**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Rock doesn't need to evolve because his style has always been funny and will always be funny. Hell, he's so creative and funny on the mic, that when I was 11 and he was heel in the Nation, I still couldn't help but like him, and I was a mark at the time who would usually just cheer for faces, although not always.

I was maybe close to be the biggest Austin mark in the world, and when him and Rock were feuding I still couldn't get 100 percent behind Austin because I liked the Rock too. So you see Austin and Rock have mass appeal as they can be liked by everyone, while Cena appeals exclusively to a certain demographic.

And comeon, you know what I mean when I call Cena's persona a hypocrite. He has made hypocritical statements and done hypocritical things all while being a face. He hasn't switched from face to heel and back to face multiple times. The Wade Barrett firing thing is an example of something hypocritical he has said.

Think back to when Punk was facing Cena on Raw in order to become the number 1 contender for Del Rio's WWE Championship. Punk had Cena beat, then out comes Kevin Nash to distract Punk, and Cena has no problem stealing the victory. He also never protested or gave Punk a rematch after he found out Nash interfered. Now I know it's scripted, but within kayfabe atleast, Cena is a hyporcrite.
Rock doesn't need to evolve because his style has always been funny and will always be funny. Hell, he's so creative and funny on the mic, that when I was 11 and he was heel in the Nation, I still couldn't help but like him, and I was a mark at the time who would usually just cheer for faces, although not always.

Quite clearly you are still a mark. You see, it's funny that your word is good enough to defend Rock as "being funny" forever and always, but someone else's words for Cena aren't. Rock has not ALWAYS been funny, unless for some reason you are constantly amused by things being stuck up another person's ass. That's all Rock is, and you eat it up like shit sandwiches. You people hate on Cena for poop jokes but you love it when Rock talks about sticking it up the ass or eating pie. It's just as childish, the only difference being the Cena is on the leash of making these jokes in a different time and era than when Rock did it. So congrats, all you've proven here is that you're a mark for The Rock. Good job.

I was maybe close to be the biggest Austin mark in the world, and when him and Rock were feuding I still couldn't get 100 percent behind Austin because I liked the Rock too. So you see Austin and Rock have mass appeal as they can be liked by everyone, while Cena appeals exclusively to a certain demographic.

Um, no, you haven't proven shit, ******. I love this "Cena is only for teh kids and bitches" argument. Usually because in the same breath you ******s will claim that "defending teh zcena is SOO KEWL latley, lame". Hmm...maybe if there are people who are willing to talk up that they like Cena, he's appealing to that demographic. You still haven't proven you actually know what being a hypocrite means at all, so how about you leave the demographics argument alone for when you get your GED from night school, ok?

And comeon, you know what I mean when I call Cena's persona a hypocrite. He has made hypocritical statements and done hypocritical things all while being a face.

Are you going to actually try and point some out, or are you just gonna make pretend about it? Uh-huh, thought so. How has he been a hypocrite?

He hasn't switched from face to heel and back to face multiple times.

Wait, who's side are you on here? This sounds rather like something a hypocrite wouldn't do at all? Are you trying to prove yourself wrong, or are you just so inept and stupid that you are doing it accidentally? Go Team ******!

The Wade Barrett firing thing is an example of something hypocritical he has said.

What? When he said it wouldn't be over between them until he won, and then he kept that word even though being kayfabe fired? Yeah, again, thanks for doing nothing for your own cause here, Mr. Pants-On-Head-******ed.

Think back to when Punk was facing Cena on Raw in order to become the number 1 contender for Del Rio's WWE Championship. Punk had Cena beat, then out comes Kevin Nash to distract Punk, and Cena has no problem stealing the victory. He also never protested or gave Punk a rematch after he found out Nash interfered. Now I know it's scripted, but within kayfabe atleast, Cena is a hyporcrite.

Weak as shit right here. You are so reaching for straws and bits of something to hold on to, it's hilarious. Just admit that you don't like Cena because you don't like Cena and stop pulling weak ass excuses for it out of your ass. It's not him, and it's not his fans, it's just that you don't like him. And that's ok. Just, please, stop being a dumbass and making up every excuse under the sun as to why Cena is so evil. You don't need to make it seem like you are the better man; your amazing skills as a debater have clearly proven to everyone here that you are the best around...lulz.
Damn, you flamed the shit out of me like 10 times. I gave you 2 great examples of hypocrisy on Cena yet you still won't accept them. Besides this a Cena complaint thread, not a kiss Cena's ass thread. I mean damn, I guess we can update Cena's demographic. Women and girls who love boybands, kids, and wannabe hip hop wiggers, and other hip hop lovers.

Well in my opinion, hip hop sucks. For some reason Cena does seem to have a male following usually consisting of hip hop fans. Oh and if Rock does tell a poopy joke, he's creative with the content of the joke. Cena is not. He basically says shit like " Alex Riley's mouth is a toilet." Rock has come up with all time iconic catchphrases. Cena even ripped off Rock's "Just Bring It" catchphrase. And I swear to God, please don't throw "You Can't See Me" in my face as that catchphrase is pathetic.

"Youuuu Can't Seeeee Meeeee, You Can't Seeee Meeeee" "We can all see ya, you look like a bloated transvestite wonder woman"
Damn, you flamed the shit out of me like 10 times. I gave you 2 great examples of hypocrisy on Cena yet you still won't accept them.

Explain how they are hypocritical. You haven't done anything, just said some shit and expected it to be accepted as truth. Nothing you've said has proven Cena as a hypocrite, you've only proven that you lack a true understanding of the term.

Besides this a Cena complaint thread, not a kiss Cena's ass thread.

And it's a thread open for discussion. So here I am, debating and discussing the stupid shit that you post. Sorry if it's too much for you. Maybe you should try, I don't know, knowing what the fuck you're talking about? Yeah. that might help.

I mean damn, I guess we can update Cena's demographic. Women and girls who love boybands, kids, and wannabe hip hop wiggers, and other hip hop lovers.

Besides being out of the left field of WTFville, this is also untrue, and you still haven't explained how being young or being a woman (or a hip hop fan in this case) makes Cena any less valid as the top dog of his generation. It's ok, though, you can keep on being a bigoted sexist idiot happy enough just to write off anything you please so long as it fits in your narrow view of the world. Plenty of other dudes, here and elsewhere, are happy enough to make it known that they enjoy Cena. In fact, I'd go so far as to add another "group" to your list: lovers of pro wrestling.

Well in my opinion, hip hop sucks. For some reason Cena does seem to have a male following usually consisting of hip hop fans.

