**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

I have a quick question for everyone. What does "I am never leaving again" mean? He has yet to answer what he ment by that. Sure he said what it does not mean but he has not said what that ment.
Does he have to tell us? I think so since it is confusing people why not just let us know what he ment.
Also what is up with his food calling jokes.
I mean its lame when cena calls someone a hamsandwich but its not lame when the rock calls him kung pow chicken?
^it means he won`t leave like he did for 7 years...you can expect him to make appearance and even compete. And he said that, he competed at Survivor Series, will compete at wrestlemania and has made several Raw appearances. He also announced he will be at next year`s wrestlemania and there are rumors of a match at Summerslam this year. That what he meant, he not leaving for good like for those 7 years. It never was about being on Raw every week, come on.
Obviously the WWE is gonna give Cena all the help he needs since its obvious that in the program the Rock is SUPPOSED to be the heel whereas Cena is supposed to be the face and so far it hasn't really come off like that.

Unfortunately there is no reason to change that. Since Cena is the guy who is there every week and has been a face for an eternity he for all purposes SHOULD be the face going into Wrestlemania. Even if The Rock is the heel there is nothing they can do to give Cena more cheers than The Rock. The Rock could literally tell every fan in the universe he doesn't care, they can go screw themselves and say after Wrestlemania you will never see me again and he will STILL get more cheers than Cena. He could smoke crack on air and still get more cheers, he could pull a Jeff Hardy, wrestle drunk and still get more cheers. It's in The Rocks hometown, its his first singles match since Backlash '03, and he is one of the all time greats in wrestling, OF COURSE he's gonna get more cheers.

I get what the WWE is trying to do, I understand it but it can't be done. I don't blame them for trying either, like I said Cena should be the face going into this program, he is the face but he's gonna get out cheered by the heel in this case, it's just the way it is.

I like Cena, I respect his hard work and how much he cares for the business but he will NEVER be as popular or as big as The Rock, he's just not on his level and never will be. For the record I do think Cena has out performed The Rock so far on the mic but it doesn't matter. What The Rock said is true, one of Cena's biggest faults is that his character rarely innovates and its the same song and dance every week. People have short attention spans these days if you see the same thing over and over you are gonna get sick of it no matter how good that thing is. Cena is a modern day Hulk Hogan, plays to the gimmick of the hero and also like Hogan its the same thing every week with no change. Cena became champ and got over initially BECAUSE he was innovative but when he became champ he stopped, that might not be Cena's fault but it is what it is. The last few RAW's is the most innovation Cena has shown in years.

Even though phrases like "Kung Pow Bitch" are a little dated and corny at least its new. The Rock has always tried new things, sure his character hasn't really changed but he's not afraid to try new things. It probably has to do with he has more free reign over his character but the reasons are irrelevant as to why. The Rock doesn't have to win the battle on the mic because he's already won the war. Even if Cena destroys the Rock in 2 minutes at WM it doesn't matter, The Rock is still more popular, more relevant and overall more skilled than Cena is. The Rock owns the crowd like no other, he can make the crowd act and chant however he wants them to, when The Rock is out there the fans are complacent and will do whatever he says, when Cena is out there they are defiant because as good as Cena is (and he is very good) he just doesn't have what The Rock has, nobody does, and that's why forever more anyone who goes against the Rock is automatically gonna be the heel. The Rock is still the peoples champion and it will always be that way. Outside of maybe Austin no one has ever been as entertaining as The Rock and no matter what Cena does he won't be able to change that.

So far Cena has outperformed The Rock, he probably will until the feud is finished but it just doesn't matter. Cena's not on the Rock's level and no matter how good they make Cena look he never will be.
^it means he won`t leave like he did for 7 years...you can expect him to make appearance and even compete. And he said that, he competed at Survivor Series, will compete at wrestlemania and has made several Raw appearances. He also announced he will be at next year`s wrestlemania and there are rumors of a match at Summerslam this year. That what he meant, he not leaving for good like for those 7 years. It never was about being on Raw every week, come on.

