**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Rock was weak yesterday. That intensity, passion was lacking and the moment where he picked up the pace never happened.

That said, I'm convinced it was a work and a desperate attempt to get Cena over. How often does the Rock talk in first person? How often does the Rock not start a promo with "Finally........"? Never.

They're doing their best to turn the fairweather fans against the Rock and it's working a bit although the crowd was still heavily on Rock's side after Cena left. Rock is supposedly off his game, requires notes to cut promos, stuttering on his lines and all that. It's believable. They've had Cena call him out for Brian writing his lines, bring up the fact he doesn't care for the business and just reach as hard as they can to get the crowd on his side. Now, they're trying to show Rock has lost his magic and is more Dwayne than the Rock meaning he isnt' the same guy any more. I also thought it was a bit weird how he was showcasing his arm in the beginning pointing to the goosebumps. It wasn't the same arm but it's something that was just odd as hell.

Pathetic attempt to get Cena over and it's pretty disappointing Rock agreed to do such a thing.

Hey mate,

Wouldn't say it was disappointing, it was a testament to how great Rock really is. To do that for another star, to put your own greatness and legacy on the line just to get somebody else over.. wow.. I'm not sure I could. It's kind of understandable how people like Triple H and Stone Cold etc in the past didn't want to put certain people over because they wanted to protect their legacy, something they spent years building, and here you have Rocky who still has his legacy intact, even though he lost cleanly to Hurricane! :p

The dude is very very special, and needs to be recognised as such.

He's single-handedly made Cena relevant again, and has rescued his career.
Hey mate,

Wouldn't say it was disappointing, it was a testament to how great Rock really is. To do that for another star, to put your own greatness and legacy on the line just to get somebody else over.. wow.. I'm not sure I could. It's kind of understandable how people like Triple H and Stone Cold etc in the past didn't want to put certain people over because they wanted to protect their legacy, something they spent years building, and here you have Rocky who still has his legacy intact, even though he lost cleanly to Hurricane! :p

The dude is very very special, and needs to be recognised as such.

He's single-handedly made Cena relevant again, and has rescued his career.
I only think it was disappointing because it was incredibly cheap and I'm also an irrational, unreasonable Cena hater tired of him being shoved down everyone's throats. I mean I could understand editing the boos out for your top star on the Survivor Series DVD, overcoming Kane in a storyline with the odds stacked against him, calling the Rock out for Brian writing his stuff but this was a new low. He's been straight shooting on the dude but the Rock has mostly been a professional staying in character outside of a couple of occasions. The sad thing is I expect the trend to continue next week in Cena's hometown. They'll pull another desperate attempt trying to expose the Rock or better put, Dwayne in some sort of way and get the crowd to turn on him.

Rock's put a lot of guys over. I respect that about him but in a top level feud like this, I want him on his A game burying the crap out of Cena.

Really good post by the way.
Agreed on all counts. It was a work and a damn convincing one because plenty of people actually think it was true. The Rock's acting right after Cena called him out on that was commendable as well. He was legit furious, walked right into Cena's face, started stuttering as if he was really at a loss of words and then just chugged the mic back.

Damn good.

Hey mate,

True that. If you look at what Cena actually said to Rock, not one word was special enough to shut Rock up like that. Rock's had worse stuff thrown at him before and it's never thrown him off balance like that, so why should Cena, saying how much he'll beat his ass at Mania? People really think Rock's never heard that one before?

If it was something on the level of last week then it would seem even less of a work. The only thing Cena said of ANY VALUE at all was "continue trending", and by that time he was gone anyway.
i think the rock's promo last night on raw was EPIC! He really has Cena's number. Sure Cena got the rock when he talked about the stuff on his wrists, but who hasn't done that? Rock was flustered at the end, but kept his cool and finished strong. I think the buildup is getting good but they should've at least started it before survivor series and not wait 3 months to finally get the feud going.. u got about 3-4 more weeks to make this good but i dont see it happening. the taker/hhh buildup has been very good and Im loving it. i think HBK will become special enforcer or ref next week on Raw and I HOPE and PRAY he screws HHH and says, nobody can be better than me.. not even you Hunter.. still think taker wins the match and retires 20-0.. HHH should NOT be the guy to end it.. same for Cena.. let a young guy like cody rhodes, sheamus or even orton do it.. but we'll see
I only think it was disappointing because it was incredibly cheap and I'm also an irrational, unreasonable Cena hater tired of him being shoved down everyone's throats. I mean I could understand editing the boos out for your top star on the Survivor Series DVD, overcoming Kane in a storyline with the odds stacked against him, calling the Rock out for Brian writing his stuff but this was a new low. He's been straight shooting on the dude but the Rock has mostly been a professional staying in character outside of a couple of occasions. The sad thing is I expect the trend to continue next week in Cena's hometown. They'll pull another desperate attempt trying to expose the Rock or better put, Dwayne in some sort of way and get the crowd to turn on him.