Actually, I'm more of a metal/rocker type with a taste for electronic stuff on the side. But I suppose it's no surprise that you're wrong again. So, again, go on blindly hating whatever you want and making up cheap excuses for it, blaming it on the "undesirables". Fact is that the numbers show you in the minority, chump.
Oh and if Rock does tell a poopy joke, he's creative with the content of the joke. Cena is not. He basically says shit like " Alex Riley's mouth is a toilet." Rock has come up with all time iconic catchphrases. Cena even ripped off Rock's "Just Bring It" catchphrase. And I swear to God, please don't throw "You Can't See Me" in my face as that catchphrase is pathetic.

"Stick it up your ass! Stick it up your ass! Shine it up and stick it up your ass!"

Yeah, really clever stuff right there. I can tell you're a real thinking man type. How're those adult school classes going for you?

"Youuuu Can't Seeeee Meeeee, You Can't Seeee Meeeee" "We can all see ya, you look like a bloated transvestite wonder woman"

Yes, because making jokes about transvestites is SO much more mature and funny than poop jokes. You're a regular grade A ******, chump. And again, you aren't proving anything beyond that you like The Rock better. Fair enough. Just stop acting like just because you like that flavor of juvenile bullshit it means that Cena isn't funny. I laughed more at Cena than Rock during all of those exchanges, so I guess that means Rock isn't funny by your logic.
Hypocrite means saying something or giving your belief on a subject, but you do the same things you say are wrong. Cena being fired, then giving his farewell speech , only to keep coming back is the EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY. He even gave some emotional speech about spending some time with his mom. You see he NEVER intended to spend time at home with his mom. It was all BULLSHIT, just like everything Cena does week after he week.

He's a phony, CM Punk said so and Dwayne said so, and anyone with a brain can see he's just as big a phony as Hulk Hogan did. Hell, Hogan did charity for kids in his day, but he's still a pathetic asshole. Hell, just ask Roddy Piper. Oh, and Family Guy and South Park use variations of toilet humor yet they are still intelligent with the material and are funny. If you don't enjoy Rock promos then in my opinion you have no sense of humor. Whether Cena is restricted or not, he's not funny. He also has a lot of backstage pull, certainly more than CM Punk has ever had, yet Punk has started to change the product for the better which further proves what a douche Cena is.

He knows that people with testicles who enjoy manly entertainment aren't ever going to like him because he comes off looking like a sissy who panders to women and kids. That fact is his own fault. He's not that talented and only women and kids ( for the most part) are going to buy him as a legitimate main eventer. Just listen to the fucking crowd reactions if you want proof. Nobody forced Cena to become a pro wrestler. The problem with pro wrestling's scripted nature is that a promoter can force a guy down the world's throats and hope people become brain washed and finally accept it.

Now I get why you defend him. You are apparently all for the company guy who sells shitty merchandise to naive kids and women. Maybe that is the norm as WWE and pro wrestling in general as we know it now has only been around for about 26 years. I however am thankful that my childhood era was the Attitude Era. I bought plenty of merchandise of a guy who drunk beer, flipped people off, and kicked his boss's ass and I'm damn proud of it. You can have your sissy babyface.
Hypocrite means saying something or giving your belief on a subject, but you do the same things you say are wrong. Cena being fired, then giving his farewell speech , only to keep coming back is the EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY. He even gave some emotional speech about spending some time with his mom. You see he NEVER intended to spend time at home with his mom. It was all BULLSHIT,
He sold the storyline of him being fired and left a farewell speech only to come back makes him a hypocrite? Others have done it before, Cena is no different. Again, Cena character is based on not giving up; it would tarnish his entire character had he not try to return.
just like everything Cena does week after he week
He's a phony, CM Punk said so and Dwayne said so,
Both of these wrestlers have been called hypocrites in the past. The Rock obviously said he'll never leave again when we haven’t seen him in over 5 months. CM Punk was bitching about how there needs to be a change however, everything he does has basically been for himself. By your definition, these two are hypocrites too. So in your view, they're no better then Cena.
and anyone with a brain can see he's just as big a phony as Hulk Hogan did.
I'd love to hear why.
Hell, Hogan did charity for kids in his day, but he's still a pathetic asshole. Hell, just ask Roddy Piper.
Hogan is irrelevant here. They're obviously two different people.
Oh, and Family Guy and South Park use variations of toilet humor yet they are still intelligent with the material and are funny.
They also use sex jokes and crude humor which I do not look for when determining how great of a wrestler someone is.
If you don't enjoy Rock promos then in my opinion you have no sense of humor.
The Rock was funny in 2001. His promo's are repeated enough.
Whether Cena is restricted or not, he's not funny.
To you? I hear Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole laughing all the time on commentary. I laugh too.
He also has a lot of backstage pull, certainly more than CM Punk has ever had, yet Punk has started to change the product for the better which further proves what a douche Cena is.
Punk sure seems to be getting his way as of late. And how exactly does this prove Cena is a douche?
He knows that people with testicles who enjoy manly entertainment aren't ever going to like him
I have balls, I like him.
because he comes off looking like a sissy who panders to women and kids.
You've read other forums and read what others have said. In what way does Cena pander to women and kids? Because of his awesome shirts? Because of his wholesome attitude? I certainly like him. Why is that?
That fact is his own fault.
That he's the biggest thing in the company?
He's not that talented and only women and kids ( for the most part) are going to buy him as a legitimate main eventer.
An 10-time WWE Champion and a 2-time World Heavyweight Champion who has beat the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, CM Punk, Big Show, Edge, Batista, Umaga, The Miz and basically anyone else who's been something in the WWE the last ten years...isn't a legitimate main eventer? Really? Give me your definition of a main eventer - I need a good laugh.
Just listen to the fucking crowd reactions if you want proof. Nobody forced Cena to become a pro wrestler. The problem with pro wrestling's scripted nature is that a promoter can force a guy down the world's throats and hope people become brain washed and finally accept it.
People like him. Casual fans like him. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean others do.
Now I get why you defend him. You are apparently all for the company guy who sells shitty merchandise to naive kids and women. Maybe that is the norm as WWE and pro wrestling in general as we know it now has only been around for about 26 years. I however am thankful that my childhood era was the Attitude Era. I bought plenty of merchandise of a guy who drunk beer, flipped people off, and kicked his boss's ass and I'm damn proud of it. You can have your sissy babyface.
If you ask me, your childhood could have used a little John Cena. Like I said before, there's nothing wrong with liking the good guy nowadays.
Cena being a phony for doing things that he is booked to do is about the dumbest argument I've ever seen. I mean, dude, the guy was BOOKED to give a farewell speech and then come back. Like, how the fuck is that a strike against him? If anything, you blame the booking who couldn't handle the idea of even one Raw without Cena because they thought the ratings would fall.

