WWE Interested in Signing Kanye West?

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I hope he doesn't, Kanye is the biggest douche in the universe. I'd still watch Raw but skip whatever parts he appears in. BUT, a while ago, there was heavy rumours stating Eminem was infact training to be a WWE Wrestler, or a Wrestler, while it is true he is a Wrestling fan (he wore a Mysterio mask not long ago pictures were over the internet, even WWE Magazine made reference to this in an interview with Rey) but nothing came of it, was merely rumours. Hope he sticks to doing what he likes to call music I call a pile of arsecum, that way I wont be able to see him or hear him.
You know i actually like this idea. i know most of everybody here hated the k-fed angle but come on no one got any satisfaction when John Cena kicked the crap out of him. I see the same thing here with kanye being a heel and John Cena eventually beating the shit out him to the crowd cheering. It would make for some publicity and Vince has always gone by the rule that any publicity is good publicity.
lol...I thought this might happen. Well I don't like entertainers/celebrities getting involved with the WWE, this seems like a logical thing. Kanye is very famous and he's incident alone got tons and tons of mainstream press(something that the WWE obviously wants).

I mean every news outlet, entertainment show, blog, ect for days were bashing West so he is sorta a hot commodity right now. I really think he could bring in a ton of viewers, if the WWE promoted it properly.

But the thing is what happens when West leaves? It's obviously not a long term thing, and I really don't think alot of the viewer's that followed West to the WWE would stay. Wrestling just isn't cool anymore and even hardcore wrestling fans are getting sick of the storylines, feuds, wrestlers ect. So while ratings, PPV buyrates, and interest from the mainstream media would be high, it would probably be temporary.

And 10 Million dollars does seem like an awful lot, but I guess if Vince really believes he can create new fans out of this and drive up some buzz, he must think it's worth it. And Kanye would be a huge heat drawer and be a credible heel, I just am not convince with this whole thing.
They just want him to interrupt a couple of matches and say "Hey John, I'm gonna let you finish, but Randy Orton has the best finisher" then leave and let Orton capitalize. And "Hey Undertaker, I'm gonna let you finish but CM Punk has the best submission" and let Punk capitalize.
Will some people pay to see Kanye pretend to get his ass kicked? Maybe. There are a lot of hicks out there who probably believe that it's still real.

That said, the masses won't care. And that's what this is about. Vince doesn't want to waste time making boatloads of money off that nerdy, fat, pale, unsightly, acne riddled audience he has. He wants to hang out with the cool consumers again. "Please take me back, popular culture!" He's fighting a losing battle on that front. People have moved on. If he ever gets mainstream attention, people scoff at how fake wrestling is and how it's so ten years ago. But that won't stop Vince from trying to live out his fantasy. Instead of moving on and accepting the smaller audience WWE has to play to now, he's going to run his company into the ground by pretending he's still hip.

What will the result be? Kanye may be worth a try, but if 10 million dollars is the price than this latest attempt to fit in will likely result in some red ink. Heck, by the time they get him in a ring this VMA thing will have long since blown over.

But hey, entertainment and controversy. Because they is jive. :rolleyes:
i had 2 make an account 4 this topic. I 4 one, would love 2 see Mr. West step inside the squared circle!! Why wouldn't you? You mean 2 tell me, that some of yal would rather watch Bob Barker, than Kanye West?? Some of yal are sayin' you would stop watchin wrestling if Kanye would 2 show up....well then maybe you shouldn't be watchin it @ all. Can't u stomach 3 shows of Mr. West??? U don't even gotta pay attention, pay attention 2 the wrestling aspect of the show & pay Kanye no mind. & that is what a heel is supposed 2 do, correct? generate heat?

the possibilities are are endless, he is from Chicago....so is CM Punk!! nuff said

as far as respect goes for Kanye, ask ANY real hip-hop fan & they'll tell you or show you how much respect Kanye has an artist. Some real die-hard fans 4 the College Dropout. As a human being, we might not like what he did 2 Taylor Swift as it was disrespectful, but rumor has it, it might've been staged anyway. Bottom line is, it's ALL publicity, so why wouldn't you make the business decision 2 jump on the train when it's obviously still running.

you would rather watch Seth Green? Freddie Prinze? Bob Barker? over Kanye West....? & who's 2 say Kanye DOESN'T like wrestling?? Face it...you would tune in, just 2 see how things would be handled!!
Well, I see Ross is denying this rumor as now reported on the main page ... and in this case, I am going to take his word at face value. I certainly didn't give the rumor much credibility to begin with.