Rock's put a lot of guys over. I respect that about him but in a top level feud like this, I want him on his A game burying the crap out of Cena.

Really good post by the way.

Hey man,

Thanks, and I get what you mean now. We're only going to see more of this 'Rock-burying', and that's the only sad part of this whole thing. Just goes to show you how much Cena needs that push. Rock literally has to bend over backwards for him to make him seem relevant.

Vince must be breathing huge sighs of relief right about now. :rolleyes:
Hey mate,

Wouldn't say it was disappointing, it was a testament to how great Rock really is. To do that for another star, to put your own greatness and legacy on the line just to get somebody else over.. wow.. I'm not sure I could. It's kind of understandable how people like Triple H and Stone Cold etc in the past didn't want to put certain people over because they wanted to protect their legacy, something they spent years building, and here you have Rocky who still has his legacy intact, even though he lost cleanly to Hurricane! :p

The dude is very very special, and needs to be recognised as such.

He's single-handedly made Cena relevant again, and has rescued his career.

I'd say CM Punk made Cena relevant again with their feud over the summer, moreso than Rock right now. Rock helped, no doubt, but I'd give that title WAY more to the MitB build up and match.
I'd say CM Punk made Cena relevant again with their feud over the summer, moreso than Rock right now. Rock helped, no doubt, but I'd give that title WAY more to the MitB build up and match.

Hey mate,

I look at it in terms of levels which is why my opinion differs a little from yours. Think about it this way. Before this summer our three stars were on 3 levels:

Level 1: Punk - Upcoming, needed someone to break him into level 2.
Level 2: Cena - Already on level 2, used his position to bring Punk up to his level. The highest level anyone can get to in the PG era (I explain why below).
Level 3: Rock - Elite. Head and shoulders above EVERYONE in more than one way. The IWC was screaming at the top of their lungs 1 year ago how no one, not even Cena or anyone from the PG era, could hang with Rock.

So to pit a L2 guy against a L3 is the makings of a bad Mania main event. It won't truly be gripping until Rock brings Cena to his level, just like how Cena brought Punk to his level, and that's what's happening, because if Cena just happened to beat Rock (probably the most likely scenario) without a proper buildup, it would just suck shit.

The reason why I say Rock has made Cena relevant again stems from this. Cena was at the top of the company but was a laughing stock, and needed to somehow hit that next level, especially because when the Mania main event was made a year ago, everyone's initial reaction was that Cena's going to get F'ed up. So, this was necessary. As we know, the only way to take someone to the next level, is to have them look good against someone EVEN better than them, which is what we're seeing.

The Rock is building up Cena so he can lose to him. Hats off to The People's Champion!
I'd say CM Punk made Cena relevant again with their feud over the summer, moreso than Rock right now. Rock helped, no doubt, but I'd give that title WAY more to the MitB build up and match.

Isn't it the other way round? If anything, Cena helped establish Punk even further by giving him the rub. Punk never went clean over him but he still got a whole bunch of victories over the biggest star in the business so Punk going over Cena added to Punk's credibility more than it helped make Cena relevant.

