**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I've got to say, The rock is doing a fine job remembering me why i hated the guy back in the attitude era. The first promo he did 2 weeks ago was a very awful promos that went way too long. I was glad that i wasn'T watching this live and i could fast foward through most of it until Cena came and pretty much own The Rock during the segment. Then last week the pre-taped stuff was fine even if i thoght they were the same crap The Rock always says but i did like the second confrontation even if i thought Cena did a better job yet again, at less The Rock Wasn't annoying. But this week, my good was this week awful, The Cena rap wasn'T great but it didn'T last long so i didn'T mind it that much, but The Rock Concert was just excrutiating to watch and again i'm glad i recorded it because i pretty fast fowarded 75% of the segment in case something would happen which it didn'T.

Is it possible to get a more honest assessment of something than that? :)

"I hated that so much I never even watched it to know what I should hate... I just knew it would suck and I'm right it sucked even though I don't know why it sucked because I didn't watch, but you'd better believe it sucked the suck!"
Last night was a tie IMHO. That said though, I don't understand this argument I'm hearing about how The Rock is winning because he gets louder fans reactions. That makes no sense. It doesn't make his promos any better. Everybody knew when this feud started that The Rock would get massive pops and Cena would get boos. Was the last part of Rock's promo where he read lines off the screen any good last night? I would say it was pretty bad and I think I'd be in the objective majority. If Rock's got anything it's a tremendous delivery and loads of charisma. That's why he gets away with saying the corniest BS a lot of the time.
Last night belonged to The Rock and its probably the first time that he definitively beat Cena in the war of words whereas the last few weeks swayed more in Cena's favor.

I'm not gonna argue who is better on the mic because both are awesome on the mic but who wins the weekly battle is ultimately who Vince decides is gonna win that week. I'm sure he lets them ad lib their promos but my guess is he tells them both who he wants to look strongest that particular week.

It was more obvious this week than any other week. Because Cena won the 1st 2 weeks IMO they made damn sure The Rock took it this week to make it look more evenly matched. Cena came out first on RAW, rapped for a few minutes and then disappeared for the rest of the night, no face to face confrontation, no nothing. On the flip side they had Rock end RAW and gave him 20 minutes with his concert and there was no Cena in sight during the entire 20 minutes which gave Rock free reign to tear Cena apart without interruption. Of course they want Cena to look stronger than the Rock but its hard to build a feud when one guy gets completely owned every week like The Rock has.

All in all it doesn't matter who wins every week because its not up to Cena or The Rock, its up to Vince. So far they've done a good job of balancing the power with Cena looking a little stronger which I'm sure is the point.

So far its been entertaining as all hell. I loved what both guys have done the last 3 weeks in a row and I'm sure they will keep it up until Wrestlemania.
Rock destroyed Cena tonight, Cena's rap at the opening was pretty lame in all honesty and pretty much sums up the lack of manouevrability and freshness in his current character that he had to go back to the thuganomics a what 8 year old gimmick to try and match insults with the Rock. The crowd was absolutely dead throughout most of it and as usual consisted maybe 60-40% of boos to cheers when they did respond, that's not totally his fault though as they were dead for most of the night.

The Rock on the other hand captivated the crowd for 20+ minutes, he was funny, on point and had the crowd and even commentators in hysterics. As for the people who claim Rock's humour is simple, childish insults your of course entitled to your opinion but its not as if Rock's just standing shouting 'you suck', or 'bitch', he is taking elements of Cena's actual character and satirising them. The reason why insults like 'fruity pebbles', and the various jibes at the lack of Cena's male fanbase work so well and generate so much response is because they are based in fact, observational comedy at its finest.
Rock destroyed Cena tonight, Cena's rap at the opening was pretty lame in all honesty and pretty much sums up the lack of manouevrability and freshness in his current character that he had to go back to the thuganomics a what 8 year old gimmick to try and match insults with the Rock.

The Rock has clearly broke new ground the last few weeks. He never threw some props off a bridge into the water before. I don't remember him ever playing a guitar 10-15 years ago. He never pandered to a Tennessee crowd by
parodying an Elvis song the way he threw Cleveland Rocks around at the end of every verse.

