**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I honestly feel like Rocky stepped it up this week. In my opinion the history lessons were pretty funny. The first one was my favorite, the other ones were ok IMO. But that just proved to everyone that Dwayne could never lose that gift he has.

I will admit though Cena's live promo wasn't bad. Made me dislike his character even more. As for as the live promo I might even give the edge to him this week (probably because they were in Boston) but the one thing that stood out was when The Rock not Dwayne got in his face. I mean he scolded Cena like he was a child. And all Cena could do was have that goofy smile on his face. Kinda like when someone is scared of another person but they laugh cuz they don't want to show their fear. That's what that looked like to me. And he killed him when he said "you'll always be my bitch or The Rock's bitch." Which essentially is true, if he were to lose at WM, he'd be his bitch. Second place a Rock wannabe. I thought he did a great job redeeming himself from last week.

With that said I don't think Cena was that bad, except for that boring ass empty arena promo.

Did anyone notice before The Rock left? He called Cena "a fuckin' pussy" and Cena says "oh is that what I am? That's what I am?" That man is not playing with him lol.

I just hope from here on out they stop trying to make Rocky look weak. Especially to Cena of all people.
You my friend have nailed everything you pointed out about this feud. So far i read majority of the comment on this site and other sites stating cena is producing better promo and is "winning" in this battle without a second thought. This entire feud is scripted by the wwe, not the promo, but the momentum. Rock's 20 minute promo is scripted and his inability to talk back to cena in live interaction is scripted.

Rock's history lesson obviously destroyed cena. I really thought rock was gonna do more damage live in front of him but once again rock cut short becuase cena needed to look good in front of home crowd.

Cena's smile really tick me off. He was not selling to the segment. Most of all, he has no busienss to act like an asshole smirking in front of rock. I thought he was the soldier, the loyalty guy, the serious guy who takes this match like his life is on the line. Even his empty arena promo said it.

Im a Rock fan. I despise John Cena's character. Let me start out with that. Now...

That Paul Revere-punch out a cardboard cutout-talk about time travel bullshit did not 'destroy' Cena. It was kinda funny though...and it got a lot of laughs from the crowd...but it didnt destroy anything. I know why the Rock did those segments though - they are his forte. Segments like that are what made the Rock what he is today. But it was from the attitude/gimmick era. Cena's gimmick right now is 'real.' That cartoon character promo the Rock did is good for laughs, but it pales in comparison to the style of promo that Cena is doing.

Cena is above some peoples heads right now. Cena is basically making fun of the Rock's comedy gimmick letting us all know that all he has are catch phrases, penis references and jokes. And he's right...thats all Rock has. Rock is great at it, dont get me wrong. But to me...a DIE HARD ROCK FAN who doesnt spend all his time trying to out smark the writers and as a person who doesnt get caught up with whats going on behind the sceens, (because you dont even know if what you think is going on is actually going on)...to ME...Rock just doesnt measure up to Cena right now.

Im looking at my tv right now...I have Raw DVR'd and Im watching the segment over and over again...and all i see is my favorite superstar getting outshined by someone I despise and his 'serious' side, talking about being 6'4/265lbs of man just seems lame as hell.

You're right though...Cena's smiling made me think that Cena wasnt the least bit intimidated by the Rock. But since its all scripted...how do you know Cena wasnt scripted to smile??? See..when you get too caught up thinking you know all the ins and outs behind the sceens, you out think yourself and you never really know if what you think is actually the real deal or just all in your head.

You just said the momentum is scripted...but Cena smiling was him deviating from the script? I dont have time for all that shit all I care about is who makes me feel what when Im watching the show and Cena is making me feel like he's owning my favorite superstar.
Originally Posted by Tired0FthePeople

Cena is above some peoples heads right now. Cena is basically making fun of the Rock's comedy gimmick letting us all know that all he has are catch phrases, penis references and jokes. And he's right...thats all Rock has. Rock is great at it, dont get me wrong. But to me...a DIE HARD ROCK FAN who doesnt spend all his time trying to out smark the writers and as a person who doesnt get caught up with whats going on behind the sceens, (because you dont even know if what you think is going on is actually going on)...to ME...Rock just doesnt measure up to Cena right now.

Wow Cena has completely fooled you into believing he can hang w/The Great One on the mic. I will give Cena some credit his underhanded way of dealing w/The Rock eating his ass up promo after promo has been pretty clever. Since this feud has started The Rock has completely disrespected everything about John even saying that him being the face of the company has lowered the product that him & others help to buildup. What has John done to counter what Rock has said, well he played like The Rock was picking on him for no reason so instead of trying to put The Rock in his place he played the victim role. John also likes to play the high road & pretend like The Rock's insults are not hurting him. Have you ever wonder why for most of this feud John doesn't have some snappy comeback for all The Rock's promos he just comes out w/this silly little smile & says "wow Rock just electrified like like no other", he disregards Rock's real criticism of him & just goes on to talk about how The Rock catchphrases doesn't hurt his feelings. He then makes personal attacks on Dwayne Johnson's career choices he never addresses him as The Rock.

You see the only way for John to keep up w/The Rock on the mic is by avoiding The Rock. Its smart on his part because he has seen w/his own eyes what happens to ppl who go out guns blazing trying to hang w/The Rock on the mic, they get there ass ate up. So Cena just does the opposite instead of going word for word w/1 of the greatest mic workers he just attack the real man & plays it safe by not ever really responding to any of The Rocks promos. He just cleverly dances around The Rock's issues w/him & just calls The Rock out on his catchphrases & basically says "Rock, sticks & stones can break my bones but your catchphrases & jokes can never hurt me." On the surface it may seem like Cena is hanging w/Rock on the mic but really all John is doing is creatively masking his mic weakness, cause if he was to stop the smiling & really go out in the ring & go word for word w/The Rock he knows the outcome wouldn't be in his favor.
Wow Cena has completely fooled you into believing he can hang w/The Great One on the mic. I will give Cena some credit his underhanded way of dealing w/The Rock eating his ass up promo after promo has been pretty clever. Since this feud has started The Rock has completely disrespected everything about John even saying that him being the face of the company has lowered the product that him & others help to buildup. What has John done to counter what Rock has said, well he played like The Rock was picking on him for no reason so instead of trying to put The Rock in his place he played the victim role. John also likes to play the high road & pretend like The Rock's insults are not hurting him. Have you ever wonder why for most of this feud John doesn't have some snappy comeback for all The Rock's promos he just comes out w/this silly little smile & says "wow Rock just electrified like like no other", he disregards Rock's real criticism of him & just goes on to talk about how The Rock catchphrases doesn't hurt his feelings. He then makes personal attacks on Dwayne Johnson's career choices he never addresses him as The Rock.

You see the only way for John to keep up w/The Rock on the mic is by avoiding The Rock. Its smart on his part because he has seen w/his own eyes what happens to ppl who go out guns blazing trying to hang w/The Rock on the mic, they get there ass ate up. So Cena just does the opposite instead of going word for word w/1 of the greatest mic workers he just attack the real man & plays it safe by not ever really responding to any of The Rocks promos. He just cleverly dances around The Rock's issues w/him & just calls The Rock out on his catchphrases & basically says "Rock, sticks & stones can break my bones but your catchphrases & jokes can never hurt me." On the surface it may seem like Cena is hanging w/Rock on the mic but really all John is doing is creatively masking his mic weakness, cause if he was to stop the smiling & really go out in the ring & go word for word w/The Rock he knows the outcome wouldn't be in his favor.
You are such a bias Rock fan. Cena isn't creatively masking his own weakness, he's A) pointing out how the times have changed and you can't just resort to cheap pops with cussing, dick jokes, and other white trash Jerry Springer stuff and B) pointing out Rock's flaws. Rock's character isn't, and never has been very deep or intelligent or smart. Just literally a bunch of catchphrases.

If Rock was as good at promos as you think, and not just a guy with a lot of energy saying catchphrases, then wouldn't he be able to say something OTHER than fucking catchphrases to get back at Cena?

This is why it frustrates me when so many younger fans think Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time. It's like being a baseball fan and not knowing about sandy koufax. Rock is GREAT on the mic. However, Dusty Rhodes and Roddy Piper were too. They had energy, they had catchphrases, but they also had DEPTH. They said shit that made you think.

The attitude era fans were some dumb motherfuckers. It was Jersey Shore white trash stuff. Ask most educated people about wrestling back then and they'll tell you it was tacky. The fans back then didn't want a character to make them think. They just wanted fast talking and catchphrases and dick jokes and shoving things up people's asses. Rock is definately a top 5 mic worker of all time, but this idea that he's hands down the best ever is ridiculous. Some of you don't even think it's arguable. It's very arguable.

Also, how does Cena "dance around Rock's issues with him"? In about 5 seconds Cena went through them all. It's because Rock isn't actually saying ANYTHING. He's saying "you dress funny and I don't like you and I have a big dick and stick *whatever* up your candy/roody poo/cereal/whatever ass".

If you don't think Cena has a comeback for Rocks' insults, you aren't watching. Cena has basically been asking Rock to actually say something and he hasn't.

You say that if Cena 'actually went out word for word with the rock' but isn't that what he's done? Cena doesn't have a million catchphrases so no, he wouldn't "keep up". But is this a sing along competition? It's promos. Cena has been saying stuff that actually makes you think. Rock says "Me and the millions......and millions hate John Cena and are sick of you being forced down our throat, now I'm going to force my clydesdale's dick up your ass if you smell what the rock is cookin".

then again, maybe because I don't really relate to Rock's character (I'm extremely loyal and hate sing alongs) I just don't see it. That's the beauty of this match. People are feeling REAL emotions. I think that Dwayne Johnson is probably a great guy, but I actually don't want to believe that. I WANT Dwayne to be a shitty guy, I WANT a villain to root against. The best thing is, and this has been the genius of Cena's character forever now, what is good/bad to me isn't good/bad to others. This isn't like the attitude era where they bullshitted the idea "cheer who you want" when really it was a bunch of anti-heros in the anti-hero era being....the heroes. This is legitimately "here is person X, here is person Y, chose who you want".

