The juggernaut that is: Pokemon Games


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OK, so I was thinking that I would make this thread idea a regular spot in the Video Games and Technology section. In these threads, I would like to take something that has really accomplished something in the world of technology and really go into some detail about how I feel or felt about it. I would also like to hear from everyone else on what their own personal feelings about the subject matter is. In the last thread, I covered how I felt about how Apple had really changed the game in terms of Computers by making the iMac and in this one I would like to cover the three original games in the Pokemon series. Those are: Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow.

As a kid, I was involved in many, MANY different fads and this one has to be the most all-encompassing of them. Pokemon, at it's height was massive in every sense of the words. They have had multiple TV shows that I watched. They introduced the trading cards and I threw myself knee deep into that in a hurry. However, the most enthralling part of the Pokemon series was, without a doubt, the Pokemon game series.

The first three games of the series were my undoubted favourites and for good reason. I am not a person who loves Pokemon still but I really did love these games. Let me be honest with you, I never owned a Gameboy until these games came along. After this game, I have never been away from a Nintendo console or hand-held gaming device. What I am trying to say is that, if it wasn't for the Pokemon games, I would not be as big of a fan of hand-held consoles and I may not even be a fan of gaming in general. I say this because these game came at a point that I was just leaving school and going into secondary education. Now, we all know what it is like trying to fit in and no one really likes to be teased about things that they enjoy. At this point, I really did not want to play games any more because of the slack that I might get from it. Thankfully though, these games were good enough to get a mainstream audience involved and it was a trend that will probably not be surpassed very easily in my life time anyway.

Anyway, the games themselves were fucking basic at best but so addictive. Pokemon really captured the imaginations of people when they created the show and people lapped it up as more and more games became available. I personally stopped at Silver version but I know a lot of people still play these games to the day. Hell, I was playing red version a while ago when I was in my final year of school. They may have been basic and they may have been released years ago but they will never be forgotten, at least by me. As I said before, this series of games were very addictive. Their catchphrase was "Gotta Catch 'em All!" and they were fucking right. The great strength of the game and the great replay ability it had was going back and trying to find one Pokemin that you had missed or had failed to capture. It didn't matter that you had completed the game around 400 billion times before because it was never the same game twice.

As I have mentioned, I stopped after Silver and have never played any of the games that have came after that. However, I know that if I get the urge to go and play a Pokemon game, I know I will enjoy it almost as much as I did the first time I played it. I have never been so in love with a trilogy of games than I was with Red, Blue and Yellow and look at all of the games they have spawned from then on. It is amazing and truly some of the best games of my childhood.

But what about you? What did you think of the games as a whole or a singular game?
PokeMon Yellow was my first RPG, So it will always have a special place in my heart. How can anyone resist an RPG that can use basic advancement, Or a very complicated way?

It always has the greatest story of all time: Good vs Evil, And a good secondary story of going from rags to riches via a competition that requires hard work. As well as mythology.

PokeMon was the first series I was hooked on, And i've played everyone of the "main" games and a few of the spin offs. No matter what new game comes, No matter what new consoles come out. I always find myself digging out a GBA to play the old games.

In short, I love them.
Pokemon Gold was my first Pokemon game I had got. When I first played the game I was really addictive to it. IT was like know other game I played before it was so fun to play that when you were growing up as a child with or with out a lot of friends the game made you feel a lot better if you had a bad or something like that. Well at least for me anyway.

The newer games for the Ds while I have played them they just seem more complicated and not as simple as the old one's. Not that I couldn't figure the newer one's or anything its just was something new for me that I had to adjust to.

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