I never said i thought it ment he was going to be on raw every week or even wrestle in more than one match. What I am asking is In words what does that mean? Does that mean when asked about the wwe in interviews he wont try to run away from it or when people call him the rock he wont get mad or that he will come around more often or does it mean he will do some movies with them or does it mean he will sign some sort of contract with them. What does it really mean? True he is doing a match at SummerSlam and WM next but that does not mean he is doing more with them.
I am not saying he wont do more because i dont know but also dont know if he will be done with the wwe after WM next year. Thats why i want him to actully say what he means by "never leaving again"
I have a quick question for everyone. What does "I am never leaving again" mean? He has yet to answer what he ment by that. Sure he said what it does not mean but he has not said what that ment.
Does he have to tell us? I think so since it is confusing people why not just let us know what he ment.
Also what is up with his food calling jokes.
I mean its lame when cena calls someone a hamsandwich but its not lame when the rock calls him kung pow chicken?

That's why Rock is arguably the most charasmatic superstar of all times. He's got ability to get away with alot of things, including those lame jokes you were talking about.

As far as the "I'm never going away", Rock is known for saying what the crowd wants to hear. IMO, he meant that he's not just gonna leave after hosting mania, and he's also not just making an apearence just like we've seen him do multiple times in 2004. He's here for bigger things(Do some programms with the boys, compete in the ring). To be honest with you, I never thought he'd be on every show.

And again I won't be surprised if Rock was told to say he's not going away, since Cena imediatly start bringing this up. After all, this whole fued is based on Rock leaving.
Its a testament to how well the Rock and Cena both picked this feud up in the past two weeks and gave it a much needed shake that people think this has gotten personal, that Cena is getting to the Rock and that we could have a mini-shoot pretty much every week up until Wrestlemania.

Go back and look at the promo from Raw this past Monday. Cena comes in and takes the Rock down with his scripted notes comment, the Rock gets flustered and seems angry as we go off the air.

Now we all know the Rock, the Rock could trip on his shoelaces, fall flat on his face and still come up cutting a promo about how good that was, the guy doesn't get flustered, ever. Cena also wouldn't be allowed say something like the Rock having promo words on his wrist, it's a common practice in wrestling and has been for a long time. Even if Cena were authorised to say it, or even if he went ahead and did it without clearance, do you not think that the Rock could throw back in his face that Cena doesn't need notes because every promo from him for the past 5 years has been the exact same? All the Rock had to do is make that remark, the crowd would have laughed Cena out of the ring and the audience at home would think the Rock 'won' the promo.

That's if all this was a mini-shoot.

Let's face a few facts. The year long build for this match hasn't worked. Furthermore it has lost Cena a hell of a lot of his own heat in the process. Outside of Punk beating him and the Rock destroying him at Survivor Series he hasn't done anything of note. The Kane feud was a disaster and didn't play out like they probably hoped. The guy needs to be built up again, casual fans would be thinking the Rock will make light work of him otherwise.

So Cena needed a 'win' in a lot of fans eyes

Now the Rock, this guy needed an avenue to move away from the Fruitty Pebbles chants, catchphrases and mocking promos he has done since he came back. Fruitty Pebbles vs Dwayne Johnson wouldn't sell anywhere near the record buys I'm sure Vince is hoping for. John Cena vs the Rock sells a heck of a lot more, and on Raw we saw John Cena vs the Rock take shape again. We saw it become a personal battle about who is best again. And we saw the avenue the Rock needed to get pissed off and start acting more serious.

My hat is off to both Cena and the Rock for their past two weeks work, keep it up for the next few weeks and we could be looking at record WrestleMania buys
I think your right about the stalling part, but what would Rock be in over his head on? Old catch phrases, that's a part of the Rock character, what is he suppose to do drop them? Maybe that's your way of saying he's stale. If so hell the viper garbage been stale, Cena's been stale, Kane was stale for eight years until recently, Rated R was stale, Mark Henry was stale for years, Sheamus only been in WWE for 2.5 years he's stale, Kofi's getting stale, so I don't really get your point.