Also, the idea that a babyface who actually does the right thing and is a legitimate hero is a "sissy" just proves my point about fans being fucking spoiled nowadays. Not every good guy has to be a fucking anti-hero, sometimes your good guy should be just that - a GOOD guy. Cena is a GOOD guy, and he appeals to a different audience than your Punks and even your Austins. And I might catch some flack for saying this, but it needs to be said. It honestly says a lot about certain fans nowadays that they seemingly can't cheer for anyone who's character isn't a complete asshole. It's actually really sad. My suggestion is that you go cry into one of your Austin 3:16 shirts, because at least that will help you remember THE GOOD OLD DAYS~!
Hypocrite means saying something or giving your belief on a subject, but you do the same things you say are wrong. Cena being fired, then giving his farewell speech , only to keep coming back is the EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY. He even gave some emotional speech about spending some time with his mom. You see he NEVER intended to spend time at home with his mom. It was all BULLSHIT, just like everything Cena does week after he week.

He's a phony, CM Punk said so and Dwayne said so, and anyone with a brain can see he's just as big a phony as Hulk Hogan did. Hell, Hogan did charity for kids in his day, but he's still a pathetic asshole. Hell, just ask Roddy Piper. Oh, and Family Guy and South Park use variations of toilet humor yet they are still intelligent with the material and are funny. If you don't enjoy Rock promos then in my opinion you have no sense of humor. Whether Cena is restricted or not, he's not funny. He also has a lot of backstage pull, certainly more than CM Punk has ever had, yet Punk has started to change the product for the better which further proves what a douche Cena is.

He knows that people with testicles who enjoy manly entertainment aren't ever going to like him because he comes off looking like a sissy who panders to women and kids. That fact is his own fault. He's not that talented and only women and kids ( for the most part) are going to buy him as a legitimate main eventer. Just listen to the fucking crowd reactions if you want proof. Nobody forced Cena to become a pro wrestler. The problem with pro wrestling's scripted nature is that a promoter can force a guy down the world's throats and hope people become brain washed and finally accept it.

Now I get why you defend him. You are apparently all for the company guy who sells shitty merchandise to naive kids and women. Maybe that is the norm as WWE and pro wrestling in general as we know it now has only been around for about 26 years. I however am thankful that my childhood era was the Attitude Era. I bought plenty of merchandise of a guy who drunk beer, flipped people off, and kicked his boss's ass and I'm damn proud of it. You can have your sissy babyface.

lol are you serious or just messing with us? Because if you're messing with us, I've got you all wrong and will herald you as the winner of this thread. Cena was selling a storyline. But I guess by your standards Undertaker should go to prison for burning down his childhood home. For real man, just tell us you're joking.
Headman, you came late to the party. You will have to go read some earlier posts. I said Cena's "character" was a hypocrite. The whole Wade Barrett storyline was complete bullshit and that's not Cena's fault, but come on, Cena came off looking like a complete asshole in that whole situation.

Not giving up is one thing, but actually getting fired and then telling people with an emotional speech that you are looking forward to the free time you will have, only to go back on your word and show up week after week until you get your way is the definition of lying and hypocrisy.

It was actually very amusing to me when CM Punk called Cena out on this shit in a promo. I'm speaking in terms of kayfabe in case some of you are wondering if I'm talking as if I believe wrestling isn't scripted.
Headman, you came late to the party. You will have to go read some earlier posts. I said Cena's "character" was a hypocrite. The whole Wade Barrett storyline was complete bullshit and that's not Cena's fault, but come on, Cena came off looking like a complete asshole in that whole situation.

Not giving up is one thing, but actually getting fired and then telling people with an emotional speech that you are looking forward to the free time you will have, only to go back on your word and show up week after week until you get your way is the definition of lying and hypocrisy.

It was actually very amusing to me when CM Punk called Cena out on this shit in a promo. I'm speaking in terms of kayfabe in case some of you are wondering if I'm talking as if I believe wrestling isn't scripted.

You're right, I did come late to the party and I'm glad you weren't saying what I thought you were. Anyway, I didn't care for that storyline for a few reasons, but my main problem was the way it seemed to be booked from week to week. I think at the time they had Cena go out and cut a heartfelt promo they had no real idea what was going to happen the next week, and after reading the stuff Lagana wrote about his days in the WWE I'm pretty sure Cena didn't know what was going on with his character either. So yes, if that promo cast Cena in a bad light to you it would be hard to argue because that's your perspective. However, it's the writers who did that. Just like it's the writers who had CM Punk come off as a bit of a prick in what was supposed to be his huge break out baby face push all of last month. The only difference is I don't see any long term damage done to Cena, meanwhile the Voice of the voiceless is getting out popped by Triple H and Cena which couldn't have been the plan.
Headman, you came late to the party. You will have to go read some earlier posts. I said Cena's "character" was a hypocrite. The whole Wade Barrett storyline was complete bullshit and that's not Cena's fault, but come on, Cena came off looking like a complete asshole in that whole situation.
Cena came off looking great. He took a couple of rookies and made them relevant for a good portion of the year. Even kayfabe wise, you had a good amount of the fans feeling sorry for him because of how Wade Barrett and Nexus controlled everything he did. Then he buried Wade in a pile of chairs; who wouldn't want to do that to whomever has treated them like shit?
Not giving up is one thing, but actually getting fired and then telling people with an emotional speech that you are looking forward to the free time you will have, only to go back on your word and show up week after week until you get your way is the definition of lying and hypocrisy.
Kayfabe wise - Cena wanted his job back. He also wanted to keep everyone from expecting him back the next week including The Nexus members. What did Cena do when he came back? He attacked Nexus. Cena wanted to keep their suspicion down.
It was actually very amusing to me when CM Punk called Cena out on this shit in a promo. I'm speaking in terms of kayfabe in case some of you are wondering if I'm talking as if I believe wrestling isn't scripted.
Punk is one of the biggest hypocrites in the WWE. Do you realize how much pull Punk has in the WWE now? Yet he bitched about Cena being Vince's lackey. That's a clear example of why shoots and freedom on the mic could be consider bad.
Punk needed the freedom to change things in WWE. Why not negotiate and get it. If Piper had've been able to do this, he wouldn't have unfairly been made Hogan's bitch. Piper and Jesse Ventura seemed to be the only two people on camera to know that Hogan was bullshit. However that's another story. And like I've said before, if Punk is in fact doing the things he is doing for himself and nobody else, it doesn't matter because it still changes the business for the better as a side effect.

