**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Seems that Cena fans are age 5-13 and then like 25 and up.
Rock fans seem to be 14-24.

Can we at least mostly agree on that?

Hell no! What makes you think that people over 25 like John Cena - the only reason he is still in the WWE because he stops childen (that still wet themselves) from being bored


My point exactly.

So what if Rock is crude, its more bloody entertaining than listening to John Cena be all righteous all the time about how he works so hard and loves the fans, blah, blah, blah! Kiss Arse.


He makes me sick to my stomach!!! Thank God he is already mid 30's so hopefully he will retire in the next 6 months.

I swear, if Cena wins at WM, that is the end of me watching WWE. I've had enough of him! He could at least take a one month vacation every year!

I hate his mic. skills! He still sounds like he's rapping - is that the best he's got?? I actually find Cena cruder - it's been Cena who has said the words penis and vagina, not Rock - he said lady parts and strudle!!!


/rant off

I dont think we should blame cena about being the same all the time. Its wwe's creatives or the writers. He is the face of the company and obviously wwe always wanted him to look stronger. Again so many people are against cena but he is not allowed to change his character. Like it or not he is making money for wwe. His 'never give up' or 'hustle loyaliylty respect', etc, gimmick always attract children and they come to watch him with their parents. :) . I personally hated cena but what i have realised is there was no reason to hate him. I mean if someone will never lose you cant hate him for that. I would say its failure of wwe creatives what they did with his character because cena has worked hard and did his job well. I like him for being a hard worker and it WM i am on his side. His 'rise above hate' thing is great. People hate him and he will be the winner at wrestlemania in a way people respect him more than ever (its my opinion). But i am putting my fingers crossed to see what happens at WM.
What you guys think???
Hell no! What makes you think that people over 25 like John Cena - the only reason he is still in the WWE because he stops childen (that still wet themselves) from being bored

Because people over 25 are usually secure enough in themselves that their ok liking who they like without seeking some sort of approval from the cool kids. A lot of people who hate Cena dare not ever like anything about him because they fear losing their imaginary man card by liking someone that kids and women like. The hate toward Cena has more to do with his haters insecurity in themselves than any hate to the man himself.

Thank God he is already mid 30's so hopefully he will retire in the next 6 months.

Yeah I overheard HBK, HHH, and Taker talking about that backstage....oh wait.

I swear, if Cena wins at WM, that is the end of me watching WWE. I've had enough of him!

I'm already pulling for Cena but now I have another reason. Although I'm sure you're full of shit.

So what if Rock is crude, its more bloody entertaining than listening to John Cena be all righteous all the time about how he works so hard and loves the fans, blah, blah, blah! Kiss Arse.

I hate his mic. skills! He still sounds like he's rapping - is that the best he's got?? I actually find Cena cruder - it's been Cena who has said the words penis and vagina, not Rock - he said lady parts and strudle!!!

So Rock is better than Cena because being crude is more entertaining than being righteous but Cena is actually more crude than Rock? Way to contradict yourself buddy.
Thinking that people older than 25 generally like Cena better than the Rock is a joke. I'm in my early 30's, and myself and all my friends like the Rock WAY better than Cena. People on this site will tend to be biased towards Cena because usually hardcore fans are the ones who will post on a message board. Fans who liked wrestling during the Attitude era and before, but don't like it now won't be well represented here.

The Rock represents a time when we loved wrestling, a time with outrageous, larger than life characters and interesting storylines, while Cena and his "realism" represents the current stale, bland, and mediocre product.
Because people over 25 are usually secure enough in themselves that their ok liking who they like without seeking some sort of approval from the cool kids. A lot of people who hate Cena dare not ever like anything about him because they fear losing their imaginary man card by liking someone that kids and women like. The hate toward Cena has more to do with his haters insecurity in themselves than any hate to the man himself.

