**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

^ Granted, but I've followed pro wrestling for 25 years and I've never seen this before. And we're not talking about some random jobber, we're talking about a headlining main eventer.

So take that for what it's worth.

How about CM Punk during his pipe bomb promo? He had bullets written on his wrists.

Take that for what it's worth. When you give a long promo, having something written down helps. Not like you would know, you probably dropped out of high school and have worked in landscaping since.
He had about a 20 minute promo to give. I have no issue with him writing down a couple of notes on his wrist. He could have done a better job of hiding it though
All these promos are done on purpose to make Cena look good and Rock look bad. They are trying to show that Cena is better than The Rock but most people know the truth that Cena is nowhere near the Rock's level.

They are trying to show that Rock uses writers whereas Cena says his lines without being scripted. Its all scripted to look that way.
WWE is trying to make Rock the bad guy.

Rock has just come back to put over Cena.
I was actually entertained by The Rock to be honest until Cena came out and killed the promo. I found the early part of the promo was Dwayne and not the rock, and when he made the chicken Jokes he was turning into his Rock persona. Note Rock always talks in 3rd person, I don't think he made one 3rd person reference this whole promo. I also think The Rock was trying to get away from the usual promo work he's been using from 99. Cena made a joke about it on Twitter this week, and for some odd reason I think that had to do a lot with the Rock's promo tonight. Either way I enjoyed the Rock until Cena came out.

Yeah, the Rock shouldn't stray from what made him. He needs to cut 1999 era promos to a T. That's what we want. Not this serious Dwayne garbage.

Cmon WWE, let the Dr. of Thuganomics fight it out with the $800 shirt Rock. If Cena is gonna interrupt Rock, I wanna see him rapping as he walks up to the ring, wearing a chain and lock around his neck, with a throwback Bill Walton Trailblazers jersey.

Bring Kevin Kelley back or throw Cole to the back to interview Rock outside his dressing room. Rock needs to wear the sunglasses and punk out Cole again.

Yes, we the fans are losing, because WWE is giving us The Real World instead of WWF. Fuck this "shooting". I want comedy, I want entertainment. Next thing, WWE will play dramatic music during the promos.

Have cena jump Rock from behind. bring back B squared to help him. Have Cena make skits mocking the tooth fairy and Journey 2, etc. Have Rock respond by throwing Cena into an actual giant bowl of milk and fruity pebbles. CMON WWE!!!

They are wasting what could potentially be one of the best feuds ever. Have cena and rock have a rap-off. And then an "act-off" to see who's the better actor by having both do an iconic Hollywood scene (Godfather or Bogart, etc).

The Road to Wrestlemania is supposed to be filled with hilarious back-and-forth between WM combatants. Have Tha Trademark come to help Cena beat up the Rock. Have Journey 2 costars betray the Rock and cena jump Rock on a Hollywood set.

So many possibilities, but WWE would rather make this look like an argument on a reality show.
As I said in another thread, he had about a 20 minute promo. He jotted down a couple notes. Big damn deal. Has anyone ever given a 20 minute speech? I can't give a 5 minute speech without a couple notes. Even actors usually have cue cards off screen to help them with their lines.
How about CM Punk during his pipe bomb promo? He had bullets written on his wrists..
Where did you read that? I'm not calling you a liar or anything, just curious as i've never heard that or read it mentioned anywhere that CM Punk had notes on his wrist as well.
For the sake of context, I rewatched Rock's post-Cena promo. It wasn't pretty:

I really tried to break that second paragraph down more, but it would have given rock more credit than was due. that second paragraph was one jumbled series of thoughts put together.

no it wasnt I completely agree... it's like Cena left him nothing though, I don't know, I feel like it makes me sound biased but I thought he completely sucked the energy out of the building... It was part Rock's fault too though, now if you watch again, I don't have DVR but when Cena kept saying Rock was calling him chicken, didn't look I could be wrong but did Rock look like he wanted to talk?

