TNA Interested in Signing Morrison & Melina?

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
Off the Wrestlezone homepage.

According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, TNA Wrestling is interested in signing former WWE stars John Morrison and Melina. Morrison and Melina have both been brought up in recent creative meetings, and Bruce Prichard is said to be high on the idea of them joining TNA.

aside from the typical "Melinas a ****e,Morrisons spineless for still being with her" comments that always come up when theres anything about these two....thoughts on this?

personally i would LOVE to see them both join TNA i always thought john morrison would be better off in TNA and i can name 5 people off the top of my head id love to see him work with and as for Melina i think she would be a great addition to the Knockouts divison my only problem is i feel they would do what they did with mickie james and what there doing with gail kim with her and give her a fued over the title right away then after winning it have her hold it for too long (this more so applies to gail then mickie.)
I was always kind of neutral on Morrsion and Melina. I just don't see any upside of TNA bringing them in. I am sure they would be asking for a lot of money. I don't obviously know that for sure, but something tells me they would be. I don't believe that people would show anymore interest in TNA because of the signing so why spend the money. I could see it if Morrison didn't get a big paycheck and was used in the x division. I think Morrison and Aries would be great to see. Melina would be fine in the knockouts division but is she really necessary? To sum it up, and this is just my opinion, I don't think they should be signed, and they need TNA more than TNA needs them.
Melina has a MAJOR attitude problem. She brings nothing to that company because she is not that good in the ring either. TNA already has plenty of guys who are like John Morrison. They should concentrate on getting them over before throwing him in the mix.
Let's be honest, the only reason they probably want to sign Melina is keep Morrsion happy. I mean I never really cared for her in WWE pretty much.

Morrison on the other hand would be a great signing. He could go into the X-Division and give Austin Aries a good fued or he could help in the TV title picture. The guy is very athletic so wherever he goes he'd be able to put on good matches.
I'd be happy to see John Morrison in TNA, although I thought he was too heavy for the X Division (I live in hope that they'll scrap the weight limit as I like the idea of Bully ray taking the belt of of A Double before dropping it back to him in the main event of Destination X).

I'm ambivilant over Melina, she's not the best or worst female wrestler and would certainly add something to the rather stagnant Knockout's Division but I've heard all these reports claiming she's a backstage Diva.

At the end of the day I'd rather TNA signed these two and paid a fair whack for them than spend 1 cent/penny on Brooke Hogan. Shame really, I believe Morrison will eventually return to the WWE instead, Melina will stay on the indies and Brooke Hogan will get more TV time than any Knockout on IMPACT Wrestling.
Would love to see Morrison in TNA. Melina, im not sold on. Ive just heard far to many stories of her causing drama to say id like her to be there.

Unfortunately, it seems they come as a package deal and if thats the case, id rather not see Morrison if it means the backstage area is bit more pleasant.
John Morrison is one of the very few free-agents in wrestling right now that have name value to the casual fan. Not name value on the level of The Rock or anything like that, but someone who follows wrestling every now and again will know who he is. So, he is worth having in TNA.

Morrison is a phenomenal athlete, and is always someone who had the in-ring ability to be a superstar, but just lacked the promo skills to ever really make it to that next level. But as an actual performer, there aren't too many people I find more entertaining than Morrison. TNA would be a great place for him to remind people what he can do. Matches with AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy again would be awesome to see!

As for Melina...yeah she is hot! She is decent in the ring too, but is she worth all the backstage bullshit that she brings? Probably not, and she would cost a hell of a lot too for what she can actually do. Morrison would come with a big salary, but at least he is probably worth it, Melina isn't. However, I could see JoMo only coming to TNA if Melina came too, I hope I am wrong.

TNA should sign Morrison, and leave Melina rotting on the indies, where she can suck cock for bookings.
I know Morrison would be good for TNA, but I think TNA needs too work on building up their own superstars. Yes, Morrison wasn't huge in WWE, but I'd rather him go back to WWE than go to TNA. Morrison will be thrown into the main event in TNA or even the X-division, but he should stay away from TNA.
John Morrison is one of the very few free-agents in wrestling right now that have name value to the casual fan. Not name value on the level of The Rock or anything like that, but someone who follows wrestling every now and again will know who he is. So, he is worth having in TNA.

John Morrison would not be able to use that name as I am sure it is "owned" by WWE. I believe that he is using his John Hennigan name on the indepenent circuit.
I've maintained for years that John Morrison is one of the most overrated wrestlers of the last 10 years (much like Rey Mysterio, The Miz and more), but what I won't deny is his wild popularity. With the company shifting to a live format, now is the perfect time to bring him in if the company ever had any intentions of doing so, and not have to worry about the false spike in ratings due to spoilers ruining it for the rest of us.