I don't think hate for any wrestler is hate for the man himself. Do people really hate Mark henry? or Miz? or ADR? The men?
I can't understand why people are mixing the wresling CHARACTER with the actual man played by the character. Then in that case there should be no heels and no one should be hated. Everyone should be respected for coming to work everyday and doing extra stuff for the wwe. So mark henry shouldn't get booed cuz he does some reading program with the wwe across libraries.
It has always been that people boo to show a displeasure to the character. Usually for heels that is good because they want the heat but for faces it means something is wrong.
I don't think hate for any wrestler is hate for the man himself. Do people really hate Mark henry? or Miz? or ADR? The men?
I can't understand why people are mixing the wresling CHARACTER with the actual man played by the character. Then in that case there should be no heels and no one should be hated. Everyone should be respected for coming to work everyday and doing extra stuff for the wwe. So mark henry shouldn't get booed cuz he does some reading program with the wwe across libraries.
It has always been that people boo to show a displeasure to the character. Usually for heels that is good because they want the heat but for faces it means something is wrong.
Exactly. It seems Cena fans here like to generalize too much. And speak out of their arse.

There really is a very, very small amount of over-25 Cena fans. The parents of kids who root for Cena don't really count, they're just going along with their kids, but don't really pay attention to what's going on. Which is fine, because obviously they have higher priorities.

Regarding Cena's phoniness, which was touched upon earlier, and denied by 1 poster... What really bugs me about the guy is the way he panders to the crowd for cheap heat. As was said earlier, he is too much of a kissarse. It's cringeworthy.

For example, some of his Wrestlemania entrances. At 24, he looked to pander to the local college-loving community with that marching band entrance. As we all know, that area of the country is big into college sports, especially Gridiron.

At 26, he continued his shameless pandering to the military, which is actually insulting to servicepeople. Then at 27, he outdid hisself with the black choir. Obviously, he was looking to pander to the Southern black community in Georgia. That DMX intro was self-serving and sanctimonious. The entrance was a straight up insult to black people. Very insulting, it's no wonder he was booed heavily.

It was also pointed out that his new red shirt that night might have been made to resemble the rebel flag, trying to pander to other Southerners, as well. Knowing Cena, I wouldn't put that past him.

It just seems that in order to make up for his failure to win over fans by being interesting, he has to shamelessly pander. Even last Monday, he's all "Wow, I'm in the home of Larry Bird and [some other Boston hero]". It's annoying, and many of us find that as being phoney.
Thinking that people older than 25 generally like Cena better than the Rock is a joke. I'm in my early 30's, and myself and all my friends like the Rock WAY better than Cena. People on this site will tend to be biased towards Cena because usually hardcore fans are the ones who will post on a message board. Fans who liked wrestling during the Attitude era and before, but don't like it now won't be well represented here.

The Rock represents a time when we loved wrestling, a time with outrageous, larger than life characters and interesting storylines, while Cena and his "realism" represents the current stale, bland, and mediocre product.

I'm 25, and I don't imagine I'll suddenly decide to dislike Cena in 5 months. Most of my friends stopped watching, because they're still under the impression that wrestling is the same as it was during the attitude era, which was fun when we were too young to drive, but it doesn't appeal to most people I know who are my age.

Did you really just say that "hardcore" fans were more inclined to be Cena fans? I don't necessarily agree or disagree, since I think the notion of a hardcore fan in any respect is kinda lame in-and-of itself and doesn't mean much, but I'm pretty sure that most of The Rock's fans would disagree vehemently. Also, I'm pretty sure that fans of the attitude era are fairly well-represented in this forum, judging by the sheer number of posts on various topics complaining about this era not being as good.