Sarcasm aside I don't remember him ever using the titon tron as a karaoke machine but that's not much different than a teleprompter or cue cards. Can't say I'd call that a step in the right direction.
The Rock has clearly broke new ground the last few weeks. He never threw some props off a bridge into the water before. I don't remember him ever playing a guitar 10-15 years ago. He never pandered to a Tennessee crowd by
parodying an Elvis song the way he threw Cleveland Rocks around at the end of every verse.

Sarcasm aside I don't remember him ever using the titon tron as a karaoke machine but that's not much different than a teleprompter or cue cards. Can't say I'd call that a step in the right direction.

Of course the Rock is going to fall back on old material he hasn't been there for 8 years, Cena on the other hand has been a constant presence its completely different. As a rule wrestling characters never really tend to gravitate backwards they always tend to progress, cena's having to fall back on the whole thyuganomics thing because he ie seemingly incapable of brining anything fresh to the table in his current state.

The Rock was pretty known for constantly reinventing himself to keep things fresh during his full-time stint in the WWE from babyface Maivia to heel Rock in the nation Rock and corporation, to face Rock to Hollywood Rock in a 7 year span. cena on the other hand has been flogging the same stale gimmick for around that same length of time.
Of course the Rock is going to fall back on old material he hasn't been there for 8 years, Cena on the other hand has been a constant presence its completely different. As a rule wrestling characters never really tend to gravitate backwards they always tend to progress, cena's having to fall back on the whole thyuganomics thing because he ie seemingly incapable of brining anything fresh to the table in his current state.

The Rock was pretty known for constantly reinventing himself to keep things fresh during his full-time stint in the WWE from babyface Maivia to heel Rock in the nation Rock and corporation, to face Rock to Hollywood Rock in a 7 year span. cena on the other hand has been flogging the same stale gimmick for around that same length of time.

So The Rock gets a pass for flogging the "same stale gimmick" he used 15 years ago while Cena is criticized for using the "same stale gimmick" from 7 years ago. I guess I can understand holding Cena to a higher standard but there are two competitors in the main event, not just one.
Hell no! What makes you think that people over 25 like John Cena - the only reason he is still in the WWE because he stops childen (that still wet themselves) from being bored


My point exactly.

So what if Rock is crude, its more bloody entertaining than listening to John Cena be all righteous all the time about how he works so hard and loves the fans, blah, blah, blah! Kiss Arse.


He makes me sick to my stomach!!! Thank God he is already mid 30's so hopefully he will retire in the next 6 months.

I swear, if Cena wins at WM, that is the end of me watching WWE. I've had enough of him! He could at least take a one month vacation every year!

I hate his mic. skills! He still sounds like he's rapping - is that the best he's got?? I actually find Cena cruder - it's been Cena who has said the words penis and vagina, not Rock - he said lady parts and strudle!!!


/rant off

lol this is exactly what I mean. You post pictures of Cena dressed up like barney, kissing vince's ass. It's the SAME kind of humor I liked....when I was in high school. As a 22 year old, not so much. It's not funny. It's dumb.

Also, you're showing your youth/lack of education if you think mid 30s is close to retirement for wrestlers. it's actually not much beyond their prime. In fact for a lot of guys (austin, hart, even hbk really) can be seen as their prime because they're both smart and physically fit.

You've been worked by Cena. He can do whatever he wants. He WANTS people like you to boo him because you'll watch Rock talk about who the fuck knows what and pay to see Cena get in a fight.
You make fun of Cena for how he dresses and for being stale.

When Rock comes out I wonder "why the fuck is his shirt soaked? Does he have a sweat gland problem or did he really think 'I'll pour water all over myself'"? Then I think 'yea yea, dick jokes, momma jokes, Cena is a girly man".

face it dude, the more mature/older fans don't like Rock and appreciate Cena. Even look in the live audiences. The rabid Rock fans are either teens or they're douchebags in affliction/ed hard/some other gaudy fuck ugly shirt.
You make fun of Cena for how he dresses and for being stale.

