Kanye West = Piece of Shit


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone

Kanye West has a reputation as an incomprehensable douche. He's talented, sure, but his talent has come with a price - an ego that is so far out of check it's frightening. A guy who doesn't realize what garbage he is, and probably doesn't care. He's a man who lives based off of album sales, TMZ reports, Google Searches, Twitter Hits, etc. He's so full of his own shit.

This bullshit has happened before.

On November 2, 2006, when "Touch the Sky" failed to win Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards, West went onto the stage as the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends" and argued that he should have won the award instead. Hundreds of news outlets worldwide criticized the outburst. On November 7, 2006, West apologized for this outburst publicly during his performance as support act for U2 for their Vertigo concert in Brisbane, Australia. He later spoofed the incident in the season premiere of Saturday Night Live's 33rd season (hosted by basketball player LeBron James) in a sketch where West appears on BET's 106th and Park St. and shows several instances of West at award shows (and backstage at SNL's Studio 8H) ranting about how he should have won (or in the case of the SNL incident, how he should have been chosen to host the episode).

He disrespects other artists and does it to bring attention onto himself. Even negative attention. Because god forbid someone else have the spotlight. The problem is that, with his first outburst, it STILL got him on SNL to make fun of things. He succeeded. He got MORE attention, MORE searches, MORE fame, and probably a pay check.

Taylor Swift isn't my kind of music. But she's only 19 and an amazing talent. Hell, she's not even of legal drinking age. She probably coud have gotten arrested for underage drinking had he sniffed Kanye's breath at the VMA's.

MTV should do to West what they did to Andrew Dice Clay and ban his ass from MTV. It's time the music business's "revolutionary music media outlet" showed some balls and did the right thing. But they won't. They have no balls.

Somehow, someway, this Kanye West deal is going to become a racial issue, and it sucks. People are going to claim that Swift won because she's white. People are going to claim that Kanye's outburst was just him speaking his mind, and that we wouldn't be criticizing him if not for the fact that he's black. That is the racial divide in music - toe the line lest the McCarthyism-like "race card" be played against you.

Beyonce handled this well. West took Swift's first award moment away from her, so Beyonce gave Swift her moment later in the night. Great move. And Swift comes out of this looking terrific - like a 19 year old with the grace and maturity West is incapable of. And Beyonce remains a class act in the music business. I hope she makes a statement against West.
MTV should do to West what they did to Andrew Dice Clay and ban his ass from MTV. It's time the music business's "revolutionary music media outlet" showed some balls and did the right thing. But they won't. They have no balls.

I agree that this is the appropriate action, but like you said, it won't happen. What's right, and what pays the bills are too often 2 different things. It's sad, really.

Kanye will come out of this with a new album, full of material based on this, and based on "MTV hates black people", and probably score an MSG sell-out and multi-platinum sales. I'm not a fan of Beyonce's music, but I'm glad she did the right thing, and let Taylor Swift take her spot on stage. It's pretty much a slap in the face to Kanye, and it shows that she's not all bad.

Taylor Swift appears to come out of this better than she started, because it will gain her a new level of respect, and possibly even a new fanbase. She'll probably end up doing a ton of radio interviews and magazine articles, and as long as she keeps her composure, will be fine for the future.
Man I heard about this, read about it, and every news site I go to has something on it. But other than that fact, here we are again with Kanye West acting like a bitch who thinks his opinion is more important than anyone else's What he did to Ms. Swift wasn't right, hell what he did to Justice and Simian wasn't right.

Now I will admit that I'm not a person that listens to Taylor Swift, but from the little I've heard on the radio, she's a great talent, and deserved that award. Not only that but based on her speech she was extremely excited to get that award, and a great moment for her was ruined by Kanye being the attention ****e that he is. He wasn't even in the category Swift won in, but instead he has to play it off like he was doing it for Beyonce. Now in all honesty, do you think Beyonce was that down over losing to Taylor Swift in the MTV music awards show? Probably not, maybe a small bit of disappointment, but not enough to go and complain about it. This wasn't about Kanye sticking up for Beyonce, this was about Kanye wanting to put the spotlight on him and let him say: Me Me Me ME!. This is why I have no respect for Kanye as an artist or a producer, it's all about him and he has to take away from the achievements of others. For instance, the song Stronger stole all the goodness that was the Daft Punk song that he used. I know Daft Punk probably gave Kanye the good will to use it, but I thought Kanye was a great producer? Hell I could go and use a Daft Punk beat, add a little synthesizer to it, and boom, I have a hit beat. Does that give me the right to and blast anyone that receives award that isn't me?

