Melina Better Than Victoria? What?

Again what are you talking about? The Christo was an ingenious maneuver that none of the other ladies, including Molly, had a clue how to do. In that era, Gail was the closest, besides Molly that the WWE womens division came to actual good talent. Vicky had her moments in WWE but by the time Gail debuted Victoria was past her expiration date.

Also the largest i've heard Victoria's weight to be was 155, the smallest 136. Gail has always weighed 130 lbs, not much of a difference if you ask me.

And even if that wasn't the case, how would Vicky submitting to Gail be any different than Kane or Undertaker submitting to Kurt Angle or Beniot? It woundn't, enough with this frail women BS

Not to get off topic, but Undertaker never *OFFICIALLY* tapped out to either one of those men, outside of the "draw" with Kurt Angle.

And the difference is that a maneuver like a Sharpshooter, Crippler Crossface, or similar submission looks like a move where you are actually unable to do much of anything when you are its victim.

Being able to walk around with her clinging to you like a monkey is rather silly, and is basically letting them set up a Samoan Drop FOR YOU. Its really no different than when people get out of a sleeper hold by ramming backwards into a turnbuckle.

When its done on the ground, it looks a bit more paralyzing, otherwise.. it just kind of reminds me of when your cousin hops on your back and asks you for a piggy back ride.
this is a hard choice.u guys are right.melina has great mic skills and victoria is great in the ring.but i think i will go with melina.but just by a hairline.cause victoria does has great skill all around.but i feel like victorias time is up.unless wwe can come to their senses.i mean victoria is now on smackdown.what could she possibly do there.also melina is not only a good wrestler and talker but she is a great manager.most managers are there for eye candy but melina showed that theres more to it than looking.she got involved.melina is a breath of fresh air for the womens divsion.she can save it hopefully.seeing as victoria isnt used anymore.but imo both divas are amazing and really theres almost no choosing whos better.
Hi guys, its my first post here i just wanted to express my opinion, Victoria is actually the best female wrestler on WWE and Melina ij just going "with the flow", he got pushed and Victoria is sadly still jobbing for "main stream" Divas.
Victoria was the best at one piont but not anymore, IMO she's way past her prime, my vote for the best OVERALL female wrestler and entertainer goes to Jillian, with Mickie James being a close second, right now
I think that Victoria is a better wrestler and maybe they should have everyone of the divas from all three (or at least from Raw AND Smackdown) fight for the belt
I think Victroia deserves the title this time around. She is there for a quite long time now. But since she looks like a male and not that sexy, she is easily outwitted by her compatriotes.
But we should always remember the time when Victoria used to come to the ring in her panties and her ass was awsome.
But now then she is a wrestler and not a porn star , so she is dedicated to fighting. Let her win this Vengeance.
To answer your question, sagil67, my favorite womens wrestler is Mariko Yoshida, IMO she's the best in the world right now.

Probably now since Melina has lost the title, I wonder If she will go to the back of the line. That would be my guess, as Jillian could potentially play a better heel then Melina, thats if she can get over, but I have no doubt that she will. Hopefully WWE puts all of the divas on RAW (save for maria) into a high profile feud for the title, just like they were doing 3 or or 4 years ago.
I think Melina and Victoria are both deserving champions,
as long as they're allowed to actually wrestle,
and not do any of that stupid crap(pudding match) they'll be fine.
Jillain, Melina, and Victoria are definately deserving champions. They've paid their dues to get where they are at!

But you've got to admit, like her or hate her, Candice really did earn that belt! She has like 10 matches under that belt! She's really worked hard and despite the pudding match, which is not their fault- it's WWE's, she really can be a good player in the division. She reminds me way too much of Trish!

I would actually like a Jillian/Candice feud. Could be very interesting. Melina has had her chance to shine for now. No doubt she'll get the title back but let someone else step up now, PLEASE!

Jillian herselfcould use the exposure in the division as she has seemed to not be as amazing as in the indy's and such. Probably from working matches with the piece of useless ass shit named Ashley! Too bad Jillian's old finishers are banned by WWE!
I have no problems what-so-ever with Melina or Victoria, I just don't always like how WWE uses them. I also recognize that Jillian is a talented performer, but her character isn't all that great(wannabe pop singer). Candice o the other hands, I can't stand her character, and I don't like her in-ring work. I feel she could really step it up as far as matches go. But to the thread topic, I'm goin to settle on Victoria being better. I just wish they'd let her wrestle to her full potential.
Victoria is the best current female wrestler in the WWE ATM. Its a damn shame to see her on SD. She should be women's champion.

