Heat on Morrison

If it's over, then all I can say is Morrison deserved it. Seriously WWE throws him a bone and if you get that chance you have to run with it, but this idiot decides to open his mouth and be a whooped fool by his girlfriend. Fine you're mad because your girlfriend isn't main eventing, guess what, your attitude gave you a one way trip to lower card hell.

What a douche. Hopefully Truth, which is the one I think is more than capable of main eventing and putting on a show, takes advantage and show all the haters that he means business. Truth has put in work, he's good on mic unlike Morrison, very acrobatic, givin a good feud and story he could make the most of it, and imo he could wipe the floor with guys like Cena.

Morrison's whooped....by Melina. And if his push is indeed killed, it's his own fault.
Lol, I'm pretty sure that the WWE is trying to dupe us, I mean by now its pretty obvious that they just use twitter to try and work us. Has no one else noticed this yet, do ya'll not realize how contrived half the things they say on twitter are. Cena and Rock used it for their feud.

Cole said ****** on twitter, and not only does he not get fired, but WWE reports him to GLADD?

You guys should not believe a single thing that comes off of twitter, its just a tool used by the WWE. Really, just go back and look at twitter and see how much of that shit popped up in storylines.

If anything, I'd say this is the beginning of a heel turn for Morrison. He's got some darker clothes, he just lost a big match, and he's going after Trish on twitter which any WWE face familiar with kayfabe would know is a no-no.

Think of this twitter thing with Trish as something like when one Tag-Partner accidently hurts another, or a losing streak for a face, its the beginning of something else. Either way I its definately not "over" for Jomo.
I honestly think the only reason they gave RTruth that third spot is so he can get pinned by Miz so Cena doesn't have to lose face. This way it looks like Cena gets screwed again, Miz looks strong keeping the title and Truth is pretty much back where he belongs. Or Cena pins Truth and Miz bitches about how he never lost the title yada yada yada until his rematch. It also opens up Morrison vs. Ziggler which I REALLY want to see. So I don't think he's done, they've just got other plans for him.
idk to have truth beat him after jomo was the fresh man, thats an insult. and you guys are forgetting its R-truth. wtf has he done to deserve a spot? he hasnt won a match in mad long he became a jobber and now he's in the main event? he made ziggler and jomo look very weak tonight. but i hope most of you are right when you say its not over for him.
This thread is incredibly stupid. The whole thing between Morrison and Trish is a giant work. They have fake twitter wars now all the time.

Now, if Morrison would have been placed in the triple threat match at Extreme Rules, THEN it would have been closer to being over for him. The only reason there is a third person in the championship match at Extreme Rules is so Miz or Cena - most likely Miz - can pin that wrestler instead of pinning Cena.

Can you imagine if Morrison would have been used in that capacity? It would have been a giant waste of his push that he has been getting. Instead, he and Ziggler are going to get to face each other in what will surely be the show stealer of the night. Once again, this thread is god awful.
Morrison's tweets weren't frowned upon by the WWE.The loss in this gauntlet match was planned way before.Morrison's serving his punishment now,and his tweets are a somewhat tongue-in-cheek way of saying they're over it.You think if the guys at the back were really pissed at him Ziggler would have replied?He would have been crucified by the guys backstage.If he was adding fuel to the fire,why would they still put him in the main event?This isn't TNA,they don't allow guys who fucked up badly to be in the main event.Morrison fucked up,sure,but his punishment for acting like a dick towards Trish Stratus definitely doesn't warrant a permanent burial.

Morrison's probably going to Smackdown.They'll need a new face now that Edge has retired.That explains why he was in the ring with Orton and Cena.That explains why he was given time to actually talk on the microphone.I think Morrison just need a new finisher to be a believable main event guy.I was thinking something like a reverse STO.Edge used it when he first debut in the WWE.Of course,that is if the big shots at TNA don't bitch about it on twitter that Morrison stole the move from Mr. Anderson,of course.
I really hate the Benjamin/Morrison comparison. Benjamin had no promo OR ring charisma. Morrison at least has ring charisma and a more interesting way of working a match.