What it boils down to is just simple common respect. Apparently Kanye West cant' be bothered to show respect to other people and their accomplishments. I've never been a fan of Kanye West, and now because of him acting like an immature child, I think even less of him. I didn't think that could be possible, and I hope now that his fanbase completely blows up and he's left with nothing but shit record sales. In fact I think there should be a boycott of his albums, just to get the point across to him if it's possible. In reality this ended up helping Beyonce and Taylor Swift, because Taylor didn't react to Kanye, and Beyonce looks great for giving Taylor Swift her acceptance time.

The MTV Europe awards incident, was ridiculous. The reason why Kanye thought he should have won that award was because he spent "Over a million dollars' or whatever the fuck he spent on his music video, and Justice and Simian didn't even come close to that amount. So not only is he immature, but he also thinks that money should be able to buy him awards. I also think back to last year when he didn't win an MTV Music award and he was pissed off threatening to boycott the awards show. That's fine, like IC and NSL, I think MTV should boycott Kanye West. No more major exposure means not as much album sales.

So with all that being said, fuck Kanye West, congratulations to Taylor Swift and nice work Beyonce.
It's how most R&B and rap stars are. They hit it big and continue to do so because the music they make is popular at the time, but they never realize that everyone outside of their entourage cannot stand them and thinks they are huge assholes.
Kanye West is an ass. He always has been, and always will be. His ego is bigger than Sly's and he always feels like he has to voice his opinion. And while I agreed with what Kanye West said(since Bee's video was a huge world wide hit, different, and unique and Taylor's was generic)he should not have done that.

Wait til the show's over and voice your concern to the press. It was uncalled for and Taylor and her mom both were backstage crying. Kanye said after his mom died that he was a changed man, but I doubt his mother would be proud of him.

This won't really harm Kanye much. The people outraged probably never even owned a Kanye CD and West's fans will still buy his music. He did get some heat from his peers, but it will be forgotten in a week.

And Beyonce was beyond a class act giving her moment to Taylor. This was Beyonce's first ever Video of the Year win(although she has won many other VMA's)and was suppose to be her big moment, but being unselfish she let Taylor have the glory. Now all the press, magazines, and blogs are praising Beysus to the sky, and Taylor's album is #1 on Itunes. So in the end the whole incident helped them, but it still was an uncomfortable, rude, situation and Kanye needs to learn when to stay quiet.

He's lucky Pink didn't win because she said she'd sock him one.
Does ANYONE believe that little ''burst'' wasnt staged ala Eminem/Bruno...Seriously

I dont get why people even watch these awards, they hardly even show videos anymore, so why are they giving awards out

Kanye is HARDLY that talented in the first place and even if he was, these little tantrums would NOT be important either way
Does ANYONE believe that little ''burst'' wasnt staged ala Eminem/Bruno...Seriously

I dont get why people even watch these awards, they hardly even show videos anymore, so why are they giving awards out

Kanye is HARDLY that talented in the first place and even if he was, these little tantrums would NOT be important either way

Well everyone from Perez to Rolling Stones reported that both Taylor and her mother were backstage in tears after the Kanye stunt, so if it was staged that makes MTV & Kanye even more dumb.

This is getting tons of press, Kanye's being slammed hard by his peers(everyone from Pink, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Fabulous, Mary J. Blige, ect ect ect)so it's not like it's just fans and viewers freaking out.

And it's not like Kanye hasn't did this before. At the MTV Europe awards a while back he did the same thing to the band "Justice" when he lost the award. And publicly bashed Gretchen Wilson & The Dixie Chicks when he lost grammy's to them.

