Heat on Morrison

I don't get why everyone is making such a big deal over this...

People say and do things EVERY DAY that get them into a bit of trouble, then it blows over. Morrison is RIGHT to have his own beliefs, if he believes Melina should have been in the match, he can believe it.

No he shouldn't have said anything negative about Trish but does anyone actually know WHAT he said? It could range from downright nasty to a very simple comment about how someone comes back after years...etc...and to be honest I EMPATHIZE with him.

Melina is there every week. Or at least every other week. She does deserve recognition. She instead, is on a major depush. Trish comes back for 2 weeks and is automatically granted WM privileges because she's paid her dues already. Well let someone else pay their dues also, is what I say.

He's entitled to his opinion and I'd be willing to bet bigger things are being made of this than need be.

Well sure, you can have your opinions but its when you give someone the cold shoulder because it isn't working in your interest is when you land into trouble. That said, Morrison doesn't show any signs of displeasure in the ring. He's still a treat to watch. I just wish he'd get over himself and cooperate with Trish despite his displeasure for her.
Although I can understand Morrisons point, and even Melinas, it is not Trish Stratus' fault that WWE wanted to put her on WM. Additionally, if the Divas want to be on the show, then THEY NEED TO GET BETTER! Divas matches are HORRIBLE so all of them should stop crying, and whining that Trish got their spot and do something about it.
Regardless of whether or not they thought Trish was taking Melina's spot, he should have acted like a professional. Personal issues, or creative issues- it doesn't matter. You work like a professional. He brought this heat on himself, and it wasn't that big of a deal in the first place.
To be short and sweet...

Jomo-Trish did not book the match this match was promo gold snooki promoted wwe to mainstream media. Trish promoted TE. Melina would have brought nothing to the match besides isnt she a heel anyway?

Melina should have heat against snooki not trish at least someone she is a former diva and not someone off of "normal" tv. Anyways wwe havnt featured a match around you since bunnymania. Its obvious you were not on their priority list to get over just look at the way they turned you heel a slap with hardly any build to the title match that followed.

I will say i hope this doesnt stall jomos career too much he is a great talent and whenever they do pull the trigger on him (if ever) turn out should be good.
Morrison is an asshole.

I never liked him anyways. I find his in ring work very sloppy and slow. Don't even get me started with his mic skills. You guys know how bad that is.

I hope Trish Stratus gets Vince to fire this asshole. Then John Asshole will get a job at Total Nonstop Assholes.

Then he will win the Total Nonstop Asshole Championship and become the face of the asshole company.

John Morrison failed 3 drug tests and he has a lot of backstage heat right now.
This will definitely stop his push. There are more deserving people anyways, like Zack Ryder, Ezekial Jackson, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, etc.
My first post :)
Anyway... John made a mistake voicing his opinion but Trish's reaction afterwards was far more disrespectful to John as a person that simply giving someone the cold shoulder...
Quote Trish: Some people are not smart maybe? You know they wrestle well, but maybe they’re not smart. I don’t know.”

How can she say she admires him, and then say something like that? She should just move on and get on with her role and he should do the same.
Ok JerryLawlerMark, i just to let you know repeated use of the word asshole makes your post sound juvinile and makes you look unprofessional. How can a spot monkey, as most of you people call him, have a slow paced match? He is known for a fast paced style.

Secondly, his in ring work is not very sloppy at all. Its not the all time best but its still good.

Third, WWE has a 3 strike rule on drug tests. if he failed 3 he would not be in the company right now. As far as I know he only has one strike, but so does Randy Orton so thats no big deal.

Fourth, his mic skills are a matter of opinion. I think he can be funny and witty on the mic.

Fifth, they wont fire him over this, and anyone who thinks they will knows nothing about how the company works. hes over, theyve invested alot of time into him, he has an extensive resume. So at the absolute most that will happen(although there is like a 1 in 100,000,000,000,000 chance) they will make him a jobber. But they wont. It might stop his push for a while, but like it or not one day they will put him in the main event.
Morrison does too much for the business. It's hard to get pops from the crowd as a face these days, and he does it better than almost everyone right now. This is probably just gonna delay his push or even maybe benefit him. After all, some of the biggest superstars of all time have had problems backstage and created controversy. It's what we pay to watch.

With that said, let me add that I have never understood why he gets such a woody from Melina! She, in my opinion, is fugly! Stratus is way hotter, I'd want to be working with her anyway. I'll admit, it was disrespectful of him, but throw him a freakin' bone! He's been in the upper mid-card for two years with his eye pressed up against the main event peephole. He's obviously not doing something that catches Vince's eye, maybe this was an attempt at getting controversy and having his name written down so his price goes up.
Morrison is very average on the mic, he has magical spots and is a great entertainer but he isnt believable as a 'fighter' and has no brutality in his arsenal.