I don't think it's the end for him. He's still young, his former tag partner is the champ. Lots of way they can go with him.
The way Morrison was allegedly behaving and being all cocky and thinking he was better than teaming with Trish and Snooki is how his character could really take off. From all the years I've seen him, the guy's real personality is a sort of cocky a hole who knows he's more talented than everyone else and feels superior. I think it's his California upbringing ha. His mic skills were best when he was Johnny Nitro and the early stages of John Morrison when he was the heel and then in those hilarious Dirt Sheet segments where he clearly outshined the Miz. Even that little bit tonight where he was taking jabs at Orton and Cena was good and he seemed more at ease. If WWE was smart, they would just let Morrison be Morrison. A guy sort of like late 90s Rock who was a heel who became a huge face because he had the skills to back up being such a conceited a hole at the same time. Fans love that stuff. The generic hero face didn't work for Morrison because that's not who he is and why he didn't get huge reactions. Let him run free a bit on Smackdown and he'll start getting either massive boos or massive cheers but regardless, it will catapult him into main event.
His style doesn't mesh well with heelness. Maybe more of an arogant antihero. Or maybe that's what you're trying to say.

Anyways I figure pretty much any backstage feud is a work. Of the dozens of wrestlers I've met, they all love to work people. Anyone, work the guy at the gas station into believing you're deaf, work your mom into thinking you're pregnant, work the IWC guys into thinking you wanted your girlfriend (or whatever) to be in a match with you.

It's all publicity and its fun for them. Believe it or not, we get worked.
Its not over for Morrison. He is serving his punishment right now for his actions with Trish. He will likely be stuck in the Midcard until June then get drafted over to Smackdown to be a Top Face. Another option would be to turn him Heel and put him on either show. Raw is seriously lacking possible Main Event Heels (really only Sheamus, Punk and Miz).

Personally what I expect to happen, is Del Rio will win the title, Morrison will be drafted to Smackdown and feud with him after the Christian feud is over. Morrison and Del Rio will have a solid feud with Morrison winning the WHC.
There is that guy Triple H. I'm not sure what he is going to be doing this year in the ring if he does anything but he is still one of the biggest faces in the WWE. Also don't be so sure that it is over for John Morrison. He still a future world champ. I feel Morrison is going to smackdown to replace edge.

Bourne could also be the next big face on raw or even Sin cara.
i'm gonna agree with the majority here. This not a punishment for Morrison. I expect there will be a match at Extreme Rules between him and Ziggler and the stipulation will be a that the loser has to leave Raw. Ziggler will win the match most likely due to Vickie interfering and it will send Morrison over to Smackdown where he can climb out of the shadow of Orton and Cena and have a real chance to show he's main event material. I can see him starting out in a feud with Wade Barrett over the intercontinental championship which he'll eventually win while Del Rio and Christian feud, then he can work a program with Cody Rhodes that will end at Summerslam and then can step up and go after the big belt that thus far has alluded him in his career. By the end of the year he can be one of the top guys on Smackdown on Raw he's is going to remain stuck where he is.
I still have faith in morrison, all he has done was talk trash about someone, there have been much worse things done with bigger superstars. Randy Orton smoked pot, daniel bryan tried to strangle an announcer, chris masters steroid usage,Triple H and the MSG incident, and there are many more. All these people went down for a little bit but bounced back and rose throught the ranks.
I don't know about John Morrison at this point. It's easy to think & believe that JoMo is on his way back down. He might very well be but, for some reason, I have this decent sized chunk of optimism right now.

Maybe the plan right now is to continue or to solidify the feud between Morrison & Ziggler before anything like that happens. Apart from a fun 5 minute match on Ziggler's first night on Raw, they haven't really had much of an opportunity to engage in a real singles feud what with all the stuff with WrestleMania & Snooki and all.

I think that JoMo will be held back for a while due to the heat garnered over his treatment of Trish Stratus, but I don't think it's going to hold him back all that much. It doesn't look like, at least at this time, that he's going to be buried. If he was, I don't think he'd have been put in the gauntlet match last night in the first place.

I think it's too soon to really know what's what.
Jomo doesn't have what it takes to carry sd he's just an overrated spot monkey dull on the mic.Vince was never really that high on him but now after the incident with stratus looks like Jomo is out for now.
If it's really over for Morrison, then he has no one to blame for this but himself. It's his fault he decided to act like such a prick to Stratus. I don't feel sorry for him in the least bit. That said, the draft is looming. With Edge apparently gone for good, I can easily see Morrison becoming the face of Smackdown (although at this point, I would currently much rather see Christian in that position) and filling the void that he left behind. Which is really too bad because I had hoped Morrison would break out on RAW.