But you've got to admit, like her or hate her, Candice really did earn that belt! She has like 10 matches under that belt! She's really worked hard and despite the pudding match, which is not their fault- it's WWE's, she really can be a good player in the division. She reminds me way too much of Trish!

Candice did not earn that belt! Training for 1 year does not make you championship material. Melina wrestled for 8 years before she became champ and Jillian has worked for 6 years.

Candice only looks good in the ring because she's wrestling against pro's like Jillian and Victoria who carry her in matches.

Put her in a match against Maria or Trashley and then you'd see how bad she truely is.
Actually she did earn that belt, not experience wise. What I meant was that she had to fight and win like 10 matches before even getting a shot at it. She has upped her game recently. Right now she has kind of stalled but no doubt that she'll continue to improve in the future.

Considering how Candice can go out there and fight with women who have twice her experience, she is good! I don't see what's so bad about her wrestling!

With Beth back, the women's division has really picked up now. It is getting so much better.

We did see her in a match with Kristal who is in her league. She did very well in that match and performed damn good. She wasn't carried one bit in that match! So please don't say she would be bad with her level. Remember Maria and her at NYR 2006? The match sucked but the two put on a desent performance. Yes the moves were basic but they worked really well together.

Experience doesn't make you better. Look at Shelly Martinez (aka Ariel) she was wrestling for like 6 years and she wasn't that great in the ring. It's not the years of experience that make you better. Torrie is another example, she's been in the bussiness for 7-8 years and still isn't that good. She has a limited moveset and progresses about every two years!

To be back on topic here, there is no doubt that Victoria is better. Victoria is better at bumping and better at selling, just about everything! Melina is a damn good wrestler but she is no comparison to Victoria.
Yep, they're both attractive but Victoria is far better then Melina when it comes to in-ring skills. its a shame they dont use Victoria as much as they use Melina. Victoria should be womens champ.
Melina is very underrated as wrestler. Sure she might not be as good as Victoria in the ring, but few are. Melina's been wrestling for 7 years now, and I've seen her matches in OVW and in the Indies and they're really good. One of the best female matches of the year (in the WWE) was Melina vs Mickie James at Backlash. Not to metion Melina has some of the best mic skills out of all the females in the WWE. She's also a great heel character and knows exactly how to get the crowd to despise her. Victoria's heel persona isn't as good anymore and to tell the truth she's not nearly as good on the mic.

Moving onto Victoria. I'm a huge fan of hers and in the beginning of the year when she started losing and jobbing to Candice Michelle, believe me I got pissed. But, then I realized that Victoria has had her time to shine in the Women's Division. She's a two time Women's Champion, she's had classic feuds with Trish and Molly, she's performed at Wrestlemania. Victoria has left her mark, and now that she's on SD she get's the chance to still kick some butt, even if it isn't for the Women's Championship. I'm okay with that.

There's a whole slew of new female wrestlers on Raw who would be great contenders for the Women's Championship. Melina, Mickie James (who's only been with the company for two, three years), Candice Michelle (she's improving, but shouldn't be champion), Jillian Hall, and Beth Phoenix. Melina's my favorite out of the bunch, and one of the strongest heels to come along since Victoria, Lita, and Trish (remember her heel runs- fantastic).

I don't think there's some great injustice being done if Melina is champion (which she was) and Victoria isn't. I don't think there's a great injustice being done if Melina is pushed on Raw and Victoria isn't (well she's on SD now, but you get my point). Melina deserves her chance to shine, just like Victoria did.