Eh, yeah, I'm not sure what I meant with him being in over his head... but I think I meant that coming back from NOT being involved in wrestling -- and having to think on your feet; movies aren't shot live, thankfully -- to something that is so volatile and random as standing in front of a live crowd, live cameras and have Cena rip you a new one... I dunno, maybe he's just not as good at it (yet?) as he used to.

I don't mind the catch phrases, but come on, his promo on RAW was 90% "this it trending, that is trending, chant my name, listen I say 'bitch' and get away with it" and then Cena called him on it and he went into "flustered old man"-mode and babbled nonsensically for three minutes before capping it off with a catch phrase...

Is he stale? Well, not really, but I think that Attitude Era Rock maybe doesn't fit into PG era WWE as well as everyone had hoped...?
.... but I think I meant that coming back from NOT being involved in wrestling -- and having to think on your feet; movies aren't shot live, thankfully -- to something that is so volatile and random as standing in front of a live crowd, live cameras and have Cena rip you a new one... I dunno, maybe he's just not as good at it (yet?) as he used to.

A reasonable thought. We know only what we see on TV and usually recognize the difficulty of performing live only when things are botched. For the past decade, the Rock has been used to hearing the director yell "Cut!" when something wasn't done correctly. Now, he's suddenly back to doing it in front of a live crowd of screaming wrestling fans. Yes, he's done it all before and we might think it's the kind of thing that comes back to a performer quickly.....but then again, maybe it doesn't. Rock's in-ring thing on Monday night started out so uninspired and stilted that I wondered how much preparation had gone into it beforehand. Maybe management figured: "Just let him run with it. After all, he is the Rock."

His delivery got stronger once he started countering the points Cena had made during his terrific promo the week before, and I got the feeling Rock did better when abandoning the ad libs and returned to addressing points that Creative reviewed with him beforehand. By the end of the promo, he was back in full swing.

People say wrestling is fake? Hell, watching productions that have been filmed in advance for TV and movies are probably a lot more fake than live TV since they feature stops and starts the audience never gets to see.....and I'll wager no one would agree with that more than the Rock, who's seen it from both sides.
No one has ever seen one cheat sheet from the rock before. EVER. Now, when it was clearly visible, AFTER THE ROCK DREW ATTENTION TO HIS ARM, Cena points out notes written on the Rock. Let me ask all of you guys, what is the Rock's job? Being an actor. He has to memorize thousands of lines and you dont think he can remember a promo?

This. It was fairly obvious, the bullets on his arm were not in pen either but like a bold marker and GIGANTIC. If this was Rock's first promo back after 7 years it would make me think about it more, but he has cut promos with perfect timing and without any stupid notes since then. Not to mention he did it his entire career. This is the best example to me, if he memorizes this there is no fucking WAY he needs bullets for a shit promo.

Here is the link that RJJ is talking about.


but that same report also says that it was NOT scripted to call Rock out on his wrist notes which means rock having those notes was not a work.

That report is kinda contradictory though.

On one hand, they say it WAS the WWE's goal to have Cena get the upper hand, and they report that in a definite manner and it was taken from another site.

Then they say that 'many' in the WWE don't feel the part of the promo that gave Cena the upper hand was not scripted, and that part of the report isn't credited to anyone else?

I guess it depends who WZ was talking to in the WWE (or if they were just going by tweets like usual with their reporting), but I can easily see where their are only a few in the WWE that have knowledge of what's going on between Rock and Cena.

It's been reported that they want 'realism' in this feud, and the easiest way to kill the illusion of 'realism' is to have too many people know what's real and what's not.

Working the boys goes back a long way in wrestling. Depending on the accuracy of that part of the report, that's all that's going on there.
Obviously the WWE is gonna give Cena all the help he needs since its obvious that in the program the Rock is SUPPOSED to be the heel whereas Cena is supposed to be the face and so far it hasn't really come off like that.

