**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Here's my contribution:=
First of all, horrible post. This is a Cena complaints thread where you can vent what you hate about Cena. However, be prepared to have a discussion which is what we're doing. What is the point of a thread without discussion? Pointless.
1- he is holding many talents back.
miz,del rio,barret and batista , all great talents and future champions were hold back by super cena.
John Cena holding people back? The John Cena? No. Your list is horseshit. The Miz was put over by John Cena in the fucking Main Event of Wrestlemania. Batista was never held back by anyone. The dude is a multi-time World Heavyweight Champion. John Cena isn't even done with Alberto Del Rio. And Wade Barrett couldn't make the people care long enough to stay over. John Cena had nothing to do with that. Winning a feud doesn't necessarily mean he buries talent. Look at the people he's elevated over the years; Edge is one of the top heel in the last ten years. He put over Randy Orton who wouldn't be the number two guy without Cena's assistance. Umaga, Cena made him relevant for a few months. Fucking Sheamus. CM Punk. R-Truth. Taking a bunch of rookies and putting on feud of the year with Nexus. That's not even mentioning his midcard days.

Do you know how many matches John Cena has had where he makes the other guys look pure gold? Remember his two matches with Dolph Ziggler? Perfect example there.

Everyone who gets in a ring with John Cena is put over no matter what they do the next day. A match with John Cena is a good day in the office. Look, to say Cena sucks is one thing but to say he doesn't put anyone over is pure horseshit.
I am not here to complain about John Cena the performer as I think he is one of, if not the, best overall performers in the wrestling world today - able to hang with the world's best in-ring performers, drag a decent match out of the worst, wrestle any number of styles, get a reaction from any crowd and even school the Rock on how to give an entertaining promo without resorting solely to immature name calling.

However, while it is not Cena's fault, John Cena the act on the other hand is nowhere near as consistent a beast entertainment wise and for me has gotten stale.

There were inklings of an evolution in Cena the act flickering during the Summer of Punk as it seemed that Cena had come up against someone he not only respected but could not defeat. This could easily have led to an evolution of "Never Give Up" Cena into something fresh with him questioning himself and his ability to defeat CM Punk fair and square. Maybe Cena would have to employ his more brutal side more often, smile and joke less on his way to the ring. I think that could have been done without the over the top calls for him to turn heel.

However, these inklings were seemingly swept under the carpet by the less than dramatic return of "SuperCena" in the weeks after becoming #1 Contender and his groan-inducing 10th WWE title win at Night of Champions. The CM Punk question could still be brought up again to reinvigorate Cena once more as it has yet to be answered, although there is a chance that it will be at Hell in a Cell.

Cena himself has the ability and from my own selfish point of view I would like to see something different.
1. He didn't hold any of those guys back. Miz? Lost to him in the main event of WrestleMania. Doesn't matter if it wasn't "clean" (actually it was, since the stip was No DQ). The record books say WWE Champion The Miz defeated John Cena. So no, he didn't hold Miz back. He didn't even encounter Miz properly until after he was already WWE Champion.

For The Miz I will chime in because there's one thing that has always bothered me between The Miz and Cena. Of course Miz managed to climb to the top after, but when Miz did the 5-0 Miz he was on a roll and on fire. How much damage would it have done to Cena to lose by interference (from the guy he was feuding with at the time), distraction or cheating. Instead he beat Miz 2 times and I don't think they were really squashes, but it would have helped Miz tremenduously to win 1 match even by cheating.

4. So you don't like that he wins matches due to distractions. Do you prefer it when he beats people clean? Because that's certainly happened plenty of times over his career. If anything, beating Punk the way he did just helped to keep Punk looking strong. And the Truth thing fit perfectly with the storyline, and was a fitting conclusion with "Little Jimmy" serving him justice. Again, story arcs are very important.

For the way Punk lost the number 1 contender it was AWFUL. I don't mind Punk losing, I don't mind Punk losing because of Nash, but I sure have a problem with Punk, who was supposed to be smartened up on the business in his gimmick (calling Cena for being the Yankees, calling the predictability of the contract signing and other things), to lose because a guy is standing on the ramp. Bump the ref, bring Nash in and have him beat Punk down, that way Punk don't lose clean, don't lose momentum and Cena still win.

But in both cases we can't blame Cena, it probably has more to do with the creative, but Cena his the face that you see, we don't know the writers and all and that may be why some people take it on him because you can't boo or hate the writers.
[cL];3439786 said:
You know what Dirty Sanchez, I will concede that him being phony is a Rock argument that i agreed with and my argument to support that is based on a theory. And I believed my theory had good legs.
His music didn't sell well. Selling 1.3 million in 5 years is bad. I don't care where you debuted, if 5 years later you're just selling a million then i'm going to have to say its not a good look. (I have been in the music business for over 15 years with multiple songs on national radio and just received my quarterly royalty check yesterday so I DO know what i'm talking about.)

Was that where the double aluminum joke came from? Lulz. Anyway, I never said it set the world on fire, and I never said it was record breaking. It wasn't a failure. It got his name out, it has a following, it made some good money, and it charted rather well on it's debut. You paint it out to be some sort of flop, when this is clearly far from the truth.

As much money as his movies made, they weren't blockbuster hits.
But to be fair, neither were Rock's...at least up until Fast Five.

Which was how long after he left the WWE initially to pursue his other career? And hey, speaking of just "using" the WWE, isn't it AWFULLY convenient that his movie debuted just in time for him to gain national exposure on WWE TV so he could promote the shit out of it? Wow, that's love for the business, mang.

So my theory to support Rock's argument, that i took on as a part of my argument, is that, John Cena is a phony due to the fact that I believed that had his music or acting not sucked he'd probably have left too but because they DO suck he HAS to stick with wrestling because he ain't GOT nothin else.

Weak sauce. Again, it doesn't address that Cena probably has a healthy enough bank account to retire on at this point, why not walk away? Oh, it might have something to do with him loving the job. Also, it doesn't address the Hogan comparison you make. Hogan was the type, like Kurt Angle does now, to hold out for less work dates at a higher rate of pay. Why isn't Cena pulling one of those? Why is he doing two matches or more a night 3-5 nights a week? That kind of work doesn't seem to me like the ethic of someone just there to collect a pay check.

But I don't know him to know that he doesn't have anything else and that's baseless so I will retract that argument. Cause I can admit when I'm wrong. It is pure speculation and not based on fact at all.

Excellent. Maybe now you'll have something valid to discuss.

I simply don't have the time to go point for point with you. You're not going to stop me from saying how I feel as much as I'm not going to stop you from saying ignorant factless insults to get your point across.

Way to be dismissive without actually addressing any of your accusations, chief. You really really REALLY aren't any good at this.

You don't like that I don't just say, I don't like him. You'd rather me not "come up with" reasons. You'd rather me not have an opinion as to why I think MY reasons are valid. You just want me to say, "you know, I really don't like Cena. I used to kinda, but I don't anymore. I think he could use with some freshening up. I just don't enjoy seeing him" or something like that.

I don't care if you have reasons or not. It's just that I think it's funny how it took you this long to acknowledge that many of your theories and ideas were based in emotional reactions and not in reality. You know, I've only been saying that from the get go. Maybe try reading? The guy above you here seems to get it.

Fine. To pacify YOU (who's selfish now?) I'll say it.
"You know Dirty Sanchez, I really don't like Cena. I used to kinda, but I don't anymore. I think he could use with some freshening up. I just don't enjoy seeing him." Or something like that.

That's fucking interesting, man, that's fucking interesting. What do you think needs freshening up the most? Where do you think it all went wrong for you?

BUT THEN, another Cena Lover (or you, out of pure spite) would say, WHAT? Waddaya mean freshening up?

Not spite, genuine curiosity my man.

And I would say:
By freshening up I mean, evolve. Change things up. I don't care about the 5 moves of doom because everyone has their finishing bonanza of moves...as a matter of fact the only reason why his gets called out so much is because (and this is pure speculation of course) i believe, most people are sick of seeing HIS! But i digress.

Jeez, I need to bust your balls more often because this little tid bit makes a hell of a lot more sense and is much easier to understand and empathize with than any of the other shit you were posting. I mean, hell, I practically agree with this part.

In my opinion he has not evolved as a wrestler. I think his in ring work is sloppy. I think that he does a lot of no selling "injured" or "worked on" parts of his body. (And maybe Hogan DID do the same thing when he "Hulked Up" but I was too young to realize that then. I know more about wrestling now then I did then, and looking back it was ridiculous then as much as it is now.)
I think as a top face of the company his mic work is terrible. I don't know if he is writing his own stuff or having it written for him, but whoever is doing it is doing a terrible job. Talking loud with a scowl on your face doesn't equal emotion. The promo he did last night was one of the worst ones yet. It was forced and awkward in my opinion and it, to me, did nothing to sell the PPV. But that is yet to be seen.
But this is your TOP FACE. This is the face of the company.
Some people may think he should just coast in what he's doing. They think he should just continue because some of the greats never changed. Well some of them didn't. But some of them did.

Gonna break up this bad boy right here to better address the following points.

Hulk Hogan - Hollywood Hogan: The greatest wrestling personality of all time, changed. Went from fan favorite to one of the most hated wrestlers ever.

