MMA GSD For June: Sorry Fabricio, It's All Overeem

Turd Ferguson

6/4 - The Ultimate Fighter Season 13 Finale: Guida vs. Pettis
6/11 - UFC 131: Dos Santos vs. Carwin
6/18 - Strikeforce: Overeem vs. Werdum
6/24 - Strikeforce Challengers: Fodor vs. Terry
6/25 - Bellator 46 - Featherweight Tourney
6/26 - UFC Live: Marquardt vs. Story

This month is jam-packed with good MMA.

  • Hatsu Hioki has vacated the Shooto Featherweight Title. Will be attending UFC 131.
  • Anderson Silva thinks Okami shouldn't be "training with losers like Chael Sonnen".
  • Speaking of Sonnen: Dana White will not let him fight until his issues with the CSAC are resolved. Chael will never fight again.
  • Brian Stann is the future at 185.
  • Kurt Pellegrino is likely going to retire.
  • Fedor is going to get paid $1.5 million to eat a Big Right Hand.
  • Joe Rogan is mulling leaving the UFC.
  • The UFC might replace The Three Stooges for Strikeforce broadcasts.
  • Dana White claims Roy Nelson being fat is "no longer funny". Mike Dolce has offered his services to Nelson for his greatest challenge yet.
  • MMA Journalists are up in arms over Rampage motorboating some broad.
  • Jason "Mayhem" Miller and Michael "The Cunt" Bisping are your TUF 14 coaches. I may have to root for Bisping.
  • Tito and Jenna are Splitsville. Ryan Bader will certainly end Tito's career next month.

Guy, you specifically should get a kick out of this picture:


And Chester... what makes you think Stann doesn't stand a chance against Vitor? Seriously man, outside of a lucky punch against Franklin, we haven't seen Vitor beat anyone of any relevancy since 2004, and even THAT was a fluke win. Stann, on the other hand, dominated Leben who was coming off some huge victories, and then beat a top 10 MW in Jorge Santiago.

So, again... why should anyone believe Vitor would decisively beat Stann?
Like I said in the other thread, I love Vitor and I wouldn't even take him against Stann right now. What exactly has Vitor done since his Light Heavyweight title win?
Guy, you specifically should get a kick out of this picture:


And Chester... what makes you think Stann doesn't stand a chance against Vitor? Seriously man, outside of a lucky punch against Franklin, we haven't seen Vitor beat anyone of any relevancy since 2004, and even THAT was a fluke win. Stann, on the other hand, dominated Leben who was coming off some huge victories, and then beat a top 10 MW in Jorge Santiago.

So, again... why should anyone believe Vitor would decisively beat Stann?

Oh no, he stands a chance but he's probably not going to win. I wouldn't really say dominating a sick Chris Leben is worth all that much especially considering Vitor would fucking MURDER Leben if they were to ever get down. And please Santiago was coming into his first fight in the UFC in like 4 years and all Stann did was outstrike a BJJ fighter, not THAT impressive.

And I cannot believe people forget that Vitor was beating Silva on the stand up before he got kicked in the face and it wasn't a close affair either- Vitor was getting the better of the exchanges decisively. Stann's striking game is like a slower, marginally more powerful Vitor Belfort with a couple of leg kicks thrown in. Vitor will KO him. I'm sure of it. Vitor will outstrike anyone at Middleweight. The only striker that can derail him is Anderson and even then I'd take Vitor.
The only thing Vitor beat Anderson in that night was a staring contest. When you have two elite strikers like Vitor and Stann square off, its really anyone's fight in the standup. Its hard to say who would get the better of the exchanges, let alone pick a decisive winner.

Stann is a member of Jackson's camp by the way. Vitor could very well get taken down at will, I'm sure Stann's working on his ground game. Stann could ground and pound his way to victory.

Stann is absolutely a world class striker, by the way. I don't think Leben lost his chin overnight.
I think Brian Stann is phenominal, and I hope he really is the future at 185. Not only because he is insanely talented, but he is beyond marketable and a truly classy guy. I've been really impressed overall with UFC's champions as of late - Frankie Edgar has a "regular guy" persona, GSP is as classy as they come, Anderson Silva is, for all of his flaws, dominant and impressive as a presence, and Jon Jones is amazingly poised for such a young kid. Im not really sure about Cain yet.

Joe Rogan needs to stay put, because like some of the fighters he talks about on UFC shows, Rogan's stand up sucks. I, of course, mean his comedy. He's found a nice niche for himself here, and if he ditches it, I don't think he'll find the same level of success.

Dana White is absolutely right about how the novelty of Roy Nelson being fat has long worn off. As funny as some of Rogan's quips were Saturday Night, he and Mike Goldberg hit the nail on the head that Roy is a lazy 205 who is forced to fight at heavyweight because he likes to eat. Roy gassed in that fight because of a lack of cardio and because he is carrying a lot of excess weight. Mir gassed because he didn't need to overload his conditioning for this fight and he knew it. If Roy drops to 205, he'll be an interesting potential top-10 fighter, though I still think guys like Jones, Machida, Rua, Griffin, Evans, and Rampage would school him.

I feel bad for Anthony Pettis in a way. He came into UFC with a title shot in front of him, and because of circumstances well beyond his control, he's watching that opportunity slip away. Clay Guida is absolutely capable of defeating Pettis, especially with the roll Guida's been on and the fact that he a) never gasses, and b) has the best chin in the UFC. If Pettis hit that cage kick on Guida, then Guida will smile at Pettis and just say "that was cool, hit me again."