Unfortunately there is no reason to change that. Since Cena is the guy who is there every week and has been a face for an eternity he for all purposes SHOULD be the face going into Wrestlemania. Even if The Rock is the heel there is nothing they can do to give Cena more cheers than The Rock. The Rock could literally tell every fan in the universe he doesn't care, they can go screw themselves and say after Wrestlemania you will never see me again and he will STILL get more cheers than Cena. He could smoke crack on air and still get more cheers, he could pull a Jeff Hardy, wrestle drunk and still get more cheers. It's in The Rocks hometown, its his first singles match since Backlash '03, and he is one of the all time greats in wrestling, OF COURSE he's gonna get more cheers.

I get what the WWE is trying to do, I understand it but it can't be done. I don't blame them for trying either, like I said Cena should be the face going into this program, he is the face but he's gonna get out cheered by the heel in this case, it's just the way it is.

I like Cena, I respect his hard work and how much he cares for the business but he will NEVER be as popular or as big as The Rock, he's just not on his level and never will be. For the record I do think Cena has out performed The Rock so far on the mic but it doesn't matter. What The Rock said is true, one of Cena's biggest faults is that his character rarely innovates and its the same song and dance every week. People have short attention spans these days if you see the same thing over and over you are gonna get sick of it no matter how good that thing is. Cena is a modern day Hulk Hogan, plays to the gimmick of the hero and also like Hogan its the same thing every week with no change. Cena became champ and got over initially BECAUSE he was innovative but when he became champ he stopped, that might not be Cena's fault but it is what it is. The last few RAW's is the most innovation Cena has shown in years.

Even though phrases like "Kung Pow Bitch" are a little dated and corny at least its new. The Rock has always tried new things, sure his character hasn't really changed but he's not afraid to try new things. It probably has to do with he has more free reign over his character but the reasons are irrelevant as to why. The Rock doesn't have to win the battle on the mic because he's already won the war. Even if Cena destroys the Rock in 2 minutes at WM it doesn't matter, The Rock is still more popular, more relevant and overall more skilled than Cena is. The Rock owns the crowd like no other, he can make the crowd act and chant however he wants them to, when The Rock is out there the fans are complacent and will do whatever he says, when Cena is out there they are defiant because as good as Cena is (and he is very good) he just doesn't have what The Rock has, nobody does, and that's why forever more anyone who goes against the Rock is automatically gonna be the heel. The Rock is still the peoples champion and it will always be that way. Outside of maybe Austin no one has ever been as entertaining as The Rock and no matter what Cena does he won't be able to change that.

So far Cena has outperformed The Rock, he probably will until the feud is finished but it just doesn't matter. Cena's not on the Rock's level and no matter how good they make Cena look he never will be.

I agree with every word. Gotta give you a rep.

As for the bolded part, I don't know, I always thought, besides Austin, that a face Y2J could keep up with The Rock in terms of cracking jokes, getting the fans to respond, and etc.

Take a look at this if you don't believe me:


I have a quick question for everyone. What does "I am never leaving again" mean? He has yet to answer what he ment by that. Sure he said what it does not mean but he has not said what that ment.
Does he have to tell us? I think so since it is confusing people why not just let us know what he ment.
Also what is up with his food calling jokes.
I mean its lame when cena calls someone a hamsandwich but its not lame when the rock calls him kung pow chicken?

I think he just meant that he's gonna be more active within the WWE. Not like when he left for seven years and he barely showed up. He's gonna be on more RAWs, he'll probably be around for Summerslam, and he's already on for next year's WrestleMania, so I say he's keeping his word.

But you also have to understand that he has movies to do as well. So he can't be there ALL the time.

Also, The Rock's jokes were pretty funny to me. He can get away with it cause he's The Rock. Making jokes with food and all that stuff is kinda his thing. When somebody else does it, it comes off as ehh.

lol Cena pretty much using Rock's line.