Let's ignore how played out the suggestion that Cena turn heel is, or how little that really "evolves" any of the qualities you listed earlier, and instead focus on something else: nWo. Hogan could've turned heel and make some heads turns, but what really sealed the deal was that it was also as part of the nWo launch. A Cena heel turn is going to lack the multiple layers of betrayal that the nWo turn had simply because there is never going to be an angle quite like the nWo again. Those situations will never be repeated. So, instead, we're left with doing like what happened with Rock or something; turn him against the fans and the others and let him be all mouthy and shit, something we've already seen before. I'm not saying a Cena heel turn wouldn't be good business for a bit, but I don't think it'd really bring that much more business in to be truly worth it.

the Undertaker - The American Badass: The Undertaker is one of the greatest gimmicks ever and he changed. Style, music, everything. He went back to being the Undertaker but even that in itself has evolved over his career. He had an urn..now he ain't got no urn. He used to wear the pale white makeup and gloves now he ain't GOT no pale white make up and he wears MMA gloves. The basis of the character has stayed pretty much the same but he's evolved in ways that keeps him interesting, TO ME.

I'm going to have to disagree here. American Badass Undertaker sucked. Big time. Limp Bizkit theme? No thank you. It wasn't even an evolution; it was just the same shit as his gimmick prior to being Undertaker. Once he lost the "magic", he was just another big guy talking tough like the others. One of the greatest joys I found when coming back to this stuff was that Undertaker was back to being the kind of guy he should be and not trying to be some played out biker mouse from Mars. More power to you, of course, for liking it, but yeah...crowds were kinda split on it, and as soon as he debuted he was pushed into the tag division, and it didn't gather any more viewers than he already had, so yeahno, I don't really see this as being an evolution which did anything other than give Mark a change of costume for a while.

Mick freakin Foley was 3 guys at the same time and EXTREMELY over with each one.

Yeah! Because one of them had been all over WCW and ECW for years, on top of being all over tapes from Japan, and the other one had been established in the WWE for years, and the final one had a cult following based on a tape of a young Mick jumping off a roof. Good luck replicating that kind of shit.

I've only sited these because they are the only ones i can think of at the moment.


Anyway, what would John Cena LOSE from making a few tweaks here and there?


Those who love him are gonna love him, period. Those who hate him may change their opinion. (like me!) Whats wrong with doing something different... just to SEE what happens... When the Undertaker changed to the ABA he lost some people because they loved the deadman but it worked for that time and when it didn't work anymore, he went back to the deadman.

But it didn't really work. Angles with Maven? Ooh! Interesting that this gimmick came around the 2001-2003 time frame, which is exactly when many people tuned out from wrestling. See, some people like to point at ratings and say "Cena sucks cause they're not drawing 5's and 6's anymore". Other ones, people who can actually read a chart and spot trends and changes, notice the great migration of ratings came at the end of 2001/beginning of 2002. So yeah...I know crap like this was why I walked away from this stuff, and the numbers show that I wasn't the only one.

My thing is if he tried something and it didn't work ok, at least you tried something different. But again, my opinion is, he's comfortable with being where he is, because he's going to cater to those who love him for that. Which to me, is a cop out because he's not a Steve Austin type. He's not a Rock personality. His is not the kind of gimmick where you can get away with that.

Why not? He does what his fans love and cares only for keeping them happy, for giving them something to enjoy. Isn't that what an entertainer does? Isn't that kinda the point? And why do Austin and Rock get passes? Don't even pretend that "EVERYONE LOVED THEM" because I was around then too buddy and not everyone did. The only difference being that back then, if they didn't like a guy, they liked someone else instead. These days it seems like the bitter old timer fans like you would rather boo Cena than be happy cheering someone else.

His gimmick is the superman, good guy, fight for whats right, hug the girl, kiss the baby, thumbs up hero that should be the standard for what a person should be. His gimmick is Hulkamania 2.0 for the 21st century. And that's great. That's fine.
But every arena he goes into he's getting booed. Not by everyone, but by enough people that its noticeable. He got booed where he LIVES. And THAT'S saying something.

Not really. Florida and Massachusetts are both horrible places anyway.

Especially when it was either a week or two before he went to Chicago and Punks people booed him out of the building. You'd think him being at home, more people would like him...but when they don't even like you at home.......? When you can't get a Punk/Chicago response from where you live...that's bad. and I know Punk reps Chicago to the fullest, but still....really, booed where you live???

Yeah. I know right? I mean, how dare the crowd get excited about an unprecedented storyline and back the hot new element added to the main event picture, especially when he was kayfabe looking to stick it to McMahon. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, you really think this is some sort of big deal, don't you?

I don't want him to change for me.


I want him to evolve for the business. (here's that empathy you asked for)
How much more money would he make for the company if he turned haters into believers? Sure he's never going to persuade "the millions". Not entirely. But he may turn some of them with some mic skill upgrades. He may turn more of them with some better in ring work. He may even get more of them if he begins to sell pain in the ring. Look vulnerable. I remember watching Punk fight Trips at NOC and HHH had been working on Punks leg. HHH was on the announce table and Punk was going to drop the elbow on him from the top rope. On his way up the top he was hitting his leg as to make it look like he was trying to get feeling in it. He was on top at the moment, but still selling the injury.
John doesn't do that. I've seen him in multiple matches getting his butt whooped and then all of a sudden the cape comes out he wins the match and after its over...he's chillin. Smiling in the camera like nothing happened. The only time he sells an injury is if he is REALLY hurt. And that sucks because if it takes him to really get hurt in order to sell an injury how weak does that make his opponent look?

I'm convinced you guys over blow this whole selling thing with Cena, both in how important it is overall and how "bad" he is at it. It's not like he's Vader or Goldberg. Also, you are asking him to change to suit the people who already hate him. What if that doesn't work? What if he changes to pander to the crowd that hates him, and they don't buy it. Now he's got egg on his face because his older fans will feel betrayed and the haters are still gonna hate. It's just not really worth it, not is it even needed. The people booing are still buying tickets and watching shows, even if it means they are buying front row seats just to get in Cena's face. This seems fine to me; fans who got sick of Rock and HHH getting stale and old just left back in '02. They just up and left, stopped watching and stopped buying.

Whats wrong with Cena being booked to make other stars look good for a longer period of time? They sold NOC with him not being in the MAIN main event...but they still had to put the belt back on him. He can't NOT be the man.

Because the majority of the WWE fans are paying to see him. Why wouldn't you give the people what they want.

John Cena is a work horse. Thats not in question. When I say he's lazy i'm not referring to his work ethic. I'm referring to his inability to evolve, as a character and as a wrestler. The WWE's inability to believe in someone else to carry the company or to be top dog along with Cena is making him lazy. In my opinion. He won't change anything up, he won't evolve because they've put his face on everything and made him to believe that what he's giving out is enough. When in reality theres nothing wrong with a little evolution. Theres nothing wrong with him adding to his repertoire. Doing what he could do to try to win over the millions. Why not? Why not just try? That's what I mean when I say he needs to freshen up.

I really do get where you're trying to come from here, but you still act and talk as if he's just phoning it in. Furthermore, you still haven't addressed my previous point about evolution: Cena is not Undertaker from 2000. He's the Austin or The Rock of his time. And, in their time, Austin and Rock did NOTHING to evolve once they got over. NOTHING. Heel/face turns are not evolving, at least not in the way you've described it as. I'm talking the same kind of changes you propose Cena makes. They just didn't. So, once again, why expect Cena to? Just because you don't like him?

Evolution. Its not just for monkeys anymore.

It also wasn't for Austin, Rock, HHH, Hart, Michaels or Flair.

AS FOR YOU, You also need to evolve. You have a knack for words and i'll give you that, but your inability to debate with someone without using judgements and insults causes a good point you may have made to simply make you look and sound like an absolute douchebag.
Maybe some changes would be good for you too.

Why? I think I'm doing just fine. I fight fire with fire, amigo, so maybe stop overreacting and acting like a child and you'll be treated as an adult in turn.

The fuck? what's this thread?

An open discussion on John Cena complaints in the WWE section of the non-spam wrestling discussion forums on these boards.

I was under the impression it was a CENA COMPLAINTS THREAD, where users could vent what they dislike about Cena.

All of a sudden it's turned into an "I love Cena thread" lolzletsdefendcena .. :banghead:

What, you mean like you dipshits don't spill out into every other Cena thread, or every other thread which even has anything remotely to do with Cena, and spew your bile around there? Jeez. It's called discussion, champ.

Here's my contribution:=

This seems less like issues you have with Cena and more like issues you have with the WWE and their product. Burying who? How? What are you talking about. Lame and corny promos? Can't say much about that if that's your opinion. However, "hypocritical"? Care to try that one again? I've already buried one of your kind who came in here talking that same shit, so I'm looking forward to your input on the matter. Just, you know, learn from that guy's mistakes and make sure you know what the term means and that you're applying it correctly before you post. Either way, I'm happy to have this conversation with you.
DirtyJosé;3440126 said:
Was that where the double aluminum joke came from? Lulz. Anyway, I never said it set the world on fire, and I never said it was record breaking. It wasn't a failure. It got his name out, it has a following, it made some good money, and it charted rather well on it's debut. You paint it out to be some sort of flop, when this is clearly far from the truth.
i guess i do have a little time after all.
Taking five years to go platinum is not a successful album. I don't care how much money it HAS made by now. It took 5 years. If it had done as well as you're saying he would have done another record. It would have been demanded. ...but hey...maybe it was demanded and it just never happened.

