Its funny when a bias Cena supporter comes along & call someone a bias Rock fan, talk about pot calling the kettle black. How can you say that John is pointing out how the times has changed when The Rock still entertains majority of the fans w/his trash talking. What flaws do you speak of TWJC: The Beginning? So what your trying to say is The Rock's character is shallow, unintelligent, & stupid?
Rock hasn't just said catchphrases in his promos, are they apart of his promos, hell yeah but that's not the only thing he says it just the only thing you & other Cena fans like to acknowledge. If Cena was really as good on the mic as you think & not just masking his weakness by playing the high ground why doesn't he quit playing it safe & just go out in the middle of the ring & just bury The Rock on the mic. Why does he one week say he will be looking in the eyes of DJ & he doesn't like DJ then the next week talk about how he wants the real Rock at Mania, which one is it, whats w/all the games. Why is it that out of all Rock's opponents Cena is the only one to break keyfabe & attack The Rock on a personal level?
Younger fans think Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time because he is! There are a lot of great mic worker from past & present but non of them can hold or entertain the fans like Rock. Now you may not completely agree for whatever reasons & that's okay, but Rock has the mic skills on lock.
If you ask most educated people they will tell you most of everything on tv is tacky & nothing more then brain dead BS so what is your point. Why are you insulting wrestling fans when your one yourself, you sound like a damn fool. Sure you can discuss all you want about who is the best nothing wrong w/that, but if majority agrees he is the best then he is seen as the best by the majority. You don't have to agree doesn't make me much of a difference if ppl thought he was the best or not because for the most part I have always found him entertaining.
No he didn't, he goes out kisses up to The Rock about how great he is at his promos & then plays it safe by saying "well Rock you where funny but it doesn't matter how funny your are cause I'm gonna get you at Mania".
Rock hasn't said anything, what are you watching so Rock talking about how John fails to entertain majority of the fans isn't saying anything? Rock speaking about how the product has become stale & uninteresting since John has been face isn't saying anything. Rock speaking about how John is a liar & phony isn't saying anything? John doesn't respond to none of these criticisms he just comes out & pretends like The Rock just came back from being gone for 7 years just to bully him for no reason. He attacks Rock's career choice's then plays victim when Rock comes out & just verbally abuses him.
Cena hasn't said anything that makes you think he comes out & shows his envy of The Rock's career choice's, & success. What is there to think about Rock did everything he set out to do in WWE w/the fans support he was able to spring broad to Hollywood which was another goal of his, he started to use his real name so he could be seen as taking his acting career serious. He stayed away for so long cause he was busy acting full time. Now that its been so long he is hungry for that interaction he only gets from a WWE crowd & John Cena is the perfect person for The Rock to get back in the ring for. Nothing hard to understand about any of what I just typed.
I agree w/most of what you said here.
The theory that Rock is being held back is a valid argument, is it true idk & I really don't give a shit cause at the end of the day I just want to be entertained by both guys in this feud. You mean you don't know what everyone else expected that has made the claim that Rock is being held back. I have never said that & I don't give a shit what Rock does to move the story along as long as its good tv.
No I'm not mad, I was just stating why I thought John acts the way he does. Which is because he can't hang w/The Rock on the mic no other way. Its smart on his part cause most of Rock's opponents let there ego get in the way of the truth, they go out try to hang w/Rock some do better then other's but the end result is the same Rock making fools of ppl on the mic.
Yeah for Rock to make a fool of Cena every week til Wrestlemania where he then backs up all the trash talking by putting his boot to John's ass.
No Shit.
No it's not it Rock being Rock trash talking at its best.
No Cena acted like he didn't care because he isn't as good as The Rock when it comes to trash talking so he just plays it safe.
Hell no its not the same thing, if Bon Jovi wanted to jam w/my band we would be jamming all damn night if it was up to me, but if I have to constantly face one of the best mic workers of all time for a whole year knowing that I'm weaker on the mic I would think of all types of ways to get better & mask that weakness cause the face of the company can't just keep being made a fool of by a man who hasn't worked a mic in years.