Besides as Punk himself has even said, he's a jerk, and he never claimed to wear a white hat. Cena on the other hand basically flaunts his metaphorical white hat. Also, the fact that Punk is an asshole is one of the biggest reasons I like him. Oh and Punk is the cool kind of asshole, not a douchy shmuck asshole like Orton.
DirtyJosé;3432314 said:
Quite clearly you are still a mark. You see, it's funny that your word is good enough to defend Rock as "being funny" forever and always, but someone else's words for Cena aren't. Rock has not ALWAYS been funny, unless for some reason you are constantly amused by things being stuck up another person's ass. That's all Rock is, and you eat it up like shit sandwiches. You people hate on Cena for poop jokes but you love it when Rock talks about sticking it up the ass or eating pie. It's just as childish, the only difference being the Cena is on the leash of making these jokes in a different time and era than when Rock did it. So congrats, all you've proven here is that you're a mark for The Rock. Good job.

This is a standard arguement that is given whenever someone says that Cena's sense of humor sucks. But it is a wrong one, in my opinion, and I have already mentioned why earlier in this thread but I'll just say it once again.

First of all The Rock had style and loads of it. It wasn't exactly what he said that mattered but the manner in which he said it. What fans liked was to see him come out and talk down his opponents in a booming voice while cutting them off in the middle of the promo and talking at the rate of knots which did not allow his opponent to get a word in. By comparison Cena's style looks uninspired and forced. He comes out with this goofy half grin on his face and is usually laughs a little at the end of his promo which comes off as him trying a little too hard. It looks as if he is begging the audience to laugh at him. People were into The Rock more for his style than his substance and Cena, when he tries to be a funny guy, has niether style nor substance.

Also, why should Cena make poopy jokes? The Rock was initally this comedian and he got over by making fun of the crowd and his opponents. Cena is an All American Babyface, the hero and a role model for the kids. A guy like that is not justified in making such jokes. You can be funny even without being poopy and Cena should try to do that because it would suit his character more. The Rock was justified in using poopy humour due to both the nature of the era and his gimmick but Cena is not, because of his gimmick.
Hypocrite means saying something or giving your belief on a subject, but you do the same things you say are wrong. Cena being fired, then giving his farewell speech , only to keep coming back is the EPITOME OF HYPOCRISY. He even gave some emotional speech about spending some time with his mom. You see he NEVER intended to spend time at home with his mom. It was all BULLSHIT, just like everything Cena does week after he week.

As has been pointed out, Cena's creed has always been "Never Give Up". To accept unemployment without fighting back would have been hypocritical of him. It was never his "belief" that he should accept the firing quietly, thus it wasn't hypocritical of him to show up and do his attacks. Also, if you're going to be so literal about kayfabe bullshit, that was Juan Cena, not John. :p

He's a phony, CM Punk said so and Dwayne said so,

Do you believe everything they tell you?

and anyone with a brain can see he's just as big a phony as Hulk Hogan did. Hell, Hogan did charity for kids in his day, but he's still a pathetic asshole. Hell, just ask Roddy Piper.

As Hogan did what? Oh, nevermind, I get it. We've just pushed your childish mentality to the limit and you're starting to crack. Anyway, like everything else you say this is all speculative bullshit at best, rooted not in reality but in the twisted perception inside your damaged head. To put it another way, this is just shit you're making up.

How is Cena a phony? He does his job, he clearly does a good job of it or else they wouldn't let him keep it, and he does so without having to resort to obscenities or constant beer references. What is phony about him? That he plays a character on tv? THEY ALL PLAY CHARACTERS, dummy! You people think that all these Attitude Era stars were really all playing themselves, it just goes to show how gullible you were as a child. It's all an act, each and every single person out there, Punk included. You think that Punk's act isn't predetermined, that it isn't already calculated to get the kind of reaction out of overgrown marks like you that it gets? As much as I like the guy, Punk is just as much a phony as Rock and Cena by your logic, dude. You just don't see it that way because you happen to agree with the bullshit Punk says over Cena.

Oh, and Family Guy and South Park use variations of toilet humor yet they are still intelligent with the material and are funny. If you don't enjoy Rock promos then in my opinion you have no sense of humor.

First of all, I'd hardly call Family Guy intelligent, and South Park only barely crosses that line. Secondly, Family Guy and South Park shoot for an entirely different audience than what WWE is shooting for. They are allowed to make jokes and episodes based on concepts that WWE in this day and age wouldn't touch. And that's cool about your opinion, but for all this talk about Cena making poopy jokes, I've only heard him do it a handful of times, none of which were within the last few months. Meanwhile, Rock has been saying the same line for over 10 years now. It's a little old and played out. So go ahead and claim I have no sense of humor; I just don't laugh at the same joke over and over and over and over again. We get it Rock. Pie, jabronis, turn stuff sideways and stick it up an ass.

Whether Cena is restricted or not, he's not funny. He also has a lot of backstage pull, certainly more than CM Punk has ever had, yet Punk has started to change the product for the better which further proves what a douche Cena is.

And here we are again with how much of a mark you are interfering with your ability to reason. Yes, PUNK has changed so much by merely doing what the WWE has LET him do. And really, what has he changed? Again, I'm more of a Punk fan that I am a Cena fan, but not foolish enough to think that he really did much more than get himself over by name dropping Heyman and cracking Cena jokes.

On top of which, how does that "prove" Cena is a douche? It doesn't, that's what. It's just more failure from you at a game of "Connect The Dots". It's you making up things where ever it suites you. Punk calls out Cena for being a top guy, yet only does so because he wants to be top guy and be on all the merch and shit. Punk talks shit about only a certain type making it in the company, even though most of the truly greatest in the history of the company don't actually fit the stereotypical mold that he has described.

He knows that people with testicles who enjoy manly entertainment aren't ever going to like him because he comes off looking like a sissy who panders to women and kids.

Ooh, look at you, tough guy. You're so fucking macho. Get the fuck over yourself. You're a wannabe alpha male. "Manly entertainment"? HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're watching a kid's show, dumbass. You're watching a product meant for a market other than yourself, and you are actually trying to impose your own anachronistic values onto it. You are some piece of work. "People with testicles"? I've a nice pair myself, and here I am kicking the shit out of you up and down this thread. You're welcome.

That fact is his own fault. He's not that talented and only women and kids ( for the most part) are going to buy him as a legitimate main eventer.

The numbers prove otherwise. Of course, I think we established a long time ago that numbers and real logic don't have any place in your world, big boy. Go ahead and talk that shit about only women and kids liking him. It's provably wrong, but I like letting you look like an uneducated typical male douche bag.

Just listen to the fucking crowd reactions if you want proof. Nobody forced Cena to become a pro wrestler. The problem with pro wrestling's scripted nature is that a promoter can force a guy down the world's throats and hope people become brain washed and finally accept it.