I kept waiting for him to say something and he didn't, I don't know whether he was told too, which the Rock mark in me is inclined to say or what happened, but I think because their was no back and forth it just killed the promo.
What is there to prove the crowd isn't invested into the match. Because the trending on twitter, the Fruity Pebbles chants, and the ooohhhh whenever something offensive is said proves they care about this match. Because YOU aren't invested into the match doesn't mean others won't be. Crowd reaction and the hype surrounded the match is enough of a point for me to accept that they are invested into this match.

I didn't see the interest in Rock/Cena teaming together and The Rock wasn't there at all to really hype it up. He's back and he'll likely stay until Wrestlemania comes. Rock vs. Cena is a huge match. A huge match that doesn't need any build up to actually sell PPV buys and tickets. The fact that these two are two of the biggest names the WWE has ever created is enough for this match to sell. Casual fans are eating it up.

Go look at the segment by segment break downs of some of his returns.

Raw ratings fluctuate every week and during the show. If you look at the high points of the rock returns vs other high points there's not a lot of difference. Even if that quarter segment gets an increase from 3.2 to 3.4 if next week is a 3.0 there was no long term increase for the business.

You say the rock is "back now" but he wasn't back before survivor series? He appeared on one episode of raw tonight. I'm sure he appeared on a raw before survivor series.

Stupid shit trends on twitter all the time. Of course the live crowd is going to react to the rock. If the rock showed up at the royal rumble I would've went nuts. That doesn't mean he's selling the match at wrestlemania for me. He's relying on the return bump and crowd reaction. Most segments he's had on raw have been the same. He's playing it safe and getting by on that. His pre-recorded stuff has been better but that only goes so far.
The guy did seem like he was some sort of nervous (really im just thinking about the goosebumps), but i guess that wouldnt justify the notes on wrist.

I honestly dont really care if he brings fucking index cards of notes, a well typed report, or anything along those lines. Im saying it was to build, no way the rock can get silenced that easily.

...fuckin wwe
Lol, damn you're good girl. You are the best in the world at insulting ppl online. Wow. I love it. This is all funny to me. Your life is insignificant to me as well as Dwayne's. Do y'alls thing and make money. You know nothing of my life to say you're doing better than me but OK. Bless you sweetheart. Enjoy your degree in prostitution. Make high dollar and make sure you keep yourself clean. Get regular STD check ups, if..you already don't have one. Ill send some clients your way when you get established. You are hilarious, you need your own show. Nighty night lady who "supposedly" getting a degree from a top business school.
Stupid shit trends on twitter all the time. Of course the live crowd is going to react to the rock. If the rock showed up at the royal rumble I would've went nuts. That doesn't mean he's selling the match at wrestlemania for me. He's relying on the return bump and crowd reaction. Most segments he's had on raw have been the same. He's playing it safe and getting by on that. His pre-recorded stuff has been better but that only goes so far.

For the record I got to agree that the twitter shit is lame. I hate that he's making that a big thing in his promos. Just shows you how much commercialized the WWE has gotten. I don't think however the crowd's reaction is something to ignore.
On fire? lol. He's been unentertaining as always. The skit with Eve was shameful. Trying to put the blame on her? Please.

cena isn't stepping it up. In fact, WWE is dropping the ball again. So much potential, but they blow it every time.

You're so biased it's not even funny. Just keep telling yourself that crap you spew and maybe you'll actually believe it one day.

All these promos are done on purpose to make Cena look good and Rock look bad. They are trying to show that Cena is better than The Rock but most people know the truth that Cena is nowhere near the Rock's level.

They are trying to show that Rock uses writers whereas Cena says his lines without being scripted. Its all scripted to look that way.
WWE is trying to make Rock the bad guy.

Rock has just come back to put over Cena.