It's true though. Lots of people are talking about a re-energized Cena cutting promos with passion and intensity not seen in about 6 years. He hasn't had this much hype in a long time. Haven't seen a lot of people call him stale in the past couple of weeks.
The promo itself was not very good. He has great crowd control, but any legend on The Rock's level, feuding with someone like John Cena, can get the crowd to chant whatever the hell he wants.
Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and The Rock are the only guys that have been able to pull that off. It's likely true any legend returning going against Cena could get the crowd to chant whatever the hell he feels like, but Rock's done it consistently throughout his career.
Rock spent more time focusing on getting crowd chants going, than getting anything going against Cena.
Which is really the only problem with the promo itself. Everything else was damn solid.
Look, I didn't hate the promo, but you're definitely overestimating how good it was.
No no, I was telling a poster that The Rock isn't shoved down our throats. I simply said he didn't suck last night which is entirely true because he delivered his promo well.
A good promo has nothing to do with the crowd chanting, at fucking all. If it did, then we'd consider Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior legends on the mic.
A good promo has everything to do with crowd reaction and playing off the crowd. That's how faces and heels get and stay over. You cannot tell me Chris Jericho would be considered one of the best promo cutters ever if the crowd never reacted toward him. Same with The Rock. He isn't called the people's champion for nothing. A good promo needs the crowd in a great capacity. If no one cares what you have to say, then its likely you possess nothing interesting therefore you aren't good at cutting a promo.
That being said, I don't mind what they went out and did last night. They clearly didn't want to go out and give the crowd everything. They want to turn up the intensity, week by week. I'm sure that we'll see some great promos between Rock and Cena in the coming weeks, but this isn't one of the ones we'll remember.
This is where I'll agree.
The only part of the promo I can say I truly thought was good, was when Cena came out. That's when I felt intensity, that's when I felt excitement, not when Rock came out and got the crowd to chant "lady parts." The majority of fans are disappointed with this promo because their expectations were so high, because they expected Rocky to bring it and really go after Cena. Instead, they got something completely different than that. Again, I didn't mind it,
I don't understand how you get the majority of the fans hated it. On this website sure, but fans cheer with him which proves the casuals cared about the promo.
but I definitely disagree with just about everything you said in your post.
So The Rock was shoved down our throats - or his catch phrases? So The Rock doesn't deliver good promos? So The Rock isn't one of the best promo cutters of all time?
Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and The Rock are the only guys that have been able to pull that off. It's likely true any legend returning going against Cena could get the crowd to chant whatever the hell he feels like, but Rock's done it consistently throughout his career.

Chris Jericho had the crowd doing something similar just a few weeks back. Crowd chants/cheers aren't hard to get, when that's all you're fishing for.

No no, I was telling a poster that The Rock isn't shoved down our throats. I simply said he didn't suck last night which is entirely true because he delivered his promo well.

Not really, no. I was bored most of the promo. The situation as a whole worked, but the promo just wasn't good, the delivery was nothing too special. Apart from a few cheesy catchphrases, I honestly can't remember a thing.

A good promo has everything to do with crowd reaction and playing off the crowd. That's how faces and heels get and stay over. You cannot tell me Chris Jericho would be considered one of the best promo cutters ever if the crowd never reacted toward him. Same with The Rock. He isn't called the people's champion for nothing. A good promo needs the crowd in a great capacity. If no one cares what you have to say, then its likely you possess nothing interesting therefore you aren't good at cutting a promo.

Crowd reactions matter, but he was literally ASKING them to cheer. If I went out and asked the crowd to chant my name (and they did), would that be a good promo? Would I be a good promo cutter? No, sir. Last night's promo was just that. It wasn't great, it was average, at best. Seriously, a promo has to accomplish something, as a standalone, it did nothing. When Cena came out was when things really moved along, that was the whole point of the thing.

I don't understand how you get the majority of the fans hated it. On this website sure, but fans cheer with him which proves the casuals cared about the promo.

In that situation, most people would cheer. Most people would have cheered for The Rock returning to Raw if he had only appeared for a moment. Most reactions that I've seen are negative.

So The Rock was shoved down our throats - or his catch phrases? So The Rock doesn't deliver good promos? So The Rock isn't one of the best promo cutters of all time?

