Why I Now Hate Kanye West

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Simply put, this man is a closet Francophile who likes to pass himself off as an innovator. As one of Daft Punk's biggest fans, I understood why he'd want to sample their song, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," for his song, "Stronger." Although Daft Punk hardly got any love as a result of this sampling (a la Dido's "Thank You" got from Eminem's "Stan"), I still commended West for his obviously great taste in music.

However, I have to draw the line for the video for his latest song, "All of the LIghts." Compare the video from 1:10 on to the video that follows:



Now, I know that one of your objections might be that this isn't West's doing; rather, it's the work of music video hack Hype Williams. Unfortunately, I don't see excessive uses of baggy, silvery jumpsuits and fish lenses in this video, so you know Kanye had something to do with it (especially given his earlier sampling of Daft Punk). If West wasn't so in love with himself, I'd probably do nothing more than praise him for his ability to bring attention to great French music and cinema. But, given his narcissism, he's probably already convinced himself that he's just starred in the most groundbreaking video so far produced in this century.

All right, that's it, my rant ends here.
I actually love All Of The Lights as a song. This is the first time I have seen the video for the aforementioned song and I must say that I really enjoyed it. Not to mention the fact that Rihanna looks slamming hot in it, I think it is pretty different from anything we have seen in a long while.

That being said, I see your point. I have never seen Enter The Void but the opening of West's video is remarkably similar to the video you have posted, almost frighteningly so. As you have correctly pointed out, West will likely add this to his resume to show how “skilled and talented” he is. The problem is that so many people around the world will think that too. Not everyone will be able to see the same similarities that you have pointed out and this video will likely win multiple awards for best video at multiple award shows.

It is a great spot on your part and I thank you for pointing it out. I'm wondering though, if you look past the obvious theft, do you actually like the video?
The thing about Kanye.

I remember back when he was just the producer of Roc a fella, that happened to rap every once in a while. Then he became WAY to arrogant acting for his own good, and his music suffered and did not live up to his bragging.

All the outside music exploits and quotes that he does, ruined what little respect I had for him, whether I agreed or not, he just approached the situations wrong, and did things just for people to talk. And all in all, I didn't talk, I just learned to ignore. Like you would with a whiny cat in your house, stopping you from getting sleep. And he was that cat, and I just tuned out. Theres MUCH more interesting and talented hip hop out there, where I am NOT missing Kanye at all, I listened to Dark fantasy, the song, ONLY because Rza produced it, which is my favorite all time hip hop producer.
Your not the only one fed up with him, they booed the hell out of him at a Bulls game last month haha. I've never really gave a shit about Kanye, its one thing to be cocky and be able to back it up, but when your talent is less than half the size of your ego you need to shut the hell up and show people why your the shit instead of telling everyone your the shit.

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