In my opinion, those of you thinking Rock has been "held back" are dellusional. These are Rock promos. Sorry if you thought they were more. This is just what he does. I have no clue what else you expect. Second, you're mad at Cena for acting like he doesn't care what Rock is sayin? You DO understand the point of the feud right? It's a clash of generations. Rock saying catchphrases and calling Cena a bitch and then talking about "being 6'4" of MAN" or some shit is very attitude era. That's why Cena acted like he didn't care. Imagine if Bon Jovi is playing and you're a modern rock band, they want you to rock out with them, but you'd be like "lol no dude". That's the SAME thing.
Originally Posted by TWJC: The Beginning You are such a bias Rock fan. Cena isn't creatively masking his own weakness, he's A) pointing out how the times have changed and you can't just resort to cheap pops with cussing, dick jokes, and other white trash Jerry Springer stuff and B) pointing out Rock's flaws. Rock's character isn't, and never has been very deep or intelligent or smart. Just literally a bunch of catchphrases.

Its funny when a bias Cena supporter comes along & call someone a bias Rock fan, talk about pot calling the kettle black. How can you say that John is pointing out how the times has changed when The Rock still entertains majority of the fans w/his trash talking. What flaws do you speak of TWJC: The Beginning? So what your trying to say is The Rock's character is shallow, unintelligent, & stupid?

If Rock was as good at promos as you think, and not just a guy with a lot of energy saying catchphrases, then wouldn't he be able to say something OTHER than fucking catchphrases to get back at Cena?

Rock hasn't just said catchphrases in his promos, are they apart of his promos, hell yeah but that's not the only thing he says it just the only thing you & other Cena fans like to acknowledge. If Cena was really as good on the mic as you think & not just masking his weakness by playing the high ground why doesn't he quit playing it safe & just go out in the middle of the ring & just bury The Rock on the mic. Why does he one week say he will be looking in the eyes of DJ & he doesn't like DJ then the next week talk about how he wants the real Rock at Mania, which one is it, whats w/all the games. Why is it that out of all Rock's opponents Cena is the only one to break keyfabe & attack The Rock on a personal level?

This is why it frustrates me when so many younger fans think Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time. It's like being a baseball fan and not knowing about sandy koufax. Rock is GREAT on the mic. However, Dusty Rhodes and Roddy Piper were too. They had energy, they had catchphrases, but they also had DEPTH. They said shit that made you think.

Younger fans think Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time because he is! There are a lot of great mic worker from past & present but non of them can hold or entertain the fans like Rock. Now you may not completely agree for whatever reasons & that's okay, but Rock has the mic skills on lock.

The attitude era fans were some dumb motherfuckers. It was Jersey Shore white trash stuff. Ask most educated people about wrestling back then and they'll tell you it was tacky. The fans back then didn't want a character to make them think. They just wanted fast talking and catchphrases and dick jokes and shoving things up people's asses. Rock is definately a top 5 mic worker of all time, but this idea that he's hands down the best ever is ridiculous. Some of you don't even think it's arguable. It's very arguable.

If you ask most educated people they will tell you most of everything on tv is tacky & nothing more then brain dead BS so what is your point. Why are you insulting wrestling fans when your one yourself, you sound like a damn fool. Sure you can discuss all you want about who is the best nothing wrong w/that, but if majority agrees he is the best then he is seen as the best by the majority. You don't have to agree doesn't make me much of a difference if ppl thought he was the best or not because for the most part I have always found him entertaining.

Also, how does Cena "dance around Rock's issues with him"? In about 5 seconds Cena went through them all. It's because Rock isn't actually saying ANYTHING. He's saying "you dress funny and I don't like you and I have a big dick and stick *whatever* up your candy/roody poo/cereal/whatever ass".

No he didn't, he goes out kisses up to The Rock about how great he is at his promos & then plays it safe by saying "well Rock you where funny but it doesn't matter how funny your are cause I'm gonna get you at Mania".

If you don't think Cena has a comeback for Rocks' insults, you aren't watching. Cena has basically been asking Rock to actually say something and he hasn't.

Rock hasn't said anything, what are you watching so Rock talking about how John fails to entertain majority of the fans isn't saying anything? Rock speaking about how the product has become stale & uninteresting since John has been face isn't saying anything. Rock speaking about how John is a liar & phony isn't saying anything? John doesn't respond to none of these criticisms he just comes out & pretends like The Rock just came back from being gone for 7 years just to bully him for no reason. He attacks Rock's career choice's then plays victim when Rock comes out & just verbally abuses him.

You say that if Cena 'actually went out word for word with the rock' but isn't that what he's done? Cena doesn't have a million catchphrases so no, he wouldn't "keep up". But is this a sing along competition? It's promos. Cena has been saying stuff that actually makes you think. Rock says "Me and the millions......and millions hate John Cena and are sick of you being forced down our throat, now I'm going to force my clydesdale's dick up your ass if you smell what the rock is cookin".

Cena hasn't said anything that makes you think he comes out & shows his envy of The Rock's career choice's, & success. What is there to think about Rock did everything he set out to do in WWE w/the fans support he was able to spring broad to Hollywood which was another goal of his, he started to use his real name so he could be seen as taking his acting career serious. He stayed away for so long cause he was busy acting full time. Now that its been so long he is hungry for that interaction he only gets from a WWE crowd & John Cena is the perfect person for The Rock to get back in the ring for. Nothing hard to understand about any of what I just typed.

then again, maybe because I don't really relate to Rock's character (I'm extremely loyal and hate sing alongs) I just don't see it. That's the beauty of this match. People are feeling REAL emotions. I think that Dwayne Johnson is probably a great guy, but I actually don't want to believe that. I WANT Dwayne to be a shitty guy, I WANT a villain to root against. The best thing is, and this has been the genius of Cena's character forever now, what is good/bad to me isn't good/bad to others. This isn't like the attitude era where they bullshitted the idea "cheer who you want" when really it was a bunch of anti-heros in the anti-hero era being....the heroes. This is legitimately "here is person X, here is person Y, chose who you want"

I agree w/most of what you said here.

In my opinion, those of you thinking Rock has been "held back" are dellusional. These are Rock promos. Sorry if you thought they were more. This is just what he does. I have no clue what else you expect.

The theory that Rock is being held back is a valid argument, is it true idk & I really don't give a shit cause at the end of the day I just want to be entertained by both guys in this feud. You mean you don't know what everyone else expected that has made the claim that Rock is being held back. I have never said that & I don't give a shit what Rock does to move the story along as long as its good tv.

Second, you're mad at Cena for acting like he doesn't care what Rock is sayin?

No I'm not mad, I was just stating why I thought John acts the way he does. Which is because he can't hang w/The Rock on the mic no other way. Its smart on his part cause most of Rock's opponents let there ego get in the way of the truth, they go out try to hang w/Rock some do better then other's but the end result is the same Rock making fools of ppl on the mic.

You DO understand the point of the feud right?

Yeah for Rock to make a fool of Cena every week til Wrestlemania where he then backs up all the trash talking by putting his boot to John's ass.

It's a clash of generations.

No Shit.

Rock saying catchphrases and calling Cena a bitch and then talking about "being 6'4" of MAN" or some shit is very attitude era.

No it's not it Rock being Rock trash talking at its best.

That's why Cena acted like he didn't care.

No Cena acted like he didn't care because he isn't as good as The Rock when it comes to trash talking so he just plays it safe.

Imagine if Bon Jovi is playing and you're a modern rock band, they want you to rock out with them, but you'd be like "lol no dude". That's the SAME thing.

Hell no its not the same thing, if Bon Jovi wanted to jam w/my band we would be jamming all damn night if it was up to me, but if I have to constantly face one of the best mic workers of all time for a whole year knowing that I'm weaker on the mic I would think of all types of ways to get better & mask that weakness cause the face of the company can't just keep being made a fool of by a man who hasn't worked a mic in years.
Its funny when a bias Cena supporter comes along & call someone a bias Rock fan, talk about pot calling the kettle black. How can you say that John is pointing out how the times has changed when The Rock still entertains majority of the fans w/his trash talking. What flaws do you speak of TWJC: The Beginning? So what your trying to say is The Rock's character is shallow, unintelligent, & stupid?

Rock hasn't just said catchphrases in his promos, are they apart of his promos, hell yeah but that's not the only thing he says it just the only thing you & other Cena fans like to acknowledge. If Cena was really as good on the mic as you think & not just masking his weakness by playing the high ground why doesn't he quit playing it safe & just go out in the middle of the ring & just bury The Rock on the mic. Why does he one week say he will be looking in the eyes of DJ & he doesn't like DJ then the next week talk about how he wants the real Rock at Mania, which one is it, whats w/all the games. Why is it that out of all Rock's opponents Cena is the only one to break keyfabe & attack The Rock on a personal level?

Younger fans think Rock is the greatest mic worker of all time because he is! There are a lot of great mic worker from past & present but non of them can hold or entertain the fans like Rock. Now you may not completely agree for whatever reasons & that's okay, but Rock has the mic skills on lock.

If you ask most educated people they will tell you most of everything on tv is tacky & nothing more then brain dead BS so what is your point. Why are you insulting wrestling fans when your one yourself, you sound like a damn fool. Sure you can discuss all you want about who is the best nothing wrong w/that, but if majority agrees he is the best then he is seen as the best by the majority. You don't have to agree doesn't make me much of a difference if ppl thought he was the best or not because for the most part I have always found him entertaining.