Well how do ya like that? :cool: Lol, these matches have the same meaning in terms of conflict. But that's just me.
So for a year we have been treated with some great back and forth by the leader of the "PG Era" and one of the leaders of "The Attitude Era". So far this is what i am getting from this feud.

1. To me, Cena's promos at first were good but have gotten stale IMO. All he does is talk about how The rock is not on Raw every week. Yeah, we know this already, it is time to move on.
2. Is it just me or does Cena sound kind of jealous of The Rock for not needing the WWE to be successful? I mean we keep hearing about Cena's passion for the WWE and they keep showing that same picture of him as a kid holding a title belt that he made but anyone who has done some research on Cena knows that wrestling was not his first love, body building was. He wasnt very successful so he started wrestling. But what is to say that if Cena was thrown better movie scripts his way and not just those from WWE studios that he himself would not have left like The Rock did?
3. As many have already said, VKM is going out of his way to make Cena look like the bigger star than The Rock, that is a mistake. All he should be doing is handing Rock a mic and saying "Do your thing" and watch the buyrate skyrocket. Why does this have to be a babyface/heel thing rather than just letting it be Cena vs Rock.
4. Since Cena says he is fighting for those in the back, why not have some of the attitude guys come into the picture to support The Rock like Austin, HHH, and some others and make this really turn into an "Era vs Era" match. Just a thought. (yes i know HHH wouldnt really work cause of his match with Taker but just throwing names out there.)

Anyway, just my 2 cents, go ahead and rip them apart if needed.
I have a problem with Cena complaining about Rock doing movies. Everybody with a brain knows wrestling destroys the body over the years so who can blame Rock for finding a profession that makes him more money and don't break down his body. I think damn near anybody on earth would make the same choice that Rock did. Cena just sounds jealous to me.
I agree with most who say the WWe is trying to get people on to Cena's side to make the reaction more 50/50 similar to a hogan v warrior match. Will it be successful, probably not but i have enjoyed Cena's promos none the less. The Rock's promos as always have their moments, outside of the trending worldwide stuff which is pretty lame if you ask me.

Overall I have been on board with this feud since the day after wrestlemania last yr. Its one of the first matches i have actually been looking forward to since i was a kid. The more these guys interact with one another the more you can see these two really dont like each other, and the fans are eating it up which will make for a white hot crowd in Miami and cause people to buy the show. All of this adds up to what will be a wrestlemania match for the ages
The way these promos have so far played out.. I really can't see it moving any way but one of these guys turning heel... if Rock turns well he wont be around so it wont matter and Cena gets he sympathy and the cheers. If Cena turns, then maybe the 18year old male demographic will cheer him? And we get a new era in the WWE with the top guy becoming a face to elevate others up to the top level face...

Someone has to turn to win the match. I don't see it being a straight up Hogan/Warrior, passing of the torch with these promos, but I could be wrong.
In the end, this is just our separate opinions, so the best I can do is explain the reasons for which it disagrees with your's.

1. To me, Cena's promos at first were good but have gotten stale IMO. All he does is talk about how The rock is not on Raw every week. Yeah, we know this already, it is time to move on.

Cena's first promo against The Rock was a rap, I think. Next, he went through a "I respect you, and I don't understand why you're so hateful" phase before Survivor Series. Two weeks ago, his promo was "you left, I'm still here, you're not a wrestler anymore, and I still am," and this week, it was, "your insults are lame and you focus too much on twitter." He has taken a variety of shots at The Rock that you seem to be ignoring. If you still don't like the style or content his promos, that's fair game and totally your opinion. That would be legit. However, it's factually incorrect to say that he has only used one strategy the whole time, though.

2. Is it just me or does Cena sound kind of jealous of The Rock for not needing the WWE to be successful? I mean we keep hearing about Cena's passion for the WWE and they keep showing that same picture of him as a kid holding a title belt that he made but anyone who has done some research on Cena knows that wrestling was not his first love, body building was. He wasnt very successful so he started wrestling. But what is to say that if Cena was thrown better movie scripts his way and not just those from WWE studios that he himself would not have left like The Rock did?