He's a sore loser, a cry baby, has a huge ego, and needs to control himself. It's not like the VMA'S are huge or super important, it's just that Kanye had no right to disrespect another artist like he did. Do it after the show!

But their are tons of pics floating around with Kanye carring some type of booze and reports say he was drunk so that's probably why he went overboard. Still no excuess.

In the end his getting tons of press, and he didn't even preform or win, so I guess he got what he wanted. And the VMA'S got good ratings plus the show itself was actually very good(Beyonce, Pink, GaGa, Janet, Muse, and Greenday all rocked). But Kanye just needs to stick a sock in it. He's on Jay Leno tonight(?) with Jay-Z & RIhanna so it will be interesting to see if he talks or not.

I applaud him speaking his mind, but theirs a thing called manners and courtesy that even rappers and such have to follow.
Is Leno a same day taped show??? If so I'm gonna tape Leno tonight to see what happens.

Anyway I voiced my opinion in my thread but I'll tone it down for here.

What he did was way past uncalled for in my opinion and he wanted to do this he could have went on myspace or his little website and made a blog about it. Taking Taylor's moment was so uncalled by him and I'd be saying this no matter who that award because you don't go up on stage take the mic from the winner and take there moment away from them its wrong. As much of a Taylor fan that I am I'm kinda wishing Pink won that award. She even said on the Today Show today about the purse she had with her and stuff. Should go look it up pretty funny.
Kanye West needs to grow the fuck up. He is and will never be God's gift to music as he proclaims. Once an ass, always an ass. What he did was rude, selfish and dissrespectful.
I admit that I'm a fan of some of his music, but Kanye, the child is a dick. It's fine to state your opinion, but he did this in a way that makes him look classless and a piece of trash.

I was watching the video of this event and you can really see how surprised and thankful Taylor was when she won. Sure, it is just a VMA award, nothing major, but to some artists those moonmans are special. This was her first win and it obviously meant something to her and her fans. Atleast she's getting plublicity for this and her music sales are now rising. This is a little bit of justice. I may not be a major Taylor fan, but I don't hate her and I'm glad she's getting more respect for this.

I'm also very happy to hear how classy Beyonce was. Some people dislike her for "taking" the spotlight in Destiny's Child. If anything, this proves that Beyonce is as classy as they come as she gave up her time to give Taylor the spotlight she deserved. This goes up as one of the reasons why Beyonce is at the top of her game.

In honor of his doucheness, I hope comedy central replays South Park's Kany West is a Gay Fish episode.
Kanye didn't have any respect from me in the first place because of the amount of bitch that emenates from him on a daily basis. He can't stand not to be in the spotlight, and he's basically fell off, he's not as good as he used to be and his whole act is getting tired and worn-out. He lost any respect he MIGHT have had after that shit with Taylor. Big props to her not breaking down on-stage. Beyonce's a classy lady, and gained a lot more respect in millions of peoples eyes. Then his blog afterwards was so.. half-assed. "I'm being real.. blahblahblah" all this bullshit. Get the fuck off my TV and out of my radio.
He's jumped up on his own self-importance and believing his own hype. What he did showed a total lack of class but money talks and nothing will be done about it.
You know what, I'm about to explode with this whole ordeal and I'm going to speak my mind, ignoring whatever consequeces may come of it... quite simply...

This issue with Kanye is another example as to why rock music is on hiatus (and temporarily dead) and rap/hip-hop music is KILLING the music scene.

There are SOOO many reasons for my theory that I can't even count. But out of respect for IC25 and staying on the subject of this thread, let's just stick with the Kanye West/Taylor Swift incident.

First of all, Kanye's self-centered, conceited, biased opinions and public displays of embarassment is the exact sterotype and stigma that is plaguing the scene of rap and hip-hop music. Kanye is a young, black artist who's fame and financial worth has given him the "holier-than-thou" complex, shitting on every person that he comes in contact with. I'm sure he came from humble beginnings. I'm sure his mother was a beautiful soul and a wonderful gift to this world. But her offspring is an abomination and embarrassment to our culture, our country, hip-hop, rap, and the music industry as a whole.