Which was how long after he left the WWE initially to pursue his other career? And hey, speaking of just "using" the WWE, isn't it AWFULLY convenient that his movie debuted just in time for him to gain national exposure on WWE TV so he could promote the shit out of it? Wow, that's love for the business, mang.
I'm not defending Rock. I'm talking about Cena.

Weak sauce. Again, it doesn't address that Cena probably has a healthy enough bank account to retire on at this point, why not walk away? Oh, it might have something to do with him loving the job. Also, it doesn't address the Hogan comparison you make. Hogan was the type, like Kurt Angle does now, to hold out for less work dates at a higher rate of pay. Why isn't Cena pulling one of those? Why is he doing two matches or more a night 3-5 nights a week? That kind of work doesn't seem to me like the ethic of someone just there to collect a pay check.
When I compare Cena to Hogan, I'm not comparing their work ethic or love for the business. I'm comparing their in-ring persona. That is all.

Excellent. Maybe now you'll have something valid to discuss.
......sigh...whatever man.

Way to be dismissive without actually addressing any of your accusations, chief. You really really REALLY aren't any good at this.

I don't care if you have reasons or not. It's just that I think it's funny how it took you this long to acknowledge that many of your theories and ideas were based in emotional reactions and not in reality. You know, I've only been saying that from the get go. Maybe try reading? The guy above you here seems to get it.
See. This is the thing about me. I am 100% pure GUY. When i feel attacked i'm going to attack. Right or Wrong i'm going to attack. Now had you come at me earlier with some reasoning without all of the jabs and insults, not only would I have recanted some of my argument, I would have agreed and said you were correct. I'm not a person who can't admit that he's wrong but my pride will not let me allow someone to attack me maliciously for my opinion. I can give emotional responses, but I also can admit being wrong and get down to the meat of my argument. Had you not been so insulting we could have gotten to this point sooner.

That's fucking interesting, man, that's fucking interesting. What do you think needs freshening up the most? Where do you think it all went wrong for you?
Read above.

Not spite, genuine curiosity my man.
come on. you know its spite. admit it. its ok, we're friends now. :suspic:

Jeez, I need to bust your balls more often because this little tid bit makes a hell of a lot more sense and is much easier to understand and empathize with than any of the other shit you were posting. I mean, hell, I practically agree with this part.
Now we're gettin somewhere.

Let's ignore how played out the suggestion that Cena turn heel is...
Lets not ignore how i NEVER said anything about him turning heel.

, or how little that really "evolves" any of the qualities you listed earlier, and instead focus on something else: nWo. Hogan could've turned heel and make some heads turns, but what really sealed the deal was that it was also as part of the nWo launch. A Cena heel turn is going to lack the multiple layers of betrayal that the nWo turn had simply because there is never going to be an angle quite like the nWo again. Those situations will never be repeated. So, instead, we're left with doing like what happened with Rock or something; turn him against the fans and the others and let him be all mouthy and shit, something we've already seen before. I'm not saying a Cena heel turn wouldn't be good business for a bit, but I don't think it'd really bring that much more business in to be truly worth it.
What? Where did that come fro...listen I don't care how evolution takes place. I would just like to see him, for the sake of the business, do something different. I'm not asking for anything specific to take place. I'd just like to see him DO SOMETHING different that would make fans all over kinda stop and be like...whoa? Is that Cena? Wow he did that? Did you hear his promo? Wow he said that? Something surprising. Something not like the norm. Thats all i'm saying. Tune up what you're already doing, and make something different happen.
I'm going to have to disagree here. American Badass Undertaker sucked. Big time. Limp Bizkit theme? No thank you. It wasn't even an evolution; it was just the same shit as his gimmick prior to being Undertaker. Once he lost the "magic", he was just another big guy talking tough like the others. One of the greatest joys I found when coming back to this stuff was that Undertaker was back to being the kind of guy he should be and not trying to be some played out biker mouse from Mars. More power to you, of course, for liking it, but yeah...crowds were kinda split on it, and as soon as he debuted he was pushed into the tag division, and it didn't gather any more viewers than he already had, so yeahno, I don't really see this as being an evolution which did anything other than give Mark a change of costume for a while.
I said, the undertaker gimmick was one of the greatest of all time, and I liked that over the years his character has changed up. He changed his costume and gave fans something else....they didn't like it so he went back but at least he tried something new. I gotta give him props for that. You can't be in the business 20 somethin years and not do something new. Cena's been in the business what 9 years now? I'm guessing....but for about 6-7 of those years we've seen the same thing. and all I'm saying is...change it up.

Yeah! Because one of them had been all over WCW and ECW for years, on top of being all over tapes from Japan, and the other one had been established in the WWE for years, and the final one had a cult following based on a tape of a young Mick jumping off a roof. Good luck replicating that kind of shit.
i don't want him to duplicate anyones gimmick. I want him to evolve what he has. Is that so wrong?

i almost choked on my sandwich here.
John Cena, losing momentum? Is that possible?

Why not? He does what his fans love and cares only for keeping them happy, for giving them something to enjoy. Isn't that what an entertainer does? Isn't that kinda the point? And why do Austin and Rock get passes? Don't even pretend that "EVERYONE LOVED THEM" because I was around then too buddy and not everyone did.
Here's why not. Because he is the face of the company. WWE=John Cena
He's built up in a way that people are supposed to love him. He's the goody goody. A man of the people. The kind of man people are supposed to want to aspire to be. If he says, "screw the rest of you, i'm just going to show love to those who love me", then it goes against the persona. Right?
I know for a fact that everyone didn't love Rock or Austin, but it was clear that when Rock or Austin were heels or faces that the bulk if not all of the crowd were pretty much decisive on what position they were taking. Nothing at ALL like what Cena gets.
"The only difference being that back then, if they didn't like a guy, they liked someone else instead."
and THIS is one of the reasons why I have issues with the entire WWE. Back in the day there were SO many main event players. Now you have John Cena on one level and then the main eventers, and everyone else. When I say that I mean this. John Cena is so set apart from everyone else, that he is above main event status. He isn't on the level of regular main eventers. He's bigger than the business. And when that happens, its hard on everyone else. Back in the day there were more people to like. Right now we've got Punk and Orton. Who, in my opinion, are the closest people to where Cena is but still a far cry away. And that sucks.

Not really. Florida and Massachusetts are both horrible places anyway.

Yeah. I know right? I mean, how dare the crowd get excited about an unprecedented storyline and back the hot new element added to the main event picture, especially when he was kayfabe looking to stick it to McMahon.
..or... they are just as tired of Cena as we are.

I'm convinced you guys over blow this whole selling thing with Cena, both in how important it is overall and how "bad" he is at it.
No, he no-sells a lot. Totally believe that.

It's not like he's Vader or Goldberg. Also, you are asking him to change to suit the people who already hate him. What if that doesn't work? What if he changes to pander to the crowd that hates him, and they don't buy it. Now he's got egg on his face because his older fans will feel betrayed and the haters are still gonna hate. It's just not really worth it, not is it even needed.
see there are a number of ways a person can change. He doesn't have to do a complete 180, but evolve your character. If he stayed with the Hustle Loyalty Respect thing forever and made some major and minor tweaks along the way, I'd be happy. He doesn't have to lose his fan base. But there's nothing wrong with doing what you can to change the minds of the millions if you can.

Because the majority of the WWE fans are paying to see him. Why wouldn't you give the people what they want.

He's the Austin or The Rock of his time. And, in their time, Austin and Rock did NOTHING to evolve once they got over. NOTHING.
I disagree. Rock may have kept the essence of who he was but over time his wardrobe changed, he added catchphrases and drop old ones (know your role kinda faded out) and nearing the end of his time he started singing with the guitar. That may not be major change but again..minor tweaks here and there to spice up otherwise old material. Even Austin made minor tweaks here and there...he got funny near the end of his tenure and don't forget we have him to thank for the "WHAT" chants...MINOR tweaks. The Undertaker underwent minor tweaks during the his entire career up until the MAJOR ABA tweak....But anyway yeah i'm not talking about heel/face changes. Just evolution to your character...however he does it. Just try something different.

Why? I think I'm doing just fine.
...you say tomato...

I fight fire with fire, amigo, so maybe stop overreacting and acting like a child and you'll be treated as an adult in turn.
you go tit for tat with me, demean and belittle anyone who has a difference of opinion with you and I'M acting like a child?
Good one.
You want some evidence of Cena burying people? The Royal Rumble. The Nexus was destroying everybody in the match. I think they even elminated Kevin Nash although I may be wrong about that that. Well anyway Cena's metrosexual music hits and here he comes to the ring and without breaking a sweat proceeds to eliminate the whole damn group. My God, I thought evolution was supposed to happen forward. However WWE is devolving or evolving backwards.

You had realistic awesome wrestling with Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle just 8 years ago, and then we slowly time traveled back to 80's WWF. The only thing missing is Doink The Clown, although I guess Santino Marella sort of counts to fill that role. Fans of Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Triple H style wrestling are the ones who revolted when Cena was pushed into the main event. My God, you would think Vince would have seen what happened with Hogan and the NWO. Fans with knowledge, (your core wrestling audience) don't want a Superman who has no technical wrestling ability and trips over his own feet when he walks as Champion.