The promo last night was not good. He shoved pointless catchphrases down our throats too. I won't disagree that he's an all time great, though.
Crowd reactions matter, but he was literally ASKING them to cheer. If I went out and asked the crowd to chant my name (and they did), would that be a good promo?
The crowd wouldn't shut up though. It wasn't so much he was asking them to cheer. They cheered whenever he was talking. He took numerous breaks because of it.
Would I be a good promo cutter? No, sir.
Depending if you had huge amounts of charisma. Charisma does make for a good promo. And the crowd will react to good charisma. I don't think it's that damn easy to get 15,000 strong to stand up and chant whatever it is you're spewing out. It's not as easy as it sounds. The crowd has to truly care about you to get off their asses and actually cheer.
Last night's promo was just that. It wasn't great, it was average, at best. Seriously, a promo has to accomplish something, as a standalone, it did nothing. When Cena came out was when things really moved along, that was the whole point of the thing.
I think you're getting me wrong here bro. Maybe the sig is fooling you, but I'm a huge Cena supporter. I've never knocked Cena at all. In fact, he's handed The Rock's ass to him plenty of times. But Rock is definitely better than Cena when it comes to promos. Maybe it is a little promo rust, but maybe he's holding out until Wresltemania. But I'm glad Cena's getting the upper hand on The Rock as of late. It makes for an interesting story.

When Cena came out was when things really moved along, that was the whole point of the thing.
You think that maybe that's what the entire point of The Rock's promo? For Cena to come out and embarrass him. Sounds likely.

Meh, we're likely making something out of nothing. Like many others have been saying, I have the strongest feeling it was mostly a work. I've personally never heard The Rock struggle on anything. Even after so many years away, I find it highly unlikely he's that rusty. I think they're onto something that will continue to unfold until their Wrestlemania match.
The crowd wouldn't shut up though. It wasn't so much he was asking them to cheer. They cheered whenever he was talking. He took numerous breaks because of it.

Depending if you had huge amounts of charisma. Charisma does make for a good promo. And the crowd will react to good charisma. I don't think it's that damn easy to get 15,000 strong to stand up and chant whatever it is you're spewing out. It's not as easy as it sounds. The crowd has to truly care about you to get off their asses and actually cheer.

I think you're getting me wrong here bro. Maybe the sig is fooling you, but I'm a huge Cena supporter. I've never knocked Cena at all. In fact, he's handed The Rock's ass to him plenty of times. But Rock is definitely better than Cena when it comes to promos. Maybe it is a little promo rust, but maybe he's holding out until Wresltemania. But I'm glad Cena's getting the upper hand on The Rock as of late. It makes for an interesting story.


You think that maybe that's what the entire point of The Rock's promo? For Cena to come out and embarrass him. Sounds likely.

Meh, we're likely making something out of nothing. Like many others have been saying, I have the strongest feeling it was mostly a work. I've personally never heard The Rock struggle on anything. Even after so many years away, I find it highly unlikely he's that rusty. I think they're onto something that will continue to unfold until their Wrestlemania match.

We're pretty much agreeing, but I'd still like to say a bit more.

I don't think it was WWE's intention for Rocky to be outclassed by Cena. It's a common theme with this feud, really. Rock cuts promo, Cena cuts a better reply, rinse and repeat. I don't mind, personally. I was slightly disappointed at first, as I really loved Rocky and the memories associated with him, but Cena just seems to be head and shoulders above him. Maybe he's rusty, but maybe he'll turn up the intensity too. That's what I'm looking forward to, the moment where Rock finally drops the jokes and he an Cena can really start going after each other.

I truly believe last night's promo WAS the turning point. Last night began the final build-up to the match. Unlike most, I liked it -- even if Rock was subpar. The promo accomplished what it needed to, but I don't believe it was supposed to make Cena look strong, it was simply meant to reignite the feud... Cena just happened to shine, like he has since day one.
I think its funny how people just go back and fourth over whos right, Cena or Rock. The two have some points and at the same time the two have their flaws. Its booked that way. You cant just have a lop sided Wrestlemania rivalry. Like The Rock having notes on his wrist. On one hand if hes such a good promo guy and has years of experience and is supposed to be talking from the heart then why does he need notes? On the other hand why hate on the guy who goes to those lengths to make sure he delivers a promo that covers what he needs to cover? Its booked that way. Theres a reason for there being two sides of the coin. Dont know if this is a bit out of the blue but after hearing that some people might've taken the whole promo notes to heart I had to rant a little.
I don't think it was WWE's intention for Rocky to be outclassed by Cena. It's a common theme with this feud, really. Rock cuts promo, Cena cuts a better reply, rinse and repeat. I don't mind, personally. I was slightly disappointed at first, as I really loved Rocky and the memories associated with him, but Cena just seems to be head and shoulders above him. .

