I'm Done

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I voted Edge because I wanted to. Was I not allowed to vote on who I wanted to win?
Should I have voted on who is the better Wrestler? answers on a postcard please.

BTW Who gives a shit seriously stop bitching and crying about it for fuck sake....its quite sad, theres plenty of other things in life to get upset about.
Wanna know why I really voted for Taker?

I love it when T'Lo says his name.

There, I said it!
So I guess I should have an opinion on this (However, if YOU voted for Brock Lesnar, then we wouldn't be having this Edge conversation).

Look, I don't mind setting this up, there's a reason I had 25 people included in the process this year, I like variety. Does Edge potentially winning bug me, no. Dudes a 9 time World Champion, and has won the most variety of titles in the biggest American promotion in history. There's validity to some of his stuff.

On the issue of PM'ing: Who cares, to be quite honest. Look, it's no different then any other type of election where people have rallies. Hell,t he Campaign HQ's are designed to be bases for guys. The way to do this on these forums is to PM them to get into direct contact.

The only issue I have with PM'ing is then turning around and being a hypocrite by criticizing the people that voted against who you wanted to win because they didn't post to back up their vote.

On the Issue of Repping: This is where I think I would draw the line. Rep bribing would be something that ticks me off. However, there is no rule against it, and it would be nearly impossible to control. The only way to do that would be to essentially shut down the rep system for the entire forum for four months out of the year. Again, making this issue more serious then it needs be.

What it comes down to is this. Xfear got Terry Funk to the Elite 8 in year one, IC got Vader to the Final Four this year, apparantely Will is going to get Edge to the final 2, if not the winner of the whole thing. Each and every year, a strong poster gets behind someone, and drives a guy pretty far. Each year the guy gets a little further. This could very well be me defending Lesnar at this point, seeing as he only lost by one vote to Edge at the last second.

To criticize Will personally for essentially piggy backing off of the precedent set forth the last two years by guys like X and IC is ******ed. If you don't want someone winning IE Edge, then go out there, and post about it. PM Bomb everyone you see if it means that much to you.

All in all, it's a tournament meant to drive discussion and have a little bit of fun. If we were determing best wrestler ever, none of the guys left would be in the discussion to be quite honest. We have gimmick matches that level the playing field out, and keeps some of the legends out of this round.

The rules say vote however you want at the end of the day. I personally try to keep it kayfabe, because I find it funner that way, but that' sjust me.
I tell ya Shocky if I had been around from the start of this years tourny I would of lobbied just as hard for Terry Funk as I did in the first one. The man gets far too much shit from legions of fans who only know him as a middle aged hardcore wrestler, and not the amazing wrestler that he was in the 70s and 80s. Best fuckin' heel of all time man.

As for everyone else coming into this thread saying shit like "I voted Edge cause I have the right to I don't care if you don't like it!", thats fine and dandy. So why are you in this thread? Take your Adam Copeland lovin' asses somewhere else, we don't give a shit about your opinions. Except Will, and that's only because he bribed me in order to post in this thread.

Sidenote....who is Nate? And when did I offer him my ass?
I voted Edge and Jericho because I figure in that case Jericho would win, which would be the worst case scenario, or Edge would win, which is OK cause he's one of my favourites. If Taker makes it through he would destroy Jericho since Jericho doesn't have someone like Will to push him, and if Hart goes through he would beat Edge. And if Taker and Hart go through it's just boring. Oh, and Will PMed me.
Year, all Terry Funk ever did was jump into barb wire. That part of his career where he went toe to toe with Lou Thesz in Japan is a myth. A myth I tell you!
Course he still lost, but that's OK, because Lou Thesz said that he was very good; Or he would have done if that decade actually happened, and wasn't an urban legend.

Pick the sarcasm out of that if you dare.

Oh... and I didn't vote for Khali or Lenser, did vote for Raven though.
I meant against Edge. Although I was really voting for Will in that match because he wrote a 3,000 word post and I approve of such things.
No, this was his best chance.

Hopefully the Hulkster will take it next year, and people won't think that Hulk has no chance in triple cage matches.
:lmao: Wasn't that a match-up in the first years tournament KB? Infact I'm almost 100% certain it was Hogan vs. AJ in a ladder match, and AJ won. And I think I voted for AJ too.

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