As for your last statement, let me try to describe it in a different way. Cena represents the good-natured product of the present that we enjoy watching during most weeks with more realistic characters (with a few exceptions, granted) and storylines that don't need to be built by two roided up men screaming insults at each other back and forth, while The Rock and his "attitude" represents the juvenile, crude, and trashy product of the past.
Regarding Cena's phoniness, which was touched upon earlier, and denied by 1 poster... What really bugs me about the guy is the way he panders to the crowd for cheap heat. As was said earlier, he is too much of a kissarse. It's cringeworthy.

It's pretty common for a babyface to do things like that. Hell The Rock is Captian Kiss-ass.

For example, some of his Wrestlemania entrances. At 24, he looked to pander to the local college-loving community with that marching band entrance. As we all know, that area of the country is big into college sports, especially Gridiron.

Another common thing is to do something that your audience relates to. There's nothing wrong with that. Mick Foley made a gimmick out of simply mentioning the name of a town. Every city a band plays a concert at rocks harder than any other city. It's show business.

At 26, he continued his shameless pandering to the military, which is actually insulting to servicepeople. Then at 27, he outdid hisself with the black choir. Obviously, he was looking to pander to the Southern black community in Georgia. That DMX intro was self-serving and sanctimonious. The entrance was a straight up insult to black people. Very insulting, it's no wonder he was booed heavily.

How was it insulting to black people?

It was also pointed out that his new red shirt that night might have been made to resemble the rebel flag, trying to pander to other Southerners, as well. Knowing Cena, I wouldn't put that past him.

I think you're reaching here.

It just seems that in order to make up for his failure to win over fans by being interesting, he has to shamelessly pander. Even last Monday, he's all "Wow, I'm in the home of Larry Bird and [some other Boston hero]". It's annoying, and many of us find that as being phoney.

Also his own home town. If I were to perform at the United Center I'd think it was pretty cool to perform in Michael Jordan's building. Once again, several babyfaces have kissed the crowd's ass over the years. Hogan did it. Michaels did it. Rock did it and still does it. Sometimes it was a little much from all of them, not just Cena.
Exactly. It seems Cena fans here like to generalize too much. And speak out of their arse.

There really is a very, very small amount of over-25 Cena fans. The parents of kids who root for Cena don't really count, they're just going along with their kids, but don't really pay attention to what's going on. Which is fine, because obviously they have higher priorities.

Regarding Cena's phoniness, which was touched upon earlier, and denied by 1 poster... What really bugs me about the guy is the way he panders to the crowd for cheap heat. As was said earlier, he is too much of a kissarse. It's cringeworthy.

For example, some of his Wrestlemania entrances. At 24, he looked to pander to the local college-loving community with that marching band entrance. As we all know, that area of the country is big into college sports, especially Gridiron.

At 26, he continued his shameless pandering to the military, which is actually insulting to servicepeople. Then at 27, he outdid hisself with the black choir. Obviously, he was looking to pander to the Southern black community in Georgia. That DMX intro was self-serving and sanctimonious. The entrance was a straight up insult to black people. Very insulting, it's no wonder he was booed heavily.

It was also pointed out that his new red shirt that night might have been made to resemble the rebel flag, trying to pander to other Southerners, as well. Knowing Cena, I wouldn't put that past him.

It just seems that in order to make up for his failure to win over fans by being interesting, he has to shamelessly pander. Even last Monday, he's all "Wow, I'm in the home of Larry Bird and [some other Boston hero]". It's annoying, and many of us find that as being phoney.

Now I'm confused. Are we as fans supposed to believe that wrestlers spend their time creating and choreographing their own WM entrances? I can only suspend disbelief so much.

Holy crap some people take this shit way too seriously. Next we're gonna hear that Cena's sneakers are made by 7 year Chinese kids that only make 18 cents per day.

And I'm not much of a Cena mark. I've definitely preferred Rock's work career wise and in this feud but this is really reaching and borderline obsessive and unhealthy.
1) Cena shouldn't no-sell The Rock on the mic.

