**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

The Rock gets the W tonight. He had a chance to KO Cena at the end, but he missed. But he still won on points.

Most importantly, he explained why these adult cena fans get so angry when their hero gets dissed. 42 years old and still no p---y would get anyone uptight.
I am not going to sit here and attack the younger fan base as yes, they are just kids and young teens.

Although, I am quite confused. When I was younger, I was shown by my dad all the older tapes before I was really able to follow wrestling. After getting the education lesson on wrestling, I had the knowledge of the stars that were around on the old tapes and that were still around when I really started following . So of course I had a huge amount of respect for the older guys and I rooted them on over the younger faces. Tonight, for instance, I actually saw the younger fans and how physically mad they were getting at The Rock. I understand that the younger fan base is most likely going to like Cena, but my God, it's The Rock. A wrestler that has been around a lot longer and it's like they don't even know who he is. It really makes me sick.

So, just simply, are the younger fans really that clueless? Has the older generation or their parents just lost the touch to maybe fill them in?

Your takes?

Why are they clueless because they're annoyed by the Rock's segments? It's not as if he went out there and did something that was I dunno, good? Why does it bother you that people have a different opinion than you? I'm no kid. Hell, I'm reaching my mid 30's and to be honest I didn't find the Rock's promos entertaining in the 90's. I don't consider myself clueless nor do I consider younger fans clueless. This post sort of has a clueless feel to it though.

The Rock gets the W tonight. He had a chance to KO Cena at the end, but he missed. But he still won on points.

Most importantly, he explained why these adult cena fans get so angry when their hero gets dissed. 42 years old and still no p---y would get anyone uptight.

Yes I'm sure that's it. Mystery solved! Now I'm convinced that you're 10 years old.
So because Rock has been around longer, you expect them to cheer for him? I know Rock's career, I was there for the entire ring. Yet if I happen to see a show while he and Cena are feuding, I'm going to boo him too. I'm more of a Cena fan than I am a Rock fan and as a grown man, I choose to cheer for Cena.

Why does it matter if the kids know their history? Nobody sat down and taught me everything about wrestling's past and obviously I know more about it than you do. Why would kids all of a sudden start booing Cena if they knew everything about Rock?

Your post is stupid.

That really explains a lot! Rock was bang on the money about Cenas grown up fans! I think it is the link between his Superman gimick and comic books or something. Nerds read comics and like Super heroes which is why Cena appeals to them.

Rock was great tonight. This was his week. Next week will be interesting.
Promos were great between the two of them tonight. Being more a fan of Cena, and thus admittedly biased to an extent, I enjoyed Cena's rap more. Still, it was good to hear both of them go back and forth like this one last time, and it hopefully appeased fans who wanted the feud to look more attitude-era-ish.

That being said, I hope Cena goes back to the way he was last week and the week before, since that appealed more to me personally than this. If he decides to stick to this, I suppose I'd be okay with it, since Cena can apparently go toe-to-toe against The Rock in this fashion, but it's certainly not my preference.
That really explains a lot! Rock was bang on the money about Cenas grown up fans! I think it is the link between his Superman gimick and comic books or something. Nerds read comics and like Super heroes which is why Cena appeals to them.

Rock was great tonight. This was his week. Next week will be interesting.

And all the cool, macho guys who get lots of women like The Rock, right? Because The Rock can't stop telling us how cool and macho he is, and how much pie he gets. And Rock fans can't stop telling us how cool they are, and what losers adult Cena fans are.

Dude, get real.
That really explains a lot! Rock was bang on the money about Cenas grown up fans! I think it is the link between his Superman gimick and comic books or something. Nerds read comics and like Super heroes which is why Cena appeals to them.

Rock was great tonight. This was his week. Next week will be interesting.

And all the cool, macho guys who get lots of women like The Rock, right? Because The Rock can't stop telling us how cool and macho he is, and how much pie he gets. And Rock fans can't stop telling us how cool they are, and what losers adult Cena fans are.

Dude, get real.

I don't know who I was trying to explain this to, but these two posts perfectly show the major difference in mindsets that I see between fans of The Rock and Cena. The Rock's fans seem to follow through with The Rock's promos and feel like better insults are what is winning The Rock's promos. The Cena fans (I'm guessing NotaHippy is a Cena fan here, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) think the insults themselves are stupid.

This is what adds a whole extra layer to their feud and why I prefer Cena to stick to his character from last week over the thuganomics gimmick of the past. In my opinion, this is what sells the match to both fans.
And all the cool, macho guys who get lots of women like The Rock, right? Because The Rock can't stop telling us how cool and macho he is, and how much pie he gets. And Rock fans can't stop telling us how cool they are, and what losers adult Cena fans are.

Dude, get real.