If the fact that we don't wear panties or pajamas and don't cum in said panties and piss in said pajamas when Cena appears on tv makes us bigoted assholes, then so be it. On a side subject, political correctness can kiss my ass. I'm not gonna kiss a demographics ass just so they won't get their feelings hurt. I say this because it's very telling when a majority of a guys fanbase is women and kids. Typically there's a reason for that..... YOU SUCK. Women and kids love Cena, not for the fact that he's a wrestler, but because of his branding and the fact that women think he's good looking. If being good looking means you are a great wrestler, then hell, why not bring Brad Pitt in for a year or two, and he would instantly become a 17 time World Champion.

Like a previous poster stated, it's complete bullshit that Shawn won 4 World Titles in 20 years, and Cena has won 12 in 6 years. Now think about it, which one of those guys is the better wrestler and had a bigger impact on the business? And don't feed me a bullshit answer about it being Cena. Think about it, HBK started the Attitude Era and contributed to WWE's survival in their battle with WCW. If Cena existed in the Monday Night Wars as the face of WWE, WWE would have more than likely either lost the war and went bankrupt, or would have at most continued to stay around as a business but would basically be TNA. My reasoning for this opinion is that Hogan was goody goody then, but was forced to turn heel, and when he did, nearly killed WWE.
WCW was winning the ratings war with HBK. As soon as he left and Austin was king, WWE won.

Did you know that?

The only thing HBK had an impact on was the ladder match but Edge, Christian, Matt, and Jeff blew that out of the water.
You want some evidence of Cena burying people? The Royal Rumble. The Nexus was destroying everybody in the match. I think they even elminated Kevin Nash although I may be wrong about that that. Well anyway Cena's metrosexual music hits and here he comes to the ring and without breaking a sweat proceeds to eliminate the whole damn group. My God, I thought evolution was supposed to happen forward. However WWE is devolving or evolving backwards.
The Nexus sucked, who the fuck even cares if they got buried? Their depush had nothing to do with Cena, it was because the only person in the group with any kind of charisma was Punk and then he left. I mean really, you have a group consisting of David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty, and Mason Ryan and you're whining about them getting buried? Really? That's just looking for reasons to hate Cena there.
You had realistic awesome wrestling with Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle just 8 years ago, and then we slowly time traveled back to 80's WWF. The only thing missing is Doink The Clown, although I guess Santino Marella sort of counts to fill that role. Fans of Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Triple H style wrestling are the ones who revolted when Cena was pushed into the main event. My God, you would think Vince would have seen what happened with Hogan and the NWO. Fans with knowledge, (your core wrestling audience) don't want a Superman who has no technical wrestling ability and trips over his own feet when he walks as Champion.
Cena is a better wrestler than all those guys. Nothing they did is more "realistic" than anything Cena does. How about we get rid of this flawed philosophy that doing a million grapple moves in a match results in a classic? It doesn't. It might if it has a good story, but without one, nah. Oh, and let's not forget that all three of them made their names as heels, an alignment that generally allows for a lot more offense. But no, let's just ignore all that.
If the fact that we don't wear panties or pajamas and don't cum in said panties and piss in said pajamas when Cena appears on tv makes us bigoted assholes, then so be it. On a side subject, political correctness can kiss my ass. I'm not gonna kiss a demographics ass just so they won't get their feelings hurt. I say this because it's very telling when a majority of a guys fanbase is women and kids. Typically there's a reason for that..... YOU SUCK. Women and kids love Cena, not for the fact that he's a wrestler, but because of his branding and the fact that women think he's good looking. If being good looking means you are a great wrestler, then hell, why not bring Brad Pitt in for a year or two, and he would instantly become a 17 time World Champion.
Oh, I didn't know you had some kind of psychic ability that allows to tell people's reasonings for liking someone. Furthermore, I didn't know that you were so almighty that you can call your own reasons for liking someone better than your presumed reasons for other demographics. Sounds pretty fuckin' arrogant to me. But if we're going to play that game, the reasons why I think men hate Cena are just as dumb. OMG HE'S NOT A BADASS! HE'S NOT ROCK! HE'S NOT STONE COLD! I WANT THE ATTITUDE ERA BACK!!!!!!!
Like a previous poster stated, it's complete bullshit that Shawn won 4 World Titles in 20 years, and Cena has won 12 in 6 years. Now think about it, which one of those guys is the better wrestler and had a bigger impact on the business? And don't feed me a bullshit answer about it being Cena. Think about it, HBK started the Attitude Era and contributed to WWE's survival in their battle with WCW. If Cena existed in the Monday Night Wars as the face of WWE, WWE would have more than likely either lost the war and went bankrupt, or would have at most continued to stay around as a business but would basically be TNA. My reasoning for this opinion is that Hogan was goody goody then, but was forced to turn heel, and when he did, nearly killed WWE.
I think you could easily make the argument that Cena has made a bigger impact on the business than Michaels, but let's not do that because it will derail the thread. Regardless, why don't you put the blame of Cena's number of title reigns where it belongs, which is on the booking? It's not just a problem with him, people like Orton and Edge have a ton more reigns than Michaels too. It's just how they book championships nowadays. So if you want to complain about that entire trend, I get that, but limiting it to Cena is ignoring the facts.
Edge won the majority of his title's on Smackdown, which I honestly don't really like to count the "World Heavyweight Championship" as a title anymore. Having two titles is fucking stupid anyway, seeing as nobody watches Smackdown. Oh, and using holds and knowing moves IS what makes you a great technical wrestler.

If it wasn't then there would be no point, and you would just have celebrities come in and become World Champions. It sure did wonders for WCW when they tried doing it. Vince Russo had that same mindset and it basically killed WCW. And yes I know about the AOL merger shit which was also a big reason for WCW dying. Besides, Cena makes money despite the fact that he sucks because he can't be depushed. He is being pushed to the moon and keeps winning the title even though he doesn't need it to be over with his "CeNation". If you market a good looking guy with muscles as "Superman" then obviously women and kids are going to spend money on his shit. That fact doesn't make you a great wrestler.

Triple H is a great wrestler and a guy you can respect as an in ring performer. Same goes for Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. If you can't walk 20 feet without tripping over your own feet, you are not a great wrestler. Hell, here's a youtube video that shows a better argument than I can put into words right now.

Saying the World Heavyweight Championship doesn't count as a title is ridiculous, seeing that it's recognized as one, as evidenced by WWE saying "12 Time World Champion" for Cena instead of ten time, and the same thing for Edge and Orton and whoever else. Why don't we stop counting WCW titles and titles from whatever other companies WWE has bought, just because they're not the WWE Title? I get that that title is looked at as above everything else, but if WWE says that they have two world championships, then they do. That's up to the company to decide, not you.

Also, why the hell are you talking about celebrities? Celebrities show up for a payday and to get the company recognition. Cena shows up to carry the company, week in and week out. In addition, you have yet to make a convincing argument as to why Triple H, Angle, and Lesnar are better beyond "they know more moves." If that's the criteria we're going on, then I guess Sin Cara is a better wrestler than half the roster. The best matches of all time must all be Iron Man matches, because they had more moves than any other type of match. You see where I'm going with this? Judging a match simply by counting how many moves the competitors do is flawed, because there are so many other factors that go into it that you're completely overlooking.
Edge won the majority of his title's on Smackdown, which I honestly don't really like to count the "World Heavyweight Championship" as a title anymore.
That shows how shallow and foolish you are.
Having two titles is fucking stupid anyway, seeing as nobody watches Smackdown.
Most watched show on SyFy. People watch. That's like saying no one watches TNA when Smackdown clearly gets better ratings.
Oh, and using holds and knowing moves IS what makes you a great technical wrestler.
Wrong. If moves were so important, Evan Bourne and John Morrison would oth be World Champions.
If it wasn't then there would be no point, and you would just have celebrities come in and become World Champions.
Bullshit. It takes years of practice to know how to take a bump, sell it, and deliver a story all while in the ring. Any celebrity wouldn't know how to do that.
It sure did wonders for WCW when they tried doing it. Vince Russo had that same mindset and it basically killed WCW. And yes I know about the AOL merger shit which was also a big reason for WCW dying. Besides, Cena makes money despite the fact that he sucks because he can't be depushed.
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why the fuck you are comparing Cena to WCW.
He is being pushed to the moon and keeps winning the title even though he doesn't need it to be over with his "CeNation". If you market a good looking guy with muscles as "Superman" then obviously women and kids are going to spend money on his shit. That fact doesn't make you a great wrestler.
But know more moves do? Right. John Cena is a fantastic storyteller. He doesn't need to dive and risk his body to be considered a good wrestler.
Triple H is a great wrestler and a guy you can respect as an in ring performer. Same goes for Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar.
Same for John Cena.
If you can't walk 20 feet without tripping over your own feet, you are not a great wrestler.
Youtube please...
Hell, here's a youtube video that shows a better argument than I can put into words right now.
Right, a guy who holds less credibility then you do... fuck right off with that shit.
When I mentioned celebrities, I was referring to how celebrities are famous and people will blindly follow them even if they aren't talented. Examples include Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. My point is that it getting over with a demographic in WWE and selling merchandise doesn't make you a great "wrestler". And you can tell stories in a match while still being a great wrestler. I honestly don't understand why you can't get that through your heads. Seriously with your logic, if you could teach Hugh Jackman for example, how to fall and teach him about 5 moves, he would be considered a GREAT wrestler. I call bullshit on that notion.