This is a fallacy I find often in debates and discussions about wrestling in the modern age; this belief that the booker has the power to just plaster a guy all over the place and beating the audience into submission. This is just laughable. It's more Cena-hating rhetoric that just blatantly ignores the effect Cena has had in the ability to market the WWE and the numbers he pulls in on merch alone. If it were that easy to push a guy to the top, don't you think the WWE would have done it sooner to replace guys like Rock and Austin when they left? Why wait so long until the Cena craze took off? I mean, by your logic, it clearly couldn't have been that Cena's fanbase built up over time, from when he was a new guy taking on Angle to being JBL's foil. It couldn't be that he, GASP, got over all on his own and showed the bookers that he was worth investing time and angles into? No, not at all...

Now I get why you defend him. You are apparently all for the company guy who sells shitty merchandise to naive kids and women. Maybe that is the norm as WWE and pro wrestling in general as we know it now has only been around for about 26 years. I however am thankful that my childhood era was the Attitude Era. I bought plenty of merchandise of a guy who drunk beer, flipped people off, and kicked his boss's ass and I'm damn proud of it. You can have your sissy babyface.

You can have your drunken wifebeater. Seems to fit well with your narrow view of the world. I like Punk more than I like Cena. Fuck, I like Del Rio, Rhodes, Sheamus, and Bryan more than I like Cena. I just don't like seeing dumb people like you spouting off their mouths without being taken to task for it.

Headman, you came late to the party. You will have to go read some earlier posts. I said Cena's "character" was a hypocrite. The whole Wade Barrett storyline was complete bullshit and that's not Cena's fault, but come on, Cena came off looking like a complete asshole in that whole situation.

Yes, because he was the asshole for standing up to defend his company and his friends. Because he was the asshole for taking the crusade against him personally and fighting back against it until the bitter end. How dare he, right? Fucking moron.

Not giving up is one thing, but actually getting fired and then telling people with an emotional speech that you are looking forward to the free time you will have, only to go back on your word and show up week after week until you get your way is the definition of lying and hypocrisy.

If you can't tell how this situation is not hypocrisy, there's no hope for you. The only two options left are that either you are desperately reaching for anything you can attack Cena with in hopes of influencing others to feel the way you do or you are genuinely ******ed enough to think that somehow you are making a point. Trust me, most of this forum is laughing at your stupidity here. Go on and keep spouting this off as some sort of point. You're only embarrassing yourself.

It was actually very amusing to me when CM Punk called Cena out on this shit in a promo. I'm speaking in terms of kayfabe in case some of you are wondering if I'm talking as if I believe wrestling isn't scripted.

And it was even funnier when HHH has called out Punk as merely saying what he knows will resonate with idiots like you so that he can get what he wants, making him by your own logic a "phony".

Punk needed the freedom to change things in WWE. Why not negotiate and get it. If Piper had've been able to do this, he wouldn't have unfairly been made Hogan's bitch. Piper and Jesse Ventura seemed to be the only two people on camera to know that Hogan was bullshit. However that's another story. And like I've said before, if Punk is in fact doing the things he is doing for himself and nobody else, it doesn't matter because it still changes the business for the better as a side effect.

How has Punk changed the business? He hasn't. He only succeeded in moving himself up the card. Everything else, every other change, has been only in "kayfabe". You think they made HHH the onscreen power only because of an interview the let Punk give? Wow, you must be pretty fucking stupid to think that. And you keep making these analogies to Hogan as if it's supposed to paint Hogan and Cena as the same guy, but they aren't. Were Cena to be a Hogan, he wouldn't be working every Raw and every house show on the circuit. He'd be sitting at home most days collecting a paycheck and getting his homies work that they don't deserve. You talk like a mark that think he knows what he is saying, but you really don't.

Besides as Punk himself has even said, he's a jerk, and he never claimed to wear a white hat. Cena on the other hand basically flaunts his metaphorical white hat. Also, the fact that Punk is an asshole is one of the biggest reasons I like him. Oh and Punk is the cool kind of asshole, not a douchy shmuck asshole like Orton.

So really this all boils down to you like Punk. Hey, I like Punk too. Probably my favorite around these days. Great guy. Awesome Twitter feed. But you pretty much paint the picture as "Punk knocks Cena, so I must knock him too". Or at least you already disliked Cena and so you use KAYFABE ACTIONS AND WORDS to somehow attempt to paint a picture of Cena being some sort of fraud or fake or liar when really he isn't. We get it; you're just another one of those old ass Attitude Era marks who can't let go of the past and who only cheers the guys that are specifically marketed to them like happy little sheep. You're no better than the "women and kids" than you make fun of, hope you know that.

This is a standard arguement that is given whenever someone says that Cena's sense of humor sucks. But it is a wrong one, in my opinion, and I have already mentioned why earlier in this thread but I'll just say it once again.

First of all The Rock had style and loads of it. It wasn't exactly what he said that mattered but the manner in which he said it. What fans liked was to see him come out and talk down his opponents in a booming voice while cutting them off in the middle of the promo and talking at the rate of knots which did not allow his opponent to get a word in. By comparison Cena's style looks uninspired and forced. He comes out with this goofy half grin on his face and is usually laughs a little at the end of his promo which comes off as him trying a little too hard. It looks as if he is begging the audience to laugh at him. People were into The Rock more for his style than his substance and Cena, when he tries to be a funny guy, has niether style nor substance.

Oddly enough, Cena's replies to The Rock had a lot more substance than Rock's insults to him. Style is subjective. We can argue in circles about that and no one would be more right than the other. However, substance? Rock came out and insulted Cena for wearing clothes. And for having music. And for kids and women liking him (despite the fact that, as a high schooler, I distinctly remember only girls liking Rock while most the guys were Foley or Austin fans). Cena questioned Rock for attacking him on these grouds, for knocking him doing the same kind of things he did in his own time. Rock mades silly forced jokes about cereal and transvestites, clearly showing how dated he is by making the same kind of tasteless and hateful jokes about a group of people that was a lot more prevalent during the 90's. Cena made Rock look like a pig headed bully. You tell me who had more substance, because I'll argue that it was the guy making a point, not the one out there doing everything he could to get some cheap lulz (psst, that would be Rock).

I mean, seriously. He cut a promo knocking the horns in Cena's music, making no real point about it except to people who already hated Cena anyway. Are you really calling that "substance"?

Also, why should Cena make poopy jokes? The Rock was initally this comedian

No, he wasn't.

and he got over by making fun of the crowd and his opponents. Cena is an All American Babyface, the hero and a role model for the kids. A guy like that is not justified in making such jokes. You can be funny even without being poopy and Cena should try to do that because it would suit his character more. The Rock was justified in using poopy humour due to both the nature of the era and his gimmick but Cena is not, because of his gimmick.

