You sound incredibly stupid. It isn't shoving down your throat when his catchphrases are chanted amongst a good percentage of the audience. It isn't shoved down your throat when the crowd chants whatever the fuck The Rock wants them to chant. Part of being a good mic worker is getting the crowd to react to you - positively or negatively. The Rock does that and has done that since day one. Not one member on these boards can come up with a logical argument for The Rock sucking tonight because he didn't. He connected with the fans just as good, if not better than he ever has before. There isn't a single wrestler that can hold the audience in the palm of their hands like that. If you ask me, this generation can take a few notes on how to deliver a damn promo like him.
The promo itself was not very good. He has great crowd control, but any legend on The Rock's level, feuding with someone like John Cena, can get the crowd to chant whatever the hell he wants. Rock spent more time focusing on getting crowd chants going, than getting anything going against Cena. Look, I didn't hate the promo, but you're definitely overestimating how good it was. A good promo has nothing to do with the crowd chanting, at fucking all. If it did, then we'd consider Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior legends on the mic. I'm all for crowd involvement, hell, I probably would have chanted along with Rocky in that atmosphere, but that promo wasn't great. Remember the promo when Edge first got the crowd to chant "you suck" at Kurt Angle? No, probably not. Same thing with Rocky here; you won't remember that promo down the line. It was a basic run-of-the-mill promo.
That being said, I don't mind what they went out and did last night. They clearly didn't want to go out and give the crowd everything. They want to turn up the intensity, week by week. I'm sure that we'll see some great promos between Rock and Cena in the coming weeks, but this isn't one of the ones we'll remember. The only part of the promo I can say I truly thought was good, was when Cena came out. That's when I felt intensity, that's when I felt excitement, not when Rock came out and got the crowd to chant "lady parts." The majority of fans are disappointed with this promo because their expectations were so high, because they expected Rocky to bring it and really go after Cena. Instead, they got something completely different than that. Again, I didn't mind it, but I definitely disagree with just about everything you said in your post.
Now, I agree that Rock is a great mic man, but he's been thoroughly outclassed by Cena during their feud. If anybody needs to take notes (or more notes on his other wrist), it's Rocky. I'm sure he'll be back and he'll bring some substance on the mic, but last night isn't the kind of promo Rock would like to hang his hat on, as an example others need to follow.