Let's say you have two "wrestlers". Both are popular and main eventers and sell merchandise. Ok let's say one of those guys is a phenomenal technical wrestler and the other one has Hogan-esque abilities. Who would you rather watch have a 20 minute match.

The only story that is told in a Cena match is that the sheep women and kiddies want to see Cena win and the die-hard fans want to see him lose. That fact is not something that has occured through some form of tangible talent that Cena has to tell stories. That fact originated from the fact that die-hard fans don't like Cena and don't want him in the main event. Cena gets X-Pac Heat as a face.
Let's say you have two "wrestlers". Both are popular and main eventers and sell merchandise. Ok let's say one of those guys is a phenomenal technical wrestler and the other one has Hogan-esque abilities. Who would you rather watch have a 20 minute match.
I would take Hogan every day of the week, and twice on Sunday. As would most wrestling fans over the years. :shrug:

I don't think you fully understand the concept of being a good "wrestler". A good wrestler has nothing to do with the STYLE of the match. You're confusing style of a wrestler with the skill/quality of a wrestler. I can go out in my backyard, apply 15 different holds, do 7 variations of a suplex, and no one would give a damn. Why? Because moves mean nothing. Because style matters only to the character using it.

To think a guy like Hulk Hogan or John Cena should work a match like Evan Bourne or Bret Hart is asinine. Evan Bourne is a short guy who can jump high. It makes sense for him to do more aerial wrestling. Bret Hart is a heavyweight, but not really a bulky, strong type of wrestler. For him to work a more technical match (though his WWE career really wasn't very technical), relying on precise execution rather than pure strength or aerial moves, makes sense. John Cena and Hulk Hogan are built like tanks, with superhuman strength. To have them use aerial moves or use holds which don't take advantage of their strength is silly. They should be striking and using power moves and slams.

Don't confuse the style of a wrestler with the quality. There are ways to determine the quality of a wrestler, but the style of match they work is not one of them.

The only story that is told in a Cena match is that the sheep women and kiddies want to see Cena win and the die-hard fans want to see him lose.
You obviously haven't watched many Cena matches, or don't pay attention when you do.
When I mentioned celebrities, I was referring to how celebrities are famous and people will blindly follow them even if they aren't talented. Examples include Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. My point is that it getting over with a demographic in WWE and selling merchandise doesn't make you a great "wrestler". And you can tell stories in a match while still being a great wrestler. I honestly don't understand why you can't get that through your heads. Seriously with your logic, if you could teach Hugh Jackman for example, how to fall and teach him about 5 moves, he would be considered a GREAT wrestler. I call bullshit on that notion.

If Hugh Jackman had the ability to get me invested into his match, you're damn right I would watch. Cena, much like every great wrestler, has mastered story telling, has a connection with the crowd (also knows how to work off them DAMN well), and, in that same vein, he understands proper psychology in a match.

In his match with CM Punk, Cena did more than you could imagine to keep me watching. He always knows when the right moment to spring something on the fans is. It doesn't matter if he's a poor technical wrestler, I'd rather take Cena working the bare basics, over a great technical mat wrestler who has no grasp of how to properly work a match.

Love or hate Cena, you still react to him. Why? Because he can pull you in. Cena, much like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and even Bret Hart, has his 5 or so core moves. Most guys do... And they're still great wrestlers. It's not my fault you don't understand what a good and proper match is.

Let's say you have two "wrestlers". Both are popular and main eventers and sell merchandise. Ok let's say one of those guys is a phenomenal technical wrestler and the other one has Hogan-esque abilities. Who would you rather watch have a 20 minute match.

Like I just said, it doesn't matter if you're limited in the ring or excellent in the ring, all that matters is how you work the match itself. Look at a guy like Teddy Hart; would you really watch him over Cena? Unless you're delusional (judging by this post, you may very well be), you'll take Cena any day.

Storytelling/psychology and the like are completely separate from your technical ability and they're what make a match. I don't understand why so many people cannot grasp that fact. That in and of itself is why Cena sells.

The only story that is told in a Cena match is that the sheep women and kiddies want to see Cena win and the die-hard fans want to see him lose. That fact is not something that has occured through some form of tangible talent that Cena has to tell stories. That fact originated from the fact that die-hard fans don't like Cena and don't wan t him in the main event.

I'm a die-hard fan, an adult male, and I want to see Cena. Nobody but idiot smarks and keyboard warriors dislike Cena for your stupid reasons.

By all means, do me a favor and prove me wrong.
I personally believe my reasons for hating Cena are valid. I'd like to believe that people who dislike Cena aren't the minority. But to be honest I don't really care. I'm a baseball fan and hate football so I'm used to being in the minority. I just hate sheep. I hate that the majority of Cena's fans like him because they've been subliminally told to like him. If Cena was so talented, then why did Vince FORCE him down everyone's throats.

Sure Cena was getting cheered as a heel during his thuganomics gimmick, but even that gimmick sucked. Guys like Stone Cold and The Rock were made faces and main eventers because the fans asked for it while they were still heel. That may be true to a certain extent about Cena too, but he became this watered down, corny, lame, fruit loop warrior that is hated by millions of people.

Cena was exposed badly by Dwayne a few months back, then Vince made Dwayne come on Raw and cut a promo where he says that he respects Cena but he just doesn't like him instead of ripping him for not being talented and sucking. Guys back in the day ripped each other all the time, but apparently Cena's character has to be protected. My God, Austin and Rock lost clean quite a bit. Hell Austin beat Rock clean, so God forbid Punk beat Cena clean. Promote a whole Goddamn ppv where there will be an undisputed WWE Champion and have a clear winner, yet when Punk pins Cena, Cena's foot just has to be on the bottom rope. Fucking bullshit. It's also bullshit that Cena was able to power out of a fucking ARMBAR!!. That CANNOT be done.

You may have been able to sell that shit in the 80's, but in today's MMA world, it looks completely stupid. If that's not the definition of burying Alberto Del Rio, I don't know what is.
Reading this thread drove me to make an account as i have viewed the opinions of others for a while now on wrestlezone. but back to the topic on hand as i seen very valid points from both sides i will try to give a valid argument.. me being a cena hater and all until the last two weeks lets me understand where guys like punk nation are coming from the question is why does the mass majority of teenage and adult males dislike the gimmick of john cena? IMO its because it has no edge or any type of shock value for example " I wonder what cena will do or say next week because such and such really put a number on him" but in no way is that cena's fault blame the creative teams for not being able to legitimately push someone that the fans could consider posing a threat to cena its just always we know cena will prevail no matter the odds broke leg or anything. he will still hit the aa for the win. excluding cm punk currently from that last part. as far as his wrestling ability he is far more skilled than gave credit. the 5 moves of doom argument sucks because no one brings up the peoples punch the samoan drop desperation ddt spinebuster people's elbow as if it didnt happen that way every match and im one of the biggest rock fans.. Mic skills ehh they could be better but he gets his point across.. what i have come to understand since changing sides i actually like cena his gimmick and all and im 20 years old.. while 20% of the teenage and adult males dont like him for their opinion of the lack of in ring ability and the other 30% because of his gimmick 50% of you don't like him because you all are waiting someone to come and tell everyone to f off beat up the boss cuss and be a bad ass face when WWE has no problem with sending lets say 1000 kids and women home happy for a john cena win and 100 guys complaining and making very irrelevant arguments of why he shouldnt be where he is now..
If this made no sense to anyone please let me know because this is my first post and i want to know if im doing this right
He's stale, u all know it's true.

His promo this Monday was TERRIBLE.
The boos for Cena are getting louder, usually he gets some cheers, but when he cut that terrible promo this week it was either awkward silence & boos. I bet the audience were thinking :confused: wtf is this?

When he said he was a 10-time champ he got booed lol
People are sick of him.


I want to see another star at the top, 7 yrs too long that Cena's been at the top. Longer than guys like Rock, Steve Austin, Shawn Michael's, Bret Hart.
[cL];3440293 said:
Taking five years to go platinum is not a successful album. I don't care how much money it HAS made by now. It took 5 years. If it had done as well as you're saying he would have done another record. It would have been demanded. ...but hey...maybe it was demanded and it just never happened.

With the amount of Cena haters I see claiming they miss the Rap Cena days (not you, mind you, at least I don't think so), I think a new album by Cena would likely be well received. Again, probably not going to break records, but it also isn't going to be a Bucky Larson level flop. Either way, it made money and wasn't critically shat upon by all reviewers. Maybe if that had been the case you would have a point here.

Also, just a thought: when you were reading Wikipedia about this, did you happen to read it as "it took this long to reach x units sold", or did you happen to notice that it said (there and anywhere about the album) that is had sold that many as of the date? Because there is quite a difference between the two, and I'm guessing you didn't notice it.

I'm not defending Rock. I'm talking about Cena.

But you frequently resort to Rock and Hogan as part of your argument, and in particular you used Rock's promo against Cena as your basis here. I mean, go ahead and do your usual thing of ducking the point, but this is valid. You're going to use kayfabe insults as part of your debate, but you back away from defense of the source? Interesting style, champ.

When I compare Cena to Hogan, I'm not comparing their work ethic or love for the business. I'm comparing their in-ring persona. That is all.