When Rock comes out I wonder "why the fuck is his shirt soaked? Does he have a sweat gland problem or did he really think 'I'll pour water all over myself'"? Then I think 'yea yea, dick jokes, momma jokes, Cena is a girly man".

face it dude, the more mature/older fans don't like Rock and appreciate Cena. Even look in the live audiences. The rabid Rock fans are either teens or they're douchebags in affliction/ed hard/some other gaudy fuck ugly shirt.

The Rock has got some knickers in a twist!!! The 42 year old virgin thing has really hurt a lot of folk!

Rock outpops Cena every single week. Rock doesnt get booed, Cena does. Men have stronger voices than the weak little virgins and the kids that why we hear it!

You are clutching at straws here and trying to convince yourself The Rock is wrong. Its a well known fact the majority of Cena fans are women and children. He even admits it himself. Orton and Punk have even called him on it in the past!!!
I feel like the Rock is the same boring Rock that he was before. I think his "humor" is really childish and doesn't do anything for me at all.

That's kind of true but what I am seeing with The Rock's promos that he seems to be a lot more aggressive in trash talking Cena that his promos back in the Attitude Era. Though I think its because there is legitimate heat between Cena and The Rock that puts Rock's promos that much "edgier".

The big difference is that Back then The Rock does his promos for the sake of building the rivalry, now with Cena its like The Rock just flat out wants to bash him in public TV.

But in the end ... I like it.
Is it possible to get a more honest assessment of something than that? :)

"I hated that so much I never even watched it to know what I should hate... I just knew it would suck and I'm right it sucked even though I don't know why it sucked because I didn't watch, but you'd better believe it sucked the suck!"

First of all, i'm glad you were able to put the word Suck as much as you did. Thay pretty much show how intelligent you are. Secondly if you read the would post, i wrote the ifast fowarded through 75% of the segment, which mean that the first 25% of the concert i did watch. So i watch 5 Minutes of the whole thing and i really could take it.

Also, it really look likes i'm not the only one because just looking at the ratings since the Rock cames back, they LOST viewers during those last segment, especially the first 20 minutes overrun promo THE Rock had. The Problem is last year when the rock came back it felt special because we hadn'T seen the guy in the ring for five years so listening to all the over the top catchphrases was special and the casual fans decided to tune in to see what the rock was doing. Then, he would come back again, do the same stuff over and over and over again, and it became more and more boring so much so that in my opinion, he pretty much ruin wrestlemania last year. Now he's coming back again, doing that same stuff, going through the motion like he just doesn'T care and the more he does that, the more i just want him to leave and come back in 5 years when i won'T really remember why i hated the guy in the late 90'S.
The Rock has got some knickers in a twist!!! The 42 year old virgin thing has really hurt a lot of folk!

Rock outpops Cena every single week. Rock doesnt get booed, Cena does. Men have stronger voices than the weak little virgins and the kids that why we hear it!

You are clutching at straws here and trying to convince yourself The Rock is wrong. Its a well known fact the majority of Cena fans are women and children. He even admits it himself. Orton and Punk have even called him on it in the past!!!

This is what gets my "knickers" in a twist. Educated people knew that when this feud started Rock would be adored and Cena would get some boos. They were doing it long before Rock to be fair, but it doesn't mean Rock is "winning" or any other notion you might have. Rock outpops Cena, of course he does. So what? Rock doesn't get booed. Again, so what? Just because he's almost universally loved, it does not mean that since he came back he's been killing it because he really hasn't. He also easily outpops the IWC "god" CM Punk, and I bet if Punk said the same things Cena's been saying there would be more people eating it up simply because they like CM Punk more than John Cena.

Of course Orton and Punk have called Cena on it in the past. Pretty sure they did that in CHARACTER on a wrestling show! So unless you can find me a credible source that states that Orton and Punk (the real people not the characters) have a problem with Cena being for kids then them calling Cena out on it really means nothing.
So The Rock gets a pass for flogging the "same stale gimmick" he used 15 years ago while Cena is criticized for using the "same stale gimmick" from 7 years ago. I guess I can understand holding Cena to a higher standard but there are two competitors in the main event, not just one.