I'm not a bias "Cena fan". I'm a bias educated human being. YES I'm saying Rock's character is unintelligent, stupid, and shallow. Kinda what Cena is saying too. Weird how as I grew older, I grew away from liking the Rock thinking he was shallow and dumb and then when cena points it out I agree with him. Just a question, what's your highest level of education?
Yea, Rock entertains people with his nostalgia act. People still flock to Motley Crue reunion tours and sing along to them too. The flaws I speak of are Rock really not being able to cut a truly serious or intelligent promo. Basically without all the bells and whistles, Rock's promos don't have much. he lacks substance.
Explain how you think calling Rock out on never being there, having promo notes written on his wrists, and saying he's a phoney ISN'T burying him? Because he didn't call him a bitch or an asshole or didn't threaten to slap the yellow off his teeth or something else you'd hear a douchebag in an affliction shirt who is 30 going to a bar for people in their 20s say? I honestly don't believe you've been watching the show. Cena isn't taking the high road. He's saying "dwayne, you're a piece of shit, you lie to the fans, you're a phoney, you don't say anything in your promos, I'm going to kick your ass". You not being able to follow Cena saying that he hates Dwayne Johnson and wants the rock kinda proves my (and many others) point that it's over your head. Cena HATES Dwayne Johnson the phoney. He wants to kick THE ROCK's ass because that's the best. Pretty simple shit dude, if you don't get it, I don't know what to tell you. Why is Cena the only one of rock's character to break kayfabe? Well, because people see Rock as the movie star, which is also part of his character (so not really breaking kayfabe). Also because back in the day, you didn't do that, Rock hasn't been around and a lot of things have changed. Also, because Cena ISN'T Rock. Cena's whole character is that he is who he says he is and he holds other people accountable for the same thing. Again, if you REALLY can't follow that, maybe watch a more dumbed down program.
"They think he is the greatest because he is". Great fucking logic. What next, Hawk harrelson is right when he says "I don't care what the stats say, Alexei Ramirez is the best in the game"? Rock "holds" the fans because it's fuckin sing along time. EVERYONE with a catchphrase gets the fans to play along. Rock just has more of them. Rock gets people to laugh and sing along, Roddy Piper got people to legitimately try to kill him. Dusty Rhodes made people believe in him so much that they cried when he got hurt.
I'm not a fool. My point is that wrestling in the attitude era was more trash TV. It was easy. Cuss, bleed, show tits. Jersey shore man. By educated and intelligent I don't mean people with a PhD, I mean people who have an adult brain. Your assumption of what educated people think makes me think that you aren't educated and don't know many educated people. Yes, I am a wrestling fan. When I go to wrestling shows, I see a lot of white trash. Some fans have more fingers than teeth. It's always been this way. I love wrestling. I will have a degree in business in December and already have an associates in economics. I would like to eventually get a MBA and maybe a bachelors in economics. I'm an outlier. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist, I love how rabid wrestling fans are. I love studying wrestling.
Saying "rock you are great on the mic" isn't kissing up. That's pretty stupid to think that. I HATE Barry Bonds. However, he's a great baseball player with or without steroids. Here again, I think it's over your head. When trashy people get in a fight, they don't say anything good about each other, they yell and scream and say stupid shit and call names and then fight. I manage a place in a mall part time, I see a LOT of white trash and this sort of thing. However, a more intelligent person can insult you without yelling and screaming and really calling names. Watch There Will Be Blood. The last scene, the main character allows the preacher to feel comfortable, then he rips him to shreds, then he kills him. If he just called him a phoney and killed him to begin with, it wouldn't be anywhere near as good. Not saying that Cena or really anything is at all as awesome as Daniel Day-Lewis. Just saying that when cena says "Rock you were one of the all time greats" he's basically making himself look better.