It would have definitely given the E some publicity, but I would love to know who made this rumor up.

On another note, Entertainment and Controversy may not be some people's cup of tea, but evidently Sesame Street and Poo Poo jokes are. That's just a case of having some adults that should be seated at the Kiddie Table, as that programming is simply too sensitive for them to take.
I don't think anything is going to happen out of this, I highly doubt they would pay him that much for 3 shows. It seems over the top. And JR wrote on his blog he thinks it's a load of shit.

If they were to do it it would have to be at Wrestlemania. It's where there traditionally is a celebrity. He'd have to be a heel and would have to get his ass kicked. That's the only way it would work IMO and I think Kanye's so full of himself he wouldn't do it unless he beat up someone like the Big Show and won.

Pretty much I don't think it's true and I certainly pray it's not true. I'm not interested in seeing Kanye anywhere in the WWE let alone actually wrestling.
Hell, I'd pay to see that piece of sh&t get his ass kicked, I've hated his attitude for year's and after what he did to Taylor Swift (Shes hot), I would kill to see him get his ass served with an injury (something like Dr. Ken but with a worse injury :devil:) the best part would be that he asked for it. And just to kill two birds with one stone, have somebody young do it (Maybe MVP or John Morrison hes supposed to be an "A" Lister, or hell more than one, I don't care, have Hornswaggle bite his head off for all I care). Just don't do it at Wrestlemania.

a while ago, there was heavy rumours stating Eminem was infact training to be a WWE Wrestler, or a Wrestler, while it is true he is a Wrestling fan
Wait, let me get this straight, first Eminem, then Floyd Mayweather and now Kanye West? Who's next? Andre Benjamin, T.I., Jay Z, Ricky Martin!?

Did I mention I hate the guy? Sorry just saying...:shooter:
All i can say is brilliant haha not what in the world will they possibly do with kanye west. (pause) can't think of anything im guessing they will put him doing something with either jericho with him that is or john cena like k fed which we all know where that went. o wish tna would sign heyman so we would all have somewhere else to go for good wrestling and better storylines
I think it's a stupid move. Why would Vince be paying that money to get a 1 day high rating when he can make a weekly quality show with the talent that was endeavored due to "budget cuts"? It's ridiculous.

Glad it's just a rumor though.
Kanye West is a piece of crap. He's an black stain in the shirt of human life. All he cares about is himself, garnering attention, and making sure everyone knows he's the best. All Kanye does is make crappy rap records and tell everyone his small opinion. He gets away with stuff that no one else could ever dream of without getting Banzai Dropped by a 400lb security guard.

In other words, he'd make the perfect heel. I hated the Kevin Federline storyline because I hated both Cena and K-Fed.... and not in the good "interesting" way. I didn't even watch that segment of Raw when they wrestled and went into the other room in disgust. I think this will work better for business if done correctly. Should Kanye be in a match by himself? No. He needs to be partnered with someone or a manager who takes one or two bumps. Let Kanye work the crowd into a frenzy on Raw. I think they'll get enough media attention to get a short term ratings burst from it. The last thing WWE should do is prolong the feud like K-Fed vs. Cena or make it another Adam "Pacman" Jones situation. So, after a PPV, have Kanye host Raw, p'o someone, and then have him manage that person's opponent at the next PPV, where if that person wins, they can get five minutes with Kanye in the ring.
If they were to bring him in for anything, it should be as a heel guest host. He's a good talker and, as we all know, the guy knows how to draw heat better than most of the heels on the roster. I'm a fan of Kanye and while he disappointed me with the whole Taylor Swift thing, I wouldn't mind him as a guest host.