Firstly Rock was never really stale as I said he always actually developed his character all the way form Maivia to Hollywood Rock. Secondly as I already stated Rock hasn't been there since his one off apperance in 2004, so obviously he is going to revert to the same character just as other legends like Austin, Foley and Piper do. Cena has been active and wrestling full-time and has kept the same gimmick for the past seven years with no development and no change, part of the reason why he gets so much hate.
First of all, i'm glad you were able to put the word Suck as much as you did. Thay pretty much show how intelligent you are. Secondly if you read the would post, i wrote the ifast fowarded through 75% of the segment, which mean that the first 25% of the concert i did watch. So i watch 5 Minutes of the whole thing and i really could take it.

Also, it really look likes i'm not the only one because just looking at the ratings since the Rock cames back, they LOST viewers during those last segment, especially the first 20 minutes overrun promo THE Rock had. The Problem is last year when the rock came back it felt special because we hadn'T seen the guy in the ring for five years so listening to all the over the top catchphrases was special and the casual fans decided to tune in to see what the rock was doing. Then, he would come back again, do the same stuff over and over and over again, and it became more and more boring so much so that in my opinion, he pretty much ruin wrestlemania last year. Now he's coming back again, doing that same stuff, going through the motion like he just doesn'T care and the more he does that, the more i just want him to leave and come back in 5 years when i won'T really remember why i hated the guy in the late 90'S.

Yeah you got it there Pierre... because of course you've read all of the research, case studies, scientific papers and such that have directly corrolated the useage of the word suck with intelligence (or lack thereof). :rolleyes:

The point was, that you watched the damn thing on fast forward. Yes you said 75% of it. Did you say that you watched 25% of it continuously and then fast forwarded to the end hoping to see some blurry action? No. So you gave zero impression that you did anything else but see the Rock on your screen, hit fast forward, stop and play a few times, and kept fast forwarding to the end disappointed that Cena never came out.

Your next set of comments here that plainly illustrate how much you dislike the Rock just show that you're just a guy that won't give him credit for anything, and simply do not like him no matter what.

So as I so mockingly put it to begin with. Can we get a more honest assessment than from a guy that's as obviously biased as you?
I thought Cena had the edge this week. He didn't NEED 20 minutes to do a promo on the Rock, he needed five and he still came out on top. The rock has become a catchphrase spouting, unfunny shadow of his former electrifying self. I have never disliked Cena, but I've never been a huge fan of his either, and I never imagined I would say this but right now, Cena segments are more entertaining than the Rock's, and I am following the build up to this match closely, not to listen to the rock, but to hear Cena call him out again and again.

guess this means I'm team Cena for this one.
Yeah you got it there Pierre... because of course you've read all of the research, case studies, scientific papers and such that have directly corrolated the useage of the word suck with intelligence (or lack thereof). :rolleyes:

The point was, that you watched the damn thing on fast forward. Yes you said 75% of it. Did you say that you watched 25% of it continuously and then fast forwarded to the end hoping to see some blurry action? No. So you gave zero impression that you did anything else but see the Rock on your screen, hit fast forward, stop and play a few times, and kept fast forwarding to the end disappointed that Cena never came out.

Your next set of comments here that plainly illustrate how much you dislike the Rock just show that you're just a guy that won't give him credit for anything, and simply do not like him no matter what.

So as I so mockingly put it to begin with. Can we get a more honest assessment than from a guy that's as obviously biased as you?

Nice to see a Rock fans is still defending him no matter what he does. Personally, i don't care about either guys but i do respect both guys for what they accomplish in the ring. Just look at some of my other post i wrote about the rock, I never wrote anything to indicate that i didn't respect the guy for what he did for the business. The only thing i'm saying, and if you don't believe me just watching the ratings reports posted on various wrestling website, the guy is becoming boring again, it's always the same crap that takes way too much time getting to the point and i'm part of the majority who watch Raw and decide to not watch it. Last Monday i listen to THE Rock's promo, i listen to the beginning of the rock concert, then i realise that i was going to be the same of shit he's been doing since he return and fast foward through hoping for something better to happen and it never happenned. If Cena would have done a 20 minutes segment like the rock did, i probably would have done the same thing because Cena has been for years the new version of the Rock, just like The Rock was the new version of Hogan. All three guys we're shove down our throat throught there different era and all have become boring.