This point is kinda all over the place, so I'll try to respond to everything, but try to forgive me if I miss something. I don't think Cena sounds jealous of The Rock. I think he feels that The Rock hasn't given the deserved respect to the business, and he is entitled to that opinion whether anyone else agrees with him or not.

Body building and the WWF/E have always been related to an extent. Cena and The Rock both enjoyed watching wrestling in their youth and probably both wanted to compete in the ring long before they were of age. I think you're making a bit of a stretch if you're trying to present this as a stain on Cena's passion for the business.

Seeing as how none of us have a crystal ball, no source can honestly tell us whether Cena would stay or leave if he had the opportunity that The Rock did. All we can do here is look at the facts. The Rock did leave as soon as he started getting roles in movies, and Cena said that he wouldn't. That's all we know, and hypothetical predictions suggesting otherwise lack any form of credibility in my opinion.

3. As many have already said, VKM is going out of his way to make Cena look like the bigger star than The Rock, that is a mistake. All he should be doing is handing Rock a mic and saying "Do your thing" and watch the buyrate skyrocket. Why does this have to be a babyface/heel thing rather than just letting it be Cena vs Rock.

The promo was set to give Cena the upper hand against The Rock on one night. That doesn't mean McMahon wants "Cena to look like the bigger star" in the feud. I said it in a post earlier, but I don't think The Rock's normal promo abilities would work well in this feud.

The Rock has always been incredibly gimmick-y with his outlandishly juvenile insults and numerous catch phrases. That works amazingly when you're going against other characters who employ similar tactics and act angry when they're insulted, which was a major staple of the attitude era, where he rightfully became a legend. That would even work against Cena if Cena didn't change up his game completely to semi-emulate CM Punk's pseudo-realistic promo style.

My point is: The Rock's old material can't outwit CM Punk in this new reality era (and by extension, the way Cena has been in the last couple of weeks). He can get the fans to chant "and the millions", "finally", "if you smell", and a million other things in the same way that Christian can get fans to chant "one more match" and The Miz can get fans to chant "really". A good number of live fans will always go crazy for crowd involvement like that, but we all have youtube now. We can go back, re-listen, and analyze what content (or lack thereof) was shared in the promo, so we're not constrained to "in the moment" crowd reaction as a measure of the quality in a promo.

I'm not saying that The Rock can't win this promo battle if he wants, but if he's going to do it, he's going to have to evolve and do something that we've never seen him do (like Jericho did). That's what I hope to see.

4. Since Cena says he is fighting for those in the back, why not have some of the attitude guys come into the picture to support The Rock like Austin, HHH, and some others and make this really turn into an "Era vs Era" match. Just a thought. (yes i know HHH wouldnt really work cause of his match with Taker but just throwing names out there.)

I like your idea for the sole reason that I'd get to see a group of attitude era wrestlers again, but I don't think it would work with The Rock's current character. He's billed as somewhat of a bully/ass, and while he has had feuds that ended with him stating his respect for the opposing stars, he's not the kind of character that ever looks for or even really accepts help without insulting the person who is trying to help him (Mankind, Kane, Golddust, Austin, Jericho, etc). Cena, on the other hand, actively scouted and tried to get a team together to beat Nexus in the recent past.

In either case, if they're trying to book Cena as the baby face and The Rock as the heel (which if true, The Rock didn't seem to get that memo since he's still pushing cheap pops), bringing in legends to support The Rock is the exact opposite of what they need to be doing.

Anyway, just my 2 cents, go ahead and rip them apart if needed.

Your points are all well thought out and legitimate. I'm not saying that you're wrong, because this is all opinions, but since you seem open-minded and rational with your opinions, I thought you'd be interested to hearing another side to it. Sorry if I bored you to sleep. :p
lol Cena pretty much using Rock's line.