He's still a drab, dull, personality-lacking "star", but he's a "star" regardless, and frankly, the X Division can use all the help it can muster right now.
TNA should definitely try to recruit Morrison. He would be better off there because WWE did not push him properly. I could see him quickly winning the X Division or Television Championship and having solid reigns with either one. I also wonder if he would go by his real name or if TNA would give him a new name, he obviously will not be allowed to use John Morrison or Johnny Nitro. Perhaps they could try to get Mercury too, they can tag team again.

Melina, on the other hand, they need to stay as far away from as possible. All she does is cause drama. They have a good number of girls who are far better looking, better in the ring, and better on the mic than her. She has no business setting foot in TNA after her behavior over in WWE. Then again, this is TNA and nearly every WWE reject ends up there somehow. I look forward to seeing Morrison if they recruit him, but not Melina. I hate her.
like most people here id love to see john morrison in tna

but not sold on melina because of backstage drama im sure if it wasnt a package deal john morrisoon would be in tna by now.
I never like Morrison in wwe but i feel he can thrive in Impact much like Christian did, I think the problem with Morrison was he was on the wrong show, he always felt like a Smackdown star... i think that X Divison Belt, maybe even Impact Heavyweight belt would good around him

as for melina, i think she can improve the knockouts its not like she is a scrub... i just hope she brings back the skirt and thong [right right? anyone?....]

if they can get them i feel it can only improve Impact, nothing big but very good
Not really sure what to make of this. I wasn't really a fan of either in WWE, so I'm indifferent. Morrison has the skills to to a decent X division member, but that's pushing it. Doesn't really have the personality that keeps me interested. Melina on the other hand has a history of being a pain behind the curtain, so I don't know how she would mesh with the other KO's. They have enough to deal with in Brooke Hogan being in charge of that division.
Like alot of the other consensus, I like the idea of Morrison going to TNA. Although it'd be weird hearing his real name instead[it just sounds awful]. Maybe TNA should make Morrison a brand new ring name[like with Elijah Burke going to "The Pope"]. Morrison would make an immediate impact just by arriving into Impact[yes, I noticed the pun]. He could have great matches with AJ, Daniels, Roode, Storm, Aries, and the like. Plus, it's always nice to see what talents are capable of without the WWE machine behind them. It'll either be a total success story or a total failure. Either way, Morrison will either sink or swim on his own merit.

Which brings me to Melina. Yes, she's somewhat decent looking. I believe CM Punk summed it up nicely calling her a 3 :). She is not that good in-ring and brings alot of unwarranted backstage drama. TNA already has enough problems with big egos leeching off of the Impact Wrestling name. Hogan, Bischoff. Nuff said. Anyone who cannot contribute to Impact in a ratings way or talent-way do not belong in the company.
Assuming that Morrison and Melina come as a package deal, here's what I would do:

Morrison is working indies right now. Last I heard he was asking for a pretty exhorbitant booking fee. I'm sure those in the know are aware if he's actually getting that money or not. This would have a lot to do with what I would offer Morrison to put in some time in TNA. If he's super-over and getting every penny he's asking for, then I would do what I could to try and meet that dollar amount and sign him to a one year (likely exclusive) deal. If he's struggling, I'd offer him the opportunity to keep working the indies as much or as little as he wants, but initially have him on a pay-per-appearance deal with TNA. Try to get him on for the 5/31 live show to see how the audience responds.

As for what he'd be doing? Either an "open challenge" for the TV title against Devon (assuming a 1 year, exclusive contract) or a hot-shot into a feud with RVD (pay-per-appearance) would probably be good. Despite his obvious athleticism, I wouldn't want to see Morrison relegated to the X-division just yet. There is some star power there leftover from his time in WWE. Use that to make an impact (both figuratively and literally).

If Melina has to come along, I see an "art imitates life" scenario. Bring her in, but don't pair her up with Morrison. In fact, have her be the manager/valet of somebody else, much to Morrisons surprise and chagrin. I think that's the story with Melina... let perception become "reality" and hopefully base some intriguing stories off of it.
Well they signed Gail Kim already, so I wouldn't be surprised if they hired Melina too. And John Morrison is a joke to begin with. If he does sign, I highly doubt that he'll be anywhere near entertaining. I mean the fact is, he was flat out boring in WWE. He had NO personality, no charisma, and any spot he could do Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne can do as well. There isn't, nor was there ever, anything special about him... except for him maybe being the launching pad for CM Punk's early success. Oh wait, Jeff Hardy already takes that credit.
That Will Be Awesome ,
John Morrison's skills is great , and TNA will give him everything ,
Just imagine ,, John Morrison and AA in a match for X title , this will be great .
Meline ,, Awesome woman ,, and she will be happy in Knockout Division with Gail Kim , Mickie James , And Valvet Sky ..