Which, by the way, was insanely successful so if there's something worth taking influence from it's that. But back to your comment, that is a lie. You have previously compared the two and theorized that Cena should be more like Hogan in a variety of ways. I'm merely pointing out a few of the differences between them which characterize Cena in the better light and show a clear dedication to the business which you doubt.


Not really. You take everything so personally and you sidetrack away from points you bring up when an argument is presented that you don't feel like taking up. You've admitted even to playing up your opinions as factual basis for statements that you now recognize as being inaccurate. Your entire argument is built on biased speculation and kayfabe promo material. You can hate my abrasive nature all you want, but it won't change the fact that you just can't admit that you have your panties in a twist about everything here. See below:

See. This is the thing about me. I am 100% pure GUY. When i feel attacked i'm going to attack. Right or Wrong i'm going to attack. Now had you come at me earlier with some reasoning without all of the jabs and insults, not only would I have recanted some of my argument, I would have agreed and said you were correct. I'm not a person who can't admit that he's wrong but my pride will not let me allow someone to attack me maliciously for my opinion. I can give emotional responses, but I also can admit being wrong and get down to the meat of my argument. Had you not been so insulting we could have gotten to this point sooner.

That's nice. You're ALL MAN, MAN! It's the fucking internet, baby; it's not like I slapped your mother in the face. Take it on the chin like a real man and move on. Or, maybe, just try not being wrong from the get go. Plenty of others around here are post valid and thought provoking criticisms of Cena. Maybe try learning from them instead of spouting off hyperbolic drivel laced with petty theories rooted in fanboy hatred.

Read above.

I meant regarding Cena, silly. Reading: try it.

come on. you know its spite. admit it. its ok, we're friends now. :suspic:

Bi-polar baby, you gotta make up your mind. One day I'm the biggest douche on planet Earth, and now we're friends. You're tearing me apart!

Now we're gettin somewhere.

Err...that's what I was saying...and then you stopped. Well, it was good while it lasted.

Lets not ignore how i NEVER said anything about him turning heel.

I didn't accuse you of making that insinuation, so forgive me for clearing the way of the immediate comparison to be made of Hollywood Hogan and Cena which has been done to death and beyond on these boards. Jeez, you always think everything's about you.

What? Where did that come fro...listen I don't care how evolution takes place. I would just like to see him, for the sake of the business, do something different. I'm not asking for anything specific to take place. I'd just like to see him DO SOMETHING different that would make fans all over kinda stop and be like...whoa? Is that Cena? Wow he did that? Did you hear his promo? Wow he said that? Something surprising. Something not like the norm. Thats all i'm saying. Tune up what you're already doing, and make something different happen.

But the only things you would really have that kind of reaction to would be for him to either do something off-color and less PG than his usual schtick or for him to do some sort of heel thing. No, you haven't said that yourself, but that's really all that's left. He adds new moves to his matches all the time, and you people just don't notice or don't find it enough of a change. He pulls the rap card out for The Rock to tear him apart verbally, and still you cry that he can't do anything on the mic. So what do you want him to do? Reinvent the wheel just to please the vocal minority? I'm not saying that he can't be a little stale at times, but I happen to find most anyone at his level stale by the time they reach the top going back for years and years.

I said, the undertaker gimmick was one of the greatest of all time, and I liked that over the years his character has changed up. He changed his costume and gave fans something else....they didn't like it so he went back but at least he tried something new. I gotta give him props for that. You can't be in the business 20 somethin years and not do something new. Cena's been in the business what 9 years now? I'm guessing....but for about 6-7 of those years we've seen the same thing. and all I'm saying is...change it up.

And, oddly enough, those Undertaker changes coincided with the sharpest decline in ratings the WWE has ever seen. I'm not saying it alone was the reason for decline, that would be foolish. But it's certainly one among many reasons that the majority just stopped watching. Wrestling is popular for it's iconic characters, the best of which become dependable and consistent and timeless. Someone who's followed Undertaker since childhood tunes in to see him in action and WTF, who is this generic looking biker dude? Nevermind, I wonder if football is on...

i don't want him to duplicate anyones gimmick. I want him to evolve what he has. Is that so wrong?

Mick Foley was a poor comparison to make then. No, it's not really so wrong to want something different. It is, however, inaccurate to list various gimmicks of various levels of success and expect it to prove some sort of point about how Cena HAS to change as opposed to just you WANTING him to change.

i almost choked on my sandwich here.
John Cena, losing momentum? Is that possible?

Well, yes actually. See also: The Undertaker argument from above.

Here's why not. Because he is the face of the company. WWE=John Cena
He's built up in a way that people are supposed to love him. He's the goody goody. A man of the people. The kind of man people are supposed to want to aspire to be. If he says, "screw the rest of you, i'm just going to show love to those who love me", then it goes against the persona. Right?

Not really. He doesn't say "screw you" to the haters. He's polite to them, he doesn't pretend they don't exist just because they don't like him. He poses with them and gives them attention at ringside just as much as he does his fans and *GASP* shows them respect. I'd call that being a much better role model than you paint him out to be. See also: The Champ's sig, where Cena spent his post-Wrestlemania big moment with haters, and likely made their night.

I know for a fact that everyone didn't love Rock or Austin, but it was clear that when Rock or Austin were heels or faces that the bulk if not all of the crowd were pretty much decisive on what position they were taking. Nothing at ALL like what Cena gets.

But you still don't answer the question: why is it ok for Austin and Rock to do the same old acts and same old lines for their fan base but when Cena does it it's a cop out? Double standards, of course.

and THIS is one of the reasons why I have issues with the entire WWE. Back in the day there were SO many main event players. Now you have John Cena on one level and then the main eventers, and everyone else. When I say that I mean this. John Cena is so set apart from everyone else, that he is above main event status. He isn't on the level of regular main eventers. He's bigger than the business. And when that happens, its hard on everyone else. Back in the day there were more people to like. Right now we've got Punk and Orton. Who, in my opinion, are the closest people to where Cena is but still a far cry away. And that sucks.

So why take that out on Cena when it's not his fault? Why waste your time and energy debating how Cena should change to please you when you could be describing what Orton and Punk need to do to get to the next level? I don't get this about the Cenahaternation; you're so much more content to hate Cena that you'll boo for him louder than you'll cheer for the guys you do like. Instead of bringing signs for your favorite dudes, you'll bring anti-Cena signs. Instead of chanting Punk or Orton or whoever, you'll counter a Cena chant with "Cena Sucks". How else is WWE supposed to react when they see that you'll spend time and money on a product and focus only on Cena one way or the other over anyone else on the roster?

..or... they are just as tired of Cena as we are.

If you people were really tired of Cena, you'd stop putting so much effort into making it known and focus that energy elsewhere (see above).

No, he no-sells a lot. Totally believe that.

Making a comeback is not "no-selling". "No-selling" is taking offense and failing to make any reaction to it. For fuck's sake, Cena lost a title to Sheamus selling a botched table bump as best as he could.

see there are a number of ways a person can change. He doesn't have to do a complete 180, but evolve your character. If he stayed with the Hustle Loyalty Respect thing forever and made some major and minor tweaks along the way, I'd be happy. He doesn't have to lose his fan base. But there's nothing wrong with doing what you can to change the minds of the millions if you can.

The only changes and tweaks I see for Cena's future before some sort of possible heel turn down the road is a new catchphrase or joke to repeat perhaps, the same kind of change other top stars make in their time at the top. I'd really like to know what kind of changes exactly you want to see, or do you even really know what you want?


Considering his merch sells more than practically all other superstars combined, even with Punk's new shirt, no, it's not really that debatable. Of course, you can try. I get the feeling though, like the REAL GUY that you are, that you're going to just back away from this instead as usual.

I disagree. Rock may have kept the essence of who he was but over time his wardrobe changed, he added catchphrases and drop old ones (know your role kinda faded out) and nearing the end of his time he started singing with the guitar. That may not be major change but again..minor tweaks here and there to spice up otherwise old material. Even Austin made minor tweaks here and there...he got funny near the end of his tenure and don't forget we have him to thank for the "WHAT" chants...MINOR tweaks. The Undertaker underwent minor tweaks during the his entire career up until the MAJOR ABA tweak....But anyway yeah i'm not talking about heel/face changes. Just evolution to your character...however he does it. Just try something different.

Again...Rock and Undertaker change up costumes once in awhile, and it's enough. Cena changes gear once in awhile and it's not enough. Austin adds some dry humor and it's gold. Cena makes some clearly dry and sarcastic humor, and it's garbage. Double standards strike again. He's made small changes even in just the few years I've been watching him, yet it's not enough for you guys. So please, tell me what else would need to change for you to be happy.

you go tit for tat with me, demean and belittle anyone who has a difference of opinion with you and I'M acting like a child?
Good one.

Hey, I've agreed with others in this thread who take a side I don't really feel. You're really the only one to feel they had to defend it as "I'M A MAN DAMNIT AND I WILL ATTACK!" just like some super sensitive adolescent teenager would. I haven't even just singled you out, despite what you think. I've got this other guy to dance with too.

Fuck it, I'll take 'em both, I'M HARDCORE!