Flames Out
I think the only Category that Melina beats Victoria in is the mic Skills. It's hard for Victoria to be a heel because so many fans like her whether she is a face or a heel. Melina Does a good job at playing the first class grade A bitch. I think that Victoria should be more than the 2 time champ. I think she should be at least the four time champ. It just makes me mad that the wwe pushes Divas who don't even wrestle over the ones that do and actually payed their dues to get where they were. I also think the fact that Trish Stratus is gone hurts Victoria also. Those two had so much chemistry together. As far as Victoria being on SD!, I was upset at first but I think she will get more air time and it gives her a chance to start off fresh. At this point do I believe Victoria should be champ? No but hopefully before her career is done she will have one more title reign.
i think on the mic melina is more good at cutting a promo and building up a good fued but i think victoria is more dominating in the ring due to her having alot more in ring skills then melina
The only reason Melina gets more heat than Victoria right now, is because Melina double-crossed one of the greatest superstars ever. When they had Melina betray Mick Foley, that's why Melina draws so much heat now, because they took a recognizable face and pushed her over him.
^ Not even close. WWE gave Victoria a chance to reinsert her dominance and she failed to get over. Melina uses that whiny, I want everything my way, your not good enough to beat me, whiny Bitch persona to get over. The fact that she fucked over Mick Foley had nothing to do with her getting over.
I guess! They had that persona for Melina after she fucked Foley. Foley was the initial reason she started to draw heat in the first place!

Maybe, but no one really remembers it now that Melina has established herself as a heel. Foley got over on his feud with Taker, but is that the first thing fans think of when they think of Mick Foley? "Oh Mick Foley is only over because of his feud with Taker" No, of course not. The same can be said for Melina.
Melina is nowhere close to being as talented as Victoria.Victoria is not as good as she first was because she fucked her knee up and is consistently being buried and jobbing but to say Melina is better is a lie.When Victoria first came she played that psycho bitch stalker role amazingly well.And put on great matches.
Melina is nowhere close to being as talented as Victoria.Victoria is not as good as she first was because she fucked her knee up and is consistently being buried and jobbing but to say Melina is better is a lie.When Victoria first came she played that psycho bitch stalker role amazingly well.And put on great matches.

Well said!!!

Victoria isn't as good because of her knee but she is argueably the best in the division but they insist on her wrestling Torrie Wilson every week. She needs better competition like Beth and Jillian but no, they put her with Torrie and such.

Melina can cut a hell of a promo, despite the one last year that Jeff Hardy described as "Like Watching Paint Dry". She is still choppy in the ring but she's not as bad as she was earlier this year. She's improved alot as well. Yes she has experience but she wasn't a major staple in the divison before her title run so she wasn't as polished but she's fine now.

But when it all comes down to it, Victoria is better, IMO. She can take the world's shittiest wrestler and make them look like a pro in the ring. Okay not a pro, but you get my drift!
Victoria, Jillian and Mickie are the most talented divas in the ring then Melina after them. They should all be champ before her, especially Jillian
yeah that was when i became a victoria fan snapping on stupid divas who have no wrestling ability. If she wasn't on Smackdown right now i would like to see victoria beat candice and win the title back. but she also needs to be more like she was when she first joined wwe no friends and all she cared about was being champ. Bring back the Diva who was in a Street Fight and Steel Cage we need more divas like that
Has great as Victoria is as a wrestler, she wasn't able to get the crowd to hate her. Even way back when she was feuding with Trish Stratus, she wasn't able to get people to hate her. Even Steven Richards was getting more heat then her so to say that Melina is better than Victoria is a understatement. Melina might not be as good in the ring as Victoria but what she lacks in wrestling skills, she makes up in charisma and personality. Fans loves to hates her and that what makes her to number heel in the woman'S division instead of Victoria.
There were two reasons why Victoria got over during her debut. The first is because she had the help of Trish. Trish did a good job of selling the "Victoria's a crazy bitch" angle. Number two is because Victoria also did a great job. I remember her nailing Trish with a chair (I can't remember any other chair shots involving women), screaming like a maniac while hitting a picture of Trish taped to a garbage can with a kendo stick, and I thought somewhere in there she also ripped the head off of a Trish cardboard cutout.

Case in point, it was violent by women's wrestling standards. Their hardcore match at Survivor Series saw Trish getting hardway blood from Victoria (accidentally, but still hardway). That streak of violence made Victoria believable as a psychopath. Her run during January had her checking off names on a list. She'd win her matches, leave, and then cross off the name. That run failed because the psycho gimmick was watered down compared to what it was before. The biggest pop she had after the original psycho run was when she kicked Lawler in the balls and attacked Christy. A couple weeks later, she smashed a glass jar over Christy's head. After they had their match, they dropped the psycho character.

Melina - she's over (much more than Victoria at this point) and she's not all that bad in the ring. She pulls out some decent moves (see her match with Mickie at the last Backlash). She has a more believable personality - a prissy wench than some woman who's a psycho. She also had help getting over, Foley. Regarding in ring work, Victoria definately works a better match.

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