In the end, this is just our separate opinions, so the best I can do is explain the reasons for which it disagrees with your's.
1. To me, Cena's promos at first were good but have gotten stale IMO. All he does is talk about how The rock is not on Raw every week. Yeah, we know this already, it is time to move on.
Cena's first promo against The Rock was a rap, I think. Next, he went through a "I respect you, and I don't understand why you're so hateful" phase before Survivor Series. Two weeks ago, his promo was "you left, I'm still here, you're not a wrestler anymore, and I still am," and this week, it was, "your insults are lame and you focus too much on twitter." He has taken a variety of shots at The Rock that you seem to be ignoring. If you still don't like the style or content his promos, that's fair game and totally your opinion. That would be legit. However, it's factually incorrect to say that he has only used one strategy the whole time, though.
2. Is it just me or does Cena sound kind of jealous of The Rock for not needing the WWE to be successful? I mean we keep hearing about Cena's passion for the WWE and they keep showing that same picture of him as a kid holding a title belt that he made but anyone who has done some research on Cena knows that wrestling was not his first love, body building was. He wasnt very successful so he started wrestling. But what is to say that if Cena was thrown better movie scripts his way and not just those from WWE studios that he himself would not have left like The Rock did?
This point is kinda all over the place, so I'll try to respond to everything, but try to forgive me if I miss something. I don't think Cena sounds jealous of The Rock. I think he feels that The Rock hasn't given the deserved respect to the business, and he is entitled to that opinion whether anyone else agrees with him or not.
Body building and the WWF/E have always been related to an extent. Cena and The Rock both enjoyed watching wrestling in their youth and probably both wanted to compete in the ring long before they were of age. I think you're making a bit of a stretch if you're trying to present this as a stain on Cena's passion for the business.
Seeing as how none of us have a crystal ball, no source can honestly tell us whether Cena would stay or leave if he had the opportunity that The Rock did. All we can do here is look at the facts. The Rock did leave as soon as he started getting roles in movies, and Cena said that he wouldn't. That's all we know, and hypothetical predictions suggesting otherwise lack any form of credibility in my opinion.
3. As many have already said, VKM is going out of his way to make Cena look like the bigger star than The Rock, that is a mistake. All he should be doing is handing Rock a mic and saying "Do your thing" and watch the buyrate skyrocket. Why does this have to be a babyface/heel thing rather than just letting it be Cena vs Rock.
The promo was set to give Cena the upper hand against The Rock on one night. That doesn't mean McMahon wants "Cena to look like the bigger star" in the feud. I said it in a post earlier, but I don't think The Rock's normal promo abilities would work well in this feud.
The Rock has always been incredibly gimmick-y with his outlandishly juvenile insults and numerous catch phrases. That works amazingly when you're going against other characters who employ similar tactics and act angry when they're insulted, which was a major staple of the attitude era, where he rightfully became a legend. That would even work against Cena if Cena didn't change up his game completely to semi-emulate CM Punk's pseudo-realistic promo style.
My point is: The Rock's old material can't outwit CM Punk in this new reality era (and by extension, the way Cena has been in the last couple of weeks). He can get the fans to chant "and the millions", "finally", "if you smell", and a million other things in the same way that Christian can get fans to chant "one more match" and The Miz can get fans to chant "really". A good number of live fans will always go crazy for crowd involvement like that, but we all have youtube now. We can go back, re-listen, and analyze what content (or lack thereof) was shared in the promo, so we're not constrained to "in the moment" crowd reaction as a measure of the quality in a promo.
I'm not saying that The Rock can't win this promo battle if he wants, but if he's going to do it, he's going to have to evolve and do something that we've never seen him do (like Jericho did). That's what I hope to see.
4. Since Cena says he is fighting for those in the back, why not have some of the attitude guys come into the picture to support The Rock like Austin, HHH, and some others and make this really turn into an "Era vs Era" match. Just a thought. (yes i know HHH wouldnt really work cause of his match with Taker but just throwing names out there.)
I like your idea for the sole reason that I'd get to see a group of attitude era wrestlers again, but I don't think it would work with The Rock's current character. He's billed as somewhat of a bully/ass, and while he has had feuds that ended with him stating his respect for the opposing stars, he's not the kind of character that ever looks for or even really accepts help without insulting the person who is trying to help him (Mankind, Kane, Golddust, Austin, Jericho, etc). Cena, on the other hand, actively scouted and tried to get a team together to beat Nexus in the recent past.
In either case, if they're trying to book Cena as the baby face and The Rock as the heel (which if true, The Rock didn't seem to get that memo since he's still pushing cheap pops), bringing in legends to support The Rock is the exact opposite of what they need to be doing.
Anyway, just my 2 cents, go ahead and rip them apart if needed.
Your points are all well thought out and legitimate. I'm not saying that you're wrong, because this is all opinions, but since you seem open-minded and rational with your opinions, I thought you'd be interested to hearing another side to it. Sorry if I bored you to sleep.