It's possible they did this, but it's just as likely they told both guys to go out there and let eachother have it. The Rock likes to compare people to food. That's his idea of letting someone have it and I guess some people like that. Of course it doesn't really change the fact that staged or not Cena has more than held his own promo-wise with "The Great One" despite the fact that half the audience would never acknowledge Cena for doing anything good. Look to Mr I Hate Cena as my point of reference.
What's sad is the Rock had time to think up insults and "Kungpow bitch" was the best he could do? I thought this guy was supposed to be one of the best promo guys in the business? But really Roody Poo Candy ass and pancakes and all that don't really sound that funny after highschool.
I think this is definitely a build in the story between the two..... This is basically Cena's turn to get the upper hand on The Rock. Rock's been getting the upper hand on Cena up until this point on the mic so naturally wwe knows it's time to show The Rock finally getting upstaged by Cena heading into Wrestlemania. If you guys still think that this is not apart of the story just look at the way Cena delivered it and walked away. The wwe would never let Cena take such a big and literally visual shot on The Rock and have him just walk away if they didn't want The Rock to finally look flustered a bit in this storyline. Up until this all the pressure has been on Cena in the storyline. Can Cena overcome The Rock, in Miami, at Wrestlemania, against all the hate? This finally adds something to The Rocks side of pressure. Is Cena really telling the truth? Is The Rock really not as great as some of us think? IMO I think this was a good route to take in the storyline.....
The guy did seem like he was some sort of nervous (really im just thinking about the goosebumps), but i guess that wouldnt justify the notes on wrist.

I honestly dont really care if he brings fucking index cards of notes, a well typed report, or anything along those lines. Im saying it was to build, no way the rock can get silenced that easily.

...fuckin wwe

I don't mind so much that he had notes. The problem is that his promo was boring. It didn't get the match over. It did however get twitter and kungpow chicken over. He did a good job playing up to the live crowd letting them chant whatever brain dead slogan they wanted, but in my humble opinion and based on what others are saying he failed to connect with the tv audience. Maybe the resident Team Bring it guys are right. Maybe this was a lay up for Cena to get the slam dunk, but either way the Rock stunk it up tonight.
For the record I got to agree that the twitter shit is lame. I hate that he's making that a big thing in his promos. Just shows you how much commercialized the WWE has gotten. I don't think however the crowd's reaction is something to ignore.

I'm not making light of the crowd reaction. He lights the crowd up. I wish he would have been at the royal rumble. I hope he shows up at the anniversary raw in st. louis this summer.

What i'm saying is that I don't think the live crowd reaction for the rock is the same thing as the rock selling the match at wrestlemania. His live segments now aren't much different than his live segments before survivor series and that didn't generate a lot of interest in the match.

HBK was on with HHH a few weeks ago and he got a great reaction. He also helped develop the storyline between HHH/Taker and make the match more interesting.

The match has been billed as the biggest in wrestlemania history, but it hasn't been built to be the biggest.

I don't like the Miz but he cut a youtube video about being in the main event of wrestlemania. Just the idea that those three were involved in the match last year, and he may interfere this year to make a statement, did more to sell me on the match than the rock and cena has. That's not a good sign.
You're so biased it's not even funny. Just keep telling yourself that crap you spew and maybe you'll actually believe it one day.

despite the fact that half the audience would never acknowledge Cena for doing anything good. Look to Mr I Hate Cena as my point of reference.
So you think Eve deserved to have ALL the blame for what happened? She didn't. A true man would own up, not put it all on the girl.

Now, you need to get on youtube and watch the Attitude Era. And Flair. Then you'll see what being "on fire" is all about. cena doesn't come close to that. And never will.

Hey, I'd give cena credit if he earned it. He earned some props in 2002-2004 with thuganomics. He clowned lesnar good. He punked Vince and that Japanese guy. Not bad stuff. But since then, he has been shit.
You could give most wrestlers in the back the most incredible script/topics to talk about and they would still butcher it. Always remember, it's not the material, but the way you present that material that makes it truly amazing. And Rocky does it better than anyone. Tonight he was a little rusty at times, but it's to be expected when you're standing up there for 20 minutes by yourself.
The "tattoo" was a work. Had to be.