I think it's perfectly in character for this feud for Cena to no-sell The Rock. The way I see it, Cena has taken up the role of representing people like me, who don't really like The Rock's style of promos. If someone came at me like The Rock does at Cena, I'd respond similarly to how Cena has been. I support it, because it personally appeals to me. Now, saying that, I'd also like to point out that I thought Cena was splendid against The Rock early in the promo when he rapped about him. However, I like this turn of events even more.

There may be people like you who have not really liked Rock's style of promos but you must realize that you people are in the minority. There have been fans of Cena who have told the ones who do not like Cena to stop harping on his "Superman" character, dressing style and what not because they were in the minority and that the Cena character was doing well with most people. Well, the people who do not like Rock's promos are even lesser in number and so by using that same logic Cena has no right to harp on the fact that Rock's promos are immature. What is successful cannot be questioned is a maxim that fans of John Cena have thrown at the fans of Rock several times but this time I think this is something that the fans of Cena have to answer.

And yes, I do remember the rap promo by Cena, which further infuriates me in this regard. Cena is probably the only guy who can go toe to toe with Rock in Rock's own language. I remember the "fashion advice from the Tooth Fairy" line as well when Rock challenged him for their match. Cena can do it, he can make this a fair game and yet he chooses not to.

The reason why I say this is an unfair game is because what Cena says is logical and so you have to agree with him on a level. But What Cena is doing is basically lambasting a legend for the way in which he has done things, which I do feel isn't the best thing to do. On a level, Cena is also pointing a few fingers at the business itself. It can also be very easily argued that wrestling itself is an immature form of entertainment. How is that fair in any way?

There are other ways in which Cena can approach this without ridiculing the nature of Rock's work

2) We already know that The Rock's promos are immature; Cena isn't bringing anything new to the table by saying that.

I don't think anyone has ever pointed it out the way Cena is right now. It might be acknowledged between some of the fans, but I'd even point to this thread in showing that there are a fair number of fans who don't see it that way. I'm fairly certain that no one would call it "mature", but some would probably disagree if I called it childish. Basically, I think Cena is, in a sense, bringing something new to the table, since I don't recall anyone else making a point of it at any point in the past on the mic. Yes, people will still like The Rock regardless, and that's totally fine. However, I feel that finally someone in the ring is voicing my opinion.

I do think that the fact that no one has really pointed it out is one of the reasons why WWE has allowed Cena to do this, but that does not make it correct. I have already listed the reasons why but I think that I should add another one here. John Cena told The Rock that it was unfair to judge him based on what he wore and how he spoke when Rock confronted Cena and yet Cena is doing the same thing now. That makes him look like a hypocrite.

Actually, it is his earlier statement of Rock having no right to judge him, is the one that is stupid. Yes, I know some people may use the "Rock started it" arguement but that isn't really the case. Unless someone is completely unaware of the animosity Rock and Cena have had towards each other for years, only then can someone see it as a case of Rock having started the judging. Both have been taking potshots at each other for years, sometimes in response to the other man's actiona and sometimes just like that.

And finally people do tend to judge each other in a feud. That is what makes an onscreen feud interesting.

Sorry for the little rant but what I said is true. Cena's earlier, rather stupid statement does nothing but make him lool like a hypocrite now.

3) Cena should change his style to match The Rock's out of respect, like The Rock did for Hogan

When Cena challenged The Rock to the match, he was as respectful as The Rock was when he challenged Hogan (I looked up both challenges on youtube to make sure I wasn't being a total jackass). Aside from that, The Rock kayfabe mocked and disrespected Hogan plenty before their match. He stayed with his own character and didn't change for Hogan on the mic, just as Cena is doing for The Rock. One major difference between the two that your argument doesn't mention is that Rock/Hogan wasn't decided too long in advance, so the build didn't have time to become "personal" like it has between The Rock and Cena.

I'll say that you are correct and I'll gladly concede this point but I would like to point out that mocking the way you do things and the way in which you have progressed in your career hurts Rock a bit more than Rock making some random insults towards a heel Hogan who was doing some very dastardly things at that point.