Miller / Bisping as UFC 14 coaches is...underwhelming. Maybe just for fun Miller should bring in Dan Henderson as a guest trainer for one episode just to see if Bisping has Vietnam-type flashbacks.
Stann is fantastic for the sport and is really turning into a great fighter. His story makes him incredibly marketable and major sites still have him on their front page.

Also IC, Guida has an incredible chin no doubt, but what really sets him apart from others is his ability to recover. His conditioning is so great that he can just get right back up. There are some people in the UFC with absolute iron chins so I don't know if I can list Guida as #1. He's was rocked a few times by Sanchez but like I said, his conditioning is to great for anybody to capitalize.

To me, Joe Rogan is the best commentator in MMA history. If he leaves, the UFC will not be the same no matter who replaces him. He better stay here.
God I hope Guida beats Pettis. I am not a fan of that guy, even though he did have that sick ninja kick.
I only started really giving a shit about MMA on Saturday. Roy Nelson's ass is the most novel thing in the world in my book.
God damn June is freaking stacked with good shows, this is going to be a great month for the sport.
I want Werdum to beat Overeem so fucking badly. I cannot bring myself to be a fan of him. Probably because of the hype his fans bring.
I want Werdum to beat Overeem so fucking badly. I cannot bring myself to be a fan of him. Probably because of the hype his fans bring.

Overeem will convert you into a fan once you see him knock a couple of these "big names" out. Plus, he's one of the nicest, classiest guys in the sport, so I'm sure you'll dig that about him as well.
Overeem will convert you into a fan once you see him knock a couple of these "big names" out. Plus, he's one of the nicest, classiest guys in the sport, so I'm sure you'll dig that about him as well.

Believe me, i've attempted to like the guy time after time. I've watched interview after interview and there is something about the guy that doesn't appeal to me. Maybe once he starts actually fighting guys i'll like him.

Also, I am beyond pumped for Diaz/GSP. I can't put into words how fucking excited I am. 6 days after my birthday as well.
Being classy won't save him come October 29th, because it's official boys.... UFC 137 in Vegas: GSP vs. Nick Diaz!!!

Oh man, I cannot fucking wait!

Easy win for GSP. And what's with you and those ********er Diaz boys? They look like the kid from the film Kids, only after the HIV became AIDS.
Easy win for GSP. And what's with you and those ********er Diaz boys? They look like the kid from the film Kids, only after the HIV became AIDS.

Typical Diaz hater.

Nick Diaz might have some personality disorders, but inside the ring/octagon... he's everything a fighter should be.

This will easily be GSP's toughest fight to date. GSP has not fought a boxer near as good as Diaz ever in his career, nor has he gone up against someone who is as good as Diaz is off his back (plus Diaz has long limbs to help him out even more).

There's a slight chance GSP will be able to lay and pray his way to victory, but this is a 25 minute fight... I firmly believe Diaz will find a way to win in 25 minutes time.

Man, I am so fucking pumped! Halloween cannot some soon enough this year.

The NFL needs to get their shit together. Seriously, NFL season seems to fly by. They make weeks go by so fast. The sooner this strike is over, the more patient I'll be able to be for this fight. BTW, IC... first game of the season, New Orleans vs. Green Bay. Brees is going to light that ass up and show he's still the best quarterback in the game.

GSP vs Diaz is on my birthday.

Looks like a trip to Vegas is in order.

You lucky son of a bitch.

You better wear a "Don't be scared, homie!" t-shirt.
The thing I enjoy about this fight is that it will take place everywhere. Diaz WILL hit GSP and Diaz WILL attempt subs from the bottom. GSP has no area where he can be completely comfortable in this fight and Diaz will force him to fight. That's what i'm looking forward to the most.
Lol at Stann being an elite striker. That's laughable and once Vitor knock him out this ridiculous notion will be ended. I like Stann but he's not an elite striker, he very good and seems to be well roundead too but he's not elite at stand up.

Oh. and Joe Rogan sells out at comedy theatres constantly- I mean he sold out even in Australia and England. I'm sure he's doing pretty well for himself. You need to read up on shit before you start spouting it.

I've come to appreciate Diaz than any fighter currently however he's probably not winning this fight but fans will tell themsleves anything to get excited I guess.
You lucky son of a bitch.

You better wear a "Don't be scared, homie!" t-shirt.

If I go, I'll see if I can get a "Don't be scared, homme" shirt. I like both fighters a lot, and although I truly believe GSP was freaked out by his eye injury, causing a subpar performance against Jake Shields, I think Diaz absolutely would have finished the GSP that fought at 129. For this fight, I have a feeling that Diaz will get wrestlefucked for five rounds. The buildup should be a lot of fun.

Lol at Stann being an elite striker. That's laughable and once Vitor knock him out this ridiculous notion will be ended. I like Stann but he's not an elite striker, he very good and seems to be well roundead too but he's not elite at stand up.

He's destroyed the last two fighters he's fought in the standup. By the way, the only other person to KO Leben, as he can take shots and keep on coming, is an elite striker by the name of Anderson Silva.

Oh. and Joe Rogan sells out at comedy theatres constantly- I mean he sold out even in Australia and England. I'm sure he's doing pretty well for himself. You need to read up on shit before you start spouting it.

Carlos Mencia and Jeff Dunham sell out at comedy theatres constantly. Popular does not always equal Good.

I like Rogan a lot, going back to his Newsradio days. He's not good at standup comedy.

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