However, rap music and hip-hop seem to be the big sellers in the current music market, so record companies are going to continue to push hip hop artists the same way that hair bands were pushed in the 1980's, right? And in the same sense, it doesn't matter how much trouble they get themselves into... how much they embarrass their fellow artists in their music categories... how much they disrespect everyone and act as if they are above all of us... since their music sells, they'll get away with every moral crime in the book without a disciplinary action any more severe than a slap on the wrist. The only difference is that all of this has evolved since the 1980's. When musicians used be be in the tabloids and were frowned upon for drunk driving arrests, simple battery charges, or disorderly conduct, now we have a whole new breed of offenders, thanks to the hip-hop community. They have been accused of murder, theft, rape, starting gang-wars and carrying deadly weapons in public places. While these morons go to jail and are punished for their offenses, there are still a ton of artists (such as Kanye West) that fly under the radar of our laws by committing moral injustices that aren't punishable by any American law. And who suffers in the end? An innocent, beautiful, 19-year old talent that was trying to get 5 minutes of recognition for being a cross-branded talent in the music industry. And why? Because money, fame, and power went to someone else's head. And what do the record companies and agents do in this situation? They book that pathetic hip-hop artist on every talk show they could find and implore them to get back into the studio to cut another record before their current, negative notoriety is gone.

Meanwhile, the pathetic, hip-hop artist is going from radio station to talk show to award show, claiming that this was all a result of racial prejudice. Are ya fucking kidding me?!?

Even though I think I made myself clear on why hip hop music and lifestyles are killing the music scene, I'm sure you're all asking how this affects rock music. That's a whole new animal. For starters, if white rock artists get a rub, the black artists will claim that it's a result of race and has nothing to do with the rock artist's talent... but God forbid a WHITE artist pull the same card on a BLACK hip hop artist. This "catch-22" is going to stop the resurge of ANY music that isn't hip hop. Forgive me if this seems racial, but fact of the matter is that the majority of hip-hop artists are black and rock artists are white. It's right there in front of all of our faces but no one has the balls to call the spade a spade.

And as long as the record companies are raking in the dollars and capitalizing on the conflict, they could give two shits about the direction that music is heading into. In lieu of our economic downturn and as a result of musical-sharing computer software, they'll just keep sitting back and collecting their paychecks in any way that they can. As a result, they'll keep signing more and more hip-hop artists who will continue to allow fame to go to their heads while ruining the music industry. Today's era of music is just like the Attitude Era was to pro-wrestling in the 1990's... it's a hot air balloon that is going to burst, eventually. And while it seems good for the current product, it's simultaneously destroying the future of the industry. But who gives a shit if we're all making money, right?

In the end, the starving rock artists are the ones that suffer. They'll continue to scratch and claw their way to the top of the industry, only to be knocked down in their moment of glory in the same way that Taylor Swift was disrespected.

In closing, I just want to say that anyone that knows me will realize that I am the FURTHEST thing from a racist and contrary to popular belief I'm a BIG fan of rap and hip-hop music. However, I'm embarrassed to be a fan of it at times and I can't wait until it is dethroned from it's pedastal of being the top genre of music in our current market.
Kanye sucks. He has only ever had one song I enjoy (Gold Digger, at least I think he did that), and he is pretty much talentless. This little stunt shows how classless and rude he is. Come to think, I hate most rappers, the only rap I've ever enjoyed really is anything of Will Smith's, Kid Rock (if you could call him that, he is more rock/rap or nu metal or something like that), and Everlast. Kanye is, as our President so kindly put it, a "jackass", and talentless.
I agree whole heartily. I remember hearing so much hype about him a few years ago and honestly im still waiting. But im also not a huge Hip Hop Head so maybe im not the wisest the make assumptions but I dont like his music. He seems to just be a attention ****e and delusional. It's like he's attempting to be this generations Tupac, which makes it all even more funny. Hip Hop seems to be in a very sad state and has been for a few years or so now.
What irks me the most is the people who jumped right back on Kanye's dick after his Leno appearance. The bullshit emotional scheme he tried to pull is deplorable. Yeah, I love my mom too. Big fucking deal. The fact that his mother is dead isn't tragic, either. Mothers die. That's life.