You and I have agreed on everything so far, but I just wanna say one thing. You dont think the WWE intended for Cena to shine last night? That would mean that Vince had no idea what either of them would say/do during their promos and Rock and Cena drew everything up themselves on the fly. Me personally, I think they both have some creative control of what they are going to say, but Rock definately had to get permission to use profanity. Also, Cena coming out in the middle of Rock's promo was definately planned and booked because the sound guys knew when to q the music.

The Rock was supposed to come out, do his thing with crowd, and Cena was supposed to interupt the Rock and cut that promo, and yes, calling out the Rock's notes was part of it. Its insane to think Cena would use that info on the fly like that without Rock knowing it was coming. It isnt as if this is pro boxing, its pro wrestling.

The only thing Im not sure of is a 'work' or not is Rock messing up his lines afterwards. I believe its just something that happened due to Rock having to quickly bring the promo to an end. But many promos are booked for someone (usually the baby) to come out on top or 'win' the segment. I personally think Punk won his segment with Jericho last night. But that entire segment was indeed booked to come out the way it came out....to say otherwise would mean that their are no scripts or booking involved.
I understand the idea that most people think that the wrist notes were a work, but there is serious logic behind those of us who think that there's a good chance of it being improvised on the spot, and brushing that off as if it were a delusional stance is ignoring evidence that suggests otherwise.

Now, I'm paranoid about suggesting that ANYTHING is any level of a shoot based on the fact that the WWE has shown the ability to do a great job of hiding work and shoot at times, but I'd like to make a short list of a few reasons that I could see it as being a shoot.

1) Orton stated in an interview months ago that The Rock scripted more of his promos and implied that he used teleprompters frequently, whereas he said that Cena improvises more.

2) If it was planned to make The Rock look bad, The Rock didn't do his part to look embarrassed. He stopped pacing and backed Cena into the ropes with what looked to be a death stare. He didn't seem prepared to respond, judging by the way he was fumbling for words and stalling afterwards, and he rubbed his wrists covertly afterwards.

3) The WWE edited the footage to hide the notes, as Wrestlezone posted a video shortly after the show with the notes being visibly absent.

In my opinion, it doesn't honestly matter to me personally if the notes were real or fake. The Rock is typically an awesome speaker who gets live crowds riled up regardless. However, Cena did a good job of making me feel like he was the superior star during those last 20 minutes, and for that, I give him props.

A few of you are arguing that The Rock never laid an egg during a promo before, and you are suggesting that the fact that this promo was lacking on Monday is proof that he actively tried to make Cena look good. While that could very well be true, when has The Rock ever done that for anyone in the history of his career? From what I remember, and I'm perfectly willing to be corrected here, The Rock only puts people over in the ring. On the mic, regardless of whether he is face or heel, he always tries to keep the upper hand and be the "cool face" or "cool heel". Again, I'm willing to admit that my memory may be flawed, but I don't recall ever having seen that.

Furthermore, with logic like that (he only performed poorly because he wanted to), would it ever be possible for any of you to admit that The Rock is capable of making any mistakes?

In my opinion, this is the worst match-up for The Rock's improvisation abilities. He relies on catch phrases, juvenile insults (food stuff), and tell people to stick things up their butts. Some people find that entertaining, and I'm not judging that, since I used to be one of them. However, Cena is hitting angles during their back-and-forth that The Rock has never had to deal with against Austin, Angle, HHH, Jericho, Hogan, Undertaker, or any other legendary feud he has had. It seems to me like The Rock is legitimately struggling to come up with anything off the script.

Now, whether he is actually having trouble or if he's faking it, I'm just glad that both of them have at least made me consider that it may be true. That is the sign of a good feud being built.

TL;DR version:
I think there is a fair amount of evidence suggesting that Cena's shot at Rocky's wrist notes could be an improvisation that The Rock wasn't ready for, but I'm not 100% convinced either way.

