Vote Pokemon!!!

Mario Kart will finish in 1st. A Link to the Past just doesn't cut it for me. Played it and hated it. Much more a fan of Ocarina, Wind Waker, Twighlight Princess, (you can see what I'm getting at.)
That you don't like 16 bit graphics?


If the game was as graphically pleasing as this signature then I would like it.
Personally I prefer the original Zelda to Link to the Past; mostly due to the latter's complete lack of difficulty for the first two thirds of the game.

Interestingly enough; I prefer the later Pokemon titles for much the same reason. Pokemon got considerably deeper and more complex as the series advanced, with the physical/special split, the addition of pokemon powers, effort values and individual values, not to mention all of the new types, moves and pokemon.

So we have two titles that I prefer other entries in the franchise to. The difference between Pokemon RBGY and Link the to Past however is that Pokemon can truly be said to be one of the most revolutionary games of it's generation (Or indeed all time), whilst Link to the Past was basically just more of the same, and contained very little that hadn't been seen before.

As such; I chose Pokemon. It also helps that the arguments I have seen made for Link to the Past make even Derf's posts appear logical and well thought out.

Whichever game wins however it deserves to slaughter Mario Cart 64. Mario Cart 64 was the worst Mario Card title produced, possessed cheating AI and almost no good racing tracks.
I made two sigs. One if MM won and one for is MK won.

Here's the one I would have used if MM won.

I was pretty excited for the finals with written posts, but after seeing the quarter finals and how half the posts are fucking terrible two line bullshit I'm rather discouraged to throw up a page because it'll be tl;dr
I voted Pokemon because I liked it more than LTTP. Yes, I've played both games, but LTTP did not affect my childhood the way Pokemon did. For two years of elementary school it was all about Pokemon for every kid on the playground. The school had to ban kids from bringing Gameboys to school, and then the cards, but Pokemon just kept making more and more stuff that we brought to school to play with. Zelda never dominated childhood culture the way Pokemon did, so those little critters got my vote.
Well we aren't voting on what we have the most childhood nostalgia's a video game tournament. Best video game should win. Not that I completely disagree; that shit ran wild in it's day and still does. I'm a little older but even I remember that shit being banned at schools. I just don't think that the first gen of Pokemon games were the best compared to later versions and I still believe LTTP to be groundbreaking gaming.
As I said before, Pokemon nostalgia started with the anime which in both NA and Eu was released BEFORE the game.
Pokemon nostalgia started for me with the games. That's why I bought the cards, the boardgames, watched the TV show and the movie(s), etc. It's also why I've played every game up to the 4th generation, which I haven't played yet only because I don't have a DS.
Truth to be told my first memory of pokemon was getting a Stuffed Vulpix at Kfc when they had the pokemon plushies. Then the cards, then the games, then the show. Thats true
I remember the TV series then the cards and the sheer anticipation of reading nintendo magazines telling me of this great game coming out in October 1999. It was my early birthday present and was a great game.

Just LTTP is better.
Much like Jiggles, I was voting Pokemon based on childhood nostalgia. So once again Zelda is in the finals, will it be a repeat of last time?

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