4) Cena has always gotten the last word, and The Rock hasn't had the chance to use Cena's catchphrases back at him.

Two weeks ago, The Rock got the last word against Cena, and it just didn't work out too well. The Rock made fun of Cena's catch phrases earlier in the feud. It just doesn't resonate as much anymore in my opinion, since we rarely hear Cena using them himself. Cena hasn't really relied on his catchphrases for a few years now, since he uses them very sporadically nowadays. I actually think his opponents in feuds have used it more than he has at least in this last year.

I wasn't really talking about mocking the catchphrases but the fact that Cena has had more opportunities to use Rock's arguements against him than Rock has had to do the same. Mostly, it has been Rock who has had to call Cena out and Cena who has come out to counter his arguements. That also mind you has made Rock look somewhat of a dick.

And two weeks ago, are you talking about the episode at Portland? Yes, he got the last word but Cena's wrist notes promo which was the most sensational thing that was said got all the attention. Seriously, how can you top that? Again, I do feel that was somewhat unfair. It seems that only one man wants to play by the rules of kayfabe in this feud.

Again I do understand that Rock is here to give Cena the rub. But I would have liked Cena to have gotten the rub in a feud that was 50/50 till April 2nd. If you ask WWE even today, they would like you to believe that the feud is 50/50 but the was it has panned out, it is 75/25 in Cena's favor in the eyes of many.
The perspective of some people on this amazes me. Quite simply put in the overall context of the fued Rock is miles head of Cena, granted Cena outshone the Rock two weeks ago and did well in the 2 minutes he spent out in the ring (far less difficult than holding peoples attention for 25 minutes by yourself) but last week Rock did far better. His history of Boston vignettes were entertaining, funny and beat cena's wannabe Rocky impersonation sittgin in the empty stadium hands down. Furthermore in the face to face confrontation Rock delivered his lines with intensity which should be coming to the fore given mania is in 3 weeks and cena just completely no-sold it, standing grinning stupidly and looking every bit the pathetic little boy Rock made him out to be.

You also cannot discount all the earlier promo work done by the two, The Rock completely owned Cena and delievred an excellent promo at SS, has done several very entertaining segments via sattelite and cut the best promo in years upon his return. Quite honestly the only thing that Cena has done that approaches Rock's best work since his return was the rap, it confuses me how people can have such short memories.
It's pretty common for a babyface to do things like that. Hell The Rock is Captian Kiss-ass.

Another common thing is to do something that your audience relates to. There's nothing wrong with that. Mick Foley made a gimmick out of simply mentioning the name of a town. Every city a band plays a concert at rocks harder than any other city. It's show business.

How was it insulting to black people?

I think you're reaching here.

Also his own home town. If I were to perform at the United Center I'd think it was pretty cool to perform in Michael Jordan's building. Once again, several babyfaces have kissed the crowd's ass over the years. Hogan did it. Michaels did it. Rock did it and still does it. Sometimes it was a little much from all of them, not just Cena.
Yes, other babyfaces pander as well, but not as much as Cena does. When Mick does it, he's ironic about it. He basically tells the crowd "I'm being a dork by getting a cheap pop!". He's self effacing, he recognizes that the pop is cheap.

When Cena does it, he's clearly just trying to get people to like him, no self-effacing involved. It's annoying. Others get a pass because they are more entertaining than he is. If a good band wears MJ jerseys in Chicago, they will get cheered. But if they suck, then go on the mic telling Chi how great they are, the fans will still dislike them, and the pandering will then be insulting.