Of course, there is the chance that his push is not over but rather just delayed (much like Del Rio's destiny haha). If so, he'll probably get his shot at some point after Extreme Rules. I'm still dying for a legitimate Morrison/Miz feud.
Memo to John Morrison, Trish didn't take your girlfriends spot. Snooki did!

Think about it. This was the Mania match: Morrison, Trish, Snooki vs Dolph, Layla, Michelle w/Vickie.

It should have been: Morrison, Melina, Trish w/Snooki vs Dolph, Layla, Michelle w/Vickie

This way Snooki is still involved, but only in a managerial capacity to even things out since Vickie is on the other side. And Snooki could have still performed that cartwheel move she did at Mania, just have Vickie attempt to get involved and have Snooki stop her. That was the only spot Snooki really did anyway.

So Morrison should direct his complaints at Snooki and the creative team. NOT Trish.

Then maybe he wouldn't be in the doghouse, as he appears to be.
Memo to John Morrison, Trish didn't take your girlfriends spot. Snooki did!

Think about it. This was the Mania match: Morrison, Trish, Snooki vs Dolph, Layla, Michelle w/Vickie.

It should have been: Morrison, Melina, Trish w/Snooki vs Dolph, Layla, Michelle w/Vickie

This way Snooki is still involved, but only in a managerial capacity to even things out since Vickie is on the other side. And Snooki could have still performed that cartwheel move she did at Mania, just have Vickie attempt to get involved and have Snooki stop her. That was the only spot Snooki really did anyway.

So Morrison should direct his complaints at Snooki and the creative team. NOT Trish.

Then maybe he wouldn't be in the doghouse, as he appears to be.

Having Snooki be in the corner of JoMo, Trish and Melina would not generate the buys the WWE was looking for. They were trying to lure in the fans of Jersey Shore by having Snooki wrestle. I understand where you are coming from on this but the effect wouldn't result in what the WWE wanted. Asides, as many have mentioned, Melina was/is a heel. I'm sure that could change at any minute though with no one noticing as the Divas division is shallow.
WWE used Snooki to generate publicity. Wrestlemania's initial purpose was to blend celebrities and wrestling. A mania without a crappy match with a b list celebrity is like a baseball game without a boring ass 4 pitching change, 2 hour 7th inning. As a whole it's still great, but it really sucks when it gets to that part.

I honestly don't believe any of this. If it did, it's been blown out of proportion. They'll probably run with it either on twitter or on TV. Morrison won't get fired and he won't get punished. They work the dirtsheets and they work you. They enjoy it, it's what gets them off.
WWE used Snooki to generate publicity. Wrestlemania's initial purpose was to blend celebrities and wrestling. A mania without a crappy match with a b list celebrity is like a baseball game without a boring ass 4 pitching change, 2 hour 7th inning. As a whole it's still great, but it really sucks when it gets to that part.

Vince McMahon has been wasting his time and his money with this 'wanna-be' celebrity routine forever.

I ask for one person who ever bought a WWE pay-per-view because of a celebrity involvement. I'd like to see one person step forward and say "I bought Wrestlemania because 'The Jersey ****e' was there." Just one.

The fact is that all the time and money the company has wasted trying to go Hollywood hasn't done a thing for them. The entire guest host era was a complete waste of time, resulting in no gains in ratings or revenue.

This is a key component of the WWE's next mistake, trying to distance themselves from what they are - a wrestling company.

I honestly don't believe any of this. If it did, it's been blown out of proportion. They'll probably run with it either on twitter or on TV. Morrison won't get fired and he won't get punished. They work the dirtsheets and they work you. They enjoy it, it's what gets them off.

People can go back to Wrestlemania and see the snub for themselves.

As for punishment? He just lost to R-Truth - a complete afterthought - Monday night in a #1 contender's match and now he'll go back to his under-developed feud with Dolph Ziggler rather than a main-event feud with his former partner for the championship. That says he's paying a price to me.
Meh, he still isnt ready, as made clear by the crowd showing little to no reaction to his work monday night. That, and they STILL havent given him new music and a character update after updating his look.

He will eat shit for a while, continue to learn how to work, and hopefully develop. If the WWE truly beleives in him, he will be back. None to worry.
He may be in a dog house for awhile but I don't see this as the "end of Morrison" as many are predicting. Seriously it seems like people think that the sky is falling.