No he didn't, he goes out kisses up to The Rock about how great he is at his promos & then plays it safe by saying "well Rock you where funny but it doesn't matter how funny your are cause I'm gonna get you at Mania".

Rock hasn't said anything, what are you watching so Rock talking about how John fails to entertain majority of the fans isn't saying anything? Rock speaking about how the product has become stale & uninteresting since John has been face isn't saying anything. Rock speaking about how John is a liar & phony isn't saying anything? John doesn't respond to none of these criticisms he just comes out & pretends like The Rock just came back from being gone for 7 years just to bully him for no reason. He attacks Rock's career choice's then plays victim when Rock comes out & just verbally abuses him.

Cena hasn't said anything that makes you think he comes out & shows his envy of The Rock's career choice's, & success. What is there to think about Rock did everything he set out to do in WWE w/the fans support he was able to spring broad to Hollywood which was another goal of his, he started to use his real name so he could be seen as taking his acting career serious. He stayed away for so long cause he was busy acting full time. Now that its been so long he is hungry for that interaction he only gets from a WWE crowd & John Cena is the perfect person for The Rock to get back in the ring for. Nothing hard to understand about any of what I just typed.


I agree w/most of what you said here.

The theory that Rock is being held back is a valid argument, is it true idk & I really don't give a shit cause at the end of the day I just want to be entertained by both guys in this feud. You mean you don't know what everyone else expected that has made the claim that Rock is being held back. I have never said that & I don't give a shit what Rock does to move the story along as long as its good tv.

No I'm not mad, I was just stating why I thought John acts the way he does. Which is because he can't hang w/The Rock on the mic no other way. Its smart on his part cause most of Rock's opponents let there ego get in the way of the truth, they go out try to hang w/Rock some do better then other's but the end result is the same Rock making fools of ppl on the mic.

Yeah for Rock to make a fool of Cena every week til Wrestlemania where he then backs up all the trash talking by putting his boot to John's ass.

No Shit.

No it's not it Rock being Rock trash talking at its best.

No Cena acted like he didn't care because he isn't as good as The Rock when it comes to trash talking so he just plays it safe.

Hell no its not the same thing, if Bon Jovi wanted to jam w/my band we would be jamming all damn night if it was up to me, but if I have to constantly face one of the best mic workers of all time for a whole year knowing that I'm weaker on the mic I would think of all types of ways to get better & mask that weakness cause the face of the company can't just keep being made a fool of by a man who hasn't worked a mic in years.
I'm not a bias "Cena fan". I'm a bias educated human being. YES I'm saying Rock's character is unintelligent, stupid, and shallow. Kinda what Cena is saying too. Weird how as I grew older, I grew away from liking the Rock thinking he was shallow and dumb and then when cena points it out I agree with him. Just a question, what's your highest level of education?

Yea, Rock entertains people with his nostalgia act. People still flock to Motley Crue reunion tours and sing along to them too. The flaws I speak of are Rock really not being able to cut a truly serious or intelligent promo. Basically without all the bells and whistles, Rock's promos don't have much. he lacks substance.

Explain how you think calling Rock out on never being there, having promo notes written on his wrists, and saying he's a phoney ISN'T burying him? Because he didn't call him a bitch or an asshole or didn't threaten to slap the yellow off his teeth or something else you'd hear a douchebag in an affliction shirt who is 30 going to a bar for people in their 20s say? I honestly don't believe you've been watching the show. Cena isn't taking the high road. He's saying "dwayne, you're a piece of shit, you lie to the fans, you're a phoney, you don't say anything in your promos, I'm going to kick your ass". You not being able to follow Cena saying that he hates Dwayne Johnson and wants the rock kinda proves my (and many others) point that it's over your head. Cena HATES Dwayne Johnson the phoney. He wants to kick THE ROCK's ass because that's the best. Pretty simple shit dude, if you don't get it, I don't know what to tell you. Why is Cena the only one of rock's character to break kayfabe? Well, because people see Rock as the movie star, which is also part of his character (so not really breaking kayfabe). Also because back in the day, you didn't do that, Rock hasn't been around and a lot of things have changed. Also, because Cena ISN'T Rock. Cena's whole character is that he is who he says he is and he holds other people accountable for the same thing. Again, if you REALLY can't follow that, maybe watch a more dumbed down program.

"They think he is the greatest because he is". Great fucking logic. What next, Hawk harrelson is right when he says "I don't care what the stats say, Alexei Ramirez is the best in the game"? Rock "holds" the fans because it's fuckin sing along time. EVERYONE with a catchphrase gets the fans to play along. Rock just has more of them. Rock gets people to laugh and sing along, Roddy Piper got people to legitimately try to kill him. Dusty Rhodes made people believe in him so much that they cried when he got hurt.

I'm not a fool. My point is that wrestling in the attitude era was more trash TV. It was easy. Cuss, bleed, show tits. Jersey shore man. By educated and intelligent I don't mean people with a PhD, I mean people who have an adult brain. Your assumption of what educated people think makes me think that you aren't educated and don't know many educated people. Yes, I am a wrestling fan. When I go to wrestling shows, I see a lot of white trash. Some fans have more fingers than teeth. It's always been this way. I love wrestling. I will have a degree in business in December and already have an associates in economics. I would like to eventually get a MBA and maybe a bachelors in economics. I'm an outlier. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist, I love how rabid wrestling fans are. I love studying wrestling.

Saying "rock you are great on the mic" isn't kissing up. That's pretty stupid to think that. I HATE Barry Bonds. However, he's a great baseball player with or without steroids. Here again, I think it's over your head. When trashy people get in a fight, they don't say anything good about each other, they yell and scream and say stupid shit and call names and then fight. I manage a place in a mall part time, I see a LOT of white trash and this sort of thing. However, a more intelligent person can insult you without yelling and screaming and really calling names. Watch There Will Be Blood. The last scene, the main character allows the preacher to feel comfortable, then he rips him to shreds, then he kills him. If he just called him a phoney and killed him to begin with, it wouldn't be anywhere near as good. Not saying that Cena or really anything is at all as awesome as Daniel Day-Lewis. Just saying that when cena says "Rock you were one of the all time greats" he's basically making himself look better.

Another movie analogy is white men can't jump. Cena is pulling one of those sometimes. See, in the movie, Woody harrelson is a doofy bastard, or at least he makes people think he is. Wesley Snipes' character talks a big game. Harrelson's character beats him. The WHOLE time Harrelson's character says "I'm just getting lucky" "you really are great julius (or whatever his name was". Then at the end of the first shootout, Harrelson's character, right before Wesley's character takes the last shot gets in his ear and says "I've hustled players a hell of a lot better than you". Wesley talked a lot of shit on harrelson, when harrelson beats him he says "you just got beat by a slow, white chump". Cena did the same exact thing on Raw. He said "Rock hold the audience like only you can" and then he later said something along the lines of "you're going to get your ass kicked by mr. fruity pebbles".

Do you get it now? I'm trying REALLY hard to explain this to you so you understand why so many people are baffled by your comments.

Rock doesn't say the product is stale. I think you are thinking rock is saying stuff he isn't. He might have basically called John cena stale. Makes fun of Cena's garb. Which Cena talked about, so.....

Cena hates Rock because Rock is a phoney. Not because he attacked him for no reason, it's not May anymore dude.

What's there to think about? Well you can think about why rock is back. Why does he say he loves the WWE but then is never there. If you love your wife, you don't cheat on her. Will Cena crack? Lots of shit to think about. A feud shouldn't be "catcphrase, you're a jackass, catchphrase, I'm going to beat you up, catchphrase". That's just dumb.

I also said "those of you", so obviously I wasn't referring to you specifically.

Cena standing there and smiling was smarter than anything anyone could have ever said. Part of a promo is also what you don't say and how you act. Why are you so close minded that you think it has to be a match of middle school insults to be a good promo? Can you not think outside the box? Cena smiling and looking like he's listening to the most idiotic motherfucker on earth, acting like he isn't interested in what rock has to say said more than if Cena were to get all pissed and say "yea well you're an asshole". Maybe the reason you think Cena is getting destroyed in this is because you literally can't comprehend what's going on. I'm not trying to be mean, but really. Trying to explain this stuff to you is like trying to explain to my 14 year old brother why gas prices are going up.

Way to not sound like an enormous Rock mark with that statement. You know it's a work right?

Attitude era, nonsensical trash talking, claiming to be more of a man than someone, stating your height and weight, calling someone a bitch, it's all pretty much synonymous, let's not split hairs.

You're right, Cena isn't as good as Rock at making up shit that really doesn't make any sense and calling someone a bitch. Instead he utilizes a "less is more" route and makes Rock look like a douche. Well, to anyone who can actually comprehend what's going on. To someone who is perceptually challenged, Cena isn't saying "FUCK YOU I'LL MAKE YOU MY BITCH" because he's a pussy. ever see the video of the guy who does a swanton off his trailer onto a flaming table and the cinder block falls on his face and after he says "I do this because I know you can't". Yea, he thinks he's the winner because he did something insanely stupid and hurt himself and somehow that makes him more of a man. In reality, the rest of the world is like "lol dude you're fuckin stupid". the rest of the world didn't have to say ANYTHING for him to look like an ass. Essentially, by not getting flustered and not resorting to name calling, that's what Cena did. rock comes out with the middle school insults and the 1999 "I'll make you my bitch" and Cena basically laughs in his face.

You're last little bit basically proves my point. Of course YOU would jam with bon Jovi. I think it's funny that because Cena is doing something DIFFERENT than Rock that it's CENA who is masking his weakness.