So to Recap, i have all the Respect in the world for The Rock and i would have hope that he found a way to be entertaining but the fact is, doing 20 minutes plus promos every week isn't entertaining and it get old really face. Is best stuff i did was the Rock history lessons last week. So this is not a knock on The Rock, it's a knock on the fact that he really should have is working boots on and realise that 20 minutes plus promos like he did in the attitude era don't work anymore and he should found a way to adapt his style to today's wrestling fans.
First of all, i'm glad you were able to put the word Suck as much as you did. Thay pretty much show how intelligent you are. Secondly if you read the would post, i wrote the ifast fowarded through 75% of the segment, which mean that the first 25% of the concert i did watch. So i watch 5 Minutes of the whole thing and i really could take it.

Also, it really look likes i'm not the only one because just looking at the ratings since the Rock cames back, they LOST viewers during those last segment, especially the first 20 minutes overrun promo THE Rock had. The Problem is last year when the rock came back it felt special because we hadn'T seen the guy in the ring for five years so listening to all the over the top catchphrases was special and the casual fans decided to tune in to see what the rock was doing. Then, he would come back again, do the same stuff over and over and over again, and it became more and more boring so much so that in my opinion, he pretty much ruin wrestlemania last year. Now he's coming back again, doing that same stuff, going through the motion like he just doesn'T care and the more he does that, the more i just want him to leave and come back in 5 years when i won'T really remember why i hated the guy in the late 90'S.

In regards to the bolded part. Listen guy, you have no room to insult people's intelligence based on this post. As far as the rest of it goes I only read 25% of it because it was full of punctuation errors and I can tell that reading it would've given me a massive headache.
Nice to see a Rock fans is still defending him no matter what he does. Personally, i don't care about either guys but i do respect both guys for what they accomplish in the ring. Just look at some of my other post i wrote about the rock, I never wrote anything to indicate that i didn't respect the guy for what he did for the business. The only thing i'm saying, and if you don't believe me just watching the ratings reports posted on various wrestling website, the guy is becoming boring again, it's always the same crap that takes way too much time getting to the point and i'm part of the majority who watch Raw and decide to not watch it. Last Monday i listen to THE Rock's promo, i listen to the beginning of the rock concert, then i realise that i was going to be the same of shit he's been doing since he return and fast foward through hoping for something better to happen and it never happenned. If Cena would have done a 20 minutes segment like the rock did, i probably would have done the same thing because Cena has been for years the new version of the Rock, just like The Rock was the new version of Hogan. All three guys we're shove down our throat throught there different era and all have become boring.

So to Recap, i have all the Respect in the world for The Rock and i would have hope that he found a way to be entertaining but the fact is, doing 20 minutes plus promos every week isn't entertaining and it get old really face. Is best stuff i did was the Rock history lessons last week. So this is not a knock on The Rock, it's a knock on the fact that he really should have is working boots on and realise that 20 minutes plus promos like he did in the attitude era don't work anymore and he should found a way to adapt his style to today's wrestling fans.

Other than "This is your life" Rock didn't really have any 20min promo during the attitude era.

As far as you getting bored of Rock, I think you, just like alot of people here in this forum, are in the minority. Last night, the fans were SO into it(The Concert). They were going nuts from the beg' of the segment till the end. That proves that your(Along with those minority) opinion really don't matter.
In regards to the bolded part. Listen guy, you have no room to insult people's intelligence based on this post. As far as the rest of it goes I only read 25% of it because it was full of punctuation errors and I can tell that reading it would've given me a massive headache.