The choir was insulting because cena is a white boy who has nothing to do with black culture, yet he brings out this choir as if he has anything to do with him, and it was obvious it was done to appeal to Southern blacks. And in case you bring up Madonna and Like a Prayer, it's not a comparable scenario.
There may be people like you who have not really liked Rock's style of promos but you must realize that you people are in the minority. There have been fans of Cena who have told the ones who do not like Cena to stop harping on his "Superman" character, dressing style and what not because they were in the minority and that the Cena character was doing well with most people. Well, the people who do not like Rock's promos are even lesser in number and so by using that same logic Cena has no right to harp on the fact that Rock's promos are immature. What is successful cannot be questioned is a maxim that fans of John Cena have thrown at the fans of Rock several times but this time I think this is something that the fans of Cena have to answer.
Firstly, I don't think that my opinion is as small a minority as you might be suggesting. I'd venture to say that it is 50% or at least nearly there, but if they're anything like me, they don't usually get caught up in the rowdy nature of chants during live shows, rather favoring hearing the stars go back and forth on the mic. Anyway, I wasn't arguing against The Rock's promo style's legitimacy or relevancy. I've said it before, but while it doesn't appeal to me anymore, I absolutely understand and accept that plenty of other people enjoy The Rock on the mic. I just prefer that people on that end can extend a similar courtesy to people like me who enjoy Cena's promo style.

And yes, I do remember the rap promo by Cena, which further infuriates me in this regard. Cena is probably the only guy who can go toe to toe with Rock in Rock's own language. I remember the "fashion advice from the Tooth Fairy" line as well when Rock challenged him for their match. Cena can do it, he can make this a fair game and yet he chooses not to.

For me, it's not really a matter of whether he can or can't. I only really pointed out the rap to show that while I can potentially enjoy a feud like that, I much prefer what Cena is giving us now. I think the game is fair right now, and there are plenty of Rocky fans who think that The Rock is outdoing Cena in it.

The reason why I say this is an unfair game is because what Cena says is logical and so you have to agree with him on a level. But What Cena is doing is basically lambasting a legend for the way in which he has done things, which I do feel isn't the best thing to do. On a level, Cena is also pointing a few fingers at the business itself. It can also be very easily argued that wrestling itself is an immature form of entertainment. How is that fair in any way?

There are other ways in which Cena can approach this without ridiculing the nature of Rock's work

I still don't really see how that's unfair. Cena saying things logically to counter The Rocks gimmicky outrageousness is part of the difference in character types and eras that make this feud so enjoyable for me. They're completely different, but equally skilled on the mic. Whoever their specific styles appeal to think that they are "winning" the promo war. I don't think that has anything to do with fairness or unfairness; it's just pure entertainment.

I do think that the fact that no one has really pointed it out is one of the reasons why WWE has allowed Cena to do this, but that does not make it correct. I have already listed the reasons why but I think that I should add another one here. John Cena told The Rock that it was unfair to judge him based on what he wore and how he spoke when Rock confronted Cena and yet Cena is doing the same thing now. That makes him look like a hypocrite.
I don't remember the "how he spoke" part, but Cena hasn't criticized The Rock for his ring attire. He gave one tongue-in-cheek remark about a movie that The Rock made during the most recent promo, whereas one of The Rock's primary points against Cena for the entire year was how ridiculous Cena looks with different colored shirts and jorts. It's not exactly on the same scale.

Actually, it is his earlier statement of Rock having no right to judge him, is the one that is stupid. Yes, I know some people may use the "Rock started it" arguement but that isn't really the case. Unless someone is completely unaware of the animosity Rock and Cena have had towards each other for years, only then can someone see it as a case of Rock having started the judging. Both have been taking potshots at each other for years, sometimes in response to the other man's actiona and sometimes just like that.

And finally people do tend to judge each other in a feud. That is what makes an onscreen feud interesting.

Sorry for the little rant but what I said is true. Cena's earlier, rather stupid statement does nothing but make him lool like a hypocrite now.