Rock can no doubt, TALK shit better than anyone. he can come up with all kinds of kung fu bitch and possum piss and puss cake and whatever other funny sounding insult all day long. But that doesn't impress Cena's character. Doesn't impress a lot of people actually. It amuses dumb people. Ever think that Rock is masking his weakness by not, you know, doing something new?
Hollywood E Rock...my main man. I guess it all goes back to that saying, 'different strokes for different folks." I was younger when Rock was a mainstay in WWE. Now that Im older, the Paul Revere, time travel promos just dont do for me what they used to. And its not like I dont even like the Rock anymore, he's still my favorite alltime character...but, his comedic style right now is just lost on me. It would be like if I watched an epsiode of Tom and Jerry right now. I may chuckle every now and then, but Im in my 30's now. There is no way I get the same enjoyment out of it as I did when I was 10.

I just watched the segment AGAIN and the only thing I see the rock saying (when he does try to actually say something) is that he's sick of Cena and he's been forced down our throats (which I personally agree with, and so do many others) You say Cena doesnt respond to the Rock's insults well what real direct insults have the Rock said other than the WWE universe is tired of him? And Rock never did respond to Cena's insult that Cena had Rock "shook" last week. Rock came out and said he wasnt shook but he sure as hell didnt offer an explination of what all that studdering and stammering was all about. So I think they are BOTH not directly answering some of the insults being thrown their way.

You say Cena is using underhanded tricks to give himself the perception that he's getting over in this feud, well isnt that the point? To get yourself over in a feud? If Vince has given these guys the greenlight to come up with their own material, then doesnt that mean that they are supposed to get themselves over using their own skills and creativity? Cena has obviously been giving the OK to 'break kayfabe' and Rock has been given the OK to use R-rated language on a PG show. They both have the green light to do what they are doing....so why call out Cena for doing something 'underhanded.' CM Punk ushered in the 'kayfabe breaking' era so now anything goes...we cant call Cena sneaky and underhanded for his promo styles when they have been OK'd by Vince.

You can call it taking the high road, or using underhanded tactics or whatever you want to call it but Cena and Rock have been told to go out there and do your thing and if Cena's style makes Rock look inferior then, hey...Rock needs to step his game up or change his game or do whatever he needs to do even things up. If Cena is looking better than the Rock right now, (thats IF you're like me and you think this is the case) then it isnt on Cena to do things that makes the Rock look good or look better. Rock has to do that on his own.
I love the fact that I have been labeled as a "kiddie" because I support John Cena instead of the Rock. Despite the fact that I was watching wrestling before many of the Rock's current crop of supporters were even born. The Rock is like Adam Sandler. About 10-15 years ago, Sandler movies were an absolute must see for me and my friends. We were in our late teens to mid 20s, and that kind of humor appealed to us perfectly. Then, we started to grow up. At age 36, Adam Sandler just doesn't have the same appeal to me now as he did when I was 26. His humor hasn't really changed, but I have. My tastes have matured. Obviously, Sandler has a large fanbase still, he still makes the same kind of movies every year, he still makes a LOT of money doing them, and that's perfectly fine.

My feelings towards the Rock are kind of like that now. I loved the guy back then, now he just doesn't do it for me anymore. I am sure that there are a lot of late teens to mid 20s people who absolutely love everything the Rock is doing now too. Great. Good for you. There are probably a lot of people my age that still love the Rock too. Again, great. Good for you. But just because someone is no longer a fan of the Rock's style, or was never a fan of it, does not make us "kiddies". It does not make us "delusional Cena fans". It makes us wrestling fans who simply moved on, or just look for something else in our favorite wrestlers.

You think a random string of catchphrases constitutes the Rock owning Cena on the mic. Others disagree. Others might think that the constant use of catchphrases to get cheap crowd pops is merely indicative of the Rock not really having anything substantial to say. That was perfectly fine 10 years ago, when all of the other wrestlers were doing the exact same thing...but when you have guys like Cena, Punk, HBK (before he retired) who were out there delivering passionate promos where they spoke from the heart, those catchphrase laden promos are out of place.

Essentially, 2002 called. It wants the Rock's promos back.
Originally Posted by TWJC: The Beginning I'm not a bias "Cena fan". I'm a bias educated human being. YES I'm saying Rock's character is unintelligent, stupid, and shallow. Kinda what Cena is saying too. Weird how as I grew older, I grew away from liking the Rock thinking he was shallow and dumb and then when cena points it out I agree with him. Just a question, what's your highest level of education?

Your a bias Cena fan who claims to be educated, & why the hell are you asking me about my education level? Your nothing more than a wrestling fan who disagreed w/me I don't have to explain my personal back ground to you are anybody else just to get my point across. If you don't agree or at least understand my point of view after I have explain myself then oh well. I'm not going to lose sleep over someone not agreeing w/me on this website.

Yea, Rock entertains people with his nostalgia act. People still flock to Motley Crue reunion tours and sing along to them too. The flaws I speak of are Rock really not being able to cut a truly serious or intelligent promo. Basically without all the bells and whistles, Rock's promos don't have much. he lacks substance.

Those are not flaws those are your own personal opinions w/The Rock's promos which are not completely true. The Rock does what he is suppose to do when it comes to promo cutting, which is entertain the fans & create chapters to whatever feud he is apart of. Now you may not like how The Rock does his thing but that isn't a flaw that's just your personal opinion of him. A real flaw would be if he wasn't getting a response from the fans at all. Now if you had said you feel The Rock can improve on his approach to his promos then I would have said I agree just because your the best at something doesn't mean there still isn't room for improving.

Explain how you think calling Rock out on never being there, having promo notes written on his wrists, and saying he's a phoney ISN'T burying him?

Cena speaking about The Rock not being a full time wrestler when he was never expected to be one again is not burying The Rock. Cena calling Dwayne Johnson phoney is not burying The Rock because Rock has never showed signs of being phoney. When Rock was a full time wrestler he did everything ask of him plus more. When he came back last year he said he was never going away & he hasn't. Cena calling The Rock out on having notes on his arm didn't burying him, but it was a good way of getting the best of him in that particular face to face.

I honestly don't believe you've been watching the show. Cena isn't taking the high road. He's saying "dwayne, you're a piece of shit, you lie to the fans, you're a phoney, you don't say anything in your promos, I'm going to kick your ass". You not being able to follow Cena saying that he hates Dwayne Johnson and wants the rock kinda proves my (and many others) point that it's over your head. Cena HATES Dwayne Johnson the phoney. He wants to kick THE ROCK's ass because that's the best. Pretty simple shit dude, if you don't get it, I don't know what to tell you. Why is Cena the only one of rock's character to break kayfabe? Well, because people see Rock as the movie star, which is also part of his character (so not really breaking kayfabe). Also because back in the day, you didn't do that, Rock hasn't been around and a lot of things have changed. Also, because Cena ISN'T Rock. Cena's whole character is that he is who he says he is and he holds other people accountable for the same thing. Again, if you REALLY can't follow that, maybe watch a more dumbed down program.

John Cena most certainly does take the high road when responding to The Rock's promos. I understand just fine what John Cena has been saying which has been for the most part nothing but BS. Dwayne Johnson's career choice's is non of Cena's business, him repeatedly bringing up his distaste of Rock's choice's makes him seem envy. Cena says DJ is a phoney but he never really explains why, he also said he sees fear in DJ's eyes, but he never explains why DJ had that fear. Then he jumps from talking about how he was going to be eying DJ at Mania to wanting to face the real Rock instead. John Cena just goes out & says any oh damn thing about Rock. I really enjoyed his video promo that was good, but all that other stuff about Rock's career choice's & him being a fan of Rocks but not liking DJ is just a bunch of off the wall BS.

"They think he is the greatest because he is". Great fucking logic. What next, Hawk harrelson is right when he says "I don't care what the stats say, Alexei Ramirez is the best in the game"? Rock "holds" the fans because it's fuckin sing along time. EVERYONE with a catchphrase gets the fans to play along. Rock just has more of them. Rock gets people to laugh and sing along, Roddy Piper got people to legitimately try to kill him. Dusty Rhodes made people believe in him so much that they cried when he got hurt.

Dude you have stated that you don't like The Rock's way of presenting his promos so no matter what my logic is on this topic you would just disagree anyways. By the way I really don't give a shit if Rock is consider the best on the mic, at the end of it all majority of his promos have entertained me.

I'm not a fool. My point is that wrestling in the attitude era was more trash TV. It was easy. Cuss, bleed, show tits. Jersey shore man. By educated and intelligent I don't mean people with a PhD, I mean people who have an adult brain. Your assumption of what educated people think makes me think that you aren't educated and don't know many educated people. Yes, I am a wrestling fan. When I go to wrestling shows, I see a lot of white trash. Some fans have more fingers than teeth. It's always been this way. I love wrestling. I will have a degree in business in December and already have an associates in economics. I would like to eventually get a MBA and maybe a bachelors in economics. I'm an outlier. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist, I love how rabid wrestling fans are. I love studying wrestling.

You may not be a fool, but you sure sound like one in this post above. Having an adult brain & being educated is not the same thing, are you referring to people who have common sense? When you say educated I assume you was speaking of people that have received a high level of education from an above average school. Like I posted before most educated people feel like most tv programs dumb people down. That's nice that you are doing well for yourself, but that info doesn't make your opinion on Rock/Cena's feud anymore valid. You may love wrestling, fans but you don't seem to respect them very much.