This kinda maybe almost makes sense, except that people should not be constrained by their gimmicks; they should always be pushing the boundaries of what that gimmick is. The thing about this "poopy" joke stuff it that, having been watching Cena for more than a few years, I can really only recall one set of poopy jokes regarding Alex Riley. That's it. It keeps bring brought up, but it's not like it's what he goes to every single Raw. His point is usually about manning up, about being unafraid of fighting like a champion. Meanwhile, Rock is the same pie/sideways/ass jokes and one liners EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
DirtyJosé;3433236 said:
Oddly enough, Cena's replies to The Rock had a lot more substance than Rock's insults to him. Style is subjective. We can argue in circles about that and no one would be more right than the other. However, substance? Rock came out and insulted Cena for wearing clothes. And for having music. And for kids and women liking him (despite the fact that, as a high schooler, I distinctly remember only girls liking Rock while most the guys were Foley or Austin fans). Cena questioned Rock for attacking him on these grouds, for knocking him doing the same kind of things he did in his own time. Rock mades silly forced jokes about cereal and transvestites, clearly showing how dated he is by making the same kind of tasteless and hateful jokes about a group of people that was a lot more prevalent during the 90's. Cena made Rock look like a pig headed bully. You tell me who had more substance, because I'll argue that it was the guy making a point, not the one out there doing everything he could to get some cheap lulz (psst, that would be Rock).

I mean, seriously. He cut a promo knocking the horns in Cena's music, making no real point about it except to people who already hated Cena anyway. Are you really calling that "substance"?

I am not saying that Rock had a lot of substance in his promos but that his over the top style camouflaged his lack of substance. Cena has more substance overall, sure, especially when you come down to being serious which is a place that Rock was not exactly the best at. But as a funny guy he is more or less in the same league as Rock as far as substance goes but Rock was the king of style. And yes while you may say that it was subjective, the amount Rock drew in his little while is proof that people were drawn more towards his style than that of Cena's. Cena might have drawn more than Rock( not sure there) but I am pretty sure than on an average weighted basis Rock was a bigger draw than Cena.

Cena hasn't got too much substance when it comes to being funny and his style is rather boring and forced as well. Unlike in the case of The Rock, his crappy substance cannot be camouflaged by his style because it is equally bad.

No, he wasn't.

He was an arrogant heel who liked making fun of the crowd. Making fun of others was the most prevalant aspect of his gimmick. At any rate all I want to say is that the gimmick is much different from that of Cena.

This kinda maybe almost makes sense, except that people should not be constrained by their gimmicks; they should always be pushing the boundaries of what that gimmick is. The thing about this "poopy" joke stuff it that, having been watching Cena for more than a few years, I can really only recall one set of poopy jokes regarding Alex Riley. That's it. It keeps bring brought up, but it's not like it's what he goes to every single Raw. His point is usually about manning up, about being unafraid of fighting like a champion. Meanwhile, Rock is the same pie/sideways/ass jokes and one liners EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

I guess you can push the boundaries of a gimmick but I think Cena does things that go totally outside that of his gimmick. He tries to behave somewhat like an antihero at times when his character is nothing like that. And you can be only one of those things, either an antihero or a traditional hero. You cannot be both.

And no, he has been making poopy jokes for quite some time. He wrote JBL is poopy on JBL's car. We also got that two cats having sex and vomiting at the same time line from him.

He cuts that manning up promo when he is usually backed in a corner by some heel who has been getting to him for some time. That is when Cena is at his best. Most of the time though, he is this jovial guy who makes toilet jokes.

And as for Rock, like I said before his style camouflages his lack of substance. And it was that style of his that mostly drew his fans, not his substance. Look at the Billy Gunn promo from SummerSlam 1999 for example. He is only saying that Billy Gunn sucks. But the way he said it is what made it a classic promo, not the substance.
I've never posted in this thread before, so I figured I'd give my thoughts on Cena for once. I respect the work and dedication he has for the business, and I can tell that it means everything to him to be in the WWE. He's much better in the ring than he's allowed to show and might be among the best in ring storytellers I can think of. Outside of the WWE, I've heard countless legitimately funny comments from the man, and he comes off as far more likable than he does on Raw each week. I guess my problem with him now is how he acts within the WWE. They've taken a guy who could play a truly well defined, relatable character and turned him into a stale, poop joke making bafoon. And he's been this way for about 5 years now, with few tweaks to his character. Basically anytime we're given a glimpse at a slightly different man, some side of his personality that's been concealed this whole time, it's quickly forgotten and removed. I don't hate Cena, I just know he could be so much better.
ok for all u who think we diss cena we dont. cm punk basically said it for me and alot for all of u on his promo shoot. i dont hate him its just the fact that people make him out to be the best.he is the face of course but for example take stone cold he was doing what cena was doing for years but not the exact same thing over and over and over again he did but u couldnt predict what stone cold was gonna do beat the boss's ass spray beer all over the boss but cena just runs in gets his title matches whenever he pleases and thats that.
if we want that fun era of wrestling again cena must go heel atleast for a little bit and try it out. turn him at survivor series 2011 by dominating the rock after the tag match and make him a crazy heel to build to wm 28. maybe a bitchy heel like stone cold was. but it probabaly wont happen anyway cuz wwe doesnt like taking "risks".
I am not saying that Rock had a lot of substance in his promos but that his over the top style camouflaged his lack of substance. Cena has more substance overall, sure, especially when you come down to being serious which is a place that Rock was not exactly the best at. But as a funny guy he is more or less in the same league as Rock as far as substance goes but Rock was the king of style. And yes while you may say that it was subjective, the amount Rock drew in his little while is proof that people were drawn more towards his style than that of Cena's. Cena might have drawn more than Rock( not sure there) but I am pretty sure than on an average weighted basis Rock was a bigger draw than Cena.

Rock drew viewers who were fans of the old days. Not saying that doesn't count or anything, but it's just fact that these are people who by and large turned off as soon as 2002 was over. You could try to make the argument that they left because of Cena, but the numbers will prove you wrong (thank you Slyfox for making those figures so easy to access!). So I'd call that less having to do with "style" and more to do with "nostalgia".

Cena hasn't got too much substance when it comes to being funny and his style is rather boring and forced as well. Unlike in the case of The Rock, his crappy substance cannot be camouflaged by his style because it is equally bad.

Cena isn't primarily a "funny guy" anymore, he just does the "funny" act from time to time. And, again, if we're talking boring, look no further than The Rock's same played out canned responses. Rock's promos are "write by numbers", with little paper inserts of all his catchphrases and played out jokes tagged to make it easier to assemble. Substance and style are equally important in this industry, and while you can argue that Rock has the latter, I've already demonstrated to you (and gotten you concede to the fact) that Cena's got the substance.

He was an arrogant heel who liked making fun of the crowd. Making fun of others was the most prevalant aspect of his gimmick. At any rate all I want to say is that the gimmick is much different from that of Cena.