I don't think most Cena fans are arguing that Rock has no right to judge him (or at least I'm not). They just think that the particular judgements being made aren't very good from a comparison standpoint. I'd be perfectly willing to concede that they're both using judgements against each other, and it doesn't really matter to me who started it. However, I think the judgements of The Rock not being social in the back or caring about the business, while possibly not being true (although I reckon it is true judging by CM Punk and Orton's comments), are more striking than judgements of the way Cena is dressed or booked. For the record, I recognize this is just my opinion, and I'm sure that most Rock fans will probably disagree with it.

I wasn't really talking about mocking the catchphrases but the fact that Cena has had more opportunities to use Rock's arguements against him than Rock has had to do the same. Mostly, it has been Rock who has had to call Cena out and Cena who has come out to counter his arguements. That also mind you has made Rock look somewhat of a dick.
The Rock has had more in-ring time and taped-promo time to counter Cena's arguments than Cena has had in the last 3 weeks. You could even argue that Cena called The Rock out the night after Elimination Chamber. Since that time, The Rock has called Cena out once, and you could even argue that Cena called The Rock out the previous week to spur that promo. I'm trying to see from your perspective, but I really don't think either of them have any advantage in this respect.

And two weeks ago, are you talking about the episode at Portland? Yes, he got the last word but Cena's wrist notes promo which was the most sensational thing that was said got all the attention. Seriously, how can you top that? Again, I do feel that was somewhat unfair. It seems that only one man wants to play by the rules of kayfabe in this feud.

I just want to throw something out there, since it apparently got lost somewhere, but I think the absolute best line in Portland was delivered while Cena was walking away, turned around, and said something like "oh, I'm done, feel free to keep trending now". I recognize that the wrist notes got all of the attention from the CSRs and the forum topics, but I usually like to judge things on hindsight, and the wrist writing doesn't really matter to me personally. That aside, I don't think commenting on the wrist writing is unfair. A big part of these promo battles are about who is better at delivering, and Cena pointed out one argument for how he could be better. The Rock tries to do the same thing, and if he had an opportunity like that, I imagine that he'd do the exact same thing. I mean, I understand that my speculation can't stand on its own as a legitimate point, but I'm just using it to explain why I think it's fair game.

Again I do understand that Rock is here to give Cena the rub. But I would have liked Cena to have gotten the rub in a feud that was 50/50 till April 2nd. If you ask WWE even today, they would like you to believe that the feud is 50/50 but the was it has panned out, it is 75/25 in Cena's favor in the eyes of many.

As a Cena fan, I'd agree that it has seemed like Cena keeps getting the upper hand in these promos, but after looking through different threads in this forum, it looks like there are plenty of Rock fans who think that he has the upper hand by far. So in that regard, I'd guess it's pretty close to even.
Dr. of Thuganomics to open RAW tonight = AWESOME!

This is the John Cena I (and *many*) others REALLY enjoyed before he "sold out", which is a big reason I can't stand him these days.

If he went back to this, I would support him 100%.
Yes, other babyfaces pander as well, but not as much as Cena does. When Mick does it, he's ironic about it. He basically tells the crowd "I'm being a dork by getting a cheap pop!". He's self effacing, he recognizes that the pop is cheap.

When Cena does it, he's clearly just trying to get people to like him, no self-effacing involved. It's annoying. Others get a pass because they are more entertaining than he is. If a good band wears MJ jerseys in Chicago, they will get cheered. But if they suck, then go on the mic telling Chi how great they are, the fans will still dislike them, and the pandering will then be insulting.

The choir was insulting because cena is a white boy who has nothing to do with black culture, yet he brings out this choir as if he has anything to do with him, and it was obvious it was done to appeal to Southern blacks. And in case you bring up Madonna and Like a Prayer, it's not a comparable scenario.

It's not like the rock comes out and starts every promo with the rock is finally in whatever city he's in. He would never resort to such cheap tactics to get a pop.
Dr. of Thuganomics to open RAW tonight = AWESOME!

