added him, yeah he's clearly up there as well, hell you could even make a case for Fitzpatrick really
Roethlisberger missed 4 games, and the team was just as good without him. Need I say more.
Stats wise, yeah, but the Bills are 2-9. While that can't be blamed on Fitzpatrick, Sanchez has done that - win games.
However, going up against guys on teams that also have winning records, he's definitely not a top QB. David Garrard and Matt Cassel are having good years as well and are unexpectedly having their teams at the top of the division.
1. Fitz is having a good FANTASY season. That doesn't mean he's having a good SEASON. If that's the case, then lets put Carson Palmer up there, since he's been having a pretty decent Fantasy season. He just puts the numbers up after his team is trailing by a ton and he needs to throw all the time to get the team back in it (similarly to Fitz).
2. David Garrard. Really? This is proof if anything that you're talking out of your ass. The Jags tried to fucking BENCH Garrard, he was so terrible at one point. They even brought in TRENT EDWARDS for god sake. TRENT EDWARDS!!!
3. Cassel is playing the easiest schedule in the NFL. And he hasn't been all that. He's been good, but nothing special.