On the off chance that it wasn't a work, then The Rock seems to have mailed it in. Do you remember him having cue cards during his epic 1/2 hr long promo on his return last year? How many long promos has he had in the past? How many long promos have other wrestlers had in the past? How many, if any, have used note cards? Again, I think it was a work, but if it wasn't, than I am sorely disappointed in Dwayne's preparation and lack of caring.

The promo as a whole was lame to begin with. Rock WAS continually looking down at his arm, his timing was off, his jokes and one-liners were tired, and after Cena came out all I seemed to hear from his mouth was "Yeah? Well you're dumb, and I'm gonna beat you."

On an off note, Cena's promo last week was his best in recent memory. Far and away. Probably his best ever, including his Thugonomics phase
You could give most wrestlers in the back the most incredible script/topics to talk about and they would still butcher it. Always remember, it's not the material, but the way you present that material that makes it truly amazing. And Rocky does it better than anyone. Tonight he was a little rusty at times, but it's to be expected when you're standing up there for 20 minutes by yourself.

Agreed, you could tell he didn't like the way the promo was going about halfway through. Timing wasn't on point like usual, too many twitter references, etc. I think the guy gets up too damn early 3am lol he looked physically tired like he was half brain dead, maybe that explains the notes.
What do you expect? He was up there for over 20 minutes by himself and he still had the crowd in the palm of his hand despite the few rusty moments. Hell, I would like to see any other wrestler go up there for that long and remember every single thing. No way. Not unless they had a long time to prepare for it. Rocky obviously didn't and it's understandable with him being so busy filming literally every day of the week for months on end.
On the off chance that it wasn't a work, then The Rock seems to have mailed it in.

As soon as I saw the notes (right away because they were laughably big) I was hoping it was a work for that exact reason. One of the main things I used to admire most about Rock was always being on point and insanely prepared for his promos.
This is a little, well shocking to say the least. I mean I followed The Rock during his hot period and it looked like he always spoke and improvised on the spot. Basically I thought The Rock could never need a script for a promo.

But the more I think about this incident, the more I think 'ye its ok'. I mean I actually don't mind he wrote stuff down. The man must've come up with his lines maybe just prior to the show and wrote them down. I just never thought Rock would be someone who needed to write his lines down. You people may dismiss this but old age and a hectic schedule doesn't do any wonders to your memory. And this is what I told myself when all the twitpics hit the scene.

But that whole 'The Rock is good in front of teleprompter' bit by Cena was a laughable when I heard it. Not so much now. That much I will say. Has he lost a bit of edge here? Ye kinda.
I'm not making light of the crowd reaction. He lights the crowd up. I wish he would have been at the royal rumble. I hope he shows up at the anniversary raw in st. louis this summer.

What i'm saying is that I don't think the live crowd reaction for the rock is the same thing as the rock selling the match at wrestlemania. His live segments now aren't much different than his live segments before survivor series and that didn't generate a lot of interest in the match.

HBK was on with HHH a few weeks ago and he got a great reaction. He also helped develop the storyline between HHH/Taker and make the match more interesting.

The match has been billed as the biggest in wrestlemania history, but it hasn't been built to be the biggest.

I don't like the Miz but he cut a youtube video about being in the main event of wrestlemania. Just the idea that those three were involved in the match last year, and he may interfere this year to make a statement, did more to sell me on the match than the rock and cena has. That's not a good sign.

Yeah I could understand that. But at the same time don't you think maybe he hasn't really done anything to further the story line because John or the WWE hasn't really given him anything to move on with? Like for me I feel like it's the same debate between them and the IWC. Rocky you left, you're Hollywood, you're arrogant. John you're a bitch, you're this, you're that. I feel like since that has constantly been the topic since last year, it's like what else can be said to steer the promos in a different direction?
This all has to be a work.

Cena has said for a couple of weeks that Rock has script writers.

Then Rocky comes out with notes on his wrist for the FIRST TIME EVER....and Cena calls him out on it.

It's OBVIOUSLY a work.

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