Your a walking virgin and your 42 was the only going through my head when I heard this.
LMAO!! Now you know why cena's been taking the high road through out the fued. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can beat The Rock in his own game. Surprisingly, it was actully as good as the other 2 concerts he's done. And I gotta say, it's the best trash talk promo of the the whole fued. Cena did great though...
Cena thuganomics skit was awful. It seemed past its sell by date and lost on the audience - THEY WERE FUCKING SILENT! The stupid 'hard assed' face he pulled just wasnt him at all. I actually prefer his current gimmick. :lmao:

Cena looked like a spoilt brat with an attitude in that stupid outfit!
When I read this thread, I have to wonder if many of you even watch wrestling. Yes, Cena fans, I'm talking to you. Your boy is getting horrible reactions from the crowds. Um, UBERfaces aren't supposed to get booed, ever, especially not in their hometown yet you people are like "OMFG.... CENA IS TOTALLY WINNING THE PROMO BATTLE BRO", when the evidence at hand clearly shows it otherwise.
When I read this thread, I have to wonder if many of you even watch wrestling. Yes, Cena fans, I'm talking to you. Your boy is getting horrible reactions from the crowds. Um, UBERfaces aren't supposed to get booed, ever, especially not in their hometown yet you people are like "OMFG.... CENA IS TOTALLY WINNING THE PROMO BATTLE BRO", when the evidence at hand clearly shows it otherwise.

I don't mean to offend anyone when I say this, but I honestly thought after your first sentence that you were about to call out The Rock's fans in here (particularly the last couple of posts). I saw Cena come out to a chorus of boos and turned it into a huge pop last night without pandering to the city of Cleveland in every line (although there was a notable cheap pop early with the LeBron hating). That's been a regular theme as far as his promos against The Rock have been going for the last year. Fans almost always favor the guy who comes back to the guy who is there (just ask Jericho how hard he had to work to get boos (no pun intended)).

I don't think any fan of Cena expects him to get every fan in the arena on his side, since he is feuding with The Rock, who is a living legend and also an huge face. I think Cena is winning the promo battle, because I like Cena's promos more overall. I think he's more on point and prefer someone who takes the high road when the other wrestler says, "I'm sleeping with your mom", "your fans are virgins", "put large objects up your ass", and "you look like food".
When I read this thread, I have to wonder if many of you even watch wrestling. Yes, Cena fans, I'm talking to you. Your boy is getting horrible reactions from the crowds. Um, UBERfaces aren't supposed to get booed, ever, especially not in their hometown yet you people are like "OMFG.... CENA IS TOTALLY WINNING THE PROMO BATTLE BRO", when the evidence at hand clearly shows it otherwise.

Your logic is odd. So just because someone gets booed means his promos suck?
The could say he farted in a trash can and people will cheer. Does that mean that was a good promo?

One question to everybody about The Rock. Is he still being "held back" and "told not to say what he wants"?
His promos from the last two weeks have been like his promos from years ago. His last two promos were not "more pg so its not the old rock" they are the same as they used to be. Also I dont see how this is pg Rock when he says bitch in almost every promo. Plus how are they making Cena look better when The Rock went on last and had a longer song.
The point of this is not to say Cena is better or that The Rock is not good or anything like that. But please can we quit hearing "It obvious they are holding The Rock back"
LMAO!! Now you know why cena's been taking the high road through out the fued. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can beat The Rock in his own game. Surprisingly, it was actully as good as the other 2 concerts he's done. And I gotta say, it's the best trash talk promo of the the whole fued. Cena did great though...

Cena's been taking the high road?

He's the guy that's been exposing trade secrets (scripted to or not) to expose the Rock as a performer, and no selling anything the Rock says to his face with that stupid grin.

I wouldn't say Cena's been taking the high road in any way whatsoever.
I honestly thought Cena's promo was awful. He looked ridiculous, didn't come across with anything other than the usual 'lol i'm tough, something about nuts, close skit'

The Rock show was better than I expected. I honestly didn't think it would come across well, as the old Rock shows included insults at the crowd, but the Rock was really funny
I was watching the Cena promo with my girlfriend who hates Cena and I told her look, that's the version of Cena the people want and as he was turning the crowd I told her he is turning them clearly showing that this is the Cena we want, the problem is that this Cena is not coming back. People will be fooled into cheering him for Mania but after Mania he will probably be back to the fruity pebble version.

But even with the turning of the fan, the Rock yesterday one by A MILE. The Rock was entertainning and people had a good time chanting alone and all and that's priceless in the entertainement business. The Rock was hot, in his element, took nice jab and was just pure fun and that's why, yesterday, he won the battle.
Rocks promo was brilliant, i was in stitches and it totally blew cena's thuganomic crap out of the water. I didnt expect much from either promo, cena basicly rehashed his old gimmick, but the rock pleasently suprised me
I was watching the Cena promo with my girlfriend who hates Cena and I told her look, that's the version of Cena the people want and as he was turning the crowd I told her he is turning them clearly showing that this is the Cena we want, the problem is that this Cena is not coming back. People will be fooled into cheering him for Mania but after Mania he will probably be back to the fruity pebble version.