(Sorry that my post was kinda everywhere; I just saw a bunch of points that, while legitimate, I disagreed with and wanted to respond to)
If anyone doesnt think this is all one big work, they are fucking stupid plain and simple. We have seen reports that the wwe wants to make this match different and personal. Thats exactly what they are doing.

Cena has done his promos on the rock, but they were never very bitting. Now, the week that the road to wrestlemania starts Cena says he doesnt respect the rock out of the blue. If there is one thing Cena is, its a company man. Do you guys really think he would shoot on the rock? They are doing all of this to get Cena over. The whole point of the feud is to get Cena over.

No one has ever seen one cheat sheet from the rock before. EVER. Now, when it was clearly visible, AFTER THE ROCK DREW ATTENTION TO HIS ARM, Cena points out notes written on the Rock. Let me ask all of you guys, what is the Rock's job? Being an actor. He has to memorize thousands of lines and you dont think he can remember a promo? The Rock has to have notes reminding him to say Kung Pao Bitch? Come on. They are trying to make this seem bitting and personal, and it is working beautifully. Every single mention of the rock and cena on all the wrestling websites have people debating who is destroying who. Who is right, and how much they hate each other. It is a beautiful work, and is the best feud I've seen in a while for one very simple reason. Everyone thinks it is real, and everyone is exciting to see who will come out on top.

I would also like to point out that the Rock has never had a problem putting people over. He lost cleanly to rising heels and faces to keep the WWE going. He wrote those notes, to help get Cena over. He is a business man, and he is doing what is good for business. When the Rock came back, everyone said how much he destroyed Cena. And guess what, Cena really did nothing but his stupid little raps and semireal promos. The crowd is in the palm of the Rock's hand. They need the two to be on par come wrestlemania so it can be a great match. They are doing exactly that.
Was it fair to give the blame to Eve? Hmmm, let's see. Yes. She gets to turn heel and fill the role of top heel diva on RAW that was previously occupied by the Bellas. She gets more heat and more tv time as a result, so yes I think this is a pretty nice reward for her.

My problem with you isn't your hate for Cena. Honestly, I agree with people all the time in the Cena bashing threads when their points are valid not not just crap they heard spewed from someone else. You on the other hand are a loud mouth twit who runs down others and then when you get called out on it accuse them of starting a flame war. Your arguments are poorly thought out, but that doesn't stop you from running your mouth every chance you get. Most of all, you are a blind mark who will never stray from your one sided point of view so arguing with you is about as pointless as every post you've made on WZ thus far. Thanks for the rep btw. It goes nicely with the overwhelming amount of good rep I got for putting you in your place a few days back.
I meant kayfabe-wise for Eve. Cena was classless by putting the blame on her. He lost a friend because of himself, not because of her.

I never negrep unless I get negrepped first. Pretty petty of u to start that.

As I said before, I would change my view on cena if he earned it. But he's been a poor actor and wrestler for almost 7 years now.

Here's Rock's promo after Raw went off the air:[youtube]QnQct8GjDLE[/youtube]

I really wish people would stop thinking any of this is a shoot. This is a multimillion dollar global entertainment company. Of course they are gonna pay attention to detail and plan everything meticulously. There truly is a sucker born every minute.

And I agree with those that said that it is sad that WWE gets so desperate in trying to put Cena over. They edit out cena boos, they confiscate anti-cena signs, and now they have the Rock bending over backwards to make people think cena "1-upped" him.

And it will only get worse. Expect Monday for cena to suck up to the crowd, reminding everyone that Dwayne needed notes. Expect recap vids on Smackdown showing fans "switching" and turning against the Rock. And highlighting Rock's "nervousness". Expect Cole to say "Many Rock fans are now supporting Cena! What will the crowd be like at Wrestlemania?!"

I hope this all backfires on WWE.
I meant kayfabe-wise for Eve. Cena was classless by putting the blame on her. He lost a friend because of himself, not because of her.

I never negrep unless I get negrepped first. Pretty petty of u to start that.

As I said before, I would change my view on cena if he earned it. But he's been a poor actor and wrestler for almost 7 years now.

Here's Rock's promo after Raw went off the air:[youtube]QnQct8GjDLE[/youtube]

I really wish people would stop thinking any of this is a shoot. This is a multimillion dollar global entertainment company. Of course they are gonna pay attention to detail and plan everything meticulously. There truly is a sucker born every minute.