Saying "rock you are great on the mic" isn't kissing up. That's pretty stupid to think that. I HATE Barry Bonds. However, he's a great baseball player with or without steroids. Here again, I think it's over your head. When trashy people get in a fight, they don't say anything good about each other, they yell and scream and say stupid shit and call names and then fight. I manage a place in a mall part time, I see a LOT of white trash and this sort of thing. However, a more intelligent person can insult you without yelling and screaming and really calling names. Watch There Will Be Blood. The last scene, the main character allows the preacher to feel comfortable, then he rips him to shreds, then he kills him. If he just called him a phoney and killed him to begin with, it wouldn't be anywhere near as good. Not saying that Cena or really anything is at all as awesome as Daniel Day-Lewis. Just saying that when cena says "Rock you were one of the all time greats" he's basically making himself look better.

It is kissing up,& your not lock in a feud w/Barry Bonds so you stating the obvious isn't the same as John coming out kissing up to smooth over the insults he received. Seems to me this situation is over your head we are not talking about regular trashy ppl on the streets in real life. We are talking about a scripted wrestling program that has grown men talking trash to each other for the sake of selling a feud to us viewers. Wrestling is all about trash talking & the most over superstars usually are damn good at it. I agree w/you that in real life a man should take the high road when faced w/silly people who like to start trouble, but in wrestling a wrestler taking the high ground seems like a man doing nothing more then ducking his adversary. It can also equal to a one sided feud which can become uninteresting for us viewers.

Another movie analogy is white men can't jump. Cena is pulling one of those sometimes. See, in the movie, Woody harrelson is a doofy bastard, or at least he makes people think he is. Wesley Snipes' character talks a big game. Harrelson's character beats him. The WHOLE time Harrelson's character says "I'm just getting lucky" "you really are great julius (or whatever his name was". Then at the end of the first shootout, Harrelson's character, right before Wesley's character takes the last shot gets in his ear and says "I've hustled players a hell of a lot better than you". Wesley talked a lot of shit on harrelson, when harrelson beats him he says "you just got beat by a slow, white chump". Cena did the same exact thing on Raw. He said "Rock hold the audience like only you can" and then he later said something along the lines of "you're going to get your ass kicked by mr. fruity pebbles".

I see where you are coming from w/this example.

Do you get it now? I'm trying REALLY hard to explain this to you so you understand why so many people are baffled by your comments.

There isn't many people baffled by my comments it's you & one other poster unless someone else has disagreed w/me as I'm responding to you.

Rock doesn't say the product is stale. I think you are thinking rock is saying stuff he isn't. He might have basically called John cena stale. Makes fun of Cena's garb. Which Cena talked about, so

Your right he didn't say the product was stale he said the product declined in quality since John has been the face of the company, he also said that John
was stale. Sorry that's what I really meant to post before.

Cena hates Rock because Rock is a phoney. Not because he attacked him for no reason, it's not May anymore dude.

I never said it was May.

What's there to think about? Well you can think about why rock is back. Why does he say he loves the WWE but then is never there. If you love your wife, you don't cheat on her. Will Cena crack? Lots of shit to think about. A feud shouldn't be "catcphrase, you're a jackass, catchphrase, I'm going to beat you up, catchphrase". That's just dumb.

Why Rock is back is nothing to think about cause he explain why he was back, you either believe him or you don't. Just because he loves the WWE doesn't mean he is gonna be there all the time, Austin, Taker, Y2J, & other legends claim to love WWE also but there not around all the time. Wondering if Cena will crack is something to ponder. Okay I get it you don't like The Rock's promos you don't have to tell me anymore.

Cena standing there and smiling was smarter than anything anyone could have ever said. Part of a promo is also what you don't say and how you act. Why are you so close minded that you think it has to be a match of middle school insults to be a good promo? Can you not think outside the box? Cena smiling and looking like he's listening to the most idiotic motherfucker on earth, acting like he isn't interested in what rock has to say said more than if Cena were to get all pissed and say "yea well you're an asshole". Maybe the reason you think Cena is getting destroyed in this is because you literally can't comprehend what's going on. I'm not trying to be mean, but really. Trying to explain this stuff to you is like trying to explain to my 14 year old brother why gas prices are going up.

Your right Cena standing there smiling was smarter than anything anyone could have ever done w/his mic capabilities. Wow thanks for telling me how promos suppose to play out I'm so enlighten now. :rolleyes: I never said the promo was bad, & I never gave my opinion on what I thought could have made the segment better. You calling me closed minded & putting words in my mouth isn't making you view of this topic stronger. Can you comprehend that I never gave you a reason to question whether I can think outside the box or not? I never said Cena was getting destroyed in this feud, you got some damn nerve questioning my comprehension when you have twisted me comments more then once. You sure you can comprehend? Well w/the way you keep insulting me & twisting some of my comments I was thinking I was spending all this time responding to a 14 year.

Way to not sound like an enormous Rock mark with that statement. You know it's a work right?

See you insult me again, no I didn't know it was a work I thought wrestling was 100% real what would I have done w/out you schooling me? Thankyou so very much!!!!

You're right, Cena isn't as good as Rock at making up shit that really doesn't make any sense and calling someone a bitch. Instead he utilizes a "less is more" route and makes Rock look like a douche. Well, to anyone who can actually comprehend what's going on. To someone who is perceptually challenged, Cena isn't saying "FUCK YOU I'LL MAKE YOU MY BITCH" because he's a pussy. ever see the video of the guy who does a swanton off his trailer onto a flaming table and the cinder block falls on his face and after he says "I do this because I know you can't". Yea, he thinks he's the winner because he did something insanely stupid and hurt himself and somehow that makes him more of a man. In reality, the rest of the world is like "lol dude you're fuckin stupid". the rest of the world didn't have to say ANYTHING for him to look like an ass. Essentially, by not getting flustered and not resorting to name calling, that's what Cena did. rock comes out with the middle school insults and the 1999 "I'll make you my bitch" and Cena basically laughs in his face.

Actually Cena is pretty good at making up shit that doesn't make any sense, he has done his share of that in this feud. Just because we share a different opinion doesn't mean I can't comprehend.

You're last little bit basically proves my point. Of course YOU would jam with bon Jovi. I think it's funny that because Cena is doing something DIFFERENT than Rock that it's CENA who is masking his weakness.

I already told you that the Bon Jovi example wasn't the same & didn't get your point across so there was no reason to bring it up again.

Rock can no doubt, TALK shit better than anyone. he can come up with all kinds of kung fu bitch and possum piss and puss cake and whatever other funny sounding insult all day long. But that doesn't impress Cena's character. Doesn't impress a lot of people actually. It amuses dumb people. Ever think that Rock is masking his weakness by not, you know, doing something new?

Cena is very much impressed w/Rock mic skills. You & your two or three friends not being impressed w/The Rock's promos does not equal up to a lot of people. Can you make a point w/out insults, shit you talk about Rock & all you been doing is throwing insults. Rock masking a weakness on the mic? lol dude please, & Rock has done some different promos that fit just fine w/in his style.
Originally Posted by Tired0FthePeople Hollywood E Rock...my main man. I guess it all goes back to that saying, 'different strokes for different folks." I was younger when Rock was a mainstay in WWE. Now that Im older, the Paul Revere, time travel promos just dont do for me what they used to. And its not like I dont even like the Rock anymore, he's still my favorite alltime character...but, his comedic style right now is just lost on me. It would be like if I watched an epsiode of Tom and Jerry right now. I may chuckle every now and then, but Im in my 30's now. There is no way I get the same enjoyment out of it as I did when I was 10.

Yeah I guess it does go back to that saying, & I understand where you are coming from.

I just watched the segment AGAIN and the only thing I see the rock saying (when he does try to actually say something) is that he's sick of Cena and he's been forced down our throats (which I personally agree with, and so do many others) You say Cena doesnt respond to the Rock's insults well what real direct insults have the Rock said other than the WWE universe is tired of him? And Rock never did respond to Cena's insult that Cena had Rock "shook" last week. Rock came out and said he wasnt shook but he sure as hell didnt offer an explination of what all that studdering and stammering was all about. So I think they are BOTH not directly answering some of the insults being thrown their way.

Well the other criticisms Rock has said over the course of this feud is how the quality of the product has declined since Cena has been the face of the company. He called Cena out on being a liar, & he spoke about how Cena isn't able to connect w/& entertain majority of the fans. I do agree that Rock really didn't explain how he wasn't shook up, he just said he wasn't. I do feel like Rock has been answering more to Cena's insults more then Cena has to Rock's, but it really doesn't matter I just hope the match is as good as I believe it will be.

You say Cena is using underhanded tricks to give himself the perception that he's getting over in this feud, well isnt that the point? To get yourself over in a feud? If Vince has given these guys the greenlight to come up with their own material, then doesnt that mean that they are supposed to get themselves over using their own skills and creativity? Cena has obviously been giving the OK to 'break kayfabe' and Rock has been given the OK to use R-rated language on a PG show. They both have the green light to do what they are doing....so why call out Cena for doing something 'underhanded.' CM Punk ushered in the 'kayfabe breaking' era so now anything goes...we cant call Cena sneaky and underhanded for his promo styles when they have been OK'd by Vince.

Yeah the point is to get yourself over I was just pointing out what I believe Cena was doing to get himself over. I'm calling Cena out for doing something underhanded because I'm on The Rock's side in this feud. Do I believe Cena should stop doing what he is doing, no cause what he is doing is working its something Rock has never faced before. Cena taking the high road instead of standing his ground going toe to toe on the mic w/Rock is smart, but I think he is a bitch for doing it.

You can call it taking the high road, or using underhanded tactics or whatever you want to call it but Cena and Rock have been told to go out there and do your thing and if Cena's style makes Rock look inferior then, hey...Rock needs to step his game up or change his game or do whatever he needs to do even things up. If Cena is looking better than the Rock right now, (thats IF you're like me and you think this is the case) then it isnt on Cena to do things that makes the Rock look good or look better. Rock has to do that on his own.