Word is he lost alot of respect backstage from Vinny Mac and his colleagues for letting Batista sleep with Melina.

Morrison will forever be at mid-card and I doubt WWE would miss him if he can and Melina got the chop after their unprofessional behaviour regarding WM.
My first post :)
Anyway... John made a mistake voicing his opinion but Trish's reaction afterwards was far more disrespectful to John as a person that simply giving someone the cold shoulder...
Quote Trish: Some people are not smart maybe? You know they wrestle well, but maybe they’re not smart. I don’t know.”

How can she say she admires him, and then say something like that? She should just move on and get on with her role and he should do the same.
I think, if Jomo was really being the douche people say he was to Trish, that she had every right to say what she said about him. If the Divas/jomo had a problem with anyone it should be management. It's not Trish's fault they wanted one of the most over women in wresting history on their biggest show instead of Melina.
Stratus complain Morrison wouldn't listen to her ideas but if you watch the match, Morrison is only in the ring for about 15 second, untagged, before Snooki is tagged in. Morrison does none of his signature moves and the match is basically a squash....why is Stratus bitching about his inability to listen to her ideas when JoMo is not a factor in the match then. As far as the post match hug goes....Really Trish?? Really??

What great idea could he have suggested to compliment those 15 seconds?? If I was Morrison and saw how the match was being laid out, I would be pissed too.
If they can forgive Jeff hardy for violating the wellness policy Twice, and Still push him to the Main-event....I don't see why they can't forgive Morrison over some girl troubles, lol.

Maybe when Morrison gets the reaction Hardy does and sells merchandise like him... I don't think this is very big, but I doubt he'll get the Hardy treatment if he keeps getting more heat on himself.

My first post :)
Anyway... John made a mistake voicing his opinion but Trish's reaction afterwards was far more disrespectful to John as a person that simply giving someone the cold shoulder...
Quote Trish: Some people are not smart maybe? You know they wrestle well, but maybe they’re not smart. I don’t know.”

How can she say she admires him, and then say something like that? She should just move on and get on with her role and he should do the same.

It makes perfect sense. She admires him for his in ring work and athleticism, but she doesn't think he's very smart in his outside of the ring actions.

While I understand JoMo and Melina's frustrations, I think it's childish to get angry at Trish. Trish is one of the biggest divas ever in the WWE. Of course the WWE is going to want to put her on their biggest PPV of the year. The decision, however, rests with management and not Trish so it's silly to be angry at her.

Also, if people are gonna complain about anyone taking a diva's spot, shouldn't it be complaining about Snooki who has never wrestled in her life and came in for a 2 week period?:shrug:
Just saw Morrison's latest tweet regarding this issue.



Dude, you gave the cold shoulder the girl who is quite possibly the most popular women's wrestler ever, for a fairly stupid reason, and then you decide to make a few sarcastic comments in an industry where things like this get blown out of proportion. Not to mention the fact that you're apparently not the most popular guy backstage for whatever reason.

If I were you, I'd just shut up and take it for now.
Really? Trish did not bring anything in the ring in that match? She fought the whole damn macth! However short that was.
Snooki? She did 2 very nice moves but that was all, they were just 2 moves. And the second move, I think, was not executed properly or if it was, it wasn't a nice move at all.
I'm not a fan of Morrison, but this was pretty stupid of him. Morrison WAS getting a push, but I think this incident will delay his push. I can see Morrison getting fed to Dolph Ziggler and being demoted to a jobber. Hopefully Morrison will get loud enough pops to resume his push.

Look at Jeff Hardy, he failed several drug tests and ditched WWE to go to TNA and he was very successful. He won 2 World Championships in the WWE.

If Hardy can get away with that, then I'm positive that Morrison can get away with being a jerk to Trish Stratus.
JoMo please just shut the hell up!!!

I enjoy John and hoped he get a good push but it seems like he's burying himself in a hole more and more, and for what? Melina? He's he that sprung off some chick that he's willing to risk his career over some pussy? If so...:disappointed:
Stratus complain Morrison wouldn't listen to her ideas but if you watch the match, Morrison is only in the ring for about 15 second, untagged, before Snooki is tagged in. Morrison does none of his signature moves and the match is basically a squash....why is Stratus bitching about his inability to listen to her ideas when JoMo is not a factor in the match then. As far as the post match hug goes....Really Trish?? Really??

What great idea could he have suggested to compliment those 15 seconds?? If I was Morrison and saw how the match was being laid out, I would be pissed too.