And I agree with those that said that it is sad that WWE gets so desperate in trying to put Cena over. They edit out cena boos, they confiscate anti-cena signs, and now they have the Rock bending over backwards to make people think cena "1-upped" him.

And it will only get worse. Expect Monday for cena to suck up to the crowd, reminding everyone that Dwayne needed notes. Expect recap vids on Smackdown showing fans "switching" and turning against the Rock. And highlighting Rock's "nervousness". Expect Cole to say "Many Rock fans are now supporting Cena! What will the crowd be like at Wrestlemania?!"

I hope this all backfires on WWE.

I agree and it's so stupid for WWE to take this approach. Wrestlemania is in Rock's hometown. No matter happens from now until Wrestlemania, it's not going to matter... Cena will be booed out of the building. Do they honestly think any of the fans in Miami are going to be pulling for Cena?
I meant kayfabe-wise for Eve. Cena was classless by putting the blame on her. He lost a friend because of himself, not because of her.

I never negrep unless I get negrepped first. Pretty petty of u to start that.

As I said before, I would change my view on cena if he earned it. But he's been a poor actor and wrestler for almost 7 years now.

Here's Rock's promo after Raw went off the air:[youtube]QnQct8GjDLE[/youtube]

I really wish people would stop thinking any of this is a shoot. This is a multimillion dollar global entertainment company. Of course they are gonna pay attention to detail and plan everything meticulously. There truly is a sucker born every minute.

And I agree with those that said that it is sad that WWE gets so desperate in trying to put Cena over. They edit out cena boos, they confiscate anti-cena signs, and now they have the Rock bending over backwards to make people think cena "1-upped" him.

And it will only get worse. Expect Monday for cena to suck up to the crowd, reminding everyone that Dwayne needed notes. Expect recap vids on Smackdown showing fans "switching" and turning against the Rock. And highlighting Rock's "nervousness". Expect Cole to say "Many Rock fans are now supporting Cena! What will the crowd be like at Wrestlemania?!"

I hope this all backfires on WWE.

Formula for Rock promo: cheap pop, cheap pop, cheap pop, catchphrase, rocky chant. cheap pop, insult fan, insult fan, insult fan, interact with kid, theme music, leave to cheers.

Fair enough; they are confiscating some Cena signs (there are still anti-Cena signs in every building), and I wouldn't say they edit out the boos - rather that they accentuate the Cena cheers... but to say that he's a poor actor and wrestler for 7 years? That's not being objective at all, there's a reason the entire industry speaks well of Cena (Tarver aside). But then again, your credibility tends to be lost with your screen name.
Formula for Rock promo: cheap pop, cheap pop, cheap pop, catchphrase, rocky chant. cheap pop, insult fan, insult fan, insult fan, interact with kid, theme music, leave to cheers.

Fair enough; they are confiscating some Cena signs (there are still anti-Cena signs in every building), and I wouldn't say they edit out the boos - rather that they accentuate the Cena cheers... but to say that he's a poor actor and wrestler for 7 years? That's not being objective at all, there's a reason the entire industry speaks well of Cena (Tarver aside). But then again, your credibility tends to be lost with your screen name.

Jr said cena's promo on 20 2 12 raw was his best of his career. LOL. Means to say his career absolutely sucked. Austin, y2j cut promos like that on a regular basis. Shit even undertaker and triple h did promos like that.

They are trying to create a rock brock lesnar summerslam atmosphere. They want the crowd to think dwayne sold out. It's funny that cena doesn't like "Dwayne" but likes "The Rock". When The rock is the egomaniac and Dwayne is the nice guy. WWE are actually spelling it out to smart fans. Can always count on dwayne to put the industry first and get guys over. Cena must be on cloud 9 by now.
But then again, your credibility tends to be lost with your screen name.

...And your credibility tends to be lost with your location.

