I'm Done

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Xfear, I'm Nate. Hi. I was joking. Everyone was falsely accusing Will of rep bribing, so I falsely accused you of prostituting your anus for votes. I thought it was funny.
Ohh.. wow, fucking idiots.

I only ever repped Ellis, for anything even remotely revolving the tournament. And not because he voted, but instead because he asked.

Truth be told, I would've never even asked people through PM's to listen to my argument on why they should vote for Edge.. if people didn't start cheap "vote against Edge" threads first.

Ever since right around the Lesnar round.. when Sam put that thread up in the bar room, is when I figured things were getting dirty. But yeah - NEVER offered rep for a vote.

:lmao: Can I though? Cause if that works, fuck I'm game. :lmao: I really DO want Edge to win.. and a bunch of people are being huge babies about this anyways, so at this point I could give a shit less. lol

You see, rep is important to me. Please don't hate me because I'm only one vote and no one gives a shit about me here. Therefore my influence here was next to nothing. Will is a great at arguing his point, and won me offer with his argument for edge agaisnt Austin. So please don't make me a scapegoat for all of this.

And Norcal, I'm not dumb, thank you very much.

And why am i not a good source of info?
well, becuase you said something that was totally incorrect, which painted Will as a common criminal?

I would say that makes you look both 1.Dumb 2. not a good source of information

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