Tired0FthePeople I agree w/everything the above post says.
Im a Rock fan. I despise John Cena's character. Let me start out with that. Now...

That Paul Revere-punch out a cardboard cutout-talk about time travel bullshit did not 'destroy' Cena. It was kinda funny though...and it got a lot of laughs from the crowd...but it didnt destroy anything. I know why the Rock did those segments though - they are his forte. Segments like that are what made the Rock what he is today. But it was from the attitude/gimmick era. Cena's gimmick right now is 'real.' That cartoon character promo the Rock did is good for laughs, but it pales in comparison to the style of promo that Cena is doing.

Cena is above some peoples heads right now. Cena is basically making fun of the Rock's comedy gimmick letting us all know that all he has are catch phrases, penis references and jokes. And he's right...thats all Rock has. Rock is great at it, dont get me wrong. But to me...a DIE HARD ROCK FAN who doesnt spend all his time trying to out smark the writers and as a person who doesnt get caught up with whats going on behind the sceens, (because you dont even know if what you think is going on is actually going on)...to ME...Rock just doesnt measure up to Cena right now.

Im looking at my tv right now...I have Raw DVR'd and Im watching the segment over and over again...and all i see is my favorite superstar getting outshined by someone I despise and his 'serious' side, talking about being 6'4/265lbs of man just seems lame as hell.

You're right though...Cena's smiling made me think that Cena wasnt the least bit intimidated by the Rock. But since its all scripted...how do you know Cena wasnt scripted to smile??? See..when you get too caught up thinking you know all the ins and outs behind the sceens, you out think yourself and you never really know if what you think is actually the real deal or just all in your head.

You just said the momentum is scripted...but Cena smiling was him deviating from the script? I dont have time for all that shit all I care about is who makes me feel what when Im watching the show and Cena is making me feel like he's owning my favorite superstar.

You;re kinda contradicting yourself here. You're saying that Rock didn't 'destroy' Cena by proving he was shoved down our throats by throwing his products in the river, yet you say Cena ate Rock by pointing out he wrote his notes on his wrist (which, A. was most likely scripted to give Cena content
and B. has been done by many great mic workers, including Punk, Flair, etc. and doesn't really matter since we are still entertained). You're saying that Rock is repeating catchphrases, yet you say Cena repeating the same 'WHY DID U LEAVE US?!! UR A TOOTH FAIRY!' argument holds water.

One thing you said that I especially want to correct you on is when you say Cena is right with his claim that Rock is all catchphrases. He's not. Rock uses his catchphrases a lot, and they're hilarious, but he has proven that he is not dependent on them (case in point: the history lessons, where he only used jabroni & IF YA SMELL, the latter of which he always uses). Rock said it best last Monday: "When you strip away all the gimmicks, the comedy, and the catchphrases, the fact is that I am (this tall, this weight) of man that will TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT! And you are just a kid who will go down in history as The Rock's bitch." And what did Cena do? He sat there and tried to smile and goof his way through no-selling Rock's tirade (which failed miserably and made him look stupid).

And to address your other point, I highly doubt Cena was scripted to smile his way through that, because right when Rock left, he got back to his stern self and started talking his game again. He tried to no-sell it, period.

The last point I want to make is when you say that Rock's history lessons had no relevance other than comedy. Bullcrap. Those promos embodied everything that Rock has been arguing against Cena in the last year. To name a few:

[Cena being shoved down our throats: Rock showed all of his random licensed products and threw them in the river as to say that we're done with the over-pushing of Cena (hell, even I didn't know of a Cena cologne!)
Cena kissing up to kids: Rock made reference to the fact that Cena's fanbase is pure women and children on multiple occasions.
Cena is childish: Rock basically threw caution to the wind in his last promo where he put the jokes (both his and Cena's aside) and said that when its time to get serious, Cena will get bodied. How did Cena act? Fake smiling, trying to look smug, no-selling Rock (which kinda sucks considering Rock sold for him a LOT last week), and not doing a damn thing seriously until Rock left.

Admit it, Cena's upped his game, but he still took an L this week
I'm not a bias "Cena fan". I'm a bias educated human being. YES I'm saying Rock's character is unintelligent, stupid, and shallow. Kinda what Cena is saying too. Weird how as I grew older, I grew away from liking the Rock thinking he was shallow and dumb and then when cena points it out I agree with him. Just a question, what's your highest level of education?

Yea, Rock entertains people with his nostalgia act. People still flock to Motley Crue reunion tours and sing along to them too. The flaws I speak of are Rock really not being able to cut a truly serious or intelligent promo. Basically without all the bells and whistles, Rock's promos don't have much. he lacks substance.

Explain how you think calling Rock out on never being there, having promo notes written on his wrists, and saying he's a phoney ISN'T burying him? Because he didn't call him a bitch or an asshole or didn't threaten to slap the yellow off his teeth or something else you'd hear a douchebag in an affliction shirt who is 30 going to a bar for people in their 20s say? I honestly don't believe you've been watching the show. Cena isn't taking the high road. He's saying "dwayne, you're a piece of shit, you lie to the fans, you're a phoney, you don't say anything in your promos, I'm going to kick your ass". You not being able to follow Cena saying that he hates Dwayne Johnson and wants the rock kinda proves my (and many others) point that it's over your head. Cena HATES Dwayne Johnson the phoney. He wants to kick THE ROCK's ass because that's the best. Pretty simple shit dude, if you don't get it, I don't know what to tell you. Why is Cena the only one of rock's character to break kayfabe? Well, because people see Rock as the movie star, which is also part of his character (so not really breaking kayfabe). Also because back in the day, you didn't do that, Rock hasn't been around and a lot of things have changed. Also, because Cena ISN'T Rock. Cena's whole character is that he is who he says he is and he holds other people accountable for the same thing. Again, if you REALLY can't follow that, maybe watch a more dumbed down program.

"They think he is the greatest because he is". Great fucking logic. What next, Hawk harrelson is right when he says "I don't care what the stats say, Alexei Ramirez is the best in the game"? Rock "holds" the fans because it's fuckin sing along time. EVERYONE with a catchphrase gets the fans to play along. Rock just has more of them. Rock gets people to laugh and sing along, Roddy Piper got people to legitimately try to kill him. Dusty Rhodes made people believe in him so much that they cried when he got hurt.

I'm not a fool. My point is that wrestling in the attitude era was more trash TV. It was easy. Cuss, bleed, show tits. Jersey shore man. By educated and intelligent I don't mean people with a PhD, I mean people who have an adult brain. Your assumption of what educated people think makes me think that you aren't educated and don't know many educated people. Yes, I am a wrestling fan. When I go to wrestling shows, I see a lot of white trash. Some fans have more fingers than teeth. It's always been this way. I love wrestling. I will have a degree in business in December and already have an associates in economics. I would like to eventually get a MBA and maybe a bachelors in economics. I'm an outlier. I'm not trying to sound like an elitist, I love how rabid wrestling fans are. I love studying wrestling.

Saying "rock you are great on the mic" isn't kissing up. That's pretty stupid to think that. I HATE Barry Bonds. However, he's a great baseball player with or without steroids. Here again, I think it's over your head. When trashy people get in a fight, they don't say anything good about each other, they yell and scream and say stupid shit and call names and then fight. I manage a place in a mall part time, I see a LOT of white trash and this sort of thing. However, a more intelligent person can insult you without yelling and screaming and really calling names. Watch There Will Be Blood. The last scene, the main character allows the preacher to feel comfortable, then he rips him to shreds, then he kills him. If he just called him a phoney and killed him to begin with, it wouldn't be anywhere near as good. Not saying that Cena or really anything is at all as awesome as Daniel Day-Lewis. Just saying that when cena says "Rock you were one of the all time greats" he's basically making himself look better.

Another movie analogy is white men can't jump. Cena is pulling one of those sometimes. See, in the movie, Woody harrelson is a doofy bastard, or at least he makes people think he is. Wesley Snipes' character talks a big game. Harrelson's character beats him. The WHOLE time Harrelson's character says "I'm just getting lucky" "you really are great julius (or whatever his name was". Then at the end of the first shootout, Harrelson's character, right before Wesley's character takes the last shot gets in his ear and says "I've hustled players a hell of a lot better than you". Wesley talked a lot of shit on harrelson, when harrelson beats him he says "you just got beat by a slow, white chump". Cena did the same exact thing on Raw. He said "Rock hold the audience like only you can" and then he later said something along the lines of "you're going to get your ass kicked by mr. fruity pebbles".

Do you get it now? I'm trying REALLY hard to explain this to you so you understand why so many people are baffled by your comments.

Rock doesn't say the product is stale. I think you are thinking rock is saying stuff he isn't. He might have basically called John cena stale. Makes fun of Cena's garb. Which Cena talked about, so.....

Cena hates Rock because Rock is a phoney. Not because he attacked him for no reason, it's not May anymore dude.

What's there to think about? Well you can think about why rock is back. Why does he say he loves the WWE but then is never there. If you love your wife, you don't cheat on her. Will Cena crack? Lots of shit to think about. A feud shouldn't be "catcphrase, you're a jackass, catchphrase, I'm going to beat you up, catchphrase". That's just dumb.

I also said "those of you", so obviously I wasn't referring to you specifically.