Maybe the only reason he was in the match for "15 seconds" is because the heat had already started! Lets face it, this whole thing is stupid! Trish is one of the if not THE most popular women's wrestler of all time. She deserved the spot at Mania...it made it special to see her back in the ring throughout the program leading up to Mania and at the show.

I like Morrison and all, but this was REALLY stupid on his part. I really think what we saw on Raw tonight with R-Truth getting added to the main event of ER is simply a slap to the face of Morrison...and it probably should be!
After the Trish Stratus thing I figured he maybe still had a chance but now after these recent tweets he unleashed I really believe he is done for. Vince simply doesn't see him as champion to begin with (much like Shelton Benjamin) and now this? It's over for him guys, sorry. This really sucks. I loved Morrison and now Edge retires too? Feel like I lost 2 of my favorites. Sure Morrison is still there but I do not see him getting a world title in a million years.

Since Morrison was building himself as the 3rd biggest face on RAW (behind Cena and Orton obviously) who now? The options:

R-Truth - God no, please. I really can't stand Truth. If he changes his gimmick then I can probably deal with him and maybe like him but some guy coming out screaming WASSUP to horrible music is just BAD. I know he was added to the ME but he's probably just there for a few high spots. The match is really Cena vs Miz, let's be real.

Daniel Bryan - Maybe...? Remember, Miz got pushed to the main event after losing the US Title so why not Bryan? I'm not saying right away, because the 3rd biggest face hardly see's the strap anyway so it wouldn't be rushed at all. Just get the motor on his career going faster.

Sin Cara - Could quite possibly follow in the footsteps of Rey and get the strap one day. Is obviously very entertaining and will get the crowd behind him. I could see him being the 3rd biggest face on RAW by the end of the year (but the draft will most likely switch things up).

The draft could really do anything. Turn some guys heel/face send them to RAW/Smackdown! etc.
I still believe in Morrison. They actually let him speak with the big boys on the opening segment of Raw. That is a step up as far as his character is concerned.
I want to agree with you, I really do. And I have this habbit of saying something is real when I don't want it to be true because if I'm right I can just rub it off and say hey I knew it and if I'm wrong then good... because that's what I wanted anyway haha. But I do think he's done for.

You are right though and I guess I should look at it that way for some saving grace.
Who knows. People can spin this loss many ways. Maybe a lengthy Ziggler vs Morrison program is on the horizon. I think its a little premature to say it's over for Morrison though. The Miz and Morrison were selling each others exchanges pretty well. Like many though, I am tired of waiting.
I agree, it's pretty much over for Morrison or at least for now. Vince and the locker room made it clear that they don't like him. I'm not a fan of the guy and honestly its his fault. He got all mad and complained because he couldn't team up with his girlfriend. Ok so Trish comes in and steals some of the spotlight, but come on the match was trash and it wouldn't have been better if Melina was in it.

I feel that they made Morrison go out there with Cena and Orton as an insult. "Hey, this is where you could have been if you didn't complain, instead we'll have the guy whos replacing you pin you in the match this sending you on your way." Quite frankly I see Morrison to be nothing but a spot-monkey who botches his fancy moves. Parkour doesn't make him a good wrestler, just a good athlete at best.

I don't see R-truth winning the title so I don't really care if he's in the match. Daniel Bryan is pretty much bumped to jobber status since he's now teaming with Santino and friends. Sin Cara is obviously going to be WWE's guy in the near future and they are even starting to hype and build him up now. Maybe we'll see more of Ziggler and hopefully Drew and Cody as well.
Remember when swagger got in trouble about two yrs back? He was getting pushed but got in trouble off screen so wwe punished him for a few months then gave him the whc, i honestly think thats whats gonna happen, now that edge is sadly gone i think jomo goes to sd and becomes a top face or heel there, filling the hole edge leaving creates. I think that he was gonna be in the extreme rules match and maybe win but with edge leaving unexpectedly and this stuff with trish they decided draft him to sd and make him a star there where hes needed
A push can come from nowhere, just ask Jack Swagger. I'm a big fan of Morrison and I think he has the quality to be a main event player. I thought he did well tonight hanging in there with Cena and Orton. I was really pulling for him to win, but alas it wasn't meant to be. Now with Edge gone there is a hole on SD to be filled. John Morrison could fill that hole. Plus with the change of scenario it could do Morrison some good getting away from the big guns on Raw and carve his way on the blue brand.
Speaking of Jomo possibly replacing Edge on Smackdown, when is the draft happening? I've read that it is April 18th which is next Monday but did not see a promo for it!?

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