People have had backstage heat before and managed to over come it ... don't believe me? Just ask Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton and CM Punk.
Originally Posted by TWJC: The Beginning
WWE used Snooki to generate publicity. Wrestlemania's initial purpose was to blend celebrities and wrestling. A mania without a crappy match with a b list celebrity is like a baseball game without a boring ass 4 pitching change, 2 hour 7th inning. As a whole it's still great, but it really sucks when it gets to that part.

Vince McMahon has been wasting his time and his money with this 'wanna-be' celebrity routine forever.

I ask for one person who ever bought a WWE pay-per-view because of a celebrity involvement. I'd like to see one person step forward and say "I bought Wrestlemania because 'The Jersey ****e' was there." Just one.

The fact is that all the time and money the company has wasted trying to go Hollywood hasn't done a thing for them. The entire guest host era was a complete waste of time, resulting in no gains in ratings or revenue.

This is a key component of the WWE's next mistake, trying to distance themselves from what they are - a wrestling company.
I don't think Vince tries to get people to buy for Snooki. I think the theory is that people who are loosely wrestling fans hear about Snooki from othe media outlets and get interested. It's essentially free advertising from all the entertainment outlets who splatter their websites and shows with it.

WWE isn't distancing themselves from wrestling, they're just trying to be more well rounded as what they (and any pro wrestling) is, a live entertainment entity.

I REALLY get sick of all the "bring back wrestling" with fans. If you want pure wrestling, watch ROH, they get 1,500 people and it's super fun. WWE and any other mainstream company will NEVER get over based on that. They MUST use other entertainment methods. Besides, when the fuck, besides smackdown 2002-2003, which was the secondary show with the most talented in ring roster of any mainstream roster ever, has Vince EVER, or any SUCCESSFUL mainstream company EVER put the primary focus on being about "wrestling"?

Anyways I don't buy the heat on Morrison. I take anything as at least a work (either on you guys, on the boys, on the guy) until someone is future endeavored.
Val Venis was 100% correct. John Morrison.. what is the big deal about him?? sure he's an athelete with fancy wrestling moves that can make a crowd go 'awww' once in a while but in the ring how good is he really?? his in ring psychology is nowhere near the level of the likes of randy orton or triple h. All these big fancy moves he does should be big spots in matches yet he's not intelligent enough to captivate the audience with it, he doesn't have a wrestling mind.

- he's a cross between x pac and shelton benjamin.
- his gimmick is not over! let alone the fact he stole somone elses entrance 'giving out sunglasses to kids i.e. bret hart'
- no charasima, no mic skills, character lacks interest and isn't marketable.

He disrespects future guests/hall of famers who have made more money then he can ever dream of, bearing in mind by the looks of things he isn't going into the HOF. Morrison just fukk off to Japan.
It very much could affect his push, just ask CM Punk and for the record, what he said to Taker isn't nearly as bad as how jomo treated Trish. If Punk loses his push by simply defending his character to the deadman (someone who is hugely respected) then I see much worse happening to Morrison for acting so childish to Trish (again, someone who is hugely liked and respected).

SIDE NOTE: Didn't Melina turn heel a while back against Natalya (if she turned face again my bad, but lets be honest who pays close attention to the divas division) so why would she all of a sudden be face with Morrison and Snooki?

Its not like Trish demanded to be in that match, somebody obviously wanted her in that spot so acting that way to Trish is not only childish, its nonsensical. Its not Trish's fault she was in that match and even if it was Trish deserves the spot more than Melina does, Trish is a legend, Melina hasn't been relevent in a long time.

In any business you have to act like a professional, especially to the higher ups (unless they are really douchy). Morrison and Melina should show Trish respect, just because you don't like something your boss does doesn't mean you act like a child about it, it happens in every business, just be a professional and SUCK IT UP PRINCESS.

Well Morrison seems to have a little potential, but he shouldnt have been trying to make a ho out of a house wife. I never liked Cmpunk. I dont find anything interesting about him as a heel/face. He doesnt even get many pops as a face. I didnt know he disrespected the Undertaker. He shouldve been fired for that. What a talentless prick. John Morrison will get pushed again after a few mos. But that locker room has lost a lot of respect for him. Check out what Val Venis has to say.

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