Cena standing there and smiling was smarter than anything anyone could have ever said. Part of a promo is also what you don't say and how you act. Why are you so close minded that you think it has to be a match of middle school insults to be a good promo? Can you not think outside the box? Cena smiling and looking like he's listening to the most idiotic motherfucker on earth, acting like he isn't interested in what rock has to say said more than if Cena were to get all pissed and say "yea well you're an asshole". Maybe the reason you think Cena is getting destroyed in this is because you literally can't comprehend what's going on. I'm not trying to be mean, but really. Trying to explain this stuff to you is like trying to explain to my 14 year old brother why gas prices are going up.

Way to not sound like an enormous Rock mark with that statement. You know it's a work right?

Attitude era, nonsensical trash talking, claiming to be more of a man than someone, stating your height and weight, calling someone a bitch, it's all pretty much synonymous, let's not split hairs.

You're right, Cena isn't as good as Rock at making up shit that really doesn't make any sense and calling someone a bitch. Instead he utilizes a "less is more" route and makes Rock look like a douche. Well, to anyone who can actually comprehend what's going on. To someone who is perceptually challenged, Cena isn't saying "FUCK YOU I'LL MAKE YOU MY BITCH" because he's a pussy. ever see the video of the guy who does a swanton off his trailer onto a flaming table and the cinder block falls on his face and after he says "I do this because I know you can't". Yea, he thinks he's the winner because he did something insanely stupid and hurt himself and somehow that makes him more of a man. In reality, the rest of the world is like "lol dude you're fuckin stupid". the rest of the world didn't have to say ANYTHING for him to look like an ass. Essentially, by not getting flustered and not resorting to name calling, that's what Cena did. rock comes out with the middle school insults and the 1999 "I'll make you my bitch" and Cena basically laughs in his face.

You're last little bit basically proves my point. Of course YOU would jam with bon Jovi. I think it's funny that because Cena is doing something DIFFERENT than Rock that it's CENA who is masking his weakness.

Rock can no doubt, TALK shit better than anyone. he can come up with all kinds of kung fu bitch and possum piss and puss cake and whatever other funny sounding insult all day long. But that doesn't impress Cena's character. Doesn't impress a lot of people actually. It amuses dumb people. Ever think that Rock is masking his weakness by not, you know, doing something new?

this guy again... lol this idiot who thinks he's god's gift to earth because he hates the attitude era. We get it man, we get it. You loved the golden/pg era but being a simple minded douchebag about the attitude era just furthers the notion that you are an up-yourself dumbass.
I missed Raw this week but just caught the promo battle between the two. I assumed the 'empty arena' promo was the promo Cena did at the end because I couldnt hear any crowd reaction!!!

Anyway, you could feel the tension and legit heat between the two. I caught Rock calling him a fucking pussy/mother fucker (not sure) at the end. That was said with sincerity for Cenas benefit and not for the cameras.

I also wanna point out how angry people are getting on here over it all. There are essays!!! Its all scripted and I do think WWE are giving Cena the edge in the in ring promo battles, he will look stronger going into Wrestlemania but I think that is for the simple reason Rock is going over. If he doesnt, the loss will be because of something huge like a heel turn but cant see Rock returning and losing in front of his home crowd. Rock is sticking around, already said he will wrestle at Summerslam and Wrestlemania, he can't return just to put people over....and lets be honest, Cena doesnt need putting over at all.
Everyone who claims Cena "no-sells" in the ring making his opponents look bad, he absolutely "no-sold" the Rock's tirade, standing there with that cocky smirk on his face. That was one of the best examples of "no-selling" I've ever seen, and made him look like a complete douchebag. Of course, that sort of ish appeals to the smarks who infest this site and try to claim with a straight face that the current era of guys like Cena, Punk (who I do like), and Daniel Bryan is better than the two previous peaks of the WWE (Attitude era and Golden era).

The Rock "sold" for Cena last week, and this week Cena returned the favor by "no-selling" the Rock. That's either a) unprofessional by Cena, or b) stupid booking by the WWE.
Hollywood E Rock...my main man. I guess it all goes back to that saying, 'different strokes for different folks." I was younger when Rock was a mainstay in WWE. Now that Im older, the Paul Revere, time travel promos just dont do for me what they used to. And its not like I dont even like the Rock anymore, he's still my favorite alltime character...but, his comedic style right now is just lost on me. It would be like if I watched an epsiode of Tom and Jerry right now. I may chuckle every now and then, but Im in my 30's now. There is no way I get the same enjoyment out of it as I did when I was 10.

I just watched the segment AGAIN and the only thing I see the rock saying (when he does try to actually say something) is that he's sick of Cena and he's been forced down our throats (which I personally agree with, and so do many others) You say Cena doesnt respond to the Rock's insults well what real direct insults have the Rock said other than the WWE universe is tired of him? And Rock never did respond to Cena's insult that Cena had Rock "shook" last week. Rock came out and said he wasnt shook but he sure as hell didnt offer an explination of what all that studdering and stammering was all about. So I think they are BOTH not directly answering some of the insults being thrown their way.

You say Cena is using underhanded tricks to give himself the perception that he's getting over in this feud, well isnt that the point? To get yourself over in a feud? If Vince has given these guys the greenlight to come up with their own material, then doesnt that mean that they are supposed to get themselves over using their own skills and creativity? Cena has obviously been giving the OK to 'break kayfabe' and Rock has been given the OK to use R-rated language on a PG show. They both have the green light to do what they are doing....so why call out Cena for doing something 'underhanded.' CM Punk ushered in the 'kayfabe breaking' era so now anything goes...we cant call Cena sneaky and underhanded for his promo styles when they have been OK'd by Vince.

You can call it taking the high road, or using underhanded tactics or whatever you want to call it but Cena and Rock have been told to go out there and do your thing and if Cena's style makes Rock look inferior then, hey...Rock needs to step his game up or change his game or do whatever he needs to do even things up. If Cena is looking better than the Rock right now, (thats IF you're like me and you think this is the case) then it isnt on Cena to do things that makes the Rock look good or look better. Rock has to do that on his own.

100% Wrong. The goal is not to get John Cena over, it's to get the feud and therefore WrestleMania, and thereby the WWE over. Focusing too much on getting John Cena over (aka "Shoving him down our throat") is one of the biggest problems with the WWE over the past 10 years. Cena looked like a total douchebag "no-selling" the Rock in order to make himself look cool. The real pros back in the day would sell their opponent, not just themselves.
Just on the empty arena Cena promo... this could be me.. but did he give away spoilers on what happens at W28?

He said something like Championships will change hands, legacies will end etc etc. I can't remember it word for word, I hope it's on youtube so I can rewatch it, but when he was talking I was thinkking the way he phrased this he was giving away what was going to happen... anyone else feel this during that segment?
Okay, so now the story has changed again. First, Cena wasn't winning, because no one liked him. After a few people responded that they liked his promos, Cena was only winning because The Rock was letting him. Now that we've found out that there is a little legit tension between the two, Cena's no-selling?

Some of you are digging deep for ways to put Cena down for some reason, and it's funny that you don't seem to realize that people did the exact same thing when The Rock and Austin were at their peak (except that forums weren't around with as much prevalence to create a hive-mind mentality during that time).

The way I see it, I actually kinda agree with the latest excuse, and I believe I've tried to make the point a few times in this forum myself. Cena is no-selling The Rock's insults. You guys are absolutely right about that in my opinion. However, I think that's what his character is supposed to do. The purpose of his current character is to have realistic reactions. Try to look at it this way: if you're playing Street Fighter against a friend at an arcade in front of a bunch of people, and he starts spouting off "take your rooty tooty strudle-looking joystick, shine it up, and stick it up your monkey pie candy ass, you Paul Revere wanna-be jabroni", would you sell that? I wouldn't, I'd return that shit to sender. That's how The Rock's promos sound to me most of the time.

I think this is just how the two are supposed to interact with each other. There are plenty of fans who don't get caught up in Cena's "that was really stupid" argument, and they think The Rock is hilarious, as shown by all of the laughter that was being had during Rocky's history lesson promos. That's who The Rock's promos are geared to entertain, and his promos work fantastically at what they set out to accomplish, as seen by many people in the forum who think that he has been more entertaining than Cena this whole time. Cena's "no-selling reactions" to those promos are geared for people like myself, whose opinions Cena gives voice to.
I saw their promos on youtube yesterday, and I felt that Cena looked a bit over-confident to me (off-course, in kafebe terms) for his match with Rock at wrestle-mania. He was already celebrating his victory. It appeared that he thinks that he has got the measure of Rock, as he knows and is completely ready for what is coming his way. He has never looked this confident and sure, except for when he briefly feuded with Bobby Lashley long time back. His intense feuds mostly show him being more vulnerable and having a little self doubt, thus making him look more determined. He is assuming that everyone in the locker room supports him, but till now no one has explicitly extended his support to him, not at least in front of the WWE universe.

I guess, in the coming week Cena is going to get a bit of reality check from the Rock or may be some body else too. Cena thinks that he has seen it all, and he can go through the most hostile of crowds and work them like anything. WWE may just pull a swerve of the millenium and show Cena breaking down in Miami (not necessarily turn Heel :) ), as he is no longer able to take it. He is fearing that he may just lose everything if doesn't pull himself up.

One way to stack the odds back against Cena would be entire WWE locker room getting behind The Rock and telling Cena that he is delusional about the fact that he is fighting for them. This might just shook up Cena and add a bit more spice to this story. It will again add a bit of vulnerability to Cena's character and his preparation for that match. It could also be a masterstroke to get crowd behind Cena.

They had 1 year to prepare for this an I think they have proved that WAIT was worth it. One hell of a story, millions of possibilities and two best actors in the rooster to tell it. I couldn't have asked for more.
this guy again... lol this idiot who thinks he's god's gift to earth because he hates the attitude era. We get it man, we get it. You loved the golden/pg era but being a simple minded douchebag about the attitude era just furthers the notion that you are an up-yourself dumbass.