As far as the rumored 2 show, ppv thing, I don't know how'd that work. I'm pretty sure it's a load of crap, but if it were true, how would this happen? Would they re-hash the K-fed/Cena fued and have him screw over Cena or something? Maybe have Kanye form a loose alliance with Orton and try to run in on their match only to get an Attitude Adjustment (which he actually needs)
OK First let me get this out of the way. It will never happen. No way No how but.... If it did this would be the only way i could see this working for the benifit of the fans. Kanye comes out as a guest host for raw as a total heel. rips the fans talks about how great he is. The whole 9. He makes friends with show and y2j so they "keep him safe". He screws all the top faces on raw in one sided matches. Then at the end of the show he talks about how fun it is to ruin the fans hopes of seeing their favorite superstars win so since Teddy is missing from Smackdown he will host that as well. Smackdown comes and he does the same bit drawing heat from the crowd. Then he jumps to the pay per view to cut a promo about being the best at what he does and how noboy is better than him. And the crowd needs to respect him because he is the great one and thats the bottom line. And as he finishes that statement The Rock's music hits. Crowd explodes. He walks down to the ring but stops as his music stops then we hear the glass break. STONE COLD!!!! STONE COLD!!!! comes to the ring. They both enter the ring and do their intros. Austin talks about the Swift disaster and says if he would have been there he would have stomped a mudhole in him and walked it dry. Kanye tries to explain himself as Austin interupts him at every word with WHAT WHAT WHAT making Kanye look stupid. Then the Rock stops Austin...Whoa whoa whoa whoa Rock says you cant talk to him like that. This man is a musical genius. Austin says really? i never heard of him. Rock says tell him what your name is. Kanye starts to talk and Rock hits him with IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS. Rock tears into Kanye with his classic lines. Standing in the ring not knowing what to do or say he leaves the ring embarassed never to return. Id pay to see that
Kanye West is the biggest heel in the Western world right now. And no, no not like one of those awesome heels like CM Punk where you admire how well his promos are cut, a serious fucking heel heel. Yeah I'm looking at you X. You yourself have already flamed him to no end between this section and the bar room. Its great, he illicits real response from us, not feigned hatred like for CM Punk.

If they manage to land him as an appearance, it would be awesome. The time could not have come any better. He is the hot shit right now. and none of you can tell me you wouldn't want to see him being attitude adjusted by Cena. Tell me you don't want to see that, you can't can you? As a temporary thing this is brilliant.

It would be very interesting due to his popularity and "status" as a jerk and everything.

It woulda been really funny/messed up if he came out during Lillians good-bye speech last night on RAW, and said, "Ima let you finish, but Howard Finkel was the best ring announcer of ALL TIME! Of all time!" then walked off.

If that wouldve happened, he wouldve gotten SO much heat it wouldnt have been funny. But it wouldve made for an enterraining moment.
He's in pretty decent shape, although Im not sure how tall he is. He could come out with the Bella Twins, and they could all suck together,

Or better yet I can go ahead now and say he's the next Rock, because he'll interrupt people in the middle of promos by stating how much better his are, and how good he is in the ring.

this would be the dumbest fucking thing they could possibly do, unless its in a guest GM role, and he played a heel all night by getting involved in matches, and changing things last minute to build more heat on himself. Doubt he'd go for it, due to already making a major ass out of himself nationally
I just don't know what the problem is here. This isn't any different than what the WWE has done off and on for the last 25 years. They're interested in bringing in a well known, hot celebrity to appear on their television programs and pay per views. They did it with Cyndi Lauper, Muhammad Ali, Donald Trump, Vanna White, Pamela Anderson, Mike Tyson, etc. and it got people all over the country talking and watching to see what would happen. Having a celebrity involved and mixing it up with a wrestler can elevate that wrestler's status. To this day, oen of the most talked about and remembered aspects of Roddy Piper's career was his feud with Mr T. and it's the same with Jerry Lawler and Andy Kauffman. Both men had great wrestling careers and their involvement with a celebrity feud doesn't diminish that. Austin was popular before the bit with Tyson on Raw, no doubt, but he skyrocketed afterward. The segment was featured in every major newspaper in the country, they talked about it on CNN, it was talked about on radio talk shows, etc.

I don't know why so many just assume it's going to be a disaster, if it does come to pass that is. This will bring in business for the WWE if, for nothing else, out of sheer curiosity. Some can say the WWE isn't trying to produce a quality product, I don't agree so I'm not going waste time debating that. I know that lots don't like to think of wrestling as a business for some reason, but the WWE is a business and anything involving Kanye West right now would draw big ratings and pay per view buys.

Now, as a lifelong wrestling fan, I admit that I have my doubts about this. It could come off great or a complete disaster. At the same time, however, I have to respect the WWE for trying to do something to garner more attention to their product.

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