All i want to do on this board is have an intelligent discussion with other wrestling fans, when somebody use quote from my post and then doesn't have anything intelligent to write about it i'm going to make fun of it, because that what they deserve. If other people get offended, i'm sorry because that wasn't my intention at all. All i wanted is to have an intelligent discussion with the guy and it seem to have worked because is reply actually was about the subject.

I really don't mind being criticize but if you're going to criticize me about something i wrote, try to at less have the good sense to bring up the subject instead of writing shit every 2 word.

So again if i offended anybody on the board, i'm truly wasn't the point at all, but if somebody write something stupid about something i wrote, i'm going to called them on it.
Other than "This is your life" Rock didn't really have any 20min promo during the attitude era.

As far as you getting bored of Rock, I think you, just like alot of people here in this forum, are in the minority. Last night, the fans were SO into it(The Concert). They were going nuts from the beg' of the segment till the end. That proves that your(Along with those minority) opinion really don't matter.

I'm not talking about the fans in the arena because clearly a nostalgia act is a nostagia act and people will go nuts for that act no matter what, i'm talking about the peoples that watch Raw every single weeks. Last year at around the same period of time when The rock was on the show, they were doing near the 4.0 ratings every time, which is big for WWE. Now fast foward a year latter and their back to the normal ratings at around 3.4. The big return promo The Rock did 2 weeks ago, lost viewer's.

Same thing happened last week for the final segment. In the arena peoples go nuts for the Rock because they will probably never see him again so it's normal they go crazy. What happenning is the same thing that happenned when Hogan did is WWE Retirement tour back in 2005 when he did had his feud with HBK. Fans knew the would probably never se Hogan in a WWE ring again and the pop huge for him but the ratings for his segments weren't high because the fans watching were getting tired of him. Rock is in the same boat, he's a nostalgia act that's getting old real quick to the fans watching Raw because he doesn't do anything creative. It's always the same formula over and over again and when you compare that to what John Cena is doing, it gets old real fast because at less Cena is trying to be creative with what he saying. You know exactly what's the point of the promos he doesn'T hide behind his catchphrases like the rock does.

I really miss the old version of the Rock, the guy that didn'T have to hide behind stupid catchphrases and didn'T have to waste 20 minutes just to get to the point. That's the rock i want to see not this version and i hope he return before wrestlemania because right now, the war of promos in a lot of fans eyes is really one sided and Cena is winning it hand down.
I'm not talking about the fans in the arena because clearly a nostalgia act is a nostagia act and people will go nuts for that act no matter what, i'm talking about the peoples that watch Raw every single weeks. Last year at around the same period of time when The rock was on the show, they were doing near the 4.0 ratings every time, which is big for WWE. Now fast foward a year latter and their back to the normal ratings at around 3.4. The big return promo The Rock did 2 weeks ago, lost viewer's.

Same thing happened last week for the final segment. In the arena peoples go nuts for the Rock because they will probably never see him again so it's normal they go crazy. What happenning is the same thing that happenned when Hogan did is WWE Retirement tour back in 2005 when he did had his feud with HBK. Fans knew the would probably never se Hogan in a WWE ring again and the pop huge for him but the ratings for his segments weren't high because the fans watching were getting tired of him. Rock is in the same boat, he's a nostalgia act that's getting old real quick to the fans watching Raw because he doesn't do anything creative. It's always the same formula over and over again and when you compare that to what John Cena is doing, it gets old real fast because at less Cena is trying to be creative with what he saying. You know exactly what's the point of the promos he doesn'T hide behind his catchphrases like the rock does.

I really miss the old version of the Rock, the guy that didn'T have to hide behind stupid catchphrases and didn'T have to waste 20 minutes just to get to the point. That's the rock i want to see not this version and i hope he return before wrestlemania because right now, the war of promos in a lot of fans eyes is really one sided and Cena is winning it hand down.

I'm sorry but the Rock is considered one of the most popular of all time for a reson, his presence alone guarantees a large increase in maina buys as demonstrated last year. Many of my friends who no longer care about wrestling or just casual fans are tuning into raw every week no purely because of the Rock and are loving every second of it. Similarly me and my three friends who are actually into wrestling and watch it regularly every week regardless think he is doing great and improving the show. The fact is given the Rock's popularity the naysayers are always going to be in the minority no matter which way you dress it up.