It's a matter of time before he get in here and start talking about his education degree LOL. He hates the Attitude Era that much because it was the main reason why his beloved WCW ran out of business. The funny thing is, he even admitted that he never watched the WWF during the 1996-2001 period.

He won't tell you, but clearly, the guy is a bias Cena fan. So stop whining about us being bias.

"Don't argue with fools!"
Some of you are digging deep for ways to put Cena down for some reason, and it's funny that you don't seem to realize that people did the exact same thing when The Rock and Austin were at their peak

It's good to read someone else saying this. We see the past through rose-colored glasses, saying: "Wow! Remember how great Rock and Austin were back in the Attitude Era?" At the time, though, far from everyone felt that way; they had as many detractors as Cena has today. Plus, as a matter of personal opinion, I think it would be more realistic to dislike Rock and Austin for being comic book type, over-the-top personalities (People complain about Super Cena? What about Austin as super-human?) The character of John Cena is far more down-to-earth; his persona is his own, no gimmicks, no stupid nicknames (like The Brahma Bull or The Rattlesnake). He's one of us, yet tons of people hate him. Go figure.

Cena is no-selling The Rock's insults. You guys are absolutely right about that in my opinion. However, I think that's what his character is supposed to do.

Correct. After all, what is Cena supposed to do; rant and rave at what Rock is throwing at him? Throw a fit at Rock's comments and comedy routine? That would be akin to acting like a maniac to deal with another maniac.....and would run counter to Cena's well-established personality.

No. Instead, Cena issues quiet, thoughtful responses designed at illustrating how he feels about the upcoming match and it's possible historical context. His mic work is great due to it's understatement.

Forget the current feud for a moment; just think of what we've seen over the years from Rock on the microphone. Then, think of Cena's interviews .....and compare them. Both are being what they've been all along, and expecting Cena to act differently now in response to Rock's rants would be out of character and counter-productive. Those of you wanting Cena to throw a Ric Flair-type shitfit are missing the point.
Plus, as a matter of personal opinion, I think it would be more realistic to dislike Rock and Austin for being comic book type, over-the-top personalities (People complain about Super Cena? What about Austin as super-human?) The character of John Cena is far more down-to-earth; his persona is his own, no gimmicks, no stupid nicknames (like The Brahma Bull or The Rattlesnake). He's one of us, yet tons of people hate him. Go figure.

You must be stupid if you think that "Stone Cold" the character and Steve Austin the guy are not the same person. Same thing goes with "Rock" and dwayne(With turning the cockiness volume up). Both of them are real life characters with tons of attitude. Hey, what about Cena and the marine stuff he did yrs ago?! Or that street thug rapper thing? No gimmicks MY ASS!! and you're telling me he's being himself?! GTFO!!
You must be stupid if you think that "Stone Cold" the character and Steve Austin the guy are not the same person. Same thing goes with "Rock" and dwayne(With turning the cockiness volume up). Both of them are real life characters with tons of attitude.

Despite your throwing around insults like an ill-tempered third grader, I stand by my statements. Yes, I presume "Stone Cold" and Steve Austin are not the same person; I'm talking about wrestlers characters, not their real life personae.

And yes, to break into WWE, Cena was given a gimmick, but that has long since evolved into the character he plays today, which features no gimmickry and no need for outlandish personality characteristics, such as those displayed by Austin and Rock.

....and you're telling me he's being himself?! GTFO!!

No, genius, as I wrote (and you highlighted), "The character of John Cena...." is what I was referring to. I don't claim to know what he's like in real life any more than you do.
You must be stupid if you think that "Stone Cold" the character and Steve Austin the guy are not the same person. Same thing goes with "Rock" and dwayne(With turning the cockiness volume up). Both of them are real life characters with tons of attitude. Hey, what about Cena and the marine stuff he did yrs ago?! Or that street thug rapper thing? No gimmicks MY ASS!! and you're telling me he's being himself?! GTFO!!

Since Cena's program with The Rock he's basically been himself. I didn't get the impression that Mustang Sally was referring to his marine or rapper gimmicks. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) They're obviously gimmicks. Don't be an idiot. The Rock and Dwayne Johnson are not the same person either. Yeah sure the "volume" is turned up when he's the Rock, but he doesn't go around in his day to day life telling people to stick things up their candy ass I'm pretty sure. The point is the Cena that you see in the ring seems to be a lot closer to the Cena in real life than the difference between The Rock and Dwayne Johnson.

As for Stone Cold, he seems a lot less gimmicky, but he made his name being an ass kicking machine that you couldn't trust at all. Now I'm not going to pretend to know the guy, but I don't think "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Steve Williams" are essentially the same person. And it really doesn't matter if you think what I said is 100% wrong because SCSA is not really relevant to this conversation considering the match is between The Rock and John Cena.
You;re kinda contradicting yourself here. You're saying that Rock didn't 'destroy' Cena by proving he was shoved down our throats by throwing his products in the river, yet you say Cena ate Rock by pointing out he wrote his notes on his wrist (which, A. was most likely scripted to give Cena content
and B. has been done by many great mic workers, including Punk, Flair, etc. and doesn't really matter since we are still entertained). You're saying that Rock is repeating catchphrases, yet you say Cena repeating the same 'WHY DID U LEAVE US?!! UR A TOOTH FAIRY!' argument holds water.

One thing you said that I especially want to correct you on is when you say Cena is right with his claim that Rock is all catchphrases. He's not. Rock uses his catchphrases a lot, and they're hilarious, but he has proven that he is not dependent on them (case in point: the history lessons, where he only used jabroni & IF YA SMELL, the latter of which he always uses). Rock said it best last Monday: "When you strip away all the gimmicks, the comedy, and the catchphrases, the fact is that I am (this tall, this weight) of man that will TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT! And you are just a kid who will go down in history as The Rock's bitch." And what did Cena do? He sat there and tried to smile and goof his way through no-selling Rock's tirade (which failed miserably and made him look stupid).

And to address your other point, I highly doubt Cena was scripted to smile his way through that, because right when Rock left, he got back to his stern self and started talking his game again. He tried to no-sell it, period.

The last point I want to make is when you say that Rock's history lessons had no relevance other than comedy. Bullcrap. Those promos embodied everything that Rock has been arguing against Cena in the last year. To name a few:

[Cena being shoved down our throats: Rock showed all of his random licensed products and threw them in the river as to say that we're done with the over-pushing of Cena (hell, even I didn't know of a Cena cologne!)
Cena kissing up to kids: Rock made reference to the fact that Cena's fanbase is pure women and children on multiple occasions.
Cena is childish: Rock basically threw caution to the wind in his last promo where he put the jokes (both his and Cena's aside) and said that when its time to get serious, Cena will get bodied. How did Cena act? Fake smiling, trying to look smug, no-selling Rock (which kinda sucks considering Rock sold for him a LOT last week), and not doing a damn thing seriously until Rock left.

Admit it, Cena's upped his game, but he still took an L this week

1. I never even mentioned the notes on Rock's wrist. I never said that Cena 'ate' Rock but I did say to me, as a spectator, Cena seems to be getting the upperhand. I did say that to me...as a spectator, Rock's Paul Revere - time travel promo made me chuckle a bit like an episode of Tom and Jerry.

2. I have not seen Cena repeat anything over and over.

3. Me personally, Rock's tear your throat out 'tirade' came off lame and weak. I cant help that it didnt envoke any emotion within me as I sat there listening to it. This is what impresses me about Cena right now: Im not even a fan of his...I DESPISED the character up until now and there are plenty of posts in my post history that show this to be a fact. But Cena's promo's envoke emotion within me. Rock's 'serious' promo's right now do not. Its not my fault. Perhaps Cena is a better mic worker than Rock when the mic work is serious and not comedic based? I dont know....maybe, maybe not.

4. Cena did not say Rock was all catch phrases. He said Rock was all catch phrases, dick references and jokes. The entire history lesson segments were one of those three.

5. All of you smarks can say Cena is 'no-selling' all you want. I have no idea if that is true. Maybe Cena was supposed to smile...maybe he wasnt. I do understand that Rock doesnt look as tough telling someone he'd rip their throat out and the guy looks as if he's thinking 'yea right.' I have no inside information on whats going on backstage so I cant say if Cena is legit no-selling or not. I do find it curious that it hasnt been reported though, but oh well. If you want to act as if its 100% fact that Cena is no-selling then thats on you.
1. I never even mentioned the notes on Rock's wrist. I never said that Cena 'ate' Rock but I did say to me, as a spectator, Cena seems to be getting the upperhand.

The upper hand? C'mon dude, Cena's closing line was "The Rock said I'll be his bitch, but it's gonna be half that 'cause I'm the son of a bitch who will beat him at WM!"

That was another idiotic, goofy, corny line that just made him look like a chump as always. The crowd wasn't very hyped at the end, and the jumping into the crowd was lame.

Although Rock has weakened himself for Cena's sake, Cena still does not have the upper hand. He's been clowned to death, all he's gotten in at Rock is the midlife crisis jab. But Cena is no spring chicken himself

Don't listen to the Cena marks here who think Cena is winning. Their perception is that of watching a team hit a 3 at the buzzer when they're down by 20. "Damn, they hit a 3 at the end, they pwned the other team!" Cena landed a coupla jabs after getting worked for 9 rounds now, but that's it. He hasn't evened the score.

It's easy to say "your insults don't hurt me" when you can't clown the guy back. Cena's no-selling doesn't put him on top. It shows us that he has nothing witty to slam Rock back with, so he sticks to "your words don't hurt me".

Rock has pretty much already clinched the war of words anyway, Cena will never cut a promo like Rock's Youtube promo during the summer. That was the atom bomb.

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