The two are very different, this is true. But Rock wasn't always that. Rock tried to be was Cena is at one time, and failed for it. Not only did he fail at it, but crowds chanted things like "DIE ROCKY DIE", which is a far cry from the "CENA SUCKS" chants which pop up these days. There wasn't a split like there is for Cena nowadays; the crowd UNIVERSALLY rejected him.

I guess you can push the boundaries of a gimmick but I think Cena does things that go totally outside that of his gimmick. He tries to behave somewhat like an antihero at times when his character is nothing like that. And you can be only one of those things, either an antihero or a traditional hero. You cannot be both.

I'd say Cena doesn't really do the "antihero" type. I can see where you are trying to come from with this, but it's false. If he stands up to someone like McMahon, he's doing so within the "hero" gimmick he has. A "hero" doesn't cower to the boss when he doesn't believe the boss is right (going back to the previous ******'s comments about Cena being a hypocrite). Cena stands up for what he believes in, and encourages others to do so as well. Hardly makes him an anti-hero.

And no, he has been making poopy jokes for quite some time. He wrote JBL is poopy on JBL's car. We also got that two cats having sex and vomiting at the same time line from him.

JBL was how long ago? Yeah, that's right. Cat sex and vomiting made me laugh, btw, and that's hardly "poopy" jokes. The fact is that it's a matter of taste. You CAN say that you just don't find Cena funny. You CAN'T say that Cena isn't funny because he makes off color jokes because the folk that you idealize made the same kind of jokes; they were just allowed to use harsher language while doing so.

He cuts that manning up promo when he is usually backed in a corner by some heel who has been getting to him for some time. That is when Cena is at his best. Most of the time though, he is this jovial guy who makes toilet jokes.

Again, I'm going to start asking you guys to cite these toilet jokes because I'm convinced they don't happen nearly as often as you types make it seem. More often than not he's in a "back against the wall" situation with a heel/rival. This year alone he went from Miz to Punk to Del Rio. Only in the case with The Miz can I recall any promos which skewed towards being humorous, and even then not all of them were, just a few.

And as for Rock, like I said before his style camouflages his lack of substance. And it was that style of his that mostly drew his fans, not his substance. Look at the Billy Gunn promo from SummerSlam 1999 for example. He is only saying that Billy Gunn sucks. But the way he said it is what made it a classic promo, not the substance.

The one with the prayer to God, right? Hardly classic. Let's analyze:

1: "It doesn't matter"? Check.
2: "Know your role"? Check.
3: "If you smell..."? Check.

I hear about Cena promos being scripted or forced, but these feel just as padded and forced. You can argue all you like about style, but again, it's all subjective based on what you find stylish. There really isn't a right or wrong. What we can debate on is substance, and Rock really didn't have much of that until his heel turn towards the end when his promos actually became less of the same old 3 or 4 phrases in between awkward jokes. You've admitted so yourself. You don't speak for the masses just as much as I don't, so you're really in no position to say what people liked about Rock as fact; you can only speculate or share what YOU personally liked about him.

Furthermore, what's the point in bringing Rock, or for that matter Austin, into this anyway? It's apples and oranges. Pointing at Rock and saying you liked his promos better doesn't invalidate Cena as a superstar. It certainly doesn't help your case that Cena got the better of most all of their verbal exchanges.

How about you stick to Cena and leave Rocky out of this? It's not a very good comparison and it simply plays upon the Attitude Era fanboyism to make a weak case against Cena. How about you try criticizing Cena by his own merits and standards instead of the rose tinted lens of nostalgia?
The CeNation exists outside of the "WWE Universe" and branches out into the real universe. Yes I do know that wrestlers with Twitter accounts stay in character on their accounts, but there's no way Cena's "character" is not a phony. Just think back to when he was rapping telling people to choke on nuts, and calling Undertaker a motherfucker.

The difference between Punk and Cena is that Punk is basically being himself with some exagerration possibly in the tone of his actions, and Cena's persona was drummed up by Vince McMahon and the WWE Machine marketing department to purposely market to kids as the 21st century Hogan. You know this is true. Cena wouldn't be doing this lame crap if he wasn't making a lot of money. Who honestly wants to be hated like he is?

I'd say hardly anyone would want to be hated like he is. It's also sad that your biggest fans are also fans of the kid's band Big Time Rush.
You're right. I forgot that The Rock shouts 20 catchphrases to everyone he doesn't like in real life. I forgot that Punk regularly mouths off to management backstage and says whatever he wants to whoever he wants, without permission. I also forgot that Randy Orton has anger management issues that are so severe that he'll send people to the hospital if they piss him off. Oh, and I can't believe that I forgot that Cody Rhodes wears a protective facial mask that he doesn't need and tells airport security officials that they should put bags on their faces. Forgive me, Cena is the only phony in the wrestling business. My bad.

Seriously, your point holds no water whatsoever and you should just stop now before you make yourself look stupider. Everyone is a "phony" in a fake sport, if you don't understand that then maybe you should go sit with the "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT!" guy next time you go to a wrestling event.
The CeNation exists outside of the "WWE Universe" and branches out into the real universe. Yes I do know that wrestlers with Twitter accounts stay in character on their accounts, but there's no way Cena's "character" is not a phony.

Of course some elements of the John Cena character are sensationalised. It's entertainment. It's scripted wrestling. The superstars have gimmicks that are made up by creative. The Undertaker doesn't go around taking souls outside of the WWE so does that make him a phony? I do believe that some elements of Cena character are sensationalised to make him more over with the crowd but things like hustle, loyalty and respect seem like real values that John Cena has. You have an argument about John Cena being phony; well I guess you hate the entire WWE roster also? Each wrestler has a gimmick which is made up. You can’t call Cena phony without calling everyone else in the WWE one to.

Just think back to when he was rapping telling people to choke on nuts, and calling Undertaker a motherfucker.

How do you know that the John Cena rapper wasn't the phony and that this clean cut John Cena we have today is his real personality? So many people would love for Cena to rap again but I don't see the point of it. He moved on from that and is now doing better things. Yes the raps who funny but Cena doesn't need them anymore. They were a tool for him to entertain the audience and in turn become over with them as a performer. He has done that and doesn't need to rap anymore. Once again this is an example of toilet humour (or near it). This is the type of stuff he still does, however he does it in a much more delicate way. I find it funny that Cena can make the same jokes back then but because he was a heel it’s fine and everyone loves it but when he does those jokes (in a delicate) today he is treated like an idiot by the fans who once loved them.

The difference between Punk and Cena is that Punk is basically being himself with some exagerration possibly in the tone of his actions, and Cena's persona was drummed up by Vince McMahon and the WWE Machine marketing department to purposely market to kids as the 21st century Hogan. You know this is true. Cena wouldn't be doing this lame crap if he wasn't making a lot of money.