This is the John Cena I (and *many*) others REALLY enjoyed before he "sold out", which is a big reason I can't stand him these days.

If he went back to this, I would support him 100%.

that was such a sweet opener

and the fact he said chicken shit :lmao: that was dope

also im an over 25 fan of cena
been since 2002 but i had first saw him after he had started his thuganomics gimmick
Lmao the low blows The Rock took. He's so stupid lmao. Again a master at playing the crowd in his favor. That Cleveland crowd was on point. I miss seeing crowds like that. But I have to admit Cena was amazing. I loved it. I missed that Cena. I really didn't know how Rock was gonna top that but he did it and had me in tears. He definitely put on a concert. Great job by both of them seriously.
Cena has still buried the Rock on the mic IMO. I won't ever be able to forgot how shook the Rock was when Cena called him out for the notes. Nor will I forget how the Rock still couldnt put together a traditional Rock sentence on last weeks Raw in Boston. I think tonight was a wash. Both men did phenomenal jobs. People say that the Rock did a longer appearance which is harder, and thats true. But remember, the last 20 minutes of the show are reserved for the Rock, NOT Cena. Cena worked with the open that they gave him.

I dont think I have ever marked out as hard as I did when the Thuganomics music hit. Boy did i love that Cena. It's a shame he's gonna go back to being bland next week.
I am not going to sit here and attack the younger fan base as yes, they are just kids and young teens.

Although, I am quite confused. When I was younger, I was shown by my dad all the older tapes before I was really able to follow wrestling. After getting the education lesson on wrestling, I had the knowledge of the stars that were around on the old tapes and that were still around when I really started following . So of course I had a huge amount of respect for the older guys and I rooted them on over the younger faces. Tonight, for instance, I actually saw the younger fans and how physically mad they were getting at The Rock. I understand that the younger fan base is most likely going to like Cena, but my God, it's The Rock. A wrestler that has been around a lot longer and it's like they don't even know who he is. It really makes me sick.

So, just simply, are the younger fans really that clueless? Has the older generation or their parents just lost the touch to maybe fill them in?

Your takes?
I think both guys tonight hit one out of the park. John Cena was great coming out with the Thuganomics Theme and Throwback Cavs Jersey. Rock was great also and had the Cleveland Crowd in the palm of his hand. He had me in stiches with his Songs as well.

Another thing for the people saying oh I loved that John Cena or he'll go back to being "bland" next week,come on Cena has owned Rock the first two weeks before tonight. I enjoyed both tonight once again.
Yes you can say that.
When you think of it, The Rock came from the Attitude era, and that was the most edgy time for the product. So maybe parents dont want their kids to see clips from that time. Plus they like Cena, so when someone bashes their favorite wrestler it would make sense that they are mad. Not that much of a big deal to me.
You are talking about opinions here. Some of those kids could know everything about The Rock and guess what...they could just not like him. Who cares if they got mad. If they dont know who he is then who cares. They are not wrestling fans because they dont know The Rock? No I bet you half the people who watched the Attitude era did not know all the people from the past even the big names.
Yeah, not really saying it's a huge deal, just asking why they are so clueless on who is who? It just confuses the hell out of me that some of those younger fans really probably asked who is The Rock?
Does it matter? No. Who cares? If the kids want to like Cena and hate Rock, they should. In fact, that's better. That's awesome that they like Cena so much they hate The Rock. Don't be mad just because they don't agree with you.
So because Rock has been around longer, you expect them to cheer for him? I know Rock's career, I was there for the entire ring. Yet if I happen to see a show while he and Cena are feuding, I'm going to boo him too. I'm more of a Cena fan than I am a Rock fan and as a grown man, I choose to cheer for Cena.

Why does it matter if the kids know their history? Nobody sat down and taught me everything about wrestling's past and obviously I know more about it than you do. Why would kids all of a sudden start booing Cena if they knew everything about Rock?

Your post is stupid.

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