As for Rock showing no creativity, the history tour of Boston, mocking Cena's awful fashion sense (fruity pebbles), some of the kiddy stuff (teletubby, vannila ice, no male fans etc) are very creative. We are also seeing a tweak in his charcter in that he has started to bring more of Dwayne Johnson in, delivering two pretty poignant and heartfelt promos without throwing in lots of jokes and catchphrases. Pity Cena pretty much undermined these by compltely no-selling any tension and grinning like a child when Rock was in his face.In any case much of his new stuff is not just random insults or catchphrases it consists of clever plays on elements of Cena's character that are flawed, hence why they generate such huge crowd and multimedia response. I would debate that cena has been far less original than the Rock, he had to return to a gimmick he was using what 8 years ago to even attempt to go toe to toe with the Rock in a slagging match. The whole moral high ground angle based on him being the good guy standing up for his fans and even all the guys in the back has been done to death by him over the past few years too it is pretty stale. The only original thing Cena has done since the initiation of this fued is speak in some fake gangsta Boston accent which gets dropped the second Rock isn't there making him look even more ridiculous.
I'm not talking about the fans in the arena because clearly a nostalgia act is a nostagia act and people will go nuts for that act no matter what, i'm talking about the peoples that watch Raw every single weeks. Last year at around the same period of time when The rock was on the show, they were doing near the 4.0 ratings every time, which is big for WWE. Now fast foward a year latter and their back to the normal ratings at around 3.4. The big return promo The Rock did 2 weeks ago, lost viewer's.

Same thing happened last week for the final segment. In the arena peoples go nuts for the Rock because they will probably never see him again so it's normal they go crazy. What happenning is the same thing that happenned when Hogan did is WWE Retirement tour back in 2005 when he did had his feud with HBK. Fans knew the would probably never se Hogan in a WWE ring again and the pop huge for him but the ratings for his segments weren't high because the fans watching were getting tired of him. Rock is in the same boat, he's a nostalgia act that's getting old real quick to the fans watching Raw because he doesn't do anything creative. It's always the same formula over and over again and when you compare that to what John Cena is doing, it gets old real fast because at less Cena is trying to be creative with what he saying. You know exactly what's the point of the promos he doesn'T hide behind his catchphrases like the rock does.

I really miss the old version of the Rock, the guy that didn'T have to hide behind stupid catchphrases and didn'T have to waste 20 minutes just to get to the point. That's the rock i want to see not this version and i hope he return before wrestlemania because right now, the war of promos in a lot of fans eyes is really one sided and Cena is winning it hand down.

Cena's being creative?! Lol Well, let's see. "You left us for 7yrs", "You're here for yourself", "The notes on the wrist"(The more he point that out, the more I believe it's a work), "Your insults are immature"(If you can't outdo someone do something else), "You're phony, dwayne"(It's like when you throw an insult at a little kid and he throws it back at you. Cause if my memory serves me correctly, it was Rock who called Cena a phony first), I guess that sums up Cena's promos for the last couple of weeks. The funny thing is, whenever Rock goes hard on him he goes back to his "kissing ass" mentality(Thier first confrontation in chicago). I mean, last monday, Rock completly destroyed him in that concert, and his response on his twitter was "The old Rock is back!!"?! Really?! That's all you've got?! The guy claimed that he banged your mom, and that's you're response?!

Just because Cena is getting edgier "doesn'T" mean he's being creative. Plus, the "Old Rock" that you been missing was all about the catchphrases, also.
Nice to see a Rock fans is still defending him no matter what he does.

I'm sorry. Below to someone else you claimed that all you wanted was an 'intelligent' discussion. That type of dismissive opening statement is how you expect to achieve that?

Personally, i don't care about either guys but i do respect both guys for what they accomplish in the ring.

Yeah it shows... well the first part at least.