You want some evidence of Cena burying people? The Royal Rumble. The Nexus was destroying everybody in the match. I think they even elminated Kevin Nash although I may be wrong about that that. Well anyway Cena's metrosexual music hits and here he comes to the ring and without breaking a sweat proceeds to eliminate the whole damn group. My God, I thought evolution was supposed to happen forward. However WWE is devolving or evolving backwards.


Also, metrosexual? Care to explain that one? You just might be the most ignorant piece of shit I've come across in months. Let's just start with this: how the fuck is music "metrosexual"?

You had realistic awesome wrestling with Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle just 8 years ago, and then we slowly time traveled back to 80's WWF. The only thing missing is Doink The Clown, although I guess Santino Marella sort of counts to fill that role. Fans of Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Triple H style wrestling are the ones who revolted when Cena was pushed into the main event. My God, you would think Vince would have seen what happened with Hogan and the NWO. Fans with knowledge, (your core wrestling audience) don't want a Superman who has no technical wrestling ability and trips over his own feet when he walks as Champion.

Actually, "fans with knowledge" or "smarks" always have been and always will be the minority of the WWE fanbase. Sorry. That includes you, me, and most everyone on this board. We are the minority.

Also, if you want super technical wrestling with none of the cartoonishness, there are other products for you to enjoy. WWE knows where it's bread is buttered and it's not going to change.

Finally, this might be the first time I've ever heard of HHH being to referred to as a technical wrestler. LULZ.

If the fact that we don't wear panties or pajamas and don't cum in said panties and piss in said pajamas when Cena appears on tv makes us bigoted assholes, then so be it.

No, between "metrosexual music" and this statement, you do a rather fine job of painting yourself as a bigoted asshole.

On a side subject, political correctness can kiss my ass. I'm not gonna kiss a demographics ass just so they won't get their feelings hurt.

Funny that you expect Cena and the WWE to do just that for you.

I say this because it's very telling when a majority of a guys fanbase is women and kids. Typically there's a reason for that..... YOU SUCK. Women and kids love Cena, not for the fact that he's a wrestler, but because of his branding and the fact that women think he's good looking. If being good looking means you are a great wrestler, then hell, why not bring Brad Pitt in for a year or two, and he would instantly become a 17 time World Champion.

Well, two other fine gentlemen have proven earlier that your statement of the women and children thing being false. I detect jealousy here; did your girlfriend leave you because she wanted boyfriend who didn't look and smell like dog shit left in a basement for 3 months? Cena draws, sells good merch, works at length without needing much time off at all or getting himself into trouble, and he's easily marketable; I'd call that being a good pro wrestler.

Edge won the majority of his title's on Smackdown, which I honestly don't really like to count the "World Heavyweight Championship" as a title anymore. Having two titles is fucking stupid anyway, seeing as nobody watches Smackdown. Oh, and using holds and knowing moves IS what makes you a great technical wrestler.

Well well well, you paint yourself as more ******ed every time you post. As has been pointed out to you, with factual evidence available to back it up, Smackdown does good ratings, in fact it gets the best ratings on it's network. So there's one point shot down in flames.

Then there's the "using holds and knowing moves". I mean, I've seen Cena use lots of holds. And I know for fact that he knows some moves because everyone around can agree he knows at least 5 of them. Wanna rethink your criteria, baby?

If it wasn't then there would be no point, and you would just have celebrities come in and become World Champions. It sure did wonders for WCW when they tried doing it. Vince Russo had that same mindset and it basically killed WCW. And yes I know about the AOL merger shit which was also a big reason for WCW dying. Besides, Cena makes money despite the fact that he sucks because he can't be depushed. He is being pushed to the moon and keeps winning the title even though he doesn't need it to be over with his "CeNation". If you market a good looking guy with muscles as "Superman" then obviously women and kids are going to spend money on his shit. That fact doesn't make you a great wrestler.

Worked for The Rock.

THell, here's a youtube video that shows a better argument than I can put into words right now.

A blank wall shows a better argument than you can put into words. I love how often you resort to someone else's posts or a youtube video to make a point that your feeble mind can string together yourself. Go loosen the straps on your ****** helmet, baby.

The only story that is told in a Cena match is that the sheep women and kiddies want to see Cena win and the die-hard fans want to see him lose. That fact is not something that has occured through some form of tangible talent that Cena has to tell stories. That fact originated from the fact that die-hard fans don't like Cena and don't want him in the main event. Cena gets X-Pac Heat as a face.

I see some pretty die-hard fans around here telling you that you're full of shit, so there goes that idea. You don't really mean to say "die-hard" fans, what you mean to say is "Attitude Era enthusiasts", a particular group of jackasses who fail to recognize that their cherished past time went belly up in the ratings once the gimmick of "attitude" wore off.

I personally believe my reasons for hating Cena are valid.

You also believe that music can be "metrosexual", so believe all you want but it still won't make you right.

I just hate sheep. I hate that the majority of Cena's fans like him because they've been subliminally told to like him. If Cena was so talented, then why did Vince FORCE him down everyone's throats.

I bet Vince would love to have the power to force whoever he wanted down our throats and have them be anywhere near as successful as Cena. Then he would never run out of money. I mean, why didn't he try this or think of it sooner? Oh, I know, it's because that would never work. Has it ever occured to you that Cena is so ever-present in the WWE because fans tuned in for it, and because they asked for it? I don't like Cena because I've been programmed to; I enjoy him at times because he can be enjoyable. Jeez, you talk like some anti-conformist douche bag teenager. Grow the fuck up, brat.

Sure Cena was getting cheered as a heel during his thuganomics gimmick, but even that gimmick sucked. Guys like Stone Cold and The Rock were made faces and main eventers because the fans asked for it while they were still heel. That may be true to a certain extent about Cena too, but he became this watered down, corny, lame, fruit loop warrior that is hated by millions of people.

Except the millions who buy his stuff and go to shows to see him and buy PPV's to see him and cheer him when comes out.

Cena was exposed badly by Dwayne a few months back, then Vince made Dwayne come on Raw and cut a promo where he says that he respects Cena but he just doesn't like him instead of ripping him for not being talented and sucking.

Oh yes, VINCE MADE HIM SAY THAT. Lulz. You are such a blind fucking mark, it's absurd. You really take this shit waaaaaay too seriously. You should seek help. I bet you are one unpleasant person to know in real life.

Guys back in the day ripped each other all the time, but apparently Cena's character has to be protected. My God, Austin and Rock lost clean quite a bit. Hell Austin beat Rock clean, so God forbid Punk beat Cena clean. Promote a whole Goddamn ppv where there will be an undisputed WWE Champion and have a clear winner, yet when Punk pins Cena, Cena's foot just has to be on the bottom rope. Fucking bullshit. It's also bullshit that Cena was able to power out of a fucking ARMBAR!!. That CANNOT be done.

You may have been able to sell that shit in the 80's, but in today's MMA world, it looks completely stupid. If that's not the definition of burying Alberto Del Rio, I don't know what is.

Burying Alberto Del Rio would be dropping him from the title scene immediately and also dropping him from Raw and delegating him to Superstars if he's lucky, where he's be jobbing to Regal or something.

Anyone following your posts can tell by this point that you aren't really interested in making any kind of valid argument, but that instead you are a raving lunatic who will say and believe anything so long as it justifies your hatred and jealousy of a man who you will probably never actually meet in real life. Please bring on another post; I'd love to see where your crazy takes you now.
Ok so I got a warning about spam posts which was not my intention but I guess i didn't explain myself and for that I am sorry to all my wrestling fan friends. I had said that the miz is better in the ring then cena and left it at that. I will now back it up.

My back up is simple. Miz has a wider range of moves and can play out the beating better. He doesn't take a beating then just pop up like nothing happen.

I agree that there is a lot of cena bashing and for sure it should adleast have some back up to what is being said. It's not enough just to say cena sux. I don't like cena because they make him unbeatable without contrversy. Sure some have beaten him in the past and there has been a few good cena matches but not enough to justify him being the star that he is. Yes, I did say he's a star and he is one of the top if not the faces of the company. I just don't like him as wrestler plain and simple. I normally have a fan bass of the heels and guys that have more in ring talent. Cena is over rated and thats just my opinion
I personally believe my reasons for hating Cena are valid. I'd like to believe that people who dislike Cena aren't the minority. But to be honest I don't really care. I'm a baseball fan and hate football so I'm used to being in the minority. I just hate sheep. I hate that the majority of Cena's fans like him because they've been subliminally told to like him. If Cena was so talented, then why did Vince FORCE him down everyone's throats.
Amusingly enough, I tend to think people who dislike Cena are the sheep, blindly following the ignorant around, thumping their chest about their assumed knowledge of wrestling.

Cena's fans don't like him because they've been told to, they like him because he's great. Vince didn't FORCE Cena down anyone's throats, he simply put his most over wrestler in the main-event, like any good promoter would do. When a wrestler is clearly the best draw in the company, which means more people pay to watch him than anyone else, you don't hide that wrestler in unimportant matches, you put his name on the marquee as often as you can. That's just pro wrestling promoting 101.

Sure Cena was getting cheered as a heel during his thuganomics gimmick, but even that gimmick sucked. Guys like Stone Cold and The Rock were made faces and main eventers because the fans asked for it while they were still heel. That may be true to a certain extent about Cena too, but he became this watered down, corny, lame, fruit loop warrior that is hated by millions of people.

The irony is delicious.

