Dark Match Jobber
Rock was weak yesterday. That intensity, passion was lacking and the moment where he picked up the pace never happened.
That said, I'm convinced it was a work and a desperate attempt to get Cena over. How often does the Rock talk in first person? How often does the Rock not start a promo with "Finally........"? Never.
They're doing their best to turn the fairweather fans against the Rock and it's working a bit although the crowd was still heavily on Rock's side after Cena left. Rock is supposedly off his game, requires notes to cut promos, stuttering on his lines and all that. It's believable. They've had Cena call him out for Brian writing his lines, bring up the fact he doesn't care for the business and just reach as hard as they can to get the crowd on his side. Now, they're trying to show Rock has lost his magic and is more Dwayne than the Rock meaning he isnt' the same guy any more. I also thought it was a bit weird how he was showcasing his arm in the beginning pointing to the goosebumps. It wasn't the same arm but it's something that was just odd as hell.
Pathetic attempt to get Cena over and it's pretty disappointing Rock agreed to do such a thing.
Hey mate,
Wouldn't say it was disappointing, it was a testament to how great Rock really is. To do that for another star, to put your own greatness and legacy on the line just to get somebody else over.. wow.. I'm not sure I could. It's kind of understandable how people like Triple H and Stone Cold etc in the past didn't want to put certain people over because they wanted to protect their legacy, something they spent years building, and here you have Rocky who still has his legacy intact, even though he lost cleanly to Hurricane!

The dude is very very special, and needs to be recognised as such.
He's single-handedly made Cena relevant again, and has rescued his career.