Just look at some of my other post i wrote about the rock, I never wrote anything to indicate that i didn't respect the guy for what he did for the business.

Is there a backpedal emoticon for this board?

The only thing i'm saying, and if you don't believe me just watching the ratings reports posted on various wrestling website,

Sorry, gotta stop you mid rant here.


WWE Raw on Monday, March 12 scored a 3.27 rating, virtually even with a 3.25 rating last week. The overall show averaged 4.82 million viewers, the most since the Raw after the Royal Rumble.

Even better is the fact that viewership didn't decline from the first hour to the second, it actually went up. The average for the first hour was 4.67 million viewers while the second hour pulled in 4.97.

So the ratings went up for the 2nd hour. Hmm, I wonder why that was?

the guy is becoming boring again, it's always the same crap that takes way too much time getting to the point and i'm part of the majority who watch Raw and decide to not watch it.

Your opinion, but I think your kidding yourself if you think your part of some majority.

Last Monday i listen to THE Rock's promo, i listen to the beginning of the rock concert, then i realise that i was going to be the same of shit he's been doing since he return and fast foward through hoping for something better to happen and it never happenned.

Well then, you missed out. Going back to what I originally said to you though... how do you critique something you didn't even watch? You've admitted you haven't seen the whole thing.

If Cena would have done a 20 minutes segment like the rock did, i probably would have done the same thing because Cena has been for years the new version of the Rock, just like The Rock was the new version of Hogan. All three guys we're shove down our throat throught there different era and all have become boring.

Again, that's your opinion, but hey, everyone has different tastes. I know myself though, and this might just be me, but if I didn't care for either guy, I wouldn't waste my time even commenting on it... let alone multiple times like you have. I'd focus instead on what didn't 'bore' me.

So to Recap, i have all the Respect in the world for The Rock and i would have hope that he found a way to be entertaining but the fact is, doing 20 minutes plus promos every week isn't entertaining and it get old really face. Is best stuff i did was the Rock history lessons last week. So this is not a knock on The Rock, it's a knock on the fact that he really should have is working boots on and realise that 20 minutes plus promos like he did in the attitude era don't work anymore and he should found a way to adapt his style to today's wrestling fans.

Again, your opinion, not shared by a 'majority', and you missed out on one of the more entertaining segments on any WWE programming I've seen in years because of your preconceptions.

Your loss.
Cena's being creative?! Lol Well, let's see. "You left us for 7yrs", "You're here for yourself", "The notes on the wrist"(The more he point that out, the more I believe it's a work), "Your insults are immature"(If you can't outdo someone do something else), "You're phony, dwayne"(It's like when you throw an insult to a little kid and he throws it back at you. Cause if my memory serves me correctly, it was Rock who called Cena a phony first), I guess that sums up Cena's promos for the last couple of weeks. The funny thing is, whenever Rock goes hard on him he goes back to his "kissing ass" mentality(Thier first confrontation in chicago). I mean, last monday, Rock completly destroyed him in that concert, and his response on his twitter was "The old Rock is back!!"?! Really?! That's all you've got?! The guy claimed that he banged your mom, and that's you're response?!

Just because Cena is getting edgier "doesn'T" mean that he's being creative. Plus, the "Old Rock" you claim to miss was also a catchphrase singer.

That's one of the things bugging me about Cena. He isn't selling for the Rock at all. The Rock says all this stuff that should be getting him upset, and he just smiles away and says stuff like 'glad the old Rock is back'. Cena hits Rock hard with a shot (the notes on the wrist), and the Rock looks pissed and gets flustered on the mic. Where's the give and take?

It makes me honestly wonder what's going to happen at WM. Is Cena going to take a People's Elbow, pop right back up and go into a belly laugh? Is he going to sell the Rock's offense? Is he going to pull a Shawn Michaels ala his Hulk Hogan match and start overselling to a ridiculous extreme?

I'm sure some will read this and think I'm going overboard and that of course John Cena will sell for the Rock at WM... but honestly, if he can't be bothered doing it on the mic, then who's to say what he will do come match time?

IMO the guy has a lot he could learn from CM Punk.

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