So when he tries to pull that "Oh dear, I've disappointed my mother, who I loved much more than you did to your mother" card, I just palm my face as fans find a reason to ride the Kanye train.

Also, D-Man, I disagree with what you said. I'd be down for debate if you made a thread about it.
The D-Man said:
This issue with Kanye is another example as to why rock music is on hiatus (and temporarily dead) and rap/hip-hop music is KILLING the music scene.

In order to hold a constructive argument, you must first make a point. A man who stands for nothing, will fall for anything. You can’t go around quoting word for word what Jay-Z said (yes, I saw the interview too!) and then contradict what you just quoted and expect it all to make sense. Yes, we all know that hair bands ran wild during the ‘80s, and David Lee Roth was probably at the top of that list; it seemed like he got in trouble every week for something stupid. Not only is the title of this thread insulting, but I find that statement a blow to anyone who calls themselves a music lover, no matter what gender.

The topic at hand was whether Kanye was fair in his words… whether he was fair in running up on stage… whether he was fair in trying to hide behind what he did. The answer to that is no, he was not. This isn’t the first time that he put his foot in his mouth, and tried to cover it up, but allow me to correct you on… well, everything you said.

MTV dictates just about everything we do… the clothes we wear… the music we listen to… the lifestyle we live. I’ll give you just two quick examples:

First, it’s common for people to wear baseball caps with all of the tags on. Do you know where that came from? The Rapper Fabulous had a video with Nate Dogg for his song “I’m a Rider”. It’s a well known fact that half of the clothes, cars and houses in those videos aren’t owned by the Rappers themselves. Fabulous was given a “throwback” jersey and hat to put on right before he went on camera, but didn’t have time to remove the tags… BOOM… a new trend is born.

Second, when MTV cribs first debuted, one of the very first episodes was Busta Rhymes’ house. In the episode, he had some of his friends in his den playing Madden. A few episodes later, Fat Joe had the same thing… next thing you know… every time a Rapper appeared on MTV, he was playing Madden. Madden was one of the worst Football games at the time, but it became #1, why? Because every Rapper was playing it, therefore, every fan just had to have a copy.

My point is, it’s not the record companies that decide who to push, so you’re wrong there…

What sense would it make for a company to drop an artist because he or she got in trouble, when that artist is only going to move on to another label. Wasn’t Michael Vick in jail? Didn’t he get picked up by another team? Isn’t T.I. serving time at this very moment? Isn’t Mystikal still in Jail? I’m quite sure, if you took the time to do your research, you’d see that plenty of artists through the years, were dropped from their labels at one time or another… “slapped on the wrist” as you put it. Bottom line, the record companies aren’t going to get rid of the artists simply because they’re money earners, so… you’re wrong there too…

What one artist does has nothing to do with the genre or industry on a whole. R Kelly likes underage girls. Does that mean that all R&B singers have the same affinity? No. Does that mean that all R&B is bad? No, but by your definition, it should be? How long has that case against Metallica been pending? The one where they were accused of causing teenage suicide because of the song “Black”? How about Ozzie Osborne and KISS. If you play their records backwards, would they tell you to worship Satan? Does that mean that all Heavy Metal is evil? No, but by your definition, it should be… you’re wrong there too…

This thread is insulting, because what Kanye did was wrong, but why does that make him a piece of shit? Kurt Cobain killed himself, leaving behind an innocent child fatherless… so is Cobain a piece of Shit? Courtney Love used Cobain to further her career, bringing her band from the dumpster, where it belonged… so is she a piece of shit? Yoko Ono was accused of breaking up the Beatles, but it was John Lennon’s choice to follow her… so is Lennon a piece of shit?...

This thread is nonsense. I’m not sticking up for Kanye! What he did was wrong… damn wrong… but “Kanye West = a piece of shit”? How many people fall under that category?

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