I'm Shocked

Stop trying to control me, Lee. I'll do what I want, when I want. That's the beautiful thing about democracy, you can't tell me what to do, I am my own man!
Good grief, the sooner wednesday rolls on the better.
If it's not a democracy, then why have a tournament based on voting at all? Why don't they just tell us what the best game is?

Everyone can go home, LTTP is the best game ever and you can take your opinions and shove 'em.
I think it's funny that both Coco and Lee are at loggerheads while being on the same side the entire time.

But Lee, it isn't exacty fair to change the rules only for the finals, in my opinion. You should have continued with the polls. Or were you worried that ALTTP would lose in that scenario? I'm not flaming you here because I am not a huge fan of either game but the rule change does seem strange.
I think it's funny that both Coco and Lee are at loggerheads while being on the same side the entire time.

But Lee, it isn't exacty fair to change the rules only for the finals, in my opinion. You should have continued with the polls. Or were you worried that ALTTP would lose in that scenario? I'm not flaming you here because I am not a huge fan of either game but the rule change does seem strange.

I did state that at the beginning of the tournament that the final would be 100% post only and not one person has disagreed with it until now. You've had plenty of time and if you think I care who wins this tournament you don't know me at all.

It's the same reason that other tournaments have had this rule in effect:
A) It increases discussion
B) It stops people PMing for votes
I can't wait to see what kind of worthwhile post(s) Dagger will be contributing to the match thread.
IDK that you do not care about who wins the tournament. That is why the rule change appears even stranger.

I didn't know though that other tournaments had this rule too. The WZ wrestlers tournament certainly did not have this rule.
One of the tournaments did or it was discussed, that's where I got the idea from.
IDK that you do not care about who wins the tournament. That is why the rule change appears even stranger.

I didn't know though that other tournaments had this rule too. The WZ wrestlers tournament certainly did not have this rule.

Rules changed because the tournament is rigged. I'm pretty sure I went over this in another thread...
Not in this tournament to my knowledge but they have done in other tournaments.

Incidentally everyone who votes in the final gets Lee Green rep.
So votes all of a sudden get deleted if the logic behind them is not found to be sound?

I'd like to have all of those votes cast against Worlds Apart and Stone Soup stricken from the record as well; with the exception of my own they were all based completely on ignorance, and almost nobody even had the decently to explain their vote with a post. Trolltastic.

In other news; Pat O'Connor was far better than Shawn Michaels.
Wait, Shawn michaels went over both Bret Hart and Terry Funk to get into the Hall? What the hell.
Wait, Shawn michaels went over both Bret Hart and Terry Funk to get into the Hall? What the hell.

He won by one vote. Maybe if you got involved you got have prevented such an atrocity.

Back to the video game tourney...

everyones been repped so far, Jglass I need to spread first.
Those mad that Funk didn't beat out Shawn have nobody to blame but themselves. Nobody made any real great argument for Funk despite the fact that (at least) two great posters voted for him and two more have come out in this thread saying that he should have won.
It's a HOF on a wrestling forum for fuck sake, how on earth can you possibly get pissed at who gets in & who doesn't

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