And if you follow that Rock-Hogan build up closely you'd find out that Rock ALWAYS got the upper hand when it comes down to mic battles, just like cena's is doing right now.

Any diff btw these two promos?


The way these promos have so far played out.. I really can't see it moving any way but one of these guys turning heel... if Rock turns well he wont be around so it wont matter and Cena gets he sympathy and the cheers. If Cena turns, then maybe the 18year old male demographic will cheer him? And we get a new era in the WWE with the top guy becoming a face to elevate others up to the top level face...

Someone has to turn to win the match. I don't see it being a straight up Hogan/Warrior, passing of the torch with these promos, but I could be wrong.

Everytime someone mentions the crowd being 50/50 or cheering Cena, I go back tot his point: WRESTLEMANIA IS IN MIAMI! No matter what happens from here on out, Cena will be booed out of the building. It's Rock's hometown. There's no way those fans in Miami are going to root for Cena (which means they are rooting against the Rock). It isn't even about liking the Rock or not. It's about hometown pride. WWE's little plan of making Cena look better in promos would work (actually probably quite well) if this match were being held in a different location.
Miami isn't Chicago though, it's not as hot a territory as Chicago has always been, plus you add in that this isn't just any other run of the mill show. This is Wrestlemania, which means the crowd will be drawn from all over the world, so they have a chance to make the crowd maybe 75/25 in favour of the Rock.

They do need to up the amount of fans Cena has in the arena though, if it is still looking like The Rock gets 90% of the fans going into the show then it ruins the match, as there is no way the Rock doesn't win with that type of crowd favour. It would be another 'If Cena Wins We Riot' thing.

They could turn Cena heel to cheat the Rock of course, but I think the past few weeks have shown that that's not the direction the WWE are taking this thing
Look people, at the end of the day, crowd reactions, Rock's momentum, etc, none of that's matters. I'm calling it right now. There is no way in hell that Rock wins. It'd be as if Hogan beat the Rock at WM18. It'd destroy Cena's reputation & career for possibly forever. Cena is winning at WrestleMania, if he doesn't, it'd would be THE most idioctic decision in both WWE, and maybe even pro-wrestling history.
I agree with that. Once the Rock destroyed him at Survivor Series, both on the mic and in the ring, it was clear there was no way they could have the Rock win. It would absolutely kill Cena's character with the audience.

That said though, they do need to turn the audience on the Rock a bit to make the ending not feel like a complete downer. Imagine the closing image of Wrestlemania being Cena, the company's top face, celebrating to a crowd booing the life out of him? That would hurt him badly too
Here's the video mentioned earlier, but not embedded: [youtube]fuk2VhKxjIc[/youtube]

In case anyone needs to be reminded about the gap in skill between these 2: [youtube]PVS9OEzU14o[/youtube]

It's beyond laughable that the wrist notes may have been real. I hope fans see through WWE's latest Operation Get Cena Over, and still boo him like always.

This is supposed to be a torch passing feud. Didn't they do that in 2006 with HHH? Or 2007 with HBK? WWE thinks we are fools who are easily manipulated.
Here's the video mentioned earlier, but not embedded: [youtube]fuk2VhKxjIc[/youtube]

In case anyone needs to be reminded about the gap in skill between these 2: [youtube]PVS9OEzU14o[/youtube]

It's beyond laughable that the wrist notes may have been real. I hope fans see through WWE's latest Operation Get Cena Over, and still boo him like always.

This is supposed to be a torch passing feud. Didn't they do that in 2006 with HHH? Or 2007 with HBK? WWE thinks we are fools who are easily manipulated.

The videos did not prove anything other than the fact that you love the Rock more than Cena. I thought in the second vid that Cena did a way better job then The Rock. They both had jokes fans laughed at both(you can hear in the crowd) and they both got serious but Cena did not have to use the same thing over and over. The Umanga joke was a one time thing but The Rock sticks things in peoples candy ass and calls people a sick freak all the time. If you like The Rock and say he is the best thats fine but this so called gap in my eyes does not really exist.

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