I'm Done

I'm guilty. :( :lmao: I'm sure thats what people want to hear, especially if it helps them sleep at night in knowing Edge is still in the tournament. Holy shit people are getting stupid with this.

Seriously now, the most I've done is PM'd a few people. And not in a forceful way, either.

All these "VOTE *insert Edge Opponent here*" threads that've popped up made me take the initiative to grab supporters ahead of time. All I've ever done is what Shocky himself suggested to do. Holy shit, call the cops. :lmao:
so then Eliisman was lying?

About the rep thing? No, he just didn't have the facts straight.

I've repped him, (check his rep - you'll see I did) because he asked me to. And I did, just like I'd rep anyone else that randomly asked for it.. (because rep doesn't mean anything to me) Ask TM - he asks all the time. :lmao:

But not in return for a bribery type of vote. If Ellis thought that, then I guess I should clarify to him otherwise. Because that wasn't what I ever said.

He merely said he was voting for Edge, and I should rep him for it. Was that illegal? I guess no more than whiny bitch threads demanding people go vote for Edge's opponents, huh?

I didn't say "vote for Edge THEN I'll rep you." I said "Can I have your support in voting for Edge.. here's why I think he should win.." and he replied with "good enough for me, you should rep me" or something like that. He never said he'd only vote if I repped him.
no, they were saying you were rep bribing, rep buying votes

Ohh.. wow, fucking idiots.

I only ever repped Ellis, for anything even remotely revolving the tournament. And not because he voted, but instead because he asked.

Truth be told, I would've never even asked people through PM's to listen to my argument on why they should vote for Edge.. if people didn't start cheap "vote against Edge" threads first.

Ever since right around the Lesnar round.. when Sam put that thread up in the bar room, is when I figured things were getting dirty. But yeah - NEVER offered rep for a vote.

:lmao: Can I though? Cause if that works, fuck I'm game. :lmao: I really DO want Edge to win.. and a bunch of people are being huge babies about this anyways, so at this point I could give a shit less. lol
I was so tempted to come in here ranting and raving. Then I remembered, Edge is gonna win. Ha! If Will was offering rep for votes, I'd be pissed. But since I know he didn't, I am stoked. I have untainted Will rep. Everyone resorting to insults. WAH! *****es with a capital bitch.
I voted for Edge not because im a moron, not because I think he is better then Taker (because he certainly is not), not even because Will asked me in a way that made me feel loved, it was purely down to the fact that I have not been as entertained by the deadman in the last 12 months as I have by Edge (exception being Mania 25 that was a hell of a match).
I was so tempted to come in here ranting and raving. Then I remembered, Edge is gonna win. Ha! If Will was offering rep for votes, I'd be pissed. But since I know he didn't, I am stoked. I have untainted Will rep. Everyone resorting to insults. WAH! *****es with a capital bitch.

Hypocrisy much?
I was so tempted to come in here ranting and raving. Then I remembered, Edge is gonna win. Ha! If Will was offering rep for votes, I'd be pissed. But since I know he didn't, I am stoked. I have untainted Will rep. Everyone resorting to insults. WAH! *****es with a capital bitch.


And Nate, your rep isn't tainted at all. Its because you're a Will-head. lol And a damn great one at that!
:) I tried puttin Will Head as my headline. Didn't look right. Xfear offered me his anus for a Taker vote. I demand he be banned. -Don't get all serious on me.
:) I tried puttin Will Head as my headline. Didn't look right.

Its okay, I still know you are one. :p

Xfear offered me his anus for a Taker vote. I demand he be banned. -Don't get all serious on me.

Wait, seriously? :lmao: Seriously now, anyone who believed this shit is fucking ******ed in the head and just trying blatantly to make up random shit to give themselves excuses on why Edge is still (currently, anyways) winning this thing.

I'm awaiting the "Will's found a way to alter the votes" thread next. lol Followed by the "Will's paid off the admins" thread to follow.

I think it needs to be said though.. if I would've thought about offering rep to everyone when I asked for support, wouldn't that make me the Ultimate Opportunist of WZ? Pretty sweet, I think.
I have been bribed with rep before. A certain poster offered me rep to vote for The Big Show. I fucked it up anyway though. To Sam, it was meant to be ironic.
Well the result is lame, but that's pretty much par for the course. It took six months last year for people to stop going on about The Hitman going out to Kane, and that result was fucking awesome.

Is the result wrong? Probably.

Am I happy that the vote has been swayed by Will sending out PMs instead of by reasoned debate? Not that much.

If I'd sent out a few thousand PMs and got Lou Thesz over Sting, would I be feeling majorly chuffed with myself? Bet your ass I would.

No end of people have been using PMs as a weapon in this, and in every other tournament. Memories foggy, but I think Irish did it for Vader last year. I'm pretty sure Becca decided to take the first round of the Tag Team popularity tournament too seriously and sent out PMs to eliminate JMT and myself. And I'm sure early on more than enough people were sending them out to try and promote their favourite in this thing.