Another movie analogy is white men can't jump. Cena is pulling one of those sometimes. See, in the movie, Woody harrelson is a doofy bastard, or at least he makes people think he is. Wesley Snipes' character talks a big game. Harrelson's character beats him. The WHOLE time Harrelson's character says "I'm just getting lucky" "you really are great julius (or whatever his name was". Then at the end of the first shootout, Harrelson's character, right before Wesley's character takes the last shot gets in his ear and says "I've hustled players a hell of a lot better than you". Wesley talked a lot of shit on harrelson, when harrelson beats him he says "you just got beat by a slow, white chump". Cena did the same exact thing on Raw. He said "Rock hold the audience like only you can" and then he later said something along the lines of "you're going to get your ass kicked by mr. fruity pebbles".
Do you get it now? I'm trying REALLY hard to explain this to you so you understand why so many people are baffled by your comments.
Rock doesn't say the product is stale. I think you are thinking rock is saying stuff he isn't. He might have basically called John cena stale. Makes fun of Cena's garb. Which Cena talked about, so.....
Cena hates Rock because Rock is a phoney. Not because he attacked him for no reason, it's not May anymore dude.
What's there to think about? Well you can think about why rock is back. Why does he say he loves the WWE but then is never there. If you love your wife, you don't cheat on her. Will Cena crack? Lots of shit to think about. A feud shouldn't be "catcphrase, you're a jackass, catchphrase, I'm going to beat you up, catchphrase". That's just dumb.
I also said "those of you", so obviously I wasn't referring to you specifically.
Cena standing there and smiling was smarter than anything anyone could have ever said. Part of a promo is also what you don't say and how you act. Why are you so close minded that you think it has to be a match of middle school insults to be a good promo? Can you not think outside the box? Cena smiling and looking like he's listening to the most idiotic motherfucker on earth, acting like he isn't interested in what rock has to say said more than if Cena were to get all pissed and say "yea well you're an asshole". Maybe the reason you think Cena is getting destroyed in this is because you literally can't comprehend what's going on. I'm not trying to be mean, but really. Trying to explain this stuff to you is like trying to explain to my 14 year old brother why gas prices are going up.
Way to not sound like an enormous Rock mark with that statement. You know it's a work right?
Attitude era, nonsensical trash talking, claiming to be more of a man than someone, stating your height and weight, calling someone a bitch, it's all pretty much synonymous, let's not split hairs.
You're right, Cena isn't as good as Rock at making up shit that really doesn't make any sense and calling someone a bitch. Instead he utilizes a "less is more" route and makes Rock look like a douche. Well, to anyone who can actually comprehend what's going on. To someone who is perceptually challenged, Cena isn't saying "FUCK YOU I'LL MAKE YOU MY BITCH" because he's a pussy. ever see the video of the guy who does a swanton off his trailer onto a flaming table and the cinder block falls on his face and after he says "I do this because I know you can't". Yea, he thinks he's the winner because he did something insanely stupid and hurt himself and somehow that makes him more of a man. In reality, the rest of the world is like "lol dude you're fuckin stupid". the rest of the world didn't have to say ANYTHING for him to look like an ass. Essentially, by not getting flustered and not resorting to name calling, that's what Cena did. rock comes out with the middle school insults and the 1999 "I'll make you my bitch" and Cena basically laughs in his face.
You're last little bit basically proves my point. Of course YOU would jam with bon Jovi. I think it's funny that because Cena is doing something DIFFERENT than Rock that it's CENA who is masking his weakness.
Rock can no doubt, TALK shit better than anyone. he can come up with all kinds of kung fu bitch and possum piss and puss cake and whatever other funny sounding insult all day long. But that doesn't impress Cena's character. Doesn't impress a lot of people actually. It amuses dumb people. Ever think that Rock is masking his weakness by not, you know, doing something new?