[Official] Pokemon Thread

I gotta say I am a huge pokemon mark. I grew out of the series but I still play the game. In fact I am playing Pokemon Platinum on my emulator right now.

Btw Barbosa( name I cannot spell. sorry) did you never evolve your turtwig? Its goo in some ways because that way he will learn more moves but on the other hand his stats won't rise that much.

I hate that pokeblocks stuff though. Making them is a bitch.
What are people's thoughts about the soon-to-be-released Pokemon Black and White? Hype-worthy, or the same old same old? Personally, I think it should be pretty good.
What are people's thoughts about the soon-to-be-released Pokemon Black and White? Hype-worthy, or the same old same old? Personally, I think it should be pretty good.

Usually, if you've played any Pokemon game you've played them all since the concept has basically remained constant throughout the series. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. I for one would love to play Black/White.
Black and White will be pretty cool. I've played through all of the games quite thoroughly so I'm happy to see new Pokemon being introduced. Japan got the game back in September so I bet there's reviews online about it if anyone wants to read up on it. I don't really want to be spoiled though, so I'm just going to wait until the game gets released next spring.
They are turning Pokemon into Final Fantasy. The City's are revamped there are now triple battles (3 on 3).

Something that I find interesting about this game is

Your rival gets the other legendary Pokemon. Also depending on what game you there there are alternate endings.

I personally can't wait for these to come out. I will be at the Midnight launch :)
Apparently there are a LOT of new Pokemon as well. I thought I read that the new Pokedex goes up to #649. That's 156 new Pokemon, which personally I think is great.
Apparently there are a LOT of new Pokemon as well. I thought I read that the new Pokedex goes up to #649. That's 156 new Pokemon, which personally I think is great.


Black and white is 100% new pokemon until you actually complete the game, that way people get to know the pokemon rather than sticking with the ones they usually have. Making it the same feeling of discovery as red/blue
Hmm I did not know about that Lee. Do you have any idea if you can play it on an emulator or not?

Wolfdemon, thanks for the info too. Its a welcome addition to a one dimensional storyline.
You can currently play the Japanese version on an emulator now...but I doubt you'd want to do that if you don't know the language.
I havn't played any of the new games since Gold/Silver, but I loved those games. Would it be a good idea for me to check out the new games? What have I missed in Gen 3 and 4?
Note to some people: DON'T SPAM THIS THREAD!!

O.M.G.: Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald was neat with all the new additions to the gameplay. I'd recommend Platinum over Diamond/Pearl since those two got boring after you finished and Platinum has a little bit more to offer. HeartGold/SoulSilver are neat remakes of the original Generation II games with new additions from the previous 2 generations, but when I played it I wasn't very enthusiastic about it.

There's something about Generation IV that I don't like. Can't quite put my finger on it... Something to do with the graphics, which is a bad thing considering how it's the future.

And anyway, Bug-type Pokemon are weak against a lotta types of attacks, while Poison-types are only weak against Psychic and Ground (you better hope your opponent doesn't have Earthquake, but they usually do). Most Bug-types are weak and have crap defense, unless they have a favorable secondary type which helps them out against a certain type of opponent (e.g. Armaldo against a Flying-type; Scizor against a Rock-type), which, to be honest, are few and far between. Poison-types are usually sturdy and rely on their secondary type (e.g. Grass, Ghost, Flying, etc.), which is a good thing unless their secondary-type doesn't defend well against Psychic-type attacks.

The only good thing I find about Bug-type attacks are that they're super effective against Psychic and Dark-type Pokemon -- two common types Trainers usually have. The only good thing about Poison-type attacks would be that most of them inflict Poison, which is a good combination against Confused and infatuated Pokemon or other combos one can think of. Too bad they're only super-effective against Grass-types, which a buncha Pokemon have a secondary type that keeps Poison attacks from being super effective.

The only similarities they share would be that they're super effective against Grass-type Pokemon. I don't see how else they're similar, so I'd like to hear your side of the discussion, ThunderPhoenix.
I think the thing about poison types are that they are not exactly strong against too many other types.

Plus the stupidest thing that I find in the game is Gastly and his evolutions being of Ghost/Poison type. I mean ghost types are supposed to be strong against psychic types. But you cannot use that to your advantage since poison is weak to psychic. Add to that that there are very few ghost types especially in the first two generations, it sucks even more.
Agreed Gen 3 was great.I'm deeply saddended because I lost it. Gen 4 I disliked it as well.I honestly don't know why.It could be the pokemon IDK but I picked up platinum and gave up after that.

Usually when you are battling people(and I mean real life, I'll get to in-game later)that use a good Bug type like Scizor which is Bug/Steel. Every good player knows to use a Bug type with a good secondary type otherwise it'll be basically screwed.Likewise with poison.The only poison type I can think of that people use competetively is Drapion which is Poison/Dark.This eliminates its Psychic weakness as well. Notice a similarity there?Both use a sturdy secondary type to help it become a better pokemon overall.

Now correct me if i'm wrong but the best poisoning move is Toxic am I correct?I'm pretty sure that both Bugs and Poison Types can use that move adding another similarity as both types can poison ther pokemon. The only difference is Poison types cant be poisoned.

Now In-Game both types are as common as hay in a haystack. There are always trainers with pokemon that are Bug or Psychic and have dual types and a similarity is that usually you have a pokemon that is flying or fire(starter) and that usually makes them drop like flies.They both usually have horrible defences unless built otherwise and the AI is to stupid to use them properly. In Game anything really gets you past the game(except a team of 6 magikarp)and this even occurs to Bug and Poison.The only downside and similarity here is that if they are on your team most trainers have pokemon that can easily defeat them especially once you reach the Victory Road area.Remember Aaron from the D/P/Pt E4?His bugs dropped like flies because you had a Flying type or your Starter had a move for them.
Empoleon had Drill Peck.
Infernape had a Fire Move and should have Mach Punch(or a fighting move for drapion)
Torterra had Earthquake.
It didnt matter if your pokemon were lower levels because they had little HP.Thats another similarity. Both have low HP not allowing them to stay in battle for long or take to many hits. The only exception is Forrestress who is easily defeated with a Flamethrower/Fire Move because of low Sp.Def.

So similarities.
Both need a good secondary type to do well.
Both can poison other pokemon.
Bad Defence(unless half rock or something)
Bad HP
Easily Defeated.
You could also add Good Speed in here as most usually were quite fast.
I don't think that bug or poison have high attack stats either. Plus even if they are strong against grass, you have someone like Torterra who can kill any poison type with an earthquake.

I don't care for toxic either. Its a good move but it does not do any damage in the first turn itself. I generally go for strong moves which may or may not effect status.

Also just wanted to throw out this question:

Who is your pokemon in the following types:


It could be a hybrid if you want.
Moving away from the games unless another topic is brought up... has anyone ever read the Pokemon Special manga? I read all the way up before it begins the Diamond/Pearl chapter. Any fans of Special?
I've now lost all faith in the anime; however, the manga series are not only very entertaining to read, but actually have a solid plot. The anime series is interesting just purely for its self life. It's an anime that is marketed towards children, so I can understand why the series seemingly resets itslef after each seasion, but what I don't get is how the anime can remain so popular... especially considering that the initial target audience (IE my generation) grew out of the anime ten years ago.

Oh well... I'm still writing that fanfict though
The only topic I really want to bring up about the games is how far do you think they will go?Usually its a new gen one year then a remake the next year or the release of a third one.At this point after B/W comes out then its going to be a third one most likely. But my question to you guys is this?what comes next?a new gen?or a remake or R/S/E.I personally want a remake of R/S/E since they were great games.

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