But even with the turning of the fan, the Rock yesterday one by A MILE. The Rock was entertainning and people had a good time chanting alone and all and that's priceless in the entertainement business. The Rock was hot, in his element, took nice jab and was just pure fun and that's why, yesterday, he won the battle.

I agree with what you have said here, and particularly the bolded section. This is what has always set The Rock's promos apart from others...crowd interaction. Nobody is better at it. He actually pulls the crowd in and makes them part of the show. I, for one, would love to go to a live show that Rock is at and get to take part in it all. It is one thing to watch it on TV, but to be there live for a segment like he did last night would just be an awesome AWESOME environment.

I have been to many live shows and the wrestlers you leave being the most impressed with are those who actually interact with the crowd.
A couple of months ago I made a couple of posts saying Cena should mock the stories about Rock's "breast enhancements". Between Rocky's movie career and WWE PG I didn't think Cena would be allowed to go there.

Rocky has been a really good sport in all of this allowing himself to be exposed and called out on things that are real and things that are just part of wrestling. I don't know if I would be so secure in my career to allow this.

I am still flumoxed by the lack of violence in this feud but I have enjoyed most of the humor and am thankful the Rock has been willing to be a part of WWE again (yes, I know he is getting paid).
Cena's been taking the high road?

He's the guy that's been exposing trade secrets (scripted to or not) to expose the Rock as a performer, and no selling anything the Rock says to his face with that stupid grin.

I wouldn't say Cena's been taking the high road in any way whatsoever.

I believe "Hollywood E Rock" already explained this. Cena's been acting as he's above all that "immature" insults that were thrown at him by Rock, instead of trying to beat him in his own game(Well, he tried last night and got destroyed), which was by the way Cena's style when he was a rapper. The only way for Cena to win this verbal battle is by cutting shoot promos. There is no way to keep up with rock(On the mic) without breaking kayfabe, "Doctor of Thuganomics" or not, that simply won't happen. Rock is not only great on the mic, but he's got the whole crowd behind him which makes it harder for me to give Cena(Babyface) rounds.

I said it before and I'll say it again, Cena claims to be a street rapper, well after last night, he should know that he got his ass "Either'd" by The Rock. IMO, That Concert was the best trash talk promo in their fued, so far.
In my opinion, Rock won the 'promo' battle that a lot of us have been debating. He needed 21 minutes to do it, or, rather he GOT 21 minutes and Cena only got 6...but Rock won it last night IMO.

Cena's real true serious promos have been absolutely amazing as far as wrestling promos go. But the gimmick yesterday was rap and rock concert...and Rock's 21 minute promo entertained me more than Cena's 6 minutes.
I feel like the Rock is the same boring Rock that he was before. I think his "humor" is really childish and doesn't do anything for me at all.
That being said he does draw a crowd in and I can appreciate that people enjoy his brand of humor.
The only interest I have in the match at Wrestlemania is to see if they work each other stiff.
Really I couldn't care less about this feud besides that.
I've got to say, The rock is doing a fine job remembering me why i hated the guy back in the attitude era. The first promo he did 2 weeks ago was a very awful promos that went way too long. I was glad that i wasn'T watching this live and i could fast foward through most of it until Cena came and pretty much own The Rock during the segment. Then last week the pre-taped stuff was fine even if i thoght they were the same crap The Rock always says but i did like the second confrontation even if i thought Cena did a better job yet again, at less The Rock Wasn't annoying. But this week, my good was this week awful, The Cena rap wasn'T great but it didn'T last long so i didn'T mind it that much, but The Rock Concert was just excrutiating to watch and again i'm glad i recorded it because i pretty fast fowarded 75% of the segment in case something would happen which it didn'T.

You know what the funniest part of all this is, Everybody has been complaining about how Cena has been shoved down everybody'S throat, yet nobody remember that the same exact thing happenned during the Attidue Era with The Rock and everybody was complaining about it yet now nobody seem to care about this. The Rock will only be there for the next four weeks, then he'S gone again, Like Cena said 2 weeks ago, i can'T wait for the april 9th edition on monday raw when The Rock isn't on the show anymore.
I believe "Hollywood E Rock" already explained this. Cena's been acting as he's above all that "immature" insults that were thrown at him by Rock, instead of trying to beat him in his own game(Well, he tried last night and got destroyed), which was by the way Cena's style when he was a rapper. The only way for Cena to win this verbal battle is by cutting shoot promos. There is no way to keep up with rock(On the mic) without breaking kayfabe, "Doctor of Thuganomics" or not, that simply won't happen. Rock is not only great on the mic, but he's got the whole crowd behind him which makes it harder for me to give Cena(Babyface) rounds.

I said it before and I'll say it again, Cena claims to be a street rapper, well after last night, he should know that he got his ass "Either'd" by The Rock. IMO, That Concert was the best trash talk promo in their fued, so far.

I see what you're saying, and the assessment is spot on...

I just wouldn't call it taking the high road though. If he wasn't going places like the notes on the arm, or smiling dismissively at the Rock instead of selling his words, then absolutely he's taking the high road.

Instead they're both basically taking different paths on the same low road.

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