While I don't agree with the character being lame, most of the bold part is true. Cena wouldn't be doing this character if he wasn't making money. You know why? BECAUSE IT'S A FREAKING BUSINESS! Why in the world would Vince McMahon, one of the smartest wrestling minds ever, stop his biggest draw from making money? If something is making heaps of money for your company you don't stop it. Cena is the biggest active draw in wrestling because of this character, so I guess the millions that watch disagree with it being lame.

Who honestly wants to be hated like he is?

I guess the heels. You know the guys that have a job to be hated by the fans that watch the product.

I'd say hardly anyone would want to be hated like he is. It's also sad that your biggest fans are also fans of the kid's band Big Time Rush.

I don't think John Cena would be sad when thinking about his fans. He gets to bring joy to the lives of children around the world. What is so sad about that? Every night Cena walks out and is able to see thousands of children cheering him on, I would say that is a great job. Having millions of fans and bringing joy to kids, sounds like fun to me.
The difference between Punk and Cena is that Punk is basically being himself with some exagerration possibly in the tone of his actions, and Cena's persona was drummed up by Vince McMahon and the WWE Machine marketing department to purposely market to kids as the 21st century Hogan.

From Cena's Twitter-
"...stop looking at this bizz in black and white. I am not a “heel” or a “face,” I am me. I find it comical that u truly believe. That archaic ideology still exists. Today, wwe fans cheer for who they please, which is why I love this company. I should mail u a pair of my shorts, because your stuck in 1993."

Here, He's basically saying he doesn’t give a flying fuck if he's hated or not. He’s there for the people who love him, not the people who hate him which is the perfect mentality in wrestling today. Especially considering the IWC will turn on anyone at will.

You know this is true. Cena wouldn't be doing this lame crap if he wasn't making a lot of money. Who honestly wants to be hated like he is?
Like I’ve said, he doesn't care that you hate him. He's there to entertain the fans who love and appreciate what he does.

I'd say hardly anyone would want to be hated like he is. It's also sad that your biggest fans are also fans of the kid's band Big Time Rush.
Do you have any proof that this is true? Why is it not ok for someone 18 or older to like the John Cena character? Since when is the good guy not cool?
I might be the only one here who truly thinks Cena is awesome. Sure he gets stale at time to time but, he is the only guy in the biz who can become series at any giving time he needs. He isn't afraid of any challenge or stipulation and he goes into the fight a man and he walks out a man. Cena may please the little kids an all but he speaks a lot for adults to. His message is never give up and never back down and that message speaks a lot to me. I understand what Cena means when he speaks and you can feel every emotion he uses when he speaks into the mic. I find his jokes to be funny as I have a weird sense of humor. Cena is one of the best there is as he is himself when he is out there on RAW every week. My best friend’s dad’s girlfriend's friend went to school with John Cena and told me he is the same person in the ring as he is outside of the ring. That says a lot. So to me Cena is awesome and I enjoy him when he is on my TV whether he be wrestling or giving a promo I enjoy the guys work.

Since this is a complain thread about John Cena, my complaint is this. Cena add the drop kick to your move list a little more often. Also learn how to do the sharp shooter to make Rocky tap out to it at WM 28. Those are my two complaints.
I hate to be "that guy".. I don't hate Cena but I thought this was a "Cena bashing thread"?

If there's anything wrong with Cena it's the fact that he gets booed by half of the crowd. He's supposed to be the face of the company. And I'm not blaming him for making a lot of fans think he's "stale" and he does the "same old shit" but Cena needs to add a certain edge to win over those fans. Whether he cares about getting booed or not he's the face of the company. And getting booed by half the crowd has been going on for years now.

I totally agree. So yeah, he's loved by women and young children. And some dweeby guys. But the fact is he could be loved by everyone. John Cena has the ability to be the top face that's not booed by half the crowd. But he's just as lazy in that regard as he is in the ring. He's gotten used to this "Lets Go Cena, CENA SUCKS" chant and has embraced it, rather than try to rework what he's doing and gain the admiration of everyone by changing some things up. I read someone call him Hogan 2.0 and I was wondering why that hadn't caught on more but the reality is, Hogan during his run in the golden age and even into the late 90's was loved by EVERYBODY. If there were Hogan haters, they were few and far in between. Hogan's superman thing was more cheesy than Cena could ever WISH to be, but everybody loved it. Everyone waited for it and when it happened we marked the EFF out.
Cena's main problem isn't the 5 moves of doom, in ring ability, mic skills or stupid stuff like the jorts or the PG era. In fact those things, minus the mic skills were pretty much Hogan's thing too. Cena's main problem is that, he's transparently phony. We can see right through him. He doesn't love the business, he loves what he's gotten as a result of being in the right place at the right time and therefore loves his job.
Let me explain. Rock said in a response to Cena, that he came at Rock about not loving the business and played him about his acting, when in reality, he'd been trying to do the same thing for years. I am in no way saying that Cena doesn't enjoy wrestling. He's made millions doing it. I'd enjoy it too. But what else does he have?
Making movies doesn't work for him. He sucks as an actor.
Making music didn't work for him either, his album sold double aluminum. He couldn't hack it as a body builder so whats left?
He's unbelievable in the ring and I don't mean that as a good thing. He's really UN-believable. The superman thing is ridiculous. His mic skills ARE corny as ever and as much as he claims to be "doing what he does for the fans that stick by him" what is he really offering them?
(Not talking at all about anything outside of the ring or a WWE arena, ie; charity work, etc.)

Because the bulk of real wrestling fans hate him, he feels like he doesn't have to cater to us because his "real fans still care about him" therefore he stays stale and stays complacent as a personality. And because youth love what they are used to, and women want to see him, AND because of the fact that WWE has an incredible inability to believe in anyone else, we are force fed a corny, lazy, phony 12 time champion. (in 6 years no less).

I don't hate Cena because he's a bad wrestler, or because he's corny. I don't like him because he settled. He had a great era and then force fed us a gimmick that to be honest, i believe he don't even believe in. Again, he's a phony. Who wants to be booed when they're supposed to be the good guy? Who wants to walk into an arena with his Hustle Loyalty Respect armbands and his power to the people salute, "I am one of you" jean shorts and get booed out of the arena? Nobody. Anyone telling you different is lying to you. If Hogan was getting the response John Cena is getting, he and Vince would have HAD to do something different. But a WWE check ain't gon bounce so he's gonna keep doing what he's doing.
We'll get a different John Cena, when the kids and the ladies start booing as much as the guys do. Because then VKM and PLM will have to realize that somethings gotta give. Thats when he'll change. Because he'll HAVE to. But until that happens, he's gonna keep giving you what he's been giving you. He's had a couple good promo's this year, and about a handful of good matches. Everything else has been mediocre at best. And this is what people defend?
hey....I guess it is what it is...

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