All Will seems to have done is to do it better than anyone else, and it would be a bit difficult for me to criticise that without making something of a hypocrite of myself. If being a staff member lets you mass PM instead of spending hours sending out individual notes then I've got a problem, but that aside, nothing new has happened.

Possibly we could take a lesson from this for next year. Personally I'm against forcing people to post when they vote. If anything that discouraged people to make thought out posts, and just institutionalises people emulating the Klunderbunker style of posting. Anyway, I'm obsessive about keeping my post count low, so I'd hardly vote under such a system.

Perhaps banning people from PMing for votes would be an answer, but that's a slippery slope. Next year will we all get up in arms abut those bar room threads shilling for votes? How about sigs and campaign headquarters? All of them try to influence people outside of the means of rational debate and could become the subject of bitching under the same precedent.

Don't get me wrong. This result sucks and Will is incredibly lame for bringing it about. Unfortunately, he's also in the right. So I guess we jsut have to deal with it.


'nd stuff.
Am I happy that the vote has been swayed by Will sending out PMs instead of by reasoned debate? Not that much.

Just out of curiosity.. anyone reading this, that got a PM from me asking for support.. DID I TWIST YOUR FUCKING ARM? Did I threaten the life of your first born? Did I tell you I'd fucking kill you, if you didn't vote the way I wanted you to?

No. The answer to those questions would be no.

I asked, nicely, simply put, could I have your support. I did the same thing everyone else did, through Bar room threads. I just did it better, more thought out, and not forcefully. I even encouraged people to vote for WHO THEY WANTED TO WIN.. all I asked for, was the opportunity to win their vote; to earn their vote.

If I'd sent out a few thousand PMs and got Lou Thesz over Sting, would I be feeling majorly chuffed with myself? Bet your ass I would.

Chuffed? Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

Memories foggy, but I think Irish did it for Vader last year.

If he did, I never received one. But Justin claims I'm twice as horrible with my Edge backing as Irish was with his Vader backing from a year ago.. so its entirely possible.

I'm pretty sure Becca decided to take the first round of the Tag Team popularity tournament too seriously and sent out PMs to eliminate JMT and myself.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can NOT be serious. Becca sent out PM's to eliminate people from a poster tournament?

Oh wait, didn't I do the exact same thing when HBKlunker got eliminated to The Eternal Ones in the last major drama filled tournament happened? I seem to recall Klunker ranting and raving over it, and Becca not talking to me for a while.

I have a bigger history with PMing people than I thought. :lmao:

And I'm sure early on more than enough people were sending them out to try and promote their favourite in this thing.

All in all, everyone has tried gaining votes cheap(ly) in some form or fashion. Anyone with a "Fuck Edge" sig, anyone with tons of members on their Messenger systems, anyone who started a campaign thread for sakes.

All Will seems to have done is to do it better than anyone else, and it would be a bit difficult for me to criticise that without making something of a hypocrite of myself.

Damn skippy.

Honestly though, have I not ALSO been IN each and every Edge/Tournament thread.. fighting the good fight, and proving why to each and every individual who says otherwise, why Edge should win?? I think I have.

I've been the Heart and Soul of this Tournament.

If being a staff member lets you mass PM instead of spending hours sending out individual notes then I've got a problem, but that aside, nothing new has happened.

I didn't send out Mass PM's. That'd be insane. I sent out PM's to a handful of people. And I had to do them individually. I could've sent out "mass" PMs, had I taken the time to type in each and everyone's user names.. but it was easier to just click, paste and send individually.

Perhaps banning people from PMing for votes would be an answer, but that's a slippery slope.

Well thats a bit much. Especially considering Two of our Three main Admins have encouraged doing this. Unless I'm misunderstanding them.

Don't get me wrong. This result sucks and Will is incredibly lame for bringing it about. Unfortunately, he's also in the right. So I guess we jsut have to deal with it.

Sooo.. does this mean if Edge wins, I can't count on your support?

Well I'm crossing your name off my PM list, Mister!
Nasty working class northern people use 'chuffin' as a sort of low grade swear word, but to the rest of the world to be "chuffed" means to be pleased.

As for the final, had you asked me at the start of this thing to name the one man I did not want to see win, I'd have picked Hart (Or Buddy Rogers if I was feeling adventurous).
I'll probably not vote.
A Bret Hart/Edge final is my dream. Honestly. If I could've suggested to you having my All-time favorite Canadian, matched up against my 2nd all-time favorite Canadian.. well, I would've told you Lance Storm didn't have a shot in hell.. so my 3rd all-time favorite Canadian could take over.. and there you have it.

Hart/Edge. I love it. But Taker can still steal it, as can Jericho.
Moral of this story: Will just wanted his wrestler to win more than anyone else. Will has obviously put more effort into promoting Edge than anyone else has their respective favorite. So that's obviously taking him far.

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