T h x ,
I wouldn't be opposed to this move at all. I am a big Morrison fan, and I feel strongly that he was misused in the WWE (he should have gotten that push instead of that no-talent hack Miz). With the style TNA presents, I think he would be a great fit for them. The potential matches Morrison could have there are endless. Him against either AJ, Aries, Roode, Storm Angle, Daniels, Kazarian and either one or both of the Guns would be match ups I would gladly check out. With him still being well known by the casual's (it hasn't been long since he left), I think he would probably be an upper card talent for the time being.

As for Melina. I know there are those with the stance that they think she's a "cancer", a "****e" (like anybody else other than her and Morrison know the full story on that, but that's for a different conversation), and whatever other demeaning and stale words are directed towards her. I wouldn't mind seeing her there either. With actual wrestlers in the Knockouts division, I think she would have much better matches than she could in WWE today. Who wouldn't want to see her against Gail, Mickie and Tara again? Or see her go against Angelina, ODB and the ones that she hasn't faced yet in the WWE? I know I would but that's just one's opinion.

All in all, I would be ecstatic to see both of them join. If it's a package deal... that would be fantastic as I am a big fan of both of them. If we only just get either JoMo or Melina... then that would be great too. I'm not opposed to either option, but who knows when or if it will happen though.
tna would be crazy not to want to sign them. they both can work and both have some name value to them. these are the kind of ex-wwe employees that tna should be looking at. want to make an impact? bring them in and make them both champs on their first night. definitely would shake things up(not saying i think they should be the center of the company but if you want some immediate buzz, this would do it).
i agree with most people here on id love to see morrison in tna he could be the person to end aries run as x divison champion or even if his promo work has improved he can be at the main event level even hes talented enough.

as for melina yeah i have heard shes got major attitude problems and i agree she would need to be kept in line but being the newcomer into tna i think if she started her usual stuff there would be someone in that knockouts locker room who would tell her to shut her mouth or something to keep her in line bottom line is shes a pretty good womens wrestler i always liked her work in the ring but im not really sure how much she can truley add.

just thought of this but what if tna wants melina so she can manage morrison? those 2 together are gold. :shrug:
Hmmm I wouldn't want him in TNA to be honest more people would just shit on TNA for hiring another "WWE reject". Maybe bring him in as a surprise for OFN/Gut Check and have him turned down lol

bringing a big name like him for gut check and having him turned down would really make no sense because of him being a semi big name i do like the idea of him showing up on open fight night sometime down the line its not bad but personally id book it as they build it up big like they did for christian cage's debut leading up to him showing up at a PPV.
if they have their backstage issues worked out then i think both would be fine in TNA if used right. Melina would be a good heel in the Knockouts and Morrison (who would be under a different name) would be great for the TV title or X-Division title as he would put on good matches as a heel.
We've been through this like 3 or 4 times already, haven't we? This is not a new rumor and we've talked about what the signing could or would mean. Since short term memory loss is common amongst wrestlers and their fans, I suppose I'll give my input again.

Morrison would have been a good signing a while ago. He was hot and a pretty big name from WWE. Now he's been out of the limelight for a while and I'm not sure how much name value he has left in that sense. Certainly if he debuted at the first LIVE Impact, it would give that air of unpredictability to the show which is good, but outside of that, he's not a huge star.

However, he is a good wrestler and certainly has more name value that many of the main players in TNA. With that in mind, why the fuck should he go to the X-Dvision? If Aries is "too good" for the Division, why wouldn't Morrison be? He's more well known, has held more important titles in his life, and has been seen by a lot more people. He was an upper midcarder in the WWE. Why the fuck would he sign on to work the lowest possible division in TNA? If I'm him and that's what they offer me, I laugh in their face and walk out still laughing. If Mr. Anderson gets to main event, surely John Morrison, who was around longer and had a better WWE career, should get that same chance.

The fact is that he should be damn close to a main eventer in TNA. If there's not room for that, he's basically useless to them. He's not an X-Division guy and he shouldn't be. If I'm Morrison, there's very little incentive to go work for TNA, especially since it's said that he didn't leave WWE on bad terms. Wait on that job.

Oh and Melina...........yeah, she's better than all the Knockouts except Mickie so she'd do a good job there, but who knows if they'd want her without Morrison. I doubt they do so don't count on her there either.

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