I'm Shocked

You're voting game to game NOT franchise to franchise.

Also why can't Gelgarin spell Kart?
You're voting game to game NOT franchise to franchise.

Also why can't Gelgarin spell Kart?

It may look as if I was voting franchise to franchise by the way I worded my post but, I wasn't. I was just saying that the Mario franchise means more to me which is why I was leaning toward Mario Kart 64. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.
The entire point of Mario Cart (giggle) is that it has Mario in it.
A Link to the Past basically clones its mechanics from a previous title, and the only reason it has recognition in the modern age is because Link is in it.

The franchises cannot be separated from the games.
The entire point of Mario Cart (giggle) is that it has Mario in it.

Reason Mario is in it? They used to use him as a default character for programming and someone like Miyamoto decided just to leave him in it.

A Link to the Past basically clones its mechanics from a previous title, and the only reason it has recognition in the modern age is because Link is in it.

Not really. You can compare it being top down, getting items and using a sword to LOZ but that's the same as saying MK64s the same as SMK because you drive around.

The franchises cannot be separated from the games.

They can be, hence why we had individual games in the tournament rather than franchises.

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