IMPACT Wrestling LD for 08.31.11

If you haven't figured it out yet you are dumber than I thought. Also, there wasn't anything necessarily supernatural about what she said tonight.
*hangs head* they're using it as a story. If this doesn't win "worst promotional tactic" in the WON, the whole award is a sham.
Wait wut Kurt Angle? You were chilling and then Hulk Hogan convinces him to kill the heads of Spike T.V and throws down a perfectly fine cup of coffee... My mind is full of fuck right now.

Jeff Hardy will return as a face, cool!
So Winter has been saying this cryptic supernatural stuff for ten and a half months now. We're not going to get any actual explanation of what she's talking about for at least six more months are we?

In the past fifty years, has there been a single supernatural entity in any art form, be it film, television, literature or comics, that has become more interesting after being explained?

A mysterious character ceases to be interesting when you take away the fucking mystery. That's elementary storytelling.
In the past fifty years, has there been a single supernatural entity in any art form, be it film, television, literature or comics, that has become more interesting after being explained?

A mysterious character ceases to be interesting when you take away the fucking mystery. That's elementary storytelling.

Not exactly. In every monster movie/supernatural movie I've seen I've heard an explanation. I haven't heard anything in this yet.
That isn't what she said tonight.

Also, what the hell is wrong with a Jeff Hardy redemption story?

"Hey fans! We know Jeff Hardy screwed you over in a show you paid money to see. Now we want you to pay MORE money because he's actually going to do his job now and you should feel glad for him that he can now do his job just like everyone else on the roster! ORDER TODAY!"


"Hey Jeff. I know you're working really hard with this whole getting your life together again but you're really not selling this whole "I'm sorry and I'm over my addiction" stuff now. If you could just pretend that you want one more hit a bit better, that would be great."

I can't possibly see how that could cause a negative impact on Jeff at all.
"Hey fans! We know Jeff Hardy screwed you over in a show you paid money to see. Now we want you to pay MORE money because he's actually going to do his job now and you should feel glad for him that he can now do his job just like everyone else on the roster! ORDER TODAY!"


"Hey Jeff. I know you're working really hard with this whole getting your life together again but you're really not selling this whole "I'm sorry and I'm over my addiction" stuff now. If you could just pretend that you want one more hit a bit better, that would be great."

I can't possibly see how that could cause a negative impact on Jeff at all.

Not to mention the very strong likelihood of another Hardy moment right on the heels of this Jeff Hardy redemption angle. Or a later conviction arising from outstanding matters.
What is to stop Angelina Love from coming back out to break the rules? Is the rules stopping her? Ughh

Also I love how only the Knockouts can botch a pin like that.
Cant believe no one caught Earl Hebner grabbing Mickie's ass before he tossed out Angelina.. LOL
How are they supposed to bring Hardy back and pretend nothing happened?

They should have fired him. It's what I would have done. he's got a track record of screwing up and he did it on live PPV and cost them a lot of money with the six month subscription thing. I see no reason why he still has a job.

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