Guys, it's been reported that last monday's segment was a work, just like this whole "There is real tension btw Rock and Cena". From Rock intentionally botching the promo with the trending thing(Long time Rock fan, and I swear to god I've never seen Rock cutting a bad promo like he did monday, ever since he joined the nation), to the notes on the wrist(lol does that mean he wrote notes on those $300 versace sleeves also?!!The guy always do his backstage promos LIVE, why would he do such thing if he's having problems memorizing lines?! This is the first time I've ever seen any notes on rock's wrist), to Cena coming out and making an *** out of Rock and leave. Why they're doing it? To split the crowd 50/50 btw the two at WM. That's just not gonna happen. The fans in Miami will be atleast 70% Pro-Rock.

Oh, and by the way, that off-air promo was way better than one on the show. hmmm....
They do edit out Cena's boos. Have you guys seen the Survivor Series DVD? There was word from several fans at MSG that they were even kicking out the guys who were going a bit extreme like "fuck you Cena." It's all sad and pathetic because they DO acknowledge that Cena gets booed but then try their best to act like it never happens. They're desperate to get Cena over. First, they used a cheap tactic like the Eve segment to get the fans on his side, albeit Cena did help put Eve's gimmick over as well.

If anyone doesnt think this is all one big work, they are fucking stupid plain and simple. We have seen reports that the wwe wants to make this match different and personal. Thats exactly what they are doing.

Cena has done his promos on the rock, but they were never very bitting. Now, the week that the road to wrestlemania starts Cena says he doesnt respect the rock out of the blue. If there is one thing Cena is, its a company man. Do you guys really think he would shoot on the rock? They are doing all of this to get Cena over. The whole point of the feud is to get Cena over.

No one has ever seen one cheat sheet from the rock before. EVER. Now, when it was clearly visible, AFTER THE ROCK DREW ATTENTION TO HIS ARM, Cena points out notes written on the Rock. Let me ask all of you guys, what is the Rock's job? Being an actor. He has to memorize thousands of lines and you dont think he can remember a promo? The Rock has to have notes reminding him to say Kung Pao Bitch? Come on. They are trying to make this seem bitting and personal, and it is working beautifully. Every single mention of the rock and cena on all the wrestling websites have people debating who is destroying who. Who is right, and how much they hate each other. It is a beautiful work, and is the best feud I've seen in a while for one very simple reason. Everyone thinks it is real, and everyone is exciting to see who will come out on top.

I would also like to point out that the Rock has never had a problem putting people over. He lost cleanly to rising heels and faces to keep the WWE going. He wrote those notes, to help get Cena over. He is a business man, and he is doing what is good for business. When the Rock came back, everyone said how much he destroyed Cena. And guess what, Cena really did nothing but his stupid little raps and semireal promos. The crowd is in the palm of the Rock's hand. They need the two to be on par come wrestlemania so it can be a great match. They are doing exactly that.
Truth. We need to give more props to the Rock's acting skills right after Cena called him out on the notes. It was funny that Cena's line still didn't get a reaction from the crowd and despite "owning" The Rock, they were still cheering for him after Cena left.

It's amazing how realistic he made it look. Dude was right in his face, acting as if he was going to snap, then he stuttered and messed up his lines and was a bit repetitive acting as if he indeed needed those notes to have cut that promo. At the ending, you can see he was pissed throwing the mic into the crowd and dropped MF right in front of the camera.
Here is the link that RJJ is talking about.


but that same report also says that it was NOT scripted to call Rock out on his wrist notes which means rock having those notes was not a work.

I believe it was scripted, cause just like I said I've never seen any kind of notes on Rock's wrist before. He always does his promos live. Coming from a long time fan. Even if it was not scripted, I don't think Cena would've call him on that live on TV, that not professional. I think the WWE is trying make us believe that the tension btw the 2 is real. After all this is what this new era is all about, shoot.
I believe it was scripted, cause just like I said I've never seen any kind of notes on Rock's wrist before. He always does his promos live. Coming from a long time fan. Even if it was not scripted, I don't think Cena would've call him on that live on TV, that not professional. I think the WWE is trying make us believe that the tension btw the 2 is real. After all this is what this new era is all about, shoot.

Yeah, they've brought up the fact that he uses a teleprompter in his promos and said he needs Brian Gerwitz to write his line so this is just another disgusting tactic to try to get the fans to turn against him and on Cena's side showcasing that Rock isn't the Rock any more.

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