Cena was exposed badly by Dwayne a few months back, then Vince made Dwayne come on Raw and cut a promo where he says that he respects Cena but he just doesn't like him instead of ripping him for not being talented and sucking.
When you say "exposed badly", what you really meant to say was Cena completely outdid the Rock in their mic battles.

My God, Austin and Rock lost clean quite a bit.
When? When did Austin lose clean "quite a bit"? I'm very curious to know. The WWE protected Steve Austin as much as they protected any other top drawing main-eventer.

Hell Austin beat Rock clean, so God forbid Punk beat Cena clean.
Uhh, Punk DID beat Cena clean, did you miss Money in the Bank?

Promote a whole Goddamn ppv where there will be an undisputed WWE Champion and have a clear winner, yet when Punk pins Cena, Cena's foot just has to be on the bottom rope. Fucking bullshit. It's also bullshit that Cena was able to power out of a fucking ARMBAR!!. That CANNOT be done.
At this point, you're just making yourself look more and more like a typical IWC sheep, who is unable to think for himself.

You may have been able to sell that shit in the 80's, but in today's MMA world, it looks completely stupid. If that's not the definition of burying Alberto Del Rio, I don't know what is.
Your right, because wrestlers NEVER escape each other's finishers these days. :rolleyes:

People like you are why I have so little respect for people who criticize John Cena. You come up with the most idiotic, and usually false, arguments possible, and try to pass them off as legitimate. Like your Punk not beating Cena clean argument, a clear falsehood.

The fact of the matter is until the day John Cena is no longer clearly the biggest draw in the company, he is going to be in the main-event, and most of the big storylines will revolve around him. The fact you don't understand basic pro wrestling promoting doesn't surprise me, as most IWC sheep don't.
When I mentioned celebrities, I was referring to how celebrities are famous and people will blindly follow them even if they aren't talented. Examples include Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton.
Oh, you mean how people blindly follow CM Punk every time he makes an insider reference?

Or how people blindly follow Randy Orton when he goes into weird spasms before hitting the RKO?

What evidence do you have that people don't actually just appreciate Cena for his talent? He's not one of those people whose lives you follow because of how embarrassing they are or whatever. You watch his work and you choose whether to like it or not. I choose to love it.
My point is that it getting over with a demographic in WWE and selling merchandise doesn't make you a great "wrestler". And you can tell stories in a match while still being a great wrestler.
Oh, you mean like John Cena does? Yeah, I already knew that. ;)
I honestly don't understand why you can't get that through your heads. Seriously with your logic, if you could teach Hugh Jackman for example, how to fall and teach him about 5 moves, he would be considered a GREAT wrestler. I call bullshit on that notion.

Maybe the most ridiculous point you've made so far, although there have been quite a lot. Even saying something like this undermines wrestling as a business by suggesting that they would just make anyone their top guy without being able to understand how it works. But you've made it clear that you're not going to be swayed by any kind of logic, so I don't expect you to start getting it anytime soon.
Let's say you have two "wrestlers". Both are popular and main eventers and sell merchandise. Ok let's say one of those guys is a phenomenal technical wrestler and the other one has Hogan-esque abilities. Who would you rather watch have a 20 minute match.
If your question is who I would rather watch a 20 minute match between Cena and, say, Angle, I'd pick Cena. Mainly because I find him to be more entertaining.
The only story that is told in a Cena match is that the sheep women and kiddies want to see Cena win and the die-hard fans want to see him lose. That fact is not something that has occured through some form of tangible talent that Cena has to tell stories. That fact originated from the fact that die-hard fans don't like Cena and don't want him in the main event. Cena gets X-Pac Heat as a face.
The only story that is told in your posts is one of a delusional Cena hater who refuses to accept that he's successful because he's great. And the only story that's told by the audience booing him is that they're a bunch of spoiled Attitude Era marks and Rock fanboys who can't let go of the past. Every story ever told in a Cena match has been infinitely more entertaining than that.
Promote a whole Goddamn ppv where there will be an undisputed WWE Champion and have a clear winner, yet when Punk pins Cena, Cena's foot just has to be on the bottom rope. Fucking bullshit.

You know, this actually did bother me quite a bit, though obviously it wasn't Cena's fault. The reason it bothered me is because it had nothing to do with anything. They sort of addressed it later on, as if HHH had ulterior motives or something, but then Cena went on to feud with Del Rio and Punk was feuding with HHH. It made no sense. Why wasn't Cena bitter at HHH? He wasn't, therefore the creative call to have his foot on the rope served no purpose other than to plant that little tiny seed of doubt about, well, would Cena have won if that call hadn't been made? It was just silliness.
I think they wanted to leave the door open for the Punk and Cena rivalry to have a clear winner down the line. But if that's the case, then they should have just had Cena win so they could be tied at 1-1. Would have still made sense given how Triple H making the count with Punk's foot under the rope could have been viewed as part of the conspiracy against him.
You know, this actually did bother me quite a bit, though obviously it wasn't Cena's fault. The reason it bothered me is because it had nothing to do with anything. They sort of addressed it later on, as if HHH had ulterior motives or something, but then Cena went on to feud with Del Rio and Punk was feuding with HHH. It made no sense. Why wasn't Cena bitter at HHH? He wasn't, therefore the creative call to have his foot on the rope served no purpose other than to plant that little tiny seed of doubt about, well, would Cena have won if that call hadn't been made? It was just silliness.

I don't see the problem here. Let's review:

Promote a whole Goddamn ppv where there will be an undisputed WWE Champion and have a clear winner

First of all, the WWE never promised a clear winner. Second of all, at the end of the night, did we not have an Undisputed Champion? Why would Cena be mad at Triple H for making a mistake he apologized for, when Del Rio left Summerslam as the champion?

The match was booked the way it was booked so Summerslam could have a strong main-event match, without making either of its top two faces lose credibility. Punk gains credibility for a second win over Cena, Cena doesn't lose credibility because of Triple H's mistake. Neither man looks superior to the other, because neither man walked out of the PPV as champion. But we also now have some ready made feuds for the rest of the year.

There was nothing wrong at all with the booking of the Summerslam main-event.
I think they wanted to leave the door open for the Punk and Cena rivalry to have a clear winner down the line.
I don't think it was that as much as it was to find a way to end the Cena vs. Punk feud, with both guys coming out as faces and neither of them looking inferior to the other.
I personally believe my reasons for hating Cena are valid. I'd like to believe that people who dislike Cena aren't the minority. But to be honest I don't really care. I'm a baseball fan and hate football so I'm used to being in the minority. I just hate sheep. I hate that the majority of Cena's fans like him because they've been subliminally told to like him. If Cena was so talented, then why did Vince FORCE him down everyone's throats.

You hate sheep? Sounds to me like you are one. Vince didn't force Cena on us, we called for him and we still do. People like Cena because he's entertaining, because he's good at what he does.

If you don't see that you're in the minority from the responses you've gotten in this thread alone, then I honestly think you might be delusional.

Sure Cena was getting cheered as a heel during his thuganomics gimmick, but even that gimmick sucked. Guys like Stone Cold and The Rock were made faces and main eventers because the fans asked for it while they were still heel. That may be true to a certain extent about Cena too, but he became this watered down, corny, lame, fruit loop warrior that is hated by millions of people.

I'm going to assume you're trying to be funny or exaggerating, but you're still clearly a moron. Cena's thuganomics gimmick was excellent, if it wasn't, then why did the fans do the SAME DAMN THING they did for Rock and Stone Cold? Cena didn't become lame or corny, you just take every fucking line that Rock fed to you and take it as a fact.

Cena was exposed badly by Dwayne a few months back, then Vince made Dwayne come on Raw and cut a promo where he says that he respects Cena but he just doesn't like him instead of ripping him for not being talented and sucking. Guys back in the day ripped each other all the time, but apparently Cena's character has to be protected. My God, Austin and Rock lost clean quite a bit.

First off, Cena worked Rock during their promos. Rock looked like a pile of shit compared to Cena. Rock is my favorite wrestler of all time, but even I saw that. Of course the top guy is protected, but that wasn't the case with Rock and Cena. Were you even watching the same program as I was?

Hell Austin beat Rock clean, so God forbid Punk beat Cena clean. Promote a whole Goddamn ppv where there will be an undisputed WWE Champion and have a clear winner, yet when Punk pins Cena, Cena's foot just has to be on the bottom rope. Fucking bullshit. It's also bullshit that Cena was able to power out of a fucking ARMBAR!!. That CANNOT be done.

Austin and Rock, much like every other top guy, rarely lost clean. You're talking out of your ass here. Their losses were almost always due to interference or something dirty.

That was the fucking point of it, moron. Like Sly said, they both saved face with the ending of the match. Punk won, Cena looked good. Also, what the fuck are you going on about with this Armbar deal? It happens in MMA, you can power out of an Armbar, I've seen it (rarely). It also makes sense, since Cena's, you know, a powerhouse. His arm was never fully extended, he had ahold of it with his other hand, so he used that to lift ADR. Makes sense to me.

You may have been able to sell that shit in the 80's, but in today's MMA world, it looks completely stupid. If that's not the definition of burying Alberto Del Rio, I don't know what is.

No it doesn't, it looks fine. Alberto Del Rio didn't get buried, he got a rub from the top guy. He's main eventing Hell in a Cell with John Cena AND CM Punk, after beating them both down during Raw. Moron.

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